public function search($word, $coords, $distance = 5, $limit = 25, $offset = 0) { $collection = $tmp = $idEtabs = []; $nb = $incr = 0; $services = rdb('geo', 'service')->select('id')->where(['family', 'LIKE', '%' . $word . '%'])->where(['code', 'LIKE', '%' . $word . '%'], 'OR')->where(['label', 'LIKE', '%' . $word . '%'], 'OR')->exec(true); foreach ($services as $service) { $sEtabs = $service->pivots(rdb('geo', 'etablissement')->model())->exec(); foreach ($sEtabs as $sEtab) { $idEtabs[] = $sEtab['etablissement_id']; } } $idEtabs = array_unique($idEtabs); $db = Model::Location(); $odm = $db->getOdm(); $coll = $odm->selectCollection($db->collection); $coll->ensureIndex(['value' => '2d', 'object_motor' => 1, 'object_database' => 1, 'object_table' => 1]); $filter = ["value" => ['$within' => ['$center' => [[floatval($coords['lng']), floatval($coords['lat'])], floatval($distance / 111.12)]]], 'object_motor' => 'dbredis', 'object_database' => 'geo', 'object_table' => 'etablissement']; $results = $coll->find($filter); foreach ($results as $result) { if (Arrays::in($result['object_id'], $idEtabs)) { $etab = rdb('geo', 'etablissement')->find($result['object_id']); $distances = distanceKmMiles($coords['lng'], $coords['lat'], $etab->lng, $etab->lat); $distance = $distances['km']; $item = $etab->assoc(); $item['distance'] = $distance; $collection[] = $item; } } $collection = $this->orderBy($collection, 'distance'); if ($limit == 0) { return $collection; } else { return array_slice($collection, $offset, $limit); } }
public function __construct() { $this->locale = session('web')->getLanguage(); $this->db = rdb('lang', 'dictionary'); $defaultLng = Config::get('application.language', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE); $this->mustTranslate = $defaultLng != $this->locale; }
private function checkedBanned($ip) { $row = rdb('core', 'flood')->inCache(false)->where(['ip', '=', (int) str_replace('.', '', $ip)])->first(true); if (!$row) { rdb('core', 'flood')->create(['ip' => (int) str_replace('.', '', $ip), 'num' => 1])->save(); } else { $num = (int) $row->num; $num++; $row->setNum($num)->save(); if ($num >= Config::get('application.flood.max.time', 3)) { rdb('core', 'banned')->create(['ip' => (int) str_replace('.', '', $ip)])->save(); } } }
public static function can($auth, $resource, $action) { if (empty($auth)) { self::unauthorized(); } if (2 == (int) $auth->is_admin) { $rigth = rdb('api', 'right')->where(['resource', '=', $resource])->where(['action', '=', $action])->where(['user_id', '=', $auth->user_id])->first(true); if (empty($right)) { self::unauthorized(); } $can = (int) $right->can; if (2 == $can) { self::unauthorized(); } } }
function lap_perpanjang() { $n = 0; $data = array(); $datax = array(); $no_spb = $_POST['no_spb']; $data['ae'] = $this->Admin_model->is_oto('lelang/list_lelang', 'e'); $data = $this->Admin_model->show_list('perpanjang_spb', "where pp_stat='N' group by no_spb order by no_spb", 'distinct(no_spb) as no_spb,pp_ke,sum(pp_bayar) as ppbayar'); if ($data->num_rows > 0) { foreach ($data->result() as $row) { $n++; $pp_ke = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field("lelang", "pp_stat", "where no_spb='" . $row->no_spb . "'"); $pp_ke == '' ? $gb = 'checkout.gif' : ($gb = '44.png'); $pp_ke == '' ? $grb = 'D' : ($grb = ''); echo "\n<tr class='xx' id='" . $row->no_spb . "' align='center'>\r\n\t\t\t\t <td class='kotak' align='left'>" . rdb('spb', 'id_barang', 'id_barang', "where no_spb='" . $row->no_spb . "'") . "</td>\t\r\n\t\t\t\t <td class='kotak' align='center'>" . substr($row->no_spb, 0, 5) . "</td>\t\r\n\t\t\t\t <td class='kotak' align='left'>" . ShortTgl(rdb('spb', 'tgl_spb', 'tgl_spb', "where no_spb='" . $row->no_spb . "'"), true) . "</td>\t\r\n\t\t\t\t <td class='kotak' align='left'>" . rdb('spb', 'nama_spb', 'nama_spb', "where no_spb='" . $row->no_spb . "'") . "</td>\t\r\n\t\t\t\t <td class='kotak' align='right'>" . number_format(rdb('spb', 'taksir_spb', 'taksir_spb', "where no_spb='" . $row->no_spb . "'"), 2) . "</td>\t\r\n\t\t\t\t <td class='kotak' align='right'>" . number_format(rdb('spb', 'nilai_spb', 'nilai_spb', "where no_spb='" . $row->no_spb . "'"), 2) . "</td>\t\r\n\t\t\t\t <td class='kotak'>" . $row->pp_ke . " x</td>\t\r\n\t\t\t\t <td class='kotak'>" . TglfromSql(getNextDays(rdb('spb', 'tgl_spb', 'tgl_spb', "where no_spb='" . $row->no_spb . "'"), $row->pp_ke * 30)) . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t <td id='c-1-{$n}' class='kotak'><img src='" . base_url() . "asset/images/{$gb}' id='ck-{$n}' class='pros' onclick=\"upd_lelang('" . $row->no_spb . "','{$grb}');\"></td>"; echo " </tr>\n"; } } else { echo "Tidak ada barang yang akan di lelang"; } }
public function run($name, $when, $event, $args = []) { Timer::start(); Cli::show("Start of execution", 'SUCCESS'); $db = rdb('cron', 'task'); $dbCron = $db->firstOrCreate(['name' => $name]); $nextDb = $dbCron->next; $cron = CronExpression::factory($when); $next = $cron->getNextRunDate()->format('Y-m-d-H-i-s'); list($y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s) = explode('-', $next, 6); $timestamp = mktime($h, $i, $s, $m, $d, $y); if ($nextDb) { if ($nextDb < $timestamp) { Cli::show("Execution {$name}", 'COMMENT'); call_user_func_array($event, $args); $dbCron->setNext($timestamp)->save(); } } else { $dbCron->setNext($timestamp)->save(); } Cli::show('Elapsed time: ' . Timer::get() . ' s.', 'INFO'); Cli::show("End of execution", 'SUCCESS'); }
<?php link_js('zetro_number.js,list_nasabah.js', 'asset/js,application/views/sdm/js'); $user_aktiv = $this->session->userdata("userid"); panel_begin('Black List', ''); $zb = new zetro_listBuilder('asset/bin/zetro_form.cfg'); $zb->ListHeader('nasabah', '70%', 'listTable'); $no = 0; echo "<tbody>"; //($page+1); foreach ($list->result_array() as $lst) { $no++; echo "<tr class='xx' id='" . $lst['ktp_spb'] . "' align='left'>\n\r\n\t\t <td class='kotak' align='center'>{$no}</td>\r\n\t\t <td class='kotak'>" . $lst['nama_spb'] . "{$ae}</td>\r\n\t\t <td class='kotak'>" . $lst['ktp_spb'] . "</td>\r\n\t\t <td class='kotak'>" . $lst['almnasabah'] . "</td>\r\n\t\t <td class='kotak' width='8%' align='center'>"; $bls = rdb('blacklist', 'ktp_spb', 'ktp_spb', "where ktp_spb='" . $lst['ktp_spb'] . "'"); if ($ae == 'Y' || $user_aktiv == 'Superuser') { $zb->event($lst['ktp_spb']); } echo "</td></tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody></table>"; panel_end(); popup_start('Edit Data Nasabah', 500, 300, 'frm2'); $zb = new zetro_frmBuilder('asset/bin/zetro_form.cfg'); $zb->AddBarisKosong(true); $zb->BuildForm('nasabah', true, '80%'); popup_end(''); ?> <input type='text' id='prs' value='bcl'> <script language='javascript'> $(document).ready(function(e) { $('img.edit').hide();
function penomoran($table, $fieldnomor) { $nom = rdb($table, $fieldnomor, $fieldnomor, "order by {$fieldnomor} desc limit 1"); if ($nom == "") { $nomor = date('Ymd') . "-0001"; } else { $noms = explode("-", $nom); if (strlen((int) $noms[1]) == 1) { $nomor = date('Ymd') . "-000" . ($noms[1] + 1); } else { if (strlen((int) $noms[1]) == 2) { $nomor = date('Ymd') . "-00" . ($noms[1] + 1); } else { if (strlen((int) $noms[1]) == 3) { $nomor = date('Ymd') . "-0" . ($noms[1] + 1); } else { if (strlen((int) $noms[1]) == 4) { $nomor = date('Ymd') . "-" . ($noms[1] + 1); } } } } } return $nomor; }
function BuildListData($pk = '', $nuberInFirstColumn = true) { $n = 0; $flds = array(); //echo $this->sql; $rs = mysql_query($this->sql) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($rs)) { $fldx = ""; while ($rw = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { $n++; if ($this->statu == true) { foreach ($this->fields as $fld) { empty($flds[$fld]) ? $flds[$fld] = $rw[$fld] : ($flds[$fld] = $flds[$fld] + $rw[$fld]); } } $pk == '' ? $id = $rw['id'] : ($id = $rw[$pk]); echo "<tr class='xx' id='nm-" . str_replace(' ', '_', $id) . "'>\n"; echo $nuberInFirstColumn == true ? "<td class='kotak' align='center'>{$n}</td>\n" : ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->data); $i++) { $jenis = explode('.', $this->data[$i]); $this->nom(str_replace(' ', '_', $id)); if ($jenis[1] == 't') { echo "<td class='kotak' align='center'>" . tglfromSql($rw[$jenis[0]]) . "</td>\n"; } else { if ($jenis[1] == 'd') { echo "<td class='kotak' align='right'>" . number_format($rw[$jenis[0]], 2, '.', ',') . "</td>\n"; } else { if ($jenis[1] == 'dn') { echo $this->edit == 'y' ? "<td class='kotak' align='left' nowrap>" . $this->field_inline($i + 1, number_format($rw[$jenis[0]], 2)) . "</td>\n" : "<td class='kotak' align='right'>" . number_format($rw[$jenis[0]], 2, '.', ',') . "</td>\n"; } else { echo !empty($this->kolom) && $this->kolom == $jenis[0] ? "<td class='kotak' align='left'>" . rdb($this->tabel, $this->field, '', "where " . $this->kolom . "='" . $rw[$jenis[0]] . "'") . "</td>\n" : "<td class='kotak' align='left'>" . $rw[$jenis[0]] . "</td>\n"; } } } } //add icon action eq; edit icon, delete icon, process icon echo $this->aksi == true ? "<td class='kotak' align='center' >" . $this->event($this->section . '-' . str_replace(' ', '_', $id), '', $this->jenis) . "</td></tr>\n" : "</tr>\n"; } } else { //if data not found in database echo "<tr class='xx'><td class='kotak' align='center'><img src='" . base_url() . "asset/images/16/warning_16.png'></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' colspan='" . (count($this->data) + 1) . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\tData not found in database...(0)</td></tr>"; } //add sub total if ($this->statu == true) { $clm = explode(",", $this->kol); echo "<tr class='xx j_info' align='right'>\r\n\t\t\t\t <td colspan='" . ($clm[0] - 1) . "' class='kotak'><b>TOTAL</b></td>"; // for ($z=0;$z<count($clm);$z++){ foreach ($flds as $z) { echo !empty($flds) ? "<td class='kotak'>" . number_format($z, 2) . "</td>" : "<td class='kotak'>" . $z . "</td>"; } $jmlkolom = $clm[0] + count($clm) - 1; $totalkolom = count($this->data) + 1; if ($totalkolom - $jmlkolom > 0) { for ($n = 1; $n <= $totalkolom - $jmlkolom; $n++) { echo "<td class='kotak'> </td>"; } } echo "</tr>"; } }
function list_vendor() { $data = array(); $n = 0; $nama = empty($_POST['nama']) ? $where = "where ID_Jenis='2'" : ($where = "where Nama like '%" . $_POST['nama'] . "%' and ID_Jenis='2'"); $data = $this->Admin_model->show_list('mst_anggota', $where . ' order by Nama'); foreach ($data as $row) { $n++; //tr('xx\' onClick="_show_detail(\''.$row->ID.'\');" attr=\'ax'). $cek = rdb('inv_pembelian', 'ID_Pemasok', 'ID_Pemasok', "where ID_Pemasok='" . $row->ID . "'"); echo tr() . td($n, 'center') . td($row->No_Agt, 'center') . td($row->Nama, 'xx\' onClick="_show_detail(\'' . $row->ID . '\',\'' . $row->Nama . '\');" attr=\'ax') . td($row->Alamat) . td($row->Kota) . td($row->Propinsi) . td($row->Telepon) . td($row->Faksimili) . td($cek == '' ? img_aksi($row->ID, true, 'del') : '', 'center') . _tr(); } }
function print_label() { $data = array(); $datax = array(); $kolom = 2; $n = 0; $nn = 0; $datax['list'] = $this->Admin_model->show_list('labeling', "where pp_stat='Y' order by no_spb"); $data = $this->Admin_model->show_list('labeling', "where pp_stat='Y' order by no_spb"); //print_r($data->result_array()); foreach ($data->result_array() as $row) { $nama_spb = ''; $no_spb = ''; $jw = ''; $jt_tmpo = ''; $nilai_spb = ''; $barang = ''; $nama_spb = substr(rdb('spb', 'nama_spb', 'nama_spb', "where no_spb='" . $row['no_spb'] . "'"), 0, 10); $no_spb = substr($row['no_spb'], 0, 5); $jw = $row['jw_spb']; $jt_tmpo = tglfromSql($row['jt_spb']); $nilai_spb = number_format($row['nilai_spb'], 0); $barang = $row['id_barang']; $datane = array($nama_spb, $no_spb, $jw, $jt_tmpo, $nilai_spb, $barang); $this->print_slip($n, $datane); $n++; $this->Admin_model->upd_data("labeling", "set pp_stat='P'", "where no_spb='" . $row['no_spb'] . "'"); } $n > 1 ? $z = $n % ($n / 2) : ($z = ''); $z == 1 || ($z = '') ? $zz = 1 : ($zz = 0); $this->print_slip($n + $zz, ''); $this->print_slip($n + $zz + 1, ''); $this->load->view('master/print_label', $datax); }
//echo $a->getColWidth(); // set lebar tiap kolom tabel transaksi $a->SetWidths(array(10, 70, 60, 15, 30)); // set align tiap kolom tabel transaksi $a->SetAligns(array("C", "L", "L", "C", "R")); $a->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $a->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); //$rec = $temp_rec->result(); $n = 0; $harga = 0; $hgb = 0; $hargaj = 0; $jml = 0; foreach ($temp_rec as $r) { $n++; $a->Row(array($n, $r->Nama, rdb('mst_departemen', 'Departemen', 'Departemen', "where ID='" . $r->ID_Dept . "'"), $r->Cicilan, number_format($r->Total, 2))); //sub tlot $harga = $harga + $r->Total; } $a->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $a->SetFillColor(225, 225, 225); $a->Cell(155, 8, "TOTAL", 1, 0, 'R', true); $a->Cell(30, 8, number_format($harga, 2), 1, 0, 'R', true); $a->Output('application/logs/' . $this->session->userdata('userid') . '_rekap_penjualan.pdf', 'F'); //show pdf output in frame $path = 'application/views/laporan'; $img = " <img src='" . base_url() . "asset/images/back.png' onclick='js:window.history.back();' style='cursor:pointer' title='click for select other filter data'>"; link_js('auto_sugest.js,lap_beli.js,jquery.fixedheader.js', 'asset/js,' . $path . '/js,asset/js'); panel_begin('Print Preview', '', 'Back' . $img); ?> <iframe src="<?php
function detail_kreditur() { $data = array(); $n = 0; $ID = $_POST['ID']; $ID_Agt = $_POST['ID_Agt']; $data['Agt'] = rdb('mst_anggota', 'Nama', 'Nama', "where ID='" . $_POST['ID_Agt'] . "'"); $data['Dept'] = rdb('mst_departemen', 'Departemen', 'Departemen', "where ID='" . rdb('mst_anggota', 'ID_Dept', 'ID_Dept', "where ID='" . $_POST['ID_Agt'] . "'") . "'"); $data['ID_Agt'] = $ID_Agt; $this->load->view('member/member_pinjaman_barang_detail', $data); }
function get_nm_material($str, $limit, $fld, $dest = '') { $data = array(); $where = $dest == '' ? '' : $dest; $sql = "select * from inv_barang where {$fld} like '" . $str . "%' {$where} order by kode,nama_barang limit {$limit}"; //echo $sql; $dest == '' ? $dest = 'Nama_Barang' : ($dest = $dest); $rw = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($rw)) { $data[] = array('data' => $row->{$fld}, 'description' => $row->{$dest}, 'jenis' => $row->ID_Jenis, 'kategori' => $row->ID_Kategori, 'satuan' => $row->ID_Satuan, 'nm_satuan' => rdb('inv_barang_satuan', 'Satuan', 'Satuan', "where ID='" . $row->ID_Satuan . "'"), 'nm_jenis' => rdb('inv_barang_jenis', 'JenisBarang', 'JenisBarang', "where ID='" . $row->ID_Jenis . "'"), 'status' => $row->Status, 'kode' => $row->Kode, 'pemasok' => $row->ID_Pemasok . "-" . rdb('inv_pemasok', 'Pemasok', 'Pemasok', "where ID='" . $row->ID_Pemasok . "'"), 'hargabeli' => $row->Harga_Beli, 'id_pemasok' => $row->ID_Pemasok, 'hargajual' => $row->Harga_Jual, 'id_barang' => $row->ID, 'nm_kategori' => rdb('inv_barang_kategori', 'Kategori', 'Kategori', "where ID='" . $row->ID_Kategori . "'")); } return $data; }
public function makeModel($key) { list($db, $table) = explode('_', $key, 2); return rdb($db, $table)->model(); }
function myModel($table) { return rdb(SITE_NAME, $table); }
function get_no_jurnal($str, $limit) { $data = array(); $sql = "select * from jurnal where Nomor like '%{$str}%' order by NoUrut desc limit {$limit}"; $rs = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while ($rw = mysql_fetch_object($rs)) { $data[] = array('data' => $rw->Nomor, 'description' => $rw->Keterangan, 'NoUrut' => $rw->NoUrut, 'ID_Bulan' => $rw->ID_Bulan, 'Tahun' => $rw->Tahun, 'ID' => $rw->ID, 'Nomor' => $rw->Nomor, 'Tahun' => $rw->Tahun, 'Tanggal' => tglfromSql($rw->Tanggal), 'ID_Unit' => rdb('unit_jurnal', 'Unit', 'Unit', "where ID='" . $rw->ID_Unit . "'")); } return $data; }
$a->Cell(10, 8, $nn, 1, 0, 'R', true); $a->cell(20, 8, tglfromSql($r2->Tanggal), 1, 0, 'C', true); $a->cell(20, 8, $r2->Nomor, 1, 0, 'C', true); $a->Cell(70, 8, $r2->ID_Jenis == '1' || $r2->ID_Jenis == '5' ? $r2->Jenis_Jual : $r2->Jenis_Jual . " : " . $r2->ID_Post . " - " . $r2->Deskripsi, 1, 0, "L", true); $a->Cell(73, 8, $r2->ID_Jenis == '1' || $r2->ID_Jenis == '5' ? "" : "Jatuh Tempo Tanggal : " . tglfromSql($r2->Tgl_Cicilan), 1, 1, 'L', true); $a->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $Grp = " and p.ID_Anggota='" . $r2->ID_Anggota . "' and dt.ID_Jual='" . $r2->ID_Jual . "'"; $dataz = $this->kasir_model->detail_trans_jual($where, $Grp, $orderby); foreach ($dataz as $rr2) { $x++; $a->Row(array('', $x, $rr2->Kode, ucwords($rr2->Nama_Barang), number_format($rr2->Jumlah, 2), $r2->Satuan, number_format($rr2->Harga, 2), number_format($rr2->Harga * $rr2->Jumlah, 2))); $hgb = $r2->ID_Jenis == '5' ? $hgb - $rr2->Harga * $rr2->Jumlah : $hgb + $rr2->Harga * $rr2->Jumlah; } } //sub tlot $hargaj = rdb('inv_pembayaran', 'ppn', 'sum(ppn) as ppn', "where no_transaksi='" . $r->NoUrut . "' and year(doc_date)='" . $r->Tahun . "'"); $harga = $harga + ($hgb - $hargaj); if ($hargaj != 0) { $a->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 10); $a->SetFillColor(242, 239, 219); $a->Cell(163, 8, "Potongan", 1, 0, 'R', true); $a->Cell(30, 8, number_format($hargaj, 2), 1, 1, 'R', true); } $a->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $a->SetFillColor(242, 239, 219); $a->Cell(163, 8, "Sub Total", 1, 0, 'R', true); $a->Cell(30, 8, number_format($hgb - $hargaj, 2), 1, 1, 'R', true); //grand total } $a->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $a->SetFillColor(225, 225, 225);
$a->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); // set lebar tiap kolom tabel transaksi $a->SetWidths(array(10, 25, 15, 25, 112, 32, 32, 25)); // set align tiap kolom tabel transaksi $a->SetAligns(array("C", "C", "C", "C", "L", "R", "R", "R", "R")); $a->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); //$a->Ln(1); $a->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); //$rec = $temp_rec->result(); $n = 0; $s_pokok = 0; $s_wajib = 0; $s_kusus = 0; foreach ($temp_rec as $r) { $n++; $a->Row(array($n, tglfromSql($r->Tanggal), rdb('unit_jurnal', 'unit', 'unit', "where ID='" . $r->ID_Unit . "'"), $r->Nomor, $r->Ket, number_format($r->Debet, 2), number_format($r->Kredit, 2), number_format($r->Debet - $r->Kredit, 2))); $s_pokok = $s_pokok + $r->Debet; $s_wajib = $s_wajib + $r->Kredit; } /**/ $a->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9); $a->SetFillColor(225, 225, 225); $a->Cell(187, 8, "TOTAL", 1, 0, 'R', true); $a->Cell(32, 8, number_format($s_pokok, 2), 1, 0, 'R', true); $a->Cell(32, 8, number_format($s_wajib, 2), 1, 0, 'R', true); $a->Cell(25, 8, number_format($s_pokok - $s_wajib, 2), 1, 0, 'R', true); $a->Output('application/logs/' . $this->session->userdata('userid') . '_jurnal.pdf', 'F'); //show pdf output in frame $path = 'application/views/_laporan'; $img = " <img src='" . base_url() . "asset/images/back.png' onclick='js:window.history.back();' style='cursor:pointer' title='click for select other filter data'>"; link_js('auto_sugest.js,lap_beli.js,jquery.fixedheader.js', 'asset/js,' . $path . '/js,asset/js');
public function mic($zip = 21000, $city = 'dijon') { $db = rdb('michelin', 'resto'); $page = 1; $url = "{$zip}-{$city}/page-##page##"; $urlTo = str_replace('##page##', $page, $url); $etabs = redis()->get("resto.mic.{$zip}.{$city}"); if (!$etabs) { $restos = []; $json = dwn($urlTo); $etabs = json_decode($json, true); $asyncPoiList = isAke($etabs, 'asyncPoiList', []); $stats = isAke($asyncPoiList, 'stats', []); $nbresults = (int) isAke($stats, 'tag_vm_nbresults_total', 0); $Oj = isAke($asyncPoiList, 'Oj', []); $restos = array_merge($restos, $Oj); $nbPages = ceil($nbresults / 18); for ($i = 2; $i <= $nbPages; $i++) { $urlTo = str_replace('##page##', $i, $url); $json = dwn($urlTo); $etabs = json_decode($json, true); $asyncPoiList = isAke($etabs, 'asyncPoiList', []); $Oj = isAke($asyncPoiList, 'Oj', []); $restos = array_merge($restos, $Oj); } redis()->set("resto.mic.{$zip}.{$city}", serialize($restos)); } else { $etabs = unserialize($etabs); foreach ($etabs as $etab) { $id = isAke($etab, 'id', false); if (false !== $id) { $infoUrl = "{$id}%5D&obfuscation=true&ie=UTF-8&charset=UTF-8&[0].cv&authKey=JSBS20111110142911566673070414&lg=fra&nocache=1433580926785"; $data = redis()->get("restos.mic.{$id}"); if (!$data) { $html = dwn($infoUrl); $json = Utils::cut('cv(', '}]}]})', $html) . '}]}]}'; $data = json_decode($json, true); $resto = isAke($data, 'Oj', []); if (!empty($resto)) { $resto = current($resto); $datasheets = isAke($resto, 'datasheets', []); if (!empty($datasheets)) { $numFound = false; foreach ($datasheets as $ds) { $ds['poi_id'] = $id; $dts_id = isAke($ds, 'dts_id', 'a'); if (is_numeric($dts_id)) { $numFound = true; } $resto = $ds; } redis()->set("restos.mic.{$id}", serialize($resto)); } } } else { $data = unserialize($data); $data['phone'] = (string) $data['phone']; $data['local_phone'] = (string) $data['local_phone']; $row = $db->firstOrCreate(['poi_id' => $data['poi_id']]); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (fnmatch('*phone*', $k)) { $v = str_replace('+', '', $v); } $row->{$k} = $v; } $row->save(); } } } dd($row); } }
function data_pinjaman() { $data = array(); $detail = array(); $n = 0; $x = 0; $stat = ''; $saldo = 0; $ID_Agt = $_POST['ID_Agt']; $data = $this->member_model->data_pinjaman($ID_Agt); if ($_POST['cBayar'] == 'par') { if (count($data) > 0) { foreach ($data as $r) { $n++; $x = 0; echo "<tr class='list_genap' id='n-" . $r->ID . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' colspan='2' nowrap ><b>{$n}. Tanggal : " . tglfromSql($r->Tanggal) . " - No. Faktur :" . rdb('inv_penjualan', 'Nomor', 'Nomor', "where NoUrut='" . $r->ID . "' and Tanggal='" . $r->Tanggal . "'") . "</b></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' align='right'><b>" . number_format($r->jml_pinjaman, 2) . "</b></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak'></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak'></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' colspan='1' nowrap >" . $r->keterangan . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' id='ID_Pinj' value='" . $r->ID . "'></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>"; $detail = $this->member_model->data_setoran($ID_Agt, $r->ID); $stat = ''; foreach ($detail as $d) { $x++; $saldo = $r->jml_pinjaman - ($saldo + $d->Kredit); echo "<tr class='xx'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' align='center'>{$x}</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' > •" . tglfromSql($d->Tanggal) . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak'></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' align='right'>" . number_format($d->Kredit, 2) . "<input type='hidden' class='w70 angka' value='" . $d->Kredit . "'></td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' align='right'>" . number_format($d->saldo, 2) . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' >\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<table width='100%' style='border-collapse:collapse'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr><td width='75%' id='r-" . $d->ID . "'>" . $d->keterangan . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td width='25%' align='right'>" . img_aksi($d->ID, true) . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr></table>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>"; $stat = $d->saldo == 0 ? number_format($d->Kredit, 2) : ''; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $r->lama_cicilan - $x; $i++) { $i == $r->lama_cicilan ? $cil = $r->cicilan_end : ($cil = $r->cicilan); //($stat=='')?$stat="<img src='".base_url()."asset/img/checkout.gif' id='g-".$i."' onclick=\"bayar($i);\"":$stat=$stat; echo "<tr class='xx' id='r-" . $r->ID . "'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' align='center'> </td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' >Pembayaran Ke " . $r->lama_cicilan . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' align='right'> </td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' align='right'>" . number_format($r->Saldo, 2) . "</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' align='right' nowrap >"; echo $stat == '' ? "<img src='" . base_url() . "asset/img/checkout.gif' id='g-" . $r->ID . "' onclick=\"bayar('" . $r->ID . "','" . $r->Tahun . "');\">" : $stat; echo "</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class='kotak' align='right'> </td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>"; } } } else { echo tr() . td('Tidak ada tagihan', 'kotak\' colspan=\'6') . _tr(); } } else { $jml = 0; $kred = 0; $sal = 0; foreach ($data as $r) { $n++; echo tr('xx') . td("<b>{$n}. Tanggal : " . tglfromSql($r->Tanggal) . " - No. Faktur :" . rdb('inv_penjualan', 'Nomor', 'Nomor', "where NoUrut='" . $r->ID . "' and Tanggal='" . $r->Tanggal . "'"), 'left\' nowrap colspan=\'2') . td(number_format($r->jml_pinjaman, 2), 'right') . td(number_format($r->Kredit, 2), 'right') . td(number_format($r->Saldo, 2), 'right') . td($r->keterangan, 'left\' nowrap=\'nowrap') . _tr(); $jml = $jml + $r->jml_pinjaman; $kred = $kred + $r->Kredit; $sal = $sal + $r->Saldo; } echo tr('xx list_genap', "r-" . $r->ID_Agt) . td('<b>Total Tagihan</b>', 'right\' colspan=\'2') . td('<b>' . number_format($jml, 2) . '</b>', 'right') . td('<b>' . number_format($kred, 2) . '</b>', 'right') . td('<b>' . number_format($sal, 2) . '</b>', 'right') . td($sal != 0 ? "<img src='" . base_url() . "asset/img/checkout.gif' id='g-" . $r->ID_Agt . "' onclick=\"bayarAll('" . $r->ID_Agt . "','" . $r->Tahun . "');\">" : '<b>LUNAS</b>', 'center') . _tr(); } }
function laba_graph($thn, $bln) { $t_days = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $bln, $thn); $xml = fopen($this->user . '_graph_labarugi.xml', 'w'); fwrite($xml, "<graph caption='Grafik Aliran Kas' subcaption='Periode :" . nBulan($bln) . " " . $thn . "' xAxisName='Bulan' yAxisName='Value' showValues= '1' showLabels='1' showValues='2'>\r\n"); //create category by jenis penjuallan ( tunai,giro,cheque,Kredit,return fwrite($xml, "<categories>\r\n"); //while($rw=mysql_fetch_object($rcat)){ for ($i = 1; $i <= $t_days; $i++) { fwrite($xml, "<category name='" . $i . "'/>\r\n"); } fwrite($xml, "</categories>\r\n"); $color = array('', '1D8BD1', 'F1683C', '2AD62A', 'DBDC25', 'D2DCDD'); fwrite($xml, "<dataset seriesName='Rugi Laba' color='" . $color[3] . "'>\r\n"); for ($x = 1; $x <= $t_days; $x++) { $ii = strlen($x) == 1 ? '0' . $x : $x; $val = 0; $laba = 0; $cat1 = "select sum(dt.jumlah*dt.harga) as Jual,sum(dt.Jumlah*b.Harga_Beli) as Harga_Beli\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom inv_penjualan_detail as dt\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tleft join inv_material_stok as b\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ton b.id_barang=dt.ID_Barang and b.batch=dt.Batch\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere Tanggal ='" . $thn . '-' . $bln . '-' . $ii . "' and ID_Jenis!='5'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tgroup by concat(dt.Tanggal)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\torder by dt.Tanggal"; $val = rdb('mst_kas_trans', 'jumlah', "sum(jumlah) as jumlah", "where tgl_trans='" . $thn . '-' . $bln . '-' . $ii . "' group by tgl_trans order by tgl_trans"); $rcat1 = mysql_query($cat1) or die(mysql_error()); while ($rw1 = mysql_fetch_object($rcat1)) { $laba = $rw1->Jual - $rw1->Harga_Beli; } $val = $val == '' && $laba == '' ? '' : $laba - $val; fwrite($xml, "<set name='" . $ii . "' value='" . $val . "'/>\r\n"); } fwrite($xml, "</dataset>\r\n"); fwrite($xml, "</graph>\r\n"); }
public function retrieve($model, $pivot) { if (!is_object($model)) { throw new Exception('the first argument must be a model.'); } if (!strlen($model->id)) { throw new Exception("attach method requires a valid model 1."); } $names = [(string) $model->db()->table, (string) $pivot]; asort($names); $from = current($names); $to = end($names); if ($from == $model->db()->table) { $rows = Model::Pivot()->where(['from_table', '=', (string) $from])->where(['from_id', '=', (int) $model->id])->where(['from_db', '=', (string) $model->db()->db])->where(['to_table', '=', (string) $pivot])->exec(true); } else { $rows = Model::Pivot()->where(['from_table', '=', (string) $from])->where(['to_id', '=', (int) $model->id])->where(['to_db', '=', (string) $model->db()->db])->where(['to_table', '=', (string) $model->db()->table])->exec(true); } $collection = lib('collection'); foreach ($rows as $row) { $tab = $row->toArray(); unset($tab['to_db']); unset($tab['to_table']); unset($tab['to_id']); unset($tab['from_db']); unset($tab['from_table']); unset($tab['from_id']); unset($tab['id']); unset($tab['created_at']); unset($tab['updated_at']); if ($from == $model->db()->table) { $object = rdb((string) $row->to_db, (string) $row->to_table)->find((int) $row->to_id)->toArray(); } else { $object = rdb((string) $row->from_db, (string) $row->from_table)->find((int) $row->from_id)->toArray(); } if (!empty($tab)) { $object['pivot'] = $tab; } $collection[] = $object; } return $collection; }
public function take($what, $where = null, $object = false) { $collection = []; if (is_string($what)) { if (fnmatch('*,*', $what)) { $what = str_replace(' ', '', $what); $what = explode(',', $what); } else { $what = [$what]; } $res = empty($this->results) ? $this->orm->get($object) : $this->results; foreach ($res as $r) { if (is_object($r)) { $row = $r->assoc(); } else { $row = $r; } foreach ($what as $fk) { if (!fnmatch('*s', $fk)) { $value = isAke($row, $fk . '_id', false); if (false !== $value) { $query = rdb($this->db, $fk)->where(['id', '=', (int) $value]); if (!empty($where) && is_array($where)) { $first = current($where); if (is_string($first)) { $query = $query->where($where); } else { $query = $query->multiQuery($where); } } $obj = $query->first($object); if ($obj) { if (is_object($r)) { $r->{$fk} = $obj; } else { $row[$fk] = $obj; } $collection[] = is_object($r) ? $r : $row; } } } else { $query = rdb($this->db, substr($fk, 0, -1))->where([$this->table . '_id', '=', (int) $row['id']]); if (!empty($where) && is_array($where)) { $first = current($where); if (is_string($first)) { $query = $query->where($where); } else { $query = $query->multiQuery($where); } } $objs = $query->get($object); if (!empty($objs)) { if (is_object($r)) { $r->{$fk} = $objs; } else { $row[$fk] = $objs; } $collection[] = is_object($r) ? $r : $row; } } } } } $this->results = $collection; return $this; }
public function getDataObject($object) { list($db, $table, $id) = explode('.', $object, 3); $dataObject = rdb($db, $table)->find($id); if ($dataObject) { return $dataObject; } return false; }
function get_stock_limit() { $data = array(); $n = 0; $where = $this->input->post('Kategori') == '' ? '' : "where im.ID_Kategori='" . $this->input->post('Kategori') . "' and ms.Stock<>'0'"; $orderby = $this->input->post('orderby') ? '' : "order by " . str_replace('-', ',', $this->input->post('orderby')) . " "; $orderby .= $this->input->post('urutan') ? '' : ' ' . $this->input->post('urutan'); $data['kategori'] = rdb('inv_barang_kategori', 'Kategori', 'Kategori', "where ID='" . $this->input->post('Kategori') . "'"); $data['temp_rec'] = $this->report_model->stock_list($where, 'stocklimit', $orderby); $this->zetro_auth->menu_id(array('trans_beli')); $this->list_data($data); $this->View("laporan/transaksi/lap_stock_limit_print"); }
public function addZone($address) { $urlLocalisation = "" . urlencode($address) . "&favorite_country=250&language=FRE&loc_format=geojson"; $keyJsonLocal = 'pois.' . sha1($address); $json = redis()->get($keyJsonLocal); if (!$json) { $json = dwn($urlLocalisation); redis()->set($keyJsonLocal, $json); } $tab = json_decode($json, true); if (isset($tab['addresses'])) { if (isset($tab['addresses']['features'])) { if (!empty($tab['addresses']['features'])) { $coords = current($tab['addresses']['features']); $bbox = isAke($coords, 'bbox', false); if (false !== $bbox && count($bbox) == 4) { $lng1 = str_replace(',', '.', $bbox[0]); $lat1 = str_replace(',', '.', $bbox[1]); $lng2 = str_replace(',', '.', $bbox[2]); $lat2 = str_replace(',', '.', $bbox[3]); return $zone = rdb('geo', 'zone')->firstOrCreate(['address' => Inflector::lower($address), 'lat1' => $lat1, 'lng1' => $lng1, 'lat2' => $lat2, 'lng2' => $lng2]); } } } } }
function get_bank() { $data = array(); $str = $_GET['str']; $limit = $_GET['limit']; $fld = rdb('mst_anggota', 'Nama', 'Nama', "where ID='" . $_GET['fld'] . "'"); $data = $this->inv_model->get_bank($str); echo json_encode($data); }
function member_detail() { $data = array(); $no_anggota = $_POST['no_anggota']; $data['kunci'] = $no_anggota; $data['no_anggota'] = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field('mst_anggota', 'No_Agt', "where ID='" . $no_anggota . "'"); $data['nm_anggota'] = $this->Admin_model->show_single_field('mst_anggota', 'Nama', "where ID='" . $no_anggota . "'"); $data['id_department'] = rdb('mst_departemen', 'Departemen', 'Departemen', "where ID='" . $this->Admin_model->show_single_field('mst_anggota', 'ID_Dept', "where ID='" . $no_anggota . "'") . "'"); $data['transaksi'] = $this->member_model->summary_member_data($no_anggota); $this->load->view('member/member_detail', $data); }
public function searchNearByAddress($address, $query) { $collection = lib('collection'); $coords = lib('geo')->getCoords($address); $url = '' . $coords['lat1'] . ',' . $coords['lng1'] . ',' . $coords['lat2'] . ',' . $coords['lng2'] . '&q=' . urlencode($query) . '&favorite_country=' . $coords['country_id'] . '&language=FRE&&max_results=199'; dd($url); $key = 'serach.near.' . sha1($url); $json = redis()->get($key); if (!$json) { $json = dwn($url); redis()->set($key, $json); } $data = json_decode($json, true); $pois = isAke($data, 'pois', []); foreach ($pois as $service) { $dbService = rdb('geo', 'service')->where(['code', '=', $service['rubricId']])->first(true); if ($dbService) { $id = $dbService->id; } else { if (isset($service['allRubrics'])) { if (count($service['allRubrics'])) { foreach ($service['allRubrics'] as $rubrikA) { $idr = isAke($rubrikA, 'id'); $lr = isAke($rubrikA, 'label'); $pr = isAke($rubrikA, 'rubricParentId'); if ($idr == $service['rubricId']) { $spi = rdb('geo', 'service')->firstOrCreate(['code' => $idr])->setLabel($lr)->setFamily($pr)->save(); $id = $spi->id; } } } } } $serviceproxIds = $supplements = []; $serviceproxIds[] = $id; $poi = $service['id']; $checkEtab = rdb('geo', 'etablissement')->where(['poi', '=', (string) $poi])->first(true); $add = $checkEtab ? false : true; unset($service['id']); if (false === $add) { $service['id'] = $checkEtab->id; } unset($service['offer']); unset($service['prov']); unset($service['pjBlocId']); unset($service['thematicId']); if (isset($service['tabs'])) { if (count($service['tabs'])) { foreach ($service['tabs'] as $tmp) { $tmpUrl = isAke($tmp, 'url', false); $tmpId = isAke($tmp, 'appId', false); if (false !== $tmpUrl && false !== $tmpId) { $key = 'inf.' . $poi . '.' . $tmpId; if ($tmpId == 'pj') { $inf = redis()->get($key); if (empty($inf)) { $infHtml = dwn($tmpUrl); $inf = substr($infHtml, strlen('callback('), -1); redis()->set($key, $inf); } $inf = json_decode($inf, true); $t = isAke($inf, 'tabs', []); if (!empty($t)) { foreach ($t as $tmpT) { $b = isAke($tmpT, 'blocks', []); $t = isAke($tmpT, 'tags', []); if (!empty($b)) { for ($ti = 0; $ti < count($b); $ti += 2) { $seg = $b[$ti]; $seg2 = $b[$ti + 1]; if (is_array($seg) && is_array($seg2)) { $title = isAke($seg, 'title', false); $kv = isAke($seg2, 'keyValue', false); if (false !== $title && false !== $kv) { $title = Inflector::urlize($title); foreach ($kv as $tmpRow) { $supplements[$title][] = [$tmpRow['key'] => $tmpRow['value']]; } } } } } } } } elseif ($tmpId == 'indoor') { } elseif ($tmpId == 'localbusinesspremium') { } elseif ($tmpId == 'total') { } elseif ($tmpId == 'totalaccess') { } elseif ($tmpId == 'darty') { } elseif ($tmpId == 'eleclerc') { } elseif ($tmpId == 'moteurproduitpromo') { } elseif ($tmpId == 'mappyshopping') { } elseif ($tmpId == 'booking') { $inf = redis()->get($key); if (empty($inf)) { $infHtml = dwn($tmpUrl); $inf = substr($infHtml, strlen('callback('), -1); redis()->set($key, $inf); } $inf = json_decode($inf, true); /* TODO */ } elseif ($tmpId == 'localbusinessdiscovery') { $inf = redis()->get($key); if (empty($inf)) { $infHtml = dwn($tmpUrl); $inf = substr($infHtml, strlen('callback('), -1); redis()->set($key, $inf); } $inf = json_decode($inf, true); $t = isAke($inf, 'tabs', []); if (!empty($t)) { foreach ($t as $tmpT) { $b = isAke($tmpT, 'blocks', []); if (!empty($b)) { foreach ($b as $tmpB) { $kv = isAke($tmpB, 'keyValue', false); if (false !== $kv) { foreach ($kv as $tmpRow) { $tmpK = Inflector::urlize($tmpRow['key']); $supplements['infos'][$tmpK] = $tmpRow['value']; } } } } } } } else { $inf = redis()->get($key); if (empty($inf)) { $infHtml = dwn($tmpUrl); $inf = substr($infHtml, strlen('callback('), -1); redis()->set($key, $inf); } $inf = json_decode($inf, true); } } } } } unset($service['tabs']); unset($service['contextualPoiUrl']); unset($service['providerIds']); unset($service['pjRatingId']); unset($service['hasUnclaimableProvider']); unset($service['additionalInfos']); unset($service['additionalInfo']); unset($service['coordinateProvider']); unset($service['coordinateProvider3D']); unset($service['offerType']); unset($service['rubricId']); unset($service['closestPanoramicId']); if (isset($service['allRubrics'])) { if (count($service['allRubrics'])) { foreach ($service['allRubrics'] as $rubrikA) { $idr = isAke($rubrikA, 'id'); $lr = isAke($rubrikA, 'label'); $pr = isAke($rubrikA, 'rubricParentId'); $spi = rdb('geo', 'service')->firstOrCreate(['code' => $idr])->setLabel($lr)->setFamily($pr)->save(); } } unset($service['allRubrics']); } if (isset($service['additionalRubricIds'])) { if (count($service['additionalRubricIds'])) { foreach ($service['additionalRubricIds'] as $newRubrique) { $spi = rdb('geo', 'service')->firstOrCreate(['code' => $newRubrique]); $serviceproxIds[] = $spi->id; } } } unset($service['additionalRubricIds']); unset($service['brandIconUrl']); unset($service['slat']); unset($service['slng']); unset($service['salt']); unset($service['brand']); unset($service['indoors']); unset($service['visibleIn3D']); unset($service['townCode']); if (isset($service['town'])) { $service['city'] = $service['town']; unset($service['town']); } if (isset($service['positions3D'])) { if (isset($service['positions3D']['origin'])) { if (isset($service['positions3D']['origin']['alt'])) { $service['altitude'] = $service['positions3D']['origin']['alt']; unset($service['positions3D']); } } } if (isset($service['way'])) { $service['address'] = $service['way']; unset($service['way']); } if (isset($service['pCode'])) { $service['zip'] = $service['pCode']; unset($service['pCode']); unset($service['positions3D']); } if (isset($service['lat']) && isset($service['lng'])) { $distances = distanceKmMiles($coords['lng1'], $coords['lat1'], $service['lng'], $service['lat']); $service['distance'] = (double) $distances['km']; } ksort($service); $service['poi'] = $poi; if (false === $add) { $collection[] = $service; } if (true === $add) { $distance = $service['distance']; unset($service['distance']); $etab = rdb('geo', 'etablissement')->firstOrCreate($service)->setPoi($poi)->save(); setLocation($etab, $etab->lng, $etab->lat); if (!empty($supplements)) { foreach ($supplements as $supK => $supV) { $setter = setter($supK); $etab->{$setter}($supV); } $etab->save(); } $fields = $etab->_keys(); $sFields = array_merge(array_keys($service), array_keys($supplements)); $except = ['id', 'poi', 'created_at', 'updated_at']; $resave = false; $expurge = []; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!in_array($field, $except)) { if (!in_array($field, $sFields)) { $expurge[] = $field; $etab = $etab->expurge($field); $resave = true; } } } if (true === $resave) { $etab = $etab->save(); } foreach ($serviceproxIds as $serviceproxId) { $spTmp = rdb('geo', 'service')->find((int) $serviceproxId); $spTmp->attach($etab); } $zone = rdb('geo', 'zone')->find(1); $zone->attach($etab); $service['new'] = true; $service['id'] = $etab->id; $service['distance'] = $distance; } $collection[] = $service; } if (!empty($collection)) { $tuples = $new = []; $collection->sortBy('distance'); foreach ($collection as $row) { $hasPoi = isAke($row, 'poi', false); if (false === $hasPoi) { $new[] = $row; } else { $poi = sha1($hasPoi); if (!in_array($poi, $tuples)) { $tuples[] = $poi; $new[] = $row; } } } $collection = lib('collection', [$new]); } return $collection->toArray(); }