Пример #1
* 	Transforms text based on formatting preferences.  Original $input is also changed (passed by reference).
*	Can be called as:
*	1) $output = AC_print($input, $name);
*	   echo $output;
*	2) echo AC_print($input, $name); // prefered method
* @access	public
* @param	string $input			text being transformed
* @param	string $name			the unique name of this field (convension: table_name.field_name)
* @param	boolean $runtime_html	forcefully disables html formatting for $input (only used by fields that 
*									have the 'formatting' option
* @return	string					transformed $input
* @see		AC_FORMAT constants		in include/lib/constants.inc.php
* @see		query_bit()				in include/vitals.inc.php
* @author	Joel Kronenberg
function AC_print($input, $name, $runtime_html = true)
    global $_field_formatting;
    if (!isset($_field_formatting[$name])) {
        /* field not set, check if there's a global setting */
        $parts = explode('.', $name);
        /* check if wildcard is set: */
        if (isset($_field_formatting[$parts[0] . '.*'])) {
            $name = $parts[0] . '.*';
        } else {
            /* field not set, and there's no global setting */
            /* same as AC_FORMAT_NONE */
            return $input;
    if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AC_FORMAT_QUOTES)) {
        $input = str_replace('"', '"', $input);
    if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AC_FORMAT_HTML) && $runtime_html) {
        /* what special things do we have to do if this is HTML ? remove unwanted HTML? validate? */
    } else {
        $input = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $input);
        $input = nl2br($input);
    /* this has to be here, only because AC_FORMAT_HTML is the only check that has an else-block */
    if ($_field_formatting[$name] === AC_FORMAT_NONE) {
        return $input;
    if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AC_FORMAT_EMOTICONS)) {
        $input = smile_replace($input);
    if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AC_FORMAT_ATCODES)) {
        $input = trim(myCodes(' ' . $input . ' '));
    if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AC_FORMAT_LINKS)) {
        $input = trim(make_clickable(' ' . $input . ' '));
    if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AC_FORMAT_IMAGES)) {
        $input = trim(image_replace(' ' . $input . ' '));
    return $input;
Пример #2
	* 	Transforms text based on formatting preferences.  Original $input is also changed (passed by reference).
	*	Can be called as:
	*	1) $output = AT_print($input, $name);
	*	   echo $output;
	*	2) echo AT_print($input, $name); // prefered method
	* @access	public
	* @param	string $input			text being transformed
	* @param	string $name			the unique name of this field (convension: table_name.field_name)
	* @param	boolean $runtime_html	forcefully disables html formatting for $input (only used by fields that 
	*									have the 'formatting' option
	* @return	string					transformed $input
	* @see		AT_FORMAT constants		in include/lib/constants.inc.php
	* @see		query_bit()				in include/vitals.inc.php
	* @author	Joel Kronenberg
	function AT_print($input, $name, $runtime_html = true) {
		global $_field_formatting, $_config;

		if (!isset($_field_formatting[$name])) {
			/* field not set, check if there's a global setting */
			$parts = explode('.', $name);
			/* check if wildcard is set: */
			if (isset($_field_formatting[$parts[0].'.*'])) {
				$name = $parts[0].'.*';
			} else {
				/* field not set, and there's no global setting */
				/* same as AT_FORMAT_NONE */
				return $input;

		if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AT_FORMAT_QUOTES)) {
			$input = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $input);
            $input = str_replace('\'', '&apos;', $input);

		if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AT_FORMAT_CONTENT_DIR)) {
			$input = str_replace('CONTENT_DIR/', '', $input);

		if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AT_FORMAT_HTML) && $runtime_html) {
			/* what special things do we have to do if this is HTML ? remove unwanted HTML? validate? */
		} else {
			$input = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $input);
			$input = nl2br($input);

		if (isset($_config['latex_server']) && $_config['latex_server']) {
			$input = preg_replace('/\[tex\](.*?)\[\/tex\]/sie', "'<img src=\"'.\$_config['latex_server'].rawurlencode('$1').'\" align=\"middle\" alt=\"'.'$1'.'\" title=\"'.'$1'.'\">'", $input);

		/* this has to be here, only because AT_FORMAT_HTML is the only check that has an else-block */
		if ($_field_formatting[$name] === AT_FORMAT_NONE) {
			return $input;

		if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AT_FORMAT_EMOTICONS)) {
			$input = smile_replace($input);

		if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AT_FORMAT_ATCODES)) {
			$input = trim(myCodes(' ' . $input . ' '));

		if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AT_FORMAT_LINKS)) {
			$input = trim(make_clickable(' ' . $input . ' '));

		if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AT_FORMAT_IMAGES)) {
			$input = trim(image_replace(' ' . $input . ' '));
		return $input;
Пример #3
echo _AT('emoticons');
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\':)\')" title=":)">' . smile_replace(':)') . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\';)\')" title=";)">' . smile_replace(';)') . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\':(\')" title=":(">' . smile_replace(':(') . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\'::ohwell::\')" title=":\\">' . smile_replace('::ohwell::') . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\':P\')" title=":P">' . smile_replace(':P') . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\'::angry::\')" title="::angry::">' . smile_replace('::angry::') . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\'::evil::\')" title="::evil::">' . smile_replace('::evil::') . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\'::lol::\')" title="::lol::">' . smile_replace('::lol::') . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\'::confused::\')" title="::confused::">' . smile_replace('::confused::') . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\'::crazy::\')" title="::crazy::">' . smile_replace('::crazy::') . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\'::tired::\')" title="::tired::">' . smile_replace('::tired::') . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="javascript:smilie(\'::muah::\')" title="::muah::">' . smile_replace('::muah::') . '</a>';
	<td align="right"><small><strong><?php 
echo _AT('codes');
	<td> <small><a href="javascript:smilie('[b] [/b]')" title="[b] [/b]"><?php 
echo _AT('bold');
	<a href="javascript:smilie('[i] [/i]')" title="[i] [/i]"><?php 
echo _AT('italic');