Пример #1
                if ($gdata[$i][2][$j]) {
                    $buf .= "," . round($gdata[$i][2][$j] / 1000000, 3);
                } else {
                    if ($gdata[$i - 1][2][$j] > 0) {
                        $buf .= ",0";
                    } else {
                        if ($i < $gline - 2 && $gdata[$i + 1][2][$j] > 0) {
                            $buf .= ",0";
                        } else {
                            $buf .= ",";
        $buf .= "," . round($gdata[$i][1] / 1000000, 3) . "," . $avg3 . "," . $avg12;
        $buf .= "\n";
    if ($lastlinedate < time() - 675 * 2) {
        $buf .= date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
        if ($wc > 1) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < $wc; $j++) {
                $buf .= ",";
        $buf .= ",,,\n";
    print $buf;
    set_stats_cache($link, 2, $query_hash, $buf, 675);
Пример #2
            $row = pg_fetch_array($result, $i);
            if ($row["coinbase"] == "t") {
                $tid = "<A HREF=\"../blockinfo.php/{$row["blockhash"]}\">G</A>";
            } else {
                $tid = "<A HREF=\"http://blockchain.info/search?search={$row["txhash"]}\">S</A>";
            $xdata .= "<TR><TD>{$row["time"]} ({$tid})</TD><TD>" . prettySatoshis($row["amount"]) . "</TD></TR>";
        if ($xdata != "") {
            $pdata = "<table id=\"paymentlist\"><THEAD><TR><TH>Date (<SPAN title=\"G = Payout from coinbase/generation; S = Payout from normal send/sendmany\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px dashed #888888\">Type</SPAN>)</TH><TH>Amount</TH></TR></THEAD>{$xdata}</table>";
        } else {
            $pdata = "<BR>No recent data available.<BR>";
        print $pdata;
        # cache this data for 24 hours. if the user is paid, the hash will change and invalidate this forcing a rebuild. genius!
        set_stats_cache($link, 12, $query_hash, $pdata, 600);
        # just cache for 10 minutes so that updates dont cause caching of invalid data
} else {
    print "<BR>No data available.<BR>";
print "All time total payout: " . prettySatoshis($everpaid);
if ($donated > 0) {
    print "<BR><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">Total donated Eligius: " . prettySatoshis($donated) . " - <I>Thanks!</I></FONT>";
print "<BR><BR><HR>";
if ($savedbal) {
    print "<BR><B>Estimated Position in Payout Queue</B><BR>";
    if ($payoutqueue = apc_fetch('wizstats_payoutqueuetxt')) {
    } else {
        $payoutqueue = file_get_contents("/var/lib/eligius/{$serverid}/payout_queue.txt");
Пример #3

require_once 'includes.php';
require_once 'hashrate.php';
if (!isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
    print json_encode(array("error" => "No username specified in URL path  Please try again."));
$link = pg_pconnect("dbname={$psqldb} user={$psqluser} password='******' host={$psqlhost}");
if (pg_connection_status($link) != PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK) {
    $link = pg_pconnect("dbname={$psqldb} user={$psqluser} password='******' host={$psqlhost}");
    if (pg_connection_status($link) != PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK) {
        print json_encode(array("error" => "Unable to establish a connection to the stats database.  Please try again later. If this issue persists, please report it to the pool operator."));
$givenuser = substr($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], 1, strlen($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) - 1);
$user_id = get_user_id_from_address($link, $givenuser);
if (!$user_id) {
    print json_encode(array("error" => "Username {$givenuser} not found in database.  Please try again later. If this issue persists, please report it to the pool operator."));
$cache_key = hash("sha256", "hashrate-json.php hashrate JSON for {$givenuser} with id {$user_id}");
$json = get_stats_cache($link, 11, $cache_key);
if ($json == "") {
    $hashrate_info = get_hashrate_stats($link, $givenuser, $user_id);
    $json = json_encode($hashrate_info);
    set_stats_cache($link, 11, $cache_key, $json, 30);
print $json;
Пример #4
        $cleanvar = $_GET["dbid"];
        $prepname = "instant_blockinfo2";
        $sql = pg_prepare($link, $prepname, "select *,stats_blocks.id as blockid,date_part('epoch', NOW())::integer-date_part('epoch', time)::integer as age,date_part('epoch', time)::integer-date_part('epoch', roundstart)::integer as duration from {$psqlschema}.stats_blocks left join users on user_id=users.id where stats_blocks.id=\$1::integer");
    $tline = get_stats_cache($link, 6, hash("sha256", $sql . $prepname . $cleanvar));
    if ($tline != "") {
        print $tline;
    $result = pg_execute($link, $prepname, array($cleanvar));
    $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0);
    $dbid = $row["blockid"];
    if (isset($_GET["cclass"])) {
        $cclass = $_GET["cclass"];
    } else {
        $cclass = "";
    if (substr($cclass, 0, 3) == "odd") {
        $isodd = "odd";
    } else {
        $isodd = "";
    $line = block_table_row($row, $isodd);
    $line = json_encode($line);
    if ($dbid) {
        $tline = "{\"blockrow\":{$line}}";
        print $tline;
        # cache this data for 60 seconds ... should be plenty also, could probably be higher
        set_stats_cache($link, 6, hash("sha256", $sql), $tline, 60);
Пример #5
    if ($ri > 64) {
        $lagavg675[$lav] = $row["time"] . "," . $row["hr"] / 1000000000;
        if ($ri > 64 + 32) {
            $lavx = $lav - 32;
            if ($lavx < 0) {
                $lavx += 128;
            $lavy = $lav - 24;
            if ($lavy < 0) {
                $lavy += 128;
            $lavz = $lav - 0;
            if ($lavz < 0) {
                $lavz += 128;
            $tline = $lagavg675[$lavx] . "," . $lagavg3[$lavy] . "," . $lagavg12[$lavz] . "\n";
            $tdata .= $tline;
            print $tline;
    if ($lav == 128) {
        $lav = 0;
set_stats_cache($link, 4, $query_hash, $tdata, 675);

Пример #6
                $sql = "select (sum(accepted_shares)*pow(2,32))/1350 as avghash,sum(accepted_shares) as share_total from {$psqlschema}.stats_shareagg where server={$serverid} and time > to_timestamp({$sql2res})-'1350 seconds'::interval";
                $result = pg_exec($link, $sql);
                $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0);
                $hashrate256 = $row["avghash"];
                # note that cppsrb is not ok
                apc_store('cppsrb_ok', -1, 90);
        # get latest block height
        $sql = "select date_part('epoch',NOW() - time) as roundduration,height,confirmations from {$psqlschema}.stats_blocks where server={$serverid} and confirmations > 0 and height > 0 order by height desc limit 1;";
        $result = pg_exec($link, $sql);
        $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0);
        $blockheight = $row["height"];
        $roundduration = $row["roundduration"];
        $latestconfirms = $row["confirmations"];
        $sharesperunit = $hashrate256 / 4294967296 / 20;
        $phash = prettyHashrate($hashrate256);
        $datanew = 1;
        $sql = "select pg_advisory_unlock(1000002) as l";
        $result = pg_exec($link, $sql);
        $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0);
if (!($roundshares > 0)) {
    $roundshares = 0;
$tline = "{\"sharesperunit\":{$sharesperunit},\"roundsharecount\":{$roundshares},\"lastblockheight\":{$blockheight},\"lastconfirms\":{$latestconfirms},\"roundduration\":{$roundduration},\"hashratepretty\":\"{$phash}\",\"network_difficulty\":{$netdiff}}";
if ($datanew) {
    # cache this for 30 seconds, should be good enough
    set_stats_cache($link, 5, "livedata.json", $tline, 30);
Пример #7
            $address = \Bitcoin::hash160ToAddress(bits2hex($row['keyhash']));
            $nickname = get_nickname($link2, get_user_id_from_address($link2, $address));
            if ($nickname != "" && $nickname != $address) {
                $address = "<A HREF=\"userstats.php/{$address}\">{$nickname}<BR><FONT SIZE=\"-3\">({$address})</FONT></A>";
            } else {
                $address = "<A HREF=\"userstats.php/{$address}\">{$address}</A>";
        } else {
            $address = "(Unknown users)";
        if ($oe == 1) {
            $oclass = "class=\"odd\"";
            $oe = 0;
        } else {
            $oclass = "class=\"notodd\"";
            $oe = 1;
        $meshares = $row["sharecount"];
        $pdata .= "<TR HEIGHT=\"38\" {$oclass}><TD class=\"rank\">#{$rank}</TD><TD>{$address}</TD><TD class=\"hash\">{$phash}</TD><TD class=\"shares\">{$meshares}</TD><TD class=\"percent\">{$tpercent}%</TD></TR>";
    $pdata .= "</TABLE>";
    set_stats_cache($link, 20, $cachehash, $pdata, 675);
    print $pdata;
if (!isset($subcall)) {

Пример #8
            } else {
                $shelvedshares -= $myss;
                $unpaidbal += $myss;
    } else {
        # unlucky round
        $luck = $diff / $shares;
        $earned = $luck * $maxearn;
        $shelvedshares += $maxearn - $earned;
        $unpaidbal += $earned;
    $thisctime = strtotime($row["time"]);
    $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $thisctime - 1);
    if (isset($_GET["btc"])) {
        $tline = $date . "," . sprintf("%.8f", round($unpaidbal / 100000000, 8)) . "," . sprintf("%.8f", round($shelvedshares / 100000000, 8)) . "," . sprintf("%.8f", round($maxbal / 100000000, 8)) . "\n";
        $tdata .= $tline;
        print $tline;
    } else {
        if ($ri > $ignorepoints) {
            $tline = $date . "," . sprintf("%.8f", round($unpaidbal / $maxbal * 100, 8)) . "%," . sprintf("%.8f", round($shelvedshares / $maxbal * 100, 8)) . "%\n";
            $tdata .= $tline;
            print $tline;
set_stats_cache($link, 30, $query_hash, $tdata, 3600);