Пример #1
# ###################################################################################
sb_conf('SB_EMAIL_ERROR_LOG', SB_SITE_EMAIL_DIR . 'error.mail.log');
# ###################################################################################
# SB_BB_CODER_FILE points to the location of the BBCoder file. The BBCoder is 
# the PHP class that converts the BBCode Tags into HTML Tags.
# ###################################################################################

sb_conf('SB_BB_CODER_FILE', SB_INC_DIR.'bbcoder.class.php');

# ###################################################################################
# SB_STATE_ABBR_MAP points to the location of the state abbreviation map. 
# The file maps state names to abbreviations.
# ###################################################################################

sb_conf('SB_STATE_ABBR_MAP', SB_PLUGIN_DIR.'states.abbr.php');

# ###################################################################################
# TOPLEVEL_DOMAINS_FILE points to the location of the top level domains library.
# ###################################################################################

sb_conf('TOPLEVEL_DOMAINS_FILE', SB_LIB_DIR.'lib.topleveldomains.php');
# ###################################################################################
# SB_DEFAULT_SKIN_NAME tells SkyBlue which skin file to look for if the user skin
# file is not found. This will only be used if the user's skin file is missing.
# If this file is not found, SkyBlue will fall back on the value of
# DEFAULT_HTML (configs/strings.const.php)
# ###################################################################################
sb_conf('SB_DEFAULT_SKIN_NAME', 'skin.default.html');
Пример #2
# the SkyBlueServer engine. Note that these files are different from any
# JavaScript associated with a specific site skin.
# ###################################################################################
sb_conf('SB_SYSTEM_JS_DIR', SB_UI_DEFAULTS_DIR . 'js/');
# ###################################################################################
# SB_SYSTEM_CSS_DIR points to the location of the CSS files used by
# the SkyBlueServer engine. Note that these files are different from any
# CSS associated with a specific site skin.
# ###################################################################################
sb_conf('SB_SYSTEM_CSS_DIR', SB_UI_DEFAULTS_DIR . 'css/');
# ###################################################################################
# SB_SYSTEM_IMG_DIR points to the location of the image files used by
# the SkyBlueServer engine. Note that these files are different from any
# images associated with a specific site skin.
# ###################################################################################
sb_conf('SB_SYSTEM_IMG_DIR', SB_UI_DEFAULTS_DIR . 'images/');
# ###################################################################################
# SB_ADMIN_JS points to the location of the JavaScript files used by the admin
# section of the SkyBlueServer engine. This directory and setting are different
# from the System JavaScript files. System JavaScript files can be used by
# individual sites, whereas the admin JavaScript files are specific to the
# admin section only.
# ###################################################################################
sb_conf('SB_ADMIN_JS', 'ui/admin/js/');
# ###################################################################################
# SB_ERROR_DIR points to the location of the Custom HTTP Error files.
# This directory should be copied into the root of each site in order to enable
# custom HTTP error pages on each site.
# ###################################################################################
sb_conf('SB_ERROR_DIR', 'errors/');
Пример #3
# The following settings are used as the 'This site created by' comment that appears
# at the end of each page generated by SkyBlue. SKYBLUE_VERSION is an older constant
# that is deprecated. It has been kept in to avoid creating errors by trying to
# change all of the instances where it is being used.
# ###################################################################################
sb_conf('SB_PROD_NAME', '© 2008 Scott Lewis. SkyBlueCanvas');
sb_conf('SB_TAGLINE', 'Point. Click. Publish.');
sb_conf('SB_VERSION', '[1.1 r237]');
// Required for legacy support (deprecated)
sb_conf('SKYBLUE_VERSION', '[1.1 r237]');
# ###################################################################################
# SKYBLUE_INFO_LINK is set here so that it does not need to be updated on
# every SkyBlueCanvas site if the SkyBlueCanvas page changes on the
# Bright-Crayon site. To automatically include this link on a site, simply
# place the token {skyblue:link} anywhere in your skin.
# ###################################################################################
sb_conf('SKYBLUE_INFO_LINK', '<a href="http://www.skybluecanvas.com">SkyBlueCanvas</a>');
# ###################################################################################
# SKYBLUE_BUILD is used in the META data.
# ###################################################################################
sb_conf('SKYBLUE_BUILD', '2009-02-02 07:31');
# ###################################################################################
# NOTE: All constants beginning with 'BIN_' refer to system binaries. The safest
# approach to using binaries is to use the full path to the binary. The location
# of binaries may change from system to system so you may need to check with your
# server administrator to get the correct path information. The default values
# in SkyBlueCanvas are for MacOS X 10.4 (Panther), which is based on FreeBSD.
# ###################################################################################
sb_conf('BIN_ZIP', '/usr/bin/zip');
sb_conf('BIN_UNZIP', '/usr/bin/unzip');