function lightboxgallery_rss_feed($gallery)
    global $CFG;
    $result = "";
    $images = lightboxgallery_directory_images($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $gallery->course . '/' . $gallery->folder);
    $captions = array();
    if ($cobjs = get_records_select('lightboxgallery_image_meta', "metatype = 'caption' AND gallery = {$gallery->id}")) {
        foreach ($cobjs as $cobj) {
            $captions[$cobj->image] = $cobj->description;
    if (!empty($images)) {
        $webroot = lightboxgallery_get_image_url($gallery->id);
        $dataroot = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $gallery->course . '/' . $gallery->folder;
        $result .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n";
        $result .= "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:media=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\">";
        $result .= rss_start_tag('channel', 1, true);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 2, false, strip_tags(format_string($gallery->name, true)));
        $result .= rss_full_tag('link', 2, false, $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/lightboxgallery/view.php?l=' . $gallery->id);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('description', 2, false, format_string($gallery->description, true));
        $result .= rss_start_tag('image', 2, true);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('url', 3, false, $CFG->pixpath . '/i/rsssitelogo.gif');
        $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 3, false, 'moodle');
        $result .= rss_full_tag('link', 3, false, $CFG->wwwroot);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('width', 3, false, '140');
        $result .= rss_full_tag('height', 3, false, '35');
        $result .= rss_end_tag('image', 2, true);
        $counter = 1;
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            $description = isset($captions[$image]) ? $captions[$image] : $image;
            $result .= rss_start_tag('item', 2, true);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 3, false, strip_tags($image));
            $result .= rss_full_tag('link', 3, false, $webroot . '/' . $image);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('guid', 3, false, 'img' . $counter);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('media:description', 3, false, $description);
            $result .= rss_full_tag('media:thumbnail', 3, false, '', array('url' => lightboxgallery_get_image_url($gallery->id, $image, true)));
            $result .= rss_full_tag('media:content', 3, false, '', array('url' => $webroot . '/' . $image, 'type' => mime_content_type($dataroot . '/' . $image)));
            $result .= rss_end_tag('item', 2, true);
        $result .= rss_standard_footer();
    return $result;
Пример #2
 * Return the while xml element, including content
 * @param string $tag        the xml tag name
 * @param int    $level      the indentation level
 * @param bool   $endline    whether or not to start new tags on a new line
 * @param string $content    the text to go inside the tag
 * @param array  $attributes the attributes of the xml tag
 * @return string the whole xml element
function rss_full_tag($tag, $level = 0, $endline = true, $content, $attributes = null)
    $st = rss_start_tag($tag, $level, $endline, $attributes);
    $co = "";
    $co = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", htmlspecialchars($content));
    $et = rss_end_tag($tag, 0, true);
    return $st . $co . $et;
function lightboxgallery_rss_header($title = null, $link = null, $description = null)
    global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT;
    $status = true;
    $result = "";
    $site = get_site();
    if ($status) {
        // Calculate title, link and description.
        if (empty($title)) {
            $title = format_string($site->fullname);
        if (empty($link)) {
            $link = $CFG->wwwroot;
        if (empty($description)) {
            $description = $site->summary;
        // XML headers.
        $result .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
        $result .= "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:media=\"\"" . "xmlns:atom=\"\">\n";
        // Open the channel.
        $result .= rss_start_tag('channel', 1, true);
        // Write channel info.
        $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 2, false, strip_tags($title));
        $result .= rss_full_tag('link', 2, false, $link);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('description', 2, false, $description);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('generator', 2, false, 'Moodle');
        if (!empty($USER->lang)) {
            $result .= rss_full_tag('language', 2, false, substr($USER->lang, 0, 2));
        $today = getdate();
        $result .= rss_full_tag('copyright', 2, false, '&#169; ' . $today['year'] . ' ' . format_string($site->fullname));
        if (!empty($USER->email)) {
            $result .= rss_full_tag('managingEditor', 2, false, fullname($USER));
            $result .= rss_full_tag('webMaster', 2, false, fullname($USER));
        // Write image info.
        $rsspix = $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/rsssitelogo');
        // Write the info.
        $result .= rss_start_tag('image', 2, true);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('url', 3, false, $rsspix);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 3, false, 'moodle');
        $result .= rss_full_tag('link', 3, false, $CFG->wwwroot);
        $result .= rss_full_tag('width', 3, false, '140');
        $result .= rss_full_tag('height', 3, false, '35');
        $result .= rss_end_tag('image', 2, true);
    if (!$status) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return $result;
Пример #4
 * Builds the .pcast file with the users RSS token
 * @param object $pcast
 * @param string $url
 * @return string
function pcast_build_pcast_file($pcast, $url)
    //xml headers
    $result = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
    $result .= "<!DOCTYPE pcast PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PCAST 1.0//EN\" \"\">\n";
    $result .= rss_start_tag('pcast version="1.0"', 1, true);
    $result .= rss_start_tag('channel', 1, true);
    $result .= rss_start_tag('link rel="feed" type="application/rss+xml" href="' . $url . '" /', 2, true);
    $result .= rss_full_tag('title', 2, false, $pcast->name);
    $category = pcast_rss_category_lookup($pcast);
    if (isset($category->top->name) && !empty($category->top->name)) {
        $result .= rss_full_tag('category', 2, false, $category->top->name);
    if (isset($category->nested->name) && !empty($category->nested->name)) {
        $result .= rss_full_tag('category', 2, false, $category->nested->name);
    if (isset($pcast->subtitle) && !empty($category->subtitle)) {
        $result .= rss_full_tag('subtitle', 2, false, $pcast->subtitle);
    $result .= rss_end_tag('channel', 1, true);
    $result .= rss_end_tag('pcast', 1, true);
    return $result;