Пример #1
function content()
    $errors = array();
    page_header('Request password reset');
    if (array_key_exists('reset', $_POST)) {
        if (!isset($_POST['email']) || !$_POST['email']) {
            $errors[] = "Please enter an email address";
        } else {
            $user = fetch_one_or_none('users', 'email_address', $_POST['email']);
            if (!$user) {
                $errors[] = "Incorrect email address supplied";
            if (count($errors) == 0) {
                $token = make_random_token();
                update_all('users', array('activation_token' => $token), 'id', $user->id);
                send_reset_email($user->email_address, $user->name, $token);
        <p>We have sent you an email containing a link allowing you to reset 
          your password.</p>
    <p>If you have forgotten your password and need it resetting, please 
      enter your email address below and we will send you an email allowing 
      you to reset your password.</p>

    <form method="post" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8">
      <div class="fieldrow">
    text_field($_POST, 'email', 'Email address');

      <div class="fieldrow">
        <input type="submit" name="reset" value="Reset" />
function password_reset_by_userid($userid)
    // Generate a 20 character reset token
    $token = generate_token(20);
    // Open the database connection
    $db = db_open();
    // Get the users e-mail address
    $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT username, name, email FROM user WHERE value=:userid");
    $stmt->bindParam(":userid", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    // Store the list in the array
    $array = $stmt->fetchAll();
    $username = $array[0]['username'];
    $name = $array[0]['name'];
    $email = $array[0]['email'];
    // Insert into the password reset table
    $stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO password_reset (`username`, `token`) VALUES (:username, :token)");
    $stmt->bindParam(":username", $username, PDO::PARAM_STR, 20);
    $stmt->bindParam(":token", $token, PDO::PARAM_STR, 20);
    // Close the database connection
    // Send the reset e-mail
    send_reset_email($username, $name, $email, $token);
Пример #3
$idcookie = User::id();
$dbh = db_connect();
$page = new PlansPage('Utilities', 'passwordreset', PLANSVNAME . ' - Password Reset', 'passwordreset.php');
if (User::logged_in()) {
    populate_page($page, $dbh, $idcookie);
} else {
$heading = new HeadingText('Password Reset', 1);
if (User::logged_in()) {
    $msg = new AlertText('You are already logged in. You can change your password from the <a href="/changepassword.php">Change Password</a> page.', 'Already logged in');
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['u']) && isset($_POST['email'])) {
        if (send_reset_email($_POST['u'], $_POST['email'])) {
            $msg = new InfoText("Check your email for a password reset link.", "Check email");
        } else {
            $msg = new AlertText("Error: The email address you provided does not match our records, or something else went wrong. " . 'Please contact <a href="mailto:' . ADMIN_ADDRESS . '">' . ADMIN_ADDRESS . '</a> for assistance.', "Email address mismatch");
    } else {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['u']) && isset($_REQUEST['e']) && isset($_REQUEST['h'])) {
            if (User::getPasswordResetHash($_REQUEST['u'], $_REQUEST['e']) == $_REQUEST['h'] && $_REQUEST['e'] > time()) {
                if (isset($_POST['password1']) && isset($_POST['password2'])) {
                    if ($_POST['password1'] == $_POST['password2'] && strlen($_POST['password1']) >= 4) {
                        if (User::resetPassword($_REQUEST['u'], $_REQUEST['e'], $_REQUEST['h'], $_POST['password1'])) {
                            $msg = new InfoText('Your password has been changed. Please <a href="/index.php">log in!</a>!', 'Reset successful');
Пример #4
$success = false;
if (isset($_POST['reset_submitted'])) {
    include_once "/var/www/includes/validation.php";
    $email = trim($_POST['email']);
    if ($email != "") {
        //is_email_valid($email)) {
        include_once "/var/www/includes/user.php";
        include_once "/var/www/includes/crypt.php";
        $u = new user();
        $uid = $u->get_user_id($email);
        if ($uid != 0) {
            $cr = new crypto();
            $token = base64_encode($cr->encrypt($uid));
            $link = 'http://punbt090pc/reset.php?token=' . urlencode($token);
            include_once "/var/www/includes/email.php";
            send_reset_email($email, $link);
            $msg = "Reset instruction are sent to email - " . $email . " Please check inbox/junkbox.";
            $success = true;
        } else {
            $msg = "Email is not registered";
    } else {
        $msg = "Invalid Email " . $email;
} elseif (isset($_POST['resetpwd_submitted'])) {
    $token = $_POST['token'];
    $new_pwd = trim($_POST['new_password']);
    $con_pwd = trim($_POST['con_password']);
    if ($new_pwd == "" || $con_pwd == "") {
        $msg = "No blank fields allowed";
    } elseif ($new_pwd != $con_pwd) {