public static function misc_form_bypass() { /** * Miscellaneous Form Spam Check Bypass */ /* Setup necessary variables */ $url = rs_wpss_get_url(); $url_lc = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $url); $req_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $req_uri_lc = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $req_uri); $post_count = count($_POST); $ip = rs_wpss_get_ip_addr(); $user_agent = rs_wpss_get_user_agent(); $referer = rs_wpss_get_referrer(); /* IP / PROXY INFO - BEGIN */ global $wpss_ip_proxy_info; if (empty($wpss_ip_proxy_info)) { $wpss_ip_proxy_info = rs_wpss_ip_proxy_info(); } extract($wpss_ip_proxy_info); /* IP / PROXY INFO - END */ /* GEOLOCATION */ if ($post_count == 6 && isset($_POST['updatemylocation'], $_POST['log'], $_POST['lat'], $_POST['country'], $_POST['zip'], $_POST['myaddress'])) { return TRUE; } /* WP Remote */ if (defined('WPRP_PLUGIN_SLUG') && !empty($_POST['wpr_verify_key']) && preg_match("~\\ WP\\-Remote\$~", $user_agent) && preg_match("~\\.amazonaws\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns)) { return TRUE; } /* Ecommerce Plugins */ if ((rs_wpss_is_ssl() || !empty($_POST['add-to-cart']) || !empty($_POST['add_to_cart']) || !empty($_POST['addtocart']) || !empty($_POST['product-id']) || !empty($_POST['product_id']) || !empty($_POST['productid']) || $user_agent === 'PayPal IPN ( )' && preg_match("~(^|\\.)paypal\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns) && $fcrdns === '[Verified]') && self::is_ecom_enabled()) { return TRUE; } if ((rs_wpss_is_ssl() || self::is_ecom_enabled()) && $fcrdns === '[Verified]') { /* PayPal, Stripe,, Worldpay, etc */ if ($user_agent === 'PayPal IPN ( )' && preg_match("~(^|\\.)paypal\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns) || $reverse_dns === '' || preg_match("~(^|\\.)(authorize\\.net|worldpay\\.com|payfast\\.co\\.za|api\\.mollie\\.nl|api\\.simplifycommerce\\.com|wepayapi\\.com|2checkout\\.com|paylane\\.com)\$~", $reverse_dns)) { return TRUE; } } /* WooCommerce Payment Gateways */ if (self::is_woocom_enabled()) { if ($user_agent === 'PayPal IPN ( )' && preg_match("~^(ipn|ipnpb|notify|reports)(\\.sandbox)?\\.paypal\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns) || strpos($req_uri, 'WC_Gateway_Paypal') !== FALSE) { return TRUE; } if (preg_match("~(^|\\.)payfast\\.co\\.za\$~", $reverse_dns) || strpos($req_uri, 'wc-api') !== FALSE && strpos($req_uri, 'WC_Gateway_PayFast') !== FALSE) { return TRUE; } /* Plugin: 'woocommerce-gateway-payfast/gateway-payfast.php' */ if (preg_match("~((\\?|\\&)wc\\-api\\=WC_(Addons_)?Gateway_|/wc\\-api/.*WC_(Addons_)?Gateway_)~", $req_uri)) { return TRUE; } /* $wc_gateways = array( 'WC_Gateway_BACS', 'WC_Gateway_Cheque', 'WC_Gateway_COD', 'WC_Gateway_Paypal', 'WC_Addons_Gateway_Simplify_Commerce', 'WC_Gateway_Simplify_Commerce' ); */ } /* Easy Digital Downloads Payment Gateways */ if (defined('EDD_VERSION')) { if ($user_agent === 'PayPal IPN ( )' && preg_match("~^(ipn|ipnpb|notify|reports)(\\.sandbox)?\\.paypal\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns) || !empty($_GET['edd-listener']) && $_GET['edd-listener'] === 'IPN' || strpos($req_uri, 'edd-listener') !== FALSE && strpos($req_uri, 'IPN') !== FALSE) { return TRUE; } if (!empty($_GET['edd-listener']) && $_GET['edd-listener'] === 'amazon' || strpos($req_uri, 'edd-listener') !== FALSE && strpos($req_uri, 'amazon') !== FALSE) { return TRUE; } if (!empty($_GET['edd-listener']) || strpos($req_uri, 'edd-listener') !== FALSE) { return TRUE; } } /* Gravity Forms PayPal Payments Standard Add-On ( ) */ if (defined('GF_MIN_WP_VERSION') && defined('GF_PAYPAL_VERSION') || class_exists('GFForms') && class_exists('GF_PayPal_Bootstrap')) { if ($url === WPSS_SITE_URL . '/?page=gf_paypal_ipn' && isset($_POST['ipn_track_id'], $_POST['payer_id'], $_POST['receiver_id'], $_POST['txn_id'], $_POST['txn_type'], $_POST['verify_sign'])) { return TRUE; } } /* PayPal IPN */ if (isset($_POST['ipn_track_id'], $_POST['payer_id'], $_POST['payment_type'], $_POST['payment_status'], $_POST['receiver_id'], $_POST['txn_id'], $_POST['txn_type'], $_POST['verify_sign']) && FALSE !== strpos($req_uri_lc, 'paypal') && $user_agent === 'PayPal IPN ( )' && preg_match("~^(ipn|ipnpb|notify|reports)(\\.sandbox)?\\.paypal\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns) && $fcrdns === '[Verified]') { return TRUE; } /* Clef */ if (defined('CLEF_VERSION')) { if (preg_match("~^Clef/[0-9](\\.[0-9]+)+\\ \\(https\\://getclef\\.com\\)\$~", $user_agent) && preg_match("~((^|\\.)clef\\.io|\\.amazonaws\\.com)\$~", $reverse_dns)) { return TRUE; } } /* OA Social Login */ if (defined('OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_VERSION')) { $ref_dom_rev = strrev(rs_wpss_get_domain($referer)); $oa_dom_rev = strrev(''); if ($post_count >= 4 && isset($_GET['oa_social_login_source'], $_POST['oa_action'], $_POST['oa_social_login_token'], $_POST['connection_token'], $_POST['identity_vault_key']) && $_POST['oa_action'] === 'social_login' && strpos($ref_dom_rev, $oa_dom_rev) === 0) { return TRUE; } } /* Nothing was triggered */ return FALSE; }
/** * Does comment or contact form contain blacklisted characters, words, IP addresses, or email addresses. * * @since 1.5.4 * * @param string $author The author name of the submitter * @param string $email The email of the submitter * @param string $url The url used in the submission * @param string $content The submitted content * @param string $user_ip The submitter IP address * @param string $user_agent The submitter's browser / user agent * @param string $user_server The submitter's server (reverse DNS of IP) * @return bool TRUE if submission contains blacklisted content, FALSE if submission does not */ function rs_wpss_blacklist_check($author, $email, $url, $content, $user_ip, $user_agent, $user_server) { /** * Fires at end of contact form and comment content filters. * Upgrade from WordPress' built-in and flawed wp_blacklist_check() function. * Removed User-Agent filter from wp_blacklist_check() - Not a good idea to let users play with User-Agent filtering, most people don't realize this will be tested, leading to false-positives. * Also, it's not in the documentation...nowhere in the WP Dashboard does it mention testing against User-Agents. * * @since 1.5.4 * * @param string $author Comment or Contact Form author name. * @param string $email Comment or Contact Form author's email. * @param string $url Comment or Contact Form author's URL. * @param string $content Comment or Contact Form content. * @param string $user_ip Comment or Contact Form author's IP address. * @param string $user_agent Comment or Contact Form author's browser / user agent. * @param string $user_server Comment or Contact Form author's server (reverse DNS of IP). */ $blacklist_keys = trim(stripslashes(get_option('blacklist_keys'))); if (empty($blacklist_keys)) { return FALSE; } /* If blacklist keys are empty */ if (strpos($blacklist_keys, '[WPSS-ECBL][COUNTRY]') !== FALSE) { global $wpss_geoiploc_data; if (empty($wpss_geoiploc_data)) { $wpss_geoiploc_data = rs_wpss_wf_geoiploc($user_ip); } if (!empty($wpss_geoiploc_data)) { extract($wpss_geoiploc_data); } } $blacklist_keys_arr = explode(WPSS_EOL, $blacklist_keys); foreach ((array) $blacklist_keys_arr as $key) { $key = trim($key); /* Skip empty lines */ if (empty($key)) { continue; } /* Do some escaping magic so that '~' chars in the spam words don't break things: */ $key_pq = rs_wpss_preg_quote($key); $pattern_regex = "~{$key_pq}~i"; if (strpos($key, '[WPSS-ECBL]') === 0) { /* Advanced flags work on contact form only, for now */ $key = str_replace('[WPSS-ECBL]', '', $key); if (strpos($key, '[SERVER]') === 0 && !empty($user_server)) { $key = str_replace('[SERVER]', '', $key); $referrer = rs_wpss_get_referrer(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); $ref_domain = rs_wpss_get_domain($referrer); if (strpos($key, '[REF]') === 0 && !empty($ref_domain)) { /* Added 1.8.1 */ $key = str_replace('[REF]', '', $key); $key_pq = rs_wpss_preg_quote($key); if (preg_match("~{$key_pq}\$~i", $ref_domain)) { return TRUE; } } elseif (strpos($key, '.') === 0 || strpos($key, '-') === 0) { $key_pq = rs_wpss_preg_quote($key); if (preg_match("~{$key_pq}\$~i", $user_server)) { return TRUE; } } elseif ($key === $user_server) { return TRUE; } } elseif (strpos($key, '[COUNTRY]') === 0 && !empty($countryCode)) { /*** * Country Blocking - Ex: '[WPSS-ECBL][COUNTRY]AA,BB,CC' * Added * Full list of ISO Country codes: * * ***/ $key = str_replace(array('[COUNTRY]', ' '), array('', ''), $key); if (preg_match("~([A-Z]{2},?)+~", $key)) { $key_arr = explode(',', $key); if ($key === $countryCode || in_array($countryCode, $key_arr, TRUE)) { return TRUE; } } } } elseif (is_email($key)) { if (!empty($email) && rs_wpss_sanitize_gmail($key) === rs_wpss_sanitize_gmail($email)) { return TRUE; } } elseif (rs_wpss_is_valid_ip($key, '', TRUE)) { /* IP C-block */ if (!empty($user_ip) && strpos($user_ip, $key) === 0) { return TRUE; } } elseif (rs_wpss_is_valid_ip($key)) { /* Complete IP Address */ if (!empty($user_ip) && $key === $user_ip) { return TRUE; } } elseif (!empty($author) && preg_match($pattern_regex, $author) || !empty($url) && preg_match($pattern_regex, $url) || !empty($content) && preg_match($pattern_regex, $content)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }