function sell($stock, $quantity)
     // check if player has enough of the stock
     $holding = $this->game->getStockQuantityBelongToPlayer($session_data['name'], $stock);
     if ($holding >= $quantity) {
         // check game state = ready or open
         $status = $this->getStatus();
         if ($status->state == 2 || $status->state == 3) {
             $fields = array("team" => 'S10', "token" => $this->session->token, "player" => $session_data['name'], "stock" => $stock, "quantity" => $quantity, "certificate" => $this->session->certificate);
             $response = $this->sendPost("", $fields);
             // add sold amount to player's fund
             $price = $this->game->getStockCost($stock);
             // get cost of single stock
             $price *= $quantity;
             $this->player->updateFund($session_data['name'], $price);
             // update user holding for this stock
             $this->game->updateStockQuantityBelongToPlayer($session_data['name'], $stock, -$quantity);
             // save transaction into db
             recordTransaction($session_data['name'], $stock, $quantity, 'sell');
             return 1;
     return 0;
Пример #2
} else {
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
        // validate submission
        if (empty($_POST["symbol"])) {
            apologize("You must enter a stock symbol to purchase.");
        if (!preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $_POST["buyshares"]) || $_POST["buyshares"] == 0) {
            apologize("Please enter a valid number of shares to purchase.");
        // lookup the stock price
        $stock = lookup($_POST["symbol"]);
        $cost = $stock["price"] * $_POST["buyshares"];
        $user = query("SELECT cash FROM users WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]);
        if ($stock != false && $user !== false) {
            // does user have enough cash for purchase?
            if ($cost <= $user[0]["cash"]) {
                // add shares to holdings
                query("INSERT INTO holdings (id, symbol, shares) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE shares = shares + ?", $_SESSION["id"], strtoupper($_POST["symbol"]), $_POST["buyshares"], $_POST["buyshares"]);
                // deduct purchase price from cash
                query("UPDATE users SET cash = cash - ? WHERE id = ?", $cost, $_SESSION["id"]);
                // add to transaction history
                recordTransaction(TRANS_BUY, strtoupper($_POST["symbol"]), $_POST["buyshares"], $stock["price"], $cost);
            } else {
                apologize("You can afford to buy at most " . number_format(floor($user[0]["cash"] / $stock["price"])) . " full shares of " . strtoupper($_POST["symbol"]) . " at the current price of \$" . number_format($stock["price"], 2) . "/share.");
        } else {
            apologize("Unable to retrieve stock/cash values.");

// configuration
require "../includes/config.php";
// if user reached page via GET (as by clicking a link or via redirect)
    // get cash balance and go to deposit form
    $user = query("SELECT cash FROM users WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]);
    render("deposit_form.php", ["title" => TITLE_DEPOSIT, "user" => $user]);
} else {
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
        // validate submission
        if (!preg_match("/^\\d+\\.\\d\\d\$/", $_POST["funds"]) || $_POST["funds"] <= 0) {
            apologize("Please enter a positive amount of funds to deposit in your account, including cents.");
        // add funds to cash balance
        query("UPDATE users SET cash = cash + ? WHERE id = ?", $_POST["funds"], $_SESSION["id"]);
        // add to transaction history
        recordTransaction(TRANS_DEPOSIT, null, null, null, $_POST["funds"]);
Пример #4
require "../includes/config.php";
// if user reached page via GET (as by clicking a link or via redirect)
    // set up all portfolio data
    require "../includes/portfolio_data.php";
    // render portfolio
    render("sell_form.php", ["title" => TITLE_SELL, "user" => $user, "positions" => $positions, "totalStockValue" => $totalStockValue, "totalPortfolioValue" => $totalPortfolioValue]);
} else {
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
        // validate submission
        if (empty($_POST["sellstock"])) {
            apologize("You must select a stock in order to sell it.");
        // get the latest stock price
        $stock = lookup($_POST["sellstock"]);
        // get the user's holdings for that stock
        $holdings = query("SELECT shares FROM holdings WHERE id = ? and symbol = ?", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["sellstock"]);
        if ($stock !== false && $holdings !== false) {
            // delete, or "sell" the stock
            query("DELETE FROM holdings WHERE id = ? AND symbol = ?", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["sellstock"]);
            // update cash balance
            query("UPDATE users SET cash = cash + ? WHERE id = ?", $stock["price"] * $holdings[0]["shares"], $_SESSION["id"]);
            // add to transaction history
            recordTransaction(TRANS_SELL, strtoupper($_POST["sellstock"]), $holdings[0]["shares"], $stock["price"], $stock["price"] * $holdings[0]["shares"]);
        } else {
            apologize("Database Error: unable to get stock price/user's holdings.");
        // redirect to history for transaction confirmation
            } else {
                if (empty($_POST["confirmation"])) {
                    apologize("You must confirm your password before a new account can be created.");
                } else {
                    if ($_POST["password"] != $_POST["confirmation"]) {
                        apologize("Your password and confirmation do not match.");
        // insert new user into database
        $result = query("INSERT \n                    INTO users \n                    (username, hash, cash) \n                    VALUES (?, ?, ?)", $_POST["username"], crypt($_POST["password"]), START_CASH);
        // log user in automatically if successful
        if ($result !== false) {
            $rows = query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS id");
            if ($rows !== false) {
                $_SESSION["id"] = $rows[0]["id"];
                // add initial deposit to transaction history
                if (START_CASH > 0) {
                    recordTransaction(TRANS_DEPOSIT, null, null, null, START_CASH);
                // redirect to portfolio
            } else {
                apologize("Unable to log in with new account.");
        } else {
            apologize("Database error - account not created.");