Пример #1
 * Add to the newsletter, in the simplest way.
 * @param  EMAIL				The email address of the subscriber
 * @param  integer			The interest level
 * @range  1 4
 * @param  ?LANGUAGE_NAME	The language (NULL: users)
 * @param  boolean			Whether to require a confirmation mail
 * @param  ?AUTO_LINK		The newsletter to join (NULL: the first)
 * @param  string				Subscribers forename
 * @param  string				Subscribers surname
 * @return string				Newsletter password
function basic_newsletter_join($email, $interest_level = 4, $lang = NULL, $get_confirm_mail = false, $newsletter_id = NULL, $forename = '', $surname = '')
    if (is_null($lang)) {
        $lang = user_lang();
    if (is_null($newsletter_id)) {
        $newsletter_id = db_get_first_id();
    $password = get_rand_password();
    $code_confirm = $get_confirm_mail ? mt_rand(1, 9999999) : 0;
    $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('newsletter_subscribe', 'the_level', array('newsletter_id' => $newsletter_id, 'email' => $email));
    if ($test === 0) {
        $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_delete('newsletter_subscribe', array('newsletter_id' => $newsletter_id, 'email' => $email), '', 1);
        $test = NULL;
    if (is_null($test)) {
        $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('newsletter', 'email', array('email' => $email));
        if (is_null($test)) {
            $salt = produce_salt();
            $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('newsletter', array('n_forename' => $forename, 'n_surname' => $surname, 'join_time' => time(), 'email' => $email, 'code_confirm' => $code_confirm, 'pass_salt' => $salt, 'the_password' => md5($password . $salt), 'language' => $lang), false, true);
            // race condition
            if ($get_confirm_mail) {
                $_url = build_url(array('page' => 'newsletter', 'type' => 'confirm', 'email' => $email, 'confirm' => $code_confirm), get_module_zone('newsletter'));
                $url = $_url->evaluate();
                $message = do_lang('NEWSLETTER_SIGNUP_TEXT', comcode_escape($url), comcode_escape($password), array($forename, $surname, $email, get_site_name()), $lang);
                mail_wrap(do_lang('NEWSLETTER_SIGNUP', NULL, NULL, NULL, $lang), $message, array($email));
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('newsletter', array('join_time' => time()), array('email' => $email), '', 1);
            $password = '';
        $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('newsletter_subscribe', array('newsletter_id' => $newsletter_id, 'the_level' => $interest_level, 'email' => $email), false, true);
        // race condition
        return $password;
    return do_lang('NA');
Пример #2
 * Get the site-wide salt. It should be something hard for a hacker to get, so we depend on data gathered both from the database and file-system.
 * @return ID_TEXT		The salt
function get_site_salt()
    $site_salt = get_value('site_salt');
    if ($site_salt === NULL) {
        $site_salt = produce_salt();
        set_value('site_salt', $site_salt);
    //global $SITE_INFO; This is unstable on some sites, as the array can be prepopulated on the fly
    return md5($site_salt);
Пример #3
 * Add a member.
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The username.
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The password.
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The e-mail address.
 * @param  ?array				A list of usergroups (NULL: default/current usergroups).
 * @param  ?integer			Day of date of birth (NULL: unknown).
 * @param  ?integer			Month of date of birth (NULL: unknown).
 * @param  ?integer			Year of date of birth (NULL: unknown).
 * @param  array				A map of custom field values (field-id=>value).
 * @param  ?ID_TEXT			The member timezone (NULL: auto-detect).
 * @param  ?GROUP				The member's primary (NULL: default).
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the profile has been validated.
 * @param  ?TIME				When the member joined (NULL: now).
 * @param  ?TIME				When the member last visited (NULL: now).
 * @param  ID_TEXT			The member's default theme.
 * @param  ?URLPATH			The URL to the member's avatar (blank: none) (NULL: choose one automatically).
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			The member's signature (blank: none).
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the member is permanently banned.
 * @param  BINARY				Whether posts are previewed before they are made.
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the member's age may be shown.
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The member's title (blank: get from primary).
 * @param  URLPATH			The URL to the member's photo (blank: none).
 * @param  URLPATH			The URL to the member's photo thumbnail (blank: none).
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the member sees signatures in posts.
 * @param  ?BINARY			Whether the member automatically is enabled for notifications for content they contribute to (NULL: get default from config).
 * @param  ?LANGUAGE_NAME	The member's language (NULL: auto detect).
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the member allows e-mails via the site.
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the member allows e-mails from staff via the site.
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Personal notes of the member.
 * @param  ?IP					The member's IP address (NULL: IP address of current user).
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The code required before the account becomes active (blank: already entered).
 * @param  boolean			Whether to check details for correctness.
 * @param  ?ID_TEXT			The compatibility scheme that the password operates in (blank: none) (NULL: none [meaning normal ocPortal salted style] or plain, depending on whether passwords are encrypted).
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The password salt (blank: password compatibility scheme does not use a salt / auto-generate).
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the member likes to view zones without menus, when a choice is available.
 * @param  ?TIME				The time the member last made a submission (NULL: set to now).
 * @param  ?AUTO_LINK		Force an ID (NULL: don't force an ID)
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the member username will be highlighted.
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		Usergroups that may PT the member.
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Rules that other members must agree to before they may start a PT with the member.
 * @return AUTO_LINK			The ID of the new member.
function ocf_make_member($username, $password, $email_address, $secondary_groups, $dob_day, $dob_month, $dob_year, $custom_fields, $timezone = NULL, $primary_group = NULL, $validated = 1, $join_time = NULL, $last_visit_time = NULL, $theme = '', $avatar_url = NULL, $signature = '', $is_perm_banned = 0, $preview_posts = 0, $reveal_age = 1, $title = '', $photo_url = '', $photo_thumb_url = '', $views_signatures = 1, $auto_monitor_contrib_content = NULL, $language = NULL, $allow_emails = 1, $allow_emails_from_staff = 1, $personal_notes = '', $ip_address = NULL, $validated_email_confirm_code = '', $check_correctness = true, $password_compatibility_scheme = NULL, $salt = '', $zone_wide = 1, $last_submit_time = NULL, $id = NULL, $highlighted_name = 0, $pt_allow = '*', $pt_rules_text = '')
    if (is_null($auto_monitor_contrib_content)) {
        $auto_monitor_contrib_content = get_value('no_auto_notifications') === '1' ? 0 : 1;
    if (is_null($password_compatibility_scheme)) {
        if (get_value('no_password_hashing') === '1') {
            $password_compatibility_scheme = 'plain';
        } else {
            $password_compatibility_scheme = '';
    if (is_null($language)) {
        $language = '';
    if (is_null($signature)) {
        $signature = '';
    if (is_null($title)) {
        $title = '';
    if (is_null($timezone)) {
        $timezone = get_site_timezone();
    if (is_null($allow_emails)) {
        $allow_emails = 1;
    if (is_null($allow_emails_from_staff)) {
        $allow_emails_from_staff = 1;
    if (is_null($personal_notes)) {
        $personal_notes = '';
    if (is_null($avatar_url)) {
        if ($GLOBALS['IN_MINIKERNEL_VERSION'] == 1 || !addon_installed('ocf_member_avatars')) {
            $avatar_url = '';
        } else {
            if (get_option('random_avatars') == '1' && !running_script('stress_test_loader')) {
                $codes = get_all_image_ids_type('ocf_default_avatars/default_set', false, $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']);
                $results = array();
                foreach ($codes as $code) {
                    if (strpos($code, 'ocp_fanatic') !== false) {
                    $count = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value_null_ok_full('SELECT SUM(m_cache_num_posts) FROM ' . $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'f_members WHERE ' . db_string_equal_to('m_avatar_url', find_theme_image($code, false, true)));
                    if (is_null($count)) {
                        $count = 0;
                    $results[$code] = $count;
                // @'d as type checker fails for some odd reason
                $found_avatars = array_keys($results);
                $avatar_url = find_theme_image(array_shift($found_avatars), true, true);
            if (is_null($avatar_url)) {
                $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_delete('theme_images', array('id' => 'ocf_default_avatars/default', 'path' => ''));
                // In case failure cached, gets very confusing
                $avatar_url = find_theme_image('ocf_default_avatars/default', true, true);
                if (is_null($avatar_url)) {
                    $avatar_url = '';
    if ($check_correctness) {
        if (!in_array($password_compatibility_scheme, array('ldap', 'httpauth'))) {
            ocf_check_name_valid($username, NULL, $password_compatibility_scheme == '' ? $password : NULL);
        if (!function_exists('has_actual_page_access') || !has_actual_page_access(get_member(), 'admin_ocf_join')) {
            if (!is_valid_email_address($email_address) && $email_address != '') {
                warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS', escape_html($email_address)));
    if (is_null($last_submit_time)) {
        $last_submit_time = time();
    if (is_null($join_time)) {
        $join_time = time();
    if (is_null($last_visit_time)) {
        $last_visit_time = time();
    if (is_null($primary_group)) {
        $primary_group = get_first_default_group();
        // This is members
    if (is_null($secondary_groups)) {
        $secondary_groups = ocf_get_all_default_groups(false);
    foreach ($secondary_groups as $_g_id => $g_id) {
        if ($g_id == $primary_group) {
    if (is_null($ip_address)) {
        $ip_address = get_ip_address();
    if ($password_compatibility_scheme == '' && get_value('no_password_hashing') === '1') {
        $password_compatibility_scheme = 'plain';
        $salt = '';
    if ($salt == '' && $password_compatibility_scheme == '') {
        $salt = produce_salt();
        $password_salted = md5($salt . md5($password));
    } else {
        $password_salted = $password;
    // Supplement custom field values given with defaults, and check constraints
    $all_fields = list_to_map('id', ocf_get_all_custom_fields_match($secondary_groups));
    foreach ($all_fields as $field) {
        $field_id = $field['id'];
        if (array_key_exists($field_id, $custom_fields)) {
            if ($check_correctness && $field[array_key_exists('cf_show_on_join_form', $field) ? 'cf_show_on_join_form' : 'cf_required'] == 0 && $field['cf_owner_set'] == 0 && !has_actual_page_access(get_member(), 'admin_ocf_join')) {
        } else {
            $custom_fields[$field_id] = '';
    if (!addon_installed('unvalidated')) {
        $validated = 1;
    $map = array('m_username' => $username, 'm_pass_hash_salted' => $password_salted, 'm_pass_salt' => $salt, 'm_theme' => $theme, 'm_avatar_url' => $avatar_url, 'm_validated' => $validated, 'm_validated_email_confirm_code' => $validated_email_confirm_code, 'm_cache_num_posts' => 0, 'm_cache_warnings' => 0, 'm_max_email_attach_size_mb' => 5, 'm_join_time' => $join_time, 'm_timezone_offset' => $timezone, 'm_primary_group' => $primary_group, 'm_last_visit_time' => $last_visit_time, 'm_last_submit_time' => $last_submit_time, 'm_signature' => insert_lang_comcode($signature, 4, $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']), 'm_is_perm_banned' => $is_perm_banned, 'm_preview_posts' => $preview_posts, 'm_notes' => $personal_notes, 'm_dob_day' => $dob_day, 'm_dob_month' => $dob_month, 'm_dob_year' => $dob_year, 'm_reveal_age' => $reveal_age, 'm_email_address' => $email_address, 'm_title' => $title, 'm_photo_url' => $photo_url, 'm_photo_thumb_url' => $photo_thumb_url, 'm_views_signatures' => $views_signatures, 'm_auto_monitor_contrib_content' => $auto_monitor_contrib_content, 'm_highlighted_name' => $highlighted_name, 'm_pt_allow' => $pt_allow, 'm_pt_rules_text' => insert_lang_comcode($pt_rules_text, 4, $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']), 'm_language' => $language, 'm_ip_address' => $ip_address, 'm_zone_wide' => $zone_wide, 'm_allow_emails' => $allow_emails, 'm_allow_emails_from_staff' => $allow_emails_from_staff, 'm_password_change_code' => '', 'm_password_compat_scheme' => $password_compatibility_scheme, 'm_on_probation_until' => NULL);
    if (!is_null($id)) {
        $map['id'] = $id;
    $member_id = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_insert('f_members', $map, true);
    if ($check_correctness) {
        // If it was an invite/recommendation, award the referrer
        if (addon_installed('recommend')) {
            $inviter = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_value_null_ok('f_invites', 'i_inviter', array('i_email_address' => $email_address), 'ORDER BY i_time');
            if (!is_null($inviter)) {
                if (addon_installed('points')) {
                    system_gift_transfer(do_lang('RECOMMEND_SITE_TO', $username, get_site_name()), intval(get_option('points_RECOMMEND_SITE')), $inviter);
                if (addon_installed('chat')) {
                    buddy_add($inviter, $member_id);
                    buddy_add($member_id, $inviter);
    $value = mixed();
    // Store custom fields
    $row = array('mf_member_id' => $member_id);
    $all_fields_types = collapse_2d_complexity('id', 'cf_type', $all_fields);
    foreach ($custom_fields as $field_num => $value) {
        if (!array_key_exists($field_num, $all_fields_types)) {
        // Trying to set a field we're not allowed to (doesn't apply to our group)
        $ob = get_fields_hook($all_fields_types[$field_num]);
        list(, , $storage_type) = $ob->get_field_value_row_bits($all_fields[$field_num]);
        if (strpos($storage_type, '_trans') !== false) {
            $value = insert_lang($value, 3, $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']);
        $row['field_' . strval($field_num)] = $value;
    // Set custom field row
    $all_fields_regardless = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_select('f_custom_fields', array('id', 'cf_type'));
    foreach ($all_fields_regardless as $field) {
        if (!array_key_exists('field_' . strval($field['id']), $row)) {
            $ob = get_fields_hook($field['cf_type']);
            list(, , $storage_type) = $ob->get_field_value_row_bits($field);
            $value = '';
            if (strpos($storage_type, '_trans') !== false) {
                $value = insert_lang($value, 3, $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']);
            $row['field_' . strval($field['id'])] = $value;
    $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_insert('f_member_custom_fields', $row);
    // Any secondary work
    foreach ($secondary_groups as $g) {
        if ($g != $primary_group) {
            $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_delete('f_group_members', array('gm_member_id' => $member_id, 'gm_group_id' => $g), '', 1);
            $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query_insert('f_group_members', array('gm_group_id' => $g, 'gm_member_id' => $member_id, 'gm_validated' => 1));
    if ($check_correctness) {
        if (function_exists('decache')) {
    return $member_id;
Пример #4
 * A custom random number seed generator. It returns a random number seed.
 * @return integer		A random seed
function make_seed()
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime(false));
    $u = produce_salt();
    return intval(floatval($sec) * floatval($usec)) + ord(substr($u, 0, 1)) + (ord(substr($u, 1, 2)) << 8);
Пример #5
  * The actualiser for newsletter subscription maintenance (adding, updating, deleting).
  * @return tempcode		The UI
 function newsletter_maintenance()
     breadcrumb_set_parents(array(array('_SELF:_SELF:misc', get_option('newsletter_title'))));
     $title = get_page_title('_NEWSLETTER_JOIN', true, array(escape_html(get_option('newsletter_title'))));
     // Add
     $email = trim(post_param('email'));
     $password = trim(post_param('password'));
     $forename = trim(post_param('forename'));
     $surname = trim(post_param('surname'));
     if ($password != trim(post_param('password_confirm'))) {
     $lang = post_param('lang', user_lang());
     if (!is_valid_email_address($email) || $password == '') {
         return warn_screen($title, do_lang_tempcode('IMPROPERLY_FILLED_IN'));
     $message = do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_UPDATE');
     $old_confirm = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('newsletter', 'code_confirm', array('email' => $email));
     if (is_null($old_confirm)) {
         $newsletters = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('newsletters', array('id'));
         $found_level = false;
         foreach ($newsletters as $newsletter) {
             if (get_option('interest_levels') == '1') {
                 $level = post_param_integer('level' . strval($newsletter['id']));
             } else {
                 $level = post_param_integer('level' . strval($newsletter['id']), 0);
                 if ($level == 1) {
                     $level = 4;
             if ($level != 0) {
                 $found_level = true;
         if (!$found_level) {
         $code_confirm = mt_rand(1, 32000);
         $salt = produce_salt();
         $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('newsletter', array('n_forename' => $forename, 'n_surname' => $surname, 'join_time' => time(), 'language' => $lang, 'email' => $email, 'code_confirm' => $code_confirm, 'pass_salt' => $salt, 'the_password' => md5($password . $salt)));
         $this->send_confirmation($email, $code_confirm, NULL, $forename, $surname);
         $message = do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_CONFIRM', escape_html($email));
     } elseif ($old_confirm != 0) {
         $this->send_confirmation($email, $old_confirm, NULL, $forename, $surname);
         return inform_screen($title, do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_CONFIRM', escape_html($email)));
     // Change/make settings
     $old_password = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('newsletter', 'the_password', array('email' => $email));
     $old_salt = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('newsletter', 'pass_salt', array('email' => $email));
     if (!has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'change_newsletter_subscriptions') && $old_password != '' && $old_password != md5($password . $old_salt)) {
         $_reset_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'reset', 'email' => $email), '_SELF');
         $reset_url = $_reset_url->evaluate();
         return warn_screen($title, do_lang_tempcode('NEWSLETTER_PASSWORD_RESET', escape_html($reset_url)));
     } else {
         $newsletters = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('newsletters', array('id'));
         foreach ($newsletters as $newsletter) {
             if (get_option('interest_levels') == '1') {
                 $level = post_param_integer('level' . strval($newsletter['id']));
             } else {
                 $level = post_param_integer('level' . strval($newsletter['id']), 0);
                 if ($level == 1) {
                     $level = 4;
             // First we delete
             $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_delete('newsletter_subscribe', array('newsletter_id' => $newsletter['id'], 'email' => $email), '', 1);
             if ($level != 0) {
                 $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('newsletter_subscribe', array('newsletter_id' => $newsletter['id'], 'email' => $email, 'the_level' => $level));
             // Update name
             $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('newsletter', array('n_forename' => $forename, 'n_surname' => $surname), array('email' => $email), '', 1);
     return inform_screen($title, $message);