* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ $mainposts_per_page = get_config('mainposts_per_page'); $CoreNews = new CoreNews(); $num_items = $CoreNews->news_count(); // inicjowanie funkcji stronnicuj�cej wpisy $pagination = pagination($CoreRewrite->pagination($rewrite), $mainposts_per_page, $num_items); // definiujemy blok dynamiczny szablonu $ft->define_dynamic('note_row', 'rows'); $ft->define_dynamic('cat_row', 'rows'); $CoreNews->news_list(null); if (count($CoreNews->news)) { foreach ($CoreNews->news as $news) { $id = $news->get_id(); list_assigned_categories($id); $text = show_me_more($news->get_text()); $text = preg_replace("/\\[code:\"?([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_\\+\\#\$\\%]+)\"?\\](.*?)\\[\\/code\\]/sie", "highlighter('\\2', '\\1')", $text); $ft->assign(array('DATE' => date($date_format, $news->get_timestamp()), 'NEWS_TITLE' => $news->get_title(), 'NEWS_TEXT' => $text, 'NEWS_AUTHOR' => $news->get_author(), 'NEWS_ID' => $id, 'NEWS_CATEGORY' => '', 'PERMA_LINK' => $CoreRewrite->permanent_news($id, $rewrite), 'PAGINATED' => !empty($pagination['page_string']) ? true : false, 'STRING' => $pagination['page_string'])); get_comments_link($news->get_comments_allow(), 0, $id); //TODO $ft->assign('RETURN', ''); $ft->parse('MAIN', '.note_row'); } } else { // Obs�uga b��du, kiedy w bazie danych nie ma jeszcze �adnego wpisu $ft->assign(array('QUERY_FAILED' => $i18n['main_view'][1], 'STRING' => '', 'PAGINATED' => false, 'MOVE_BACK' => false, 'MOVE_FORWARD' => false)); $ft->parse('MAIN', '.query_failed'); }
$ft->define_dynamic("note_row", "rows"); $ft->define_dynamic("cat_row", "rows"); // Sprawdzamy, czy w bazie danych s± ju¿ jakie¶ wpisy if ($db->num_rows() > 0) { while ($db->next_record()) { $date = date($date_format, $db->f("date")); $title = $db->f("title"); $text = $db->f("text"); $author = $db->f("author"); $id = $db->f("id"); $c_id = $db->f("c_id"); $image = $db->f("image"); $comments_allow = $db->f("comments_allow"); $comments = $db->f("comments"); list_assigned_categories($id); $perma_link = (bool) $rewrite ? sprintf('1,%s,1,item.html', $id) : 'index.php?p=1&id=' . $id; $text = highlighter($text, '<code>', '</code>'); $text = show_me_more($text); $ft->assign(array('DATE' => $date, 'NEWS_TITLE' => $title, 'NEWS_TEXT' => $text, 'NEWS_AUTHOR' => $author, 'NEWS_ID' => $id, 'NEWS_CATEGORY' => $c_id, 'PERMA_LINK' => $perma_link, 'PAGINATED' => !empty($pagination['page_string']) ? true : false, 'STRING' => $pagination['page_string'])); get_comments_link($comments_allow, $comments, $id); get_image_status($image, $id); $ft->assign('RETURN', ''); $ft->parse('MAIN', ".note_row"); } // Parsowanie elementów poza DYNAMIC BLOCK :: fixed $ft->parse('MAIN', "rows"); } else { // Obs³uga b³êdu, kiedy w bazie danych nie ma jeszcze ¿adnego wpisu $ft->assign(array('QUERY_FAILED' => $i18n['main_view'][1], 'STRING' => '', 'PAGINATED' => false, 'MOVE_BACK' => false, 'MOVE_FORWARD' => false)); $ft->parse('MAIN', ".query_failed"); }