function remove_directory($directory, $empty = FALSE) { if (substr($directory, -1) == '/') { $directory = substr($directory, 0, -1); } if (!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory)) { return FALSE; } elseif (!is_readable($directory)) { return FALSE; } else { $handle = opendir($directory); while (FALSE !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if ($item != '.' && $item != '..') { $path = $directory . '/' . $item; if (is_dir($path)) { remove_directory($path); } else { unlink($path); } } } closedir($handle); if ($empty == FALSE) { if (!rmdir($directory)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } }
function remove_directory($dir) { if ($handle = opendir("{$dir}")) { while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if ($item != "." && $item != "..") { if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$item}")) { remove_directory("{$dir}/{$item}"); } else { unlink("{$dir}/{$item}"); } } } closedir($handle); rmdir($dir); } }
function remove_directory($dir) { if (substr($dir, -1, 1) == "/") { $dir = substr($dir, 0, strlen($dir) - 1); } if ($handle = opendir("{$dir}")) { while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if ($item != "." && $item != "..") { if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$item}")) { remove_directory("{$dir}/{$item}"); } else { unlink("{$dir}/{$item}"); } } } closedir($handle); rmdir($dir); } }
/** * remove_directory * Will recursively remove directories and clean up files in each directory. * * @param String $directory Name of directory to clean up and clear. * * @return Boolean Returns false if it can't remove a directory or a file. Returns true if it all worked ok. */ function remove_directory($directory='') { $safe_mode = ini_get('safe_mode'); if (!is_dir($directory)) { return true; } // need to use the '@' in case we can't open the directory // otherwise it still throws a notice. if (!$handle = @opendir($directory)) { return false; } while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } $f = $directory . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($f)) { remove_directory($f); continue; } if (is_file($f)) { if (!unlink($f)) { closedir($handle); return false; } } } closedir($handle); if ($safe_mode) { $status = true; } else { $status = rmdir($directory); } return $status; }
function remove_directory($path) { $dir = @opendir($path); if ($dir === FALSE) { return false; } //remove all files and subdirectories in directory while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } if (is_dir($path . '/' . $file)) { remove_directory($path . '/' . $file); } else { @unlink($path . '/' . $file); } } //remove directory closedir($dir); rmdir($path); return true; }
/** * Delete * Delete a template from the database * This will also clean up after itself in case there are any attachments or images associated with the template. * * @param Int $templateid Templateid of the template to delete. If not passed in, it will delete 'this' template. We delete the template, then reset all class vars. * * @see remove_directory * * @return Boolean True if it deleted the template, false otherwise. */ function Delete($templateid=0) { if ($templateid == 0) { $templateid = $this->templateid; } $query = "DELETE FROM " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "templates WHERE templateid='" . $templateid. "'"; $result = $this->Db->Query($query); if (!$result) { list($error, $level) = $this->Db->GetError(); trigger_error($error, $level); return false; } $template_dir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/templates/' . $templateid; remove_directory($template_dir); $this->templateid = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->format = 'h'; $this->active = 0; $this->SetBody('text', ''); $this->SetBody('html', ''); $this->ownerid = 0; return true; }
/** * Call action (mark as fav, archive, delete, etc.) */ public function action($action, Url $url, $id = 0, $import = FALSE, $autoclose = FALSE, $tags = null) { switch ($action) { case 'add': $content = Tools::getPageContent($url); $title = $content['rss']['channel']['item']['title'] != '' ? $content['rss']['channel']['item']['title'] : _('Untitled'); $body = $content['rss']['channel']['item']['description']; // clean content from prevent xss attack $purifier = $this->getPurifier(); $title = $purifier->purify($title); $body = $purifier->purify($body); //search for possible duplicate $duplicate = NULL; $duplicate = $this->store->retrieveOneByURL($url->getUrl(), $this->user->getId()); $last_id = $this->store->add($url->getUrl(), $title, $body, $this->user->getId()); if ($last_id) { Tools::logm('add link ' . $url->getUrl()); if (DOWNLOAD_PICTURES) { $content = filtre_picture($body, $url->getUrl(), $last_id); Tools::logm('updating content article'); $this->store->updateContent($last_id, $content, $this->user->getId()); } if ($duplicate != NULL) { // duplicate exists, so, older entry needs to be deleted (as new entry should go to the top of list), BUT favorite mark and tags should be preserved Tools::logm('link ' . $url->getUrl() . ' is a duplicate'); // 1) - preserve tags and favorite, then drop old entry $this->store->reassignTags($duplicate['id'], $last_id); if ($duplicate['is_fav']) { $this->store->favoriteById($last_id, $this->user->getId()); } if ($this->store->deleteById($duplicate['id'], $this->user->getId())) { Tools::logm('previous link ' . $url->getUrl() . ' entry deleted'); } } $this->messages->add('s', _('the link has been added successfully')); } else { $this->messages->add('e', _('error during insertion : the link wasn\'t added')); Tools::logm('error during insertion : the link wasn\'t added ' . $url->getUrl()); } if ($autoclose == TRUE) { Tools::redirect('?view=home'); } else { Tools::redirect('?view=home&closewin=true'); } break; case 'delete': $msg = 'delete link #' . $id; if ($this->store->deleteById($id, $this->user->getId())) { if (DOWNLOAD_PICTURES) { remove_directory(ABS_PATH . $id); } $this->messages->add('s', _('the link has been deleted successfully')); } else { $this->messages->add('e', _('the link wasn\'t deleted')); $msg = 'error : can\'t delete link #' . $id; } Tools::logm($msg); Tools::redirect('?'); break; case 'toggle_fav': $this->store->favoriteById($id, $this->user->getId()); Tools::logm('mark as favorite link #' . $id); if (Tools::isAjaxRequest()) { echo 1; exit; } else { Tools::redirect(); } break; case 'toggle_archive': $this->store->archiveById($id, $this->user->getId()); Tools::logm('archive link #' . $id); if (Tools::isAjaxRequest()) { echo 1; exit; } else { Tools::redirect(); } break; case 'archive_all': $this->store->archiveAll($this->user->getId()); Tools::logm('archive all links'); Tools::redirect(); break; case 'add_tag': if (isset($_GET['search'])) { //when we want to apply a tag to a search $tags = array($_GET['search']); $allentry_ids = $this->store->search($tags[0], $this->user->getId()); $entry_ids = array(); foreach ($allentry_ids as $eachentry) { $entry_ids[] = $eachentry[0]; } } else { //add a tag to a single article $tags = explode(',', $_POST['value']); $entry_ids = array($_POST['entry_id']); } foreach ($entry_ids as $entry_id) { $entry = $this->store->retrieveOneById($entry_id, $this->user->getId()); if (!$entry) { $this->messages->add('e', _('Article not found!')); Tools::logm('error : article not found'); Tools::redirect(); } //get all already set tags to preven duplicates $already_set_tags = array(); $entry_tags = $this->store->retrieveTagsByEntry($entry_id); foreach ($entry_tags as $tag) { $already_set_tags[] = $tag['value']; } foreach ($tags as $key => $tag_value) { $value = trim($tag_value); if ($value && !in_array($value, $already_set_tags)) { $tag = $this->store->retrieveTagByValue($value); if (is_null($tag)) { # we create the tag $tag = $this->store->createTag($value); $sequence = ''; if (STORAGE == 'postgres') { $sequence = 'tags_id_seq'; } $tag_id = $this->store->getLastId($sequence); } else { $tag_id = $tag['id']; } # we assign the tag to the article $this->store->setTagToEntry($tag_id, $entry_id); } } } $this->messages->add('s', _('The tag has been applied successfully')); Tools::logm('The tag has been applied successfully'); Tools::redirect(); break; case 'remove_tag': $tag_id = $_GET['tag_id']; $entry = $this->store->retrieveOneById($id, $this->user->getId()); if (!$entry) { $this->messages->add('e', _('Article not found!')); Tools::logm('error : article not found'); Tools::redirect(); } $this->store->removeTagForEntry($id, $tag_id); Tools::logm('tag entry deleted'); if ($this->store->cleanUnusedTag($tag_id)) { Tools::logm('tag deleted'); } $this->messages->add('s', _('The tag has been successfully deleted')); Tools::redirect(); break; default: break; } }
/** * Suppression du répertoire d'images */ function remove_directory($directory) { if (is_dir($directory)) { $files = array_diff(scandir($directory), array('.', '..')); foreach ($files as $file) { is_dir("{$directory}/{$file}") ? remove_directory("{$directory}/{$file}") : unlink("{$directory}/{$file}"); } return rmdir($directory); } }
pre_configure_site(); if (INSTALL_SEO_URLS == 1) { $contents = '#-MS- SEO-G Added' . "\n" . 'Options +FollowSymLinks' . "\n" . 'RewriteEngine On' . "\n" . 'RewriteBase ' . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG . "\n\n" . '# Note whatever extension you use it should match the SEO-G configuration -> extension on the admin end even if its blank' . "\n" . '# Also the separators defined in the SEO-G for the various entities should be included in the rule here.' . "\n\n" . '# Rules for extensionless URLs' . "\n" . '# 1. Using a trailing slash' . "\n" . '#RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ root.php?$1&%{QUERY_STRING}' . "\n\n" . '# 2. Not using a trailing slash links with alphanumeric characters and hyphens' . "\n" . '#RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9_-]+)$ root.php?$1&%{QUERY_STRING}' . "\n\n" . '# Rules for URLs with extensions' . "\n" . '#RewriteRule ^(.*).asp$ root.php?$1.asp&%{QUERY_STRING}' . "\n" . '#RewriteRule ^(.*).(htm|html|asp|jsp|aspx)$ root.php?$1.*&%{QUERY_STRING}' . "\n\n" . '# Current Rules to support multiple extensions' . "\n" . '#RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9_-]+)$ root.php?$1&%{QUERY_STRING}' . "\n" . 'RewriteRule ^([/a-z0-9_-]+)$ root.php?$1&%{QUERY_STRING}' . "\n" . 'RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ root.php?$1&%{QUERY_STRING}' . "\n" . 'RewriteRule ^(.*).(htm|html|asp|jsp|aspx)$ root.php?$1.*&%{QUERY_STRING}' . "\n" . '#-MS- SEO-G Added EOM' . "\n"; $result = write_contents('.htaccess', $contents); if (!$result) { $errors_array[] = ERROR_GLOBAL_WRITE_HTACCESS; } $contents = '#-MS- Disable SEO-G on admin folder' . "\n" . 'Options +FollowSymLinks' . "\n" . 'RewriteEngine On' . "\n" . 'RewriteBase ' . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG . 'admin/' . "\n" . 'RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [L]' . "\n" . '#-MS- SEO-G Added EOM' . "\n"; chdir(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'admin/'); $result = write_contents('.htaccess', $contents); if (!$result) { $errors_array[] = ERROR_GLOBAL_WRITE_HTACCESS; } } chdir($current_dir); remove_directory($current_dir); chdir(DIR_FS_CATALOG); break; case 'license_agreement': $amend = ''; if (!read_contents(FILE_LICENSE, $contents) || !read_contents(FILE_LICENSE_AMENDMENT, $amend)) { redirect($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); } if (!isset($_POST['license'])) { $error_string = ERROR_GLOBAL_LICENSE_AGREE; redirect($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?error_string=' . $error_string); } redirect($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?action=server_detect'); break; default: if (!read_contents(FILE_LICENSE, $contents) || !read_contents(FILE_LICENSE_AMENDMENT, $amend)) {
/** * remove_directory * Will recursively remove directories and clean up files in each directory. * * @param directory Name of directory to clean up and clear. * * @return boolean Returns false if it can't remove a directory or a file. Returns true if it all worked ok. */ function remove_directory($directory = '') { if (!is_dir($directory)) { return true; } if (!($handle = opendir($directory))) { return false; } while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } $f = $directory . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($f)) { remove_directory($directory . '/' . $f); } if (is_file($f)) { if (!unlink($f)) { closedir($handle); return false; } } } closedir($handle); return true; }
/** * Delete * Delete an autoresponder from the database. Also deletes the queue associated with it. * * @param Int $autoresponderid Autoresponderid of the autoresponder to delete. If not passed in, it will delete 'this' autoresponder. We delete the autoresponder, then reset all class vars. * @param Int $userid The user doing the deleting of the autoresponder. This is so the stats api can "hide" autoresponder stats. * * @see Stats_API::HideStats * @see ClearQueue * * @return Boolean True if it deleted the autoresponder, false otherwise. * */ function Delete($autoresponderid=0, $userid=0) { if ($autoresponderid == 0) { $autoresponderid = $this->autoresponderid; } $this->Load($autoresponderid); $query = "DELETE FROM " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "autoresponders WHERE autoresponderid='" . $autoresponderid. "'"; $result = $this->Db->Query($query); if (!$result) { list($error, $level) = $this->Db->GetError(); trigger_error($error, $level); return false; } $this->ClearQueue($this->queueid, 'autoresponder'); $autoresponder_dir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/autoresponders/' . $autoresponderid; remove_directory($autoresponder_dir); $this->autoresponderid = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->format = 'h'; $this->hoursaftersubscription = 0; $this->queueid = 0; $this->archive = 0; $this->SetBody('text', ''); $this->SetBody('html', ''); $this->ownerid = 0; $this->autorespondersize = 0; $stats = array(); $query = "SELECT statid FROM " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "stats_autoresponders WHERE autoresponderid='" . $autoresponderid . "'"; $result = $this->Db->Query($query); while ($row = $this->Db->Fetch($result)) { $stats[] = $row['statid']; } // clean up stats if (!class_exists('stats_api', false)) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/stats.php'); } $stats_api = new Stats_API(); $stats_api->HideStats($stats, 'autoresponder', $userid); return true; }
public function publish_student() { $base_url_all = base_url('studentelements'); $this->load->helper('file'); $this->load->helper('directory'); $params = array('hostname' => $this->_hostName, 'username' => $this->_userName, 'password' => $this->_password); $this->load->library('CPanelAddons', $params, 'CPanelAddons'); $remote_url = ''; // $this->load->library('CPanelAddons'); if (!isset($_POST['siteID'])) { $return = array(); $temp = array(); $temp['header'] = $this->lang->line('sites_publish_error1_heading'); $temp['content'] = $this->lang->line('sites_publish_error1_message'); $return['responseCode'] = 0; $return['responseHTML'] = $this->load->view('partials/error', array('data' => $temp), true); die(json_encode($return)); } //some error prevention first //siteID ok? $siteDetails = $this->sitemodel->getSite($_POST['siteID']); if ($siteDetails == false) { $return = array(); $temp = array(); $temp['header'] = $this->lang->line('sites_publish_error1_heading'); $temp['content'] = $this->lang->line('sites_publish_error1_message'); $return['responseCode'] = 0; $return['responseHTML'] = $this->load->view('partials/error', array('data' => $temp), true); die(json_encode($return)); } $userID = $siteDetails['site']->users_id; if ($siteDetails['site']->domain_ok != 1 || !isset($siteDetails['site']->domain)) { $return = array(); $temp = array(); $temp['header'] = $this->lang->line('sites_publish_error3_heading'); $temp['content'] = $this->lang->line('sites_publish_error3_message'); $return['responseCode'] = 0; $return['responseHTML'] = $this->load->view('partials/error', array('data' => $temp), true); die(json_encode($return)); } $path = 'public_html/' . $siteDetails['site']->domain; $absPath = './' . $siteDetails['site']->domain; if (!is_dir($absPath) && $siteDetails['site']->domain != '') { mkdir($absPath, 0777); } //do we have anythin to publish at all? // if( !isset( $_POST['xpages'] ) || $_POST['xpages'] == '' ) { if (!isset($_POST['item']) || $_POST['item'] == '') { //nothing to upload $return = array(); $temp = array(); $temp['header'] = $this->lang->line('sites_publish_error2_heading'); $temp['content'] = $this->lang->line('sites_publish_error2_message'); $return['responseCode'] = 0; $return['responseHTML'] = $this->load->view('partials/error', array('data' => $temp), true); die(json_encode($return)); } if (isset($siteDetails['site']->url_option) && $siteDetails['site']->url_option != 'freeUrl' && $siteDetails['site']->domain_publish == 0) { $result = $this->CPanelAddons->add($siteDetails['site']->domain, $path); if (isset($result['cpanelresult']['data'][0]['result']) && trim($result['cpanelresult']['data'][0]['result']) == '0') { $return = array(); $temp = array(); $temp['header'] = $this->lang->line('sites_publish_error2_heading'); $temp['content'] = "cPanel: " . $result['cpanelresult']['data'][0]['reason']; $return['responseCode'] = 0; $return['responseHTML'] = $this->load->view('partials/error', array('data' => $temp), true); die(json_encode($return)); } else { $this->users_domains_model->domain_publish($_POST['siteID']); } } if ($siteDetails['site']->url_option == 'freeUrl') { $remote_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $siteDetails['site']->domain; } else { $remote_url = 'http://' . $siteDetails['site']->domain; } // foreach( $_POST['xpages'] as $page=>$content ) { $page = $_POST['item']; $content = $_POST['pageContent']; //get page meta $pageMeta = $this->pagemodel->getSinglePage($_POST['siteID'], $page); $meta = '<title>' . $siteDetails['site']->sites_name . '</title>' . "\r\n"; $header_includes = ""; if (!empty($pageMeta->pages_title)) { //insert title, meta keywords and meta description $meta .= '<meta name="description" content="' . $pageMeta->pages_meta_description . '">' . "\r\n"; $meta .= '<meta name="keywords" content="' . $pageMeta->pages_meta_keywords . '">'; $header_includes .= $pageMeta->pages_header_includes; $pageContent = str_replace('<!--pageMeta-->', $meta, $content); //insert header includes; $pageContent = str_replace("<!--headerIncludes-->", $header_includes, $pageContent); } else { $pageContent = str_replace('<!--pageMeta-->', $meta, $content); $pageContent = str_replace("<!--headerIncludes-->", $header_includes, $pageContent); } //remove video cover $pageContent = str_replace('<div style="" data-selector=".frameCover" class="frameCover" data-type="video"></div>', "", $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace('<div style="margin: 0px;" data-selector=".frameCover" class="frameCover" data-type="video"></div>', "", $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace('<div data-selector=".frameCover" class="frameCover" data-type="video"></div>', "", $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace('<div data-type="video" class="frameCover" data-selector=".frameCover"></div>', "", $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace('class="frameCover"', "", $pageContent); /* STUDENT SECTION NEEDED */ $valUrl = base_url(); $accUrl = site_url('login/checkProfileLogin/' . $this->encrypt->encode($_POST['siteID'])); $script = <<<'EOS' <?PHP session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION) || session_id() == "") { if(isset($_REQUEST['sessid']) && $_REQUEST['sessid']!="" ) { list($sid, $ext) = explode('-', $_REQUEST['sessid']); session_id($sid); } } ?> EOS; $sessionSet = <<<'EOD' <?PHP EOD; $sessionSet .= ' $sess = isset($_SESSION["extids"]["' . base64_encode($siteDetails['site']->site_id) . '"])?$_SESSION["extids"]["' . base64_encode($siteDetails['site']->site_id) . '"]:"";'; $sessionSet .= <<<'EOD' if(is_array($_SESSION) && count($_SESSION)>0 && isset($sess)) { ?> <input type="hidden" class="myid" name="myid" value="<?PHP echo base64_encode($sess); ?>"> <?PHP } else { ?> <input type="hidden" class="myid" name="myid" value=""> <?PHP } ?> EOD; $pageContent = str_replace("<!-- password check url -->", '<input type="hidden" class="siteurl" name="siteurl" value="' . $valUrl . '">', $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace("<!-- site url -->", '<input type="hidden" class="siteaccess" name="siteaccess" value="' . $accUrl . '">', $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace("<!-- session -->", $script, $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace("<!-- password protection on-->", '<input type="hidden" class="hiddenpassword" name="haspassword" value="' . $siteDetails['site']->has_password . '">', $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace("<!-- session variable -->", $sessionSet, $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace("<!-- site id -->", '<input type="hidden" class="siteId" name="siteId" value="' . base64_encode($siteDetails['site']->site_id) . '">', $pageContent); /* STUDENT SECTION NEEDED ENDS */ $pageContent = str_replace("<!-- site contact url div -->", '<div id="contact-url" data-content="' . site_url('login/site_contact/' . $this->encrypt->encode($_POST['siteID'])) . '"></div>', $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace("<!-- site counter url div -->", '<div id="counter-url" data-content="' . site_url('login/visitor_counter/' . $this->encrypt->encode($_POST['siteID'])) . '"></div>', $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace("<!-- site url div -->", '<div id="site-url" data-content="' . $base_url_all . '"></div>', $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace("<!-- page id div -->", '<div id="page-id" data-content="' . $pageMeta->pages_id . '"></div>', $pageContent); $pageContent = str_replace("<!-- page url div -->", '<div id="page-url" data-content="' . $remote_url . '/' . $page . '.php"></div>', $pageContent); if (!stristr($pageContent, '<link href="' . base_url('elements'))) { $pageContent = str_replace('<link href="', '<link href="' . $base_url_all . '/', $pageContent); } if (stristr($pageContent, '<link href="' . $base_url_all . '/https://')) { $pageContent = str_replace('<link href="' . $base_url_all . '/https://', '<link href="https://', $pageContent); } if (!stristr($pageContent, '<script src="' . $base_url_all . '/js')) { $pageContent = str_replace('<script src="js', '<script src="' . $base_url_all . '/js', $pageContent); } if (stristr($pageContent, 'src="' . $base_url_all . '/https://')) { $pageContent = str_replace('src="' . $base_url_all . '/https://', 'src="https://', $pageContent); } if (stristr($pageContent, '<script src="' . $base_url_all . '/http://')) { $pageContent = str_replace('<script src="' . $base_url_all . '/http://', '<script src="http://', $pageContent); } if (strstr($pageContent, 'src="/elements/images')) { $pageContent = str_replace('src="/elements/images', 'src="' . $base_url_all . '/images', $pageContent); } if (strstr($pageContent, 'url("/elements/images')) { $pageContent = str_replace('url("/elements/images', 'url("' . site_url('elements/images'), $pageContent); } if (strstr($pageContent, 'url("/studentelements/images')) { $pageContent = str_replace('url("/studentelements/images', 'url("' . site_url('studentelements/images'), $pageContent); } if (strstr($pageContent, 'src="/studentelements/images')) { $pageContent = str_replace('src="/studentelements/images', 'src="' . $base_url_all . '/images', $pageContent); } if (stristr($pageContent, 'href="scripts')) { $pageContent = str_replace('href="scripts', 'href="' . $base_url_all . '/scripts', $pageContent); } if (stristr($pageContent, '<script src="scripts')) { $pageContent = str_replace('<script src="scripts', '<script src="' . $base_url_all . '/scripts', $pageContent); } if (stristr($pageContent, 'href="images')) { $pageContent = str_replace('href="images', 'href="' . $base_url_all . '/images', $pageContent); } if (stristr($pageContent, 'src="./images')) { $pageContent = str_replace('src="./images', 'src="' . $base_url_all . '/images', $pageContent); } if (stristr($pageContent, 'src="../elements/scripts')) { $pageContent = str_replace('src="../elements/scripts', 'src="' . site_url('/elements/scripts'), $pageContent); } if (stristr($pageContent, 'href="./images')) { $pageContent = str_replace('href="./images', 'href="' . $base_url_all . '/images', $pageContent); } write_file($absPath . '/' . $page . ".php", trim($pageContent)); // } isset($userID) && $userID != '' ? remove_directory('./temp/' . $userID) : ''; $this->sitemodel->publish($_POST['siteID'], base_url() . $siteDetails['site']->domain); if ($siteDetails['site']->url_option == 'freeUrl') { $this->users_domains_model->domain_publish($_POST['siteID']); } //all went well $return = array(); $return['responseCode'] = 1; die(json_encode($return)); }
function saveOds($obj, $file) { $charset = ini_get('default_charset'); ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8'); $tmp = get_tmp_dir(); $uid = uniqid(); mkdir($tmp . '/' . $uid); file_put_contents($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/content.xml', $obj->array2ods()); file_put_contents($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/mimetype', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'); file_put_contents($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/meta.xml', $obj->getMeta('pt-BR')); file_put_contents($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/styles.xml', $obj->getStyle()); file_put_contents($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/settings.xml', $obj->getSettings()); mkdir($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/META-INF/'); mkdir($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/Configurations2/'); mkdir($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/Configurations2/acceleator/'); mkdir($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/Configurations2/images/'); mkdir($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/Configurations2/popupmenu/'); mkdir($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/Configurations2/statusbar/'); mkdir($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/Configurations2/floater/'); mkdir($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/Configurations2/menubar/'); mkdir($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/Configurations2/progressbar/'); mkdir($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/Configurations2/toolbar/'); file_put_contents($tmp . '/' . $uid . '/META-INF/manifest.xml', $obj->getManifest()); $ziper = new zipfile(); $ziper->addFiles($tmp . '/' . $uid, array('META-INF', 'Configurations2', 'content.xml', 'meta.xml', 'mimetype', 'settings.xml', 'styles.xml')); $ziper->output($file); remove_directory($tmp . '/' . $uid); ini_set('default_charset', $charset); }
} } else { if ($op == "gallerycat_del") { //////////////////////////////////////////// ¡Ã³Õź Form if (CheckLevel($admin_user, $op)) { $db->connectdb(DB_NAME, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD); $res['gallery'] = $db->select_query("SELECT * FROM " . TB_GALLERY_CAT . " where id='" . $_GET['id'] . "' "); $arr['gallery'] = $db->fetch($res['gallery']); $CAT = $arr['gallery']['post_date']; $res['cat'] = $db->select_query("SELECT * FROM " . TB_GALLERY . " WHERE category='" . $_GET['id'] . "' "); while ($arr['cat'] = $db->fetch($res['cat'])) { $db->del(TB_GALLERY, " category='" . $arr['gallery']['id'] . "' "); $db->del(TB_GALLERY_COMMENT, " gallery_id='" . $arr['cat']['id'] . "' "); } $galdir = "images/gallery/gal_" . $CAT . ""; remove_directory($galdir); $db->del(TB_GALLERY_CAT, " id='" . $_GET['id'] . "' "); $db->closedb(); $ProcessOutput = "<BR><BR>"; $ProcessOutput .= "<CENTER><A HREF=\"?name=admin&file=main\"><IMG SRC=\"images/icon/login-welcome.gif\" BORDER=\"0\"></A><BR><BR>"; $ProcessOutput .= "<FONT COLOR=\"#336600\"><B>" . _ADMIN_GALLERY_MESSAGE_DEL_CAT . "</B></FONT><BR><BR>"; $ProcessOutput .= "<A HREF=\"?name=admin&file=gallery\"><B>" . _ADMIN_GALLERY_MESSAGE_GOBACK . "</B></A>"; $ProcessOutput .= "</CENTER>"; $ProcessOutput .= "<BR><BR>"; } else { //¡Ã³ÕäÁè¼èÒ¹ $ProcessOutput = $PermissionFalse; } echo $ProcessOutput; } }
function download_template_repo(&$output, $template, $childpath = false) { # Creating the zip directory for the download $zip_file = tempnam('/tmp', 'REPODL'); $zip_resource = fopen($zip_file, "w"); # Logging $output[] = ' - Starting download of template repo "' . $template . '"<br />'; # Loading the master branch from github $repo_url = '' . $template . '/archive/'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $repo_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $zip_resource); $success = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); # Error downloading if (!$success) { $output[] = ' - Error downloading repo : ' . curl_error($ch) . '<br />'; return false; } else { # Logging $output[] = ' - Download complete, unzipping.<br />'; # Extracting the zip $zip = new ZipArchive(); $save_path = __DIR__ . '/_installed/'; mkdir($save_path); if ($zip->open($zip_file) != "true") { $output[] = ' - Unable to open the Zip File'; return false; } $zip->extractTo($save_path); $zip->close(); # Removing zip unlink($zip_file); # Moving directories into root if ($childpath !== false) { move_directory($save_path . $template . '-master/', $childpath . '/'); remove_directory($save_path . $template . '-master'); } else { rename($save_path . $template . '-master', __DIR__ . '/' . $template); } # Removing install directory remove_directory($save_path); # Logging $output[] = ' - Install of template "' . $template . '" complete.<br />'; } # Success return true; }
function del_user_dir($edogyt44 = 0) { $vomawoh8 = (create_user_dir(0, 2) === true); if (!$vomawoh8) { GetFlashMessages(); } if (!is_array($edogyt44) && $edogyt44 > 0) { remove_directory(TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/user/" . $edogyt44); } return true; }
function remove_directory($dir) { if ($handle = opendir("{$dir}")) { while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if ($item != "." && $item != "..") { if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$item}")) { remove_directory("{$dir}/{$item}"); } else { unlink("{$dir}/{$item}"); // echo " removing $dir/$item<br>\n"; } } } closedir($handle); rmdir($dir); // echo "removing $dir<br>\n"; } function upimg($img, $imglocate) { if ($img['name'] != '') { $fileupload1 = $img['tmp_name']; $g_img = explode(".", $img['name']); $file_up = TIMESTAMP . "." . $g_img[1]; // à»ÅÕ蹪×èÍä¿ÅìäËÁè à»ç¹µÑÇàÅ¢ if ($fileupload1) { $array_last = explode(".", $file_up); $c = count($array_last) - 1; $lastname = strtolower($array_last[$c]); @copy($fileupload1, $imglocate . $file_up); } } return $file_up; // Ê觡ÅѺª×èÍä¿Åì } }
echo "<h1>Comand Line Interface Only!</h1>"; die; } require_once 'include/check_version.php'; require_once 'PHP-Parser/lib/bootstrap.php'; require_once 'include/classes/config.php'; require_once 'include/classes/scrambler.php'; require_once 'include/classes/parser_extensions/my_pretty_printer.php'; require_once 'include/classes/parser_extensions/my_node_visitor.php'; require_once 'include/functions.php'; include 'include/retrieve_config_and_arguments.php'; if ($clean_mode && file_exists("{$target_directory}/yakpro-po/.yakpro-po-directory")) { if (!$conf->silent) { fprintf(STDERR, "Info:\tRemoving directory\t= [%s]%s", "{$target_directory}/yakpro-po", PHP_EOL); } remove_directory("{$target_directory}/yakpro-po"); exit; } $parser = new PhpParser\Parser(new PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative()); // $parser = new PhpParser\Parser(new PhpParser\Lexer); $traverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser(); if ($conf->obfuscate_string_literal) { $prettyPrinter = new myPrettyprinter(); } else { $prettyPrinter = new PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard(); } $t_scrambler = array(); foreach (array('variable', 'function', 'method', 'property', 'class', 'class_constant', 'constant', 'namespace', 'label') as $dummy => $scramble_what) { $t_scrambler[$scramble_what] = new Scrambler($scramble_what, $conf, $process_mode == 'directory' ? $target_directory : null); } $traverser->addVisitor(new MyNodeVisitor());
/** * MoveFiles * Moves uploaded images from temporary storage under a user's id - to it's final location - under the type and it's id. Eg newsletter/1. * * @param String $destination The destination (eg newsletter or template). * @param Int $id The destinations id. * * @see CreateDirectory * @see list_files * * @return Boolean Returns false if it can't create the paths or it can't copy the necessary files. Returns true if everything worked ok. */ function MoveFiles($destination=false, $id=0) { if (!$destination) {return false;} if($id <= 0){ return false; } $user = IEM::userGetCurrent(); $tempid = $user->userid . "_tmp"; $destinationdir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/' . $destination . '/' . $id; $tempdir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/' . $destination . '/' . $tempid; if(!file_exists($destinationdir)){ $createdir = CreateDirectory($destinationdir,TEMP_DIRECTORY,0777); if (!$createdir) {return false;} } //Get files from the 'temporary' folder, /destination/userid_tmp/, and move them to the final location if(CopyDirectory($tempdir, $destinationdir)){remove_directory($tempdir);} return true; }
/** * recursively removes a directory and all its content * * @param string $path the directory's full path * @return NULL */ function rrmdir($path) { $dir = dir($path); while (($entry = $dir->read()) !== FALSE) { if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } if (is_file($path . $entry)) { @unlink($path . $entry); } else { remove_directory($path . $entry . '/'); } } $dir->close(); @rmdir($path); return NULL; }
public function remove_directory($dir) { if ($handle = opendir("{$dir}")) { while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if ($item != "." && $item != "..") { if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$item}")) { remove_directory("{$dir}/{$item}"); } else { unlink("{$dir}/{$item}"); } } } //closedir($handle); rmdir($dir); // echo"removing $dir<br>\n"; } }
function plugin_qhmsetting_remove_dir($dir, $remain_dir = false) { if ($handle = opendir("{$dir}")) { while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if ($item != "." && $item != "..") { if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$item}")) { remove_directory("{$dir}/{$item}"); } else { unlink("{$dir}/{$item}"); } } } closedir($handle); if (!$remain_dir) { if (is_link($dir)) { unlink($dir); } else { rmdir($dir); } } } }
function move_directory($directory, $destination) { return copy_directory($directory, $destination) | remove_directory($directory); }
/** * Process * Takes the appropriate action based on the action and user permissions * * @see GetUser * @see User_API::HasAccess * @see PrintHeader * @see PrintFooter * * @return Void Doesn't return anything. Takes the appropriate action. */ function Process() { $GLOBALS['Message'] = ''; $action = (isset($_GET['Action'])) ? strtolower($_GET['Action']) : null; $user = GetUser(); $secondary_actions = array('step2', 'sendpreview', 'view', 'processpaging', 'activate', 'deactivate', 'pause', 'resume', 'change', 'checkspam', 'viewcompatibility'); if (in_array($action, $secondary_actions)) { $access = $user->HasAccess('Autoresponders'); } else { $access = $user->HasAccess('Autoresponders', $action); } $popup = (in_array($action, $this->PopupWindows)) ? true : false; if (!in_array($action, $this->SuppressHeaderFooter)) { $this->PrintHeader($popup); } if (!$access) { if (!$popup) { $this->DenyAccess(); return; } } /** * Check user permission to see whether or not they have access to the autoresponder */ $tempAPI = null; $tempCheckActions = array('activate', 'deactivate', 'copy', 'change', 'pause', 'resume', 'delete', 'step2', 'sendpreview', 'view', 'edit'); $tempID = null; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $tempID = $_GET['id']; } elseif(isset($_POST['autoresponders'])) { $tempID = $_POST['autoresponders']; } if (!is_null($tempID)) { $_GET['id'] = $tempID; $_POST['autoresponders'] = $tempID; if (!$user->Admin() && in_array($action, $tempCheckActions)) { if (!is_array($tempID)) { $tempID = array($tempID); } $tempAPI = $this->GetApi(); foreach ($tempID as $tempEachID) { $tempEachID = intval($tempEachID); if ($tempEachID == 0) { continue; } if (!$tempAPI->Load($tempEachID)) { continue; } if ($tempAPI->ownerid != $user->userid) { $this->DenyAccess(); return; } } } } unset($tempID); unset($tempCheckActions); unset($tempAPI); /** * ----- */ if ($action == 'processpaging') { $this->SetPerPage($_GET['PerPageDisplay']); $action = 'step2'; } switch ($action) { case 'pause': case 'resume': $autoresponderAPI = $this->GetApi(); $autoresponderID = IEM::requestGetGET('id', 0, 'intval'); $listID = IEM::requestGetGET('list', 0, 'intval'); if ($action == 'pause') { $autoresponderAPI->PauseAutoresponder($autoresponderID); } else { $autoresponderAPI->ResumeAutoresponder($autoresponderID); } $this->ManageAutoresponders($listID); break; case 'viewcompatibility': $auto_info = IEM::sessionGet('Autoresponders'); $html = (isset($_POST['myDevEditControl_html'])) ? $_POST['myDevEditControl_html'] : false; $text = (isset($_POST['TextContent'])) ? $_POST['TextContent'] : false; $showBroken = isset($_REQUEST['ShowBroken']) && $_REQUEST['ShowBroken'] == 1; $details = array(); $details['htmlcontent'] = $html; $details['textcontent'] = $text; $details['format'] = $auto_info['Format']; $this->PreviewWindow($details, $showBroken); exit; break; case 'checkspamdisplay': $force = IEM::ifsetor($_GET['Force'], false); $this->CheckContentForSpamDisplay($force); break; case 'checkspam': $text = (isset($_POST['TextContent'])) ? $_POST['TextContent'] : false; $html = (isset($_POST['myDevEditControl_html'])) ? $_POST['myDevEditControl_html'] : false; $this->CheckContentForSpam($text, $html); break; case 'activate': case 'deactivate': $access = $user->HasAccess('Autoresponders', 'Approve'); if (!$access) { $this->DenyAccess(); break; } $id = (int)$_GET['id']; $autoapi = $this->GetApi(); $autoapi->Load($id); if ($action == 'activate') { $prob_found = false; $max_size = (SENDSTUDIO_EMAILSIZE_MAXIMUM*1024); if ($max_size > 0) { if ($autoapi->Get('autorespondersize') > $max_size) { $prob_found = true; if ($autoapi->Get('embedimages')) { $error_langvar = 'Autoresponder_Size_Over_EmailSize_Maximum_Embed'; } else { $error_langvar = 'Autoresponder_Size_Over_EmailSize_Maximum_No_Embed'; } $GLOBALS['Error'] = sprintf(GetLang($error_langvar), $this->EasySize($max_size, 0)); $GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); } } if (!$prob_found) { $allow_attachments = $this->CheckForAttachments($id, 'autoresponders'); if ($allow_attachments) { $autoapi->Set('active', $user->Get('userid')); $GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->PrintSuccess('AutoresponderActivatedSuccessfully'); } else { $GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('AutoresponderActivateFailed_HasAttachments'); $GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); } } } else { $autoapi->Set('active', 0); $GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->PrintSuccess('AutoresponderDeactivatedSuccessfully'); } $autoapi->Save(); if (isset($_GET['list'])) { $listid = (int)$_GET['list']; } $this->ManageAutoresponders($listid); break; case 'copy': $id = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : 0; $api = $this->GetApi(); list($result, $files_copied) = $api->Copy($id); if (!$result) { $GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('AutoresponderCopyFail'); $GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); } else { $api->Set('active', 0); $api->Save(); $GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->PrintSuccess('AutoresponderCopySuccess'); $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning('AutoresponderHasBeenDisabled'); if (!$files_copied) { $GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('AutoresponderFilesCopyFail'); $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); } } if (isset($_GET['list'])) { $listid = (int)$_GET['list']; } $this->ManageAutoresponders($listid); break; case 'change': $subaction = strtolower($_POST['ChangeType']); $autolist = $_POST['autoresponders']; switch ($subaction) { case 'delete': $access = $user->HasAccess('Autoresponders', 'Delete'); if ($access) { $this->DeleteAutoresponders($autolist); } else { $this->DenyAccess(); } break; case 'approve': case 'disapprove': $access = $user->HasAccess('Autoresponders', 'Approve'); if ($access) { $this->ActionAutoresponders($autolist, $subaction); } else { $this->DenyAccess(); } break; } break; case 'delete': $id = (int)$_GET['id']; $autolist = array($id); $access = $user->HasAccess('Autoresponders', 'Delete'); if ($access) { $this->DeleteAutoresponders($autolist); } else { $this->DenyAccess(); } break; case 'step2': $listid = 0; if (isset($_GET['list'])) { $listid = (int)$_GET['list']; } $this->ManageAutoresponders($listid); break; case 'sendpreviewdisplay': $this->SendPreviewDisplay(); break; case 'sendpreview': $this->SendPreview(); break; case 'view': $id = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : 0; $type = strtolower(get_class($this)); $autoresponderapi = $this->GetApi(); if (!$autoresponderapi->Load($id)) { break; } // Log this to "User Activity Log" $logURL = SENDSTUDIO_APPLICATION_URL . '/admin/index.php?Page=' . __CLASS__ . '&Action=Edit&id=' . $_GET['id']; IEM::logUserActivity($logURL, 'images/autoresponders_view.gif', $autoresponderapi->name); $details = array(); $details['htmlcontent'] = $autoresponderapi->GetBody('HTML'); $details['textcontent'] = $autoresponderapi->GetBody('Text'); $details['format'] = $autoresponderapi->format; $this->PreviewWindow($details); break; case 'edit': $subaction = (isset($_GET['SubAction'])) ? strtolower($_GET['SubAction']) : false; switch ($subaction) { case 'save': case 'complete': $user = IEM::getCurrentUser(); $session_autoresponder = IEM::sessionGet('Autoresponders'); $listid = $session_autoresponder['list']; if (!$session_autoresponder || !isset($session_autoresponder['autoresponderid'])) { $this->ManageAutoresponders($listid); break; } $text_unsubscribelink_found = true; $html_unsubscribelink_found = true; $id = $session_autoresponder['autoresponderid']; $autoapi = $this->GetApi(); $autoapi->Load($id); $autoapi->Set('listid', $listid); if (isset($_POST['TextContent'])) { $textcontent = $_POST['TextContent']; $autoapi->SetBody('Text', $textcontent); $text_unsubscribelink_found = $this->CheckForUnsubscribeLink($textcontent, 'text'); $session_autoresponder['contents']['text'] = $textcontent; } if (isset($_POST['myDevEditControl_html'])) { $htmlcontent = $_POST['myDevEditControl_html']; /** * This is an effort not to overwrite the eixsting HTML contents * if there isn't any contents in it (DevEdit will have '<html><body></body></html>' as a minimum * that will be passed to here) */ if (trim($htmlcontent) == '') { $GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('UnableToUpdateAutoresponder'); $GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); $this->EditAutoresponderStep4($id); break; } $autoapi->SetBody('HTML', $htmlcontent); $html_unsubscribelink_found = $this->CheckForUnsubscribeLink($htmlcontent, 'html'); $session_autoresponder['contents']['html'] = $htmlcontent; } if (isset($_POST['subject'])) { $autoapi->Set('subject', $_POST['subject']); } foreach (array('name', 'format', 'searchcriteria', 'sendfromname', 'sendfromemail', 'replytoemail', 'bounceemail', 'tracklinks', 'trackopens', 'multipart', 'embedimages', 'hoursaftersubscription', 'charset', 'includeexisting', 'to_firstname', 'to_lastname') as $p => $area) { $autoapi->Set($area, $session_autoresponder[$area]); } $autoapi->Set('active', 0); $dest = strtolower(get_class($this)); $movefiles_result = $this->MoveFiles($dest, $id); if ($movefiles_result) { if (isset($textcontent)) { $textcontent = $this->ConvertContent($textcontent, $dest, $id); $autoapi->SetBody('Text', $textcontent); } if (isset($htmlcontent)) { $htmlcontent = $this->ConvertContent($htmlcontent, $dest, $id); $autoapi->SetBody('HTML', $htmlcontent); } } // Delete any attachments we're meant to first if (SENDSTUDIO_ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS) { list($del_attachments_status, $del_attachments_status_msg) = $this->CleanupAttachments($dest, $id); if ($del_attachments_status) { if ($del_attachments_status_msg) { $GLOBALS['Success'] = $del_attachments_status_msg; $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('SuccessMsg', true, false); } } else { $GLOBALS['Error'] = $del_attachments_status_msg; $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); } // Only save the new attachments after deleting the old ones list($attachments_status, $attachments_status_msg) = $this->SaveAttachments($dest, $id); if ($attachments_status) { if ($attachments_status_msg != '') { $GLOBALS['Success'] = $attachments_status_msg; $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('SuccessMsg', true, false); } } else { $GLOBALS['AttachmentError'] = $attachments_status_msg; $GLOBALS['Error'] = $attachments_status_msg; $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); } } list($autoresponder_size, $autoresponder_img_warnings) = $this->GetSize($session_autoresponder); $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('AutoresponderUpdated', sprintf(GetLang('Autoresponder_Size_Approximate'), $this->EasySize($autoresponder_size))); $max_size = (SENDSTUDIO_EMAILSIZE_MAXIMUM*1024); if (SENDSTUDIO_EMAILSIZE_WARNING > 0) { $warning_size = SENDSTUDIO_EMAILSIZE_WARNING * 1024; if ($autoresponder_size > $warning_size && ($max_size > 0 && $autoresponder_size < $max_size)) { if ($session_autoresponder['embedimages']) { $warning_langvar = 'Autoresponder_Size_Over_EmailSize_Warning_Embed'; } else { $warning_langvar = 'Autoresponder_Size_Over_EmailSize_Warning_No_Embed'; } $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning($warning_langvar, $this->EasySize($warning_size)); } } if ($max_size > 0 && $autoresponder_size >= $max_size) { if ($session_autoresponder['embedimages']) { $error_langvar = 'Autoresponder_Size_Over_EmailSize_Maximum_Embed'; } else { $error_langvar = 'Autoresponder_Size_Over_EmailSize_Maximum_No_Embed'; } $GLOBALS['Error'] = sprintf(GetLang($error_langvar), $this->EasySize($max_size, 0)); $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); } $autoapi->Set('autorespondersize', $autoresponder_size); $result = $autoapi->Save(); if (!$result) { $GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('UnableToUpdateAutoresponder'); $GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); $this->ManageAutoresponders($listid); break; } if ($autoresponder_img_warnings) { if ($session_autoresponder['embedimages']) { $warning_var = 'UnableToLoadImage_Autoresponder_List_Embed'; } else { $warning_var = 'UnableToLoadImage_Autoresponder_List'; } $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning($warning_var, $autoresponder_img_warnings); } if (!$html_unsubscribelink_found) { $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning('NoUnsubscribeLinkInHTMLContent'); } if (!$text_unsubscribelink_found) { $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning('NoUnsubscribeLinkInTextContent'); } if(is_dir(TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/autoresponders/".$user->userid."_tmp")){remove_directory(TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/autoresponders/".$user->userid."_tmp");} if ($subaction == 'save') { $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning('AutoresponderHasBeenDisabled_Save'); $GLOBALS['Message'] = str_replace('<br><br>', '<br>', $GLOBALS['Message']); $this->EditAutoresponderStep4($id); break; } $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning('AutoresponderHasBeenDisabled'); $GLOBALS['Message'] = str_replace('<br><br>', '<br>', $GLOBALS['Message']); $this->ManageAutoresponders($listid); break; case 'step4': $sessionauto = IEM::sessionGet('Autoresponders'); $sessionauto['sendfromname'] = $_POST['sendfromname']; $sessionauto['sendfromemail'] = $_POST['sendfromemail']; $sessionauto['replytoemail'] = $_POST['replytoemail']; $sessionauto['bounceemail'] = $_POST['bounceemail']; $sessionauto['charset'] = $_POST['charset']; $sessionauto['format'] = $_POST['format']; $sessionauto['hoursaftersubscription'] = (int)$_POST['hoursaftersubscription']; $sessionauto['trackopens'] = (isset($_POST['trackopens'])) ? true : false; $sessionauto['tracklinks'] = (isset($_POST['tracklinks'])) ? true : false; $sessionauto['multipart'] = (isset($_POST['multipart'])) ? true : false; $sessionauto['embedimages'] = (isset($_POST['embedimages'])) ? true : false; $sessionauto['includeexisting'] = (isset($_POST['includeexisting'])) ? true : false; $sessionauto['to_lastname'] = 0; if (isset($_POST['to_lastname'])) { $sessionauto['to_lastname'] = (int)$_POST['to_lastname']; } $sessionauto['to_firstname'] = 0; if (isset($_POST['to_firstname'])) { $sessionauto['to_firstname'] = (int)$_POST['to_firstname']; } IEM::sessionSet('Autoresponders', $sessionauto); $this->EditAutoresponderStep4($sessionauto['autoresponderid']); break; case 'step3': $sessionauto = IEM::sessionGet('Autoresponders'); $sessionauto['name'] = $_POST['name']; $sessionauto['searchcriteria'] = array( 'emailaddress' => '', 'format' => '-1', 'confirmed' => '1', 'search_options' => array(), 'customfields' => array() ); if ($_POST['ShowFilteringOptions'] == 1) { $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['emailaddress'] = $_POST['emailaddress']; $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['format'] = $_POST['format']; $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['confirmed'] = $_POST['confirmed']; $search_options = (isset($_POST['Search_Options'])) ? $_POST['Search_Options'] : array(); $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['search_options'] = $search_options; $customfields = (isset($_POST['CustomFields'])) ? $_POST['CustomFields'] : array(); $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['customfields'] = $customfields; foreach ($sessionauto['searchcriteria']['customfields'] as $fieldid => $fieldvalue) { if (!$fieldvalue) { unset($sessionauto['searchcriteria']['customfields'][$fieldid]); continue; } } if (isset($_POST['clickedlink']) && isset($_POST['linkid'])) { $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['linktype'] = 'clicked'; if (isset($_POST['linktype']) && $_POST['linktype'] == 'not_clicked') { $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['linktype'] = 'not_clicked'; } $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['link'] = $_POST['linkid']; } if (isset($_POST['openednewsletter']) && isset($_POST['newsletterid'])) { $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['opentype'] = 'opened'; if (isset($_POST['opentype']) && $_POST['opentype'] == 'not_opened') { $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['opentype'] = 'not_opened'; } $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['newsletter'] = $_POST['newsletterid']; } } IEM::sessionSet('Autoresponders', $sessionauto); $this->EditAutoresponderStep3($sessionauto['autoresponderid']); break; default: $id = (int)$_GET['id']; IEM::sessionRemove('Autoresponders'); $autosession = array('list' => (int)$_GET['list'], 'autoresponderid' => $id); IEM::sessionSet('Autoresponders', $autosession); $this->EditAutoresponderStep1($id); } break; case 'create': $subaction = (isset($_GET['SubAction'])) ? strtolower($_GET['SubAction']) : false; switch ($subaction) { case 'save': case 'complete': $autoresponder = $this->GetApi(); $user = IEM::getCurrentUser(); $session_autoresponder = IEM::sessionGet('Autoresponders'); if (!$session_autoresponder || !isset($session_autoresponder['name'])) { $this->ManageAutoresponders($listid); break; } $text_unsubscribelink_found = true; $html_unsubscribelink_found = true; $listid = $session_autoresponder['list']; $autoresponder->Set('listid', $listid); if (isset($_POST['TextContent'])) { $textcontent = $_POST['TextContent']; $autoresponder->SetBody('Text', $textcontent); $text_unsubscribelink_found = $this->CheckForUnsubscribeLink($textcontent, 'text'); $session_autoresponder['contents']['text'] = $textcontent; } if (isset($_POST['myDevEditControl_html'])) { $htmlcontent = $_POST['myDevEditControl_html']; $autoresponder->SetBody('HTML', $htmlcontent); $html_unsubscribelink_found = $this->CheckForUnsubscribeLink($htmlcontent, 'html'); $session_autoresponder['contents']['html'] = $htmlcontent; } if (isset($_POST['subject'])) { $autoresponder->Set('subject', $_POST['subject']); } foreach (array('name', 'format', 'searchcriteria', 'sendfromname', 'sendfromemail', 'replytoemail', 'bounceemail', 'tracklinks', 'trackopens', 'multipart', 'embedimages', 'hoursaftersubscription', 'charset', 'includeexisting', 'to_firstname', 'to_lastname') as $p => $area) { $autoresponder->Set($area, $session_autoresponder[$area]); } $autoresponder->Set('active', 0); $autoresponder->ownerid = $user->userid; $result = $autoresponder->Create(); if (!$result) { $GLOBALS['Error'] = GetLang('UnableToCreateAutoresponder'); $GLOBALS['Message'] = $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); $this->ManageAutoresponders($listid); break; } /** * explicitly set the 'includeexisting' flag to false so we don't import the existing subscribers twice. * Create() & Save() both call ImportQueue if this flag is set, so ensure we don't do it twice. */ $autoresponder->Set('includeexisting', false); $session_autoresponder['autoresponderid'] = $result; IEM::sessionSet('Autoresponders', $session_autoresponder); if (SENDSTUDIO_ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS) { $dest = strtolower(get_class($this)); $movefiles_result = $this->MoveFiles($dest, $result); if ($movefiles_result) { if (isset($textcontent)) { $textcontent = $this->ConvertContent($textcontent, $dest, $result); $autoresponder->SetBody('Text', $textcontent); } if (isset($htmlcontent)) { $htmlcontent = $this->ConvertContent($htmlcontent, $dest, $result); $autoresponder->SetBody('HTML', $htmlcontent); } } list($attachments_status, $attachments_status_msg) = $this->SaveAttachments($dest, $result); if ($attachments_status) { if ($attachments_status_msg != '') { $GLOBALS['Success'] = $attachments_status_msg; $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('SuccessMsg', true, false); } } else { $GLOBALS['Error'] = $attachments_status_msg; $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); } } list($autoresponder_size, $autoresponder_img_warnings) = $this->GetSize($session_autoresponder); $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('AutoresponderUpdated', sprintf(GetLang('Autoresponder_Size_Approximate'), $this->EasySize($autoresponder_size))); $max_size = (SENDSTUDIO_EMAILSIZE_MAXIMUM*1024); if (SENDSTUDIO_EMAILSIZE_WARNING > 0) { $warning_size = SENDSTUDIO_EMAILSIZE_WARNING * 1024; if ($autoresponder_size > $warning_size && ($max_size > 0 && $autoresponder_size < $max_size)) { if ($session_autoresponder['embedimages']) { $warning_langvar = 'Autoresponder_Size_Over_EmailSize_Warning_Embed'; } else { $warning_langvar = 'Autoresponder_Size_Over_EmailSize_Warning_No_Embed'; } $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning($warning_langvar, $this->EasySize($warning_size)); } } if ($max_size > 0 && $autoresponder_size >= $max_size) { if ($session_autoresponder['embedimages']) { $error_langvar = 'Autoresponder_Size_Over_EmailSize_Maximum_Embed'; } else { $error_langvar = 'Autoresponder_Size_Over_EmailSize_Maximum_No_Embed'; } $GLOBALS['Error'] = sprintf(GetLang($error_langvar), $this->EasySize($max_size, 0)); $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true, false); } $autoresponder->Set('autorespondersize', $autoresponder_size); $autoresponder->Save(); if ($autoresponder_img_warnings) { if ($session_autoresponder['embedimages']) { $warning_var = 'UnableToLoadImage_Autoresponder_List_Embed'; } else { $warning_var = 'UnableToLoadImage_Autoresponder_List'; } $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning($warning_var, $autoresponder_img_warnings); } if (!$html_unsubscribelink_found) { $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning('NoUnsubscribeLinkInHTMLContent'); } if (!$text_unsubscribelink_found) { $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning('NoUnsubscribeLinkInTextContent'); } if ($subaction == 'save') { $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning('AutoresponderHasBeenDisabled_Save'); $GLOBALS['Message'] = str_replace('<br><br>', '<br>', $GLOBALS['Message']); $this->EditAutoresponderStep4($result); break; } $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintWarning('AutoresponderHasBeenDisabled'); $GLOBALS['Message'] = str_replace('<br><br>', '<br>', $GLOBALS['Message']); $this->ManageAutoresponders($listid); break; case 'step4': $sessionauto = IEM::sessionGet('Autoresponders'); $sessionauto['sendfromname'] = $_POST['sendfromname']; $sessionauto['sendfromemail'] = $_POST['sendfromemail']; $sessionauto['replytoemail'] = $_POST['replytoemail']; $sessionauto['bounceemail'] = $_POST['bounceemail']; $sessionauto['charset'] = $_POST['charset']; $sessionauto['format'] = $_POST['format']; $sessionauto['hoursaftersubscription'] = (int)$_POST['hoursaftersubscription']; $sessionauto['trackopens'] = (isset($_POST['trackopens'])) ? true : false; $sessionauto['tracklinks'] = (isset($_POST['tracklinks'])) ? true : false; $sessionauto['multipart'] = (isset($_POST['multipart'])) ? true : false; $sessionauto['embedimages'] = (isset($_POST['embedimages'])) ? true : false; $sessionauto['includeexisting'] = (isset($_POST['includeexisting'])) ? true : false; $sessionauto['to_lastname'] = 0; if (isset($_POST['to_lastname'])) { $sessionauto['to_lastname'] = (int)$_POST['to_lastname']; } $sessionauto['to_firstname'] = 0; if (isset($_POST['to_firstname'])) { $sessionauto['to_firstname'] = (int)$_POST['to_firstname']; } if (isset($_POST['TemplateID'])) { $sessionauto['TemplateID'] = $_POST['TemplateID']; } IEM::sessionSet('Autoresponders', $sessionauto); $this->EditAutoresponderStep4(); break; case 'step3': $sessionauto = IEM::sessionGet('Autoresponders'); $sessionauto['name'] = $_POST['name']; $sessionauto['searchcriteria'] = array( 'emailaddress' => '', 'format' => '-1', 'confirmed' => '1', 'search_options' => array(), 'customfields' => array() ); if ($_POST['ShowFilteringOptions'] == 1) { $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['emailaddress'] = $_POST['emailaddress']; $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['format'] = $_POST['format']; $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['confirmed'] = $_POST['confirmed']; $search_options = (isset($_POST['Search_Options'])) ? $_POST['Search_Options'] : array(); $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['search_options'] = $search_options; $customfields = (isset($_POST['CustomFields'])) ? $_POST['CustomFields'] : array(); $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['customfields'] = $customfields; foreach ($sessionauto['searchcriteria']['customfields'] as $fieldid => $fieldvalue) { if (!$fieldvalue) { unset($sessionauto['searchcriteria']['customfields'][$fieldid]); continue; } } if (isset($_POST['clickedlink']) && isset($_POST['linkid'])) { $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['linktype'] = 'clicked'; if (isset($_POST['linktype']) && $_POST['linktype'] == 'not_clicked') { $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['linktype'] = 'not_clicked'; } $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['link'] = $_POST['linkid']; } if (isset($_POST['openednewsletter']) && isset($_POST['newsletterid'])) { $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['opentype'] = 'opened'; if (isset($_POST['opentype']) && $_POST['opentype'] == 'not_opened') { $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['opentype'] = 'not_opened'; } $sessionauto['searchcriteria']['newsletter'] = $_POST['newsletterid']; } } IEM::sessionSet('Autoresponders', $sessionauto); $this->EditAutoresponderStep3(); break; case 'step2': $listid = 0; if (isset($_POST['list'])) { $listid = (int)$_POST['list']; } if (isset($_GET['list'])) { $listid = (int)$_GET['list']; } $auto = array('list' => $listid); IEM::sessionSet('Autoresponders', $auto); $this->EditAutoresponderStep1(); break; default: IEM::sessionRemove('Autoresponders'); $this->ChooseCreateList(); } break; default: $this->SetCurrentPage(1); $this->ChooseList('Autoresponders', 'step2'); break; } if (!in_array($action, $this->SuppressHeaderFooter)) { $this->PrintFooter($popup); } }
function remove_directory($path) { if ($dp = opendir($path)) { while (($entry = readdir($dp)) !== false) { if ($entry == ".") { continue; } if ($entry == "..") { continue; } if (is_link("{$path}/{$entry}")) { unlink("{$path}/{$entry}"); } else { if (is_dir("{$path}/{$entry}")) { remove_directory("{$path}/{$entry}"); } else { unlink("{$path}/{$entry}"); } } } closedir($dp); rmdir($path); } }
/** * ManageNewsletters * Prints out the newsletters for management. Depending on your access levels you can edit, delete, send, schedule and so on. * * @see GetPerPage * @see GetSortDetails * @see GetApi * @see User_API::Admin * @see Newsletter_API::GetNewsletters * @see SetupPaging * @see PrintDate * @see User_API::HasWriteAccess * @see Jobs_API::FindJob * * @return Void Doesn't return anything, just prints out the results and that's it. * * @uses EventData_IEM_NEWSLETTERS_MANAGENEWSLETTERS */ function ManageNewsletters() { $user = GetUser(); $remove_temp_dir = IEM::sessionGet('Newsletters_creation['.$user->Get('userid').']'); IEM::sessionSet('Newsletters_creation['.$user->Get('userid').']',null); IEM::sessionRemove('Newsletter_creation['.$user->Get('userid').']'); if(!empty($remove_temp_dir)){ $d_path = TEMP_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "newsletters" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $user->Get('userid')."_tmp"; if(is_dir($d_path)){remove_directory($d_path);} $GLOBALS['Message'] = $remove_temp_dir; } $edit_msg = IEM::sessionGet('Newsletters_editing['.$user->Get('userid').']'); IEM::sessionSet('Newsletters_editing['.$user->Get('userid').']',null); IEM::sessionRemove('Newsletters_editing['.$user->Get('userid').']'); if(!empty($edit_msg)){ $GLOBALS['Message'] = $edit_msg; } $delete_msg = IEM::sessionGet('Newsletters_deletion['.$user->Get('userid').']'); IEM::sessionSet('Newsletters_deletion['.$user->Get('userid').']',null); IEM::sessionRemove('Newsletters_deletion['.$user->Get('userid').']'); if(!empty($delete_msg)){ $GLOBALS['Message'] = $delete_msg; } $perpage = $this->GetPerPage(); $DisplayPage = $this->GetCurrentPage(); $start = 0; if ($perpage != 'all') { $start = ($DisplayPage - 1) * $perpage; } $sortinfo = $this->GetSortDetails(); $newsletterapi = $this->GetApi(); $newsletterowner = ($user->Admin() || $user->AdminType() == 'n') ? 0 : $user->userid; $NumberOfNewsletters = $newsletterapi->GetNewsletters($newsletterowner, $sortinfo, true); $mynewsletters = $newsletterapi->GetNewsletters($newsletterowner, $sortinfo, false, $start, $perpage, true); if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Create')) { $GLOBALS['Newsletters_AddButton'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Newsletter_Create_Button', true, false); $GLOBALS['Newsletters_Heading'] = GetLang('Help_NewslettersManage_HasAccess'); } if (!isset($GLOBALS['Message'])) { $GLOBALS['Message'] = ''; } /** * Trigger event */ $tempEventData = new EventData_IEM_NEWSLETTERS_MANAGENEWSLETTERS(); $tempEventData->displaymessage = &$GLOBALS['Message']; $tempEventData->trigger(); unset($tempEventData); /** * ----- */ if ($NumberOfNewsletters == 0) { if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Create')) { $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('NoNewsletters', GetLang('NoNewsletters_HasAccess')); } else { $GLOBALS['Message'] .= $this->PrintSuccess('NoNewsletters', ''); } $this->ParseTemplate('Newsletters_Manage_Empty'); return; } $this->SetupPaging($NumberOfNewsletters, $DisplayPage, $perpage); $GLOBALS['FormAction'] = 'Action=ProcessPaging'; $paging = $this->ParseTemplate('Paging', true, false); if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Delete')) { $GLOBALS['Option_DeleteNewsletter'] = '<option value="Delete">' . GetLang('Delete') . '</option>'; } if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Approve')) { $GLOBALS['Option_ActivateNewsletter'] = '<option value="Approve">' . GetLang('ApproveNewsletters') . '</option>'; $GLOBALS['Option_ActivateNewsletter'] .= '<option value="Disapprove">' . GetLang('DisapproveNewsletters') . '</option>'; $GLOBALS['Option_ArchiveNewsletter'] = '<option value="Archive">' . GetLang('ArchiveNewsletters') . '</option>'; $GLOBALS['Option_ArchiveNewsletter'] .= '<option value="Unarchive">' . GetLang('UnarchiveNewsletters') . '</option>'; } $newsletter_manage = $this->ParseTemplate('Newsletters_Manage', true, false); $newsletterdisplay = ''; $jobapi = $this->GetApi('Jobs'); foreach ($mynewsletters as $pos => $newsletterdetails) { $newsletterid = $newsletterdetails['newsletterid']; $GLOBALS['Name'] = htmlspecialchars($newsletterdetails['name'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET); $GLOBALS['Short_Name'] = htmlspecialchars($this->TruncateName($newsletterdetails['name'], 34), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET); $GLOBALS['Created'] = $this->PrintDate($newsletterdetails['createdate']); $GLOBALS['Format'] = GetLang('Format_' . $newsletterapi->GetFormat($newsletterdetails['format'])); $GLOBALS['Owner'] = $newsletterdetails['owner']; $GLOBALS['Subject'] = htmlspecialchars($newsletterdetails['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET); $GLOBALS['Short_Subject'] = htmlspecialchars($this->TruncateName($newsletterdetails['subject'], 37), ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET); $GLOBALS['id'] = $newsletterid; $GLOBALS['NewsletterIcon'] = '<img src="images/m_newsletters.gif">'; $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] = '<a href="index.php?Page=Newsletters&Action=View&id=' . $newsletterid . '" target="_blank">' . GetLang('View') . '</a>'; $send_inprogress = false; $send_fully_completed = true; $job = false; if ($newsletterdetails['jobid'] > 0) { $job = $jobapi->LoadJob($newsletterdetails['jobid']); } $GLOBALS['LastSentTip'] = $GLOBALS['LastSentTip_Extra'] = $GLOBALS['Job'] = ''; if ($newsletterdetails['starttime'] > 0) { $GLOBALS['LastSent'] = $this->PrintDate($newsletterdetails['starttime']); $GLOBALS['TipName'] = $this->GetRandomId(); if ($newsletterdetails['finishtime'] > 0) { $GLOBALS['LastSentTip'] = sprintf(GetLang('AlreadySentTo'), $this->FormatNumber($newsletterdetails['total_recipients']), $this->FormatNumber($newsletterdetails['sendsize'])); if ($newsletterdetails['total_recipients'] < $newsletterdetails['sendsize'] && $job) { $send_fully_completed = false; $GLOBALS['ResendTipName'] = $this->GetRandomId(); $GLOBALS['Job'] = $job['jobid']; if ($job['resendcount'] < SENDSTUDIO_RESEND_MAXIMUM) { $GLOBALS['NewsletterIcon'] = $this->ParseTemplate('Newsletters_Send_Resend_Tip', true, false); $GLOBALS['LastSentTip_Extra'] = GetLang('AlreadySentTo_Partial'); } } } else { $GLOBALS['LastSentTip'] = sprintf(GetLang('AlreadySentTo_SoFar'), $this->FormatNumber($newsletterdetails['total_recipients']), $this->FormatNumber($newsletterdetails['sendsize'])); } $already_sent_tip = $this->ParseTemplate('Newsletters_Send_Tip', true, false); $GLOBALS['LastSent'] = $already_sent_tip; } else { $GLOBALS['LastSent'] = GetLang('NotSent'); } if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Send')) { if ($newsletterdetails['active']) { if (!$job || empty($job)) { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= ' <a href="index.php?Page=Send&id=' . $newsletterid . '">' . GetLang('Send') . '</a>'; } else { $jobstate = $jobapi->GetJobStatus($job['jobstatus']); switch ($job['jobstatus']) { case 'i': $send_inprogress = true; if (SENDSTUDIO_CRON_ENABLED && SENDSTUDIO_CRON_SEND > 0) { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= ' <a href="index.php?Page=Schedule">' . $jobstate . '</a>'; } else { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= ' <a href="index.php?Page=Send&Action=PauseSend&Job=' . $job['jobid'] . '">' . $jobstate . '</a>'; } break; case 'p': if (SENDSTUDIO_CRON_ENABLED && SENDSTUDIO_CRON_SEND > 0) { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= ' <a href="index.php?Page=Schedule">' . $jobstate . '</a>'; } else { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= ' <a href="index.php?Page=Send&Action=ResumeSend&Job=' . $job['jobid'] . '">' . $jobstate . '</a>'; } break; case 'w': // this is only applicable for scheduled newsletters (waiting to send). $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= ' <a href="index.php?Page=Schedule">' . GetLang('Waiting') . '</a>'; break; default: if ($send_fully_completed) { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= ' <a href="index.php?Page=Send&id=' . $newsletterid . '">' . GetLang('Send') . '</a>'; } else { if ($job['resendcount'] < SENDSTUDIO_RESEND_MAXIMUM) { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= ' <a href="index.php?Page=Send&Action=Resend&Job=' . $job['jobid'] . '">' . GetLang('Resend') . '</a>'; } else { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Resend', 'Newsletter_Send_Disabled_Resend_Maximum'); } } } } } else { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Send', 'Newsletter_Send_Disabled_Inactive'); } } else { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Send'); } if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Edit')) { if (!$send_inprogress) { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= ' <a href="index.php?Page=Newsletters&Action=Edit&id=' . $newsletterid . '">' . GetLang('Edit') . '</a>'; } else { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Edit', 'Newsletter_Edit_Disabled_SendInProgress'); } } else { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Edit'); } if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Create')) { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= ' <a href="index.php?Page=Newsletters&Action=Copy&id=' . $newsletterid . '">' . GetLang('Copy') . '</a>'; } else { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Copy'); } if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Delete')) { if (!$send_inprogress) { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= ' <a href="javascript: ConfirmDelete(' . $newsletterid . ');">' . GetLang('Delete') . '</a>'; } else { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Delete', 'Newsletter_Delete_Disabled_SendInProgress'); } } else { $GLOBALS['NewsletterAction'] .= $this->DisabledItem('Delete'); } if ($newsletterdetails['active'] > 0) { $statusaction = 'deactivate'; $activeicon = 'tick'; if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Approve')) { $activetitle = GetLang('Newsletter_Title_Disable'); } else { $activetitle = GetLang('NoAccess'); } } else { $statusaction = 'activate'; $activeicon = 'cross'; if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Approve')) { $activetitle = GetLang('Newsletter_Title_Enable'); } else { $activetitle = GetLang('NoAccess'); } } if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Approve')) { if (!$send_inprogress) { $GLOBALS['ActiveAction'] = '<a href="index.php?Page=Newsletters&Action=' . $statusaction . '&id=' . $newsletterid . '" title="' . $activetitle . '"><img src="images/' . $activeicon . '.gif" border="0"></a>'; } else { $activetitle = GetLang('Newsletter_ChangeActive_Disabled_SendInProgress'); $GLOBALS['ActiveAction'] = '<span title="' . $activetitle . '"><img src="images/' . $activeicon . '.gif" border="0"></span>'; } } else { $GLOBALS['ActiveAction'] = '<span title="' . $activetitle . '"><img src="images/' . $activeicon . '.gif" border="0"></span>'; } if ($newsletterdetails['archive'] > 0) { $statusaction = 'deactivatearchive'; $activeicon = 'tick'; $activetitle = GetLang('Newsletter_Title_Archive_Disable'); } else { $statusaction = 'activatearchive'; $activeicon = 'cross'; $activetitle = GetLang('Newsletter_Title_Archive_Enable'); } if ($user->HasAccess('Newsletters', 'Approve')) { $GLOBALS['ArchiveAction'] = '<a href="index.php?Page=Newsletters&Action=' . $statusaction . '&id=' . $newsletterid . '" title="' . $activetitle . '"><img src="images/' . $activeicon . '.gif" border="0"></a>'; } else { $GLOBALS['ArchiveAction'] = '<span title="' . $activetitle . '"><img src="images/' . $activeicon . '.gif" border="0"></span>'; } $newsletterdisplay .= $this->ParseTemplate('Newsletters_Manage_Row', true, false); } $newsletter_manage = str_replace('%%TPL_Newsletters_Manage_Row%%', $newsletterdisplay, $newsletter_manage); $newsletter_manage = str_replace('%%TPL_Paging%%', $paging, $newsletter_manage); $newsletter_manage = str_replace('%%TPL_Paging_Bottom%%', $GLOBALS['PagingBottom'], $newsletter_manage); echo $newsletter_manage; }
/** * Delete * Delete a newsletter from the database * * @param Int $newsletterid Newsletterid of the newsletter to delete. If not passed in, it will delete 'this' newsletter. We delete the newsletter, then reset all class vars. * @param Int $userid The user doing the deleting of the newsletter. This is passed through to the stats api to "hide" statistics rather than deleting them. * * @see Stats_API::HideStats * * @return Boolean True if it deleted the newsletter, false otherwise. * * @uses module_TrackerFactory * @uses module_Tracker * @uses module_Tracker::DeleteRecordsForAllTrackerByID() */ function Delete($newsletterid=0, $userid=0) { if ($newsletterid == 0) { $newsletterid = $this->newsletterid; } $newsletterid = intval($newsletterid); /** * Status being 'true' means * it's ok to delete the newsletter. * If it's not true, then the delete method returns false. */ $trigger_details = array ( 'status' => true, 'newsletterid' => $newsletterid ); /** * Trigger event */ $tempEventData = new EventData_IEM_NEWSLETTERSAPI_DELETE(); $tempEventData->status = &$trigger_details['status']; $tempEventData->newsletterid = &$trigger_details['newsletterid']; $tempEventData->trigger(); unset($tempEventData); /** * ----- */ if ($trigger_details['status'] !== true) { return false; } $this->Db->StartTransaction(); /** * Cleanup trackers * * When newsletter are deleted, delete associated tracker record too * * This was added here, because it's not calling the stats API to clear it's statistic */ $tempContinue = false; if (!class_exists('module_TrackerFactory', false)) { $tempFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/module_trackerfactory.php'; if (is_file($tempFile)) { require_once($tempFile); $tempContinue = true; } } else { $tempContinue = true; } if ($tempContinue) { module_Tracker::DeleteRecordForAllTrackerByNewsletterID($newsletterid); } /** * ----- */ $query = "DELETE FROM " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "newsletters WHERE newsletterid=" . $newsletterid; $result = $this->Db->Query($query); if (!$result) { $this->Db->RollbackTransaction(); list($error, $level) = $this->Db->GetError(); trigger_error($error, $level); return false; } $newsletter_dir = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/newsletters/' . $newsletterid; remove_directory($newsletter_dir); $this->newsletterid = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->format = 'h'; $this->active = 0; $this->archive = 0; $this->SetBody('text', ''); $this->SetBody('html', ''); $this->ownerid = 0; $stats = array(); $query = "SELECT statid FROM " . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . "stats_newsletters WHERE newsletterid=" . $newsletterid; $result = $this->Db->Query($query); if (!$result) { $this->Db->RollbackTransaction(); list($error, $level) = $this->Db->GetError(); trigger_error($error, $level); return false; } while ($row = $this->Db->Fetch($result)) { $stats[] = $row['statid']; } // clean up stats if (!class_exists('stats_api', false)) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/stats.php'); } $stats_api = new Stats_API(); $stats_api->HideStats($stats, 'newsletter', $userid); $this->Db->CommitTransaction(); return true; }