Пример #1
function rsa_verify($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength)
    return rsa_decrypt($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength);
Пример #2

include "rsa.php";
list($keylength, $modulus, $public, $private) = read_ssl_key("rsa-example-key");
var_dump($modulus, $public, $private);
$encrypted = rsa_encrypt("Hello world", $public, $modulus, $keylength);
$decrypted = rsa_decrypt($encrypted, $private, $modulus, $keylength);
echo $decrypted;
 * Read an openssl (ssh-keygen) generated SSL key
 * Note: this is a complete hack; we try to interpret a textual format 
function read_ssl_key($filename)
    exec("openssl rsa -in {$filename} -text -noout", $raw);
    // read the key length
    $keylength = (int) expect($raw[0], "Private-Key: (");
    // read the modulus
    expect($raw[1], "modulus:");
    for ($i = 2; $raw[$i][0] == ' '; $i++) {
        $modulusRaw .= trim($raw[$i]);
    // read the public exponent
    $public = (int) expect($raw[$i], "publicExponent: ");
    // read the private exponent
    expect($raw[$i + 1], "privateExponent:");
    for ($i += 2; $raw[$i][0] == ' '; $i++) {
        $privateRaw .= trim($raw[$i]);
    // Just to make sure
    expect($raw[$i], "prime1:");
Пример #3
function verify($plain, $check)
    global $private_key;
    if (!array_key_exists("PGID", $private_key)) {
        return false;
    if (strlen($check) != 256) {
        return false;
    $hb = sha1_128($plain);
    $hbhex = strtoupper(bin2hex($hb));
    $rbhex = rsa_decrypt($check);
    return $hbhex == $rbhex ? true : false;
Пример #4
function login($email, $password)
    global $sid, $master_key, $rsa_priv_key;
    $password_aes = prepare_key(str_to_a32($password));
    $uh = stringhash(strtolower($email), $password_aes);
    $res = api_req(array('a' => 'us', 'user' => $email, 'uh' => $uh));
    $enc_master_key = base64_to_a32($res->k);
    $master_key = decrypt_key($enc_master_key, $password_aes);
    if (!empty($res->csid)) {
        $enc_rsa_priv_key = base64_to_a32($res->privk);
        $rsa_priv_key = decrypt_key($enc_rsa_priv_key, $master_key);
        $privk = a32_to_str($rsa_priv_key);
        $rsa_priv_key = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
        for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
            $l = (ord($privk[0]) * 256 + ord($privk[1]) + 7) / 8 + 2;
            $rsa_priv_key[$i] = mpi2bc(substr($privk, 0, $l));
            $privk = substr($privk, $l);
        $enc_sid = mpi2bc(base64urldecode($res->csid));
        $sid = rsa_decrypt($enc_sid, $rsa_priv_key[0], $rsa_priv_key[1], $rsa_priv_key[2]);
        $sid = base64urlencode(substr(strrev($sid), 0, 43));
Пример #5
function SavedLogin($user, $pass)
    global $T8, $cookie, $secretkey;
    if (!defined('DOWNLOAD_DIR')) {
        global $options;
        if (substr($options['download_dir'], -1) != '/') {
            $options['download_dir'] .= '/';
        define('DOWNLOAD_DIR', substr($options['download_dir'], 0, 6) == 'ftp://' ? '' : $options['download_dir']);
    $user = strtolower($user);
    $filename = DOWNLOAD_DIR . basename('mega_ul.php');
    if (!file_exists($filename) || filesize($filename) <= 6) {
        return Login($user, $pass);
    $file = file($filename);
    $savedcookies = unserialize($file[1]);
    $hash = hash('crc32b', $user . ':' . $pass);
    if (is_array($savedcookies) && array_key_exists($hash, $savedcookies)) {
        $_secretkey = $secretkey;
        $secretkey = hash('crc32b', $pass) . sha1($user . ':' . $pass) . hash('crc32b', $user);
        // A 56 char key should be safer. :D
        $cookie = decrypt(urldecode($savedcookies[$hash]['enc'])) == 'OK' ? IWillNameItLater($savedcookies[$hash]['cookie']) : '';
        $secretkey = $_secretkey;
        if (is_array($cookie) && count($cookie) < 1 || empty($cookie)) {
            return Login($user, $pass);
        $T8['sid'] = $cookie['sid'];
        $T8['user_handle'] = $cookie['user_handle'];
        $T8['master_key'] = base64_to_a32($cookie['master_key']);
        $T8['root_id'] = $cookie['root_id'];
        $rsa_priv_key = explode('/T8\\', $cookie['rsa_priv_key']);
        $test = apiReq(array('a' => 'uq'));
        // I'm using the 'User quota details' request for validating the session id.
        if (is_numeric($test[0]) && $test[0] < 0) {
            if ($test[0] == -15) {
                // Session code expired... We need to get a newer one.
                if (!extension_loaded('bcmath')) {
                    html_error('This plugin needs BCMath extension for login.');
                $T8['sid'] = false;
                // Do not send old sid or it will get '-15' error.
                $res = apiReq(array('a' => 'us', 'user' => $user, 'uh' => $T8['user_handle']));
                if (is_numeric($res[0])) {
                    check_errors($res[0], 'Cannot re-login');
                $T8['sid'] = rsa_decrypt(mpi2bc(base64url_decode($res[0]['csid'])), $rsa_priv_key[0], $rsa_priv_key[1], $rsa_priv_key[2]);
                $T8['sid'] = base64url_encode(substr(strrev($T8['sid']), 0, 43));
                SaveCookies($user, $pass);
                // Update cookies file with new SID.
                $cookie = '';
            check_errors($test[0], 'Cannot validate saved-login');
        SaveCookies($user, $pass);
        // Update last used time.
        $cookie = '';
    return Login($user, $pass);
Пример #6
 } else {
     $mitm_rsa = substr($content, 61, 202);
 fwrite($fp, sprintf("mitm_rsa = %s\n", $mitm_rsa));
 // >>> privkey
 // PrivateKey(1666415237814013526040871409548492116644849274499802652958603463760605208123317049354724362505232686756841348691481292857567921193866163785636366167253073188426087889774374950496736700633480221410759338884917443477945450311305612670297928518933, 65537, 1219737536932392829152701550514078563795312872083792869103318860439083751677304711194380695933228740768202381810737311140597811814753578929188304554437599213656513726376890648690322661672663345091916543347764337217379704829803182667020768686873, 1385410802051004972999068234954649781369491575273996857145798967708030654884999659532189932189627750525576188193030877704123430423, 1202831128028596933686485025485232486088747132700225745691721391288668581068999832233248231108086290726332806184371)
 // >>> pubkey
 // PublicKey(1666415237814013526040871409548492116644849274499802652958603463760605208123317049354724362505232686756841348691481292857567921193866163785636366167253073188426087889774374950496736700633480221410759338884917443477945450311305612670297928518933, 65537)
 include "rsalib.php";
 $public_key = "1666415237814013526040871409548492116644849274499802652958603463760605208123317049354724362505232686756841348691481292857567921193866163785636366167253073188426087889774374950496736700633480221410759338884917443477945450311305612670297928518933";
 $private_key = "1219737536932392829152701550514078563795312872083792869103318860439083751677304711194380695933228740768202381810737311140597811814753578929188304554437599213656513726376890648690322661672663345091916543347764337217379704829803182667020768686873";
 $modulus = "65537";
 $crypted = base2dec($mitm_rsa, 16);
 fwrite($fp, sprintf("crypted = %s\n", $crypted));
 // decrypt id/pw
 $mitm_original = rsa_decrypt($crypted, $public_key, $private_key, 808);
 fwrite($fp, sprintf("mitm_original = %s\n", $mitm_original));
 $strptr = 0;
 $session_key_length = ord($mitm_original[$strptr]);
 $session_key_org = substr($mitm_original, $strptr, $session_key_length);
 $strptr += $session_key_length;
 $email_length = ord($mitm_original[$strptr]);
 $email = substr($mitm_original, $strptr, $email_length);
 $strptr += $email_length;
 $passwd_length = ord($mitm_original[$strptr]);
 $passwd = substr($mitm_original, $strptr, $passwd_length);
 fwrite($fp, sprintf("%s %s %s\n", $session_key_org, $email, $passwd));
 $dir = 'sqlite:db/naver_key.db';
Пример #7
 * @param:
 * array(3) {
         string(11) "15001204748"
         string(256) "555fba1215f3bb227589530780613e92bb4ebc095bb67bce929cc74c52850c877d6e8e1dfe37a1c48182a68ce4776f4cbdb2edb7b33288ae26d7bc7046b08f3c011f46343c6f6b1a6dff997c6bcf9c58576fb8bb398c4f3c6279256c14e21e1d71c30f6e33da43f5cef429cc220ebe2fbec64ec668f91092fcff442c66d83b05"
         string(1) "1"
           string(1) "1"
 * echo : {"status":0,"info":"\u7528\u6237\u4e0d\u5b58\u5728","jump":""}
 public function dologin()
     if (!$_POST) {
         app_redirect(APP_ROOT . "/");
     foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
         $_POST[$k] = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($v));
     $ajax = intval($_REQUEST['ajax']);
     if (app_conf("VERIFY_IMAGE") == 1) {
         $verify = md5(trim($_REQUEST['verify']));
         $session_verify = es_session::get('verify');
         if ($verify != $session_verify) {
             showErr($GLOBALS['lang']['VERIFY_CODE_ERROR'], $ajax, url("shop", "user#login"));
     $phone = $_POST['mobile'];
     // 查看用户是否有效
     $count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where mobile=" . $phone . " and is_delete=0");
     if ($count <= 0 || $count == false) {
         showErr('用户不存在', $ajax, url("shop", "user#login"));
     $pwd = $_POST['user_pwd'];
     $encrypted = convert($pwd);
     //hex data to bin data
     $pwd = rsa_decrypt($encrypted, RSA_PRIVATE_KEY, RSA_MODULUS, RSA_KEY_LENGTH);
     $php_rsa_pub_key = get_php_rsa_public_key();
     $url = get_doubi_host();
     openssl_public_encrypt($phone . "_" . md5($pwd), $sig, $php_rsa_pub_key);
     $sig = base64_encode($sig);
     $post = array("action" => "login", "phone" => $phone, 'sig' => $sig);
     $response = json_decode(sentSigPost($url, $post), true);
     // response {"ret":"0","rid":"70010b9ac7efab7087a49ba8f007a246","uid":"","cityid":"1"}
     switch ($response['ret']) {
         case '0':
             //            if(intval($_POST['auto_login'])==1){
             // 如果选择了自动登录,向cookie中set自动登录签名值
             es_cookie::set("rid", $response['rid'], 3600 * 24 * 30);
             //           }
             		    $user_data = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from ".DB_PREFIX."user where mobile = $phone");	
             require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/libs/user.php";
             $result = do_login_user($phone, $pwd);
                         $result['status'] = 1;
             $err_msg = get_msg_with_ret($response['ret']);
             showErr($err_msg, $ajax, url("shop", "user#login"));
     if ($result['status']) {
         $s_user_info = es_session::get("user_info");
         $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_cart set user_id = " . intval($s_user_info['id']) . " where session_id = '" . es_session::id() . "'");
         if (intval($_POST['auto_login']) == 1) {
             $user_data = $s_user_info;
             es_cookie::set("user_name", $user_data['email'], 3600 * 24 * 30);
             es_cookie::set("user_pwd", md5($user_data['user_pwd'] . "_EASE_COOKIE"), 3600 * 24 * 30);
         if ($ajax == 0 && trim(app_conf("INTEGRATE_CODE")) == '') {
             $redirect = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : url("index");
         } else {
             $jump_url = get_gopreview();
             if ($ajax == 1) {
                 $return['status'] = 1;
                 $return['info'] = $GLOBALS['lang']['LOGIN_SUCCESS'];
                 $return['data'] = $result['msg'];
                 $return['jump'] = $jump_url;
             } else {
                 $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('integrate_result', $result['msg']);
                 showSuccess($GLOBALS['lang']['LOGIN_SUCCESS'], $ajax, $jump_url);
     } else {
         if ($result['data'] == ACCOUNT_NO_EXIST_ERROR) {
             $err = $GLOBALS['lang']['USER_NOT_EXIST'];
         if ($result['data'] == ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_ERROR) {
             $err = $GLOBALS['lang']['PASSWORD_ERROR'];
         if ($result['data'] == ACCOUNT_NO_VERIFY_ERROR) {
             $err = $GLOBALS['lang']['USER_NOT_VERIFY'];
             if (app_conf("MAIL_ON") == 1 && $ajax == 0) {
                 $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", $err);
                 $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("user_info", $result['user']);
         showErr($err, $ajax);
Пример #8
 public function do_modify_password()
     if (empty($_POST['phone'])) {
         echo json_encode(array('ret' => '-1'));
     } else {
         $phone = $_POST['phone'];
         $url = get_doubi_host();
         $encrypted = convert($_POST['new_pass']);
         //hex data to bin data
         $pwd = rsa_decrypt($encrypted, RSA_PRIVATE_KEY, RSA_MODULUS, RSA_KEY_LENGTH);
         $php_rsa_pub_key = get_php_rsa_public_key();
         openssl_public_encrypt($phone . "_" . md5($pwd), $sig, $php_rsa_pub_key);
         $newsig = base64_encode($sig);
         $post = array("action" => "resetpass", "phone" => $phone, 'vrcode' => $_POST['msg'], 'newsig' => $newsig);
         $response = json_decode(sentSigPost($url, $post), true);
         switch ($response['ret']) {
             case '0':
                 showSuccess($GLOBALS['lang']['PASSWORD_MODIFY_SUCCESS'], 0, url("biz", "profile#password"));
                 $err_msg = get_msg_with_ret($response['ret']);
                 showErr($err_msg, 0, url("shop", "user#getpassword"));
Пример #9

require "rsa.php";
require "BigInteger.php";
$text = "hi man";
$public = 65537;
$modulus = "D192471B8699640F931FE6F4FACC3E990B894F894CEA5BEE0DCBD7A4B76752F7345CF9B5F1271001B724F7A0ABF0A6E911E309536F4BE4749E92DCC531B8E36B95969D206649C9DD2371B413A8DFD9B92569660B1499A5CD310B86A8FDE24988E456897A416D2E7B0B649F0714F322C57EF92563B21A448D1072FF3806C34C75";
$keylength = 1024;
$modulus_16 = new Math_BigInteger($modulus, 16);
$mend = $modulus_16->toString();
echo "now we are going to eccrypt ' {$text} '\n";
$encrypted = rsa_encrypt($text, $public, $mend, $keylength);
echo bin2hex($encrypted);
echo "\n";
echo "now wo are going to decrypt it";
$decrypted = rsa_decrypt();