<input type='hidden' name='_uploadNum' value='<?php echo $row['num']; ?> ' class='_uploadNum' /> <img src="lib/images/drag.gif" height="6" width="19" class='dragger' title='<?php et('Click and drag to change order.'); ?> ' alt='' /><br/> </td> <?php } ?> <td width="60" style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; padding: 2px;"> <?php showUploadPreview($row, 50); ?> </td> <td width="260" style="vertical-align: top" valign="top"> <?php echo $row['_infoFields']; ?> <?php et('Filename:'); ?> <?php echo htmlencode(pathinfo($row['filePath'], PATHINFO_BASENAME)); ?> </td> <?php if (@$_REQUEST['formType'] != 'view') {
function _getColumnDisplayValueAndAttributes($fieldname, &$record) { global $schema, $tableName; $fieldValue = @$record[$fieldname]; $fieldSchema = @$schema[$fieldname]; if ($fieldSchema) { $fieldSchema['name'] = $fieldname; } // default display value and attribute if (!is_array($fieldValue)) { $fieldValue = htmlencode($fieldValue); } $displayValue = $fieldValue; $tdAttributes = "style='text-align:left'"; // date fields $isSpecialDatefield = in_array($fieldname, array('createdDate', 'updatedDate')); if (@$fieldSchema['type'] == 'date' || $isSpecialDatefield) { $showSeconds = @$fieldSchema['showSeconds']; $showTime = @$fieldSchema['showTime']; $use24Hour = @$fieldSchema['use24HourFormat']; // settings for createdDate and updatedDate if ($isSpecialDatefield) { $showSeconds = true; $showTime = true; $use24Hour = true; } $secondsFormat = ''; if ($showSeconds) { $secondsFormat = ':s'; } $timeFormat = ''; if ($showTime) { if ($use24Hour) { $timeFormat = " - H:i{$secondsFormat}"; } else { $timeFormat = " - h:i{$secondsFormat} A"; } } $dateFormat = ''; $dayMonthOrder = @$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['dateFormat']; if ($dayMonthOrder == 'dmy') { $dateFormat = "jS M, Y" . $timeFormat; } elseif ($dayMonthOrder == 'mdy') { $dateFormat = "M jS, Y" . $timeFormat; } else { $dateFormat = "Y-m-d" . $timeFormat; } $displayValue = date($dateFormat, strtotime($fieldValue)); if (!$fieldValue || $fieldValue == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $displayValue = ''; } } // dragSortOrder fields if ($fieldname == 'dragSortOrder') { if (!userHasFieldAccess($schema[$fieldname])) { return; } // skip fields that the user has no access to $tdAttributes = "class='dragger'"; $displayValue = "<input type='hidden' name='_recordNum' value='{$record['num']}' class='_recordNum' />"; $displayValue .= "<img src='lib/images/drag.gif' height='6' width='19' class='dragger' title='" . t('Click and drag to change order.') . "' alt='' /><br/>"; } // Category Section: name fields - pad category names to their depth $isCategorySection = @$schema['menuType'] == 'category' && $fieldname == 'name'; if ($isCategorySection) { $depth = @$record["depth"]; $parentNum = @$record["parentNum"]; //$displayValue = "<input type='hidden' name='_recordNum' value='{$record['num']}' class='_recordNum' />"; //$displayValue .= "<input type='hidden' value='$fieldValue' class='_categoryName' />"; //$displayValue .= "<input type='hidden' value='$depth' class='_categoryDepth' />"; $displayValue = "<input type='hidden' value='{$parentNum}' class='_categoryParent' />"; //$displayValue .= "<img style='float:left' src='lib/images/drag.gif' height='6' width='19' class='dragHandle' title='" . // t('Click and drag to change order.'). // "' alt='' />"; if (@$record['depth']) { $padding = str_repeat(" ", @$record['depth']); $displayValue .= $padding . ' - '; } $displayValue .= $fieldValue; } // display first thumbnail for upload fields if (@$fieldSchema['type'] == 'upload') { $displayValue = ''; $upload = @$record[$fieldname][0]; if ($upload) { ob_start(); showUploadPreview($upload, 50); $displayValue = ob_get_clean(); } } // display labels for list fields #if (@$fieldSchema['type'] == 'list' && $suffix == 'label') { // require ":label" field suffix in future to show labels, just do it automatic for now though. if (@$fieldSchema['type'] == 'list') { $displayValue = _getListOptionLabelByValue($fieldSchema, $record); } // display labels for checkboxes if (@$fieldSchema['type'] == 'checkbox') { if (@$fieldSchema['checkedValue'] || @$fieldSchema['uncheckedValue']) { $displayValue = $fieldValue ? @$fieldSchema['checkedValue'] : @$fieldSchema['uncheckedValue']; } } // v2.50 - display formatted textbox content if (@$fieldSchema['type'] == 'textbox') { if ($fieldSchema['autoFormat']) { $displayValue = @$record[$fieldname]; // overwrite previous htmlencoded value $displayValue = preg_replace("/<br\\s*\\/?>\r?\n/", "\n", $displayValue); // remove autoformat break tags $displayValue = htmlencode($displayValue); // html encode content } $displayValue = nl2br($displayValue); // re-add break tags after nextlines } // return display value return array($displayValue, $tdAttributes); }
?> </th> </tr> </thead> <!-- table rows --> <?php $uploadCount = 0; $uploadRecords = getUploadRecords($tableName, $_REQUEST['fieldName'], @$_REQUEST['num'], @$_REQUEST['preSaveTempId'], @$_REQUEST['uploadNums']); foreach ($uploadRecords as $uploadRecord) { $uploadCount++; ?> <tr> <td style="padding: 2px; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;"> <?php showUploadPreview($uploadRecord, 150); ?> </td> <td style="padding: 10px; vertical-align: top" valign="top"> <input type="hidden" name="uploadNums[]" value="<?php echo $uploadRecord['num']; ?> " /> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td height="23"><?php et('Filename:'); ?> </td> <td><?php