Пример #1
 public function vote()
     if (!POST("answer")) {
         showAlert("You must select an answer", _webBase);
     showAlert("Thanks for your vote", _webBase);
Пример #2
function connectDB()
    $host = 'localhost';
    $user = '******';
    $pass = '******';
    $database = 'blogs';
    @($mysqli = new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, $database));
    if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
        showAlert("error", "Database error");
    return $mysqli;
Пример #3
 } else {
     if ($_GET['check'] == true) {
         $login = $_POST['login'];
         $pass = sha1($_POST['pass']);
         $mysqli = connectDB();
         $checkUser = $mysqli->query("SELECT user_id, password FROM users WHERE username = '******'");
         if ($checkUser->num_rows > 0) {
             $row = $checkUser->fetch_object();
         if (isset($row) && $row->password == $pass) {
             $_SESSION['uid'] = $row->user_id;
             $success = true;
             header("Location: index.php");
         } else {
             showAlert("error", "Wrong username or password");
 if (!$success) {
     echo '<div class="bgdiv" style="width:280px;padding:0px;margin: 0 auto;">';
     echo '	<div class="lab_title" style="box-shadow:none;">';
     echo '		Log in';
     echo '	</div>';
     echo '	<form action="?page=user&amp;action=login&amp;check=true" method="post">';
     echo '		<table style="margin: 0 auto;width: 180px; text-align: left;">';
     echo '			<tr>';
     echo '				<td style="width:50%">';
     echo '  				Username';
     echo '              	<br />';
     echo '              	<input class="text" type="text" name="login" style="width:92%" />';
Пример #4
                    if ($r == TRUE) {
                        showMessage("El dispositivo (" . $mac . ") ha sido desasociado correctamente de la categoría " . $categoria . ".");
                    } else {
                        if (!isset($mens_error)) {
                            $mens_error = "El dispositivo movil no ha desasociado.";
            case 'cerrar_sesion':
                /* Redireccionar a una pagina diferente en el directorio actual de la peticion */
                $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
                $uri = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\');
                $extra = 'index.php';
                header("Location: http://{$host}{$uri}/{$extra}");
        if (isset($mens_error)) {
    } else {
        showAlert("El WebService no se encuentra disponible.");
Пример #5
    } else {
        $alerts[] = showAlert("There was a problem adding your new email template. An alert has been dispatched to the system administrator.", "alert_negative");
        // sysadmin contact function pending
// edit email template
if (isset_or($_REQUEST['edit_template'])) {
    $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['email_name']);
    $subject = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['email_subject']);
    $body = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_REQUEST['email_body']));
    $template_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['template_id']);
    $result = $db->query("UPDATE email_templates SET name = '{$name}', subject = '{$subject}', body = '{$body}' WHERE id = '{$template_id}'");
    if ($result) {
        $alerts[] = showAlert("Email template edited successfully!", "alert_positive");
    } else {
        $alerts[] = showAlert("There was a problem editing your email template. An alert has been dispatched to the system administrator.", "alert_negative");
        // sysadmin contact function pending
$template_id = mysql_real_escape_string(route(1));
if ($template_id) {
    $editing = $db->queryUniqueObject("SELECT * FROM email_templates WHERE id = '{$template_id}'");
$emails = $db->query("SELECT * FROM email_templates");
$stylesheets = array("css/validationEngine.jquery.css");
$scripts = array("js/jquery.validationEngine.js", "js/jquery.validationEngine-en.js");
$title = "Email Templates";
include "head.php";

	<div id="content">
Пример #6
} elseif (!empty($_GET['token'])) {
    // user activation
    require_once INC_DIR . 'dbconn.php';
    if ($user = $db->getRow($_GET['token'])) {
        if (!$user['priv']) {
            $res = $db->update(array('priv' => 1), $user['id']);
            if ($res) {
                showAlert('User "' . $user['name'] . '" successfully activated', 1);
        } else {
            showAlert('User already activated');
    } else {
        showAlert('User not found');
} elseif (!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'logout') {
    setcookie('token', '', time() - 1);
$user = null;
if (!isset($authtoken) && isset($_COOKIE['token'])) {
    $authtoken = $_COOKIE['token'];
if (isset($authtoken)) {
    require_once INC_DIR . 'dbconn.php';
    $user = $db->getRow($authtoken);
    if ($user && $user['priv']) {
        $assist = array('newabs' => '+ Add new abstract', 'tools' => '', 'account' => $user['name']);
Пример #7
 public function records($trash = FALSE, $order = NULL)
     $Model = ucfirst(segment(0, isLang())) . "_Model";
     $this->{$Model} = $this->model($Model);
     if (isset($this->{$Model})) {
         if (POST("seek")) {
             $data = $this->{$Model}->cpanel("search", NULL, POST("field") . " " . POST("order"), POST("search"), POST("field"));
             if (!$data) {
                 showAlert("Results not found", path(whichApplication() . "/cpanel/results"));
         } else {
             $start = 0;
             if ($trash) {
                 $start = (segment(4, isLang()) === "page" and segment(5, isLang()) > 0) ? segment(5, isLang()) * _maxLimit - _maxLimit : 0;
             } else {
                 $start = (segment(3, isLang()) === "page" and segment(4, isLang()) > 0) ? segment(4, isLang()) * _maxLimit - _maxLimit : 0;
             $limit = $start . ", " . _maxLimit;
             if (segment(3, isLang()) === "order") {
                 $i = segment(4) ? 3 : 4;
                 $j = segment(4) ? 4 : 5;
                 if (segment($i) === "id") {
                     $field = "ID";
                 } elseif (segment($i) === "end-date") {
                     $field = "End_Date";
                 } elseif (segment($i) === "start-date") {
                     $field = "Start_Date";
                 } elseif (segment($i) === "text-date") {
                     $field = "Text_Date";
                 } else {
                     $field = ucfirst(segment($i));
                 if (segment($j) === "asc") {
                     $data = $this->{$Model}->cpanel("all", $limit, "{$field} ASC", NULL, NULL, $trash);
                 } elseif (segment($j) === "desc") {
                     $data = $this->{$Model}->cpanel("all", $limit, "{$field} DESC", NULL, NULL, $trash);
             } else {
                 $data = $this->{$Model}->cpanel("all", $limit, $order, NULL, NULL, $trash);
         return $data;
     return FALSE;
Пример #8
        $alerts[] = showAlert("There was a problem updating settings", "alert_negative");
$groups = $db->query("SELECT group_id,name FROM user_groups");
if (isset_or($_REQUEST['permSave'])) {
    foreach ($_REQUEST['permissions'] as $group_id => $whatever) {
        //echo $group_id;
        // drop the groups shit
        $db->query("DELETE FROM user_groups_permissions WHERE group_id = '{$group_id}'");
        foreach ($_REQUEST['permissions'][$group_id] as $permission_id => $active) {
            //echo $group_id.">".$permission_id ."\n";
            $result = $db->query("INSERT INTO user_groups_permissions (group_id, permission_id) VALUES ('{$group_id}','{$permission_id}')");
    if ($result) {
        $alerts[] = showAlert("Permissions updated", "alert_positive");
$permission_files = $db->query("SELECT name FROM permissions");
while ($filename = $db->fetchNextObject($permission_files)) {
    $perm_files[] = $filename->name;
$files['_default'] = scandir("./_default");
$allfiles = array();
$allfiles = array_merge($allfiles, $files['_default']);
while ($group = $db->fetchNextObject($groups)) {
    if (is_dir("./" . $group->name)) {
        $files[$group->name] = scandir("./" . $group->name);
        $allfiles = array_merge($allfiles, $files[$group->name]);
Пример #9
 public function vote()
     $ID_Poll = POST("ID_Poll");
     $ID_Answer = POST("answer");
     $IP = getIP();
     $date = now(4);
     $end = $date + 3600;
     $data = $this->Db->findBySQL("ID_Poll = '{$ID_Poll}' AND IP = '{$IP}' AND End_Date > {$date}", "polls_ips");
     if ($data) {
         showAlert("You've previously voted on this poll", _webBase);
     } else {
         $values = "Votes = (Votes) + 1";
         $fields = "ID_Poll, IP, Start_Date, End_Date";
         $values = "'{$ID_Poll}', '{$IP}', '{$date}', '{$end}'";
         $this->Db->table("polls_ips", $fields);
         $insertID2 = $this->Db->save();
         createCookie("ZanPoll", $ID_Poll, 3600);
         showAlert("Thank you for your vote!", _webBase);
     return TRUE;
Пример #10
 public function isToken($token = FALSE, $action = NULL)
     if ($token and isset($action)) {
         $data = $this->Db->findBySQL("Token = '{$token}' AND Action = '{$action}' AND Situation = 'Active'", "tokens");
         if (!$data) {
             showAlert("Invalid Token");
         } else {
             return $data[0]["ID_Token"];
     } else {
         showAlert("Invalid Token");
Пример #11
     } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'edit' && $_REQUEST['booking_id']) {
         $intBookingID = intval($_REQUEST['booking_id']);
         $intBookingActivityID = intval($_REQUEST['booking_activity_id']);
         $intBookingProductID = intval($_REQUEST['booking_product_id']);
         $strAlertContent = 'Booking <strong>"' . $strBookingCode . '"</strong> for <strong>"' . $strSupplierName . '"</strong> is successfully updated!';
         $strLog = 'Booking "' . $strBookingCode . '" for "' . $strSupplierName . '" is successfully updated';
     // elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'edit' && $_REQUEST['booking_id'])
     showAlert($strAlertContent, $intBookingID, $intBookingActivityID, $intBookingProductID);
 } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'delete' && $_REQUEST['booking_id']) {
     $strBookingCode = $db->dbIDToField('mbs_bookings', 'booking_id', $_REQUEST['booking_id'], 'booking_code');
     if ($_REQUEST['booking_activity_id']) {
         // delete booking activities
         $queryActivities = "DELETE FROM `mbs_bookings_activities` WHERE `booking_activity_id` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['booking_activity_id']) . "' LIMIT 1";
         $resultActivities = mysql_query($queryActivities);
         // delete booking activity products
         $queryProduct = "DELETE FROM `mbs_bookings_products` WHERE `booking_activity_id` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['booking_activity_id']) . "'";
         $resultProduct = mysql_query($queryProduct);
         $strAlert = 'Booking activity for "' . $strBookingCode . '" is successfully deleted!';
         #$strAlert .= '<br /><br /><a class="btn" href="booking_list.php">Back</a>';
         $strLog = 'Booking activity for "' . $strBookingCode . '" is successfully deleted.';
     } else {
         // delete booking
         $query = "DELETE FROM `mbs_bookings` WHERE `booking_id` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['booking_id']) . "' LIMIT 1";
Пример #12
    /* // kontrollo fortesine e passwordit
       if(!preg_match('/^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Za-z])[0-9A-Za-z!@#$%]{8,30}$/', $_POST["newPassword"])) 
           showAlert("Fjalëkalimi nuk plotëson kushtet.");
           render("change_password.php", ["title" => "Ndërro fjalëkalimin"]);
       } */
    // kontrollo nese passwordi i ri eshte i ndryshem nga i pari
    if ($_POST["newPassword"] == $_POST["currPassword"]) {
        showAlert("Fjalëkalimi i ri duhet të jetë i ndryshëm nga i vjetri!");
        render("change_password.php", ["title" => "Ndërro fjalëkalimin"]);
    // merr kodin hash te passwordit aktual
    if (($result = query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"])) === false) {
        apologize("Nuk mund të verifikohet fjalëkalimi për momentin. Provoni përsëri.");
    // verifiko passwordin
    if (!password_verify($_POST["currPassword"], $result[0]["password"])) {
        showAlert("Fjalëkalimi është i gabuar!");
        render("change_password.php", ["title" => "Ndërro fjalëkalimin"]);
    // nderro passwordin
    if (query("UPDATE users SET password = ? WHERE id = ?", password_hash($_POST["newPassword"], PASSWORD_DEFAULT), $_SESSION["id"]) === false) {
        apologize("Nuk mund të ndryshohet fjalëkalimi për momentin. Provoni përsëri.");
    // nese cdo gje shkon mire, shko tek faqja kryesore
Пример #13
 public function getPath($path, $option = NULL, $types = FALSE)
     $this->Files = $this->core("Files");
     $dir = @dir($path);
     $options = NULL;
     if (!$dir) {
         showAlert("Uploads directories does not exists", path("cpanel"));
     while ($element = $dir->read()) {
         $directory = $path . $element . _sh;
         if ($element !== "." and $element !== ".." and !is_dir($directory)) {
             if ($element !== "cpanel" and $element !== "config") {
                 if ($types) {
                     if ($element === $option) {
                         $options[] = '<option selected="selected">' . encode($element) . '</option>';
                     } else {
                         $options[] = '<option>' . $element . '</option>';
                 } else {
                     $file = $this->Files->getFileInformation($element);
                     if ($this->type === "documents") {
                         if ($file["type"] === "document") {
                             $options[] = encode($element);
                     } elseif ($this->type === "images") {
                         if ($file["type"] === "image") {
                             $options[] = encode($element);
     return $options;
Пример #14
    $_POST['home_based'] = isset_or($_POST['home_based'], 0);
    $_POST['relocatable'] = isset_or($_POST['relocatable'], 0);
    $_POST['franchise'] = isset_or($_POST['franchise'], 0);
    $listing_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['listing_id']);
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        if (in_array($key, $listing_fields)) {
            $input_values[] = $key . "='" . isset_or(mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST[$key]))) . "'";
    $insert_data = implode(",", $input_values);
    $query = "UPDATE listings SET {$insert_data} WHERE id = '{$listing_id}'";
    $result = $db->query($query);
    if ($result) {
        echo showAlert("Your listing has been updated!", "positive");
    } else {
        echo showAlert("There was a problem updating your listing.", "negative");
if (isset_or($_REQUEST['doListingContact'])) {
    // get the listing id and the user_id of person who listed it
    $listing_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['listing_id']);
    $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['name']);
    $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['email']);
    $phone = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['phone']);
    $message = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['message']);
    $listing_info = $db->queryUniqueObject("SELECT l.headline, u.* FROM listings l\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN users u ON u.id = l.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE l.id = '{$listing_id}'");
    $user_exists = $db->queryUniqueValue("SELECT id FROM users WHERE email = '{$email}'");
    $emailTemplate = new EmailTemplate();
    // Create an instance for new user from contact form
    if ($user_exists == null) {
        // user doesn't exist so add them
Пример #15
	<div class="col-lg-12">

	<div class="row navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top">
		<div class="container">
			<div class="navbar-header">
				<span class="navbar-brand">Store</span>				
				<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
					<li role="presentation"><a href="index.php"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></span> Home</a></li>
					<li role="presentation"><a href="retrieve.php">Products List</a></li>
					<li role="presentation"><a href="create.php">Register Products</a></li>
					<li role="presentation"><a href="contact.php">Contact</a></li>

				<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
					<li role="presentation"><a href="logout.php" class="navbar-link"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-off"></span></a></li>

	<div class="container">
		<div id="principal">

Пример #16
/* Sherben per te menaxhuar shtimin e notave per studentet */
// konfigurimi
require "/../site_folders/includes/config.php";
// nese faqja eshte arritur nepermjet GET (link ose redirect)
} else {
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
        // hap nje forme per te kerkuar numrin e notave
        if ($_POST["option"] == "choose") {
            render("addgrades_choose.php", ["title" => "Shto nota"]);
        } elseif ($_POST["option"] == "add") {
            // kontrollo nese numri i lendeve eshte i vlefshem
            if (!preg_match("/^[1-9][0-9]*\$/", $_POST["nrLende"])) {
                showAlert("Numri i lëndëve është i pavlefshëm.");
                // nese jo, rishfaq formen
                if ($_SESSION["type"] == "student") {
                    render("addgrades_choose.php", ["title" => "Shto nota"]);
                } elseif ($_SESSION["type"] == "admin") {
                    render("addgrades_choose.php", ["title" => "Shto nota", "id" => $_POST["id"]]);
            render("addgrades_add.php", ["title" => "Shto nota", "nrLende" => $_POST["nrLende"]]);
        } elseif ($_POST["option"] == "publish") {
            for ($i = 0; $i < intval($_POST["nrLende"]); $i++) {
                // kontrollo nese jane vendosur vlera per lenden dhe noten
                if ($_POST["lenda" . $i] != "" && $_POST["nota" . $i] != "") {
                    // ekzekuto query
                    if (query("INSERT INTO nota (id_student, lenda, nota) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", $_SESSION["type"] == "admin" ? $_POST["id"] : $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["lenda" . $i], intval($_POST["nota" . $i])) === false) {
Пример #17
 private function slug()
     $this->Comments_Model = $this->model("Comments_Model");
     $this->CSS("posts", $this->application);
     $this->CSS("comments", $this->application);
     if (POST("post-comment")) {
         $alert = $this->Comments_Model->saveComments();
     } else {
         $alert = FALSE;
     $data = $this->Blog_Model->getPost(segment(5), segment(2), segment(3), segment(4));
     $year = isYear(segment(2)) ? segment(2) : NULL;
     $month = isMonth(segment(3)) ? segment(3) : NULL;
     $day = isDay(segment(4)) ? segment(4) : NULL;
     $URL = path("blog/{$year}/{$month}/{$day}/" . segment(5));
     $vars["alert"] = $alert;
     $vars["ID_Post"] = $data[0]["post"][0]["ID_Post"];
     $vars["dataTags"] = $data[0]["tags"];
     $vars["post"] = $data[0]["post"][0];
     $vars["dataCategories"] = $data[0]["categories"];
     $vars["dataComments"] = $data[0]["comments"];
     $vars["URL"] = $URL;
     if ($data) {
         if ($data[0]["post"][0]["Pwd"] === "") {
             $vars["view"][0] = $this->view("post", TRUE);
             if ($data[0]["post"][0]["Enable_Comments"]) {
                 $vars["view"][1] = $this->view("comments", TRUE);
         } elseif (POST("access")) {
             if (POST("password", "encrypt") === POST("pwd")) {
                 if (!SESSION("access-id")) {
                     SESSION("access-id", $data[0]["post"][0]["ID_Post"]);
                 } else {
                     SESSION("access-id", $data[0]["post"][0]["ID_Post"]);
             } else {
                 showAlert("Incorrect password", _webBase . _sh . _webLang . _sh . _blog);
         } elseif (!SESSION("access-id") and strlen($data[0]["post"][0]["Pwd"]) === 40 and !POST("access")) {
             $vars["password"] = $data[0]["post"][0]["Pwd"];
             $vars["view"] = $this->view("access", TRUE);
         } elseif (SESSION("access-id") === $data[0]["post"][0]["ID_Post"]) {
             $vars["view"][0] = $this->view("post", TRUE);
             if ($data[0]["post"][0]["Enable_Comments"] === "Yes") {
                 $vars["view"][1] = $this->view("comments", TRUE);
         } elseif (SESSION("access-id") and SESSION("access-id") !== $data[0]["post"][0]["ID_Post"]) {
             $vars["password"] = $data[0]["post"][0]["Pwd"];
             $vars["view"] = $this->view("access", TRUE);
         $this->template("content", $vars);
     } else {
Пример #18
    echo '		</tr>';
    echo '	</table>';
    echo '</form>';
    echo '<hr style="width:80%;" />';
    if ($result = $mysqli->query("SELECT a.title, a.blog_id, a.create_date, IFNULL(b.posts,0) AS posts FROM blogs a LEFT OUTER JOIN \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT blog_id, count(*) AS posts FROM posts GROUP BY blog_id) b ON a.blog_id=b.blog_id WHERE a.user_id='" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "' ORDER BY title;")) {
        if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
            echo '<table style="width:80%; margin: 0 auto;">';
            echo '	<tr>';
            echo '		<th>Title</th>';
            echo '		<th style="width:160px;">Added</th>';
            echo '		<th style="width:60px;">Posts</th>';
            echo '		<th style="width:40px;"></th>';
            echo '	</tr>';
            while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
                echo '	<tr>';
                echo '		<td style="text-align:left;">' . $row->title . '</td>';
                echo '		<td>' . $row->create_date . '</td>';
                echo '		<td>' . $row->posts . '</td>';
                echo '		<td><a href="?page=edit&amp;action=editBlog&amp;blog_id=' . $row->blog_id . '"><input type="button" class="button" value="Edit" /></a></td>';
                echo '	</tr>';
            echo '</table>';
        } else {
            showAlert("block", "You don't have any blogs");
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
} else {
    header("Location: index.php");
Пример #19

if (!empty($_POST['vol']) && count($_POST) > 2) {
    require_once INC_DIR . 'dbconn.php';
    if ($user && $user['priv'] > 1) {
        $aid = $_POST['vol'] . '(' . $_POST['issue'] . '): ' . $_POST['page'] . '-' . $_POST['end_page'];
        if (isset($_POST['update'])) {
            $res = $db->update($_POST['update'], array_intersect_key($_POST, array_flip(array('vol', 'issue', 'page'))), TBL_CON);
            showAlert('Record <i>' . implode(', ', array_keys($_POST['update'])) . '</i> in ' . $aid . ($res ? ' successfully updated' : ' failed updating'), $res);
        } else {
            $res = $db->insert($_POST, TBL_CON);
            showAlert($res ? 'Article ' . $aid . ' added successfully.' : 'Failed adding article ' . $aid . '. Duplicate entry?', $res);
    } else {
        showAlert('You do not have enough privileges to perform the action');
Пример #20
require "/../site_folders/includes/config.php";
// nese faqja eshte arritur nepermjet GET (link ose redirect)
    render("change_password_admin.php", ["title" => "Ndrysho fjalëkalimin"]);
} elseif ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
    // kontrollo nese te gjitha fushat jane te plotesuara
    foreach ($_POST as $value) {
        if (empty($value)) {
            showAlert("Ju lutemi, plotësoni të gjitha fushat!");
            render("change_password_admin.php", ["title" => "Ndërro fjalëkalimin", "id" => $_POST["id"]]);
    // kontrollo nese passwordet perputhen
    if ($_POST["newPassword"] != $_POST["confirmPassword"]) {
        showAlert("Fjalëkalimet nuk përputhen!");
        render("change_password_admin.php", ["title" => "Ndërro fjalëkalimin", "id" => $_POST["id"]]);
    /* // kontrollo fortesine e passwordit
       if(!preg_match('/^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Za-z])[0-9A-Za-z!@#$%]{8,30}$/', $_POST["newPassword"])) 
           showAlert("Fjalëkalimi nuk plotëson kushtet.");
           render("change_password_admin.php", ["title" => "Ndërro fjalëkalimin"]);
       } */
    // hidh passwordin e ri ne databaze
    if (query("UPDATE users SET password = ? WHERE id = ?", password_hash($_POST["newPassword"], PASSWORD_DEFAULT), $_POST["id"]) === false) {
        apologize("Nuk mund të ndryshohet fjalëkalimi për momentin. Provoni përsëri.");
    // nese gjithcka shkon mire
Пример #21

if (isset($_GET['add'])) {
    if (!empty($_POST['nomor'])) {
        $db->exec("insert into t_warga(X,Y,blok_rumah,nomor_rumah,nama_suami,telepon_suami,nama_istri,telepon_istri,tgl_masuk)\n\t\tValues(0,0,'" . $_POST['blok'] . "','" . $_POST['nomor'] . "','" . $db->escapeString($_POST['suami']) . "','" . $_POST['hp1'] . "'\n\t\t,'" . $db->escapeString($_POST['istri']) . "','" . $_POST['hp2'] . "','" . time() . "');");
    } else {
        showAlert("Mohon isi nomor rumah", "danger");
<div class="row">
    <form id="blokSubmit" role="form" class="form"  action="./" method="get" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
if ($config->Gunakan_Blok == 'true') {
    <div class="col-sm-4">
        <select class="form-control input-sm" id="blok" name="blok" onChange="document.getElementById('blokSubmit').submit()">
        <option value="" <?php 
    if (empty($_GET['blok'])) {
        echo 'selected';
>--pilih blok--</option>
        <option value="all" <?php 
    if ($_GET['blok'] == 'all') {
        echo 'selected';
Пример #22
 public function login($from = "users")
     if (segment(3)) {
         $from = segment(3);
     if ($from === "forums") {
         $this->CSS("loginforums", TRUE);
     } else {
         $this->CSS("login", $this->application);
     if (POST("connect")) {
         if ($this->Users_Model->isAdmin() or $this->Users_Model->isMember()) {
             $user = $this->Users_Model->getUserData();
         } else {
             $user = FALSE;
         if ($user) {
             SESSION("ZanUser", $user[0]["Username"]);
             SESSION("ZanUserPwd", $user[0]["Password"]);
             SESSION("ZanUserGod", $user[0]["God"]);
             SESSION("ZanUserID", $user[0]["ID_User"]);
             SESSION("ZanUserPrivilegeID", $user[0]["ID_Privilege"]);
             SESSION("ZanUserPrivilege", $user[0]["Privilege"]);
             if ($from === "forums") {
                 $vars["success"] = TRUE;
                 $vars["view"] = $this->view("login", $vars);
             } else {
         } elseif ($from === "cpanel") {
             showAlert("Incorrect Login", path("cpanel"));
         } else {
             if ($from === "forums") {
                 $vars["href"] = path("users" . _sh . "login" . _sh . $from);
                 $vars["noregister"] = TRUE;
                 $vars["alert"] = getAlert("Incorrect Login");
                 $vars["view"] = $this->view("login", $vars);
             } else {
                 $vars["href"] = path("users" . _sh . "login");
                 $vars["alert"] = getAlert("Incorrect Login");
                 $vars["view"] = $this->view("login", TRUE);
     } else {
         if ($from === "forums") {
             $vars["href"] = path("users" . _sh . "login" . _sh . $from);
             $vars["noregister"] = TRUE;
             $vars["view"] = $this->view("login", $vars);
         } else {
             $vars["href"] = path("users" . _sh . "login");
             $vars["view"] = $this->view("login", TRUE);
     $this->render("content", $vars);
Пример #23
    if (!empty($_POST['topik']) && !empty($_POST['topik'])) {
        if ($do == 'tambahkan') {
            if ($db->exec("insert into t_sms(topik_sms,isi_sms,terakhir_dikirim,tanggal_dibuat)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues('" . $db->escapeString($_POST['topik']) . "','" . $db->escapeString($_POST['sms']) . "',0," . time() . ");")) {
                showAlert("SMS berhasil ditambahkan", 'success');
            } else {
                showAlert("SMS gagal ditambahkan.<br>" . $db->lastErrorMsg, 'danger');
        } else {
            if ($db->exec("update t_sms set topik_sms='" . $db->escapeString($_POST['topik']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tisi_sms='" . $db->escapeString($_POST['sms']) . "' where id_sms={$id}")) {
                showAlert("SMS berhasil diubah", 'success');
            } else {
                showAlert("SMS gagal diubah.<br>" . $db->lastErrorMsg, 'danger');
    } else {
        showAlert("Mohon isi semua data", 'danger');
$SMS = array();
if (!empty($id)) {
    $SMS = $db->querySingle("select isi_sms,topik_sms from t_sms where id_sms={$id}", true);
    <form role="form" action="?apa=<?php 
echo $apa;
echo $do;
echo $id;
Пример #24
                // shfaq nje alert dhe rishfaq formularin
                showAlert("Duhet të jepni fjalëkalimin.");
                renderNoMenu("login_form.php", ["title" => "Hyr"]);
            } else {
                // ekzekuto query
                if (($rows = query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?", $_POST["username"])) === false) {
                    apologize("Nuk mund të kryhet verifikimi. Provoni sërish.");
                // nese u gjet perdoruesi, kontrollo fjalekalimin
                if (count($rows) == 1) {
                    // rreshti i pare (dhe i vetem)
                    $row = $rows[0];
                    // krahaso hash-in e passwordit te dhene nga perdoruesi me ate te databazes
                    if (password_verify($_POST["password"], $row["password"])) {
                        // kujto qe perdoruesi eshte loguar duke ruajtur ID-ne e tij
                        $_SESSION["id"] = $row["id"];
                        // ruaj llojin e perdoruesit
                        $_SESSION["type"] = $row["type"];
                        // ruaj username
                        $_SESSION["username"] = $row["username"];
                        // shko tek faqja kryesore
                // nese te dhenat nuk jane te sakta, shfaq nje alert dhe rishfaq formularin
                showAlert("Përdorues ose fjalëkalim i gabuar.");
                renderNoMenu("login_form.php", ["title" => "Hyr", "username" => $_POST["username"]]);
Пример #25
     if ($key != "pershkrimi" && $key != "kualifikimet") {
         if (empty($value)) {
             // nese ka fusha te paplotesuara, shfaq alert dhe rishfaq formen
             showAlert("Ju lutemi, plotësoni të gjitha fushat e kërkuara!");
             render("edit_njoftim.php", ["title" => "Modifiko njoftimin", "fields" => $_POST]);
             // shko tek elementi i pare i paplotesuar
             echo "<script>";
             echo "document.getElementById('myForm').{$key}.focus()";
             echo "</script>";
 // kontrollo nese data eshte ne format te rregullt
 if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}\$/", $_POST["afati"])) {
     showAlert("Datë e pavlefshme!");
     render("edit_njoftim.php", ["title" => "Modifiko njoftimin", "fields" => $_POST]);
     // shko tek fusha e dates
     echo "<script>";
     echo "document.getElementById('myForm').afati.focus()";
     echo "</script>";
 // hidh njoftimin e ri ne databaze
 if (query("INSERT INTO njoftime (id_kompani, pozicioni, qyteti, adresa, pershkrimi, kualifikimet, data_publikimit, afati)" . "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CURDATE(), ?)", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["pozicioni"], $_POST["qyteti"], $_POST["adresa"], $_POST["pershkrimi"], $_POST["kualifikimet"], $_POST["afati"]) === false) {
     apologize("Nuk mund të krijohet njoftimi për momentin. Provoni sërish më vonë.");
 // gjej id-ne e fundit te shtuar tek tabela njoftime
 $rows = query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS id_njoftim");
 // nese cdo gje shkon mire, shko tek njoftimi
 redirect("/jobs.php?show=selected&id_njoftim=" . $rows[0]["id_njoftim"]);
Пример #26

 Copyright 2010 Ángel Daniel Sanjuán Espejo, David Armenteros Escabias.
 This file is part of BluFeedMe.
  BluFeedMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require_once "UI.php";
if (isset($_POST['error'])) {
Пример #27
if ($_GET['do'] == 'geser') {
    if ($_POST['fromX'] + $_POST['geserX'] < 0) {
        showAlert("Hasil geser tidak boleh kurang dari nol", "warning");
    } else {
        if ($_POST['fromY'] + $_POST['geserY'] < 0) {
            showAlert("Hasil geser tidak boleh kurang dari nol", "warning");
        } else {
            $db->exec("update t_warga SET X=(X+" . $_POST['geserX'] . "), Y=(Y+" . $_POST['geserY'] . "),last_update=" . time() . " where X>=" . $_POST['fromX'] . " and Y>=" . $_POST['fromY']);
if ($_GET['do'] == 'add') {
    if (!empty($_POST['blok']) && !empty($_POST['nomor'])) {
        $db->exec("insert into t_warga(X,Y,blok_rumah,nomor_rumah,nama_suami,tgl_keluar) values(" . $_POST['X'] . "," . $_POST['Y'] . ",'" . $_POST['blok'] . "','" . $_POST['nomor'] . "','belum',0)");
    } else {
        showAlert("Mohon isi blok dan nomor rumah", "warning");
$maxX = $db->querySingle('SELECT max(`X`) as mx FROM t_warga', false);
$maxY = $db->querySingle('SELECT max(`Y`) as mx FROM t_warga', false);
$hasil = $db->query("SELECT `X`, `Y`, `blok_rumah`, `nomor_rumah`,nama_suami FROM t_warga");
$data = array();
while ($row = $hasil->fetchArray()) {
    $data[$row['X']][$row['Y']] = array("Blok" => $row["blok_rumah"], "Nomor" => $row["nomor_rumah"], "Suami" => $row["nama_suami"]);
for ($y = 0; $y < $maxY + 2; $y++) {
    echo "<tr>";
    for ($x = 0; $x < $maxX + 2; $x++) {
        if (!empty($data[$x][$y])) {
            if ($data[$x][$y]["Suami"] != 'belum') {
Пример #28
echo conf('app.desc');
                <nav id="site-nav" class="clearfix">
echo app('main-menu')->nav('menu menu-h');
echo app('user-menu')->nav('menu menu-h menu-right');
            <div id="site-contents" class="clearfix">
                <header id="content-header" class="clearfix">
                    <h3 id="page-title"><?php 
echo $heading;
if (isset($toolbar)) {
    echo '<nav id="page-tool" class="clearfix">' . $toolbar->nav('menu menu-h menu-tool') . '</nav>';
                <div id="content-main" class="clearfix">
echo showAlert();
Пример #29
    echo "<script>";
    echo "document.getElementById('myForm').username.focus()";
    echo "</script>";
// shto perdoruesin e ri ne tabelen users
if (query("INSERT INTO users (username, password, type) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", $_POST["username"], password_hash($_POST["password"], PASSWORD_DEFAULT), $_POST["type"]) === false) {
    apologize("Nuk mund të regjistroheni për momentin. Provoni sërish më vonë.");
// gjej id-ne e fundit te shtuar ne databaze
$rows = query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS id");
// nese perdoruesi eshte student
if ($_POST["type"] == "student") {
    // kontrollo moshen
    if (!preg_match("/^[1-9][0-9]\$/", $_POST["mosha"])) {
        showAlert("Moshë e pavlefshme.");
        renderNoMenu("register_" . $_POST["type"] . ".php", ["title" => "Regjistrohu", "fields" => $_POST]);
        // shko tek fusha e moshes
        echo "<script>";
        echo "document.getElementById('myForm').mosha.focus()";
        echo "</script>";
    // shto perdoruesin e ri ne tabelen student
    if (query("INSERT INTO student (id, emri, gjinia, mosha, email, cel) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $rows[0]["id"], $_POST["emri"], $_POST["gjinia"], intval($_POST["mosha"]), $_POST["email"], $_POST["cel"]) === false) {
        apologize("Nuk mund të regjistroheni për momentin. Provoni sërish më vonë.");
} else {
    if ($_POST["type"] == "kompani") {
        // shto perdoruesin e ri ne tabelen kompani
        if (query("INSERT INTO kompani (id, emri_kompani, qyteti, adresa, email, cel, pershkrimi) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $rows[0]["id"], $_POST["emri_kompani"], $_POST["qyteti"], $_POST["adresa"], $_POST["email"], $_POST["cel"], $_POST["pershkrimi"]) === false) {
Пример #30
" />
} else {
		<div class="newTopic">
    if ($action === "save") {
        if ($success > 0) {
            print showAlert("The new topic has been saved correctly", $href);
        } elseif ($success === 0) {
            print showAlert("You need to wait 25 seconds to create a new topic", $hrefE);
        } else {
            print showAlert("Ooops an unexpected problem has ocurred", "reload");
    } else {
        if ($success > 0) {
            print showAlert("The topic has been edited correctly", $href);
        } else {
            print showAlert("Ooops an unexpected problem has ocurred", "reload");