/** * Send data directly, for ajax requests. * * @param misc $data * @param string $type * @access public * @return void */ public function send($data, $type = 'json') { if ($type == 'json') { echo json_encode($data); } die(removeUTF8Bom(ob_get_clean())); }
include '../framework/helper.class.php'; /* Log the time and define the run mode. */ $startTime = getTime(); /* Instance the app. */ $app = router::createApp('pms', dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); /* Check the reqeust is getconfig or not. Check installed or not. */ if (isset($_GET['mode']) and $_GET['mode'] == 'getconfig') { die($app->exportConfig()); } // if (!isset($config->installed) or !$config->installed) { die(header('location: install.php')); } /* Detect mobile. */ $mobile = $app->loadClass('mobile'); if ($mobile->isMobile() or $mobile->isTablet()) { $app->viewType = $config->default->view = 'mhtml'; } /* Run the app. */ $common = $app->loadCommon(); /* Check for need upgrade. */ $config->installedVersion = $common->loadModel('setting')->getVersion(); if (!(!is_numeric($config->version[0]) and $config->version[0] != $config->installedVersion[0]) and version_compare($config->version, $config->installedVersion, '>')) { die(header('location: upgrade.php')); } $app->parseRequest(); $common->checkPriv(); $app->loadModule(); /* Flush the buffer. */ echo removeUTF8Bom(ob_get_clean());