Пример #1
 * @param $options
 * @return array
function publisher_latest_files_show($options)
    $publisher =& PublisherPublisher::getInstance();
     * $options[0] : Category
     * $options[1] : Sort order - datesub | counter
     * $options[2] : Number of files to display
     * $oprions[3] : bool TRUE to link to the file download, FALSE to link to the article
    $block = array();
    $sort = $options[1];
    $order = publisherGetOrderBy($sort);
    $limit = $options[2];
    $directDownload = $options[3];
    // creating the files objects
    $filesObj =& $publisher->getHandler('file')->getAllFiles(0, PublisherConstants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_FILE_ACTIVE, $limit, 0, $sort, $order, explode(',', $options[0]));
    foreach ($filesObj as $fileObj) {
        $aFile = array();
        $aFile['link'] = $directDownload ? $fileObj->getFileLink() : $fileObj->getItemLink();
        if ($sort === 'datesub') {
            $aFile['new'] = $fileObj->getDatesub();
        } elseif ($sort === 'counter') {
            $aFile['new'] = $fileObj->counter();
        } elseif ($sort === 'weight') {
            $aFile['new'] = $fileObj->weight();
        $block['files'][] = $aFile;
    return $block;
Пример #2
 * @param $options
 * @return array
function publisher_items_recent_show($options)
    $publisher =& PublisherPublisher::getInstance();
    $myts = MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    $block = array();
    $selectedcatids = explode(',', $options[0]);
    if (in_array(0, $selectedcatids)) {
        $allcats = true;
    } else {
        $allcats = false;
    $sort = $options[1];
    $order = publisherGetOrderBy($sort);
    $limit = $options[2];
    $start = 0;
    // creating the ITEM objects that belong to the selected category
    if ($allcats) {
        $criteria = null;
    } else {
        $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
        $criteria->add(new Criteria('categoryid', '(' . $options[0] . ')', 'IN'));
    $itemsObj =& $publisher->getHandler('item')->getItems($limit, $start, array(PublisherConstants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_PUBLISHED), -1, $sort, $order, '', true, $criteria, true);
    $totalItems = count($itemsObj);
    if ($itemsObj && $totalItems > 1) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $totalItems; ++$i) {
            $newItems['itemid'] = $itemsObj[$i]->itemid();
            $newItems['title'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getTitle();
            $newItems['categoryname'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getCategoryName();
            $newItems['categoryid'] = $itemsObj[$i]->categoryid();
            $newItems['date'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getDatesub();
            $newItems['poster'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getLinkedPosterName();
            $newItems['itemlink'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getItemLink(false, isset($options[3]) ? $options[3] : 65);
            $newItems['categorylink'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getCategoryLink();
            $block['items'][] = $newItems;
        $block['lang_title'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_ITEMS;
        $block['lang_category'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_CATEGORY;
        $block['lang_poster'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_POSTEDBY;
        $block['lang_date'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_DATE;
        $modulename = $myts->displayTarea($publisher->getModule()->getVar('name'));
        $block['lang_visitItem'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_VISITITEM . ' ' . $modulename;
    return $block;
 * @param $options
 * @return array
function publisher_category_items_sel_show($options)
    $publisher =& PublisherPublisher::getInstance();
    $block = array();
    $categories =& $publisher->getHandler('category')->getCategories(0, 0, -1);
    if (count($categories) === 0) {
        return $block;
    $selectedcatids = explode(',', $options[0]);
    $sort = $options[1];
    $order = publisherGetOrderBy($sort);
    $limit = $options[2];
    $start = 0;
    // creating the ITEM objects that belong to the selected category
    $block['categories'] = array();
    foreach ($categories as $catID => $catObj) {
        if (!in_array(0, $selectedcatids) && !in_array($catID, $selectedcatids)) {
        $criteria = new Criteria('categoryid', $catID);
        $items =& $publisher->getHandler('item')->getItems($limit, $start, array(PublisherConstants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_PUBLISHED), -1, $sort, $order, '', true, $criteria, true);
        if (count($items) === 0) {
        $item['title'] = $catObj->name();
        $item['itemurl'] = 'none';
        $block['categories'][$catID]['items'][] = $item;
        foreach ($items as $itemObj) {
            $item['title'] = $itemObj->getTitle(isset($options[3]) ? $options[3] : 0);
            $item['itemurl'] = $itemObj->getItemUrl();
            $block['categories'][$catID]['items'][] = $item;
        $block['categories'][$catID]['name'] = $catObj->name();
    unset($items, $categories, $itemObj, $catID, $catObj);
    if (count($block['categories']) === 0) {
        return $block;
    return $block;
Пример #4
 * @param $options
 * @return array
function publisher_latest_news_show($options)
    $block = array();
    xoops_loadLanguage('main', 'publisher');
    $publisher =& PublisherPublisher::getInstance();
    $start = $options[0];
    // You can show articles from specified range
    $limit = $options[1];
    $columnCount = $options[2];
    $letters = $options[3];
    $selectedStories = $options[4];
    $sort = $options[9];
    $order = publisherGetOrderBy($sort);
    $imgWidth = $options[11];
    $imgHeight = $options[12];
    $border = $options[13];
    $bordercolor = $options[14];
    $block['spec']['columnwidth'] = (int) (1 / $columnCount * 100);
    $allcats = false;
    if (!isset($options[29])) {
        $allcats = true;
    } elseif (in_array(0, explode(',', $options[29]))) {
        $allcats = true;
    // creating the ITEM objects that belong to the selected category
    if ($allcats) {
        $criteria = null;
    } else {
        $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
        $criteria->add(new Criteria('categoryid', '(' . $options[29] . ')', 'IN'));
    // Use specific ITEMS
    if ($selectedStories != 0) {
        //removes category option
        $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
        $criteria->add(new Criteria('itemid', '(' . $selectedStories . ')', 'IN'));
    $itemsObj =& $publisher->getHandler('item')->getItems($limit, $start, array(PublisherConstants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_PUBLISHED), -1, $sort, $order, '', true, $criteria, 'itemid');
    $scount = count($itemsObj);
    if ($scount == 0) {
        return false;
    $k = 0;
    $columns = array();
    foreach ($itemsObj as $itemid => $itemObj) {
        $item = array();
        $item['itemurl'] = $itemObj->getItemUrl();
        $item['title'] = $itemObj->getItemLink();
        $item['alt'] = strip_tags($itemObj->getItemLink());
        $mainImage = $itemObj->getMainImage();
        // check to see if GD function exist
        if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
            $item['item_image'] = $mainImage['image_path'];
        } else {
            $item['item_image'] = PUBLISHER_URL . '/thumb.php?src=' . $mainImage['image_path'] . '&amp;w=' . $imgWidth;
            // No $imgHeight for autoheight option
        $item['text'] = $itemObj->getBlockSummary($letters);
        $item = $itemObj->getMainImage($item);
        //returns an array
        $lsHeight = '';
        if ($options[12] != 0) {
            $lsHeight = 'height="' . $imgHeight . '" ';
        // set height = 0 in block option for auto height
        if ($options[15] === 'LEFT') {
            $imgPosition = 'float: left';
            $lsMargin = '-right';
        if ($options[15] === 'CENTER') {
            $imgPosition = 'text-align:center';
            $lsMargin = '';
        if ($options[15] === 'RIGHT') {
            $imgPosition = 'float: right';
            $lsMargin = '-left';
        if ($options[10] == 1 && $item['image_path'] != '') {
            $startdiv = '<div style="' . $imgPosition . '"><a href="' . $item['itemurl'] . '">';
            $style = 'style="margin' . $lsMargin . ': 10px; padding: 2px; border: ' . $border . 'px solid #' . $bordercolor . '"';
            $enddiv = 'width="' . $imgWidth . '" ' . $lsHeight . '/></a></div>';
            $image = $startdiv . '<img ' . $style . ' src="' . $item['item_image'] . '" alt="' . $item['image_name'] . '" ' . $enddiv;
            $item['image'] = $image;
        if (is_object($GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) && $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->isAdmin(-1)) {
            $item['admin'] = "<a href='" . PUBLISHER_URL . '/submit.php?itemid=' . $itemObj->itemid() . "'><img src='" . PUBLISHER_URL . "/assets/images/links/edit.gif'" . " title='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_EDIT . "' alt='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_EDIT . "' /></a>&nbsp;";
            $item['admin'] .= "<a href='" . PUBLISHER_URL . '/admin/item.php?op=del&amp;itemid=' . $itemObj->itemid() . "'><img src='" . PUBLISHER_URL . "/assets/images/links/delete.png'" . " title='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_DELETE . "' alt='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_DELETE . "' /></a>";
        } else {
            $item['admin'] = '';
        $block['topiclink'] = '';
                if ($options[16] == 1) {
        $block['topiclink'] = '| <a href="'.XOOPS_URL.'/modules/news/topics_directory.php">'._AM_NEWS_TOPICS_DIRECTORY.'</a> ';
        $block['archivelink'] = '';
        if ($options[17] == 1) {
            $block['archivelink'] = '| <a href="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/archive.php">' . _MB_PUBLISHER_ARCHIVE . '</a> ';
        //TODO: Should we not show link to Anonymous?
        $block['submitlink'] = '';
        if ($options[18] == 1 && $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']) {
            $block['submitlink'] = '| <a href="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/submit.php">' . _MB_PUBLISHER_SUBMITNEWS . '</a> ';
        $item['poster'] = '';
        if ($options[19] == 1) {
            $item['poster'] = _MB_PUBLISHER_POSTER . ' ' . $itemObj->posterName();
        $item['posttime'] = '';
        if ($options[20] == 1) {
            $item['posttime'] = _ON . ' ' . $itemObj->getDatesub();
        $item['topic_title'] = '';
        if ($options[21] == 1) {
            $item['topic_title'] = $itemObj->getCategoryLink() . _MB_PUBLISHER_SP;
        $item['read'] = '';
        if ($options[22] == 1) {
            $item['read'] = '&nbsp;(' . $itemObj->counter() . ' ' . _READS . ')';
        $item['more'] = '';
        if ($itemObj->body() != '' || $itemObj->comments() > 0) {
            $item['more'] = '<a class="publisher_spotlight_readmore" href="' . $itemObj->getItemUrl() . '">' . _MB_PUBLISHER_READMORE . '</a>';
        $comments = $itemObj->comments();
        if ($options[23] == 1) {
            if ($comments > 0) {
                //shows 1 comment instead of 1 comm. if comments ==1
                //langugage file modified accordingly
                if ($comments == 1) {
                    $item['comment'] = '&nbsp;' . _MB_PUBLISHER_ONECOMMENT . '&nbsp;';
                } else {
                    $item['comment'] = '&nbsp;' . $comments . '&nbsp;' . _MB_PUBLISHER_COMMENTS . '&nbsp;';
            } else {
                $item['comment'] = '&nbsp;' . _MB_PUBLISHER_NO_COMMENTS . '&nbsp;';
        $item['print'] = '';
        if ($options[24] == 1) {
            $item['print'] = '<a href="' . PublisherSeo::generateUrl('print', $itemObj->itemid(), $itemObj->short_url()) . '" rel="nofollow"><img src="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/assets/images/links/print.gif" title="' . _CO_PUBLISHER_PRINT . '" alt="' . _CO_PUBLISHER_PRINT . '" /></a>&nbsp;';
        $item['pdf'] = '';
        if ($publisher->getConfig('display_pdf')) {
            if ($options[25] == 1) {
                $item['pdf'] = "<a href='" . PUBLISHER_URL . '/makepdf.php?itemid=' . $itemObj->itemid() . "' rel='nofollow'><img src='" . PUBLISHER_URL . "/assets/images/links/pdf.gif' title='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_PDF . "' alt='" . _CO_PUBLISHER_PDF . "' /></a>&nbsp;";
        $item['email'] = '';
        if ($options[26] == 1 && xoops_isActiveModule('tellafriend')) {
            $subject = sprintf(_CO_PUBLISHER_INTITEMFOUND, $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['sitename']);
            $subject = $itemObj->convertForJapanese($subject);
            $maillink = publisherTellAFriend($subject);
            $item['email'] = '<a href="' . $maillink . '"><img src="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/assets/images/links/friend.gif" title="' . _CO_PUBLISHER_MAIL . '" alt="' . _CO_PUBLISHER_MAIL . '" /></a>&nbsp;';
        $block['morelink'] = '';
        if ($options[27] == 1) {
            $block['morelink'] = '<a href="' . PUBLISHER_URL . '/index.php">' . _MB_PUBLISHER_MORE_ITEMS . '</a> ';
        $block['latestnews_scroll'] = false;
        if ($options[5] == 1) {
            $block['latestnews_scroll'] = true;
        $block['scrollheight'] = $options[6];
        $block['scrollspeed'] = $options[7];
        $block['scrolldir'] = $options[8];
        $block['template'] = $options[28];
        $block['imgwidth'] = $options[11];
        $block['imgheight'] = $options[12];
        $block['letters'] = $letters;
        $columns[$k][] = $item;
        if ($k == $columnCount) {
            $k = 0;
    $block['columns'] = $columns;
    return $block;
Пример #5
 * @param $options
 * @return array
function publisher_items_new_show($options)
    $publisher =& PublisherPublisher::getInstance();
    $selectedcatids = explode(',', $options[0]);
    $block = array();
    if (in_array(0, $selectedcatids)) {
        $allcats = true;
    } else {
        $allcats = false;
    $sort = $options[1];
    $order = publisherGetOrderBy($sort);
    $limit = $options[3];
    $start = 0;
    $image = $options[5];
    // creating the ITEM objects that belong to the selected category
    if ($allcats) {
        $criteria = null;
    } else {
        $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
        $criteria->add(new Criteria('categoryid', '(' . $options[0] . ')', 'IN'));
    $itemsObj =& $publisher->getHandler('item')->getItems($limit, $start, array(PublisherConstants::PUBLISHER_STATUS_PUBLISHED), -1, $sort, $order, '', true, $criteria, true);
    $totalitems = count($itemsObj);
    if ($itemsObj && $totalitems > 1) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $totalitems; ++$i) {
            $item = array();
            $item['link'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getItemLink(false, isset($options[4]) ? $options[4] : 65);
            $item['id'] = $itemsObj[$i]->itemid();
            $item['poster'] = $itemsObj[$i]->posterName();
            // for make poster name linked, use getLinkedPosterName() instead of posterName()
            if ('article' === $image) {
                $item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/blank.gif';
                $item['image_name'] = '';
                $images = $itemsObj[$i]->getImages();
                if (is_object($images['main'])) {
                    // check to see if GD function exist
                    if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
                        $item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $images['main']->getVar('image_name');
                    } else {
                        $item['image'] = PUBLISHER_URL . '/thumb.php?src=' . XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $images['main']->getVar('image_name') . '&amp;w=50';
                    $item['image_name'] = $images['main']->getVar('image_nicename');
            } elseif ('category' === $image) {
                $item['image'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getCategoryImagePath();
                $item['image_name'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getCategoryName();
            } elseif ('avatar' === $image) {
                if ($itemsObj[$i]->uid() == '0') {
                    $item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/blank.gif';
                    $images = $itemsObj[$i]->getImages();
                    if (is_object($images['main'])) {
                        // check to see if GD function exist
                        if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
                            $item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $images['main']->getVar('image_name');
                        } else {
                            $item['image'] = PUBLISHER_URL . '/thumb.php?src=' . XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $images['main']->getVar('image_name') . '&amp;w=50';
                } else {
                    // check to see if GD function exist
                    if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
                        $item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $itemsObj[$i]->posterAvatar();
                    } else {
                        $item['image'] = PUBLISHER_URL . '/thumb.php?src=' . XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $itemsObj[$i]->posterAvatar() . '&amp;w=50';
                $item['image_name'] = $itemsObj[$i]->posterName();
            $item['title'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getTitle();
            if ('datesub' === $sort) {
                $item['new'] = $itemsObj[$i]->getDatesub();
            } elseif ('counter' === $sort) {
                $item['new'] = $itemsObj[$i]->counter();
            } elseif ('weight' === $sort) {
                $item['new'] = $itemsObj[$i]->weight();
            } elseif ('rating' === $sort) {
                $item['new'] = $itemsObj[$i]->rating();
            } elseif ('votes' === $sort) {
                $item['new'] = $itemsObj[$i]->votes();
            } elseif ('comments' === $sort) {
                $item['new'] = $itemsObj[$i]->comments();
            $block['newitems'][] = $item;
    $block['show_order'] = $options[2];
    return $block;