print "<td>";
 if (!empty($row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_ASSIGNED_TO])) {
     print $row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_ASSIGNED_TO];
 } else {
     print "Not Assigned";
 print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td>";
 if (!empty($row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_STATUS])) {
     print $row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_STATUS];
 } else {
     print "Not Used";
 print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 if (isset($row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_STATUS])) {
     print results_verfication_status_icon($row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_STATUS]);
 } else {
     print "<td></td>";
 print "<td>{$os}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td>";
 if (isset($row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_COMMENTS])) {
     print html_info_icon($row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_COMMENTS]);
 print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td>{$time_started}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td>";
 if (isset($row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_TIMESTAMP])) {
     print $row_test_signoff[TEST_TS_ASSOC_TIMESTAMP];
 print "</td>" . NEWLINE;
         case "Finished : QA Review":
         case "Finished : Business Review":
         case "WRIssue":
     $table_body .= "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE;
     $table_body .= "<td></td>" . NEWLINE;
     $table_body .= "<td class=tbl-l nowrap>" . test_get_name($test_id) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     $table_body .= "<td class=tbl-r nowrap>{$test_status}</td>" . NEWLINE;
     $table_body .= results_verfication_status_icon($test_status);
     $table_body .= "<td>{$pc_req_covered_by_test}%</td>" . NEWLINE;
     $table_body .= "<td></td>" . NEWLINE;
     $table_body .= "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 $table_body .= "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE;
 $table_body .= "<td></td>" . NEWLINE;
 $table_body .= "<td></td>" . NEWLINE;
 $table_body .= "<td></td>" . NEWLINE;
 $table_body .= "<td></td>" . NEWLINE;
 $table_body .= "<td></td>" . NEWLINE;
 if ($count_percent_cov > 100) {
     $count_percent_cov = "100";
 $count_total_percent_cov += $count_percent_cov;
 $table_body .= "<td>{$count_percent_cov}%</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "</tr>" . NEWLINE;
 foreach ($rows_failed_verifications as $row_failed_verification) {
     $row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style);
     print "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td><a href='{$show_verifications_page}?test_run_id=" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_TS_UNIQUE_RUN_ID] . "&amp;release_id={$release_id}&amp;build_id={$build_id}&amp;testset_id={$testset_id}'>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_TS_UNIQUE_RUN_ID] . "</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[TEST_RESULTS_TEST_SUITE] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_ACTION] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_EXPECTED_RESULT] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_ACTUAL_RESULT] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print results_verfication_status_icon($row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_TEST_STATUS]);
     if ($row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_DEFECT_ID] != 0) {
         $defect_id = util_pad_id($row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_DEFECT_ID]);
         print "<td><a href='" . VIEW_BUG_URL . "?defect_id={$defect_id}&id={$defect_id}'>{$defect_id}</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
         print "<td>" . bug_get_field_value($defect_id, BUG_STATUS) . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     } else {
         print "<td></td>" . NEWLINE;
         print "<td></td>" . NEWLINE;
     //print"<td>". bug_get_field_value( $defect_id, BUG_STATUS ) ."</td>". NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_TIMESTAMP] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[TEST_RESULTS_OS] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_WINDOW] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_OBJ] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_SHOW_CUSTOM_1] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
     print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_SHOW_CUSTOM_2] . "</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='tbl-c'>{$step_no}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 //if( $show_testcase == 'Y' ) {
 //print"<td class='tbl-c'>$tc_name</td>". NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$action}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$expected_result}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 # actual result & comments
 if (!empty($comment)) {
     $comment = "<br><u><i><font color=#FF0000>" . lang_get('comments') . "</u></i><br><i>{$comment}</font></i>" . NEWLINE;
 } else {
     $comment = "";
 print "<td class='tbl-l'>{$actual_result} {$comment}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print "<td class='tbl-c'>{$status}</td>" . NEWLINE;
 print results_verfication_status_icon($status);
 if (!$locked) {
     print "<td class='tbl-c'><a href='{$row_results_update_verification}?verify_id={$vr_id}&amp;test_run_id={$test_run_id}'>" . lang_get('edit') . "</a></td>" . NEWLINE;
 # Link to bug tracker.  RTH or MANTIS
 if (empty($defect_id)) {
     # display a link allowing users to create a defect
     print "<td class='tbl-c'><a href='" . REPORT_BUG_URL . "?test_run_id={$test_run_id}&verify_id={$vr_id}'";
     /*  Add this code if you want another bugtracker to open in a new window
     			if( BUGTRACKER != 'rth' ) { 
     				print" target='new'";
     print ">" . lang_get('defect_link') . "</a></td>" . NEWLINE;