Пример #1
<div class="container">
if (isset($page_title)) {
				<h1 class="page-title"><?php 
    echo $page_title;
include $home_dir . 'views/' . $page_template . '.v.php';
Пример #2
function showPlayerEquip($guid, $char, $char_data, $char_stats)
    global $lang;
    $char_name = $char['name'];
    $powerType = $char_data[UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0] >> 24 & 255;
    $genderId = $char['gender'];
    $class = $char['class'];
    $race = $char['race'];
    $money = $char['money'];
    $level = $char['level'];
    $health = $char['health'];
    $maxhealth = $char_stats['maxhealth'];
    $power = $char_stats['maxpower1'];
    $maxpower = $char_stats['maxpower1'];
    echo "<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0px>";
    echo "<tbody><tr><td width=356px height=468px align=left valign=top>";
    echo "<div style=\"position: relative; border: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px;\">";
    if (getRace($race)) {
        $frame = $genderId . "_" . $race . ".gif";
    } else {
        $frame = "TempPortrait.gif";
    echo "<img src=images/player_info/characterframe/{$frame} style=\"position: absolute; border: 0px; left: 9px; top: 6px;\">";
    echo "<img src=images/player_info/characterframe/characterframe.png style=\"position: absolute; border: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px;\">";
    echo "<table cellspacing=0 class=playerName style='position: absolute; left: 73px; top: 15px;'>";
    echo "<tbody>";
    echo "<tr><td class=name>{$char_name} - " . getClass($class) . " {$level} lvl</td></tr>";
    echo "</tbody>";
    echo "</table>";
    // Вычисление и генерация переменных $health и $maxhealth для создания изменяемой полоски
    if ($health > $maxhealth) {
        $health = $maxhealth;
    $maxhealth != 0 ? $h_percent = round($health / $maxhealth * 100, 0) : ($h_percent = 0);
    $h_percent == 0 ? $h_l_on_off = "left-off" : ($h_l_on_off = "left-on");
    $h_percent == 100 ? $h_r_on_off = "right-on" : ($h_r_on_off = "right-off");
    echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width=275px style='position:absolute; top:37px; left:73px'>";
    echo "<tbody>";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td style='position:absolute; width: 275px; font-size:10px;' align = center><font color=white><b>{$health} / {$maxhealth}</b></font></td>";
    echo "<td style='width: 6px; background: url(images/bar/{$h_l_on_off}.gif) left no-repeat;'></td>";
    echo "<td style='width: " . $h_percent * 2.75 . "; height:13px; background: url(images/bar/bar-on.gif) repeat-x;'></td>";
    echo "<td style='width: " . (275 - $h_percent * 2.75) . "; height:13px; background: url(images/bar/bar-off.gif) repeat-x;'></td>";
    echo "<td style='width: 6px;background: url(images/bar/{$h_r_on_off}.gif) right no-repeat;'></td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    echo "</tbody>";
    echo "</table>";
    // Вычисление и генерация переменных $power и $maxpower для создания изменяемой полоски
    if ($power > $maxpower) {
        $power = $maxpower;
    //Цвет полоски
    if ($powerType == 3) {
        $typeSlid = "energy";
    } elseif ($powerType == 1) {
        $typeSlid = "rage";
    } else {
        $typeSlid = "mana";
    $m_percent = $maxpower != 0 ? round($power / $maxpower * 100, 0) : 0;
    $m_l_on_off = $m_percent == 0 ? "left-off" : "{$typeSlid}-left-on";
    $m_r_on_off = $m_percent == 100 ? "{$typeSlid}-right-on" : "right-off";
    echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width=275px style='position:absolute; top:55px; left:73px'>";
    echo "<tbody>";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td style='position:absolute; width: 275px; font-size:10px;' align = center><font color=white><b>{$power} / {$maxpower}</b></font></td>";
    echo "<td style='width: 6px; height:13px; background: url(images/bar/{$m_l_on_off}.gif) left no-repeat;'></td>";
    echo "<td style='width: " . $m_percent * 2.75 . "px; height:13px; background: url(images/bar/{$typeSlid}-bar-on.gif) repeat-x;'></td>";
    echo "<td style='width: " . (275 - $m_percent * 2.75) . "px; height:13px; background: url(images/bar/bar-off.gif) repeat-x;'></td>";
    echo "<td style='width: 6px; height:13px; background: url(images/bar/{$m_r_on_off}.gif) right no-repeat;'></td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    echo "</tbody>";
    echo "</table>";
    // Player stats render
    echo '<table class=playerstats cellSpacing=0 style="width: 230; position: absolute; left: 68; top: 78;">';
    echo '<tbody>';
    // Resistances render
    echo '<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>';
    echo '<table class=resistances cellSpacing=0>';
    echo '<tbody>';
    echo "<tr>\n";
    renderResist(SCHOOL_FIRE, $char_data);
    echo "\n";
    renderResist(SCHOOL_NATURE, $char_data);
    echo "\n";
    renderResist(SCHOOL_FROST, $char_data);
    echo "\n";
    renderResist(SCHOOL_SHADOW, $char_data);
    echo "\n";
    renderResist(SCHOOL_ARCANE, $char_data);
    echo "\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo '</tbody>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td class=head width=50%>' . $lang['player_page_base'] . '</td><td class=head width=50%>' . $lang['player_page_defense'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr>';
    // Base Stats render
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<div style="position: relative; left: 0; top: 0;">';
    echo '<table class=stattext cellSpacing=0>';
    echo "<tr><td>" . getStatTypeName(STAT_STRENGTH) . ":</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td>" . getStatTypeName(STAT_AGILITY) . ":</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td>" . getStatTypeName(STAT_STAMINA) . ":</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td>" . getStatTypeName(STAT_INTELLECT) . ":</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td>" . getStatTypeName(STAT_SPIRIT) . ":</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td>" . getResistance(SCHOOL_ARMOR) . ":</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
    echo "<table class=statvalue cellSpacing=0 style=\"position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;\">\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    renderStatRow(STAT_STRENGTH, $char_data);
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    renderStatRow(STAT_AGILITY, $char_data);
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    renderStatRow(STAT_STAMINA, $char_data);
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    renderStatRow(STAT_INTELLECT, $char_data);
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    renderStatRow(STAT_SPIRIT, $char_data);
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    renderResist(SCHOOL_ARMOR, $char_data);
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</td>';
    // Defence render
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<div style="position: relative; left: 0; top: 0;">';
    echo '<table class=stattext cellSpacing=0>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_armor'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_defense'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_dodge'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_parry'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_block'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_recilence'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<table class=statvalue cellSpacing=0 style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">';
    echo "<tr>";
    @renderResist(SCHOOL_ARMOR, $char_data);
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '<tr><td class=head width=50%>' . $lang['player_melee'] . '</td><td class=head width=50%>' . $lang['player_ranged'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr>';
    // Melee render
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<div style="position: relative; left: 0; top: 0;">';
    echo '<table class=stattext cellSpacing=0>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_m_skill'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_m_damage'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_m_speed'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_m_power'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_m_hit'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_m_crit'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<table class=statvalue cellSpacing=0 style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">';
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</td>';
    // Ranged render
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<div style="position: relative; left: 0; top: 0;">';
    echo '<table class=stattext cellSpacing=0>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_r_skill'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_r_damage'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_r_speed'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_r_power'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_r_hit'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_r_crit'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<table class=statvalue cellSpacing=0 style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">';
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '<tr><td class=head colspan=2>' . $lang['player_spell'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td>';
    // 1 part Spell render
    echo '<div style="position: relative; left: 0; top: 0;">';
    echo '<table class=stattext cellSpacing=0>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_s_damage'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_s_healing'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_s_hit'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<table class=statvalue cellSpacing=0 style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">';
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</td>';
    // 2 part Spell render
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<div style="position: relative; left: 0; top: 0;">';
    echo '<table class=stattext cellSpacing=0>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_s_crit'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_s_haste'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>' . $lang['player_s_regen'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<table class=statvalue cellSpacing=0 style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">';
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '</tbody>';
    echo '</table>';
    $imgsize = "armory";
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_HEAD], $imgsize, 22, 73);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_NECK], $imgsize, 22, 114);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_SHOULDER], $imgsize, 22, 155);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_BACK], $imgsize, 22, 196);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_CHEST], $imgsize, 22, 237);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_SHIRT], $imgsize, 22, 278);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_TABARD], $imgsize, 22, 319);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_WRIST], $imgsize, 22, 360);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_GLOVES], $imgsize, 306, 73);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_BELT], $imgsize, 306, 114);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_LEGS], $imgsize, 306, 155);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_FEET], $imgsize, 306, 196);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_FINGER1], $imgsize, 306, 237);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_FINGER2], $imgsize, 306, 278);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_TRINKET1], $imgsize, 306, 319);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_TRINKET2], $imgsize, 306, 360);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_MAIN_HAND], $imgsize, 122, 384);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_OFF_HAND], $imgsize, 164, 384);
    show_item_by_guid($char_data[PLAYER_SLOT_ITEM_RANGED], $imgsize, 206, 384);
    // Bags
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</td></tr></tbody>";
    echo "</table></td>\n";
    echo "<td valign=top>";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";
Пример #3
		<!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
		<!--[if lt IE 9]>
		  <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/html5shiv/3.7.2/html5shiv.min.js"></script>
		  <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/respond/1.4.2/respond.min.js"></script>

	<body class="<?php 
echo $auth->isAuth() ? 'admin' : '';
if ($auth->isAuth()) {
include $home_dir . 'views/' . $main_template . '.v.php';
		<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

		<script src="<?php 
echo _url('js/tools.js');
		<script src="<?php 
echo _url('js/forms.js');
Пример #4
			<form action="?option=com_discussit&action=updateSettings" class="form-validate" method="post">
			<div id="myGroupOfFields" class="width-40 fltlft">
			<fieldset class="adminform"><legend><?php 
            echo JText::_('Basic Options');
			<ul class="adminformlist">
            $db = JFactory::getDBO();
            $query = "SELECT * from #__di_settings ORDER BY id";
            $rows = $db->loadObjectList('id');
            echo '<table>';
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                echo renderBlock($row->name, $row->label, $row->type, $row->val, $row->desc);
            echo '</table>';
			<li><input type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Save" /></li>
			<li><input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_discussit" /></li>
			<li><input type="hidden" name="controller" value="admin-form" /></li>
			<li><input type="hidden" name="task" value="save" /></li>
			<div id="myComments" class="width-60 fltrt">
			<fieldset class="adminform"><legend><?php 
            echo JText::_('Recent Comments');
Пример #5
global $data;
$search_results = $data['search_results'];
<div class="inner cover">	
	<div class="panel panel-primary">
		<div class="panel-heading">
			<h3 class="panel-title"><?php 
echo t('Search');
		<div class="panel-body search-results">
if (isset($search_results)) {
    foreach ($search_results as $result) {
        renderPartial('prod-prev', $result);
echo $search;
Пример #6
		<div class="col-md-2 text-left">
			<a href="<?php 
echo $config['base_url'];
" alt="<?php 
echo t('Home');
renderImage('logo.jpg', 'Logo', 'img-circle img-responsive logo');
		<div class="col-md-4">
			<span class="main-title"><?php 
echo $globals['site_title'];
		<div class="col-md-6 text-right">		
Пример #7
<div style="text-align:center">
<div class="inner cover">
	<form method="post" action="/admin" class="form-horizontal" >
		<div class="form-group">
			<label for="login" class="col-sm-4 control-label"><?php 
echo t('Login or E-mail');
			<div class="col-sm-4">
				<input type="text" name="login" class="form-control" value="<?php 
echo isset($_POST['login']) ? $_POST['login'] : '';
" />
			<div class="col-sm-4 form-validation" id="login_validation"><?php 
echo t('Required.');
		<div class="form-group">
			<label for="password" class="col-sm-4 control-label"><?php 
echo t('Password');
			<div class="col-sm-4">
				<input type="password" name="password" class="form-control"  />
Пример #8
<div class="inner cover">	
	<div class="panel panel-primary">
		<div class="panel-heading">
			<h3 class="panel-title">Panel title</h3>
		<div class="panel-body">
			Hello World!
Пример #9
									<div class="col-md-4">
        } else {
									<div class="col-md-12">
					</div> <!-- // row -->
    } else {
					<p>Your shopping cart is empty.</p>							
Пример #10
    renderFormField($form['fields']['pay'], ['id' => 'pay', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'style' => 'display: none;']);
                <button class="button label" type="submit">Пополнить</button>

    renderFormStart($form = createDestroyForm(), ['class' => 'item']);
                <button class="button" type="submit">Выйти</button>
renderBlock('body', $container);
Пример #11
    $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/blocks";
    $blocksList = array();
    if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
            if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$file}") && $file != "." && $file != ".." && strtolower($file) != "cvs") {
                array_push($blocksList, $file);
    global $side_blocks_html;
    $side_blocks_html = "";
    if (count($blocksList)) {
        foreach ($blocksList as $thisBlock) {
            $side_blocks_html .= renderBlock($thisBlock);
    // echo $side_blocks_html;
function renderBlock($thisBlock)
    global $op;
    require dirname(__FILE__) . "/blocks/{$thisBlock}/config.php";
    if (!$blockActive) {
    if (!in_array($op, $blockShow) && count($blockShow)) {
    if (!$blockwidth) {
Пример #12
					<td class="text-right">
echo formatPrice($total_order_value);
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-md-6 address">									
		<div class="col-md-6">
			<div class="panel panel-default">										
				<div class="panel-heading">
					<h3 class="panel-title"><?php 
echo t('Place an order');
				<div class="panel-body text-center">											
					<div  class="col-sm-12 control-label"><?php 
echo t('Total Cost');