function show_platforms() { $xmlFragment = unserialize(get_cached_data(3600, "project_config_platform_xml")); if ($xmlFragment == false) { $platforms = BoincDB::get()->enum_fields("platform, DBNAME.app_version,", "BoincPlatform", ", platform.user_friendly_name, plan_class", "app_version.platformid = and app_version.appid = and app_version.deprecated=0 and app.deprecated=0 group by, plan_class", ""); $xmlFragment = " <platforms>"; foreach ($platforms as $platform) { $xmlFragment .= "\n <platform>\n <platform_name>{$platform->name}</platform_name>\n <user_friendly_name>{$platform->user_friendly_name}</user_friendly_name>"; if ($platform->plan_class) { $xmlFragment .= "\n <plan_class>{$platform->plan_class}</plan_class>\n"; } $xmlFragment .= "\n </platform>"; } $xmlFragment .= "\n </platforms>\n"; set_cached_data(3600, serialize($xmlFragment), "project_config_platform_xml"); } echo $xmlFragment; }
} if ($user->id == $team->ping_user) { $get_from_db = true; } // Cache the team record, its forum record, its new members, // its admins, and its member counts $cache_args = "teamid={$teamid}"; if (!$get_from_db) { $cached_data = get_cached_data(TEAM_PAGE_TTL, $cache_args); if ($cached_data) { // We found some old but non-stale data, let's use it $team = unserialize($cached_data); } else { $get_from_db = true; } } if ($get_from_db) { $team->nusers = BoincUser::count("teamid={$teamid}"); $team->nusers_worked = BoincUser::count("teamid={$teamid} and total_credit>0"); $team->nusers_active = BoincUser::count("teamid={$teamid} and expavg_credit>0.1"); $team->forum = BoincForum::lookup("parent_type=1 and category={$team->id}"); $team->new_members = new_member_list($teamid); $team->admins = admin_list($teamid); $team->founder = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->userid); set_cached_data(TEAM_PAGE_TTL, serialize($team), $cache_args); } if (!$team) { error_page(tra("no such team")); } display_team_page($team, $user); page_tail(true);
echo "{$x->model}: {$g} gflops {$x->mean_ncores} cores {$x->nhosts} hosts \n"; } } function show_cpu_list($data) { page_head("CPU performance"); echo "\n This table shows peak CPU speed\n (based on Whetstone benchmarks)\n of computers participating in this project.\n <p>\n "; start_table(); row_heading_array(array("CPU model", "Number of computers", "Avg. cores/computer", "GFLOPS/core", "GFLOPs/computer")); $i = 0; $total_nhosts = 0; $total_gflops = 0; foreach ($data->cpus as $d) { row_array(array($d->model, $d->nhosts, number_format($d->mean_ncores, 2), number_format($d->p_fpops / 1000000000.0, 2), number_format($d->mean_ncores * $d->p_fpops / 1000000000.0, 2)), "row{$i}"); $total_nhosts += $d->nhosts; $total_gflops += $d->nhosts * $d->mean_ncores * $d->p_fpops / 1000000000.0; $i = 1 - $i; } row_array(array("Total", number_format($total_nhosts, 0) . " computers", "", "", number_format($total_gflops / 1000.0, 2) . " TeraFLOPS"), "row{$i}"); end_table(); echo "Generated " . time_str($data->time); page_tail(); } $d = get_cached_data(86400); if ($d) { $data = unserialize($d); } else { $data = get_cpu_list(); set_cached_data(86400, serialize($data)); } show_cpu_list($data);
$cache_args = "userid=" . $id; $cached_data = get_cached_data(USER_PAGE_TTL, $cache_args); if ($cached_data) { // We found some old but non-stale data, let's use it $data = unserialize($cached_data); $user = $data->user; $community_links = $data->clo; } else { // No data was found, generate new data for the cache and store it $user = lookup_user_id($id); BoincForumPrefs::lookup($user); $user = @get_other_projects($user); $community_links = get_community_links_object($user); $data->user = $user; $data->clo = $community_links; set_cached_data(USER_PAGE_TTL, serialize($data), $cache_args); } if (!$user->id) { error_page("No such user"); } $logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(false); page_head($user->name); start_table(); echo "<tr><td valign=top>"; start_table(); show_user_summary_public($user); end_table(); project_user_summary($user); show_other_projects($user, false); echo "</td><td valign=top>"; start_table();
$offset = 0; } if ($offset < ITEM_LIMIT) { $cache_args = "sort_by={$sort_by}&offset={$offset}"; $cacheddata = get_cached_data(TOP_PAGES_TTL, $cache_args); // Do we have the data in cache? // if ($cacheddata) { $data = unserialize($cacheddata); // use the cached data } else { //if not do queries etc to generate new data $data = get_top_participants($offset, $sort_by); //save data in cache // set_cached_data(TOP_PAGES_TTL, serialize($data), $cache_args); } } else { error_page(tra("Limit exceeded - Sorry, first %1 items only", ITEM_LIMIT)); } // Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB) page_head(tra("Top participants")); user_table_start($sort_by); $i = 1 + $offset; $n = sizeof($data); foreach ($data as $user) { show_user_row($user, $i); $i++; } echo "</table>\n<p>"; if ($offset > 0) {
$user->has_profile = 1; } else { error_page(tra("This user has no profile")); } } $logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(false); check_whether_to_show_profile($user, $logged_in_user); $cache_args = "userid={$userid}"; $cacheddata = get_cached_data(USER_PROFILE_TTL, $cache_args); if ($cacheddata) { // Already got a cached version of the information $community_links_object = unserialize($cacheddata); } else { // Need to generate a new bunch of data $community_links_object = get_community_links_object($user); set_cached_data(USER_PROFILE_TTL, serialize($community_links_object), $cache_args); } page_head(tra("Profile: %1", $user->name)); start_table(); echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\">"; start_table(); show_profile($user, $logged_in_user); end_table(); echo "</td><td valign=\"top\">"; start_table(); row2(tra("Account data"), "<a href=\"show_user.php?userid=" . $userid . "\">" . tra("View") . "</a>"); community_links($community_links_object, $logged_in_user); end_table(); echo "</td></tr>"; end_table(); page_tail();
function get_job_status() { $s = unserialize(get_cached_data(STATUS_PAGE_TTL, "job_status")); if ($s) { return $s; } $s = new StdClass(); $apps = BoincApp::enum("deprecated=0"); foreach ($apps as $app) { $info = BoincDB::get()->lookup_fields("result", "stdClass", "ceil(avg(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as avg,\n ceil(min(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as min,\n ceil(max(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as max,\n count(distinct userid) as users", "appid = {$app->id}\n AND validate_state=1\n AND received_time > (unix_timestamp()-86400)\n "); $app->info = $info; $app->unsent = BoincResult::count("appid={$app->id} and server_state=2"); $app->in_progress = BoincResult::count("appid={$app->id} and server_state=4"); } $s->apps = $apps; $s->results_ready_to_send = BoincResult::count("server_state=2"); $s->results_in_progress = BoincResult::count("server_state=4"); $s->results_need_file_delete = BoincResult::count("file_delete_state=1"); $s->wus_need_validate = BoincWorkunit::count("need_validate=1"); $s->wus_need_assimilate = BoincWorkunit::count("assimilate_state=1"); $s->wus_need_file_delete = BoincWorkunit::count("file_delete_state=1"); $x = BoincDB::get()->lookup_fields("workunit", "stdClass", "MIN(transition_time) as min", "TRUE"); $gap = (time() - $x->min) / 3600; if ($gap < 0 || $x->min == 0) { $gap = 0; } $s->transitioner_backlog = $gap; $s->users_with_recent_credit = BoincUser::count("expavg_credit>1"); $s->users_with_credit = BoincUser::count("total_credit>1"); $s->users_past_24_hours = BoincUser::count("create_time > (unix_timestamp() - 86400)"); $s->hosts_with_recent_credit = BoincHost::count("expavg_credit>1"); $s->hosts_with_credit = BoincHost::count("total_credit>1"); $s->hosts_past_24_hours = BoincHost::count("create_time > (unix_timestamp() - 86400)"); $s->flops = BoincUser::sum("expavg_credit") / 200; $s->db_revision = null; if (file_exists("../../db_revision")) { $s->db_revision = trim(file_get_contents("../../db_revision")); } $s->cached_time = time(); $e = set_cached_data(STATUS_PAGE_TTL, serialize($s), "job_status"); if ($e) { echo "set_cached_data(): {$e}\n"; } return $s; }
function get_runtime_info($appid) { $info = unserialize(get_cached_data(3600, "get_runtime_info" . $appid)); if ($info == false) { $info = BoincDB::get()->lookup_fields("result", "stdClass", "ceil(avg(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as avg,\n ceil(min(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as min,\n ceil(max(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as max,\n count(distinct userid) as users", "appid = {$appid} \n AND validate_state=1 \n AND received_time > (unix_timestamp()-(3600*24)) \n "); if (!$info) { // No recent jobs sound $info = new stdClass(); $info->avg = $info->min = $info->max = $info->users = 0; } set_cached_data(3600, serialize($info), "get_runtime_info" . $appid); } return $info; }
$last_update = 0; $row_array = null; $cache_args = "level={$notification_level}"; if ($appid) { $cache_args .= "&appid={$appid}"; } $cache_data = get_cached_data($cache_sec, $cache_args); if ($cache_data && !$refresh_cache) { $cache_data = unserialize($cache_data); $last_update = $cache_data['last_update']; $row_array = $cache_data['row_array']; } else { $row_array = get_error_wus(); $last_update = time(); $cache_data = array('last_update' => $last_update, 'row_array' => $row_array); set_cached_data($cache_sec, serialize($cache_data), $cache_args); } echo "<br/>"; echo "<form method=\"get\" action=\"errorwus.php\">\n"; print_checkbox("Hide canceled WUs", "hide_canceled", $hide_canceled); print_checkbox("Hide WUs with only d/l errors", "hide_dlerr", $hide_dlerr); if ($appid) { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"appid\" value=\"{$appid}\"/>"; } echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"level\" value=\"{$notification_level}\"/>"; echo "<input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"submit\" value=\"OK\">\n"; echo "</form>\n"; echo "Page last updated " . time_str($last_update); if (!in_rops()) { echo "<form action=\"cancel_workunits_action.php\" method=\"post\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"back\" value=\"errorwus\"/>";
if (!$offset) { $offset = 0; } if ($offset % $hosts_per_page) { $offset = 0; } if ($offset >= ITEM_LIMIT) { error_page(tra("Limit exceeded - Sorry, first %1 items only", ITEM_LIMIT)); } $cache_args = "sort_by={$sort_by}&offset={$offset}"; $cacheddata = get_cached_data(TOP_PAGES_TTL, $cache_args); if ($cacheddata) { $data = store_to_hosts($cacheddata); } else { $data = get_top_hosts($offset, $sort_by); set_cached_data(TOP_PAGES_TTL, hosts_to_store($data), $cache_args); } // Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB) // page_head(tra("Top hosts")); top_host_table_start($sort_by); $i = 1 + $offset; $n = sizeof($data); foreach ($data as $host) { show_host_row($host, $i, false, true); $i++; } echo "</table>\n<p>"; if ($offset > 0) { $new_offset = $offset - $hosts_per_page; echo "<a href=top_hosts.php?sort_by={$sort_by}&offset={$new_offset}>" . tra("Previous %1", $hosts_per_page) . "</a> | ";
// // Copyright (C) 2008 University of California // // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; check_get_args(array()); page_head(tra("Download BOINC add-on software")); echo "\n <p>" . tra("You can download applications in several categories.") . "\n <ul>\n <li>" . tra("These applications are not endorsed by %1 and you use them at your own risk.", PROJECT) . "\n <li>" . tra("We do not provide instructions for installing these applications.\nHowever, the author may have provided some help on installing or uninstalling the application. \nIf this is not enough you should contact the author.") . tra("Instructions for installing and running BOINC are %1here%2.", "<a href=>", "</a>") . "<li>" . tra("This list is managed centrally at %1the BOINC website%2.", "<a href=\"\">", "</a>") . "\n </ul>\n"; $httpFile = unserialize(get_cached_data(3600)); if (!$httpFile) { $httpFile = @file_get_contents(""); if ($httpFile) { set_cached_data(3600, serialize($httpFile)); } } echo $httpFile; echo "\n <p><p>\n"; page_tail();
function get_runtime_info($appid) { $info = unserialize(get_cached_data(3600, "get_runtime_info" . $appid)); if ($info == false) { $result = mysql_query("\n Select ceil(avg(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as avg,\n ceil(min(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as min,\n ceil(max(elapsed_time)/3600*100)/100 as max\n from (SELECT elapsed_time FROM `result` WHERE appid = {$appid} and validate_state =1 and received_time > (unix_timestamp()-(3600*24)) ORDER BY `received_time` DESC limit 100) t"); $info = mysql_fetch_object($result); mysql_free_result($result); set_cached_data(3600, serialize($info), "get_runtime_info" . $appid); } return $info; }
$y = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); foreach ($vendors as $name => $x) { if (!$name) { $name = "not reported by client"; } else { $name = "<a href=android_tasks.php?vendor={$name}>{$name}</a>"; } show_item($name, $x); $y[1] += $x[1]; $y[3] += $x[3]; } show_item("total", $y); end_table(); page_tail(); } $models = get_cached_data(86400); if ($models) { $models = unserialize($models); } else { $models = get_models(); set_cached_data(86400, serialize($models)); } $vendor = get_str("vendor", true); if ($vendor) { uasort($models, 'compare'); show_vendor($vendor, $models); } else { $vendors = get_vendors($models); uasort($vendors, 'compare'); show_vendors($vendors); }