if (!$nuke_db) { $error = "Error. Please configure 'mod_auth_mysql' plugin at aMember CP -> Setup -> mod_auth_mysql"; if (!$_SESSION['check_setup_mod_auth_mysql_error']) { $db->log_error($error); } $_SESSION['check_setup_mod_auth_mysql_error'] = $error; return $error; } return ''; } if (!check_setup_mod_auth_mysql()) { setup_plugin_hook('subscription_added', 'mod_auth_mysql_added'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_updated', 'mod_auth_mysql_updated'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_deleted', 'mod_auth_mysql_deleted'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_removed', 'mod_auth_mysql_removed'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_rebuild', 'mod_auth_mysql_rebuild'); } function mod_auth_mysql_rebuild(&$members) { global $config, $db, $plugin_config; $this_config = $plugin_config['protect']['mod_auth_mysql']; $m_db = $this_config['db']; if ($m_db == '') { return; } /// // $db->query("DELETE FROM $m_db"); /// foreach ($members as $login => $m) { $pwd = crypt($m['pass']); $groups = '';
if (in_array('ikobo', (array) $config['aff']['payout_methods'])) { add_member_field('aff_ikobo_email', _AFF_MEMBER_F3_1, 'text', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); } if (in_array('moneybookers', (array) $config['aff']['payout_methods'])) { add_member_field('aff_moneybookers_email', _AFF_MEMBER_F4_1, 'text', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); } if (in_array('egold', (array) $config['aff']['payout_methods'])) { add_member_field('aff_egold_id', _AFF_MEMBER_F5_1, 'text', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); } if (in_array('check', (array) $config['aff']['payout_methods'])) { add_member_field('aff_check_payable_to', _AFF_MEMBER_F6_1, 'text', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); } if (in_array('safepay', (array) $config['aff']['payout_methods'])) { add_member_field('aff_safepay_email', _AFF_MEMBER_F7_1, 'text', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); } setup_plugin_hook('finish_waiting_payment', 'add_affiliate_commission'); setup_plugin_hook('get_member_links', 'aff_get_member_links'); if ($config['aff']['signup_type'] == 1) { setup_plugin_hook('update_users', 'aff_make_affiliate'); } } function check_aff_signup_email_sent($member_id) { global $db, $config; $user = $db->get_user($member_id); if (!$user['data']['aff_signup_email_sent']) { mail_signup_affiliate($member_id); $user['data']['aff_signup_email_sent']++; $db->update_user($member_id, $user); } }
* * aMember is free for both commercial and non-commercial use providing that the * copyright headers remain intact and the links remain on the html pages. * Re-distribution of this script without prior consent is strictly prohibited. * */ $config['cc_code'] = 1; $config['cc_name_f'] = 1; $config['cc_name_l'] = 1; if (0 || $config['payment']['theinternetcommerce']['wells_fargo']) { $config['cc_company'] = 1; $config['cc_phone'] = 1; } require_once "{$config['root_dir']}/plugins/payment/theinternetcommerce/pay.inc.php"; setup_plugin_hook('get_member_links', 'theinternetcommerce_get_member_links'); setup_plugin_hook('daily', 'theinternetcommerce_rebill'); add_product_field('is_recurring', 'Recurring Billing', 'select', 'should user be charged automatically<br /> when subscription expires', '', array('options' => array('' => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'))); add_product_field('trial1_days', 'Trial 1 Duration', 'period', 'Trial 1 duration'); add_product_field('trial1_price', 'Trial 1 Price', 'money', 'set 0 for free trial'); add_product_field('rebill_times', 'Recurring Times', 'text', 'Recurring Times. This is the number of payments which<br /> will occur at the regular rate. If omitted, payment will<br /> continue to recur at the regular rate until the subscription<br /> is cancelled.<br /> NOTE: not for all payment processing this option is working'); add_product_field('theinternetcommerce_currency', 'TheInternetCommerce Currency', 'select', 'valid only for TheInternetCommerce processing.<br /> You should not change it<br /> if you use another payment processors', '', array('options' => array('' => 'USD', 'GBP' => 'GBP', 'EUR' => 'EUR', 'CAD' => 'CAD', 'JPY' => 'JPY'))); add_member_field('cc_street', 'Billing Street Address', 'text', "", '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); add_member_field('cc_city', 'Billing City', 'text', "", ''); add_member_field('cc_state', 'Billing State', 'select', "", '', array('options' => db_getStatesForCountry('US', true))); add_member_field('cc_zip', 'Billing ZIP', 'text', "", '');
function set_protect_plugin_hooks(&$protect) { $pn = $protect->get_plugin_name(); foreach ($protect->hooks as $f) { eval("function _{$pn}_{$f}(\$a1='',\$a2='',\$a3='',\$a4='',\$a5='',\$a6='',\$a7='',\$a8='',\$a9=''){\n \$protect = & instantiate_plugin('protect', '{$pn}');\n return \$protect->{$f}(\$a1,\$a2,\$a3,\$a4,\$a5,\$a6,\$a7,\$a8,\$a9);\n };"); setup_plugin_hook("{$f}", "_{$pn}_{$f}"); } }
function cc_core_init($plugin) { global $config, $cc_core; // get features array $pl =& instantiate_plugin('payment', $plugin); $features = $pl->get_plugin_features(); $cc_core[$plugin] =& $pl; /// add_paysystem_to_list(array('paysys_id' => $plugin, 'title' => $pl->config['title'] ? $pl->config['title'] : $features['title'], 'description' => $pl->config['description'] ? $pl->config['description'] : $features['description'], 'public' => 1, 'recurring' => $features['no_recurring'] ? 0 : 1)); // add product fields if (!$features['no_recurring']) { add_product_field('is_recurring', 'Recurring Billing', 'checkbox', 'should user be charged automatically<br /> when subscription expires', ''); add_product_field('trial1_days', 'Trial 1 Duration', 'period', 'Trial 1 duration', 'validate_period'); add_product_field('trial1_price', 'Trial 1 Price', 'money', 'set 0 for free trial', ''); add_product_field('trial_group', 'Trial Group', 'text', "If this field is filled-in, user will be unable to order the product<br />\n twice. It is extermelly useful for any trial product. This field<br />\n can have different values for different products, then 'trial history'<br />\n will be separate for these groups of products.<br />\n If your site offers only one level of membership,<br />\n just enter \"1\" to this field. \n "); add_product_field('rebill_times', 'Recurring Times', 'text', 'Recurring Times. This is the number of payments which<br /> will occur including first payment. If omitted, payment will<br /> continue to recur at the regular rate until the subscription<br /> is cancelled.<br /> NOTE: not for all payment processing this option is working'); } if ($features['currency']) { add_product_field($plugin . '_currency', $pl->config['title'] . " Currency", 'select', "valid only for {$plugin} payments", '', array('options' => $features['currency'])); } /// add member fields add_member_field('cc_country', 'Billing Country', 'select', "", '', array('options' => db_getCountryList(true))); add_member_field('cc_street', 'Billing Street Address', 'text', "", '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); add_member_field('cc_city', 'Billing City', 'text', "", ''); add_member_field('cc_state', 'Billing State', 'state', "", '', array('options' => array(), 'require_value' => array(array('name' => 'cc_country')))); add_member_field('cc_zip', 'Billing ZIP', 'text', "", ''); if ($features['name_f']) { add_member_field('cc_name_f', 'Billing First Name', 'text', ''); add_member_field('cc_name_l', 'Billing Last Name', 'text', ''); } elseif ($features['name']) { add_member_field('cc_name', 'Billing Name', 'text', ''); } if ($features['company']) { add_member_field('cc_company', 'Billing Company', 'text', ''); } if ($features['phone']) { add_member_field('cc_phone', 'Billing Phone#', 'text', ''); } if ($features['housenumber']) { add_member_field('cc_housenumber', 'Billing Housenumber', 'text', ''); } add_member_field('cc', 'Credit Card # (visible)', 'readonly', 'credit card number', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); add_member_field('cc-hidden', 'Credit Card # (crypted)', 'hidden', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); add_member_field('cc-expire', 'Credit Card Expire', 'readonly', 'Expiration date (mmyy)', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); if ($features['code'] == 2) { add_member_field('cc_code', 'Credit Card Code (crypted)', 'hidden', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); } if ($features['province_outside_of_us']) { add_member_field('cc_province', 'Billing International Province', 'text', "for international provinces outside of US & Canada include the province name here", ''); } if ($features['maestro_solo_switch']) { add_member_field('cc_issuenum', 'Card Issue #', 'text', "is required for Maestro/Solo/Switch credit cards only", ''); add_member_field('cc_startdate', 'Card Start Date', 'text', "is required for Maestro/Solo/Switch credit cards only", ''); } if ($features['type_options']) { add_member_field('cc_type', 'CC Type', 'select', 'credit card type', '', array('options' => $features['type_options'])); } /// setup hooks if (!$features['no_recurring']) { setup_plugin_hook('get_member_links', $plugin . '_get_member_links'); setup_plugin_hook('hourly', $plugin . '_rebill'); } }
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($q); return $row; } function setRecord($ip, $failed_logins, $last_failed) { $prefix = $this->db->config['prefix']; $row = $this->getRecord($ip); settype($failed_logins, 'integer'); settype($last_failed, 'integer'); $ip = $this->db->escape($ip); if ($row) { $this->db->query("UPDATE {$prefix}failed_login SET \n failed_logins={$failed_logins}, last_failed={$last_failed}\n WHERE failed_login_id={$row['failed_login_id']}"); } else { $this->db->query("INSERT INTO {$prefix}failed_login \n (ip, login_type, failed_logins, last_failed) \n VALUES\n ('{$ip}', '{$this->account_type}', {$failed_logins}, {$last_failed})"); } } function deleteRecord($ip) { $prefix = $this->db->config['prefix']; $ip = $this->db->escape($ip); $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$prefix}failed_login \n WHERE ip='{$ip}' AND login_type='{$this->account_type}'"); } } function clear_failed_logins() { global $db, $config; $terminator = time() - $config['bruteforce_delay']; $db->query("DELETE FROM {$db->config[prefix]}failed_login WHERE last_failed<{$terminator}", true); } setup_plugin_hook('daily', 'clear_failed_logins');
} if (!check_setup_fb_connect()) { setup_plugin_hook('check_logged_in', 'fb_connect_check_logged_in'); setup_plugin_hook('after_login', 'fb_connect_after_login'); setup_plugin_hook('after_logout', 'fb_connect_after_logout'); setup_plugin_hook('fill_in_signup_form', 'fb_connect_fill_in_signup_form'); setup_plugin_hook('get_member_links', 'fb_connect_get_member_links'); // setup_plugin_hook('get_left_member_links', 'fb_connect_get_member_links'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_added', 'fb_connect_added'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_updated', 'fb_connect_updated'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_deleted', 'fb_connect_deleted'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_removed', 'fb_connect_removed'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_rebuild', 'fb_connect_rebuild'); // setup_plugin_hook('finish_waiting_payment', 'fb_connect_payment_completed'); if (function_exists('amember_filter_output')) { setup_plugin_hook('filter_output', 'fb_connect_filter_output'); } } //// // Version 3.2.3+ allows us to add template items automatically function fb_connect_filter_output(&$source, $resource_name, $smarty) { global $config, $db, $plugin_config, $vars; $this_config = $plugin_config['protect']['fb_connect']; $testmode = $this_config['testmode']; /// Header Elements if ($resource_name == 'layout.html') { // Add FB Namespace $source = preg_replace('|<html ([^>]*)>|i', '<html $1 xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml">', $source, 1); // Add FB Javascript $fbappid = trim($this_config['appid']);
add_product_field('amthankyou_copy', 'Thank You Page Copy', 'textarea', 'Enter the copy you want to show on the<br /> thank you page when this product is purchased.', '', array('insert_after' => 'amthankyou_header')); function check_setup_amthankyou() { global $plugin_config, $config, $db; $this_config = $plugin_config['protect']['amthankyou']; return ''; } // end check_setup_amthankyou if (!check_setup_amthankyou()) { // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_updated', 'amthankyou_updated'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_rebuild', 'amthankyou_rebuild'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_added', 'amthankyou_added'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_deleted', 'amthankyou_deleted'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_removed', 'amthankyou_removed'); setup_plugin_hook('filter_output', 'amthankyou_filter_output'); } // // Thank You Page Insertion // function amthankyou_filter_output(&$source, $resource_name, $smarty) { global $db, $plugin_config, $config; if ($resource_name == "thanks.html") { // // Get Smarty Template Variables // $tplvars = $smarty->_tpl_vars; $payment = $tplvars['payment']; $member = $_SESSION['_amember_user']; $member_id = $member['member_id'];
<?php add_product_field('is_recurring', 'Recurring Billing', 'select', 'should user be charged automatically<br /> when subscription expires', '', array('options' => array('' => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'))); add_paysystem_to_list(array('paysys_id' => 'verotel', 'title' => $config['payment']['verotel']['title'] ? $config['payment']['verotel']['title'] : _PLUG_PAY_VEROTEL_TITLE, 'description' => $config['payment']['verotel']['description'] ? $config['payment']['verotel']['description'] : _PLUG_PAY_VEROTEL_DESC, 'public' => 1, 'recurring' => 1, 'fixed_price' => 1)); add_product_field('verotel_id', 'VeroTel Site ID', 'text', ''); function verotel_vsf(&$vars) { $err = array(); if (preg_match('/^.*_+.*$/', $vars['login'])) { $err[] = "Verotel does not accept usernames with underscores"; } return $err; } setup_plugin_hook('validate_signup_form', 'verotel_vsf'); class payment_verotel extends payment { function do_payment($payment_id, $member_id, $product_id, $price, $begin_date, $expire_date, &$vars) { global $config, $db; $product =& get_product($product_id); $member = $db->get_user($member_id); $c_product_id = $product->config['verotel_id']; if (!$c_product_id) { fatal_error("Verotel Product ID empty for Product# {$product_id}"); } $vars = array('verotel_id' => $this->config['merchant_id'], 'verotel_product' => $c_product_id, 'verotel_website' => $c_product_id, 'verotel_usercode' => $member['login'], 'verotel_passcode' => $member['pass'], 'verotel_custom1' => $payment_id, 'verotel_custom2' => $member_id, 'verotel_custom3' => $product_id); $vars1 = array(); foreach ($vars as $kk => $vv) { $v = urlencode($vv); $k = urlencode($kk);
$plugin = 'manual_euro_bank'; $payments = $db->get_expired_payments($dat, $dat, $plugin); foreach ($payments as $p) { if ($p['data']['CANCELLED']) { continue; } $product = get_product($p['product_id']); if (!$product->config['is_recurring']) { continue; } $pc =& new PriceCalculator(); $pc->addProduct($p['product_id']); $pc->setTax(get_member_tax($p['member_id'])); $terms =& $pc->calculate(); $pp = array('member_id' => $p['member_id'], 'product_id' => $p['product_id'], 'paysys_id' => $p['paysys_id'], 'begin_date' => $dat, 'expire_date' => $product->get_expire($dat), 'amount' => calculate_price($p['product_id'], $p['member_id'], $vars, $prices)); if ($err = $db->add_payment($pp)) { trigger_error("Cannot add payment : {$err}", E_USER_WARNING); } $payment_id = $GLOBALS['_amember_added_payment_id']; $this->signup_moderator_mail($payment_id, $signup = false); } } } function manual_euro_bank_daily() { global $db; $pl =& instantiate_plugin('payment', 'manual_euro_bank'); $pl->rebill(); } setup_plugin_hook('daily', 'manual_euro_bank_daily');
} for ($i = 0; $i < count($issuerArrayLong); $i++) { $issuer = array(); $issuer['issuerID'] = $issuerArrayLong[$i]->issuerID; $issuer['issuerName'] = $issuerArrayLong[$i]->issuerName; $ideal_issuers['long'][] = $issuer; } $db->config_set('ideal_issuers', $ideal_issuers, 1); } } } if (!$config['ideal_issuers']) { ideal_get_issuers_list(); } $config['ideal_options'] = array(); $config['ideal_options'][] = "Kies uw bank..."; if ($config['ideal_issuers']['short']) { foreach ($config['ideal_issuers']['short'] as $short) { $key = $short['issuerID']; $config['ideal_options'][$key] = $short['issuerName']; } } if ($config['ideal_issuers']['long']) { $config['ideal_options'][] = "---Overige banken---"; foreach ($config['ideal_issuers']['long'] as $long) { $key = $long['issuerID']; $config['ideal_options'][$key] = $long['issuerName']; } } setup_plugin_hook('daily', 'ideal_get_issuers_list');
if (!$nuke_db) { $error = "Error. Please configure 'plugin_template' plugin at aMember CP -> Setup -> plugin_template"; if (!$_SESSION['check_setup_plugin_template_error']) { $db->log_error($error); } $_SESSION['check_setup_plugin_template_error'] = $error; return $error; } return ''; } if (!check_setup_plugin_template()) { setup_plugin_hook('subscription_added', 'plugin_template_added'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_updated', 'plugin_template_updated'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_deleted', 'plugin_template_deleted'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_removed', 'plugin_template_removed'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_rebuild', 'plugin_template_rebuild'); } function plugin_template_rebuild(&$members) { global $config, $db, $plugin_config; $this_config = $plugin_config['protect']['plugin_template']; /// some actions when admin click aMember CP -> Rebuild Db /// it should compare all records in your third-party /// database with aMember supplied-list ($members) /// Or you may just skip this hook } function plugin_template_added($member_id, $product_id, $member) { $this_config = $plugin_config['protect']['plugin_template']; /// It's a most important function - when user subscribed to /// new product (and his subscription status changed to ACTIVE
* Release: 3.1.8PRO ($Revision: 2976 $) * * Please direct bug reports,suggestions or feedback to the cgi-central forums. * http://www.cgi-central.net/forum/ * * aMember is free for both commercial and non-commercial use providing that the * copyright headers remain intact and the links remain on the html pages. * Re-distribution of this script without prior consent is strictly prohibited. * */ $config['cc_code'] = 1; $config['cc_name_f'] = 1; $config['cc_name_l'] = 1; require_once "{$config['root_dir']}/plugins/payment/netbilling/pay.inc.php"; setup_plugin_hook('get_member_links', 'netbilling_get_member_links'); setup_plugin_hook('daily', 'netbilling_rebill'); add_product_field('is_recurring', 'Recurring Billing', 'select', 'should user be charged automatically<br /> when subscription expires', '', array('options' => array('' => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'))); add_product_field('rebill_times', 'Recurring Times', 'text', 'Recurring Times. This is the number of payments which<br /> will occur at the regular rate. If omitted, payment will<br /> continue to recur at the regular rate until the subscription<br /> is cancelled.<br /> NOTE: not for all payment processing this option is working'); add_member_field('cc_street', 'Billing Street Address', 'text', "", '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); add_member_field('cc_city', 'Billing City', 'text', "", ''); add_member_field('cc_state', 'Billing State', 'select', "", '', array('options' => db_getStatesForCountry('US', true))); add_member_field('cc_zip', 'Billing ZIP', 'text', "", ''); add_member_field('cc_country', 'Billing Country', 'select', "", '', array('options' => db_getCountryList(true))); add_member_field('cc', 'Credit Card # (visible)', 'readonly', "credit card number (read-only)", '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); add_member_field('cc-hidden', 'Credit Card # (crypted)', 'hidden', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1)); add_member_field('cc-expire', 'Credit Card Expire', 'readonly', 'Expiration date (mmyy)', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1));
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/protect/openid/openid.php"; function check_setup_openid() { global $plugin_config, $config, $db; $this_config = $plugin_config['protect']['openid']; if (!$this_config['sqlupdated']) { openid_sql_field(); } add_member_field('openid', "OpenID UserID", 'text', "", '', array('sql' => 1, 'sql_type' => 'TEXT', 'display_profile' => '0', 'display_signup' => '0', 'default' => 0)); return ''; } if (!check_setup_openid()) { setup_plugin_hook('check_logged_in', 'openid_check_logged_in'); setup_plugin_hook('after_login', 'openid_after_login'); setup_plugin_hook('after_logout', 'openid_after_logout'); setup_plugin_hook('fill_in_signup_form', 'openid_fill_in_signup_form'); //setup_plugin_hook('subscription_added', 'openid_added'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_updated', 'openid_updated'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_deleted', 'openid_deleted'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_removed', 'openid_removed'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_rebuild', 'openid_rebuild'); // setup_plugin_hook('finish_waiting_payment', 'openid_payment_completed'); } //// // Checks that member has a linked OpenID account and is already logged in to OpenID // If so, allows immediate login to the linked amember account. function openid_check_logged_in() { global $config, $db, $plugin_config; $this_config = $plugin_config['protect']['openid']; $testmode = $this_config['testmode'];
} function amember_nr_cleanup_files() { global $config; $d = opendir($dirname = "{$config['root_dir']}/data/new_rewrite"); if (!$d) { return; } while ($f = @readdir($d)) { if ($f[0] == '.') { continue; } if ($f == '_vti_cnf') { continue; } if ($f == 'CVS') { continue; } if ($f == 'readme.txt') { continue; } if (time() - @filectime("{$dirname}/{$f}") > 3 * 3600) { @unlink("{$dirname}/{$f}"); } } closedir($d); } setup_plugin_hook('after_login', 'amember_nr_after_login'); setup_plugin_hook('after_logout', 'amember_nr_after_logout'); setup_plugin_hook('daily', 'amember_nr_cleanup_files');
if (!isset($config['protect']['htpasswd_shared']) || $this_config['htpasswd'] == '' || !is_file($this_config['htpasswd'])) { $error = ".htpasswd file is not configured for 'htpasswd_shared' plugin."; if (!$_SESSION['check_setup_htpasswd_shared_error']) { $db->log_error($error); } $_SESSION['check_setup_htpasswd_shared_error'] = $error; return $error; } return ''; } if (!check_setup_htpasswd_shared()) { setup_plugin_hook('subscription_added', 'htpasswd_shared_added'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_updated', 'htpasswd_shared_updated'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_deleted', 'htpasswd_shared_deleted'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_rebuild', 'htpasswd_shared_rebuild'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_check_uniq_login', 'htpasswd_shared_check_uniq'); } function htpasswd_shared_added($member_id, $product_id, $member) { $member_1 = $member; $member_1['pass'] = '******' . md5(time()); htpasswd_shared_updated($member_id, $member_1, $member); } function htpasswd_shared_updated($member_id, $oldmember, $newmember) { global $db, $config; $this_config = $config['protect']['htpasswd_shared']; if ($oldmember['pass'] == $newmember['pass'] && $oldmember['login'] == $newmember['login']) { return; } //nothing to change
} // Add publish permissions button if ($this_config['publish_stream']) { add_member_field('fbperm_publish', "Allow Facebook Wall Updates", 'readonly', "Allow us to automatically put a notice on your Wall<br/>\n\t\t\t\twhenever you order a new product from us", '', array('display_profile' => '1', 'display_signup' => '0', 'default' => "<a href='https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id={$this_config['appid']}&redirect_uri={$config['root_url']}/profile.php&scope=publish_stream'>Grant Permission</a>")); } } return ''; } if (!check_setup_fb_connect()) { setup_plugin_hook('check_logged_in', 'fb_connect_check_logged_in'); setup_plugin_hook('after_login', 'fb_connect_after_login'); setup_plugin_hook('after_logout', 'fb_connect_after_logout'); setup_plugin_hook('fill_in_signup_form', 'fb_connect_fill_in_signup_form'); setup_plugin_hook('get_member_links', 'fb_connect_get_member_links'); // setup_plugin_hook('get_left_member_links', 'fb_connect_get_member_links'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_added', 'fb_connect_added'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_updated', 'fb_connect_updated'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_deleted', 'fb_connect_deleted'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_removed', 'fb_connect_removed'); // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_rebuild', 'fb_connect_rebuild'); // setup_plugin_hook('finish_waiting_payment', 'fb_connect_payment_completed'); } //// // Checks for active Facebook user function fb_connect_get_fbuser() { global $config, $db, $plugin_config; $this_config = $plugin_config['protect']['fb_connect']; $testmode = $this_config['testmode']; $facebook = new Facebook(array('appId' => "{$this_config['appid']}", 'secret' => "{$this_config['appsecret']}", 'cookie' => true)); $session = $facebook->getSession();
* * Author: Alex Scott * Email: alex@cgi-central.net * Web: http://www.cgi-central.net * Details: ccbill payment plugin * FileName $RCSfile$ * Release: 3.2.3PRO ($Revision: 4936 $) * * Please direct bug reports,suggestions or feedback to the cgi-central forums. * http://www.cgi-central.net/forum/ * * aMember PRO is a commercial software. Any distribution is strictly prohibited. * */ setup_plugin_hook('hourly', 'ccbill_datalink'); setup_plugin_hook('validate_signup_form', 'ccbill_vsf'); add_paysystem_to_list(array('paysys_id' => 'ccbill', 'title' => $config['payment']['ccbill']['title'] ? $config['payment']['ccbill']['title'] : _PLUG_PAY_CC_BILL_TITLE, 'description' => $config['payment']['ccbill']['description'] ? $config['payment']['ccbill']['description'] : _PLUG_PAY_CC_BILL_DESCR, 'public' => 1, 'recurring' => 1)); add_product_field('ccbill_id', 'ccBill Product/Subscription ID', 'text', 'you must create the same product<br /> in ccbill for CC billing. Enter pricegroup here'); add_product_field('ccbill_subaccount_id', 'ccBill SubAccount ID', 'text', 'keep empty to use default value (from config)'); add_product_field('ccbill_cc_form', 'ccBill CC Form ID', 'text', 'enter ccBill Form id to pay with credit card'); if ($GLOBALS['config']['payment']['ccbill']['use_cheques']) { $plugins['payment'][] = 'ccbill_check'; add_paysystem_to_list(array('paysys_id' => 'ccbill_check', 'title' => 'Online Check', 'description' => _PLUG_PAY_CC_BILL_CHECK_DESCR, 'public' => 1, 'recurring' => 1)); add_product_field('ccbill_check_form', 'ccBill Check Form ID', 'text', 'enter ccBill Form id to pay with online check'); } if ($GLOBALS['config']['payment']['ccbill']['use_900']) { $plugins['payment'][] = 'ccbill_900'; add_paysystem_to_list(array('paysys_id' => 'ccbill_900', 'title' => 'ccBill 900', 'description' => _PLUG_PAY_CC_BILL_TEL_DESCR, 'public' => 1, 'recurring' => 1)); add_product_field('ccbill_900_subaccount_id', 'ccBill 900 SubAccount ID', 'text', 'enter to specify alternative subaccount ID for ccBill900 billing'); add_product_field('ccbill_900_form', 'ccBill 900 Form ID', 'text', 'enter ccBill Form id to pay with ccBill900 phone bill');
// end check_setup_amail_aweber if (!check_setup_amail_aweber()) { // setup_plugin_hook('subscription_added' , 'amail_aweber_added' ); // product subscription added but not paid for yet setup_plugin_hook('finish_waiting_payment', 'amail_aweber_finish_waiting_payment'); // product subscription has now been paid for setup_plugin_hook('subscription_deleted', 'amail_aweber_deleted'); // product subscription deleted setup_plugin_hook('subscription_removed', 'amail_aweber_removed'); // member profile removed setup_plugin_hook('subscription_updated', 'amail_aweber_updated'); // member or admin updated member profile setup_plugin_hook('subscription_rebuild', 'amail_aweber_rebuild'); // rebuild the database setup_plugin_hook('daily', 'amail_aweber_daily'); // setup_plugin_hook('hourly', 'amail_aweber_hourly'); setup_plugin_hook('filter_output', 'amail_aweber_filter_output'); } // // Filter Output (on the Thank You page) // function amail_aweber_filter_output(&$source, $resource_name, $smarty) { global $db, $plugin_config, $config; if ($resource_name == "thanks.html") { // // Get Smarty Template Variables // $tplvars = $smarty->_tpl_vars; $payment = $tplvars['payment']; $member = $_SESSION['_amember_user']; if (empty($member)) {
* Details: The installation file * FileName $RCSfile$ * Release: 3.1.9PRO ($Revision: 3915 $) * * Please direct bug reports,suggestions or feedback to the cgi-central forums. * http://www.cgi-central.net/forum/ * * * aMember PRO is a commercial software. Any distribution is strictly prohibited. * * */ setup_plugin_hook('update_users', 'htpasswd_update'); setup_plugin_hook('update_payments', 'htpasswd_update'); setup_plugin_hook('daily', 'htpasswd_update'); setup_plugin_hook('subscription_rebuild', 'htpasswd_update'); function htpasswd_update($payment_id = 0, $member_id = 0) { global $config, $plugin_config; $this_config = $plugin_config['protect']['htpasswd']; global $db; $ul = $db->get_allowed_users(); // should return array[product_id][user_login]=password $users = array(); foreach ($ul as $product_id => $user) { foreach ($user as $l => $p) { $users[$l] = $p; } } $f = @fopen($fn = "{$config['data_dir']}/.htpasswd", 'w'); foreach ((array) $this_config['add_htpasswd'] as $fname) {
* * aMember is free for both commercial and non-commercial use providing that the * copyright headers remain intact and the links remain on the html pages. * Re-distribution of this script without prior consent is strictly prohibited. * */ //$config['cc_code'] = 1; $config['cc_name_f'] = 1; $config['cc_name_l'] = 1; if ($config['payment']['payready']['wells_fargo']) { $config['cc_company'] = 1; $config['cc_phone'] = 1; } require_once "{$config['root_dir']}/plugins/payment/payready/pay.inc.php"; setup_plugin_hook('get_member_links', 'payready_get_member_links'); setup_plugin_hook('daily', 'payready_rebill'); add_product_field('is_recurring', 'Recurring Billing', 'select', 'should user be charged automatically<br /> when subscription expires', '', array('options' => array('' => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'))); add_product_field('trial1_days', 'Trial 1 Duration', 'period', 'Trial 1 duration'); add_product_field('trial1_price', 'Trial 1 Price', 'money', 'set 0 for free trial'); add_product_field('rebill_times', 'Recurring Times', 'text', 'Recurring Times. This is the number of payments which<br /> will occur at the regular rate. If omitted, payment will<br /> continue to recur at the regular rate until the subscription<br /> is cancelled.<br /> NOTE: not for all payment processing this option is working'); add_product_field('authorize_currency', 'PayReady Currency', 'select', 'valid only for PayReady processing.<br /> You should not change it<br /> if you use another payment processors', '', array('options' => array('' => 'USD', 'GBP' => 'GBP', 'EUR' => 'EUR', 'CAD' => 'CAD', 'JPY' => 'JPY'))); global $config; $config['cc_type_options'] = array('1' => 'VISA', '2' => 'Master Card', '3' => 'American Express', '4' => 'Discover Card'); add_member_field('cc_type', 'Credit Card Type', 'select', '', '', array('options' => $config['cc_type_options'])); add_member_field('cc_street', 'Billing Street Address', 'text', "", '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1));
if ($_ga_tracked++) { return; } } $out .= <<<CUT </script> <!-- google analytics code end --> CUT; $source = preg_replace('|</body>|i', $out . "\n</body>", $source, 1, $count); if (!$count) { $source .= $out; } } if (amConfig('google_analytics')) { setup_plugin_hook('filter_output', 'insert_google_analytics'); } /** * @return bool true if customer is logged-in */ function amember_is_loggedin() { return (bool) $_SESSION['_amember_user']['member_id']; } /** * Return user record of logged-in customer * @return array user record */ function amember_get_userrecord() { if ($_SESSION['_amember_user']['member_id']) {