Пример #1
 function execute(&$request)
     $this->dba = $request['dba'];
     /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
     k4_bread_crumbs($request['template'], $request['dba'], 'L_INFORMATION');
     /* Check the request ID */
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['forum_id']) || !$_REQUEST['forum_id'] || intval($_REQUEST['forum_id']) == 0) {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), 'content', FALSE);
         return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST');
     /* Check the request ID */
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['forum_id']) || !$_REQUEST['forum_id'] || intval($_REQUEST['forum_id']) == 0) {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), 'content', FALSE);
         return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST');
     $forum = $request['dba']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . K4FORUMS . " WHERE forum_id = " . intval($_REQUEST['forum_id']));
     /* Check the forum data given */
     if (!$forum || !is_array($forum) || empty($forum)) {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), 'content', FALSE);
         return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST');
     /* Make sure the we are trying to post into a forum */
     if (!($forum['row_type'] & FORUM) || $forum['forum_id'] == GARBAGE_BIN) {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_CANTPOSTTONONFORUM'), 'content', FALSE);
         return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_CANTPOSTTONONFORUM');
     /* Do we have permission to post to this forum? */
     if ($request['user']->get('perms') < get_map('topics', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id']))) {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_PERMCANTPOST'), 'content', FALSE);
         return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_PERMCANTPOST');
     /* General error checking */
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['name']) || $_REQUEST['name'] == '') {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_INSERTTOPICNAME'), 'content', TRUE);
         return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_INSERTTOPICNAME');
     if (!$this->runPostFilter('name', new FALengthFilter(intval($_SETTINGS['topicmaxchars'])))) {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_TITLETOOSHORT', intval($_SETTINGS['topicminchars']), intval($_SETTINGS['topicmaxchars'])), 'content', TRUE);
         return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message(new K4LanguageElement('L_TITLETOOSHORT', intval($_SETTINGS['topicminchars']), intval($_SETTINGS['topicmaxchars'])));
     if (!$this->runPostFilter('name', new FALengthFilter(intval($_SETTINGS['topicmaxchars']), intval($_SETTINGS['topicminchars'])))) {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_TITLETOOSHORT', intval($_SETTINGS['topicminchars']), intval($_SETTINGS['topicmaxchars'])), 'content', TRUE);
         return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message(new K4LanguageElement('L_TITLETOOSHORT', intval($_SETTINGS['topicminchars']), intval($_SETTINGS['topicmaxchars'])));
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['message']) || $_REQUEST['message'] == '') {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_INSERTTOPICMESSAGE'), 'content', TRUE);
         return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_INSERTTOPICMESSAGE');
     /* Get our topic */
     $draft = $request['dba']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE post_id = " . intval($_REQUEST['post_id']) . " AND is_draft = 1 AND poster_id = " . intval($request['user']->get('id')));
     if (!$draft || !is_array($draft) || empty($draft)) {
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_DRAFTDOESNTEXIST'), 'content', FALSE);
         return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_DRAFTDOESNTEXIST');
     /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
     k4_bread_crumbs($request['template'], $request['dba'], 'L_POSTTOPIC', $forum);
     $created = time();
     /* Initialize the bbcode parser with the topic message */
     $_REQUEST['message'] = substr($_REQUEST['message'], 0, $_SETTINGS['postmaxchars']);
     /* Parse the bbcode */
     $body_text = $_REQUEST['message'];
     $submit_type = isset($_REQUEST['submit_type']) ? $_REQUEST['submit_type'] : 'post';
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['disable_bbcode']) || !$_REQUEST['disable_bbcode']) {
         $parser =& new BBParser();
         Globals::setGlobal('forum_id', $forum['forum_id']);
         Globals::setGlobal('maxpolloptions', $request['template']->getVar('maxpolloptions') > $forum['maxpolloptions'] ? $forum['maxpolloptions'] : $request['template']->getVar('maxpolloptions'));
         Globals::setGlobal('maxpollquestions', $request['template']->getVar('maxpollquestions') > $forum['maxpollquestions'] ? $forum['maxpollquestions'] : $request['template']->getVar('maxpollquestions'));
         if ($submit_type == 'post' || $submit_type == 'draft' || isset($_REQUEST['post'])) {
         $body_text = $parser->parse($body_text);
         $is_poll = Globals::getGlobal('is_poll');
     // permissions are taken into account inside the poller
     //$poller		= &new K4BBPolls($body_text, $draft['body_text'], $forum, $draft['post_id']);
      * Figure out what type of topic type this is
     $post_type = isset($_REQUEST['post_type']) && intval($_REQUEST['post_type']) != 0 ? $_REQUEST['post_type'] : TOPIC_NORMAL;
     if ($post_type == TOPIC_STICKY && $request['user']->get('perms') < get_map('sticky', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id']))) {
         $post_type = TOPIC_NORMAL;
     } else {
         if ($post_type == TOPIC_ANNOUNCE && $request['user']->get('perms') < get_map('announce', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id']))) {
             $post_type = TOPIC_NORMAL;
     $is_feature = isset($_REQUEST['is_feature']) && $_REQUEST['is_feature'] == 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
     if ($is_feature == 1 && $request['user']->get('perms') < get_map('feature', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id']))) {
         $is_feature = 0;
     /* If we are submitting or saving a draft */
     if ($submit_type == 'post' || $submit_type == 'draft' || (isset($_REQUEST['post']) || isset($_REQUEST['draft']))) {
          * Build the queries to add the draft
         $poster_name = $request['user']->get('id') <= 0 ? k4_htmlentities(isset($_REQUEST['poster_name']) ? $_REQUEST['poster_name'] : '', ENT_QUOTES) : $request['user']->get('name');
         $update_a = $request['dba']->prepareStatement("UPDATE " . K4POSTS . " SET name=?,body_text=?,posticon=?,disable_html=?,disable_bbcode=?,disable_emoticons=?,disable_sig=?,disable_areply=?,disable_aurls=?,is_draft=?,post_type=?,is_feature=?,is_poll=?,created=? WHERE post_id=?");
         /* Set the informtion */
         $update_a->setInt(1, $created);
         $update_a->setInt(2, $draft['post_id']);
         /* Set the topic information */
         $update_a->setString(1, k4_htmlentities(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['name']), ENT_QUOTES));
         $update_a->setString(2, $body_text);
         $update_a->setString(3, $request['user']->get('perms') >= get_map('posticons', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) ? isset($_REQUEST['posticon']) ? $_REQUEST['posticon'] : 'clear.gif' : 'clear.gif');
         $update_a->setInt(4, isset($_REQUEST['disable_html']) && $_REQUEST['disable_html'] ? 1 : 0);
         $update_a->setInt(5, isset($_REQUEST['disable_bbcode']) && $_REQUEST['disable_bbcode'] ? 1 : 0);
         $update_a->setInt(6, isset($_REQUEST['disable_emoticons']) && $_REQUEST['disable_emoticons'] ? 1 : 0);
         $update_a->setInt(7, isset($_REQUEST['enable_sig']) && $_REQUEST['enable_sig'] ? 0 : 1);
         $update_a->setInt(8, isset($_REQUEST['disable_areply']) && $_REQUEST['disable_areply'] ? 1 : 0);
         $update_a->setInt(9, isset($_REQUEST['disable_aurls']) && $_REQUEST['disable_aurls'] ? 1 : 0);
         $update_a->setInt(10, 0);
         $update_a->setInt(11, $post_type);
         $update_a->setInt(12, $is_feature);
         $update_a->setInt(13, $is_poll);
         $update_a->setInt(14, $created);
         $update_a->setInt(15, $draft['post_id']);
          * Do the queries
         $forum_update = $request['dba']->prepareStatement("UPDATE " . K4FORUMS . " SET topics=topics+1,posts=posts+1,post_created=?,post_name=?,post_uname=?,post_id=?,post_uid=?,post_posticon=? WHERE forum_id=?");
         $datastore_update = $request['dba']->prepareStatement("UPDATE " . K4DATASTORE . " SET data=? WHERE varname=?");
         if (isset($_REQUEST['submit_type']) && $_REQUEST['submit_type'] == 'post' || isset($_REQUEST['post'])) {
             $request['dba']->executeUpdate("UPDATE " . K4USERINFO . " SET num_posts=num_posts+1,total_posts=total_posts+1 WHERE user_id=" . intval($request['user']->get('id')));
         /* Set the forum values */
         $forum_update->setInt(1, $created);
         $forum_update->setString(2, k4_htmlentities(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['name']), ENT_QUOTES));
         $forum_update->setString(3, $poster_name);
         $forum_update->setInt(4, $draft['post_id']);
         $forum_update->setInt(5, $request['user']->get('id'));
         $forum_update->setString(6, iif($request['user']->get('perms') >= get_map('posticons', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])), isset($_REQUEST['posticon']) ? $_REQUEST['posticon'] : 'clear.gif', 'clear.gif'));
         $forum_update->setInt(7, $forum['forum_id']);
         /* Set the datastore values */
         $datastore = $_DATASTORE['forumstats'];
         $datastore['num_topics'] = $request['dba']->getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE is_draft=0");
         $datastore_update->setString(1, serialize($datastore));
         $datastore_update->setString(2, 'forumstats');
          * Update the forums table and datastore table
          * Subscribe this user to the topic
         if (isset($_REQUEST['disable_areply']) && $_REQUEST['disable_areply']) {
             $subscribe = $request['dba']->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " . K4SUBSCRIPTIONS . " (user_id,post_id,forum_id,email) VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
             $subscribe->setInt(1, $request['user']->get('id'));
             $subscribe->setInt(2, $draft['id']);
             $subscribe->setInt(3, $forum['forum_id']);
             $subscribe->setString(4, $request['user']->get('email'));
         // deal with attachments
         if ($request['template']->getVar('nojs') == 0) {
             attach_files($request, $forum, $draft['post_id']);
         // set up the topic queue
         set_send_topic_mail($forum['forum_id'], $poster_name == '' ? $request['template']->getVar('L_GUEST') : $poster_name);
         /* Redirect the user */
         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_ADDEDTOPIC', k4_htmlentities(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['name']), ENT_QUOTES), $forum['name']), 'content', FALSE, 'viewtopic.php?id=' . $draft['post_id'], 3);
         return $action->execute($request);
         /* If we are previewing */
     } else {
          * Post Previewing
         if (!USE_XMLHTTP) {
             $request['template']->setVar('L_TITLETOOSHORT', sprintf($request['template']->getVar('L_TITLETOOSHORT'), $request['template']->getVar('topicminchars'), $request['template']->getVar('topicmaxchars')));
             /* Get and set the emoticons and post icons to the template */
             $emoticons = $request['dba']->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . K4EMOTICONS . " WHERE clickable=1");
             $posticons = $request['dba']->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTICONS);
             /* Add the emoticons and posticons */
             $request['template']->setList('emoticons', $emoticons);
             $request['template']->setList('posticons', $posticons);
             /* Set some emoticon information */
             $request['template']->setVar('emoticons_per_row', $request['template']->getVar('smcolumns'));
             $request['template']->setVar('emoticons_per_row_remainder', $request['template']->getVar('smcolumns') - 1);
             $request['template']->setVar('newtopic_action', 'newtopic.php?act=postdraft');
             $request['template']->setVisibility('post_topic', TRUE);
             post_attachment_options($request, $forum, $draft);
             topic_post_options($request['template'], $request['user'], $forum);
             /* Create our editor */
             create_editor($request, $_REQUEST['message'], 'post', $forum);
         /* Set topic iterator array elements to be passed to the template */
         $topic_preview = array('post_id' => @$draft['post_id'], 'name' => k4_htmlentities(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['name']), ENT_QUOTES), 'posticon' => isset($_REQUEST['posticon']) ? $_REQUEST['posticon'] : 'clear.gif', 'body_text' => $body_text, 'poster_name' => html_entity_decode($draft['poster_name'], ENT_QUOTES), 'poster_id' => $request['user']->get('id'), 'is_poll' => $draft['is_poll'], 'row_left' => 0, 'row_right' => 0, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'is_feature' => $is_feature, 'posticon' => $request['user']->get('perms') >= get_map('posticons', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) ? isset($_REQUEST['posticon']) ? $_REQUEST['posticon'] : 'clear.gif' : 'clear.gif', 'disable_html' => isset($_REQUEST['disable_html']) && $_REQUEST['disable_html'] ? 1 : 0, 'disable_sig' => isset($_REQUEST['enable_sig']) && $_REQUEST['enable_sig'] ? 0 : 1, 'disable_bbcode' => isset($_REQUEST['disable_bbcode']) && $_REQUEST['disable_bbcode'] ? 1 : 0, 'disable_emoticons' => isset($_REQUEST['disable_emoticons']) && $_REQUEST['disable_emoticons'] ? 1 : 0, 'disable_areply' => isset($_REQUEST['disable_areply']) && $_REQUEST['disable_areply'] ? 1 : 0, 'disable_aurls' => isset($_REQUEST['disable_aurls']) && $_REQUEST['disable_aurls'] ? 1 : 0);
         /* Add the topic information to the template */
         $topic_iterator = new TopicIterator($request['dba'], $request['user'], $topic_preview, FALSE);
         $request['template']->setList('topic', $topic_iterator);
         /* Assign the topic preview values to the template */
         $topic_preview['body_text'] = $_REQUEST['message'];
         foreach ($topic_preview as $key => $val) {
             $request['template']->setVar('topic_' . $key, $val);
         /* Assign the forum information to the template */
         foreach ($forum as $key => $val) {
             $request['template']->setVar('forum_' . $key, $val);
         $request['template']->setVar('is_topic', 1);
         if (!USE_XMLHTTP) {
             /* Set the the button display options */
             $request['template']->setVisibility('save_draft', FALSE);
             $request['template']->setVisibility('load_button', FALSE);
             $request['template']->setVisibility('edit_topic', TRUE);
             $request['template']->setVisibility('post_id', TRUE);
             /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
             k4_bread_crumbs($request['template'], $request['dba'], 'L_POSTTOPIC', $forum);
             /* Set the post topic form */
             $request['template']->setVar('forum_forum_id', $forum['forum_id']);
             $request['template']->setFile('preview', 'post_preview.html');
             $request['template']->setFile('content', 'newtopic.html');
         } else {
             $templateset = $request['user']->isMember() ? $request['user']->get('templateset') : $forum['defaultstyle'];
             $html = $request['template']->run(BB_BASE_DIR . '/templates/' . $templateset . '/post_preview.html');
             echo $html;
     return TRUE;
Пример #2
 function Execute(&$template, $request, &$dba, &$session, &$user)
     $this->dba =& $dba;
     /* Check the request ID */
     if (!isset($request['forum_id']) || !$request['forum_id'] || intval($request['forum_id']) == 0) {
         /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INVALIDFORUM'));
         $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), FALSE);
         return TRUE;
     $forum = $dba->getRow("SELECT " . $_QUERYPARAMS['info'] . $_QUERYPARAMS['forum'] . " FROM " . FORUMS . " f LEFT JOIN " . INFO . " i ON f.forum_id = i.id WHERE i.id = " . intval($request['forum_id']));
     /* Check the forum data given */
     if (!$forum || !is_array($forum) || empty($forum)) {
         /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INVALIDFORUM'));
         $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), FALSE);
         return TRUE;
     /* Make sure the we are trying to post into a forum */
     if (!($forum['row_type'] & FORUM)) {
         /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INFORMATION'));
         $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_CANTPOSTTONONFORUM'), FALSE);
         return TRUE;
     /* Do we have permission to post to this forum? */
     if ($user['perms'] < get_map($user, 'topics', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id']))) {
         /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INFORMATION'));
         $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_PERMCANTPOST'), FALSE);
         return TRUE;
     /* General error checking */
     if (!isset($request['name']) || $request['name'] == '') {
         /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INFORMATION'), $forum['row_left'], $forum['row_right']);
         $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_INSERTTOPICNAME'), TRUE);
         return TRUE;
     if (!isset($request['message']) || $request['message'] == '') {
         /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INFORMATION'), $forum['row_left'], $forum['row_right']);
         $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_INSERTTOPICMESSAGE'), TRUE);
         return TRUE;
     /* Get our topic */
     $draft = $dba->getRow("SELECT " . $_QUERYPARAMS['info'] . $_QUERYPARAMS['topic'] . " FROM " . TOPICS . " t LEFT JOIN " . INFO . " i ON t.topic_id = i.id WHERE i.id = " . intval($request['topic_id']) . " AND t.is_draft = 1 AND t.poster_id = " . intval($user['id']));
     if (!$draft || !is_array($draft) || empty($draft)) {
         /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_INVALIDDRAFT'));
         $template->setInfo('content', $template->getVar('L_DRAFTDOESNTEXIST'), FALSE);
         return TRUE;
     /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
     $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_POSTTOPIC'), $forum['row_left'], $forum['row_right']);
     $created = time();
     /* Initialize the bbcode parser with the topic message */
     $request['message'] = substr($request['message'], 0, $_SETTINGS['postmaxchars']);
     $bbcode =& new BBCodex(&$user, $request['message'], $forum['id'], iif(isset($request['disable_html']) && $request['disable_html'] == 'on', FALSE, TRUE), iif(isset($request['disable_bbcode']) && $request['disable_bbcode'] == 'on', FALSE, TRUE), iif(isset($request['disable_emoticons']) && $request['disable_emoticons'] == 'on', FALSE, TRUE), iif(isset($request['disable_aurls']) && $request['disable_aurls'] == 'on', FALSE, TRUE));
     /* Parse the bbcode */
     $body_text = $bbcode->parse();
      * Figure out what type of topic type this is
     $topic_type = isset($request['topic_type']) && intval($request['topic_type']) != 0 ? $request['topic_type'] : TOPIC_NORMAL;
     if ($topic_type == TOPIC_STICKY && $user['perms'] < get_map($user, 'sticky', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id']))) {
         $topic_type = TOPIC_NORMAL;
     } else {
         if ($topic_type == TOPIC_ANNOUNCE && $user['perms'] < get_map($user, 'announce', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id']))) {
             $topic_type = TOPIC_NORMAL;
         } else {
             if ($topic_type == TOPIC_GLOBAL && $user['perms'] < get_map($user, 'global', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id']))) {
                 $topic_type = TOPIC_NORMAL;
     $is_feature = isset($request['is_feature']) && $request['is_feature'] == 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
     if ($is_feature == 1 && $user['perms'] < get_map($user, 'feature', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id']))) {
         $is_feature = 0;
     /* If we are submitting or saving a draft */
     if ($request['submit'] == $template->getVar('L_SUBMIT') || $request['submit'] == $template->getVar('L_SAVEDRAFT')) {
          * Build the queries to add the draft
         $poster_name = iif($user['id'] <= 0, htmlentities(isset($request['poster_name']) ? $request['poster_name'] : '', ENT_QUOTES), $user['name']);
         $update_a = $dba->prepareStatement("UPDATE " . INFO . " SET name=?,created=? WHERE id=?");
         $update_b = $dba->prepareStatement("UPDATE " . TOPICS . " SET body_text=?,posticon=?,disable_html=?,disable_bbcode=?,disable_emoticons=?,disable_sig=?,disable_areply=?,disable_aurls=?,is_draft=?,topic_type=?,is_feature=? WHERE topic_id=?");
         /* Set the informtion */
         $update_a->setString(1, htmlentities($request['name'], ENT_QUOTES));
         $update_a->setInt(2, $created);
         $update_a->setInt(3, $draft['id']);
         /* Set the topic information */
         $update_b->setString(1, $body_text);
         $update_b->setString(2, iif($user['perms'] >= get_map($user, 'posticons', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])), isset($request['posticon']) ? $request['posticon'] : 'clear.gif', 'clear.gif'));
         $update_b->setInt(3, iif(isset($request['disable_html']) && $request['disable_html'] == 'on', 1, 0));
         $update_b->setInt(4, iif(isset($request['disable_bbcode']) && $request['disable_bbcode'] == 'on', 1, 0));
         $update_b->setInt(5, iif(isset($request['disable_emoticons']) && $request['disable_emoticons'] == 'on', 1, 0));
         $update_b->setInt(6, iif(isset($request['enable_sig']) && $request['enable_sig'] == 'on', 0, 1));
         $update_b->setInt(7, iif(isset($request['disable_areply']) && $request['disable_areply'] == 'on', 1, 0));
         $update_b->setInt(8, iif(isset($request['disable_aurls']) && $request['disable_aurls'] == 'on', 1, 0));
         $update_b->setInt(9, 0);
         $update_b->setInt(10, $topic_type);
         $update_b->setInt(11, $is_feature);
         $update_b->setInt(12, $draft['id']);
          * Do the queries
         $forum_update =& $dba->prepareStatement("UPDATE " . FORUMS . " SET topics=topics+1,posts=posts+1,topic_created=?,topic_name=?,topic_uname=?,topic_id=?,topic_uid=?,topic_posticon=?,post_created=?,post_name=?,post_uname=?,post_id=?,post_uid=?,post_posticon=? WHERE forum_id=?");
         $datastore_update =& $dba->prepareStatement("UPDATE " . DATASTORE . " SET data=? WHERE varname=?");
         if ($request['submit'] == $template->getVar('L_SUBMIT')) {
             $dba->executeUpdate("UPDATE " . USERINFO . " SET num_posts=num_posts+1 WHERE user_id=" . intval($user['id']));
         /* Set the forum values */
         $forum_update->setInt(1, $created);
         $forum_update->setString(2, htmlentities($request['name'], ENT_QUOTES));
         $forum_update->setString(3, $poster_name);
         $forum_update->setInt(4, $draft['id']);
         $forum_update->setInt(5, $user['id']);
         $forum_update->setString(6, iif($user['perms'] >= get_map($user, 'posticons', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])), isset($request['posticon']) ? $request['posticon'] : 'clear.gif', 'clear.gif'));
         $forum_update->setInt(7, $created);
         $forum_update->setString(8, htmlentities($request['name'], ENT_QUOTES));
         $forum_update->setString(9, $poster_name);
         $forum_update->setInt(10, $draft['id']);
         $forum_update->setInt(11, $user['id']);
         $forum_update->setString(12, iif($user['perms'] >= get_map($user, 'posticons', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])), isset($request['posticon']) ? $request['posticon'] : 'clear.gif', 'clear.gif'));
         $forum_update->setInt(13, $forum['id']);
         /* Set the datastore values */
         $datastore = $_DATASTORE['forumstats'];
         $datastore['num_topics'] = $dba->getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . TOPICS . " WHERE is_draft = 0");
         $datastore_update->setString(1, serialize($datastore));
         $datastore_update->setString(2, 'forumstats');
          * Update the forums table and datastore table
         if (!@touch(CACHE_FILE, time() - 86460)) {
          * Subscribe this user to the topic
         if (isset($request['disable_areply']) && $request['disable_areply'] == 'on') {
             $subscribe =& $dba->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " . SUBSCRIPTIONS . " (user_id,user_name,topic_id,forum_id,email,category_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)");
             $subscribe->setInt(1, $user['id']);
             $subscribe->setString(2, $user['name']);
             $subscribe->setInt(3, $draft['id']);
             $subscribe->setInt(4, $forum['id']);
             $subscribe->setString(5, $user['email']);
             $subscribe->setInt(6, $forum['category_id']);
         set_send_topic_mail($forum['id'], iif($poster_name == '', $template->getVar('L_GUEST'), $poster_name));
         /* Redirect the user */
         $template->setInfo('content', sprintf($template->getVar('L_ADDEDTOPIC'), htmlentities($request['name'], ENT_QUOTES), $forum['name']));
         $template->setRedirect('viewtopic.php?id=' . $draft['id'], 3);
         /* If we are previewing */
     } else {
          * Post Previewing
         /* Get and set the emoticons and post icons to the template */
         $emoticons =& $dba->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . EMOTICONS . " WHERE clickable = 1");
         $posticons =& $dba->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . POSTICONS);
         /* Add the emoticons and posticons */
         $template->setList('emoticons', $emoticons);
         $template->setList('posticons', $posticons);
         /* Set some emoticon information */
         $template->setVar('emoticons_per_row', $template->getVar('smcolumns'));
         $template->setVar('emoticons_per_row_remainder', $template->getVar('smcolumns') - 1);
         $template->setVar('newtopic_action', 'newtopic.php?act=postdraft');
         $template = topic_post_options($template, $user, $forum);
         /* Set topic iterator array elements to be passed to the template */
         $topic_preview = array('id' => @$draft['id'], 'name' => htmlentities($request['name'], ENT_QUOTES), 'posticon' => isset($request['posticon']) ? $request['posticon'] : 'clear.gif', 'body_text' => $body_text, 'poster_name' => html_entity_decode($draft['poster_name'], ENT_QUOTES), 'poster_id' => $user['id'], 'row_left' => 0, 'row_right' => 0, 'topic_type' => $topic_type, 'is_feature' => $is_feature, 'posticon' => iif($user['perms'] >= get_map($user, 'posticons', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['id'])), isset($request['posticon']) ? $request['posticon'] : 'clear.gif', 'clear.gif'), 'disable_html' => iif(isset($request['disable_html']) && $request['disable_html'] == 'on', 1, 0), 'disable_sig' => iif(isset($request['enable_sig']) && $request['enable_sig'] == 'on', 0, 1), 'disable_bbcode' => iif(isset($request['disable_bbcode']) && $request['disable_bbcode'] == 'on', 1, 0), 'disable_emoticons' => iif(isset($request['disable_emoticons']) && $request['disable_emoticons'] == 'on', 1, 0), 'disable_areply' => iif(isset($request['disable_areply']) && $request['disable_areply'] == 'on', 1, 0), 'disable_aurls' => iif(isset($request['disable_aurls']) && $request['disable_aurls'] == 'on', 1, 0));
         /* Add the topic information to the template */
         $topic_iterator =& new TopicIterator($topic_preview, FALSE);
         $template->setList('topic', $topic_iterator);
         /* Assign the topic preview values to the template */
         $topic_preview['body_text'] = $request['message'];
         foreach ($topic_preview as $key => $val) {
             $template->setVar('topic_' . $key, $val);
         /* Assign the forum information to the template */
         foreach ($forum as $key => $val) {
             $template->setVar('forum_' . $key, $val);
         /* Set the the button display options */
         /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
         $template = BreadCrumbs($template, $template->getVar('L_POSTTOPIC'), $forum['row_left'], $forum['row_right']);
         /* Set the post topic form */
         $template->setFile('preview', 'post_preview.html');
         $template->setFile('content', 'newtopic.html');
     return TRUE;
Пример #3
 function execute(&$request)
     if (isset($_REQUEST['submit_type']) && ($_REQUEST['submit_type'] == 'post' || $_REQUEST['submit_type'] == 'preview' || $_REQUEST['submit_type'] == 'draft') || (isset($_REQUEST['post']) || isset($_REQUEST['draft']))) {
         $submit_type = isset($_REQUEST['submit_type']) ? $_REQUEST['submit_type'] : 'post';
         $should_submit = isset($_REQUEST['post']) || isset($_REQUEST['draft']);
         $this->dba = $request['dba'];
         /* Prevent post flooding */
         $last_topic = $request['dba']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE poster_ip = '" . USER_IP . "' " . ($request['user']->isMember() ? "OR poster_id = " . intval($request['user']->get('id')) : '') . " ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1");
         $last_reply = $request['dba']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE poster_ip = '" . USER_IP . "' " . ($request['user']->isMember() ? "OR poster_id = " . intval($request['user']->get('id')) : '') . " ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1");
         k4_bread_crumbs($request['template'], $request['dba'], 'L_INFORMATION');
         if (is_array($last_topic) && !empty($last_topic)) {
             if (intval($last_topic['created']) + POST_IMPULSE_LIMIT > time() && $request['user']->get('perms') < MODERATOR) {
                 $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_MUSTWAITSECSTOPOST'), 'content', TRUE);
                 return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_MUSTWAITSECSTOPOST');
         if (is_array($last_reply) && !empty($last_reply)) {
             if (intval($last_reply['created']) + POST_IMPULSE_LIMIT > time() && $request['user']->get('perms') < MODERATOR) {
                 $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_MUSTWAITSECSTOPOST'), 'content', TRUE);
                 return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_MUSTWAITSECSTOPOST');
          * Error checking
         /* Check the request ID */
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['forum_id']) || intval($_REQUEST['forum_id']) == 0) {
             $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), 'content', FALSE);
             return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST');
         $forum = $request['dba']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . K4FORUMS . " WHERE forum_id = " . intval($_REQUEST['forum_id']));
         /* Check the forum data given */
         if (!$forum || !is_array($forum) || empty($forum)) {
             $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST'), 'content', FALSE);
             return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_FORUMDOESNTEXIST');
         /* Make sure the we are trying to post into a forum */
         if (!($forum['row_type'] & FORUM) || $forum['forum_id'] == GARBAGE_BIN) {
             $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_CANTPOSTTONONFORUM'), 'content', FALSE);
             return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_CANTPOSTTONONFORUM');
         /* Do we have permission to post to this forum? */
         if ($request['user']->get('perms') < get_map('topics', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id']))) {
             $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_PERMCANTPOST'), 'content', FALSE);
             return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_PERMCANTPOST');
         /* General error checking */
         if ($this->row_type & TOPIC) {
             if (!isset($_REQUEST['name']) || $_REQUEST['name'] == '') {
                 $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_INSERTTOPICNAME'), 'content', TRUE);
                 return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_INSERTTOPICNAME');
             $len = strlen($_REQUEST['name']);
             if ($len < intval($_SETTINGS['topicminchars']) || $len > intval($_SETTINGS['topicmaxchars'])) {
                 $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_TITLETOOSHORT', intval($_SETTINGS['topicminchars']), intval($_SETTINGS['topicmaxchars'])), 'content', TRUE);
                 return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message(new K4LanguageElement('L_TITLETOOSHORT', intval($_SETTINGS['topicminchars']), intval($_SETTINGS['topicmaxchars'])));
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['message']) || $_REQUEST['message'] == '') {
             $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_INSERTTOPICMESSAGE'), 'content', TRUE);
             return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_INSERTTOPICMESSAGE');
         /* Initialize the bbcode parser with the topic message */
         $body_text = $_REQUEST['message'];
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['disable_bbcode']) || !$_REQUEST['disable_bbcode']) {
             $parser =& new BBParser();
             Globals::setGlobal('forum_id', $forum['forum_id']);
             Globals::setGlobal('maxpolloptions', $request['template']->getVar('maxpolloptions') > $forum['maxpolloptions'] ? $forum['maxpolloptions'] : $request['template']->getVar('maxpolloptions'));
             Globals::setGlobal('maxpollquestions', $request['template']->getVar('maxpollquestions') > $forum['maxpollquestions'] ? $forum['maxpollquestions'] : $request['template']->getVar('maxpollquestions'));
             if ($submit_type == 'post' || isset($_REQUEST['post'])) {
             $body_text = $parser->parse($body_text);
             $is_poll = Globals::getGlobal('is_poll');
         if ($submit_type == 'post' || $submit_type == 'draft' || $should_submit) {
             /* set the breadcrumbs bit */
             k4_bread_crumbs($request['template'], $request['dba'], $this->row_type & TOPIC ? 'L_POSTTOPIC' : 'L_POSTREPLY', $forum);
              * Start building info for the queries
             /* Set this nodes level */
             $level = 1;
             if ($this->row_type & TOPIC) {
                 $row_order = 0;
                 $parent_id = $forum['forum_id'];
                 $name = k4_htmlentities($_REQUEST['name'], ENT_QUOTES);
             } else {
                 $topic = $request['dba']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE post_id=" . intval(@$_REQUEST['topic_id']));
                 if (!$topic || !is_array($topic) || empty($topic)) {
                     $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_TOPICDOESNTEXIST'), 'content', FALSE);
                     return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_TOPICDOESNTEXIST');
                 $parent_id = $topic['post_id'];
                 $level = $topic['row_level'] + 1;
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) && intval($_REQUEST['parent_id']) != 0) {
                     $parent = $request['dba']->getRow("SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE post_id = " . intval($_REQUEST['parent_id']));
                     if (!$parent || !is_array($parent) || empty($parent)) {
                         $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_POSTDOESNTEXIST'), 'content', FALSE);
                         return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_POSTDOESNTEXIST');
                     $level = $parent['row_level'] + 1;
                 if (!isset($_REQUEST['name']) || $_REQUEST['name'] == '') {
                     $name = 'Re: ' . k4_htmlentities(isset($parent) ? $parent['name'] : $topic['name']);
                 $fix_order = FALSE;
                 if ($topic['num_replies'] == 0) {
                     $row_order = 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($parent['row_type'] & TOPIC) {
                         $row_order = $topic['num_replies'] + 1;
                     } else {
                         $row_order = $parent['row_order'] + 1;
                         $fix_order = $parent['post_id'] == $topic['post_id'] ? FALSE : TRUE;
                 // fix the order of things below this reply
                 if ($fix_order) {
                     $request['dba']->executeUpdate("UPDATE " . K4POSTS . " SET row_order=row_order+1 WHERE row_order >= " . intval($row_order) . " AND parent_id=" . intval($topic['post_id']));
             /* Set the topic created time */
             $created = time();
             $_REQUEST['message'] = substr($_REQUEST['message'], 0, $_SETTINGS['postmaxchars']);
             // permissions are taken into account inside the poller
             //$poller		= &new K4BBPolls($body_text, '', $forum, 0);
             if ($this->row_type & TOPIC) {
                  * Figure out what type of topic type this is
                 $post_type = isset($_REQUEST['post_type']) && intval($_REQUEST['post_type']) != 0 ? $_REQUEST['post_type'] : TOPIC_NORMAL;
                 if ($post_type == TOPIC_STICKY && $request['user']->get('perms') < get_map('sticky', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id']))) {
                     $post_type = TOPIC_NORMAL;
                 } else {
                     if ($post_type == TOPIC_ANNOUNCE && $request['user']->get('perms') < get_map('announce', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id']))) {
                         $post_type = TOPIC_NORMAL;
                 $is_feature = isset($_REQUEST['is_feature']) && $_REQUEST['is_feature'] ? 1 : 0;
                 if ($is_feature == 1 && $request['user']->get('perms') < get_map('feature', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id']))) {
                     $is_feature = 0;
             } else {
                 $post_type = $is_feature = 0;
             /* Does this person have permission to post a draft? */
             $is_draft = 0;
             if ($this->row_type & TOPIC && $_REQUEST['submit_type'] == 'draft' || isset($_REQUEST['draft'])) {
                 if ($request['user']->get('perms') < get_map('post_save', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id']))) {
                     $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_YOUNEEDPERMS'), 'content', FALSE);
                     return $action->execute($request);
                 $is_draft = 1;
              * Build the queries
             $poster_name = $request['user']->get('id') <= 0 ? k4_htmlentities(isset($_REQUEST['poster_name']) ? $_REQUEST['poster_name'] : '', ENT_QUOTES) : $request['user']->get('name');
             /* Make sure we're not double-posting */
             if (!empty($last_topic) && ($_REQUEST['name'] == $last_topic['name'] && $body_text == $last_topic['body_text'])) {
                 $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_DOUBLEPOSTED'), 'content', TRUE, 'viewtopic.php?id=' . $last_topic['post_id'], 3);
                 return !USE_XMLHTTP ? $action->execute($request) : xmlhttp_message('L_DOUBLEPOSTED');
             $insert_a = $request['dba']->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " . K4POSTS . " (name,forum_id,poster_name,poster_id,poster_ip,body_text,posticon,disable_html,disable_bbcode,disable_emoticons,disable_sig,disable_areply,disable_aurls,is_draft,post_type,post_expire,is_feature,is_poll,lastpost_created,row_type,row_level,created,row_order,parent_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
             $insert_a->setString(1, $name);
             $insert_a->setInt(2, $forum['forum_id']);
             $insert_a->setString(3, $poster_name);
             $insert_a->setInt(4, $request['user']->get('id'));
             $insert_a->setString(5, USER_IP);
             $insert_a->setString(6, $body_text);
             $insert_a->setString(7, $request['user']->get('perms') >= get_map('posticons', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) ? isset($_REQUEST['posticon']) ? $_REQUEST['posticon'] : 'clear.gif' : 'clear.gif');
             $insert_a->setInt(8, isset($_REQUEST['disable_html']) && $_REQUEST['disable_html'] ? 1 : 0);
             $insert_a->setInt(9, isset($_REQUEST['disable_bbcode']) && $_REQUEST['disable_bbcode'] ? 1 : 0);
             $insert_a->setInt(10, isset($_REQUEST['disable_emoticons']) && $_REQUEST['disable_emoticons'] ? 1 : 0);
             $insert_a->setInt(11, isset($_REQUEST['enable_sig']) && $_REQUEST['enable_sig'] ? 0 : 1);
             $insert_a->setInt(12, isset($_REQUEST['disable_areply']) && $_REQUEST['disable_areply'] ? 1 : 0);
             $insert_a->setInt(13, isset($_REQUEST['disable_aurls']) && $_REQUEST['disable_aurls'] ? 1 : 0);
             $insert_a->setInt(14, $is_draft);
             $insert_a->setInt(15, $post_type);
             $insert_a->setInt(16, $post_type > TOPIC_NORMAL ? intval(isset($_REQUEST['post_expire']) ? $_REQUEST['post_expire'] : 0) : 0);
             $insert_a->setInt(17, $is_feature);
             $insert_a->setInt(18, $is_poll);
             $insert_a->setInt(19, $created);
             $insert_a->setInt(20, $this->row_type);
             $insert_a->setInt(21, $level);
             $insert_a->setInt(22, $created);
             $insert_a->setInt(23, $row_order);
             $insert_a->setInt(24, $parent_id);
             $post_id = $request['dba']->getInsertId(K4POSTS, 'post_id');
              * Update the forum, and update the datastore 
             $where = "WHERE forum_id=?";
             $forum_update = $request['dba']->prepareStatement("UPDATE " . K4FORUMS . " SET " . ($this->row_type & TOPIC ? 'topics=topics+1,' : '') . " posts=posts+1,post_created=?,post_name=?,post_uname=?,post_id=?,post_uid=?,post_posticon=? {$where}");
             $datastore_update = $request['dba']->prepareStatement("UPDATE " . K4DATASTORE . " SET data=? WHERE varname=?");
             /* If this isn't a draft, update the forums and datastore tables */
             if ($is_draft == 0) {
                 /* Set the forum values */
                 $forum_update->setInt(1, $created);
                 $forum_update->setString(2, $name);
                 $forum_update->setString(3, $poster_name);
                 $forum_update->setInt(4, $post_id);
                 $forum_update->setInt(5, $request['user']->get('id'));
                 $forum_update->setString(6, $request['user']->get('perms') >= get_map('posticons', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) ? isset($_REQUEST['posticon']) ? $_REQUEST['posticon'] : 'clear.gif' : 'clear.gif');
                 $forum_update->setInt(7, $forum['forum_id']);
                  * Update the forums table and datastore table
             // deal with attachments
             $t_post = array('post_id' => $post_id, 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'row_type' => $this->row_type);
             if ($request['template']->getVar('nojs') == 0) {
                 attach_files($request, $forum, $t_post);
             attach_limbo_files($request, $forum, $t_post);
             /* Added the topic */
             if ($is_draft == 0) {
                 /* Set the datastore values */
                 $datastore = $_DATASTORE['forumstats'];
                 // do we change num topics or replies ?
                 if ($this->row_type & TOPIC) {
                     $datastore['num_topics'] = $request['dba']->getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE row_type=" . TOPIC . " AND is_draft=0");
                 } else {
                     $datastore['num_replies'] = $request['dba']->getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE row_type=" . REPLY . " AND is_draft=0");
                 $datastore_update->setString(1, serialize($datastore));
                 $datastore_update->setString(2, 'forumstats');
                 if ($this->row_type & REPLY) {
                     $request['dba']->executeUpdate("UPDATE " . K4POSTS . " SET num_replies=num_replies+1 WHERE post_id=" . $parent_id);
                 /* Update the user post count */
                 $request['dba']->executeUpdate("UPDATE " . K4USERINFO . " SET num_posts=num_posts+1,total_posts=total_posts+1 WHERE user_id=" . intval($request['user']->get('id')));
                  * Subscribe this user to the topic
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['disable_areply']) && $_REQUEST['disable_areply']) {
                     $subscribe = $request['dba']->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " . K4SUBSCRIPTIONS . " (user_id,post_id,forum_id,email) VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
                     $subscribe->setInt(1, $request['user']->get('id'));
                     $subscribe->setInt(2, $post_id);
                     $subscribe->setInt(3, $forum['forum_id']);
                     $subscribe->setString(4, $request['user']->get('email'));
                 set_send_topic_mail($forum['forum_id'], $poster_name == '' ? $request['template']->getVar('L_GUEST') : $poster_name);
                 /* Commit the current transaction */
                 if (!USE_XMLHTTP || $this->row_type & TOPIC) {
                     /* Redirect the user */
                     $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement($this->row_type & TOPIC ? 'L_ADDEDTOPIC' : 'L_ADDEDREPLY', k4_htmlentities($_REQUEST['name'], ENT_QUOTES), $forum['name']), 'content', FALSE, 'findpost.php?id=' . $post_id, 3);
                     return $action->execute($request);
                 } else {
                     global $_URL;
                      * Now figure out the annoying stuff to pass to the
                      * page for the javascript to interpret
                     $page = 1;
                     if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
                         $page = intval($_REQUEST['page']) <= 0 ? 1 : intval($_REQUEST['page']);
                     $limit = $request['user']->get('postsperpage') <= 0 ? $forum['postsperpage'] : $request['user']->get('postsperpage');
                     /* Send a javascript redirect to the browser */
                     if (ceil(($topic['num_replies'] + 1) / $limit) > $page) {
                         $html = '<div style="text-align:center;"><a href="viewtopic.php?id=' . $topic['post_id'] . '&page=' . ceil(($topic['num_replies'] + 1) / $limit) . '&limit=' . $limit . '&p=' . $post_id . '#p' . $reply_id . '" title="' . $request['template']->getVar('L_SEEYOURPOST') . '" style="font-weight: bold;">' . $request['template']->getVar('L_SEEYOURPOST') . '</a></div><br />';
                         echo $html;
                         /* Display fancy template */
                     } else {
                         global $_USERGROUPS, $_PROFILEFIELDS;
                         $result = $request['dba']->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE post_id=" . intval($post_id) . " LIMIT 1");
                         $it =& new PostsIterator($request, $result);
                         $reply = $it->next();
                         $reply['topic_row'] = 1;
                         $reply['reply_row'] = 1;
                         $reply['row_class'] = 'alt1';
                         foreach ($topic as $key => $val) {
                             $reply['topic_' . $key] = $val;
                         foreach ($reply as $key => $val) {
                             $request['template']->setVar($key, $val);
                         $request['template']->setVisibility('in_topicview', FALSE);
                         $request['template']->setVar('row_class', $topic['num_replies'] % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 2);
                         $templateset = $request['user']->isMember() ? $request['user']->get('templateset') : $forum['defaultstyle'];
                         $html = $request['template']->run(BB_BASE_DIR . '/templates/' . $templateset . '/reply' . ($request['user']->get('topic_display') == 0 ? '' : '_linear') . '.html');
                         echo $html;
             } else {
                 /* Commit the current transaction */
                 /* Redirect the user */
                 $action = new K4InformationAction(new K4LanguageElement('L_SAVEDDRAFTTOPIC', $name, $forum['name']), 'content', FALSE, 'viewforum.php?f=' . $forum['forum_id'], 3);
                 return $action->execute($request);
         } else {
              * Post Previewing
             if (!USE_XMLHTTP) {
                 $request['template']->setVar('L_TITLETOOSHORT', sprintf($request['template']->getVar('L_TITLETOOSHORT'), $request['template']->getVar('topicminchars'), $request['template']->getVar('topicmaxchars')));
                 /* Get and set the emoticons and post icons to the template */
                 $emoticons = $request['dba']->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . K4EMOTICONS . " WHERE clickable = 1");
                 $posticons = $request['dba']->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTICONS);
                 /* Add the emoticons and the post icons to the template */
                 $request['template']->setList('emoticons', $emoticons);
                 $request['template']->setList('posticons', $posticons);
                 /* Set some emoticon information */
                 $request['template']->setVar('emoticons_per_row', $request['template']->getVar('smcolumns'));
                 $request['template']->setVar('emoticons_per_row_remainder', $request['template']->getVar('smcolumns') - 1);
                 topic_post_options($request['template'], $request['user'], $forum);
                 /* Set the forum info to the template */
                 foreach ($forum as $key => $val) {
                     $request['template']->setVar('forum_' . $key, $val);
                 /* Create our editor */
                 create_editor($request, $_REQUEST['message'], 'post', $forum);
                 $request['template']->setVar('newtopic_action', 'newtopic.php?act=posttopic');
             /* Set topic array items to be passed to the iterator */
             $post_preview = array('name' => k4_htmlentities($_REQUEST['name'], ENT_QUOTES), 'body_text' => $body_text, 'poster_name' => $request['user']->get('name'), 'poster_id' => $request['user']->get('id'), 'is_poll' => 0, 'row_left' => 0, 'row_right' => 0, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'is_feature' => $is_feature, 'posticon' => $request['user']->get('perms') >= get_map('posticons', 'can_add', array('forum_id' => $forum['forum_id'])) ? isset($_REQUEST['posticon']) ? $_REQUEST['posticon'] : 'clear.gif' : 'clear.gif', 'disable_html' => isset($_REQUEST['disable_html']) && $_REQUEST['disable_html'] ? 1 : 0, 'disable_sig' => isset($_REQUEST['enable_sig']) && $_REQUEST['enable_sig'] ? 0 : 1, 'disable_bbcode' => isset($_REQUEST['disable_bbcode']) && $_REQUEST['disable_bbcode'] ? 1 : 0, 'disable_emoticons' => isset($_REQUEST['disable_emoticons']) && $_REQUEST['disable_emoticons'] ? 1 : 0, 'disable_areply' => isset($_REQUEST['disable_areply']) && $_REQUEST['disable_areply'] ? 1 : 0, 'disable_aurls' => isset($_REQUEST['disable_aurls']) && $_REQUEST['disable_aurls'] ? 1 : 0);
             /* Assign the topic preview values to the template */
             //$post_preview['body_text'] = $_REQUEST['message'];
             foreach ($post_preview as $key => $val) {
                 $request['template']->setVar('post_' . $key, $val);
             /* Assign the forum information to the template */
             foreach ($forum as $key => $val) {
                 $request['template']->setVar('forum_' . $key, $val);
             $request['template']->setVar('is_topic', $this->row_type & TOPIC ? 1 : 0);
             if (!USE_XMLHTTP) {
                 /* Set the the button display options */
                 $request['template']->setVisibility('save_draft', TRUE);
                 $request['template']->setVisibility('edit_topic', TRUE);
                 $request['template']->setVisibility('post_topic', TRUE);
                 $request['template']->setVisibility('post_id', TRUE);
                 /* Should she show/hide the 'load draft' button? */
                 $drafts = $request['dba']->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . K4POSTS . " WHERE forum_id=" . intval($forum['forum_id']) . " AND is_draft=1 AND poster_id=" . intval($request['user']->get('id')));
                 if ($drafts->numrows() > 0) {
                     $request['template']->setVisibility('load_button', TRUE);
                 } else {
                     $request['template']->setVisibility('load_button', FALSE);
                 /* Set the post topic form */
                 $request['template']->setVar('forum_forum_id', $forum['forum_id']);
                 $request['template']->setFile('preview', 'post_preview.html');
                 $request['template']->setFile('content', 'newtopic.html');
             } else {
                 $templateset = $request['user']->isMember() ? $request['user']->get('templateset') : $forum['defaultstyle'];
                 $html = $request['template']->run(BB_BASE_DIR . '/templates/' . $templateset . '/post_preview.html');
                 echo $html;
     } else {
     return TRUE;