function check_flagged_reply($plcrno) { $flaged = selectV1('*', 'fs_plcm_rflag', array('plcrno' => $plcrno)); if (empty($flaged)) { return 'false'; } else { return 'true'; } }
function delete_comment($plcno) { $deleted = delete('posted_looks_comments', array('plcno', $plcno)); $deleted = delete('posted_looks_comments_like_dislike', array('plcno', $plcno)); $deleted = delete('fs_plcm_dislike', array('plcno', $plcno)); $deleted = delete('fs_cflag', array('plcno', $plcno)); $creplies = selectV1('*', 'fs_plcm_reply', array('plcno' => $plcno)); // print_r($creplies); if (!empty($creplies)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($creplies); $i++) { $plcrno = $creplies[$i]['plcr_no']; $rlike = delete('fs_plcm_rlike', array('plcrno', $plcrno)); $rflag = delete('fs_plcm_rflag', array('plcrno', $plcrno)); $reply = delete('fs_plcm_reply', array('plcr_no', $plcrno)); $rdislike = delete('fs_plcm_rdislike', array('plcrno', $plcrno)); } echo "main comment successfully deleted and ( " . count($creplies) . " ) total reply deleted with their specific like , dislike , flagged <br>"; } }
function get_more_replies($select, $tableName, $plcr_no) { $res = selectV1($select, $tableName, array('replied_no' => $plcr_no), 'order by plcr_no desc'); return $res; }
<?php require("fs_folders/php_functions/connect.php"); require("fs_folders/php_functions/function.php"); require("fs_folders/php_functions/myclass.php"); require("fs_folders/php_functions/library.php"); require("fs_folders/php_functions/source.php"); $posted_articles = selectV1( "*", "fs_postedarticles" , "" , "order by article_Id desc" ); echo " <table border=1 > <tr> "; $c = 0; for ($i=0; $i < count($posted_articles) ; $i++) { $c++; $article_Id = $posted_articles[$i]["article_Id"]; $article_title = $posted_articles[$i]["article_title"]; $article_description = $posted_articles[$i]["article_description"]; $article_tags = $posted_articles[$i]["article_tags"]; $article_topic = $posted_articles[$i]["article_topic"]; $article_source_url = $posted_articles[$i]["article_source_url"]; $article_dateuploaded = $posted_articles[$i]["article_dateuploaded"];
array( 'mno', 'email' , 'username', 'pass' ), array( $mno, $email, $username, '' ), 'mano' ); // retrieved new user inserted $fs_user =selectV1( '*', 'fs_members' ,null,'order by mno desc','limit 1' ); $mno1 = intval($fs_user[0]['mno']); $fb_friends = $mc->get_logging_in_fb_friends_and_filter( $friends['data'] ); $mc->update_logging_in_fb_friends( $mno1 , $fb_friends['fb_all_freinds'] , $fb_friends['fb_freinds_on_fs'] , $fb_friends['fb_freinds_on_fb'] ); // retrieve big profile pic of the new user echo " big profile pic <br> "; $size = 'large'; $url = "$fbid/picture?type=$size"; $headers = get_headers($url, 1); if( isset($headers['Location']) ){ $bigpicurl = $headers['Location']; // string }else{ echo "ERROR"; } echo "profile pic path src. $bigpicurl <br>";
echo "{$replied_no}"; ?> )" onmouseout="replied_name_leaved(<?php echo "{$replied_no}"; ?> )" > replied to <?php echo comment_repplied_name($replied_no, $rplcno); ?> </span> <span class='blue_bold'> ) </span> --> <!-- end user name replied --> </td> <td> <?php $replies = selectV1('*', 'fs_plcm_reply', array('plcno' => $cno), 'order by plcr_no asc'); if (empty($replies)) { $rLen = 0; } else { $rLen = count($replies); } ?> <span class='blue_bold'> ( </span> <span id='viewReplies' class='viewReplies_<?php echo $cno; ?> ' onclick='viewReplies("<?php echo $cno; ?> ") ' >View replies</span><span class='totalReplies'> ( <?php echo $rLen;
public function count_user_profile_view($mpv_viewed) { $r = selectV1("*", "fs_member_profile_view", array('mpv_viewed' => $mpv_viewed)); return count($r); }
<?php $replies = selectV1('*', 'fs_plcm_reply', array('plcno' => $plcno, 'operand1' => 'and', 'mno' => $mno), 'order by plcr_no desc', 'limit 1'); // print_r($replies); $repliesLen = count($replies); if (!empty($replies)) { $repliesLen = count($replies); } for ($j = 0; $j < $repliesLen; $j++) { $reply_allow = true; $rplcr_no = $replies[$j]['plcr_no']; $plcrno = $rplcr_no; $rplcno = $replies[$j]['plcno']; $cno = $rplcno; $rmno = $replies[$j]['mno']; $rplcr_message = $replies[$j]['plcr_message']; $rclen = strlen($rplcr_message); $rplcr_date = $replies[$j]['plcr_date']; $rmem_info = $mc->user($rmno); $rdformat = $mc->split_date('', '', '', $rplcr_date); $rmy_rate_look = my_trate_for_look($rmno, $_SESSION['plno']); $ryou_liked = check_if_user_liked($plcrno, $rmno); $ryou_disliked = check_if_user_disliked($plcrno, $rmno); $likeDislike_style = 'height:13px;cursor: pointer;'; if ($rclen < 224) { // echo "if comment len lessthan $rclen "; $style = 'height: 30px; border: 1px solid none; width:500px'; } else { // echo "else comment len greater than $rclen "; $style = 'height: auto; border: 1px solid none; width:500px'; }
</center> </div> <img id="article_footer_bg" src="fs_folders/images/body/article/transparent rectangle.png"> </td> </table> </div> <div id='article_padding'> </div> </li> <?php } else { if ($item == "pmedia") { if (!empty($con->latest_item)) { $media_id = $con->media_Id; $posted_media = selectV1('*', 'fs_postedmedia', array("media_id" => $media_id)); if (!empty($posted_media[0]['media_extension'])) { $media_extension = $posted_media[0]['media_extension']; } else { $media_extension = "jpg"; } $img_media = $con->media_img_directory . $media_id . ".{$media_extension}"; $media_type = $posted_media[0]['media_type']; if ($media_type == "video") { $media_source_item = $pa->get_video_embeded_code($posted_media[0]['media_source_item']); } else { $media_source_item = $posted_media[0]['media_source_item']; } $media_title = $posted_media[0]['media_title']; $media_description = $posted_media[0]['media_description']; $media_source_url = $posted_media[0]['media_source_url'];
<?php require "fs_folders/php_functions/connect.php"; require "fs_folders/php_functions/function.php"; require "fs_folders/php_functions/myclass.php"; require "fs_folders/php_functions/library.php"; require "fs_folders/php_functions/source.php"; $mc = new myclass(); if (!empty($_GET['code'])) { $c = $_GET['code']; // get code to db $mi = selectV1('*', 'fs_members', array('identity_generated_code' => $c)); // update user account as verified if (!empty($mi)) { $mno = intval($mi[0]['mno']); $mc->confirm_mem_account($mno); if ($b) { echo " successfully verified <br> "; $_SESSION['temp_mno'] = $mno; $_SESSION['lastpagevisited'] = 'account'; $mc->go('login-authentication.php'); } else { echo " failed verified <br> "; } } else { echo " code not found "; } } else { echo " query required in the url <br>"; }
function get_all_fb_freinds() { $fb_freinds = selectV1('fb_all_freinds', 'fs_members', array('mno' => 133)); $fb_freinds_on_fb = ''; $fb_freinds_on_fs = ''; if (!empty($fb_freinds)) { $fbf = $fb_freinds[0]['fb_all_freinds']; $fbf_array = explode("-+-", $fbf); // print_r($fbf_array); $tfbf1 = count($fbf_array) - 1; $tfb2 = $tfbf1 / 2; echo "total friends = {$tfb2} <br>"; $c = 0; $d = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $tfbf1; $i++) { $fbf_id = $fbf_array[$i]; $i++; $fbf_name = $fbf_array[$i]; $fbf_user_on_fb = selectV1('mno', 'fs_members', array('fbid' => $fbf_id)); if (!empty($fbf_user_on_fb)) { echo " <h4> frind on fb on fs id = {$fbf_id} name = {$fbf_name} </h4> <br> "; $fbf_on_fs[$c]['mno'] = $fbf_user_on_fb[0]['mno']; $fbf_on_fs[$c]['fbid'] = $fbf_id; $fb_freinds_on_fs .= $fbf_user_on_fb[0]['mno'] . "-+-"; $c++; } else { $fbf_on_fb[$d]['fbid'] = $fbf_id; $fbf_on_fb[$d]['fbname'] = $fbf_name; $d++; $fb_freinds_on_fb .= $fbf_id . "-+-" . $fbf_name; } } echo "<h3>fb friends on fs</h3>"; // echo " $fb_freinds_on_fs <br> conver to array <br>"; #save to fb_freinds_on_fs convert_array_fb_freinds_on_fs($fb_freinds_on_fs); echo "<h3> fb friends </h3>"; // print_r($fbf_on_fb); // echo " $fb_freinds_on_fb <br>"; convert_array_fb_freinds_on_fb($fb_freinds_on_fb); #save to fb_freinds_on_fb } else { echo " you don't have friends on fb <br> "; } }
<table> <!-- <td><input class="a"type="text" name="client_name" placeholder="Client Name "></td><tr> --> <td><input type="text" name="company_name" placeholder="Company Name"></td><tr> <td><input type="text" name="link" placeholder="URL"></td><tr> <td><b><a color="#000" >Image:<a></b><input type="file" name="file" ></td><tr> <td><input type="submit" name = "submit1" value="Save" /></td><tr> </table> </form> </div> </div> <div class="uploaded_area_view"> <table border=0 > <?php $tr = 0; $dir = "../../images/ads/"; $ads = selectV1($select = '*', 'ads', null, 'order by ano desc'); if (!empty($ads)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($ads); $i++) { $tr++; echo " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t<a href=''><img title='{$dir}{$file}' src='../../images/ads/" . $ads[$i][0] . "." . $ads[$i][5] . "' width='100px' height='100px'/></a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t</td>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <td> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <span id='a'>company:</span> <span id='a1'>" . $ads[$i][3] . "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <span id='a'>website:</span> <span id='a1'><a href='" . $ads[$i][4] . " ' target= '_blank'>" . $ads[$i][4] . " </a> </span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <span id='a'>uploaded on:</span> <span id='a1'>" . $ads[$i][6] . "</span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <span id='a'>uploaded on:</span> <span id='a1'><a href='settings.php?id=" . $ads[$i][0] . "&ext=" . $ads[$i][5] . "'>settings</a></span><br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <form onsubmit=\"return deletes()\" method='POST' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='del_img' value='" . $ads[$i][0] . "." . $ads[$i][5] . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class='delete' title='Do you want to delete this Ads?' type = 'submit' value='delete' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</form> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t "; if ($tr % 2 == 0) { echo "<tr>"; } } } ?> </table> </div> </div> </div>
if ($action == 'save') { if (update1('fs_brands', 'bname', $brandname, array('bno', $brand_id))) { echo " and brand name {$brandname} <br> <span class='green' > successfully updated </span> <br>"; } else { echo " brand name {$brandname} <span class='red' > failled to update </span> <br>"; } if (delete('fs_brand_category_selected', array('bno', $brand_id))) { echo "<br> previous brand assign to brand category <span class='green' > successfully deleted </span> <br>"; } else { echo "<br> previous brand assign to brand category <span class='red' > failled to delete </span> <br>"; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($catSelected); $i += 2) { $bcnoSelcted = !empty($catSelected[$i + 1]) ? $catSelected[$i + 1] : 0; if ($bcnoSelcted != 0) { $bcno = !empty($catSelected[$i]) ? $catSelected[$i] : ""; $exist = selectV1('*', 'fs_brand_category_selected', array('bno' => $brand_id, 'operand1' => 'and', 'bcno' => $bcno, 'operand2' => 'and', 'bcs_gender' => $gender)); // print_r($exist); // $exist = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM fs_brand_category_selected WHERE bno = $brand_id and bcno = $bcno and bcs_gender = $gender ") // print_r($exist); if (!$exist) { $bcname .= $mc->get_brand_category_name($bcno) . " , "; $b = insert('fs_brand_category_selected', array('bno', 'bcno', 'bcs_gender', 'bcsdate'), array($brand_id, $bcno, $gender, date("Y-m-d")), 'bcsno'); } } else { $b = false; } } } else { if ($action == 'delete-brand-categories') { echo " delete bcsno"; $b = delete('fs_brand_category_selected', array('bcsno', $bcsno));
function check_if_user_disliked($plcrno, $mno) { $iDislike = selectV1('*', 'fs_plcm_rdislike', array('plcrno' => $plcrno, 'operand1' => 'and', 'mno' => $mno)); // print_r($iDislike); if (empty($iDislike)) { return false; } else { return true; } }
<?php require "../../php_functions/connect.php"; require "../../php_functions/function.php"; require "../../php_functions/myclass.php"; // require("../../php_functions/library.php"); // require("../../php_functions/source.php"); $bkeyword = $_GET['bkeyword']; $brand = selectV1('*', "fs_brands", null, 'order by bno desc', 'limit 10', array("rowName" => "bname", "keySearch" => $bkeyword)); ?> <div id="new-postalook-brand-dropdown" > <ul > <?php $c = 0; if (count($brand) == 0) { echo "<li > No Results Found.. </li>"; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($brand); $i++) { $bname = $brand[$i]['bname']; $c++; ?> <li onclick="click_selected_brand_from_dropdown ( '<?php echo $bname; ?> ' , <?php echo $c; ?>
$matcno = !empty($response1[0]['matcno']) ? $response1[0]['matcno'] : 0; // echo " matcno = $matcno & keySearch = $keySearch , type = $type<br> "; // if empty retrieved hist latest upload tag or used if (empty($keySearch)) { // echo "retrieve his latest post or tag used <br>"; $keySearch = 's'; } else { // echo " not empty"; } // detect if brand or keyword or else this is to change the table query if ($type == 'keyword') { $response = $mc->fs_keyword(array('type' => 'select', 'where' => "keyword LIKE '{$keySearch}%'", 'orderby' => 'kno asc', 'limit_start' => $limit_start, 'limit_end' => $limit_end)); $rowname = 'keyword'; } else { if ($type == 'brand') { $response = selectV1('*', "fs_brands", null, 'order by bno desc', 'limit 10', array("rowName" => "bname", "keySearch" => $keySearch)); $rowname = 'bname'; } else { $response = $mc->fs_modal_attribute(array('type' => 'select', 'where' => "name LIKE '{$keySearch}%' and matcno = {$matcno} ", 'limit_start' => $limit_start, 'limit_end' => $limit_end)); $rowname = 'name'; } } $len = count($response); // print result of the query if (!empty($response)) { ?> <center><div id="autocomplete-dropdown-loader-cotainer" class="<?php echo $loader; ?> " onclick="modal ( 'close' , '' , '' , '' , '<?php
$fullname = $ln.' '.$nn.' '. $fn; // $education = $uinfo[0]['studied_at'].' '.$uinfo[0]['studied_with'].', '.$uinfo[0]['studied_graduate_date']; // $location = $uinfo[0]['city'].', '.$uinfo[0]['country']; $user_total_lookuploaded = count($mc->retreive_specific_user_all_looks( $mno1 )); // $mno = $_SESSION['mno'] = 133; // $mc->add_user_profile_view( $mno , $mno1 , $mc->date_time ); $mppno = $mc ->member_profile_pic_query( array('mno'=>$mno1 , 'type'=>'get-latest-mppno' ) ); $total['activity'] = count( $mc->get_my_profile_feed_activity( $mno1 ) ); $total['looks'] = $mc->posted_modals_postedlooks_Query( array( 'postedlooks_query'=>'get-tlook', 'mno'=>$mno1 ) ); $total['followers'] = $mc->get_total_follower( $mno1 ); $total['following'] = $mc->get_total_following( $mno1 ); $total['favorite'] = count( selectV1( '*', 'fs_favorite_modals', array('mno'=>$mno1) ) ); $total['articles'] = count($mc->fs_postedarticles( array( 'aticle_type'=> 'select', 'limit_start'=>0, 'limit_end'=>10000, 'where'=>"mno = $mno1" )) ); $total['media'] = 0; $total['comment'] = 0; $total['comment_made'] = 0; $total['comment_recieved'] = 0; // retrieved visited user category for article list $category['article'] = $mc->fs_member_categories( array( 'type'=>'select', 'where'=>"mno = $mno1 and table_name = 'fs_postedarticles'", 'limit_start'=>0, 'limit_end'=>100 )
function reply_print($plcno, $plcr_no, $allow_reply, $isMainReply = null, $mno = null, $isReplyIndented = null, $userprofilepicpath = '../../../') { $mc = new myclass(); // echo "plcr_no = $plcr_no <br>"; $c = 0; $mc->auto_detect_path(); if ($isMainReply == 'YES') { $replies = selectV1('*', 'fs_plcm_reply', array('plcno' => $plcno, 'operand1' => 'and', 'mno' => $mno), 'order by plcr_no desc', 'limit 1'); } else { $replies = selectV1('*', 'fs_plcm_reply', array('plcr_no' => $plcr_no)); } // print_r($replies); $rplcr_no = $replies[$c]['plcr_no']; $plcrno = $rplcr_no; $rplcno = $replies[$c]['plcno']; $replied_no = $replies[$c]['replied_no']; $rmno = $replies[$c]['mno']; $rplcr_message = $replies[$c]['plcr_message']; $rclen = strlen($rplcr_message); $rplcr_date = $replies[$c]['plcr_date']; $rmem_info = $mc->user($rmno); $rdformat = $mc->split_date('', '', '', $rplcr_date); $rmy_rate_look = my_trate_for_look($rmno, $_SESSION['plno']); $ryou_liked = check_if_user_liked($plcrno, $_SESSION['mno']); $ryou_disliked = check_if_user_disliked($plcrno, $_SESSION['mno']); $likeDislike_style = 'height:13px;cursor: pointer;'; // if ( $rclen< 224) { // echo "if comment len lessthan $rclen "; $style = 'height: auto; border: 1px solid none;'; // $cpadding = 'border: 1px solid red; height:20px;'; // } // else { // echo "else comment len greater than $rclen "; // $style = 'height: auto; border: 1px solid none; width:500px'; // } // echo " i like = $ryou_liked | i disliked $ryou_disliked <br>"; // $you_liked =replyYouLikeThis($rplcno,$rmno); // echo "rno = $rplcr_no "; $ovarating = $mc->user_profile_percentage($rmno); $member_avatar = $mc->ppic_thumbnail . "/" . $rmno . ".jpg"; // echo " member avatar $member_avatar"; ?> <table border=0 id='replied_comment_table_<?php echo $plcrno; ?> ' class='rcomment_container' style='display:block'> <td > <table border=0 id='img' class='img' > <td> <?php $mc->member_thumbnail_display($mc->ppic_thumbnail, $rmno, "{$userprofilepicpath}" . $mc->ppic_thumbnail); ?> <!-- <img id='rprofile_pic_<?php echo $cno; ?> ' src=" <?php echo "{$member_avatar}"; ?> " title="<?php echo strtoupper($rmem_info['firstname'] . ' ' . $rmem_info['lastname']); ?> " onclick='look_comment_attr_clicked("<?php echo "profile_" . $comment[$i][2]; ?> ")' > --> </td><tr> <td><span class='red_bold' id='percentage' title='<?php echo $get_def_user_profile_percentage; ?> ' ><?php echo "{$ovarating}% "; ?> </span></td> </table> <div id='rcomment_body_container' class='rcomment_body_container'> <div id='comment_header_container' > <table border=0 > <td><span id='rfull_name_<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' class='blue_bold' title="<?php echo strtoupper($rmem_info['firstname'] . ' ' . $rmem_info['lastname']); ?> " ><?php echo strtoupper($rmem_info['firstname'] . ' ' . $rmem_info['lastname']); ?> </span> </td> <td></td><td></td> <td><span class='blue_bold' > ( </span> <span id='gender' class='blue' > <?php echo strtoupper($rmem_info['sub_gen']); ?> RATED </span> <span class='rating_view' > <?php $rmy_rate_look = 1; $get_def_mem_rating_look = "weee"; echo "<img src='{$mc->img_attr_source}/rate_{$rmy_rate_look}.jpg' title='{$get_def_mem_rating_look}' class='rating' />"; ?> </span> <span class='blue_bold'>)</span></span> <!--new user name replied --> <span class='blue_bold'> ( </span> <span class='blue_bold' onmouseover="replied_name_hover(<?php echo "{$replied_no}"; ?> ,<?php echo "{$rplcno}"; ?> )" onmouseout="replied_name_leaved(<?php echo "{$replied_no}"; ?> ,<?php echo "{$rplcno}"; ?> )" style='cursor: pointer;' >@<?php echo comment_repplied_name($replied_no, $rplcno); ?> </span> <span class='blue_bold'> ) </span> <!-- end user name replied --> </td> </table> </div> <div class='rcomment' id='rcomment_<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' style="<?php echo $style; ?> " > <span id='rcomment_span_<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> '><?php echo "{$rplcr_message}"; ?> </span> </div> <div id='comment_footer_Container' > <table border=0 > <td> <span id='comment_time'> POSTED ON <?php echo $rdformat['month'] . ' , ' . $rdformat['day'] . ' , ' . $rdformat['year'] . ' | ' . $rdformat['hour'] . ':' . $rdformat['min'] . ' ' . $rdformat['stat']; ?> </span> </td> <td></td> <td></td> <td> <?php // $you_liked = false; // $ryou_disliked = false; // new can only like once --> remove this to relike redislike manny times if ($ryou_disliked == true || $ryou_liked == true) { $cno_for_like_dislike = 0; } else { $cno_for_like_dislike = $rplcr_no; } //end can only like once if ($ryou_liked) { ?> <img src="<?php echo $mc->img_attr_source; ?> /like_green.jpg" class='img_like' id="<?php echo "rimg_like_" . $rplcr_no; ?> " title='helpful comment' /> <?php } else { if (!$ryou_disliked) { ?> <img src="<?php echo $mc->img_attr_source; ?> /like.jpg" class='img_like' id="<?php echo "rimg_like_" . $rplcr_no; ?> " title='helpful comment' onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php echo "replyLike_{$rplcr_no}"; ?> ")' style='<?php echo $likeDislike_style; ?> ' /> <?php } else { ?> <img src="<?php echo $mc->img_attr_source; ?> /like.jpg" class='img_like' id="<?php echo "rimg_like_" . $rplcr_no; ?> " title='helpful comment' /> <?php } } ?> </td> <td> <span class='red_bold' id="<?php echo "like_" . $comment[$i][0]; ?> " > <?php // if ($ryou_liked) { // echo 0 ; // }else { // echo 0 ; // } echo countReplyLike($plcrno); // echo " 99999 "; ?> </span> </td> <td></td> <td> <td> <?php if ($ryou_disliked) { ?> <img src="<?php echo $mc->img_attr_source; ?> /unlike_green.jpg" class='img_like' id="<?php echo "rimg_dislike_" . $rplcr_no; ?> " title='not helpful comment' /> <?php } else { if (!$ryou_liked) { ?> <img src="<?php echo $mc->img_attr_source; ?> /unlike.jpg" class='img_like' id="<?php echo "rimg_dislike_" . $rplcr_no; ?> " title='not helpful comment' onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php echo "replyDisLike_{$rplcr_no}"; ?> ")' style='<?php echo $likeDislike_style; ?> ' /> <?php } else { ?> <img src="<?php echo $mc->img_attr_source; ?> /unlike.jpg" class='img_like' id="<?php echo "rimg_dislike_" . $rplcr_no; ?> " title='not helpful comment' /> <?php } } ?> </td> <td> <span class='red_bold' id="<?php echo "dislike_" . $comment[$i][0]; ?> " > <?php // if ($you_liked) { // echo count_rdislike($rplcr_no); // }else { // echo count_rdislike($rplcr_no); // } echo countReplyDislike($plcrno); // echo " 99999 "; ?> </span> </td> </td> <?php if ($_SESSION['mno'] == $rmno) { ?> <td></td> <td> <td> <img src="<?php echo $mc->img_attr_source; ?> /reply.jpg" class='img_like' title='reply comment' onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php echo "replyEdit_" . $rplcr_no; ?> ")' /> </td> <td> <span class='red_bold' > EDIT </span> </td> </td> <?php } //if ( $_SESSION['mno'] != $rmno /* and $allow_reply == true */ ) { ?> <td></td> <td> <td> <img src="<?php echo $mc->img_attr_source; ?> /reply.jpg" class='img_like' title='reply comment' onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php echo "replyReply_{$rplcr_no}"; ?> ","no")'/> </td> <td> <span class='red_bold' > REPLY </span> </td> </td> <?php // } ?> <?php if ($_SESSION['mno'] != $rmno) { ?> <td></td> <td> <td> <img src="<?php echo $mc->img_attr_source; ?> /flag.jpg" class='img_like' title='flag comment' onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php echo "replyFlag_{$rplcr_no}"; ?> ")'/> <div id='<?php echo "flag_{$rplcr_no}"; ?> '> </div> </td> <td> <span class='red_bold' > FLAG </span> </td> </td> <?php } ?> <?php if ($_SESSION['mno'] == $rmno or $_SESSION['mno'] == get_look_owner($_SESSION['plno'])) { ?> <td></td> <td> <td> <img src="<?php echo $mc->img_attr_source; ?> /delete.jpg" class='img_like' title='delete comment' onclick='comment_Reply_Attr_Clicked("<?php echo "replyDelete_" . $rplcr_no; ?> ")' /> <div id='<?php echo "flag_{$rplcr_no}"; ?> '> </div> </td> <td> <span class='red_bold' > DELETE </span> </td> </td> <?php } ?> </table> </div> </div> </td> <tr> <td id='TA_main_comment_reply_td'> <div id ='TA_main_comment_reply_div_reply' class='TA_main_comment_reply_div_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> '> <textarea id='TA_main_comment_reply_reply' class='TA_main_comment_reply_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' placeholder='type your reply here..' ></textarea> <input id='TA_main_comment_reply_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_reply_button_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' onclick="send_data('cancel reply reply','.TA_main_comment_reply_div_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ')" type='button' value='CANCEL' > <input id='TA_main_comment_reply_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_reply_button_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' onclick="send_data('save reply reply','.TA_main_comment_reply_div_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ','.TA_main_comment_reply_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ',<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ,'reply of a reply', <?php echo $plcno; ?> , '<?php echo $isReplyIndented; ?> ' )" type='button' value='POST A COMMENT' > </div> <div id ='TA_main_comment_edit_div_reply' class='TA_main_comment_edit_div_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> '> <textarea id='TA_main_comment_edit_reply' class='TA_main_comment_edit_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' ></textarea> <input id='TA_main_comment_edit_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_edit_button_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' onclick="send_data('cancel edit reply','.TA_main_comment_edit_div_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ')" type='button' value='CANCEL' > <input id='TA_main_comment_edit_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_edit_button_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' onclick="send_data('save edit reply','.TA_main_comment_edit_div_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ','.TA_main_comment_edit_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ',<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ,'edit of a reply')" type='button' value='SAVE COMMENT' > </div> <div id ='TA_main_comment_flag_div_reply' class='TA_main_comment_flag_div_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> '> <?php $mc->unflagged_design_auto_hide(array('table' => 'fs_plcm_rflag', 'where' => 'plcrno', 'whereV' => $rplcr_no)); ?> <!-- new not yet flag --> <table id='flagTable1' class='notflaggedReply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' style="<?php echo $mc->notflaggedStyle; ?> " border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" > <tr> <td id='flagTitle1Td' > <span id='flagTitle1'> If you want to flag this comment fill up bellow.</span> </td> <tr> <td> <table id='flagTable2' border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" > <tr> <td> <input type="checkbox" class='check_box1Reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' > </td> <td > <span id='flagTitle2'>NO SPAM or Unsolicited Advertising</span> </td> <tr> <td> <input type="checkbox" class='check_box2Reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' > </td> <td> <span id='flagTitle2'>NO Offensive or Harmful Content</span> </td> <tr> <td> <input type="checkbox" class='check_box3Reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> '> </td> <td id='flagTitle2Td3'> <span id='flagTitle2'>NO Stolen or Copyright Infriging Content</span> </td> </table> </td> <tr> <td> <textarea id='TA_main_comment_flag_reply' class='TA_main_comment_flag_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' ></textarea> <input id='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' onclick="send_data('cancel flag reply','.TA_main_comment_flag_div_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ')" type='button' value='CANCEL' > <input id='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' onclick="send_data('save edit reply','.TA_main_comment_flag_div_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ','.TA_main_comment_flag_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ',<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ,'flag of a reply')" type='button' value='SEND FLAG' > </td> </table> <!-- new not yet flag --> <!-- new already flagged --> <div id='flagged' class='flaggedReply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' style="<?php echo $mc->flaggedStyle; ?> " > <table > <tr> <td> <span id='flagTitle2' > This comment is already flagged. </span> </td> <tr> <td> <input id='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply' class='TA_main_comment_flag_button_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' onclick="send_data('cancel flag reply','.TA_main_comment_flag_div_reply<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ')" type='button' value='OK' ></td> </table> </div> <!-- new already flagged --> </div> </td> <tr> <td id='padding' style="padding-top:25px"> </td> </table> <hr class='rline_<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' id='rhr' > <!-- <hr> --> <?php // echo " isReplyIndented = $isReplyIndented"; if ($isReplyIndented == 'yes') { ?> <ul onclick="autopost_reply(<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> )" id='autopost_<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' > <!-- auto post here please click me <?php //echo$rplcr_no; ?> --> </ul> <?php } else { ?> <div onclick="autopost_reply(<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> )" id='autopost_<?php echo $rplcr_no; ?> ' > <!-- auto post here please click me <?php //echo $rplcr_no; ?> --> </div> <?php } ?> <?php }
public function get_total_following($mno) { $userinfo = selectV1('*', 'fs_members', array('mno' => $mno)); return $userinfo[0]['tfollowing']; }
public function get_reply_of_reply($rplcr_no) { // echo " plcrno = $rplcr_no <br>"; // initialize the reply/ $res = selectV1("*", 'fs_plcm_reply', array("replied_no" => $rplcr_no), "ORDER BY plcr_no ASC"); // $reply[0] = $res; // $reply[0][2]['ul_li'] = 1; // for ($i=0; $i < count($res) ; $i++) { // // echo " $i reply <br>"; // $plcr_no = $res[$i]['plcr_no']; // first reply id distribute. // foreach ($res[$i] as $key => $value) { // echo $key." => ".$value.'<br>'; // } // } // print_r($res); // echo "total reply for plcrno = $rplcr_no is ".count($res).'<br>'; // $rplcr_no == 1 ; // $_SESSION['old_plcr_no'] == 0; // if ( $rplcr_no == $_SESSION['old_plcr_no']) { // // add ++ li and ul // }else { // // pass the rplcr_no to session of old_plcr_no // // return the 1 li and ul // } // // echo 'total reply is = '.count($res); return $res; }
} } // print_r($Tlist); // pltg plno plt_color plt_brand plt_garment plt_material plt_pattern plt_price plt_purchased_at plt_x plt_y plt_date for ($i = 0; $i < count($Tlist); $i++) { $Tpos = location($Tlist[$i][8]); // print_r($Tpos); echo "x " . $Tpos[1] . ' y = ' . $Tpos[3] . '<br>'; insert('fs_pltag', array('plno', 'plt_color', 'plt_brand', 'plt_garment', 'plt_material', 'plt_pattern', 'plt_price', 'plt_purchased_at', 'plt_x', 'plt_y', 'plt_date'), array($plno, $Tlist[$i][1], $Tlist[$i][2], $Tlist[$i][3], $Tlist[$i][4], $Tlist[$i][5], $Tlist[$i][6], $Tlist[$i][7], $Tpos[1], $Tpos[3], date("Y-m-d")), 'pltgno'); $keyword .= $lookName . ' , '; $keyword .= $Tlist[$i][1] . ' , ' . $Tlist[$i][2] . ' , ' . $Tlist[$i][3] . ' , ' . $Tlist[$i][4] . ' , ' . $Tlist[$i][5] . ' , ' . $Tlist[$i][6]; // insert keyword for search $response = $mc->fs_search(array('type' => 'add-or-updated-keyword', 'table_name' => 'postedlooks', 'table_id' => $plno, 'keyword' => $keyword)); $newbrandname = $Tlist[$i][2]; // check if this brand is exist or not if (!selectV1('*', 'fs_brands', array('bname' => $newbrandname))) { // if ( !select_v3( "fs_brands" , "*" , "bname <=> $newbrandname" ) ) { // if not exist insert to new brands insert('fs_brands', array('bname'), array($newbrandname), 'pltgno'); } else { // nothing happends } } function location($Tpos) { return explode(',', $Tpos); } // update1('postedlooks','date_','2013-04-26',array('plno',$_SESSION['last_look_uploaded'])); // echo " total tagged = ".$Ttag; function get_total_tagged($ar_data) {
function get_fs_plcm_reply_mno($replied_no, $rplcno) { if ($replied_no == 0) { $r = selectV1('mno', 'posted_looks_comments', array('plcno' => $rplcno)); } else { // get mno from fs_plcm_reply $r = selectV1('mno', 'fs_plcm_reply', array('plcr_no' => $replied_no)); } return $r[0]['mno']; }
// $city = ''; // $zipcode = '9200'; $fname = ucfirst($_GET['fname']); $nname = ucfirst($_GET['nname']); $lname = ucfirst($_GET['lname']); $uname = $_GET['uname']; $byear = $_GET['byear']; $gender = $_GET['gender']; $about = $_GET['about']; $country = $_GET['country']; $province = $_GET['state']; $city = $_GET['city']; $zipcode = $_GET['zipcode']; echo " province \t{$province} mno = {$mno} <br>"; echo " update information "; $acc = selectV1('*', 'fs_member_accounts', array('username' => "{$uname}")); if (!empty($acc)) { if ($acc[0]['mno'] != $mno) { echo '<error>username exist<error>'; } } if (empty($fname)) { echo '<fname>first name required<fname>'; } if (empty($lname)) { echo '<lname>last name required<lname>'; } if ($gender == 'Gender') { echo '<gender>gender required<gender>'; } else { echo " update user information <br> ";
public function get_all_rating_to_this_look($plno) { $ratings = selectV1("*", "ratings", array('plno' => $plno)); return $ratings; }
<?php require "../../../php_functions/connect.php"; require "../../../php_functions/function.php"; require "../../../php_functions/myclass.php"; require "../../../php_functions/library.php"; require "../../../php_functions/source.php"; $mc = new myclass(); $am = new admin(); $mc->auto_detect_path(); $am->look_views(12); // echo " start = $am->start stop = $am->stop ssd <br>"; // selectV1($select='*',$tableName=null, $where=null,$orderby=null,$limit=null) $all_looks = selectV1('*', 'postedlooks', array("active" => 1), 'order by plno desc'); // echo "total look = ".count($all_looks); $c = 0; echo " \n\t\t\t\t<table border='0' cellspadding='5' cellspacing='5' id='ad_look_table' >"; for ($i = $am->start; $i < $am->stop; $i++) { if (count($all_looks) > $i) { $c++; $plno = $all_looks[$i]['plno']; echo " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td id='ad_look_container_td{$plno}' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='lookdetails?id={$plno}' target='_blank' > \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src='{$mc->look_folder_home}/{$plno}.jpg' /> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</a> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<br> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<table border='0' cellspadding='5' cellspacing='5' id='look_image_settings' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span onclick='deleteNow(\"{$plno}\",\"looks\")' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdelete\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span id='update' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='post-look-label?kooldi={$plno}&type=admin' > update </a> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"; if ($c % 4 == 0) { echo "</tr>"; } } } echo "</table> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t</center> ";
require("fs_folders/php_functions/connect.php"); require("fs_folders/php_functions/function.php"); require("fs_folders/php_functions/myclass.php"); require("fs_folders/php_functions/library.php"); require("fs_folders/php_functions/source.php"); $mc = new myclass(); $mc->auto_detect_path(); mysql_query("UPDATE fs_members UPDATE "); $memaccounts=selectV1( "*", "fs_members" ); // print_r($memaccounts ); $c=0; for ($i=0; $i < count($memaccounts) ; $i++) { $c++; $fullname = $memaccounts[$i]['fullname']; $identity_email = $memaccounts[$i]['identity_email']; echo " $c.) <span style='color:red' > name:</span> $fullname <span style='color:green' > email: </span> $identity_email <br>"; } ?>