Пример #1
//Turn off all error reporting, useless for users
$t = new Template(translate('Message Processing'));
// Break table into 2 columns, put quick links on left side and all other tables on the right
// Print out My Quick Links
$action = CmnFns::getGlobalVar('action', POST);
$query_string = CmnFns::get_query_string();
if (isset($action)) {
    switch ($action) {
        case translate('Send report and go back'):
            $process_action = CmnFns::getGlobalVar('process_action', POST);
            $error_array = unserialize(urldecode(CmnFns::getGlobalVar('serialized_error_array', POST)));
            sendMailToAdmin($process_action, $error_array);
            CmnFns::redirect_js('messagesIndex.php?' . $query_string);
        case translate('Go back'):
            CmnFns::redirect_js('messagesIndex.php?' . $query_string);
            CmnFns::do_error_box(translate('Unknown action type'), '', false);
Пример #2
 function hideSameFlights()
     // now is a good time to disable duplicate flights we have found from other servers
     // AND are from the same user (using pilot's mapping table to find that out)
     // addition: 2008/07/21 we search for all flight no only from same user/server
     global $db, $flightsTable;
     $query = "SELECT serverID,ID,externalFlightType, FROM {$flightsTable}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE hash='" . $this->hash . "' AND userID=" . $this->userID . " AND userServerID=" . $this->userServerID . " ORDER BY serverID ASC, ID ASC";
     $query = "SELECT serverID,ID,externalFlightType,userID,userServerID FROM {$flightsTable}\n\t\t\tWHERE hash='" . $this->hash . "' ORDER BY serverID ASC, ID ASC";
     // echo $query;
     $res = $db->sql_query($query);
     if ($res <= 0) {
         DEBUG("FLIGHT", 1, "flightData: Error in query: {$query}<br>");
         return array();
         // no duplicate found
     // we must disable all flights BUT one
     // rules:
     // 1. locally submitted flights have priority
     // 2. between external flights , the full synced have priority over simple links
     // 3. between equal cases the first submitted has priority.
     $i = 0;
     while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($res)) {
         $fList[$i] = $row;
     if ($i == 0) {
         return array();
         // no duplicate found
     usort($fList, "sameFlightsCmp");
     $i = 0;
     $msg = '';
     foreach ($fList as $i => $fEntry) {
         if (0) {
             echo "<pre>";
             echo "-------------------------<BR>";
             echo "-------------------------<BR>";
             echo "</pre>";
         if ($i == 0) {
             // enable
             $msg .= " Enabling ";
             $query = "UPDATE {$flightsTable} SET private = private & (~0x02 & 0xff ) WHERE  ID=" . $fEntry['ID'];
         } else {
             // disable
             $msg .= " Disabling ";
             $query = "UPDATE {$flightsTable} SET private = private | 0x02 WHERE  ID=" . $fEntry['ID'];
         $msg .= " <a href='http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $fEntry['ID'])) . "'>Flight " . $fEntry['ID'] . "</a> from <a href='http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'pilot_profile', 'pilotIDview' => $fEntry['userServerID'] . '_' . $fEntry['userID'])) . "'>PILOT " . $fEntry['userServerID'] . '_' . $fEntry['userID'] . "</a><BR>\n";
         $res = $db->sql_query($query);
         # Error checking
         if ($res <= 0) {
             echo "<H3> Error in query: {$query}</H3>\n";
     // now also make a test to see if all flights are from same user (alien mapped  to local)
     // if not , send a mail to admin to warn him and suggest a new mapping
     $pList = array();
     foreach ($fList as $i => $fEntry) {
         $pList[$fEntry['userServerID'] . '_' . $fEntry['userID']]++;
     if (count($pList) > 1) {
         // more than one pilot involved in this
         sendMailToAdmin("Duplicate flights", $msg);
         //echo "Duplicate flights".$msg;
     		foreach ($disableFlightsList as $dFlightID=>$num) {
     			$query="UPDATE $flightsTable SET private = private | 0x02 WHERE  ID=$dFlightID ";
     			$res= $db->sql_query($query);
     			# Error checking
     			if($res <= 0){
     				echo("<H3> Error in query: $query</H3>\n");
     		foreach ($enableFlightsList as $dFlightID=>$num) {
     			$query="UPDATE $flightsTable SET private = private & (~0x02 & 0xff ) WHERE  ID=$dFlightID ";
     			$res= $db->sql_query($query);
     			# Error checking
     			if($res <= 0){
     				echo("<H3> Error in query: $query</H3>\n");
Пример #3
* Release messages function
* @param array $emailaddresses recipient email address(es)
* @param array $mail_id_array containing mail_id of messages to be released
* @result return array of messages whose release failed
function releaseMessages($emailaddresses, $mail_id_array)
    /*** Array pertaining to the release of messages ***/
    // This is an array of array, the key being the $mail_id
    // and the value being an array containing all the messages info (time, subject, ...) and also the release status.
    // The reason for this is that we want to keep the ordering of the messages selected for release.
    $release_messages = array();
    // This is an array of array, the key being the host
    // and the value being an array containing all the release info such as secret_id (one row per message)
    $hosts = array();
    /*** Variables pertaining to the request of release ***/
    // This array contains the messages that the logged in user wants the Admins to release
    $release_req_messages = array();
    // Counter for the number of release requests
    $j = 0;
    $nb_failure = 0;
    $db = new DBEngine();
    // Set autocommit to false to improve speed of 'RS' flag set up
    $result = $db->db->autoCommit(false);
    $db->check_for_error($result, 'PEAR DB autoCommit(false)');
    // Fill the arrays
    foreach ($mail_id_array as $mail_id_recip) {
        // Get mail_id and recipient email address
        $temp = preg_split('/_/', $mail_id_recip, 2);
        $mail_id = $temp[0];
        $recip_email = $temp[1];
        // Check if logged in user is admin or logged in user is trying to release his own messages
        if (Auth::isMailAdmin() || in_array($recip_email, $emailaddresses)) {
            $result = $db->get_message($recip_email, $mail_id);
        } else {
        $rs = $result[0];
        // if content type is 'B' or 'V' and the logged in user is not admin
        // add message to array of release request
        if (in_array($rs['content'], array('B', 'V')) && !Auth::isMailAdmin()) {
            $release_req_messages[$j] = array("mail_id" => $mail_id, "from_addr" => $rs['from_addr'], "subject" => $rs['subject'], "time_num" => $rs['time_num'], "spam_level" => $rs['spam_level'], "content" => $rs['content']);
            // Try to update the RS flag to 'p' for pending
            if (!$db->update_msgrcpt_rs($mail_id, $recip_email, 'p')) {
                $release_req_messages[$j]["status"] = "Error: " . $db->get_err();
            } else {
                $release_req_messages[$j]["status"] = "Pending";
            // Other cases where:
            //	- content type is 'B' or 'V' but the logged in user is admin, therefore allowed to release message
            //	- content type is 'S' or 'H'
        } else {
            // add message to be released to $hosts array
            $release_messages[$mail_id_recip] = array("mail_id" => $mail_id, "time" => $rs['time_num'], "subject" => $rs['subject'], "from_addr" => $rs['from_addr'], "spam_level" => $rs['spam_level'], "content" => $rs['content']);
            $hosts[$rs['host']][$mail_id_recip] = array("secret_id" => $rs['secret_id'], "quar_type" => $rs['quar_type'], "quar_loc" => $rs['quar_loc'], "recip_email" => $rs['email']);
    global $conf;
    // If release request needs to be sent to Admins
    if (is_array($release_req_messages) && !empty($release_req_messages) && $conf['app']['notifyAdmin']) {
        sendMailToAdmin(translate('Request release'), $release_req_messages);
    // If release needs to be done
    if (is_array($hosts) && !empty($hosts)) {
        // For each host create socket, connect and release all messages pertaining to that host
        foreach ($hosts as $host => $message_info) {
            // Create new TCP/IP socket and try to connect to $host using this socket
            $am = new AmavisdEngine($host);
            if (!$am->connected) {
                foreach ($message_info as $mail_id_recip => $release_info) {
                    $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['error_code'] = 1;
                    $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['status'] = $am->last_error;
            } else {
                foreach ($message_info as $mail_id_recip => $release_info) {
                    $socket_binding_result = $am->release_message($release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['mail_id'], $release_info['secret_id'], $release_info['recip_email'], $release_info['quar_type'], $release_info['quar_loc']);
                    if (preg_match('/^setreply=250/', $socket_binding_result)) {
                        if ($db->update_msgrcpt_rs($release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['mail_id'], $release_info['recip_email'], 'R')) {
                            $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['error_code'] = "0";
                            CmnFns::write_log('Message Released [' . $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['content'] . ']: ' . $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['mail_id'], $_SESSION['sessionID']);
                        } else {
                            $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['error_code'] = 2;
                            $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['status'] = "Error: " . $db->get_err();
                    } else {
                        $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['error_code'] = 3;
                        $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['status'] = $am->last_error;
                // Shuting down and closing socket
    // Commit, then set autocommit back to true
    $result = $db->db->commit();
    $db->check_for_error($result, 'PEAR DB commit()');
    $result = $db->db->autoCommit(true);
    $db->check_for_error($result, 'PEAR DB autoCommit(true)');
    // Build array of messages whose release failed
    $failed_array = array();
    $i = 0;
    if ($nb_failure > 0) {
        foreach ($mail_id_array as $mail_id_recip) {
            if ($release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['error_code'] != 0) {
                $failed_array[$i] = array("mail_id" => $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['mail_id'], "from_addr" => $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['from_addr'], "subject" => $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['subject'], "time_num" => $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['time'], "spam_level" => $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['spam_level'], "content" => $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['content'], "status" => $release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['status']);
                CmnFns::write_log($release_messages[$mail_id_recip]['status'], $_SESSION['sessionID']);
    // Return array of messages whose release failed
    return $failed_array;
Пример #4
     list($result, $extra) = $server->sync($chunkSize, 0);
     $outStr = ob_get_contents();
     if ($result == 0) {
         $logStr .= "<b>" . date("d/m/Y H:i:s") . "</b> No entries<BR>\n";
     } else {
         $logStr .= "<hr><strong>" . date("d/m/Y H:i:s") . "</strong>";
         if ($result == 1) {
             $logStr .= " <span class='ok'>OK</span> ";
         } else {
             if ($result < 0) {
                 $logStr .= " <span class='error'>ERROR</span> ";
                 $msg = "<pre>" . date("d/m/Y H:i:s") . "<br>\r\nServer: " . $serverName . " [" . $server->ID . "]<br>\r\nError code: {$result}<br>\r\nError: {$extra} <br></pre>\r\n ";
                 sendMailToAdmin("Problem in syncing", $msg);
                 // mail($CONF_admin_email,"Problem in sync of master ".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],$msg);
         $logStr .= $outStr;
     if (!($handle = fopen($logFilename, 'a'))) {
         echo "Cannot open file ({$logFilename})";
     if (fwrite($handle, $logStr) === FALSE) {
         echo "Cannot write to file ({$logFilename})";
 } else {
Пример #5
    $LOGINCONF->set("falselogincounttemp", $falselogincounttemp);
    // Zähler für die aktuelle Sperrzeit
    $falselogincount = $LOGINCONF->get("falselogincount") + 1;
    $LOGINCONF->set("falselogincount", $falselogincount);
    // Gesamtzähler
    // maximale Anzahl falscher Logins erreicht?
    if ($falselogincounttemp >= $FALSELOGINLIMIT) {
        // Sperrzeit starten
        $LOGINCONF->set("loginlockstarttime", time());
        // Mail an Admin
        if (strlen($ADMIN_CONF->get("adminmail")) > 5 and ($falselogincounttemp == $FALSELOGINLIMIT or $falselogincounttemp % 100 == 0)) {
            $mailcontent = getLanguageValue("loginlocked_mailcontent") . "\r\n\r\n" . strftime(getLanguageValue("_dateformat"), time()) . "\r\n" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " / " . gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "\r\n" . getLanguageValue("username") . ": " . getRequestValue('username', 'post', false);
            require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "Mail.php";
            // Prüfen, ob die Mail-Funktion vorhanden ist
            if (function_exists("isMailAvailable")) {
                sendMailToAdmin(getLanguageValue("loginlocked_mailsubject"), $mailcontent);
        // Formular ausgrauen
        return login_formular(false, "warning_false_logins");
    } else {
        // Formular nochmal normal anzeigen
        return login_formular(true, "incorrect_login");
    // Formular noch nicht abgeschickt? Dann wurde die Seite zum ersten Mal aufgerufen.
} else {
    // Login noch gesperrt?
    if ($LOGINCONF->get("falselogincounttemp") > 0 and time() - $LOGINCONF->get("loginlockstarttime") <= $LOGINLOCKTIME * 60) {
        // gesperrtes Formular anzeigen
        return login_formular(false, "warning_false_logins");
    } else {