public function computeSample()
     // Load options.
     $options = $this->currentSample->options;
     // Initialize the projects array.
     $data_types = $this->newProjectOpenedVsClosed();
     // The initial arguments are the 'open' project issue status options.
     $open_states = project_issue_open_states();
     // @todo Until is resolved, we don't want
     // the 'fixed' status in the list of open statuses, so unset it here.
     $open_states = array_diff($open_states, array(PROJECT_ISSUE_STATE_FIXED));
     // Restrict to only the passed nids.
     $ids = array();
     if (!empty($options['object_ids'])) {
         $ids = $options['object_ids'];
     // Use the historical calculation if requested.
     if (isset($options['historical']) && $options['historical'] == '1') {
         $this->buildSampleResultsHistorical($open_states, $ids);
     } else {
         // Build total open issues counts.
         $this->buildSampleResultsCurrent('open', $open_states, $ids);
         // Build total closed issues counts.
         $this->buildSampleResultsCurrent('closed', $open_states, $ids);
     // Add in total counts across all categories.
     foreach ($this->currentSample->values as $project_id => $values_array) {
         $this->currentSample->values[$project_id]['total_open'] = $values_array['bug_open'] + $values_array['feature_open'] + $values_array['task_open'] + $values_array['support_open'];
         $this->currentSample->values[$project_id]['total_closed'] = $values_array['bug_closed'] + $values_array['feature_closed'] + $values_array['task_closed'] + $values_array['support_closed'];
 public function computeSample()
     // Load options.
     $options = $this->currentSample->options;
     // Initialize the projects array.
     $data_types = $this->newProjectOpenedVsClosed();
     // The initial arguments are the 'open' project issue status options.
     $open_states = project_issue_open_states();
     // @todo Until is resolved, we don't want
     // the 'fixed' status in the list of open statuses, so unset it here.
     $open_states = array_diff($open_states, array(PROJECT_ISSUE_STATE_FIXED));
     // Pull last possible issue nid for the end of the period being measured.
     $max_nid = db_query('SELECT MAX(nid) FROM {node} WHERE created <= :created', array(':created' => $this->currentSample->sample_endstamp), array('target' => 'slave'))->fetchField();
     if (!empty($max_nid)) {
         // Subquery to calculate the timestamp of the applicable revision
         $tsquery = db_select('node_revision', 'sv', array('target' => 'slave'));
         $tsquery->condition('sv.timestamp', $this->currentSample->sample_endstamp, '<=');
         $tsquery->addField('sv', 'nid', 'nid');
         $tsquery->addExpression('MAX(sv.vid)', 'vid');
         $query = db_select($tsquery, 'r', array('target' => 'slave'));
         $query->innerJoin('field_revision_field_project', 'p', "r.nid = p.entity_id AND r.vid = p.revision_id AND p.entity_type = 'node'");
         $query->innerJoin('field_revision_field_issue_status', 's', "r.nid = s.entity_id AND r.vid = s.revision_id AND s.entity_type = 'node'");
         $query->innerJoin('field_revision_field_issue_category', 'c', "r.nid = c.entity_id AND r.vid = c.revision_id AND c.entity_type = 'node'");
         $query->innerJoin('node', 'n', 'n.nid = r.nid');
         $query->condition('n.type', project_issue_issue_node_types());
         $query->condition('n.nid', $max_nid, '<=');
         $query->condition('n.status', NODE_PUBLISHED);
         $query->addField('p', 'field_project_target_id', 'pid');
         $query->addField('s', 'field_issue_status_value', 'sid');
         $query->addField('c', 'field_issue_category_value', 'category');
         // Restrict to only the passed projects.
         if (!empty($options['object_ids'])) {
             $query->condition('p.field_project_target_id', $options['object_ids']);
         $issues = $query->execute();
         // @todo When lands, this hard-coded list of
         // categories will need to be handled differently.
         $categories = array(1 => 'bug', 3 => 'feature', 2 => 'task', 4 => 'support');
         foreach ($issues as $issue) {
             // Add to the total count for the category in the values array.
             if (isset($categories[$issue->category])) {
                 if (!isset($this->currentSample->values[$issue->pid])) {
                     $this->currentSample->values[$issue->pid] = array('bug_open' => 0, 'bug_closed' => 0, 'feature_open' => 0, 'feature_closed' => 0, 'task_open' => 0, 'task_closed' => 0, 'support_open' => 0, 'support_closed' => 0);
                 $this->currentSample->values[$issue->pid][$categories[$issue->category] . '_' . (in_array($issue->sid, $open_states) ? 'open' : 'closed')] += 1;
     // Add in total counts across all categories.
     foreach ($this->currentSample->values as $project_id => $values_array) {
         $this->currentSample->values[$project_id]['total_open'] = $values_array['bug_open'] + $values_array['feature_open'] + $values_array['task_open'] + $values_array['support_open'];
         $this->currentSample->values[$project_id]['total_closed'] = $values_array['bug_closed'] + $values_array['feature_closed'] + $values_array['task_closed'] + $values_array['support_closed'];