function get_all_taxa() { require_library('connectors/INBioAPI'); $func = new INBioAPI(); $paths = $func->extract_archive_file($this->dwca_file, "meta.xml"); $archive_path = $paths['archive_path']; $temp_dir = $paths['temp_dir']; $harvester = new ContentArchiveReader(NULL, $archive_path); $tables = $harvester->tables; if (!($this->fields["taxa"] = $tables[""][0]->fields)) { debug("Invalid archive file. Program will terminate."); return false; } self::build_taxa_rank_array($harvester->process_row_type('')); self::create_instances_from_taxon_object($harvester->process_row_type('')); self::get_objects($harvester->process_row_type('')); self::get_references($harvester->process_row_type('')); self::get_agents($harvester->process_row_type('')); self::get_vernaculars($harvester->process_row_type('')); $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); // remove temp dir recursive_rmdir($temp_dir); echo "\n temporary directory removed: " . $temp_dir; print_r($this->debug); }
function get_all_taxa($taxa_list_text_file = NULL) { $this->TEMP_FILE_PATH = create_temp_dir() . "/"; if ($taxa_list_text_file) { if ($contents = Functions::lookup_with_cache($taxa_list_text_file, $this->download_options)) { self::save_to_taxa_text_file($contents); } } else { self::generate_taxa_list(); } /* debug: stop operation here if you only want to generate taxa list */ //return; self::save_data_to_text(); /* debug: stop operation here if you only want to generate processed text files */ //return; if ($taxa_list_text_file) { echo "\n\n finished processing: [{$taxa_list_text_file}]\n\n"; return; // you need to consolidate the processed text files before proceeding. } self::process_text_file(); $this->archive_builder->finalize(true); // remove temp dir recursive_rmdir($this->TEMP_FILE_PATH); echo "\n temporary directory removed: " . $this->TEMP_FILE_PATH; }
function recursive_rmdir($directory, $empty = false) { $directory = preg_replace('@[\\/]$@', '', $directory); if (!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory)) { return false; } elseif (!is_readable($directory)) { return false; } else { $handle = opendir($directory); while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if ($item != '.' && $item != '..') { $path = $directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item; if (is_dir($path)) { recursive_rmdir($path); } elseif (unlink($path)) { echo $path . "\n"; } } } closedir($handle); if ($empty == false) { if (rmdir($directory)) { echo $directory . "\n"; } else { return false; } } return true; } }
function get_all_taxa() { $this->institution_uris = self::get_institution_uris(); self::load_zip_contents(); print_r($this->text_path); require_library('connectors/FishBaseAPI'); $func = new FishBaseAPI(); $fields = array("lngSpeciesSenior_ID", "lngSpecies_ID", "lngRepository_ID", "strCatNr", "lngPrepMeth_ID", "lngPersPrep_ID", "lngPersID2_ID", "lngPersID3_ID", "bytCountPrep", "lngDocuTypeSpecimen", "lngPrep_ID", "txtPrepNotes", "lngSpecimen_ID", "strTypeStat", "lngLoc_ID", "strLocName", "txtLocDescr", "sngElevation", "sngLatitudeWGS84", "sngLongitudeWGS84", "lngMacrohabitat_ID", "lngPermanency_ID", "strDepth", "lngGeology_ID", "lngSpecLocal_ID"); $records_specimen = $func->make_array($this->text_path["sd_specimen"], $fields, "", array()); array_shift($records_specimen); $fields = array("lngPersIdent_ID", "lngSpecimen_ID"); $records_specimen_identifier = $func->make_array($this->text_path["sd_specimen_identifier"], $fields, "", array()); array_shift($records_specimen_identifier); $fields = array("lngSpeciesSenior_ID", "lngMacroMicro_ID", "lngSpecies_ID"); $records_habitat = $func->make_array($this->text_path["sd_macro_locality"], $fields, "", array()); array_shift($records_habitat); /* $fields = array("lngLoc_ID", "strLocName", "txtLocDescr", "sngElevation", "sngLatitudeWGS84", "sngLongitudeWGS84", "lngMacrohabitat_ID", "lngPermanency_ID", "strDepth", "lngGeology_ID", "lngSpecLocal_ID", "lngSpecimen_ID", "lngSpeciesSenior_ID", "lngSpecies_ID"); $records_locality = $func->make_array($this->text_path["sd_locality"], $fields, "", array()); array_shift($records_locality); */ $this->assemble_identified_by($records_specimen_identifier); $this->create_instances_from_taxon_object($records_specimen, "specimen"); // $this->create_instances_from_taxon_object($records_locality, "locality"); $this->create_instances_from_taxon_object($records_habitat, "habitat"); $this->create_archive(); // remove temp dir $path = $this->text_path["sd_specimen"]; $parts = pathinfo($path); $parts["dirname"] = str_ireplace("/type_specimen", "", $parts["dirname"]); recursive_rmdir($parts["dirname"]); debug("\n temporary directory removed: " . $parts["dirname"]); }
function get_all_taxa() { /* $id = "100001"; $arr = array("distribution", "chromosome", "taxon_name", "taxonomy", "synonyms", "taxon_ref", "images"); foreach($arr as $type) { if($type == "taxon_name") $url = TROPICOS_API_SERVICE . $id . "?format=json&apikey=" . TROPICOS_API_KEY; elseif($type == "taxonomy") $url = TROPICOS_API_SERVICE . $id . "/HigherTaxa?format=xml&apikey=" . TROPICOS_API_KEY; elseif($type == "synonyms") $url = TROPICOS_API_SERVICE . $id . "/Synonyms?format=xml&apikey=" . TROPICOS_API_KEY; elseif($type == "taxon_ref") $url = TROPICOS_API_SERVICE . $id . "/References?format=xml&apikey=" . TROPICOS_API_KEY; elseif($type == "distribution") $url = TROPICOS_API_SERVICE . $id . "/Distributions?format=xml&apikey=" . TROPICOS_API_KEY; elseif($type == "images") $url = TROPICOS_API_SERVICE . $id . "/Images?format=xml&apikey=" . TROPICOS_API_KEY; elseif($type == "chromosome") $url = TROPICOS_API_SERVICE . $id . "/ChromosomeCounts?format=xml&apikey=" . TROPICOS_API_KEY; echo "\n $type: [$url]"; } exit; */ self::assemble_id_list(); exit; self::process_taxa(); $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); // remove temp dir recursive_rmdir($this->TEMP_DIR); echo "\n temporary directory removed: " . $this->TEMP_DIR; }
function export_gbif_to_eol($params) { require_library('connectors/INBioAPI'); $func = new INBioAPI(); $paths = $func->extract_archive_file($params["dwca_file"], "meta.xml"); $archive_path = $paths['archive_path']; $temp_dir = $paths['temp_dir']; $harvester = new ContentArchiveReader(NULL, $archive_path); $tables = $harvester->tables; if (!($this->fields["occurrence"] = $tables[""][0]->fields)) { debug("Invalid archive file. Program will terminate."); return false; } /* $harvester->process_row_type() - this will convert rows into array. */ // $r = $harvester->process_row_type(''); // $r = $harvester->process_row_type(''); // print_r($r); exit; self::create_instances_from_taxon_object($harvester->process_row_type('')); self::get_media_objects($harvester->process_row_type('')); // self::get_objects($harvester->process_row_type('')); // self::get_references($harvester->process_row_type('')); // self::get_agents($harvester->process_row_type('')); // self::get_vernaculars($harvester->process_row_type('')); $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); // remove temp dir recursive_rmdir($temp_dir); echo "\n temporary directory removed: " . $temp_dir; }
function get_all_taxa() { self::initialize_dump_file(); $this->agent_ids = self::get_object_agents($this->agents); // /* normal operation $this->save_data_to_text(); $this->access_dump_file(false, "synonyms"); $this->access_dump_file(false, "objects"); $this->process_taxa(); // */ /* use this if the dump file has already been created - works okay! $dump_file = DOC_ROOT . "tmp/turbellarian_dump/turbellarian_dump.txt"; $this->access_dump_file($dump_file, "synonyms"); $this->access_dump_file($dump_file, "objects"); $this->process_taxa($dump_file); */ /* manually adding Bilateria */ $rec = array(); $rec["sciname"] = "Bilateria"; $rec["taxon_id"] = "Bilateria"; $rec["authorship"] = ""; $rec["parent_id"] = ""; $rec["status"] = ""; $this->create_instances_from_taxon_object($rec); $this->create_archive(); /* remove temp dir */ recursive_rmdir($this->TEMP_DIR); echo "\n temporary directory removed: " . $this->TEMP_DIR; }
function generate_EnvEOL_data() { require_library('connectors/IUCNRedlistDataConnector'); $func = new IUCNRedlistDataConnector(); $basenames = array("eol_env_annotations_noParentTerms"); // list of needed basenames $options = $this->download_options; $options['expire_seconds'] = 2592000 * 3; // 3 months before cache expires $text_path = $func->load_zip_contents($this->species_list_export, $options, $basenames, ".tsv"); print_r($text_path); self::csv_to_array($text_path[$basenames[0]]); $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); // remove temp dir $parts = pathinfo($text_path[$basenames[0]]); recursive_rmdir($parts["dirname"]); debug("\n temporary directory removed: " . $parts["dirname"]); recursive_rmdir($this->TEMP_DIR); // comment this if u want to check "need_to_check_tc_id.txt" /* run problematic tc_ids with cache=0 --- a utility $tc_ids = self::get_dump(); foreach($tc_ids as $tc_id) { $rec['taxon_id'] = $tc_id; self::prepare_taxon($rec); } exit("\n-exit-\n"); */ }
function load_xml_string() { $file_contents = ""; debug("Please wait, downloading resource document..."); if (preg_match("/^(.*)\\.(gz|gzip)\$/", $this->xml_path, $arr)) { $path_parts = pathinfo($this->xml_path); $filename = $path_parts['basename']; $temp_dir = create_temp_dir() . "/"; debug("temp file path: " . $temp_dir); if ($file_contents = Functions::get_remote_file($this->xml_path, array('timeout' => 172800))) { $temp_file_path = $temp_dir . "/" . $filename; $TMP = fopen($temp_file_path, "w"); fwrite($TMP, $file_contents); fclose($TMP); shell_exec("gunzip -f {$temp_file_path}"); $this->xml_path = $temp_dir . str_ireplace(".gz", "", $filename); debug("xml path: " . $this->xml_path); } else { debug("Connector terminated. Remote files are not ready."); return false; } echo "\n {$temp_dir} \n"; $file_contents = Functions::get_remote_file($this->xml_path, array('timeout' => 172800)); recursive_rmdir($temp_dir); // remove temp dir echo "\n temporary directory removed: [{$temp_dir}]\n"; } return $file_contents; }
function export_gbif_to_eol($params) { $this->uris = self::get_uris($params); require_library('connectors/INBioAPI'); $func = new INBioAPI(); $paths = $func->extract_archive_file($params["dwca_file"], "meta.xml", array("timeout" => 7200, "expire_seconds" => false)); // "expire_seconds" -- false => won't expire; 0 => expires now $archive_path = $paths['archive_path']; $temp_dir = $paths['temp_dir']; $this->harvester = new ContentArchiveReader(NULL, $archive_path); if (!@$this->harvester->tables[""][0]->fields) { debug("Invalid archive file. Program will terminate."); return false; } if ($params["dataset"] == "NMNH") { self::process_row_type($params); } elseif ($params["dataset"] == "NHM") { self::process_row_type_from_NHM($temp_dir . "/" . $params['location']); } $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); // remove temp dir recursive_rmdir($temp_dir); echo "\n temporary directory removed: " . $temp_dir; print_r($this->debug); }
public function uninstall() { recursive_rmdir(DATA_DIR . '/Base_Theme/templates/default/images'); Variable::delete('default_theme'); Variable::delete('preload_image_cache_default'); Variable::delete('preload_image_cache_selected'); return true; }
function get_all_taxa() { if (self::process_text_files()) { $this->create_archive(); // remove temp dir $parts = pathinfo($this->text_path["1"]); recursive_rmdir($parts["dirname"]); debug("\n temporary directory removed: " . $parts["dirname"]); } }
function get_all_taxa() { self::process_text_files(); // remove temp dir $path = $this->text_path["species"]; $parts = pathinfo($path); $parts["dirname"] = str_ireplace("/rotifers", "", $parts["dirname"]); recursive_rmdir($parts["dirname"]); debug("\n temporary directory removed: " . $parts["dirname"]); }
function export_lifedesk_to_eol($params) { require_library('connectors/LifeDeskToScratchpadAPI'); $func = new LifeDeskToScratchpadAPI(); if ($this->text_path = $func->load_zip_contents($params["lifedesk"])) { self::update_eol_xml("LD_" . $params["name"]); } // remove temp dir $parts = pathinfo($this->text_path["eol_xml"]); recursive_rmdir($parts["dirname"]); debug("\n temporary directory removed: " . $parts["dirname"]); }
function get_all_taxa() { $this->stored_offline_urls = $this->get_rows_from_dump_file($this->stored_offline_urls_dump_file); $this->create_reference(); $urls = self::get_urls_to_process(); $this->process_urls($urls); $this->manuall_add_taxon(); $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); recursive_rmdir($this->TEMP_DIR); // comment this line to check offline_urls.txt debug("\n temporary directory removed: " . $this->TEMP_DIR); }
public function begin() { $this->path_to_archive_directory = CONTENT_RESOURCE_LOCAL_PATH . '/' . $this->resource_id . '_working/'; $this->archive_builder = new \eol_schema\ContentArchiveBuilder(array('directory_path' => $this->path_to_archive_directory)); $this->prepare_files(); $this->process_export(); $this->archive_builder->finalize(true); //remove temp dir $parts = pathinfo($this->source_file_path); recursive_rmdir($parts["dirname"]); debug("\n temporary directory removed: " . $parts["dirname"]); }
function get_all_taxa($resource_id) { $this->uris = self::get_uris(); // print_r($this->uris); exit; /* $str = "bathydemersal; marine; depth range 549 - 1202 m (Ref. 97189)"; $str = "benthopelagic; potamodromous (Ref. 51243); freshwater; brackish; pH range: 7.0 - 7.5; dH range: 15; depth range 1 - ? m (Ref. 9696)"; $str = "depth range 220 - 457 m, usually 274 - 402 m"; $str = "reef-associated; non-migratory; marine; depth range 6 - 80 m (Ref. 9334), usually 6 - 20 m (Ref. 6852)"; $str = "demersal; freshwater; pH range: 6.6 - 36,751.0; depth range 0 - 1 m (Ref. 58018)"; $parts = self::get_description_parts($str, false); print_r($parts); $a = self::process_habitat_data($parts); print_r($a); exit; */ /* $str = "33.7 cm SL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 93606)); max. reported age: 33 years (Ref. 93630)"; $str = "69.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 5578))"; $str = "4.7 cm SL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 4696)); 3.9 cm SL (female); max. reported age: 1 years (Ref. 232)"; $str = "61.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 58426)); 42.9 cm SL (female); max. published weight: 9,500 g (Ref. 4701); max. published weight: 5,000.0 g; max. reported age: 13 years (Ref. 54207)"; $str = "50.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 3506)); 133 cm TL (female); max. published weight: 6,599 g (Ref. 39903); max. published weight: 2,850.0 g; max. reported age: 88 years (Ref. 72468)"; $str = str_ireplace("unsexed;", "unsexed", $str); $parts = self::get_description_parts($str, false); print_r($parts); $a = self::process_size_data($parts); print_r($a); exit; */ self::prepare_data(); // remove tmp dir $this->TEMP_FILE_PATH = str_ireplace("/fishbase", "", $this->TEMP_FILE_PATH); // if($this->TEMP_FILE_PATH) shell_exec("rm -fr $this->TEMP_FILE_PATH"); recursive_rmdir($this->TEMP_FILE_PATH); // debug uncomment in real operation echo "\n temporary directory removed: " . $this->TEMP_FILE_PATH; if ($this->test_run) { return $all_taxa; } //used in testing }
public function __construct() { $this->mysqli =& $GLOBALS['db_connection']; if ($GLOBALS['ENV_NAME'] == 'production' && environment_defined('slave')) { $this->mysqli_slave = load_mysql_environment('slave'); } else { $this->mysqli_slave =& $this->mysqli; } $this->output_directory = DOC_ROOT . "temp/eol_names_and_ranks_to_family_archive/"; recursive_rmdir($this->output_directory); $this->archive_builder = new \eol_schema\ContentArchiveBuilder(array('directory_path' => $this->output_directory)); $this->load_all_ranks(); $this->load_all_hierarchies(); }
public function build_archive() { $this->path_to_archive_directory = CONTENT_RESOURCE_LOCAL_PATH . "/{$this->resource_id}/"; $this->archive_builder = new \eol_schema\ContentArchiveBuilder(array('directory_path' => $this->path_to_archive_directory)); if ($download_directory = ContentManager::download_temp_file_and_assign_extension(self::DUMP_URL)) { if (is_dir($download_directory) && file_exists($download_directory . "/names.dmp")) { $this->download_directory = $download_directory; $this->get_names(); $this->get_nodes(); recursive_rmdir($download_directory); } } $this->archive_builder->finalize(true); }
function process_xml($params) { $all_taxa = self::get_taxa_list_from_biogeodb(); $this->taxa_id_list = array_merge($all_taxa, self::get_taxa_list_from_myspecies()); require_library('connectors/INBioAPI'); $func = new INBioAPI(); $paths = $func->extract_archive_file($params["eol_xml_file"], $params["filename"], array("timeout" => 7200, "expire_seconds" => false)); print_r($paths); $params["path"] = $paths["temp_dir"]; $xml = self::update_xml($params); recursive_rmdir($paths["temp_dir"]); // remove temp dir return $xml; }
function generate_IUCN_data() { $basename = $this->export_basename; $text_path = self::load_zip_contents($this->species_list_export, $this->download_options, array($basename), ".csv"); print_r($text_path); self::csv_to_array($text_path[$basename]); $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); // remove temp dir $path = $text_path[$basename]; $parts = pathinfo($path); $parts["dirname"] = str_ireplace($basename, "", $parts["dirname"]); recursive_rmdir($parts["dirname"]); debug("\n temporary directory removed: " . $parts["dirname"]); print_r($this->debug); }
function get_all_taxa() { require_library('connectors/INBioAPI'); $func = new INBioAPI(); $paths = $func->extract_archive_file($this->dwca_file, "meta.xml"); $archive_path = $paths['archive_path']; $harvester = new ContentArchiveReader(NULL, $archive_path); $tables = $harvester->tables; if (!($this->fields["taxa"] = $tables[""][0]->fields)) { debug("Invalid archive file. Program will terminate."); return false; } if ($records = $harvester->process_row_type('')) { self::get_references($records); } if ($records = $harvester->process_row_type('')) { $taxa_id_list = self::get_taxa_id_list($records); self::create_instances_from_taxon_object($records, $taxa_id_list); } if ($this->params["process occurrence"]) { echo "\nProcessed OCCURRENCE\n"; if ($records = $harvester->process_row_type('')) { $this->uris = self::get_uris(); self::get_occurrences($records); } } if ($records = $harvester->process_row_type('')) { self::get_distributions($records); } if ($records = $harvester->process_row_type('')) { self::get_images($records); } // if ($records = $harvester->process_row_type('')) { self::get_descriptions($records); } // if ($records = $harvester->process_row_type('')) { self::get_vernaculars($records); } $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); // remove temp dir recursive_rmdir($paths['temp_dir']); echo "\n temporary directory removed: " . $paths['temp_dir']; print_r($this->debug); }
function generate_traits_for_taxa($params) { $this->temp_dir = create_temp_dir() . "/"; $taxa = self::access_spreadsheet($params, 0); $this->traits = self::access_spreadsheet($params, 1); self::process_taxa($taxa, "get_measurement_fields"); self::initialize_text_files(); self::process_taxa($taxa, "process_taxa"); self::delete_blank_text_files(); // compress text files, delete temp dir $trait_request_dir_path = DOC_ROOT . "/public/tmp/trait_request/"; if (!is_dir($trait_request_dir_path)) { mkdir($trait_request_dir_path); } $command_line = "tar -czf " . $trait_request_dir_path . $params["name"] . ".tar.gz --directory=" . $this->temp_dir . " ."; $output = shell_exec($command_line); recursive_rmdir($this->temp_dir); }
function get_all_taxa($resource_id) { $this->uris = self::get_uris(); $this->bibliographic_citation = self::get_fishbase_remote_citation(); /* $str = "Circumglobal in coastal warm temperate and tropical seas (Ref. 13562). Western Atlantic: North Carolina, USA to Uruguay, including the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. Eastern Atlantic: Mediterranean and Morocco to Senegal. Indo-Pacific: throughout the Indian Ocean; Ryukyu Islands to New Caledonia and French Polynesia. Eastern Pacific: southern Baja California, Mexico to Peru. Highly migratory species, Annex I of the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea (Ref. 26139)."; $str = "Western Atlantic: o River basin (Ref. 3498, 40587, 81627), but also in Ogowe River, Kouilou-Niari River and Loeme River (Ref. 3498, 40587, 81627, Ref. 2)Panama to southern Brazil and Uruguay (Ref. 58839) (Ref. 5663, 89864) bvhgbhghty hbgj nh b hgv (Ref. 2921, Ref. 3515)."; $texts = self::process_distribution_text($str); print_r($texts); exit; */ /* $str = "bathydemersal; marine; depth range 549 - 1202 m (Ref. 97189)"; $str = "benthopelagic; potamodromous (Ref. 51243); freshwater; brackish; pH range: 7.0 - 7.5; dH range: 15; depth range 1 - ? m (Ref. 9696)"; $str = "depth range 220 - 457 m, usually 274 - 402 m"; $str = "reef-associated; non-migratory; marine; depth range 6 - 80 m (Ref. 9334), usually 6 - 20 m (Ref. 6852)"; $str = "non-migratory; freshwater; anadromous; pH range: 6.6 - 36,751.0; depth range 0 - 1 m (Ref. 58018)"; $str = "pH range: 6.6; depth range 220 - 457 m, usually 274 - 402 m"; $str = "depth range 220 - 457 m; benthopelagic; freshwater, usually ? - 10 m (Ref. 5595)"; $str = "demersal; amphidromous? (Ref. 51243); freshwater; brackish; marine; depth range ? - 5 m (Ref. 6733)"; $parts = self::get_description_parts($str, false); print_r($parts); $a = self::process_habitat_data($parts); print_r($a); exit; */ /* $str = "33.7 cm SL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 93606)); max. reported age: 33 years (Ref. 93630)"; $str = "69.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 5578))"; $str = "4.7 cm SL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 4696)); 3.9 cm SL (female); max. reported age: 1 years (Ref. 232)"; $str = "61.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 58426)); 42.9 cm SL (female); max. published weight: 9,500 g (Ref. 4701); max. published weight: 5,000.0 g; max. reported age: 13 years (Ref. 54207)"; $str = "50.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 3506)); 133 cm TL (female); max. published weight: 6,599 g (Ref. 39903); max. published weight: 2,850.0 g; max. reported age: 88 years (Ref. 72468)"; $str = str_ireplace("unsexed;", "unsexed", $str); $parts = self::get_description_parts($str, false); print_r($parts); $a = self::process_size_data($parts); print_r($a); exit; */ self::prepare_data(); // remove tmp dir $this->TEMP_FILE_PATH = str_ireplace("/fishbase", "", $this->TEMP_FILE_PATH); // if($this->TEMP_FILE_PATH) shell_exec("rm -fr $this->TEMP_FILE_PATH"); recursive_rmdir($this->TEMP_FILE_PATH); // debug uncomment in real operation echo "\n temporary directory removed: " . $this->TEMP_FILE_PATH; if ($this->test_run) { return $all_taxa; } //used in testing }
function generate_FEIS_data() { $basenames = array_keys($this->export_basenames); $text_path = self::load_zip_contents($this->species_list_export, array('timeout' => 3600, 'download_attempts' => 1, 'delay_in_minutes' => 1), $basenames, ".csv"); foreach ($this->export_basenames as $type => $uri) { self::csv_to_array($text_path[$type], $type, $uri); } $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); // remove temp dir $basename = $basenames[0]; $path = $text_path[$basename]; $parts = pathinfo($path); $parts["dirname"] = str_ireplace($basename, "", $parts["dirname"]); recursive_rmdir($parts["dirname"]); debug("\n temporary directory removed: " . $parts["dirname"]); if ($val = $this->debug) { print_r($val); } }
function get_all_taxa() { if (!self::load_zip_contents()) { return FALSE; } self::assign_name_and_id(); self::process_files("species"); self::process_genera_files(); self::add_higher_level_taxa_to_archive(); $this->create_archive(); // remove temp dir recursive_rmdir($this->TEMP_FILE_PATH); echo "\n temporary directory removed: " . $this->TEMP_FILE_PATH; // some stats echo "\n count not numeric: " . $this->not_numeric_id; echo "\n synonyms count: " . $this->syn_count; echo "\n wrong data: " . $this->no_rank; // print_r($this->debug); //to list the unique habitat values }
function clean_media_extension($resource_id, $dwca_file) { require_library('connectors/INBioAPI'); $func = new INBioAPI(); if ($paths = $func->extract_archive_file($dwca_file, "meta.xml")) { print_r($paths); if ($contents = Functions::get_remote_file($paths['archive_path'] . "media.txt", array('timeout' => 172800))) { $contents = str_ireplace('<a title=""', '<a title="', $contents); $contents = str_ireplace('"" href=""', '" href="', $contents); $contents = str_ireplace('"">', '">', $contents); //saving new media.txt if (!($WRITE = fopen($paths['archive_path'] . "media.txt", "w"))) { debug(__CLASS__ . ":" . __LINE__ . ": Couldn't open file: " . $paths['archive_path'] . "media.txt"); return; } fwrite($WRITE, $contents); fclose($WRITE); // remove the archive file e.g. $info = pathinfo($dwca_file); unlink($paths['archive_path'] . $info["basename"]); // creating the archive file $command_line = "tar -czf " . CONTENT_RESOURCE_LOCAL_PATH . $resource_id . ".tar.gz --directory=" . $paths['archive_path'] . " ."; $output = shell_exec($command_line); // moving files to /resources/ recursive_rmdir(CONTENT_RESOURCE_LOCAL_PATH . $resource_id); if (!file_exists(CONTENT_RESOURCE_LOCAL_PATH . $resource_id)) { mkdir(CONTENT_RESOURCE_LOCAL_PATH . $resource_id); } $src = $paths['archive_path']; $dst = CONTENT_RESOURCE_LOCAL_PATH . $resource_id . "/"; $files = glob($paths['archive_path'] . "*.*"); foreach ($files as $file) { $file_to_go = str_replace($src, $dst, $file); copy($file, $file_to_go); } } // remove temp dir recursive_rmdir($paths['archive_path']); echo "\n temporary directory removed: " . $paths['archive_path']; } }
public function __construct() { $this->mysqli =& $GLOBALS['db_connection']; if ($GLOBALS['ENV_NAME'] == 'production' && environment_defined('slave')) { $this->mysqli_slave = load_mysql_environment('slave'); } else { $this->mysqli_slave =& $this->mysqli; } $this->output_directory = DOC_ROOT . "temp/eol_archive_objects/"; recursive_rmdir($this->output_directory); $this->archive_builder = new \eol_schema\ContentArchiveBuilder(array('directory_path' => $this->output_directory)); $this->load_all_ranks(); $this->load_all_hierarchies(); $this->load_all_data_types(); $this->load_all_mime_types(); $this->load_all_languages(); $this->load_all_licenses(); $this->load_all_curated_object_associations(); $this->load_all_user_object_associations(); $this->load_all_resources(); $this->initital_object_associations = array_merge($this->curated_data_objects_taxa, $this->user_data_objects_taxa); }
function export_gbif_to_eol($params) { $this->uris = self::get_uris($params, $params["uri_file"]); $params["uri_type"] = "citation"; if ($file = @$params["citation_file"]) { $this->citations = self::get_uris($params, $file); } require_library('connectors/INBioAPI'); $func = new INBioAPI(); $paths = $func->extract_archive_file($params["dwca_file"], "meta.xml", array("timeout" => 7200, "expire_seconds" => 0)); $archive_path = $paths['archive_path']; $temp_dir = $paths['temp_dir']; $this->harvester = new ContentArchiveReader(NULL, $archive_path); if (!@$this->harvester->tables[""][0]->fields) { echo "\nInvalid archive file. Program will terminate.\n"; return false; } if ($params["dataset"] == "GBIF") { $params["row_type"] = ""; $params["location"] = "occurrence.txt"; self::process_row_type($params); } elseif ($params["dataset"] == "iDigBio") { $params["row_type"] = ""; $params["location"] = "occurrence.txt"; self::process_row_type($params); } /* old ways self::process_row_type(array("row_type" => '', "location" => "multimedia.txt")); self::create_instances_from_taxon_object($harvester->process_row_type('')); self::get_media_objects($harvester->process_row_type('')); self::get_objects($harvester->process_row_type('')); self::get_references($harvester->process_row_type('')); */ $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); recursive_rmdir($temp_dir); // remove temp dir print_r($this->debug); }
function export_xml_to_archive($params, $xml_file_YN = false) { if (!$xml_file_YN) { require_library('connectors/INBioAPI'); $func = new INBioAPI(); $paths = $func->extract_archive_file($params["eol_xml_file"], $params["filename"], array("timeout" => 7200, "expire_seconds" => 0)); // "expire_seconds" -- false => won't expire; 0 => expires now //debug print_r($paths); $params["path"] = $paths["temp_dir"]; self::convert_xml($params); $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); recursive_rmdir($paths["temp_dir"]); // remove temp dir } else { $params['path'] = DOC_ROOT . "tmp/"; $local_xml_file = Functions::save_remote_file_to_local($params['eol_xml_file'], array('file_extension' => "xml", 'cache' => 0, "timeout" => 7200, "download_attempts" => 2, "delay_in_minutes" => 2)); //debug - cache should be 0 zero in normal operation $params['filename'] = pathinfo($local_xml_file, PATHINFO_BASENAME); self::convert_xml($params); $this->archive_builder->finalize(TRUE); unlink($local_xml_file); } }