function process_request($request)
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-format.php';
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-posts.php';
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-post-create.php';
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'mp-db-users.php';
     // report that we entered this page
     qa_report_event('page_enter', qa_get_logged_in_userid(), qa_get_logged_in_handle(), qa_cookie_get(), array('params' => $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
     // create the editor and update its content
     qa_get_post_content('editor', 'content', $ineditor, $incontent, $informat, $intext);
     $editorname = isset($ineditor) ? $ineditor : qa_opt('editor_for_qs');
     $editor = qa_load_editor(@$incontent, @$informat, $editorname);
     // retrieve variable data
     $innotify = qa_post_text('notify') ? true : false;
     // handle creation of annoucement
     if (qa_post_text('docreate')) {
         //retrieve data
         $title = qa_post_text('title');
         $content = $incontent;
         $format = $informat;
         // validate data
         // handle create work
         // actual create process is in file mp-app-posts.php
         $postid = qa_post_create('AN', null, $title, $content, $format, mp_get_categoryid(), null, qa_get_logged_in_userid(), $innotify);
         // redirect page
         // our work is done here
     $qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
     // if the user is not logged in, request user to login
     if (!qa_get_logged_in_userid()) {
         $qa_content['error'] = qa_insert_login_links('Please ^1log in^2 or ^3register^4 first.', $request);
         return $qa_content;
     $qa_content['title'] = 'Create Announcement';
     $qa_content['form_newannouncement'] = array('tags' => 'METHOD="POST" ACTION="' . qa_self_html() . '"', 'style' => 'tall', 'fields' => array('title' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('announcements/a_title_label'), 'tags' => 'NAME="title"', 'value' => qa_html(qa_post_text('title')), 'error' => qa_html(@$errors['title'])), 'content' => array_merge($editor->get_field($qa_content, @$incontent, @$informat, 'content', 12, false), array('label' => qa_lang_html('announcements/a_content_label'), 'error' => qa_html(@$errors['content']))), 'notify' => array('label' => 'Send email notification to all registered students', 'tags' => 'NAME="notify"', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => qa_html($innotify))), 'buttons' => array('ok' => array('tags' => 'NAME="docreate"', 'label' => 'Create Announcement', 'value' => '1')), 'hidden' => array('hiddenfield' => '1', 'editor' => qa_html($editorname)));
     // create the sub menu for navigation
     $qa_content['navigation']['sub'] = mp_announcements_sub_navigation();
     $qa_content['navigation']['sub']['create']['selected'] = true;
     return $qa_content;
Пример #2
$in['title'] = qa_post_text('title');
// allow title and tags to be posted by an external form
$in['extra'] = qa_opt('extra_field_active') ? qa_post_text('extra') : null;
if (qa_using_tags()) {
    $in['tags'] = qa_get_tags_field_value('tags');
if (qa_clicked('doask')) {
    require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-post-create.php';
    require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-util-string.php';
    $categoryids = array_keys(qa_category_path($categories, @$in['categoryid']));
    $userlevel = qa_user_level_for_categories($categoryids);
    $in['name'] = qa_post_text('name');
    $in['notify'] = qa_post_text('notify') ? true : false;
    $in['email'] = qa_post_text('email');
    $in['queued'] = qa_user_moderation_reason($userlevel) ? true : false;
    qa_get_post_content('editor', 'content', $in['editor'], $in['content'], $in['format'], $in['text']);
    $errors = array();
    if (!qa_check_form_security_code('ask', qa_post_text('code'))) {
        $errors['page'] = qa_lang_html('misc/form_security_again');
    } else {
        $filtermodules = qa_load_modules_with('filter', 'filter_question');
        foreach ($filtermodules as $filtermodule) {
            $oldin = $in;
            $filtermodule->filter_question($in, $errors, null);
            qa_update_post_text($in, $oldin);
        if (qa_using_categories() && count($categories) && !qa_opt('allow_no_category') && !isset($in['categoryid'])) {
            $errors['categoryid'] = qa_lang_html('question/category_required');
        } elseif (qa_user_permit_error('permit_post_q', null, $userlevel)) {
            $errors['categoryid'] = qa_lang_html('question/category_ask_not_allowed');
function qa_page_q_edit_c_submit($comment, $question, $parent, &$in, &$errors)
    $commentid = $comment['postid'];
    $prefix = 'c' . $commentid . '_';
    $in = array();
    if ($comment['isbyuser']) {
        $in['name'] = qa_post_text($prefix . 'name');
        $in['notify'] = qa_post_text($prefix . 'notify') ? true : false;
        $in['email'] = qa_post_text($prefix . 'email');
    if (!qa_user_post_permit_error('permit_edit_silent', $comment)) {
        $in['silent'] = qa_post_text($prefix . 'silent');
    qa_get_post_content($prefix . 'editor', $prefix . 'content', $in['editor'], $in['content'], $in['format'], $in['text']);
    // here the $in array only contains values for parts of the form that were displayed, so those are only ones checked by filters
    $errors = array();
    if (!qa_check_form_security_code('edit-' . $commentid, qa_post_text($prefix . 'code'))) {
        $errors['content'] = qa_lang_html('misc/form_security_again');
    } else {
        $in['queued'] = qa_opt('moderate_edited_again') && qa_user_moderation_reason(qa_user_level_for_post($comment));
        $filtermodules = qa_load_modules_with('filter', 'filter_comment');
        foreach ($filtermodules as $filtermodule) {
            $oldin = $in;
            $filtermodule->filter_comment($in, $errors, $question, $parent, $comment);
            qa_update_post_text($in, $oldin);
        if (empty($errors)) {
            $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
            $handle = qa_get_logged_in_handle();
            $cookieid = qa_cookie_get();
            if (!isset($in['silent'])) {
                $in['silent'] = false;
            $setnotify = $comment['isbyuser'] ? qa_combine_notify_email($comment['userid'], $in['notify'], $in['email']) : $comment['notify'];
            qa_comment_set_content($comment, $in['content'], $in['format'], $in['text'], $setnotify, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $question, $parent, @$in['name'], $in['queued'], $in['silent']);
            return true;
    return false;
Пример #4
function qa_page_q_add_c_submit($question, $parent, $commentsfollows, $usecaptcha, &$in, &$errors)
    $parentid = $parent['postid'];
    $prefix = 'c' . $parentid . '_';
    $in = array('name' => qa_post_text($prefix . 'name'), 'notify' => qa_post_text($prefix . 'notify') !== null, 'email' => qa_post_text($prefix . 'email'), 'queued' => qa_user_moderation_reason(qa_user_level_for_post($parent)) !== false);
    qa_get_post_content($prefix . 'editor', $prefix . 'content', $in['editor'], $in['content'], $in['format'], $in['text']);
    $errors = array();
    if (!qa_check_form_security_code('comment-' . $parent['postid'], qa_post_text($prefix . 'code'))) {
        $errors['content'] = qa_lang_html('misc/form_security_again');
    } else {
        $filtermodules = qa_load_modules_with('filter', 'filter_comment');
        foreach ($filtermodules as $filtermodule) {
            $oldin = $in;
            $filtermodule->filter_comment($in, $errors, $question, $parent, null);
            qa_update_post_text($in, $oldin);
        if ($usecaptcha) {
        if (empty($errors)) {
            $testwords = implode(' ', qa_string_to_words($in['content']));
            foreach ($commentsfollows as $comment) {
                if ($comment['basetype'] == 'C' && $comment['parentid'] == $parentid && !$comment['hidden']) {
                    if (implode(' ', qa_string_to_words($comment['content'])) == $testwords) {
                        $errors['content'] = qa_lang_html('question/duplicate_content');
        if (empty($errors)) {
            $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
            $handle = qa_get_logged_in_handle();
            $cookieid = isset($userid) ? qa_cookie_get() : qa_cookie_get_create();
            // create a new cookie if necessary
            $commentid = qa_comment_create($userid, $handle, $cookieid, $in['content'], $in['format'], $in['text'], $in['notify'], $in['email'], $question, $parent, $commentsfollows, $in['queued'], $in['name']);
            return $commentid;
    return null;
function qa_page_q_edit_c_submit($comment, $question, $parent, &$in, &$errors)
    $commentid = $comment['postid'];
    $prefix = 'c' . $commentid . '_';
    $in = array();
    if ($comment['isbyuser']) {
        $in['notify'] = qa_post_text($prefix . 'notify') ? true : false;
        $in['email'] = qa_post_text($prefix . 'email');
    qa_get_post_content($prefix . 'editor', $prefix . 'content', $in['editor'], $in['content'], $in['format'], $in['text']);
    $errors = array();
    $filtermodules = qa_load_modules_with('filter', 'filter_comment');
    foreach ($filtermodules as $filtermodule) {
        $oldin = $in;
        $filtermodule->filter_comment($in, $errors, $question, $parent, $comment);
        qa_update_post_text($in, $oldin);
    if (empty($errors)) {
        $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
        $handle = qa_get_logged_in_handle();
        $cookieid = qa_cookie_get();
        qa_comment_set_content($comment, $in['content'], $in['format'], $in['text'], $comment['isbyuser'] ? qa_combine_notify_email($comment['userid'], $in['notify'], $in['email']) : $comment['notify'], $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $question, $parent);
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #6
    public function process_request($request)
        $qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
        $category_1 = qa_opt('qa_blog_cat_1');
        $category_2 = qa_opt('qa_blog_cat_2');
        $category_3 = qa_opt('qa_blog_cat_3');
        $category_4 = qa_opt('qa_blog_cat_4');
        $category_5 = qa_opt('qa_blog_cat_5');
        $html = "";
        $postid = qa_request_part(1);
        if (isset($postid)) {
            $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT * FROM ^blog_posts WHERE `postid` LIKE #', $postid);
            if ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
                $userid = $row['userid'];
                $author = handleLinkForID($row['userid']);
                $editor = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
                if ($userid >= $editor) {
                    if (qa_clicked('doedit')) {
                        $in = array();
                        qa_get_post_content('editor', 'content', $in['editor'], $in['content'], $in['format'], $in['text']);
                        $in['title'] = qa_post_text('title');
                        $in['category'] = qa_post_text('category');
                        if (strlen($in['title']) < 10 || strlen($in['content']) < 50 || $in['category'] !== 'cat_0' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_1' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_2' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_3' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_4' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_5') {
                            if (strlen($in['title']) < 10) {
                                $errors['title'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/error_title');
                            if (strlen($in['content']) < 50) {
                                $errors['content'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/error_content');
                            if ($in['category'] !== 'cat_0' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_1' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_2' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_3' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_4' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_5') {
                                $errors['type'] = 'Invalid category';
                        } else {
                            $type = 0;
                            if ($in['category'] === 'cat_1') {
                                $type = 1;
                            } else {
                                if ($in['category'] === 'cat_2') {
                                    $type = 2;
                                } else {
                                    if ($in['category'] === 'cat_3') {
                                        $type = 3;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($in['category'] === 'cat_4') {
                                            $type = 4;
                                        } else {
                                            if ($in['category'] === 'cat_5') {
                                                $type = 5;
                            $result = qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^blog_posts SET updated=NOW(), title=$, content=$, type=#, format=$ WHERE postid=#', $in['title'], $in['content'], $type, 'markdown', $postid);
                            header('location:' . qa_path_to_root() . '/blog/' . $postid);
                    } else {
                        if (qa_clicked('doresetoptions')) {
                            $in = array();
                            qa_get_post_content('editor', 'content', $in['editor'], $in['content'], $in['format'], $in['text']);
                            $in['title'] = qa_post_text('title');
                            $in['category'] = qa_post_text('category');
                            if (strlen($in['title']) < 10 || strlen($in['content']) < 50 || $in['category'] !== 'cat_0' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_1' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_2' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_3' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_4' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_5') {
                                if (strlen($in['title']) < 10) {
                                    $errors['title'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/error_title');
                                if (strlen($in['content']) < 50) {
                                    $errors['content'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/error_content');
                                if ($in['category'] !== 'cat_0' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_1' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_2' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_3' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_4' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_5') {
                                    $errors['type'] = 'Invalid category';
                            } else {
                                $type = 0;
                                if ($in['category'] === 'cat_1') {
                                    $type = 1;
                                } else {
                                    if ($in['category'] === 'cat_2') {
                                        $type = 2;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($in['category'] === 'cat_3') {
                                            $type = 3;
                                        } else {
                                            if ($in['category'] === 'cat_4') {
                                                $type = 4;
                                            } else {
                                                if ($in['category'] === 'cat_5') {
                                                    $type = 5;
                                $result = qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^blog_posts SET updated=NOW(), title=$, content=$, type=#, format=$ WHERE postid=#', $in['title'], $in['content'], $type, 'draft', $postid);
                                header('location:' . qa_path_to_root() . '/blog/' . $postid);
                        } else {
                            if (qa_clicked('dogoback')) {
                            } else {
                                if (qa_clicked('dosaveoptions')) {
                                } else {
                                    if (qa_clicked('docancel')) {
                $qa_content['title'] = 'Editing: ' . $row['title'];
                $userpostslink = '/user/' . qa_get_logged_in_handle() . '/articles';
                $editorname = isset($in['editor']) ? $in['editor'] : qa_opt('editor_for_qs');
                $editor = qa_load_editor(@$in['content'], @$in['format'], $editorname);
                $field = qa_editor_load_field($editor, $qa_content, @$in['content'], @$in['format'], 'content', 12, false);
                $typeoptions = array('cat_1' => $category_1, 'cat_2' => $category_2, 'cat_3' => $category_3, 'cat_4' => $category_4, 'cat_5' => $category_5);
                $qa_content['form'] = array('tags' => 'name="edit" method="post" action="' . qa_self_html() . '"', 'style' => 'tall', 'fields' => array('title' => array('label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/post_title'), 'tags' => 'name="title" id="title" autocomplete="off"', 'value' => $row['title'], 'rows' => 2, 'error' => qa_html(@$errors['title'])), 'category' => array('label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/post_cat'), 'type' => 'select', 'tags' => 'name="category"', 'options' => $typeoptions, 'error' => qa_html(@$errors['type'])), 'similar' => array('type' => 'custom', 'html' => '<span id="similar"></span>'), 'content' => array('value' => $row['content'], 'tags' => 'name="content"', 'error' => qa_html(@$errors['content']), 'rows' => 4)), 'buttons' => array('edit' => array('tags' => 'onclick="qa_show_waiting_after(this, false); ' . (method_exists($editor, 'update_script') ? $editor->update_script('content') : '') . '"', 'label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/update_button')), 'save' => array('tags' => 'name="doresetoptions"', 'label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/draft_button')), 'hide' => array('tags' => 'name="dosaveoptions"', 'label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/hide_button')), 'goback' => array('tags' => 'name="dogoback"', 'label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/cancel_button')), 'cancel' => array('tags' => 'name="docancel"', 'label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/delete_button'))), 'hidden' => array('editor' => qa_html($editorname), 'code' => qa_get_form_security_code('article'), 'doedit' => '1'));
                $html = "<h2>" . qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/past_post') . "</h2>";
                $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
                $result = qa_db_query_sub("SELECT * FROM ^blog_posts WHERE userid =  '{$userid}' ORDER BY posted DESC");
                $i = 0;
                while ($blob = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
                    $html .= '<ul><li><h3><a href="blog/' . $blob['postid'] . '/' . seoUrl3($blob['title']) . '">' . $blob['title'] . '</a><h3></li></ul>';
                if ($i == 0) {
                    $html .= qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/post_null');
                $html .= '';
                $qa_content['custom2'] = $html;
            } else {
                $site_url = qa_opt('site_url');
                $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/title_error');
                $qa_content['error'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/edit_error') . '<a href=' . $site_url . '/blog/>
		' . qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/edit_error1') . '</a>';
                $qa_content['custom2'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/edit_note');
            return $qa_content;
Пример #7
            $qa_content['error'] = qa_lang_html('users/no_permission');
    return $qa_content;
//	Process input
$usecaptcha = qa_user_use_captcha('captcha_on_anon_post');
$intitle = qa_post_text('title');
// allow title and tags to be posted by an external form
$intags = qa_get_tags_field_value('tags');
if (qa_clicked('doask')) {
    require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-post-create.php';
    require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-util-string.php';
    $innotify = qa_post_text('notify') ? true : false;
    $inemail = qa_post_text('email');
    qa_get_post_content('editor', 'content', $ineditor, $incontent, $informat, $intext);
    $tagstring = qa_tags_to_tagstring($intags);
    $errors = qa_question_validate($intitle, $incontent, $informat, $intext, $tagstring, $innotify, $inemail);
    if (qa_using_categories() && count($categories) && !qa_opt('allow_no_category') && !isset($incategoryid)) {
        $errors['category'] = qa_lang_html('question/category_required');
    if ($usecaptcha) {
        require_once 'qa-app-captcha.php';
        qa_captcha_validate($_POST, $errors);
    if (empty($errors)) {
        if (!isset($qa_login_userid)) {
            $qa_cookieid = qa_cookie_get_create();
        // create a new cookie if necessary
        $questionid = qa_question_create($followanswer, $qa_login_userid, qa_get_logged_in_handle(), $qa_cookieid, $intitle, $incontent, $informat, $intext, $tagstring, $innotify, $inemail, $incategoryid);
 function doctype()
     if ($this->request == 'admin/permissions' && function_exists('qa_register_plugin_phrases') && qa_get_logged_in_level() >= QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) {
         $permits[] = 'expert_question_ask';
         $permits[] = 'expert_question_roles';
         foreach ($permits as $optionname) {
             $value = qa_opt($optionname);
             $optionfield = array('id' => $optionname, 'label' => qa_lang_html('expert_question/' . $optionname) . ':', 'tags' => 'NAME="option_' . $optionname . '" ID="option_' . $optionname . '"', 'error' => qa_html(@$errors[$optionname]));
             $widest = QA_PERMIT_USERS;
             $narrowest = QA_PERMIT_ADMINS;
             $permitoptions = qa_admin_permit_options($widest, $narrowest, !QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS && qa_opt('confirm_user_emails'));
             if (count($permitoptions) > 1) {
                 qa_optionfield_make_select($optionfield, $permitoptions, $value, $value == QA_PERMIT_CONFIRMED ? QA_PERMIT_USERS : min(array_keys($permitoptions)));
             $this->content['form']['fields'][$optionname] = $optionfield;
             $this->content['form']['fields'][$optionname . '_points'] = array('id' => $optionname . '_points', 'tags' => 'NAME="option_' . $optionname . '_points" ID="option_' . $optionname . '_points"', 'type' => 'number', 'value' => qa_opt($optionname . '_points'), 'prefix' => qa_lang_html('admin/users_must_have') . '&nbsp;', 'note' => qa_lang_html('admin/points'));
             $checkboxtodisplay[$optionname . '_points'] = '(option_' . $optionname . '==' . qa_js(QA_PERMIT_POINTS) . ') ||(option_' . $optionname . '==' . qa_js(QA_PERMIT_POINTS_CONFIRMED) . ')';
         qa_set_display_rules($this->content, $checkboxtodisplay);
     $this->expert_user = $this->is_expert_user();
     if (!$this->expert_user) {
         foreach ($this->content['navigation']['main'] as $key => $nav) {
             if ($nav['url'] == qa_path_html(qa_opt('expert_question_page_url'))) {
     if (qa_clicked('do_expert_answeradd') && ($this->expert_user || $this->content['q_view']['raw']['userid'] === qa_get_logged_in_userid())) {
         global $qa_login_userid, $questionid, $question, $answers, $question, $qa_request;
         $innotify = qa_post_text('notify') ? true : false;
         $inemail = qa_post_text('email');
         qa_get_post_content('editor', 'content', $ineditor, $incontent, $informat, $intext);
         $isduplicate = false;
         foreach ($answers as $answer) {
             if (!$answer['hidden']) {
                 if (implode(' ', qa_string_to_words($answer['content'])) == implode(' ', qa_string_to_words($incontent))) {
                     $isduplicate = true;
         if (!$isduplicate) {
             if (!isset($qa_login_userid)) {
                 $qa_cookieid = qa_cookie_get_create();
             // create a new cookie if necessary
             $answerid = qa_answer_create($qa_login_userid, qa_get_logged_in_handle(), $qa_cookieid, $incontent, $informat, $intext, $innotify, $inemail, $question);
             qa_report_write_action($qa_login_userid, $qa_cookieid, 'a_post', $questionid, $answerid, null);
             qa_redirect($qa_request, null, null, null, qa_anchor('A', $answerid));
         } else {
             $pageerror = qa_lang_html('question/duplicate_content');
         // reload since we may have changed something
     if (qa_opt('expert_question_enable')) {
         if ($this->expert_user && qa_opt('expert_question_show_count')) {
             $this->expertcount = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT COUNT(postid) FROM ^postmeta, ^posts WHERE ^postmeta.meta_key='is_expert_question' AND ^postmeta.post_id=^posts.postid AND ^posts.acount=0" . (is_array($this->expert_user) ? " AND ^posts.categoryid IN (#)" : " AND \$"), $this->expert_user), true);
             if ($this->expertcount) {
                 foreach ($this->content['navigation']['main'] as $key => $nav) {
                     if ($nav['url'] == qa_path_html(qa_opt('expert_question_page_url'))) {
                         $this->content['navigation']['main'][$key]['label'] .= ' (' . $this->expertcount . ')';
         global $qa_request;
         if ($qa_request == qa_opt('expert_question_page_url')) {
             $this->content['navigation']['sub'] = array('special' => 1);
         if ($this->template == 'ask' && in_array(qa_opt('expert_question_type'), array(0, 2)) && !qa_user_permit_error('permit_post_q') && !qa_permit_value_error(qa_opt('expert_question_ask'), qa_get_logged_in_userid(), qa_get_logged_in_level(), qa_get_logged_in_flags()) && !qa_opt('site_maintenance')) {
             $this->content['form']['fields'][] = array('tags' => 'NAME="is_expert_question" ID="is_expert_question"', 'value' => qa_get(qa_opt('expert_question_page_url')) == 'true' ? qa_opt('expert_question_yes') : qa_opt('expert_question_no'), 'type' => 'select-radio', 'options' => array('no' => qa_opt('expert_question_no'), 'yes' => qa_opt('expert_question_yes')));
         if ($this->template == 'user' && qa_get_logged_in_handle() === $this->_user_handle()) {
             if (!isset($this->content['navigation']['sub'])) {
                 $this->content['navigation']['sub'] = array('profile' => array('url' => qa_path_html('user/' . $this->_user_handle(), null, qa_opt('site_url')), 'label' => $this->_user_handle(), 'selected' => !qa_get('tab') ? true : false), qa_opt('expert_question_page_url') => array('url' => qa_path_html('user/' . $this->_user_handle(), array('tab' => qa_opt('expert_question_page_url')), qa_opt('site_url')), 'label' => qa_opt('expert_question_page_title'), 'selected' => qa_get('tab') == qa_opt('expert_question_page_url') ? true : false));
             } else {
                 $this->content['navigation']['sub'][qa_opt('expert_question_page_url')] = array('url' => qa_path_html('user/' . $this->_user_handle(), array('tab' => qa_opt('expert_question_page_url')), qa_opt('site_url')), 'label' => qa_opt('expert_question_page_title'), 'selected' => qa_get('tab') == qa_opt('expert_question_page_url') ? true : false);
         if ($this->template == 'question') {
             $qid = $this->content['q_view']['raw']['postid'];
             $expert = qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT meta_value FROM ^postmeta WHERE meta_key='is_expert_question' AND post_id=#", $qid), true);
             if ($expert) {
                 // is expert question
                 $this->expert_question = 1;
                 // modify post elements
                 // title
                 $this->content['title'] .= ' ' . qa_opt('expert_question_title');
                 // css class
                 $this->content['q_view']['tags'] .= ' class="qa-expert-question"';
                 // remove hidden stuff
Пример #9
    public function process_request($request)
        $category_1 = qa_opt('qa_blog_cat_1');
        $category_2 = qa_opt('qa_blog_cat_2');
        $category_3 = qa_opt('qa_blog_cat_3');
        $category_4 = qa_opt('qa_blog_cat_4');
        $category_5 = qa_opt('qa_blog_cat_5');
        $qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
        $errors = array();
        if (qa_clicked('docancel')) {
        } else {
            if (qa_clicked('dosaveoptions')) {
                $in = array();
                qa_get_post_content('editor', 'content', $in['editor'], $in['content'], $in['format'], $in['text']);
                $in['title'] = qa_post_text('title');
                $in['category'] = qa_post_text('category');
                if (strlen($in['title']) < 10 || strlen($in['content']) < 50 || $in['category'] !== 'cat_0' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_1' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_2' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_3' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_4' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_5') {
                    if (strlen($in['title']) < 10) {
                        $errors['title'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/error_title');
                    if (strlen($in['content']) < 50) {
                        $errors['content'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/error_content');
                    if ($in['category'] !== 'cat_0' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_1' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_2' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_3' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_4' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_5') {
                        $errors['type'] = 'Invalid category';
                } else {
                    $type = 0;
                    if ($in['category'] === 'cat_1') {
                        $type = 1;
                    } else {
                        if ($in['category'] === 'cat_2') {
                            $type = 2;
                        } else {
                            if ($in['category'] === 'cat_3') {
                                $type = 3;
                            } else {
                                if ($in['category'] === 'cat_4') {
                                    $type = 4;
                                } else {
                                    if ($in['category'] === 'cat_5') {
                                        $type = 5;
                    qa_db_query_sub('INSERT INTO ^blog_posts (postid, userid, posted, title, type, content, views,format) 
				VALUES (0,#,NOW(),$,#,$,0,$)', qa_get_logged_in_userid(), $in['title'], $type, $in['content'], 'draft');
                    header('location:' . qa_path_to_root() . '/user/' . qa_get_logged_in_handle() . '');
            } else {
                if (qa_clicked('doarticle')) {
                    $in = array();
                    qa_get_post_content('editor', 'content', $in['editor'], $in['content'], $in['format'], $in['text']);
                    $in['title'] = qa_post_text('title');
                    $in['category'] = qa_post_text('category');
                    if (strlen($in['title']) < 10 || strlen($in['content']) < 50 || $in['category'] !== 'cat_0' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_1' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_2' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_3' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_4' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_5') {
                        if (strlen($in['title']) < 10) {
                            $errors['title'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/error_title');
                        if (strlen($in['content']) < 50) {
                            $errors['content'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/error_content');
                        if ($in['category'] !== 'cat_0' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_1' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_2' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_3' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_4' && $in['category'] !== 'cat_5') {
                            $errors['type'] = 'Invalid category';
                    } else {
                        $type = 0;
                        if ($in['category'] === 'cat_1') {
                            $type = 1;
                        } else {
                            if ($in['category'] === 'cat_2') {
                                $type = 2;
                            } else {
                                if ($in['category'] === 'cat_3') {
                                    $type = 3;
                                } else {
                                    if ($in['category'] === 'cat_4') {
                                        $type = 4;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($in['category'] === 'cat_5') {
                                            $type = 5;
                        $result = qa_db_query_sub('INSERT INTO ^blog_posts (postid, userid, posted, title, type, content, views,format) 
				VALUES (0,#,NOW(),$,#,$,0,$)', qa_get_logged_in_userid(), $in['title'], $type, $in['content'], 'markdown');
                        header('location:' . qa_path_to_root() . '/blog/');
        if (qa_is_logged_in()) {
            $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/articles_page');
            $userpostslink = '/user/' . qa_get_logged_in_handle() . '/articles';
            $editorname = isset($in['editor']) ? $in['editor'] : qa_opt('editor_for_qs');
            $editor = qa_load_editor(@$in['content'], @$in['format'], $editorname);
            $field = qa_editor_load_field($editor, $qa_content, @$in['content'], @$in['format'], 'content', 12, false);
            $field['label'] = '';
            $field['error'] = qa_html(@$errors['content']);
            $qa_content['custom'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/default_blog_tagline');
            $typeoptions = array('cat_1' => $category_1, 'cat_2' => $category_2, 'cat_3' => $category_3, 'cat_4' => $category_4, 'cat_5' => $category_5);
            $qa_content['form'] = array('tags' => 'name="blog" method="post" action="' . qa_self_html() . '"', 'style' => 'tall', 'fields' => array('title' => array('label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/post_title'), 'tags' => 'name="title" id="title" autocomplete="off"', 'value' => qa_html(@$in['title']), 'error' => qa_html(@$errors['title'])), 'category' => array('label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/post_cat'), 'type' => 'select', 'tags' => 'name="category"', 'options' => $typeoptions, 'error' => qa_html(@$errors['type'])), 'similar' => array('type' => 'custom', 'html' => '<span id="similar"></span>'), 'content' => $field), 'buttons' => array('post' => array('tags' => 'onclick="qa_show_waiting_after(this, false); ' . (method_exists($editor, 'update_script') ? $editor->update_script('content') : '') . '"', 'label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/post_button')), 'save' => array('tags' => 'name="dosaveoptions"', 'label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/draft_button')), 'cancel' => array('tags' => 'name="docancel"', 'label' => qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/cancel_button'))), 'hidden' => array('editor' => qa_html($editorname), 'code' => qa_get_form_security_code('article'), 'doarticle' => '1'));
            $html = "<h2>" . qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/past_post') . "</h2>";
            $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
            $result = qa_db_query_sub("SELECT * FROM ^blog_posts WHERE userid =  '{$userid}' ORDER BY posted DESC");
            $i = 0;
            while ($blob = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
                $html .= '<ul><li><h3><a href="blog/' . $blob['postid'] . '/' . seoUrl3($blob['title']) . '">' . $blob['title'] . '</a><h3></li></ul>';
            if ($i == 0) {
                $html .= qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/post_null');
            $html .= '';
            $qa_content['custom2'] = $html;
        } else {
            $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/title_error');
            $qa_content['error'] = qa_insert_login_links(qa_lang('qa_blog_lang/access_error'), $request);
        return $qa_content;
function qa_page_q_do_comment($answer)
    global $qa_login_userid, $qa_cookieid, $question, $questionid, $formtype, $formpostid, $errors, $reloadquestion, $pageerror, $qa_request, $ineditor, $incomment, $informat, $innotify, $inemail, $commentsfollows, $jumptoanchor, $usecaptcha;
    $parent = isset($answer) ? $answer : $question;
    switch (qa_user_permit_error('permit_post_c', 'C')) {
        case 'login':
            $pageerror = qa_insert_login_links(qa_lang_html('question/comment_must_login'), $qa_request);
        case 'confirm':
            $pageerror = qa_insert_login_links(qa_lang_html('question/comment_must_confirm'), $qa_request);
        case 'limit':
            $pageerror = qa_lang_html('question/comment_limit');
            $pageerror = qa_lang_html('users/no_permission');
        case false:
            $incomment = qa_post_text('comment');
            if (!isset($incomment)) {
                $formtype = 'c_add';
                $formpostid = $parent['postid'];
                // show form first time
            } else {
                $innotify = qa_post_text('notify') ? true : false;
                $inemail = qa_post_text('email');
                qa_get_post_content('editor', 'comment', $ineditor, $incomment, $informat, $intext);
                $errors = qa_comment_validate($incomment, $informat, $intext, $innotify, $inemail);
                if ($usecaptcha) {
                    qa_captcha_validate($_POST, $errors);
                if (empty($errors)) {
                    $isduplicate = false;
                    foreach ($commentsfollows as $comment) {
                        if ($comment['basetype'] == 'C' && $comment['parentid'] == $parent['postid'] && !$comment['hidden']) {
                            if (implode(' ', qa_string_to_words($comment['content'])) == implode(' ', qa_string_to_words($incomment))) {
                                $isduplicate = true;
                    if (!$isduplicate) {
                        if (!isset($qa_login_userid)) {
                            $qa_cookieid = qa_cookie_get_create();
                        // create a new cookie if necessary
                        $commentid = qa_comment_create($qa_login_userid, qa_get_logged_in_handle(), $qa_cookieid, $incomment, $informat, $intext, $innotify, $inemail, $question, $answer, $commentsfollows);
                        qa_report_write_action($qa_login_userid, $qa_cookieid, 'c_post', $questionid, @$answer['postid'], $commentid);
                        qa_redirect($qa_request, null, null, null, qa_anchor(isset($answer) ? 'A' : 'Q', $parent['postid']));
                    } else {
                        $pageerror = qa_lang_html('question/duplicate_content');
                } else {
                    $formtype = 'c_add';
                    $formpostid = $parent['postid'];
                    // show form again