public static function misc_form_bypass()
      * Miscellaneous Form Spam Check Bypass 
     /* Setup necessary variables */
     $url = rs_wpss_get_url();
     $url_lc = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $url);
     $req_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $req_uri_lc = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $req_uri);
     $post_count = count($_POST);
     $ip = rs_wpss_get_ip_addr();
     $user_agent = rs_wpss_get_user_agent();
     $referer = rs_wpss_get_referrer();
     /* IP / PROXY INFO - BEGIN */
     global $wpss_ip_proxy_info;
     if (empty($wpss_ip_proxy_info)) {
         $wpss_ip_proxy_info = rs_wpss_ip_proxy_info();
     /* IP / PROXY INFO - END */
     /* GEOLOCATION */
     if ($post_count == 6 && isset($_POST['updatemylocation'], $_POST['log'], $_POST['lat'], $_POST['country'], $_POST['zip'], $_POST['myaddress'])) {
         return TRUE;
     /* WP Remote */
     if (defined('WPRP_PLUGIN_SLUG') && !empty($_POST['wpr_verify_key']) && preg_match("~\\ WP\\-Remote\$~", $user_agent) && preg_match("~\\.amazonaws\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns)) {
         return TRUE;
     /* Ecommerce Plugins */
     if ((rs_wpss_is_ssl() || !empty($_POST['add-to-cart']) || !empty($_POST['add_to_cart']) || !empty($_POST['addtocart']) || !empty($_POST['product-id']) || !empty($_POST['product_id']) || !empty($_POST['productid']) || $user_agent === 'PayPal IPN ( )' && preg_match("~(^|\\.)paypal\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns) && $fcrdns === '[Verified]') && self::is_ecom_enabled()) {
         return TRUE;
     if ((rs_wpss_is_ssl() || self::is_ecom_enabled()) && $fcrdns === '[Verified]') {
         /* PayPal, Stripe,, Worldpay, etc */
         if ($user_agent === 'PayPal IPN ( )' && preg_match("~(^|\\.)paypal\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns) || $reverse_dns === '' || preg_match("~(^|\\.)(authorize\\.net|worldpay\\.com|payfast\\.co\\.za|api\\.mollie\\.nl|api\\.simplifycommerce\\.com|wepayapi\\.com|2checkout\\.com|paylane\\.com)\$~", $reverse_dns)) {
             return TRUE;
     /* WooCommerce Payment Gateways */
     if (self::is_woocom_enabled()) {
         if ($user_agent === 'PayPal IPN ( )' && preg_match("~^(ipn|ipnpb|notify|reports)(\\.sandbox)?\\.paypal\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns) || strpos($req_uri, 'WC_Gateway_Paypal') !== FALSE) {
             return TRUE;
         if (preg_match("~(^|\\.)payfast\\.co\\.za\$~", $reverse_dns) || strpos($req_uri, 'wc-api') !== FALSE && strpos($req_uri, 'WC_Gateway_PayFast') !== FALSE) {
             return TRUE;
         /* Plugin: 'woocommerce-gateway-payfast/gateway-payfast.php' */
         if (preg_match("~((\\?|\\&)wc\\-api\\=WC_(Addons_)?Gateway_|/wc\\-api/.*WC_(Addons_)?Gateway_)~", $req_uri)) {
             return TRUE;
         /* $wc_gateways = array( 'WC_Gateway_BACS', 'WC_Gateway_Cheque', 'WC_Gateway_COD', 'WC_Gateway_Paypal', 'WC_Addons_Gateway_Simplify_Commerce', 'WC_Gateway_Simplify_Commerce' ); */
     /* Easy Digital Downloads Payment Gateways */
     if (defined('EDD_VERSION')) {
         if ($user_agent === 'PayPal IPN ( )' && preg_match("~^(ipn|ipnpb|notify|reports)(\\.sandbox)?\\.paypal\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns) || !empty($_GET['edd-listener']) && $_GET['edd-listener'] === 'IPN' || strpos($req_uri, 'edd-listener') !== FALSE && strpos($req_uri, 'IPN') !== FALSE) {
             return TRUE;
         if (!empty($_GET['edd-listener']) && $_GET['edd-listener'] === 'amazon' || strpos($req_uri, 'edd-listener') !== FALSE && strpos($req_uri, 'amazon') !== FALSE) {
             return TRUE;
         if (!empty($_GET['edd-listener']) || strpos($req_uri, 'edd-listener') !== FALSE) {
             return TRUE;
     /* Gravity Forms PayPal Payments Standard Add-On ( ) */
     if (defined('GF_MIN_WP_VERSION') && defined('GF_PAYPAL_VERSION') || class_exists('GFForms') && class_exists('GF_PayPal_Bootstrap')) {
         if ($url === WPSS_SITE_URL . '/?page=gf_paypal_ipn' && isset($_POST['ipn_track_id'], $_POST['payer_id'], $_POST['receiver_id'], $_POST['txn_id'], $_POST['txn_type'], $_POST['verify_sign'])) {
             return TRUE;
     /* PayPal IPN */
     if (isset($_POST['ipn_track_id'], $_POST['payer_id'], $_POST['payment_type'], $_POST['payment_status'], $_POST['receiver_id'], $_POST['txn_id'], $_POST['txn_type'], $_POST['verify_sign']) && FALSE !== strpos($req_uri_lc, 'paypal') && $user_agent === 'PayPal IPN ( )' && preg_match("~^(ipn|ipnpb|notify|reports)(\\.sandbox)?\\.paypal\\.com\$~", $reverse_dns) && $fcrdns === '[Verified]') {
         return TRUE;
     /* Clef */
     if (defined('CLEF_VERSION')) {
         if (preg_match("~^Clef/[0-9](\\.[0-9]+)+\\ \\(https\\://getclef\\.com\\)\$~", $user_agent) && preg_match("~((^|\\.)clef\\.io|\\.amazonaws\\.com)\$~", $reverse_dns)) {
             return TRUE;
     /* OA Social Login */
     if (defined('OA_SOCIAL_LOGIN_VERSION')) {
         $ref_dom_rev = strrev(rs_wpss_get_domain($referer));
         $oa_dom_rev = strrev('');
         if ($post_count >= 4 && isset($_GET['oa_social_login_source'], $_POST['oa_action'], $_POST['oa_social_login_token'], $_POST['connection_token'], $_POST['identity_vault_key']) && $_POST['oa_action'] === 'social_login' && strpos($ref_dom_rev, $oa_dom_rev) === 0) {
             return TRUE;
     /* Nothing was triggered */
     return FALSE;
Пример #2
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        $title = !empty($instance['title']) ? sanitize_text_field($instance['title']) : rs_wpss_blocked_txt('UCW');
        $count = rs_wpss_number_format(rs_wpss_count());
        //$count	= rs_wpss_number_format( 1000000 ); /* FOR TESTING & SCREEN SHOTS ONLY */
        $byline = str_replace(WPSS_PLUGIN_NAME, '<strong>WP-SpamShield</strong>', rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', WPSS_Promo_Links::promo_text(1)));
        echo $args['before_widget'];
        echo $args['before_title'] . $title . $args['after_title'];

	<div class="wpssstats">
		<a href="<?php 
        echo WPSS_HOME_URL;
" target="_blank" rel="external" title=""><?php 
        printf(__('<strong class="wpsscount">%1$s</strong> <strong class="wpsscount2">%2$s</strong> <span class="wpsscount3">%3$s</span>', WPSS_PLUGIN_NAME), $count, rs_wpss_blocked_txt(), $byline);
        echo $args['after_widget'];
 public function check_post_sec()
      * Check if POST submission is security threat: hack attempt or vulnerability probe
     $site_url = WPSS_SITE_URL;
     $site_dom = WPSS_SITE_DOMAIN;
     $admin_url = WPSS_ADMIN_URL . '/';
     $cont_url = WPSS_CONTENT_DIR_URL . '/';
     $plug_url = WPSS_PLUGINS_DIR_URL . '/';
     $post_count = count($_POST);
     $user_agent = rs_wpss_get_user_agent();
     $req_url = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', rs_wpss_get_url());
     $req_ajax = rs_wpss_is_ajax_request();
     $req_404 = rs_wpss_is_404();
     /* Not all WP sites return proper 404 status. The fact this security check even got activated means it was a 404. */
     $req_hal = rs_wpss_get_http_accept(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
     $req_ha = rs_wpss_get_http_accept(TRUE, TRUE);
     /* IP / PROXY INFO - BEGIN */
     global $wpss_ip_proxy_info;
     if (empty($wpss_ip_proxy_info)) {
         $wpss_ip_proxy_info = rs_wpss_ip_proxy_info();
     /* IP / PROXY INFO - END */
     /* Short Signatures - Regex */
     $rgx_sig_arr = array('-e*5l?*B-@yZ_-,8_-lSZ98BC[', '+25-Z9dCZ,87C-7CBlSZ=-C[');
     foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
         $v = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $v);
         foreach ($rgx_sig_arr as $i => $s) {
             /* Switch to single preg_match as this expands, replace nested foreach() */
             $sd = rs_wpss_rbkmd($s, 'de');
             if (FALSE !== strpos($v, $sd)) {
                 return TRUE;
     /* Full Signatures */
     $signatures = array(array('description' => 'Revslider & Showbiz Pro - AJAX Vulnerability', 'post_i_min' => 2, 'post_i_max' => 2, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('action' => 'revslider_ajax_action', 'client_action' => 'update_plugin'), array('action' => 'showbiz_ajax_action', 'client_action' => 'update_plugin'))), array('description' => 'WP Marketplace <= 2.4.0 & WP Download Manager <=2.7.4 - Remote Code Execution', 'post_i_min' => 5, 'post_i_max' => 5, 'target_urls' => array(), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('action' => 'wpmp_pp_ajax_call', 'user_login' => '*', 'execute' => 'wp_insert_user', 'role' => 'administrator', 'user_pass' => '*'), array('action' => 'wpdm_ajax_call', 'user_login' => '*', 'execute' => 'wp_insert_user', 'role' => 'administrator', 'user_pass' => '*'))), array('description' => 'WP Symposium <= 14.11 - Shell Upload Vulnerability', 'post_i_min' => 2, 'post_i_max' => 3, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-content/plugins/wp-symposium/server/php/index.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('uploader_url' => $plug_url . '/wp-symposium/server/php/', 'uploader_uid' => '1'))), array('description' => 'Ultimate Product Catalogue <= 3.11 - Multiple Vulnerabilities', 'post_i_min' => 3, 'post_i_max' => 3, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/product-sheets/wp-links-ompt.php', '/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/product-sheets/wp-includes.php', '/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/product-sheets/wp-styles.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('p2' => '2929', 'abc28' => 'print $_REQUEST[\'p1\'].$_REQUEST[\'p2\']', 'p1' => '4242'), array('p2' => '2929', 'af5f492a1' => 'print $_REQUEST[\'p1\'].$_REQUEST[\'p2\']', 'p1' => '4242'), array('p2' => '2929', 'e41e' => 'print $_REQUEST[\'p1\'].$_REQUEST[\'p2\']', 'p1' => '4242'))), array('description' => 'Ultimate Product Catalogue <= 3.11 - Multiple Vulnerabilities', 'post_i_min' => 1, 'post_i_max' => 1, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/product-sheets/wp-setup.php', '/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/product-sheets/wp-includes.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('e51e' => 'die(pi());'), array('af5f492a1' => 'die(pi());'))), array('description' => 'Simple Ads Manager <= 2.5.94 - Arbitrary File Upload', 'post_i_min' => 2, 'post_i_max' => 2, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-content/plugins/simple-ads-manager/sam-ajax-admin.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('action' => 'upload_ad_image', 'path' => '*'))), array('description' => 'Work The Flow File Upload <= 2.5.2 - Shell Upload', 'post_i_min' => 1, 'post_i_max' => 1, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-content/plugins/work-the-flow-file-upload/public/assets/jquery-file-upload-9.5.0/server/php/index.php', '/assets/plugins/jquery-file-upload/server/php/index.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('action' => 'upload'))));
     /* Run Checks Against Signatures */
     foreach ($signatures as $i => $sig) {
         if (!empty($sig['post_i_min']) && ($post_count < $sig['post_i_min'] || $post_count > $sig['post_i_max'])) {
         if (!empty($sig['target_urls'])) {
             $urls_rgx = rs_wpss_get_regex_phrase($sig['target_urls'], '', 'red_str');
             if (!preg_match($urls_rgx, $req_url)) {
         if ($sig['ajax_request'] !== '*' && $sig['ajax_request'] !== $req_ajax) {
         if ($sig['404'] !== '*' && $sig['404'] !== $req_404) {
         $hal_max = count($sig['hal_signature']) - 1;
         $m = 0;
         /* Matches */
         foreach ($sig['hal_signature'] as $i => $hal_sig) {
             if ($hal_sig == $req_hal) {
             if ($i == $hal_max && $m === 0) {
                 continue 2;
         $ha_max = count($sig['ha_signature']) - 1;
         $m = 0;
         /* Matches */
         foreach ($sig['ha_signature'] as $i => $ha_sig) {
             if ($ha_sig == $req_ha) {
             if ($i == $ha_max && $m === 0) {
                 continue 2;
         foreach ($sig['key_val_pairs'] as $i => $kvp) {
             $kvp_max = count($kvp);
             $m = 0;
             /* Matches */
             foreach ($kvp as $k => $v) {
                 if (!empty($_POST[$k]) && $_POST[$k] === $v || $v === '*' && isset($_POST[$k])) {
                 if ($m === $kvp_max) {
                     return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
Пример #4
 function settings_ver_ftr()
     global $compat_mode;
     echo 'Version ' . WPSS_VERSION;
     if (TRUE === WPSS_COMPAT_MODE || defined('WPSS_SOFT_COMPAT_MODE') || !empty($compat_mode)) {
         echo "<br />" . WPSS_EOL . rs_wpss_casetrans('upper', __('Compatibility Mode', WPSS_PLUGIN_NAME));
         /* TRANSLATE */
         $wpss_proc_data = get_option('spamshield_procdat');
         if (!isset($wpss_proc_data['avg2_wpss_proc_time']) && isset($wpss_proc_data['avg_wpss_proc_time'])) {
             $wpss_proc_data['avg2_wpss_proc_time'] = $wpss_proc_data['avg_wpss_proc_time'];
         } elseif (!isset($wpss_proc_data['avg2_wpss_proc_time'])) {
             $wpss_proc_data['avg2_wpss_proc_time'] = 0;
         $wpss_proc_data_avg2_wpss_proc_time_disp = rs_wpss_number_format($wpss_proc_data['avg2_wpss_proc_time'], 6);
         echo "<br />" . WPSS_EOL . 'Avg WPSS Proc Time: ' . $wpss_proc_data_avg2_wpss_proc_time_disp . ' seconds';
 public static function early_post_intercept()
      * SECURITY - Checks all incoming POST requests early for malicious behavior
      * Added
     if ('POST' !== $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] || rs_wpss_is_local_request() || is_user_logged_in()) {
     global $spamshield_options;
     if (empty($spamshield_options)) {
         $spamshield_options = get_option('spamshield_options');
     if (!empty($spamshield_options['disable_misc_form_shield'])) {
     $url = rs_wpss_get_url();
     $url_lc = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $url);
     $req_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $req_uri_lc = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $req_uri);
     $epc_filter_status = $wpss_error_code = $log_pref = '';
     $epc_jsck_error = $epc_badrobot_error = FALSE;
     $form_type = 'misc form';
     $pref = 'EPC-';
     $errors_3p = array();
     $error_txt = rs_wpss_error_txt();
     $server_name = WPSS_SERVER_NAME;
     $server_email_domain = rs_wpss_get_email_domain($server_name);
     $epc_serial_post = json_encode($_POST);
     $form_auth_dat = array('comment_author' => '', 'comment_author_email' => '', 'comment_author_url' => '');
     $blocked = FALSE;
     $c = array('name' => '', 'value' => '1', 'expire' => time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 1, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => rs_wpss_get_cookie_domain(), 'secure' => FALSE, 'httponly' => FALSE);
     if (rs_wpss_is_xmlrpc()) {
         if (empty($_POST) || !empty($_GET)) {
             $blocked = TRUE;
         $c['name'] = 'P_XMLRPC';
     if (rs_wpss_is_doing_ajax()) {
         if (empty($_POST) && empty($_GET) || empty($_REQUEST['action'])) {
             $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . 'FAR1020';
             $err_cod = 'fake_ajax_request_error';
             $err_msg = __('That action is currently not allowed.');
             $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg;
     if (rs_wpss_skiddie_ua_check()) {
         $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . 'UA1004';
         $err_cod = 'badrobot_skiddie_error';
         $err_msg = __('That action is currently not allowed.');
         $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg;
     if (rs_wpss_ubl_cache()) {
         if (TRUE === WPSS_IP_BAN_ENABLE && rs_wpss_is_xmlrpc()) {
         $wpss_error_code .= ' ' . $pref . '0-BL';
         $err_cod = 'blacklisted_user_error';
         $err_msg = __('That action is currently not allowed.');
         $errors_3p[$err_cod] = $err_msg;
     if (!empty($c['name'])) {
         /* Setting cookie to honeypot bad actors */
         @setcookie($c['name'], $c['value'], $c['expire'], $c['path'], $c['domain'], $c['secure'], $c['httponly']);
     if (!empty($wpss_error_code)) {
         rs_wpss_update_accept_status($form_auth_dat, 'r', 'Line: ' . __LINE__, $wpss_error_code);
         if (!empty($spamshield_options['comment_logging'])) {
             rs_wpss_log_data($form_auth_dat, $wpss_error_code, $form_type, $epc_serial_post);
     } else {
         rs_wpss_update_accept_status($form_auth_dat, 'a', 'Line: ' . __LINE__);
     /* Now output error message */
     if (!empty($wpss_error_code)) {
         $error_msg = '';
         foreach ($errors_3p as $c => $m) {
             $error_msg .= '<strong>' . $error_txt . ':</strong> ' . $m . '<br /><br />' . WPSS_EOL;
         WP_SpamShield::wp_die($error_msg, TRUE);