die('管理员设置不可以发表评论'); } elseif ($webdb[Info_PostCommentType] == 1 && !$lfjuid) { die('管理员设置游客不可以发表评论'); } if ($webdb[Info_PassCommentType] == 2) { $yz = 0; } elseif ($webdb[Info_PassCommentType] == 1 && !$lfjuid) { $yz = 0; } } $username = filtrate($username); $content = filtrate($content); $content = str_replace("@@br@@", "<br>", $content); //过滤不健康的字 $username = replace_bad_word($username); $content = replace_bad_word($content); //处理有人恶意用他人帐号做署名的 if ($username) { $rs = $db->get_one(" SELECT {$TB['uid']} AS uid FROM {$TB['table']} WHERE {$TB['username']}='{$username}' "); if ($rs[uid] != $lfjuid) { $username = "******"; } } $rss = $db->get_one(" SELECT * FROM {$_pre}content WHERE id='{$id}' "); if (!$rss) { die("原数据不存在"); } $username || ($username = $lfjid); $type = 2; //仅作参考,没太大意义 /*如果系统做了限制,那么有的评论将不给提交成功,但没做提示评论失败*/
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} else { $myotherDB[] = $rs; } } //我的图片主题 $myphotoDB = ''; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}article WHERE ispic=1 AND uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY aid DESC LIMIT 6"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rs[picurl] = tempdir($rs[picurl]); $myphotoDB[] = $rs; } //论坛贴子 $mybbsDB = ''; if (ereg("^pwbbs", $webdb[passport_type])) { $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$TB_pre}threads WHERE authorid='{$uid}' ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT 10"); while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $mybbsDB[] = $rs; } } //过滤不健康的字 $rsdb[truename] = replace_bad_word($rsdb[truename]); $rsdb[introduce] = replace_bad_word($rsdb[introduce]); $rsdb[address] = replace_bad_word($rsdb[address]); require get_member_tpl('homepage'); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); if ($webdb[www_url] == '/.') { $content = str_replace('/./', '/', $content); } echo $content;
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if (!$rs[username]) { $detail = explode(".", $rs[ip]); $rs[username] = "{$detail['0']}.{$detail['1']}.{$detail['2']}.*"; } if ($rs[icon]) { $rs[icon] = tempdir($rs[icon]); } $rs[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rs[posttime]); $rs[content] = get_word($rs[full_content] = $rs[content], $leng); $rs[title] = preg_replace("/\\[quote\\](.*)\\[\\/quote\\]/", "", $rs[content]); $rs[title] = get_word($rs[title], 50); $rs[content] = get_word($rs[content], $leng); $rs[content] = preg_replace("/\\[quote\\](.*)\\[\\/quote\\]/", "<div class='quotecomment_div'>\\1</div>", $rs[content]); $rs[content] = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $rs[content]); $rs[content] = replace_bad_word($rs[content]); $rs[username] = replace_bad_word($rs[username]); $listdb[] = $rs; } $showpage = getpage("`{$pre}comment` A", " where A.aid='{$aid}' {$SQL}", "?fid={$fid}&aid={$aid}", $rows); if ($iframeID) { $showpage = str_replace("href=\"?", "target=\"{$iframeID}\" href=\"{$webdb['www_url']}/do/comment_ajax.php?iframeID={$iframeID}&", $showpage); } else { $showpage = preg_replace("/\\?fid=([\\d]+)&aid=([\\d]+)&page=([\\d]+)/is", "javascript:getcomment('{$webdb['www_url']}/do/comment_ajax.php?fid=\\1&aid=\\2&page=\\3')", $showpage); } require_once html('comment_ajax'); if ($iframeID) { $content = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "'", "<!---->"), array("", "", "\\'", ""), ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); //处理跨域问题 if ($webdb[cookieDomain]) { echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">document.domain = \"{$webdb['cookieDomain']}\";</SCRIPT>";
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