Пример #1
function show_blacklist_fields($nb_field, $default_values, $field_name, $nb_value_by_field, $size, $separat, $javascript = '')
    global $aff;
    $i = 1;
    while ($i <= $nb_field) {
        if ($i != 1) {
            $aff .= $separat;
        $aff .= show_modif($default_values[$field_name . $i], $field_name . $i, 0, '', array('MAXLENGTH' => $nb_value_by_field, 'SIZE' => $size, 'JAVASCRIPT' => $javascript));
    $aff .= "</td></tr><tr><td>";
    return $aff;
function remplirListe($input_name)
    //requete SQL avec filtre sur les logiciels des pc linux et Correctifs, mise a jour windows
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT softwares.NAME FROM softwares_name_cache softwares  WHERE  softwares.NAME NOT LIKE '%Correctif%' AND softwares.NAME NOT LIKE '%Mise a jour%' ORDER BY softwares.NAME";
    //requete SQL sans filtre
    //$sql= "SELECT DISTINCT softwares.NAME FROM softwares ORDER BY softwares.NAME";
    $query = mysqli_query($_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"], $sql) or die("erreur" . mysqli_error($_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"]));
    //echo '<option value=""></option>';
    //remplit la liste deroulante
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
        $name[$row['NAME']] = $row['NAME'];
    echo show_modif($name, $input_name, 2);
Пример #3
         $protectedPost['OP_' . $i] = $val['op'];
         $protectedPost['COMPTO_' . $i] = $val['compto'];
         $protectedPost['RULE_NAME'] = $val['rule_name'];
     $protectedPost['NUM_RULES'] = $i - 2;
 //new rule
 if ($protectedPost['NEW_RULE'] or $protectedPost['NUM_RULES'] or $protectedPost['MODIF'] != "") {
     if ($protectedPost['MODIF'] != "") {
         $modif = $protectedPost['MODIF'];
     } else {
         $modif = $protectedPost['OLD_MODIF'];
     $numero = $protectedPost['NUM_RULES'] + 1;
     $tab_nom = $l->g(674) . " " . show_modif($protectedPost['RULE_NAME'], "RULE_NAME", "0");
     $tab = "<table align='center'>";
     $i = 1;
     while ($i < $numero + 1) {
         if ($i == 1) {
             $entete = 'YES';
         } else {
             $entete = 'NO';
         $tab .= fields_conditions_rules($i, $entete);
     echo $tab_nom;
     echo $tab;
     echo "</tr></table>";
     echo "<a onclick='return pag(" . $numero . ",\"NUM_RULES\",\"rules\")'><font color=green>" . $l->g(682) . "</font></a>&nbsp<a onclick='return pag(\"RAZ\",\"RAZ\",\"rules\");'><font color=\"red\">" . $l->g(113) . "</font></a><br><br>";
Пример #4
echo "<tr><td colspan='3'>";
echo "<div id='OS_div' style='display:block'>";
echo "<table BGCOLOR='#C7D9F5' BORDER='0' WIDTH = '600px' ALIGN = 'Center' CELLPADDING='0' BORDERCOLOR='#9894B5' >";
echo $title_user . $notify_user;
$notify_txt = $lign_begin . $l->g(449) . $td_colspan2 . show_modif($_POST['NOTIFY_TEXT'], 'NOTIFY_TEXT', 1) . $lign_end;
$notify_count_down = $lign_begin . $l->g(450) . $td_colspan2 . show_modif($protectedPost['NOTIFY_COUNTDOWN'], 'NOTIFY_COUNTDOWN', 0, '', array('MAXLENGTH' => 4, 'SIZE' => 4, 'JAVASCRIPT' => $chiffres)) . $l->g(511) . $lign_end;
$notify_can_abord = $lign_begin . $l->g(451) . $td_colspan2 . show_modif($yes_no, 'NOTIFY_CAN_ABORT', 2) . $lign_end;
$notify_can_delay = $lign_begin . $l->g(452) . $td_colspan2 . show_modif($yes_no, 'NOTIFY_CAN_DELAY', 2) . $lign_end;
echo "<tr><td colspan='3' align=center><div id='NOTIFY_USER_div' style='display:" . ($protectedPost["NOTIFY_USER"] == 1 ? " block" : "none") . "'>";
echo $sous_tab_beg;
echo $notify_txt . $notify_count_down . $notify_can_abord . $notify_can_delay;
echo $sous_tab_end;
echo "</div></td></tr>";
$need_done_action = "<tr height='30px' bgcolor='white'><td colspan='2'>" . $l->g(453) . ":</td><td>" . champ_select_block($yes_no, 'NEED_DONE_ACTION', array('NEED_DONE_ACTION' => 1)) . $lign_end;
echo $need_done_action;
$need_done_action_txt = $lign_begin . $l->g(449) . $td_colspan2 . show_modif($_POST['NEED_DONE_ACTION_TEXT'], 'NEED_DONE_ACTION_TEXT', 1) . $lign_end;
echo "<tr><td colspan='3' align=center><div id='NEED_DONE_ACTION_div' style='display:" . ($protectedPost["NEED_DONE_ACTION"] == 1 ? " block" : "none") . "'>";
echo $sous_tab_beg;
echo $need_done_action_txt;
echo $sous_tab_end;
echo "</div></td></tr>";
echo "</table></td></tr>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<br><input type='submit' name='valid' id='valid' value='" . $l->g(13) . "' OnClick='return verif();' >";
echo "<input type='hidden' id='digest_algo' name='digest_algo' value='MD5'>\n\t  <input type='hidden' id='digest_encod' name='digest_encod' value='Hexa'>\n\t  <input type='hidden' id='download_rep_creat' name='download_rep_creat' value='" . $default['DOWNLOAD_REP_CREAT'] . "'>";
//	  <input type='hidden' id='download_server_docroot' name='download_server_docroot' value='".$default['DOWNLOAD_SERVER_DOCROOT']."'>";
echo close_form();
echo "</div>";
Пример #5
    $sql['SQL'] .= " group by " . $field_name_soft;
    //	$_SESSION['OCS']["forcedRequest"].=" group by name";
    if ($sql_fin['SQL'] != '') {
        $sql['SQL'] .= $sql_fin['SQL'];
        $sql['ARG'] = array_merge_values($sql['ARG'], $sql_fin['ARG']);
        //	$_SESSION['OCS']["forcedRequest"].=$sql_fin;
    $list_fields = array('name' => 'name', 'nbre' => 'nb');
    $default_fields = $list_fields;
    $list_col_cant_del = $default_fields;
    $tab_options['LIEN_LBL']['nbre'] = 'index.php?' . PAG_INDEX . '=' . $pages_refs['ms_multi_search'] . '&prov=allsoft&value=';
    $tab_options['LIEN_CHAMP']['nbre'] = 'id';
    $tab_options['LBL']['name'] = $l->g(847);
    $tab_options['LBL']['nbre'] = $l->g(1120);
    $tab_options['ARG_SQL'] = $sql['ARG'];
    $result_exist = tab_req($table_name, $list_fields, $default_fields, $list_col_cant_del, $sql['SQL'], $form_name, 80, $tab_options);
echo "<br><div class='mvt_bordure'>";
echo "<b>" . $l->g(735) . "</b><br><br>";
echo $l->g(382) . ": " . show_modif($protectedPost['NAME_RESTRICT'], 'NAME_RESTRICT', 0);
echo "&nbsp;" . $l->g(381) . ": " . show_modif(array('<' => '<', '>' => '>', '=' => '='), 'COMPAR', 2);
echo show_modif($protectedPost['NBRE'], 'NBRE', 0, '', array('MAXLENGTH' => 100, 'SIZE' => 10, 'JAVASCRIPT' => $numeric));
//echo "<input type='input' name='NBRE' value='".$protectedPost['NBRE']."' ".$numeric.">";
echo "<br><a href='index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs['ms_soft_csv'] . "&no_header=1&soft=" . $protectedPost['NAME_RESTRICT'] . "&nb=" . $protectedPost['NBRE'] . "&comp=" . htmlentities($protectedPost['COMPAR'], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8") . "'><br>" . $l->g(183) . " " . $l->g(765) . "<br></a>";
if ($protectedPost['COMPAR'] == '<' and $protectedPost['NBRE'] <= 15 and $protectedPost['NBRE'] != "") {
    echo "<br><a href='index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs['ms_soft_csv'] . "&no_header=1&soft=" . $protectedPost['NAME_RESTRICT'] . "&nb=" . $protectedPost['NBRE'] . "&comp=" . htmlentities($protectedPost['COMPAR'], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8") . "&all_computers=yes'>" . $l->g(912) . "</a><br>";
echo "<br><input type='submit' value='" . $l->g(393) . "' name='SUBMIT_FORM'><input type='submit' value='" . $l->g(396) . "' name='RESET'>";
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo close_form();
Пример #6
         $first = $val_rules['rule'];
         $list_rules[$val_rules['rule']] = $val_rules['rule_name'];
     if ($nb_rule > 1) {
         $select_choise = $l->g(668) . show_modif($list_rules, 'rule_choise', 2, $form_name);
         echo $select_choise;
     } elseif ($nb_rule == 1) {
         $protectedPost['rule_choise'] = $first;
         echo "<input type=hidden value='" . $first . "' name='rule_choise' id='rule_choise'>";
     } elseif ($nb_rule == 0) {
 if ($protectedPost['onglet'] == 'MACH') {
     echo $l->g(1292) . show_modif(array('NO' => $l->g(454), 'YES' => $l->g(455)), 'DWL_OPT', 2, $form_name);
 if ($protectedPost['onglet'] == 'MACH' and $protectedPost['DWL_OPT'] != '' or $protectedPost['onglet'] == 'SERV_GROUP' and $protectedPost['rule_choise'] != '') {
     //recherche de toutes les r�gles pour les serveurs de redistribution
     $list_fields = array('FILE_ID' => 'e.FILEID', 'INFO_LOC' => 'e.INFO_LOC', 'CERT_FILE' => 'e.CERT_FILE', 'CERT_PATH' => 'e.CERT_PATH', $l->g(1037) => 'a.NAME', $l->g(1039) => 'a.PRIORITY', $l->g(51) => 'a.COMMENT', $l->g(274) => 'a.OSNAME', $l->g(953) . " (KB)" => 'a.SIZE');
     if (!isset($nb_rule) or $nb_rule > 0) {
         if ($protectedPost['onglet'] != 'SERV_GROUP') {
             $list_fields['PACK_LOC'] = 'e.PACK_LOC';
             $list_fields['ACTIVE_ID'] = 'e.ID';
             $list_fields['MODIF'] = 'e.ID';
         } else {
             $list_fields['ACTIVE_ID'] = 'e.FILEID';
             $list_fields['MODIF'] = 'e.FILEID';
     $default_fields = array($l->g(1037) => $l->g(1037), $l->g(1039) => $l->g(1039), $l->g(274) => $l->g(274), $l->g(953) . " (KB)" => $l->g(953) . " (KB)", 'SELECT' => 'SELECT');
function multi_lot($form_name, $lbl_choise)
    global $protectedPost, $protectedGet, $l;
    $list_id = "";
    if (!isset($protectedGet['origine'])) {
        if (isset($protectedGet['idchecked']) and $protectedGet['idchecked'] != "") {
            $choise_req_selection['REQ'] = $l->g(584);
            $choise_req_selection['SEL'] = $l->g(585);
            $select_choise = show_modif($choise_req_selection, 'CHOISE', 2, $form_name);
            echo "<center>" . $lbl_choise . " " . $select_choise . "</center><br>";
        if ($protectedPost['CHOISE'] == 'REQ' or $protectedGet['idchecked'] == '') {
            if ($protectedGet['idchecked'] == '') {
                echo "<input type='hidden' name='CHOISE' value='" . $protectedPost['CHOISE'] . "'>";
                $protectedPost['CHOISE'] = 'REQ';
            $list_id = $_SESSION['OCS']['ID_REQ'];
        if ($protectedPost['CHOISE'] == 'SEL') {
            $list_id = $protectedGet['idchecked'];
        //gestion tableau
        if (is_array($list_id)) {
            $list_id = implode(",", $list_id);
    } else {
        $list_id = $protectedGet['idchecked'];
    if ($list_id != "") {
        return $list_id;
    } else {
        return false;
Пример #8
} else {
    $server_group = false;
$tdhdpb = "<td  align='left' width='20%'>";
$tdhfpb = "</td>";
$tdhd = "<td  align='left' width='20%'><b>";
$tdhf = ":</b></td>";
$tdpopup = "<td align='left' width='20%' onclick=\"javascript: OuvrirPopup('group_chang_value.php', '', 'resizable=no, location=no, width=400, height=200, menubar=no, status=no, scrollbars=no, menubar=no')\">";
//if user clic on modify
if ($protectedPost['MODIF_x']) {
    //don't show the botton modify
    $img_modif = "";
    //list of input we can modify
    $name = show_modif($item->NAME, 'NAME', 0);
    $description = show_modif($item->DESCRIPTION, 'DESCR', 1);
    //show new bottons
    $button_valid = "<input title='" . $l->g(625) . "' type='image'  src='image/modif_valid_v2.png' name='Valid_modif'>";
    $button_reset = "<input title='" . $l->g(626) . "' type='image'  src='image/modif_anul_v2.png' name='Reset_modif'>";
} else {
    //only show the botton for modify
    $img_modif = "<input title='" . $l->g(115) . "' type='image' src='image/modif.png' name='MODIF'>";
    $name = $item->NAME;
    $description = $item->DESCRIPTION;
    $button_valid = "";
    $button_reset = "";
//form for modify values of group's
echo open_form('CHANGE');
echo "<br><br><table align='center' width='65%' border='0' cellspacing=20 bgcolor='#C7D9F5' style='border: solid thin; border-color:#A1B1F9'>";
 if ($error == "" and isset($protectedPost['Valid_modif']) or isset($protectedPost['YES'])) {
     if ($protectedPost['choix_activ'] == "MAN") {
         activ_pack($protectedGet["active"], $protectedPost["HTTPS_SERV"], $protectedPost['FILE_SERV']);
     if ($protectedPost['choix_activ'] == "AUTO") {
         activ_pack_server($protectedGet["active"], $protectedPost["HTTPS_SERV"], $protectedPost['FILE_SERV_REDISTRIB']);
     echo "<script> alert('" . $l->g(469) . "');window.opener.document.packlist.submit(); self.close();</script>";
 if ($_SESSION['OCS']["use_redistribution"] == 1) {
     $list_choise['MAN'] = $l->g(650);
     $list_choise['AUTO'] = $l->g(649);
     $choix_activ = $l->g(514) . ' : ' . show_modif($list_choise, 'choix_activ', 2, $form_name) . "<br>";
     echo $choix_activ;
 } else {
     $protectedPost['choix_activ'] = "MAN";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='choix_activ' value='MAN'>";
 echo "<br>";
 if (isset($protectedPost['choix_activ']) and $protectedPost['choix_activ'] != '') {
     if ($protectedPost['choix_activ'] == "MAN") {
         $tab_name = array($l->g(471), $l->g(470));
         $name_field = array("FILE_SERV", "HTTPS_SERV");
         $type_field = array(0, 0);
         $value_field = array($protectedPost['FILE_SERV'], $protectedPost['HTTPS_SERV']);
     } else {
         if (count($groupListServers) == 0) {
Пример #10
    $sql_del = "delete from subnet where netid='%s'";
    $arg_del = $protectedPost['SUP_PROF'];
    mysql2_query_secure($sql_del, $_SESSION['OCS']["writeServer"], $arg_del);
    //delete cache
    require_once BACKEND . 'ipdiscover/ipdiscover.php';
    $tab_options['CACHE'] = 'RESET';
if (isset($_SESSION['OCS']["ipdiscover"])) {
    $dpt = array_keys($_SESSION['OCS']["ipdiscover"]);
    array_unshift($dpt, "");
    foreach ($dpt as $key => $value) {
        $list_index[$key] = $value;
    echo $l->g(562) . " " . show_modif($list_index, 'DPT_CHOISE', 2, $form_name, array('DEFAULT' => "NO"));
} else {
if (isset($protectedPost['DPT_CHOISE']) and $protectedPost['DPT_CHOISE'] != '0') {
    $array_rsx = find_all_subnet($dpt[$protectedPost['DPT_CHOISE']]);
    $tab_options['VALUE']['LBL_RSX'] = $_SESSION['OCS']["ipdiscover"][$dpt[$protectedPost['DPT_CHOISE']]];
    $arg_sql = array();
    $sql = " select * from (select inv.RSX as ID,\n\t\t\t\t\t  inv.c as 'INVENTORIE',\n\t\t\t\t\t  non_ident.c as 'NON_INVENTORIE',\n\t\t\t\t\t  ipdiscover.c as 'IPDISCOVER',\n\t\t\t\t\t  ident.c as 'IDENTIFIE',\n\t\t\t\t\t  CASE WHEN ident.c IS NULL and ipdiscover.c IS NULL THEN 100 WHEN ident.c IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE round(100-(non_ident.c*100/(ident.c+non_ident.c)),1) END as 'pourcentage'\n\t\t\t  from (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT hardware_id) as c,'IPDISCOVER' as TYPE,tvalue as RSX\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM devices \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE name='IPDISCOVER' and tvalue in  ";
    $arg = mysql2_prepare($sql, $arg_sql, $array_rsx);
    $arg['SQL'] .= " GROUP BY tvalue) \n\t\t\t\tipdiscover right join\n\t\t\t\t   (SELECT count(distinct(hardware_id)) as c,'INVENTORIE' as TYPE,ipsubnet as RSX\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM networks left join subnet on networks.ipsubnet=subnet.netid\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ipsubnet in  ";
    $arg = mysql2_prepare($arg['SQL'], $arg['ARG'], $array_rsx);
    $arg['SQL'] .= " and status='Up' GROUP BY ipsubnet) \n\t\t\t\tinv on ipdiscover.RSX=inv.RSX left join\n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT mac) as c,'IDENTIFIE' as TYPE,netid as RSX\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM netmap \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE mac IN (SELECT DISTINCT(macaddr) FROM network_devices) \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand netid in  ";
    $arg = mysql2_prepare($arg['SQL'], $arg['ARG'], $array_rsx);
    $arg['SQL'] .= " GROUP BY netid) \n\t\t\t\tident on ipdiscover.RSX=ident.RSX left join\n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT mac) as c,'NON IDENTIFIE' as TYPE,netid as RSX\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM netmap n\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN networks ns ON ns.macaddr=n.mac\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE n.mac NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(macaddr) FROM network_devices) \n\t\t\t\t\t\tand (ns.macaddr IS NULL OR ns.IPSUBNET <> n.netid) \n\t \t\t\t\t\tand ns.HARDWARE_ID IS NULL\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand n.netid in  ";
    $arg = mysql2_prepare($arg['SQL'], $arg['ARG'], $array_rsx);
Пример #11
 if ($fp) {
     while ($ln = fgets($fp, 1024)) {
         $ln = preg_replace('(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r|\\t|)', '', $ln);
         //foreach ($tag as $poub=>$key){
         if (array_key_exists($ln, $tag)) {
             $index = $tag[$ln];
         } elseif (substr($ln, 0, 2) == '</') {
         } elseif (trim($ln) != "" and isset($index)) {
             $data[$index][] = $ln;
 $array_top = array(5 => 5, 10 => 10, 20 => 20);
 $stats .= $l->g(55) . ": " . show_modif($array_top, "CHOICE_TOP", 2, $form_name) . "<br>";
 $sql = "select count(id) c,name from softwares ";
 if (isset($data)) {
     $sql .= " where (";
     $first = 0;
     $j = 0;
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $i = 0;
         while ($v[$i]) {
             $jonct = '';
             if (($k == 'LIKE' or $k == '=') and $first != 0) {
                 $jonct = ' OR ';
             } elseif ($first != 0) {
                 if ($j != 0) {
                     $jonct = ') AND (';
    $protectedPost['onglet'] = 1;
echo open_form($form_name);
show_tabs($data_on, $form_name, "onglet", 2);
echo '<div class="right-content mlt_bordure" >';
$table = "accountinfo";
if (isset($protectedPost['ACCOUNTINFO_CHOISE']) and $protectedPost['ACCOUNTINFO_CHOISE'] == 'SNMP' and $protectedPost['onglet'] == 1 or isset($protectedPost['accountinfo']) and $protectedPost['accountinfo'] == 'SNMP' and $protectedPost['onglet'] == 2) {
    $array_tab_account = find_all_account_tab('TAB_ACCOUNTSNMP');
    $account_field = "TAB_ACCOUNTSNMP";
} else {
    $array_tab_account = find_all_account_tab('TAB_ACCOUNTAG');
    $account_field = "TAB_ACCOUNTAG";
if ($protectedPost['onglet'] == 1) {
    echo $l->g(56) . ": " . show_modif($accountinfo_choise, 'ACCOUNTINFO_CHOISE', 2, $form_name, array('DEFAULT' => "NO"));
    if ($protectedPost['ACCOUNTINFO_CHOISE'] == "SNMP") {
        $account_choise = "SNMP";
    } else {
        $account_choise = "COMPUTERS";
    $tab_options['CACHE'] = 'RESET';
    if (isset($protectedPost['del_check']) and $protectedPost['del_check'] != '') {
        $list = $protectedPost['del_check'];
        $tab_values = explode(',', $list);
        $i = 0;
        while ($tab_values[$i]) {
function admin_profil($form)
    global $protectedPost, $l, $pages_refs;
    $yes_no = array('YES' => $l->g(455), 'NO' => $l->g(454));
    $info_field = array('NAME' => array('INFO' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1153) . ": ", 'VALUE' => '')), 'GUI' => array('RESTRICTION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1154) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'TELEDIFF_ACTIVATE' => array('RESTRICTION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1158) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'TELEDIFF_VISIBLE' => array('RESTRICTION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1301) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'EXPORT_XML' => array('RESTRICTION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1305), 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'WOL' => array('RESTRICTION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1281) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'MACADD' => array('ADMIN_BLACKLIST' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1159) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'SERIAL' => array('ADMIN_BLACKLIST' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1160) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'IPDISCOVER' => array('ADMIN_BLACKLIST' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1161) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no), 'CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1172) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'TELEDIFF' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1162) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'CONFIG' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1163) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'GROUPS' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1164) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'CONSOLE' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1165) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'ALERTE_MSG' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1166) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'ACCOUNTINFO' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1167) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'CHANGE_ACCOUNTINFO' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1168) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'CHANGE_USER_GROUP' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1169) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'MANAGE_PROFIL' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1170) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'MANAGE_USER_GROUP' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1171) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'MANAGE_SMTP_COMMUNITIES' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1205) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)), 'DELETE_COMPUTERS' => array('CONFIGURATION' => array('LBL' => $l->g(1272) . ": ", 'VALUE' => $yes_no)));
    $lbl_cat = array('INFO' => $l->g(1173), 'PAGE_PROFIL' => $l->g(1174), 'RESTRICTION' => $l->g(1175), 'ADMIN_BLACKLIST' => $l->g(1176), 'CONFIGURATION' => $l->g(1177));
    if ($protectedPost['Valid_modif_profil']) {
        //read profil file
        $forprofil = read_profil_file($protectedPost['PROFILS']);
        //read all profil value
        $forall = read_config_file();
        //build new tab with new values
        foreach ($info_field as $if_name => $if_value) {
            foreach ($if_value as $if_cat => $if_val) {
                if (isset($protectedPost[$if_name]) and $protectedPost['cat'] == $if_cat) {
                    $new_value[$if_cat][$if_name] = $protectedPost[$if_name];
                } else {
                    $new_value[$if_cat][$if_name] = $forprofil[$if_cat][$if_name];
        foreach ($forall['URL'] as $name => $value) {
            if (isset($protectedPost[$name]) and $protectedPost['cat'] == "PAGE_PROFIL") {
                $new_value["PAGE_PROFIL"][$name] = '';
        if (!isset($new_value['PAGE_PROFIL'])) {
            $new_value['PAGE_PROFIL'] = $forprofil['PAGE_PROFIL'];
        update_config_file($protectedPost['PROFILS'], $new_value);
    $array_profil = get_profile_labels();
    echo $l->g(1196) . ": " . show_modif($array_profil, "PROFILS", 2, $form);
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs['ms_new_profil'] . "&head=1&form=" . $form . "\"><img src=image/plus.png></a>";
    if (isset($protectedPost['PROFILS']) and $protectedPost['PROFILS'] != '') {
        $forall = read_config_file();
        $forprofil = read_profil_file($protectedPost['PROFILS'], 'WRITE');
        if (is_array($forprofil) and is_array($forall)) {
            foreach ($forprofil as $key => $value) {
                if (isset($lbl_cat[$key])) {
                    $data_on[$key] = $lbl_cat[$key];
            onglet($data_on, $form, "cat", 10);
            if (isset($forprofil[$protectedPost['cat']]) and $protectedPost['cat'] != 'PAGE_PROFIL') {
                $name_field = array();
                $type_field = array();
                $tab_name = array();
                $value_field = array();
                foreach ($info_field as $if_name => $if_value) {
                    foreach ($if_value as $if_cat => $if_val) {
                        if ($protectedPost['cat'] == $if_cat) {
                            if (isset($forprofil[$if_cat][$if_name])) {
                                $protectedPost[$if_name] = $forprofil[$if_cat][$if_name];
                            array_push($name_field, $if_name);
                            array_push($tab_name, $if_val['LBL']);
                            if (is_array($if_val['VALUE'])) {
                                array_push($type_field, 2);
                                if (!isset($protectedPost[$if_name])) {
                                    array_push($if_val['VALUE'], '');
                                array_push($value_field, $if_val['VALUE']);
                            } else {
                                array_push($type_field, 0);
                                array_push($value_field, replace_language($forprofil[$if_cat][$if_name]));
                $tab_typ_champ = show_field($name_field, $type_field, $value_field);
                tab_modif_values($tab_name, $tab_typ_champ, $tab_hidden, array('button_name' => 'modif_profil'));
            } elseif ($protectedPost['cat'] == 'PAGE_PROFIL') {
                $champs = "<table align=center><tr><td align=center>";
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($forall['URL'] as $key => $value) {
                    $champs .= "<input type='checkbox' name='" . $key . "' id='" . $key . "' ";
                    if (isset($forprofil[$protectedPost['cat']][$key])) {
                        $champs .= " checked ";
                    $champs .= " ></td><td>" . $key . "</td><td align=center>";
                    if ($i == 4) {
                        $champs .= "</td></tr><tr><td align=center>";
                        $i = 0;
                $champs .= "</td></tr></table>";
                tab_modif_values($champs, array(), array(), array('button_name' => 'modif_profil'));
Пример #14
// code is always made freely available.
// Please refer to the General Public Licence http://www.gnu.org/ or Licence.txt
$form_name = "repart_tag";
$table_name = $form_name;
echo open_form($form_name);
if (!isset($protectedPost['TAG_CHOISE']) or $protectedPost['TAG_CHOISE'] == '') {
    $protectedPost['TAG_CHOISE'] = 'a.TAG';
require_once 'require/function_admininfo.php';
$accountinfo_value = interprete_accountinfo($list_fields, $tab_options);
$list_fields = $accountinfo_value['LIST_FIELDS'];
$list_fields_flip = array_flip($list_fields);
echo $l->g(340) . " " . show_modif($list_fields_flip, 'TAG_CHOISE', 2, $form_name, array('DEFAULT' => "NO"));
if (isset($protectedPost['TAG_CHOISE'])) {
    $tag = $protectedPost['TAG_CHOISE'];
if (array($accountinfo_value['TAB_OPTIONS'])) {
    $tab_options['REPLACE_VALUE']['ID'] = $accountinfo_value['TAB_OPTIONS']['REPLACE_VALUE'][$list_fields_flip[$tag]];
$list_fields['ID'] = 'ID';
$tab_options['LBL']['ID'] = $list_fields_flip[$tag];
$list_fields['Nbr_mach'] = 'c';
$tab_options['LIEN_LBL']['Nbr_mach'] = "index.php?" . PAG_INDEX . "=" . $pages_refs['ms_all_computers'] . "&filtre=" . $tag . "&value=";
$tab_options['LIEN_CHAMP']['Nbr_mach'] = "ID";
$tab_options['LBL']['Nbr_mach'] = $l->g(1120);
$list_col_cant_del = $list_fields;
$default_fields = $list_fields;
    $tab_options['LBL']['SERIAL'] = $l->g(36);
} elseif ($protectedPost['onglet'] == 3) {
    $table_name = "blacklist_subnet";
    $tab_options['form_name'] = $form_name;
    $tab_options['table_name'] = $table_name;
    $list_fields = array('ID' => 'ID', 'SUBNET' => 'SUBNET', 'MASK' => 'MASK', 'SUP' => 'ID', 'CHECK' => 'ID');
    $list_col_cant_del = $list_fields;
    $default_fields = $list_fields;
    $tab_options['FILTRE'] = array('SUBNET' => 'SUBNET', 'MASK' => 'MASK');
    $tab_options['LBL_POPUP']['SUP'] = 'SUBNET';
    $tab_options['LBL']['SUBNET'] = $l->g(2005);
} elseif ($protectedPost['onglet'] == 4) {
    $list_action[1] = $l->g(95);
    $list_action[2] = $l->g(36);
    $list_action[3] = $l->g(2005);
    echo "<p>" . $l->g(700) . ": " . show_modif($list_action, "BLACK_CHOICE", 2, $form_name) . "</p>";
    if (isset($protectedPost['BLACK_CHOICE']) and $protectedPost['BLACK_CHOICE'] != '') {
        $aff = "<table align=center><tr><td>";
        if ($protectedPost['BLACK_CHOICE'] == 1) {
            $aff .= $l->g(654) . ": </td><td>";
            $aff = show_blacklist_fields($MACnb_field, $protectedPost, $MACfield_name, $MACnb_value_by_field, $MACsize, $MACseparat, $javascript_mac);
        } elseif ($protectedPost['BLACK_CHOICE'] == 3) {
            $aff .= $l->g(1142) . ": </td><td>";
            $aff = show_blacklist_fields($SUBnb_field, $protectedPost, $SUBfield_name, $SUBnb_value_by_field, $SUBsize, $SUBseparat, $chiffres);
            $aff .= $l->g(1143) . ": </td><td>";
            $aff = show_blacklist_fields($MASKnb_field, $protectedPost, $MASKfield_name, $MASKnb_value_by_field, $MASKsize, $MASKseparat, $chiffres);
        } elseif ($protectedPost['BLACK_CHOICE'] == 2) {
            $aff .= $l->g(702) . ": </td><td>";
            $aff = show_blacklist_fields($SERIALnb_field, $protectedPost, $SERIALfield_name, $SERIALnb_value_by_field, $SERIALsize, $SERIALseparat);
    $myids = mysql2_prepare('', array(), $my_id);
if (isset($_SESSION['OCS']['ADMIN_CONSOLE'])) {
    $edit = 0;
} else {
    $edit = 3;
$no_restrict = array("OCS_REPORT_NB_ALL_COMPUTOR");
$multi_search = array("OCS_REPORT_NB_NOTIFIED" => array("FIELD" => '', "COMP" => '', "VALUE" => ''), "OCS_REPORT_NB_ERR" => array("FIELD" => '', "COMP" => '', "VALUE" => ''), "OCS_REPORT_NB_CONTACT" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-LASTCOME', "COMP" => 'tall', "VALUE" => date($l->g(1242))), "OCS_REPORT_NB_INV" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-LASTDATE', "COMP" => 'tall', "VALUE" => date($l->g(1242))), "OCS_REPORT_NB_4_MOMENT" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-LASTCOME', "COMP" => 'small', "VALUE" => date($l->g(1242), mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_AGIN_MACH'], date("Y")))), "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_H" => array("FIELD" => '', "COMP" => '', "VALUE" => ''), "OCS_REPORT_OSNAME" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-OSNAME', "COMP" => '', "VALUE" => ''), "OCS_REPORT_USERAGENT" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-USERAGENT', "COMP" => 'exact', "VALUE" => ''), "OCS_REPORT_PROCESSORT" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-PROCESSORT', "COMP" => 'exact', "VALUE" => ''), "OCS_REPORT_RESOLUTION" => array("FIELD" => 'VIDEOS-RESOLUTION', "COMP" => '', "VALUE" => ''), "OCS_REPORT_WORKGROUP" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-WORKGROUP', "COMP" => 'exact', "VALUE" => ''), "OCS_REPORT_TAG" => array("FIELD" => 'ACCOUNTINFO-TAG', "COMP" => 'exact', "VALUE" => ''), "OCS_REPORT_IPSUBNET" => array("FIELD" => 'NETWORKS-IPSUBNET', "COMP" => 'exact', "VALUE" => ''), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_H" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-PROCESSORS', "COMP" => 'tall', "VALUE" => $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MAX']), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_M" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-PROCESSORS', "COMP" => 'small', "VALUE" => $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MINI']), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_B" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-PROCESSORS,HARDWARE-PROCESSORS', "COMP" => 'tall,small', "VALUE" => $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MINI'] . ',' . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MAX']), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_H" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-MEMORY', "COMP" => 'tall', "VALUE" => $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MAX']), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_M" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-MEMORY', "COMP" => 'small', "VALUE" => $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MINI']), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_B" => array("FIELD" => 'HARDWARE-MEMORY,HARDWARE-MEMORY', "COMP" => 'tall,small', "VALUE" => $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MINI'] . ',' . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MAX']), "OCS_REPORT_NB_NOTIFIED" => array("FIELD" => 'DEVICES-DOWNLOAD', "COMP" => 'exact', "VALUE" => 'NULL', 'VALUE2' => $l->g(482), 'TYPE_FIELD' => "SelFieldValue"), "OCS_REPORT_NB_ERR" => array("FIELD" => 'DEVICES-DOWNLOAD', "COMP" => 'exact', "VALUE" => 'NULL', 'VALUE2' => "***" . $l->g(956) . "***", 'TYPE_FIELD' => "SelFieldValue"));
$table = array("OCS_REPORT_WORKGROUP" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_TAG" => "accountinfo", "OCS_REPORT_IPSUBNET" => "networks", "OCS_REPORT_NB_NOTIFIED" => "devices", "OCS_REPORT_NB_ERR" => "devices", "OCS_REPORT_OSNAME" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_USERAGENT" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_PROCESSORT" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_RESOLUTION" => "videos", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_H" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_M" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_B" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_H" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_M" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_B" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_ALL_COMPUTOR" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_COMPUTOR" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_CONTACT" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_INV" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_4_MOMENT" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_SNMP" => "snmp", "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_H" => "drives", "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_M" => "drives", "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_B" => "drives", "OCS_REPORT_NB_IPDISCOVER" => "nk", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LAST_INV" => "hardware");
$table_field = array("OCS_REPORT_WORKGROUP" => array($l->g(33) => "workgroup"), "OCS_REPORT_TAG" => array($_SESSION['OCS']['TAG_LBL']['TAG'] => "tag"), "OCS_REPORT_IPSUBNET" => array($l->g(316) => "ipsubnet"), "OCS_REPORT_NB_NOTIFIED" => "devices", "OCS_REPORT_NB_ERR" => "devices", "OCS_REPORT_OSNAME" => array($l->g(25) => "osname"), "OCS_REPORT_USERAGENT" => array($l->g(218) => "useragent"), "OCS_REPORT_PROCESSORT" => array($l->g(350) => "processort"), "OCS_REPORT_RESOLUTION" => array($l->g(62) => "resolution"), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_H" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_M" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_B" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_H" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_M" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_B" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_ALL_COMPUTOR" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_COMPUTOR" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_CONTACT" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_INV" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_4_MOMENT" => "hardware", "OCS_REPORT_NB_SNMP" => "snmp", "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_H" => "drives", "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_M" => "drives", "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_B" => "drives", "OCS_REPORT_NB_IPDISCOVER" => "networks", "OCS_REPORT_NB_LAST_INV" => array("NAME" => "NAME", "ID" => "ID", $l->g(25) => "osname", $l->g(218) => "useragent"));
$link = array("OCS_REPORT_WORKGROUP" => array("RELOAD" => 'OCS_REPORT_WORKGROUP'), "OCS_REPORT_TAG" => array("RELOAD" => 'OCS_REPORT_TAG'), "OCS_REPORT_IPSUBNET" => array("RELOAD" => 'OCS_REPORT_IPSUBNET'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_NOTIFIED" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_multi_search'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_ERR" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_multi_search'), "OCS_REPORT_OSNAME" => array("RELOAD" => 'OCS_REPORT_OSNAME'), "OCS_REPORT_USERAGENT" => array("RELOAD" => 'OCS_REPORT_USERAGENT'), "OCS_REPORT_PROCESSORT" => array("RELOAD" => 'OCS_REPORT_PROCESSORT'), "OCS_REPORT_RESOLUTION" => array("RELOAD" => 'OCS_REPORT_RESOLUTION'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_H" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_multi_search'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_M" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_multi_search'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_B" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_multi_search'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_H" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_multi_search'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_M" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_multi_search'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_B" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_multi_search'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_ALL_COMPUTOR" => '', "OCS_REPORT_NB_COMPUTOR" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_all_computers'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_CONTACT" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_multi_search'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_INV" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_multi_search'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_4_MOMENT" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_multi_search'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_SNMP" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_snmp'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_IPDISCOVER" => array("PAGE" => 'ms_ipdiscover'), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LAST_INV" => array("RELOAD" => 'OCS_REPORT_NB_LAST_INV'));
//all fields repart on categories
//all lbl fields
$lbl_field = array("OCS_REPORT_WORKGROUP" => $l->g(778), "OCS_REPORT_TAG" => $l->g(779), "OCS_REPORT_IPSUBNET" => $l->g(780), "OCS_REPORT_NB_NOTIFIED" => $l->g(781), "OCS_REPORT_NB_ERR" => $l->g(782), "OCS_REPORT_OSNAME" => $l->g(783), "OCS_REPORT_USERAGENT" => $l->g(784), "OCS_REPORT_PROCESSORT" => $l->g(785), "OCS_REPORT_RESOLUTION" => $l->g(786), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_H" => $l->g(787) . " <b>" . show_modif($data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MAX'], "GUI_REPORT_PROC_MAX", $edit, '', array('JAVASCRIPT' => valid_modif("GUI_REPORT_PROC_MAX"))) . "</b> " . $l->g(1239), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_M" => $l->g(788) . " <b>" . show_modif($data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MINI'], "GUI_REPORT_PROC_MINI", $edit, '', array('JAVASCRIPT' => valid_modif("GUI_REPORT_PROC_MINI"))) . "</b> " . $l->g(1239), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_B" => $l->g(789) . " <b>" . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MINI'] . "</b> " . $l->g(1239) . " " . $l->g(582) . " <b>" . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MAX'] . "</b> " . $l->g(1239), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_H" => $l->g(790) . " <b>" . show_modif($data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MAX'], "GUI_REPORT_RAM_MAX", $edit, '', array('JAVASCRIPT' => valid_modif("GUI_REPORT_RAM_MAX"))) . "</b> " . $l->g(1240), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_M" => $l->g(791) . " <b>" . show_modif($data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MINI'], "GUI_REPORT_RAM_MINI", $edit, '', array('JAVASCRIPT' => valid_modif("GUI_REPORT_RAM_MINI"))) . "</b> " . $l->g(1240), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_B" => $l->g(792) . " <b>" . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MINI'] . "</b> " . $l->g(1240) . " " . $l->g(582) . " <b>" . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MAX'] . "</b> " . $l->g(1240), "OCS_REPORT_NB_ALL_COMPUTOR" => $l->g(793), "OCS_REPORT_NB_COMPUTOR" => $l->g(794), "OCS_REPORT_NB_CONTACT" => $l->g(795), "OCS_REPORT_NB_INV" => $l->g(796), "OCS_REPORT_NB_4_MOMENT" => $l->g(797) . " <b>" . show_modif($data_limit['GUI_REPORT_AGIN_MACH'], "GUI_REPORT_AGIN_MACH", $edit, '', array('JAVASCRIPT' => valid_modif("GUI_REPORT_AGIN_MACH"))) . "</b> " . $l->g(496), "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_H" => $l->g(813) . " <b>" . show_modif($data_limit['GUI_REPORT_DD_MAX'], "GUI_REPORT_DD_MAX", $edit, '', array('JAVASCRIPT' => valid_modif("GUI_REPORT_DD_MAX"))) . "</b> " . $l->g(1240), "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_M" => $l->g(814) . " <b>" . show_modif($data_limit['GUI_REPORT_DD_MINI'], "GUI_REPORT_DD_MINI", $edit, '', array('JAVASCRIPT' => valid_modif("GUI_REPORT_DD_MINI"))) . "</b> " . $l->g(1240), "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_B" => $l->g(815) . " <b>" . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_DD_MINI'] . "</b> " . $l->g(1240) . " " . $l->g(582) . " <b>" . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_DD_MAX'] . "</b> " . $l->g(1240), "OCS_REPORT_NB_IPDISCOVER" => $l->g(913), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LAST_INV" => $l->g(914) . " <b>" . show_modif($data_limit['GUI_REPORT_LAST_DIFF'], "GUI_REPORT_LAST_DIFF", $edit, '', array('JAVASCRIPT' => valid_modif("GUI_REPORT_LAST_DIFF"))) . "</b> " . $l->g(496), "OCS_REPORT_NB_SNMP" => $l->g(1241));
$sql_field = array("OCS_REPORT_WORKGROUP" => array('ARG' => array('count(distinct workgroup) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_WORKGROUP"], '')), "OCS_REPORT_TAG" => array('ARG' => array('count(distinct tag)  c', $table["OCS_REPORT_TAG"], '')), "OCS_REPORT_IPSUBNET" => array('ARG' => array('count(distinct ipsubnet) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_IPSUBNET"], '')), "OCS_REPORT_NB_NOTIFIED" => array('SQL' => "select %s from %s where NAME='%s' and TVALUE is null", 'ARG' => array('count(distinct hardware_id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_NOTIFIED"], 'DOWNLOAD')), "OCS_REPORT_NB_ERR" => array('SQL' => "select %s from %s where NAME='%s' and TVALUE like '%s'", 'ARG' => array('count(distinct hardware_id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_ERR"], "DOWNLOAD", "ERR_%")), "OCS_REPORT_OSNAME" => array('ARG' => array('count(distinct osname) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_OSNAME"], '')), "OCS_REPORT_USERAGENT" => array('ARG' => array('count(distinct useragent) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_USERAGENT"], '')), "OCS_REPORT_PROCESSORT" => array('ARG' => array('count(distinct processort) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_PROCESSORT"], '')), "OCS_REPORT_RESOLUTION" => array('ARG' => array('count(distinct resolution) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_RESOLUTION"], '')), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_H" => array('ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_H"], "where processors >= " . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MAX'])), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_M" => array('ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_M"], "where processors <= " . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MINI'])), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_B" => array('ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_FREQ_B"], "where processors <= " . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MAX'] . " and processors >= " . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_PROC_MINI'])), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_H" => array('ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_H"], "where memory >= " . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MAX'])), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_M" => array('ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_M"], "where memory <= " . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MINI'])), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_B" => array('ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_LIMIT_MEM_B"], "where memory <= " . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MAX'] . " and memory >= " . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_RAM_MINI'])), "OCS_REPORT_NB_ALL_COMPUTOR" => array('ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_ALL_COMPUTOR"], '')), "OCS_REPORT_NB_COMPUTOR" => array('ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_COMPUTOR"], '')), "OCS_REPORT_NB_CONTACT" => array('SQL' => "select %s from %s where lastcome >= date_format(sysdate(),'%s')", 'ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_CONTACT"], "%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00")), "OCS_REPORT_NB_INV" => array('SQL' => "select %s from %s where lastdate > date_format(sysdate(),'%s')", 'ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_INV"], "%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00")), "OCS_REPORT_NB_4_MOMENT" => array('ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_4_MOMENT"], "where unix_timestamp(lastcome) < unix_timestamp(sysdate())-(" . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_AGIN_MACH'] . "*86400)")), "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_H" => array('SQL' => "select %s from %s where type='%s' and free>%s", 'ARG' => array('count(distinct(hardware_id)) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_H"], "Hard Drive", $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_DD_MAX'])), "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_M" => array('SQL' => "select %s from %s where type='%s' and free<%s", 'ARG' => array('count(distinct(hardware_id)) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_M"], "Hard Drive", $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_DD_MINI'])), "OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_B" => array('SQL' => "select %s from %s where type='%s' and free<%s and free>=%s", 'ARG' => array('count(distinct(hardware_id)) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_HARD_DISK_B"], "Hard Drive", $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_DD_MAX'], $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_DD_MINI'])), "OCS_REPORT_NB_IPDISCOVER" => array('SQL' => "select %s c from netmap ", 'ARG' => array(count_noinv_network_devices())), "OCS_REPORT_NB_LAST_INV" => array('ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_LAST_INV"], " where floor((unix_timestamp(lastcome) - unix_timestamp(lastdate) )/86400) >= " . $data_limit['GUI_REPORT_LAST_DIFF'] . " ")), "OCS_REPORT_NB_SNMP" => array('ARG' => array('count(id) c', $table["OCS_REPORT_NB_SNMP"], '')));
function define_tab($data_on = array())
    global $l;
    $data_on['ACTIVITY'] = mb_strtoupper($l->g(798), 'UTF-8');
    $data_on['SOFT'] = mb_strtoupper($l->g(20), 'UTF-8');
    $data_on['HARD'] = mb_strtoupper($l->g(799), 'UTF-8');
    $data_on['ELSE'] = mb_strtoupper($l->g(800), 'UTF-8');
    if ($_SESSION['OCS']['profile']->getConfigValue('CONSOLE') == "YES") {
        $data_on['ADMIN']['MSG'] = mb_strtoupper($l->g(915), 'UTF-8');
        if (!isset($default)) {
            $default = 'MSG';
$list_fields = array($_SESSION['OCS']['TAG_LBL']['TAG'] => 'tag', 'SUP' => 'tag', 'CHECK' => 'tag');
$list_col_cant_del = array('ID' => 'ID', 'SUP' => 'SUP', 'CHECK' => 'CHECK');
$default_fields = $list_fields;
$sql = prepare_sql_tab($list_fields, array('SUP', 'CHECK'));
$sql['SQL'] .= " FROM tags where login='******'";
array_push($sql['ARG'], $protectedGet['id']);
$tab_options['ARG_SQL'] = $sql['ARG'];
$tab_options['ARG_SQL_COUNT'] = $protectedGet['id'];
$tab_options['FILTRE'] = array($_SESSION['OCS']['TAG_LBL']['TAG'] => $_SESSION['OCS']['TAG_LBL']['TAG']);
$tab_options['table_name'] = $table_name;
ajaxtab_entete_fixe($list_fields, $default_fields, $tab_options, $list_col_cant_del);
//traitement par lot
if (is_array($info_value_tag) and !isset($protectedPost['use_generic_0'])) {
    $type = 2;
} else {
    $type = 0;
    $info_value_tag = $protectedPost['newtag'];
$select_choise = show_modif($info_value_tag, 'newtag', $type);
echo $l->g(617) . " " . $_SESSION['OCS']['TAG_LBL']['TAG'] . ": " . $select_choise;
echo "<input type='submit' name='ADD_TAG' value='" . $l->g(13) . "'><br>";
echo show_modif(array($l->g(358)), 'use_generic', 5, $form_name);
echo close_form();
if ($ajax) {
    tab_req($list_fields, $default_fields, $list_col_cant_del, $sql['SQL'], $tab_options);

            } elseif ($key == 'ERR_') {
                $_SESSION['OCS']['SQL_DATA_FIXE'][$table_name][$key] = $sql_data_fixe_ter . " group by FILEID";
$tab_options['COLOR']['ERR_'] = 'RED';
$tab_options['COLOR']['SUCC'] = 'GREEN';
$tab_options['COLOR']['NOTI'] = 'GREY';
$tab_options['COLOR']['NO_NOTIF'] = 'BLACK';
$tab_options['FILTRE'] = array('FILEID' => 'Timestamp', 'NAME' => $l->g(49));
$tab_options['TYPE']['ZIP'] = $protectedPost['SHOW_SELECT'];
$tab_options['form_name'] = $form_name;
$tab_options['table_name'] = $table_name;
$result_exist = ajaxtab_entete_fixe($list_fields, $default_fields, $tab_options, $list_col_cant_del);
//only for profils who can activate packet
if (!$cant_active) {
    if ($protectedPost['SHOW_SELECT'] == 'download') {
        $config_input = array('MAXLENGTH' => 10, 'SIZE' => 15);
        $activ_manuel = show_modif($protectedPost['manualActive'], 'manualActive', 0, '', $config_input);
        echo "<b>" . $l->g(476) . "</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $l->g(475) . ": " . $activ_manuel . "";
        echo "<a href='#' OnClick='manualActive();'><img src='image/activer.png'></a>";
echo close_form();
if ($ajax) {
    tab_req($list_fields, $default_fields, $list_col_cant_del, $querypack['SQL'], $tab_options);
Пример #19
$list_categories['IGNORED'] = "IGNORED";
$list_categories['UNCHANGED'] = "UNCHANGED";
$sql_list_categories = "select distinct(formatted) name from dico_soft where formatted!=extracted order by formatted";
$result_list_categories = mysqli_query($_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"], $sql_list_categories);
while ($item_list_categories = mysqli_fetch_object($result_list_categories)) {
    $list_categories[$item_list_categories->name] = $item_list_categories->name;
//définition de toutes les options possibles
$choix_affect['NEW_CAT'] = $l->g(385);
$choix_affect['EXIST_CAT'] = $l->g(387);
$trans .= show_modif($choix_affect, "AFFECT_TYPE", '2', $form_name);
if ($protectedPost['AFFECT_TYPE'] == 'EXIST_CAT') {
    $trans .= show_modif($list_categories, "EXIST_CAT", '2');
    $verif_field = "EXIST_CAT";
} elseif ($protectedPost['AFFECT_TYPE'] == 'NEW_CAT') {
    $trans .= show_modif(stripslashes($protectedPost['NEW_CAT']), "NEW_CAT", '0');
    $verif_field = "NEW_CAT";
if ($protectedPost['AFFECT_TYPE'] != '') {
    $trans .= "<input type='button' name='TRANSF' value='" . $l->g(13) . "' onclick='return verif_field(\"" . $verif_field . "\",\"TRANS\",\"" . $form_name . "\");'>";
echo "<tr><td>" . $search . "<input type='submit' value='" . $l->g(393) . "'><input type='button' value='" . $l->g(396) . "' onclick='return pag(\"RESET\",\"RESET\",\"" . $form_name . "\");'>";
if ($result_exist != FALSE) {
    echo "<div align=right> " . $trans . "</div>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
echo '</div>';
echo "<input type='hidden' name='RESET' id='RESET' value=''>";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='TRANS' id='TRANS' value=''>";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='SUP_CAT' id='SUP_CAT' value=''>";
echo close_form();
$form_name = 'admin_search';
if ($protectedPost['onglet'] != $protectedPost['old_onglet']) {
    $onglet = $protectedPost['onglet'];
    $old_onglet = $protectedPost['old_onglet'];
    $protectedPost['old_onglet'] = $old_onglet;
    $protectedPost['onglet'] = $onglet;
if ($protectedGet['origine'] != "mach") {
    if (isset($protectedGet['idchecked']) and $protectedGet['idchecked'] != "") {
        $choise_req_selection['REQ'] = $l->g(584);
        $choise_req_selection['SEL'] = $l->g(585);
        $select_choise = show_modif($choise_req_selection, 'CHOISE', 2, $form_name);
    echo "<font color=red><b>";
    if ($protectedPost['CHOISE'] == 'REQ' or $protectedGet['idchecked'] == '' or $protectedPost['CHOISE'] == '') {
        echo $l->g(901);
        $list_id = $_SESSION['OCS']['ID_REQ'];
    if ($protectedPost['CHOISE'] == 'SEL') {
        echo $l->g(902);
        $list_id = $protectedGet['idchecked'];
    //gestion tableau
    if (is_array($list_id)) {
        $list_id = implode(",", $list_id);
} else {
             $tab_typ_champ[$i]['INPUT_TYPE'] = $convert_type[$field_of_accountinfo['LIST_TYPE'][$id]];
             $tab_typ_champ[$i]['CONFIG']['JAVASCRIPT'] = $java . " onclick='document.getElementById(\"check" . $truename . "\").checked = true' ";
             $tab_name[$i] = $lbl;
     tab_modif_values($tab_name, $tab_typ_champ, array('TAG_MODIF' => $protectedPost['MODIF'], 'FIELD_FORMAT' => $type_field[$protectedPost['MODIF']]), array('title' => $l->g(895)));
 } elseif ($protectedPost['onglet'] == "SUP_PACK") {
     echo "<div class='mvt_bordure'>";
     $queryDetails = "select d_a.fileid,d_a.name \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom download_available d_a, download_enable d_e \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere d_e.FILEID=d_a.FILEID group by d_a.NAME  order by 1 desc";
     $resultDetails = mysql2_query_secure($queryDetails, $_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"]);
     while ($val = mysqli_fetch_array($resultDetails)) {
         $List[$val["fileid"]] = $val["name"];
     $select = show_modif($List, 'pack_list', 2, $form_name);
     echo $l->g(970) . ": " . $select;
     if ($protectedPost['pack_list'] != "") {
         $sql = "select count(*) c, tvalue from download_enable d_e,devices d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere d.name='DOWNLOAD' and d.IVALUE=d_e.ID and d_e.fileid='%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tand d.hardware_id in ";
         $arg = array($protectedPost['pack_list']);
         $tab_result = mysql2_prepare($sql, $arg, $list_id);
         $sql = $tab_result['SQL'] . " group by tvalue";
         $result = mysql2_query_secure($sql, $_SESSION['OCS']["readServer"], $tab_result['ARG']);
         while ($item = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {
             if ($item->tvalue == "") {
                 $value = $l->g(482);
             } else {
                 $value = $item->tvalue;
             echo "<br>" . $item->c . " " . $l->g(1023) . " " . $value . " " . $l->g(1024);
function gestion_col($entete, $data, $list_col_cant_del, $form_name, $tab_name, $list_fields, $default_fields, $id_form = 'form')
    global $protectedPost, $l;
    //search in cookies columns values
    if (isset($_COOKIE[$tab_name]) and $_COOKIE[$tab_name] != '' and !isset($_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name])) {
        $col_tab = explode("///", $_COOKIE[$tab_name]);
        foreach ($col_tab as $key => $value) {
            $_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name][$value] = $value;
    if (isset($protectedPost['SUP_COL']) and $protectedPost['SUP_COL'] != "") {
    if ($protectedPost['restCol' . $tab_name]) {
        $_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name][$protectedPost['restCol' . $tab_name]] = $protectedPost['restCol' . $tab_name];
    if ($protectedPost['RAZ'] != "") {
        $_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name] = $default_fields;
    if (!isset($_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name])) {
        $_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name] = $default_fields;
    //add all fields we must have
    if (is_array($list_col_cant_del)) {
        if (!is_array($_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name])) {
            $_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name] = array();
        foreach ($list_col_cant_del as $key => $value) {
            if (!in_array($key, $_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name])) {
                $_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name][$key] = $key;
    if (is_array($entete)) {
        if (!is_array($_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name])) {
            $_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name] = array();
        foreach ($entete as $k => $v) {
            if (in_array($k, $_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name])) {
                $data_with_filter['entete'][$k] = $v;
                if (!isset($list_col_cant_del[$k])) {
                    $data_with_filter['entete'][$k] .= "<a href=# onclick='return pag(\"" . xml_encode($k) . "\",\"SUP_COL\",\"" . $id_form . "\");'><img src=image/delete-small.png></a>";
            } else {
                $list_rest[$k] = $v;
    if (is_array($data)) {
        if (!is_array($_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name])) {
            $_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name] = array();
        foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
            foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) {
                if (in_array($k2, $_SESSION['OCS']['col_tab'][$tab_name])) {
                    $data_with_filter['data'][$k][$k2] = $v2;
    if (is_array($list_rest)) {
        $select_restCol = $l->g(349) . ": " . show_modif($list_rest, 'restCol' . $tab_name, 2, $form_name);
        $select_restCol .= "<a href=# OnClick='pag(\"" . $tab_name . "\",\"RAZ\",\"" . $id_form . "\");'><img src=image/delete-small.png></a></td></tr></table>";
        //</td></tr><tr><td align=center>
        echo $select_restCol;
    } else {
        echo "</td></tr></table>";
    echo "<input type='hidden' id='SUP_COL' name='SUP_COL' value=''>";
    echo "<input type='hidden' id='TABLE_NAME' name='TABLE_NAME' value='" . $tab_name . "'>";
    echo "<input type='hidden' id='RAZ' name='RAZ' value=''>";
    return $data_with_filter;
    $protectedPost['onglet'] = 'CONNEXION';
if ($protectedPost['onglet'] == 'CONNEXION' or $protectedPost['onglet'] == 'BAD CONNEXION') {
    $ms_cfg_file = $_SESSION['OCS']['LOG_DIR'] . "log.csv";
    if (!is_readable($ms_cfg_file)) {
        return "NO_FILES";
    $fd = fopen($ms_cfg_file, "r");
    $max = 0;
    $array_profil[7] = $l->g(1259);
    $array_profil[30] = $l->g(1260);
    $array_profil['ALL'] = $l->g(215);
    if (!isset($protectedPost['REST'])) {
        $protectedPost['REST'] = 7;
    $stats .= $l->g(1251) . ": " . show_modif($array_profil, "REST", 2, $form_name) . "<br>";
    if (isset($protectedPost['REST']) and $protectedPost['REST'] != 'ALL') {
        $lastWeek = time() - $protectedPost['REST'] * 24 * 60 * 60;
    //echo date('d/m/Y', $lastWeek) ;
    while (!feof($fd)) {
        $line = trim(fgets($fd, 256));
        $trait = explode(';', $line);
        if ($trait[3] == $protectedPost['onglet']) {
            $h = explode(' ', $trait[1]);
            $time = explode('/', $h[0]);
            //echo mktime(0, 0, 0, $time[1], $time[0], $time[2])." => ".$lastWeek."<br>" ;
            if (mktime(0, 0, 0, $time[1], $time[0], $time[2]) >= $lastWeek) {
                $find_connexion[$h[0]] = $find_connexion[$h[0]] + 1;
                if ($find_connexion[$h[0]] > $max) {
function fields_conditions_rules($num, $entete = 'NO')
    global $l, $protectedPost;
    if ($entete != 'NO') {
        $tab .= "<tr bgcolor='#C7D9F5'><td>" . $l->g(675) . "</td><td>" . $l->g(676) . "</td><td>" . $l->g(677) . "</td><td>" . $l->g(678) . "</td></tr>";
    $CFIELD = array('NAME' => $l->g(679), 'IPADDRESS' => '@IP', 'IPSUBNET' => 'IPSUBNET', 'WORKGROUP' => $l->g(680), 'USERID' => $l->g(681));
    $OP = array('EGAL' => "=", 'DIFF' => "<>", 'LIKE' => 'LIKE');
    if (!isset($protectedPost["PRIORITE_" . $num])) {
        $protectedPost["PRIORITE_" . $num] = $num;
    $tab .= "<tr><td>" . show_modif($protectedPost["PRIORITE_" . $num], "PRIORITE_" . $num, '0') . "</td>";
    $tab .= "<td>" . show_modif($CFIELD, "CFIELD_" . $num, '2') . "</td>";
    $tab .= "<td>" . show_modif($OP, "OP_" . $num, '2') . "</td>";
    $tab .= "<td>" . show_modif($CFIELD, "COMPTO_" . $num, '2') . "</td>";
    return $tab;
$list_col_cant_del = array('SUP' => 'SUP', 'CHECK' => 'CHECK');
$default_fields = array('TAG' => 'tag');
$sql = prepare_sql_tab($list_fields, $list_col_cant_del);
$sql['SQL'] = "SELECT tag FROM tags where login='******'";
$sql['ARG'] = array($protectedGet["id"]);
$tab_options['ARG_SQL'] = $sql['ARG'];
$queryDetails = $sql['SQL'];
$tab_options['LBL']['SUP'] = $l->g(122);
ajaxtab_entete_fixe($list_fields, $default_fields, $tab_options, $list_col_cant_del);
$img['image/delete.png'] = $l->g(162);
if (is_array($info_value_tag) and !isset($protectedPost['use_generic_0'])) {
    $type = 2;
} else {
    $type = 0;
    $info_value_tag = $protectedPost['newtag'];
$select_choise = show_modif($info_value_tag, 'newtag', $type);
echo "<br>";
echo $l->g(617) . " " . $_SESSION['OCS']['TAG_LBL']['TAG'] . ": " . $select_choise;
echo "<input type='submit' name='ADD_TAG' value='" . $l->g(13) . "'><br>";
//echo show_modif(array($l->g(358)),'use_generic',5,$form_name);
echo $l->g(358);
echo close_form();
if ($ajax) {
    tab_req($list_fields, $default_fields, $list_col_cant_del, $queryDetails, $tab_options);

if ($_SESSION['OCS']['profile']->getRestriction('TELEDIFF_VISIBLE', 'YES') == "YES") {
    $sql_download .= " where d_a.comment not like '%[VISIBLE=0]%'";
$sql_download .= " order by 2";
$opt3Select = array("DEVICES-DOWNLOAD" => $sort_list_3Select["DEVICES-DOWNLOAD"], "DEVICES-DOWNLOAD-SQL1" => $sql_download, "DEVICES-DOWNLOAD-SQL2" => "select '***" . $l->g(509) . "***' as 'NAME' union select '***" . $l->g(548) . "***' union select '***" . $l->g(956) . "***' union select '***" . $l->g(957) . "***' union select '" . $l->g(482) . "' union select distinct TVALUE from devices where name='DOWNLOAD' and tvalue!='' order by 1", "DEVICES-DOWNLOAD-SELECT" => array('exact' => $l->g(507), 'diff' => $l->g(508)));
$optArray = array_merge($optSelectField, $opt2SelectField, $opt2Select, $optSelect, $optSelect2Field, $opt3Select);
$sort_list = array_merge($sort_accountinfo, $sort_list, $sort_list_3Select, $sort_list_Select2Field, $sort_list_2Select, $sort_list_2SelectField, $sort_list_Select);
$optArray_trait[$l->g(32)] = "... " . $l->g(32) . " ...";
foreach ($sort_list as $key => $value) {
    $optArray_trait[$key] = ucfirst($value);
$protectedPost['multiSearch'] = $l->g(32);
$aff_field_search = $l->g(31) . ": " . show_modif($optArray_trait, 'multiSearch', 2, $form_name, array('DEFAULT' => 'NO'));
$aff_field_search .= "<img src='image/delete-small.png' onclick='pag(\"ok\",\"reset\",\"" . $form_name . "\");' alt='" . $l->g(41) . "' style='margin-left:20px'>";
echo "<div class='mlt_bordure'>";
echo "<div class='field'>" . $aff_field_search . "</div>";
if (isset($_SESSION['OCS']['multiSearch']) and $_SESSION['OCS']['multiSearch'] != null) {
    $c = 0;
    foreach ($_SESSION['OCS']['multiSearch'] as $k => $v) {
        if (!isset($alreadyExist[$v])) {
            $alreadyExist[$v] = 'YES';
            $ajout = '';
        } else {
            $ajout = $v;
        $color = $c % 2 == 0 ? "#F2F2F2" : "#FFFFFF";
        show_ligne($v, $color, $k, $ajout, $form_name);
Пример #27
echo "<tr><td align =center colspan=10>";
if (isset($protectedPost['CHOISE']) and $protectedPost['CHOISE'] != "") {
    echo $select;
    echo "</td></tr>";
    //if user want give up or go out of the group
    if ($protectedPost['NEW_RAZ'] == "RAZ" or $protectedPost['NEW_RAZ'] == "ADD") {
        $List = $all_groups;
    if ($protectedPost['NEW_RAZ'] == "DEL") {
        $List = $groupDelList;
    if ($protectedPost['NEW_RAZ'] == "NEW") {
        $nom = show_modif($protectedPost['NAME_GROUP'], 'NAME_GROUP', 0, '');
        $lbl = show_modif($protectedPost['LBL_GROUP'], 'LBL_GROUP', 1, '');
        $addgroup = "<tr><td align=center>" . $l->g(49) . ":</td><td align=left>" . $nom . "</td></tr>";
        $addgroup .= "<tr><td align=center>" . $l->g(53) . ":</td><td align=left>" . $lbl . "</td></tr>";
        $addgroup .= $valid;
        echo $addgroup;
    if ($protectedPost['NEW_RAZ'] == "RAZ" or $protectedPost['NEW_RAZ'] == "DEL" or $protectedPost['NEW_RAZ'] == "ADD") {
        $select = show_modif($List, 'group_list', 2, '');
        //list of choise
        $groupList = "<tr><td align =center>";
        $groupList .= $select;
        $groupList .= "</td></tr>";
        $groupList .= $valid;
        echo $groupList;
echo "</td></tr></table>";
echo close_form();