Пример #1
		</div><!-- /#page-wrapper -->
    </div><!-- /#wrapper -->
// Print the JS needed in footer
Пример #2
        <meta name="keywords" content="<?php 
echo $header_viewmodel->keywords_to_string();
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
        <link rel="shortcut icon" type="images/x-icon" href="./favicon.ico" />

        <!-- css compiler -->
echo print_css('default');
        <!-- scripts en début de page -->

echo print_js('default_head');
            var panelIsSwitched = false;

            var baseVars = {
                lang : "<?php 
echo $header_viewmodel->lang;
                applicationPath : "<?php 
echo site_url();
Пример #3

echo print_js('default_foot');

        <!-- Google Analytics: change UA-XXXXX-X to be your site's ID. -->
<script type="text/javascript">

  var _gaq = _gaq || [];
  _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-27536679-1']);

  (function() {
    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);


Пример #4
front/framework/js/emmet.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/<?php 
front/framework/js/ace/ace.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/<?php 
front/framework/js/ace/ext-language_tools.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/<?php 
front/framework/js/ace/ext-emmet.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>


echo print_js('admin_foot');

            angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById("notifications"), ['notifications']);
            angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById("assets-manager"), ['assetsManager']);

Пример #5
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

    <title>Περιφέρεια Δυτικής Μακεδονίας<?php 
// Print the CSS needed
// Print the JS needed in head
    <!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
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    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
        <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/libs/html5shiv/3.7.0/html5shiv.js"></script>
        <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/libs/respond.js/1.4.2/respond.min.js"></script>



    <div id="wrapper">
Пример #6
echo date('Y-m-d');
# 百度推荐 猜你喜欢 Start
if ($guessConfigArr['template'] == 'baidu') {
<script>document.write(unescape('%3Cdiv id="hm_t_23453"%3E%3C/div%3E%3Cscript charset="utf-8" src="http://crs.baidu.com/t.js?siteId=ae5edc2bc4fc71370807f6187f0a2dd0&planId=23453&async=0&referer=') + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(document.title) + '&rnd=' + (+new Date) + unescape('"%3E%3C/script%3E'));</script>
# 百度推荐 猜你喜欢 End
<script  type="text/javascript">var a =+ new Date;document.write('<img src="http://imp.zol.com.cn/imphit0001.gif?impid=smcmp1&barid=71037&type=1&tmp='+a+'" width=0 height=0 border=0 style="display:none">');</script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://icon.zol-img.com.cn/public/js/zol_quick_news.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://icon.zol-img.com.cn/cms/js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js?2015"></script>
print_js('index20150322.js?20140', 'EXT-MIN', 'REMOTE');

// 20160107高通广告 Start
if (in_array(date('md'), array('0107', '0106'))) {
    echo '</div>';
Пример #7
 private function create_upload_jscript()
     // ae.addFullLib('media_upload');
     $temp_script = "\n                function arrotonda(numero, numeroDecimali)\n                {\n                    var modificatore = '1';\n                    for (var i=0; i<numeroDecimali; i++)\n                    {\n                        modificatore += '0';\n                    }\n\n                    numero = numero * (parseInt(modificatore,10));\n                    numero = Math.round((numero*100)/100);\n\n                    var risultato = numero / modificatore;\n                    return risultato;\n                };\n\n                function format_filesize(size)\n                {\n                    var fSExt = new Array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB');\n                    fSize = size;\n                    i = 0;\n\n                    while (fSize > 1000) {\n                        fSize /= 1024; i++;\n                    }\n\n                    return Math.round((fSize * 100) / 100) + ' ' + fSExt[i];\n                }\n\n                function toggleToolbar() {\n                    //Scambio la visualizzazione dei link";
     if ($this->params['controls'] == true) {
         $temp_script .= "\n                            \$('#media_upload_resumebutton').toggle();\n                            \$('#media_upload_pausebutton').toggle();\n                            \$('#media_upload_cancelbutton').toggle();";
     $temp_script .= "\n                }\n\n                /**\n                 * Crea l'oggetto resumable e ne imposta la configurazione\n                 * @type Resumable\n                 */\n                if (typeof r == 'undefined') { // verifico che l'oggetto non esista\n                    var r = new Resumable({\n                        target: '" . $this->params['target'] . "',\n                        // chunkSize: 3*1024*1024,\n                        simultaneousUploads: " . $this->params['simultaneousUploads'] . ",\n                        testChunks: " . $this->params['testChunks'] . ",\n                        throttleProgressCallbacks: " . $this->params['throttleProgressCallbacks'] . ",\n                        maxFiles: " . $this->params['maxFilesforsession'] . ",\n                        fileType: ['" . join("', '", $this->params['fileType']) . "']\n                    });\n                }\n                ";
      * Se i controlli sono nascosti non bindare l'evento.
     if ($this->params['controls'] == true) {
         $temp_script .= "\n                        \$('#media_upload_browsebutton').bind('change', function() {\n                            if ((match = this.value.match(/mpg|mp4|ts|mov|avi|wmv/gi)) == null) {\n                                // Verifica che le api utilizzate siano supportate dal browser\n                                if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) {\n\n                                } else {\n                                    \$('#media_upload_statusbar').append('File api NON supportate.<br />');\n                                    return;\n                                }\n                                \$('#media_upload_statusbar').append(ae.l('UPLOADER_ERR_FILE_TYPE'));\n                                // file non valido resetto il campo input\n                                this.value = null;\n                                \$('#media_upload_resumebutton').hide();\n                            }\n                        });";
     if ($this->params['filelist'] == true) {
         $temp_script .= "\n                        /**\n                         * Intercetta il click sull'elemento da eliminare e ne estrae l'uniqueid\n                         * per rimuoverlo dal container e dalla lista dei file\n                         * @param {type} file\n                         * @param {type} event\n                         * @returns {undefined}\n                         */\n                        \$(document).on('click', '.removeFile', function () {\n                            identifier = \$(this).data('uniqueid');\n                            file_container = \$('#resumable-file-' + identifier);\n                            file = r.getFromUniqueIdentifier(identifier);\n\n                            r.removeFile(file);\n                            file_container.remove();\n                        });";
     if ($this->params['progress'] == true) {
         $temp_script .= "\n                        /**\n                         * Crea l'oggetto loader per la progress bar di caricamento,\n                         * le dimensioni devono essere uguali, quindi il loader\n                         * deve essere quadrato altrimenti i bordi vengono tagliati.\n                         * @type @call;\$@call;percentageLoader\n                         */\n\n                       /*sizeX = parseInt(\$(window).width() * 0.55);\n                       sizeY = parseInt(\$(window).height() * 0.6);*/\n                       ";
         if ($this->params['method'] == "platform") {
             $temp_script .= "contWidth = \$('#media_upload_loader').parent().parent().width();\n                                        contHeight = \$('#media_upload_loader').parent().parent().height();";
         } else {
             $temp_script .= "contWidth  = \$(window).width();\n                                         contHeight = \$(window).height();";
         if ($this->params['filelist'] == false && $this->params['controls'] == false) {
             $temp_script .= "sizeX = ((contWidth > contHeight) ? contHeight : contWidth);\n                                         sizeY = ((contWidth > contHeight) ? contHeight : contWidth);";
         } else {
             $temp_script .= "\n                            // trovo il lato piu' corto per impostare le dimensioni massime del loader\n                            if (contWidth > contHeight) {\n                                sizeX = parseInt(contHeight * 0.7)\n                                sizeY = parseInt(contHeight * 0.7)\n                            } else {\n                                sizeX = parseInt(contWidth * 0.7)\n                                sizeY = parseInt(contWidth * 0.7)\n                            }";
         $temp_script .= "\n                        if (typeof loader == 'undefined') { // verifico che l'oggetto non esista\n                            var loader = \$('#media_upload_loader').percentageLoader({\n                                width : sizeX,\n                                height : sizeY,\n                                progress : 0,\n                                //value : '0%',\n                                //value: '- / -'\n                                value: ''\n                            });\n                        } else {\n                            console.log(loader);\n                        }\n                    ";
     if ($this->params['controls'] == true) {
         $temp_script .= "r.assignBrowse(document.getElementById('media_upload_browsebutton'));";
     $temp_script .= "\n                    r.on('fileSuccess', function(file){\n                        //console.log('on fileSuccess');\n                        \$('#resumable-file-' + file.uniqueIdentifier + ' .resumable-file-name').css({\n                                background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #6AFA71, #6AFA71)'\n                        });\n\n                        ae.cmd({\n                            command: 'match_action',\n                            type: 'html',\n                            target: 'ae_updater',\n                            params: {\n                                event: 'fileSuccess',\n                                fileName: r.files[0].fileName,\n                                matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n                                matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n                                size: r.files[0].size\n                            }\n                        });";
     // riassemblo la stringa di completamento.
     $this->params['completestring'] .= "?path=" . dirname($this->params['target']) . "/temp/";
     if ($this->params['method'] == "platform") {
         //$temp_script .= "ae.cmd(" . json_encode($this->params['completestring']) . ");";
         $temp_script .= "ae.getCmp('upload').destroyDialog({state: 'success'});";
         // distrugge se stesso
     } elseif ($this->params['method'] == "api") {
         $temp_script .= "\$.ajax('" . $this->params['completestring'] . "' + file.fileName + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(\$('#media_upload_filetitle').val()));";
     $temp_script .= "\n                    });\n\n                    r.on('fileProgress', function(file){\n                        //console.log('on fileProgress');\n                        percent = arrotonda(file.progress() * 100.0, 2);\n\n                        \$('#resumable-file-' + file.uniqueIdentifier + ' .resumable-file-progress').html(\n                                percent + '%');    // + '% ( 0 / ' + file.chunks.length + ' chunks ) '\n\n                        \$('#resumable-file-' + file.uniqueIdentifier + ' .resumable-file-name').css({\n                                background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #6AFA71 0%, #FECF4D ' + percent + '%, #FECF4D ' + percent + '%, #FC2708 100%)'\n                        });\n                        ";
     if ($this->params['method'] == "platform") {
         $temp_script .= "ae.show('current_upload_bar');\n                                             \$('.upload-bar .bar').width(percent +'%');\n                                             \$('.upload-bar .percentage').html(percent +'%');";
     $temp_script .= "\n                            ae.cmd({\n                                command: 'match_action',\n                                type: 'html',\n                                target: 'ae_updater',\n                                params: {\n                                    event: 'fileProgress',\n                                    fileName: file.fileName,\n                                    matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n                                    matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n                                    size: file.size\n                                }\n                            });\n                    });";
     if ($this->params['method'] == "api") {
         $temp_script .= "\n                        r.on('fileAdded', function(file, event){\n                            console.log('api fileAdded');\n                            file.fileName = '" . ae()->get_store()->get_key() . "_'" . " + file.fileName;\n\n                            ae.cmd({\n                                command: 'match_action',\n                                type: 'html',\n                                target: 'ae_updater',\n                                params: {\n                                    event: 'fileAdded',\n                                    fileName: r.files[0].fileName,\n                                    matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n                                    matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n                                    size: r.files[0].size\n                                }\n                            });";
         if ($this->params['filelist'] == true) {
             $temp_script .= "\n                            var rowFile = '<div id=\"resumable-file-' + file.uniqueIdentifier + '\" class=\"resumable-file-container\">'\n                                + '<div class=\"resumable-file-progress\"></div> '\n                                    + '<div class=\"resumable-file-name\"></div> '\n                                    + '<div class=\"resumable-file-cancel\">'\n                                        + '<a href=\"#\" class=\"removeFile\"'\n                                            + ' data-uniqueid=\"' + file.uniqueIdentifier + '\">\n                                                <img src=\"\" /></a>'\n                                    + '</div>'\n                                + '</div>'\n                                ;\n\n                            \$('#media_upload_filelist').append(rowFile);\n\n                            \$('#resumable-file-' + file.uniqueIdentifier + ' .resumable-file-name').html(file.fileName);\n                            \$('#resumable-file-' + file.uniqueIdentifier\n                                    + ' .resumable-file-progress').html('0%');    //( 0 / ' + file.chunks.length + ' chunks )'";
         $temp_script .= "\n                        \$('#media_upload_resumebutton').show();\n                    });\n                    ";
     $temp_script .= "\n                    r.on('filesAdded', function(array) {\n                        console.log('on filesAdded');\n\n                        setTimeout(function() {\n                        ae.cmd({\n                            command: 'match_action',\n                            type: 'html',\n                            target: 'ae_updater',\n                            params: {\n                                event: 'fileAdded',\n                                fileName: r.files[0].fileName,\n                                matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n                                matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n                                size: r.files[0].size\n                            }\n                        }), 200 });\n                    });\n\n                r.on('fileRetry', function(file) {\n                    //console.log('on fileRetry');\n\n                    ae.cmd({\n                        command: 'match_action',\n                        type: 'html',\n                        target: 'ae_updater',\n                        params: {\n                            event: 'fileRetry',\n                            fileName: file.fileName,\n                            matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n                            matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n                            size: file.size\n                        }\n                    });\n                });\n\n                r.on('fileError', function(file, message) {\n                    //console.log('on fileError');\n\n                    ae.cmd({\n                        command: 'match_action',\n                        type: 'html',\n                        target: 'ae_updater',\n                        params: {\n                            event: 'fileError',\n                            fileName: file.fileName,\n                            matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n                            matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n                            size: file.size\n                        }\n                    });\n                });\n\n                r.on('chunkingComplete', function(file) {\n                    //console.log('on chunkingComplete');\n\n//                    setTimeout(function() {\n//                        ae.cmd({\n//                            command: 'match_action',\n//                            type: 'html',\n//                            target: 'ae_updater',\n//                            params: {\n//                                event: 'chunkingComplete',\n//                                fileName: file.fileName,\n//                                matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n//                                matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n//                                size: file.size\n//                            }\n//                        }), 200\n//                    });\n                });\n\n                r.on('chunkingProgress', function(file, ratio) {\n                    //console.log('on chunkingProgress');\n\n//                    setTimeout(function() {\n//                        ae.cmd({\n//                            command: 'match_action',\n//                            type: 'html',\n//                            target: 'ae_updater',\n//                            params: {\n//                                event: 'chunkingProgress',\n//                                fileName: file.fileName,\n//                                matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n//                                matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n//                                size: file.size\n//                            }\n//                        }), 200\n//                    });\n                    });\n\n                r.on('chunkingStart', function(file) {\n                    //console.log('on chunkingStart');\n\n//                    setTimeout(function() {\n//                        ae.cmd({\n//                            command: 'match_action',\n//                            type: 'html',\n//                            target: 'ae_updater',\n//                            params: {\n//                                event: 'chunkingStart',\n//                                fileName: file.fileName,\n//                                matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n//                                matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n//                                size: file.size\n//                            }\n//                        }), 200\n//                    });\n                    });\n\n                r.on('uploadStart', function(){\n                    //console.log('on uploadStart');\n                    toggleToolbar();\n\n                    ae.cmd({\n                        command: 'match_action',\n                        type: 'html',\n                        target: 'ae_updater',\n                        params: {\n                            event: 'uploadStart',\n                            fileName: r.files[0].fileName,\n                            matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n                            matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n                            size: r.files[0].size\n                        }\n                    });\n                });\n\n                // il cancel genera anche l'evento complete\n                r.on('complete', function(){\n                    //console.log('on complete');\n                    toggleToolbar();\n\n                    ae.cmd({\n                        command: 'match_action',\n                        type: 'html',\n                        target: 'ae_updater',\n                        params: {\n                            event: 'complete',\n                            //fileName: r.files[0].fileName,\n                            matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n                            matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n                            //size: r.files[0].size\n                        }\n                    });\n                });\n\n                r.on('progress', function(){\n                    //console.log('on progress');\n\n                    loader.setProgress(arrotonda(r.progress(), 2));\n                    //loader.setValue(arrotonda(r.progress() * 100.0, 2) + '%');\n                    //console.log(format_filesize(file.size*file.progress()) + ' / ' + format_filesize(file.size));\n                    /*if (r.files.length > 0) {\n                        loader.setValue(format_filesize(r.files[0].size*r.progress()) + ' / ' + format_filesize(r.files[0].size));\n                    } else {\n                        loader.setValue('- / -');\n                    }*/\n                    loader.setValue('');\n                });\n\n                r.on('error', function(message, file){\n                    //onsole.log('on error');\n                });\n\n                r.on('pause', function(){\n                    //console.log('on pause');\n\n                    ae.cmd({\n                        command: 'match_action',\n                        type: 'html',\n                        target: 'ae_updater',\n                        params: {\n                            event: 'pause',\n                            fileName: r.files[0].fileName,\n                            matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n                            matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n                            size: r.files[0].size\n                        }\n                    });\n                    toggleToolbar();\n                });\n\n                r.on('cancel', function(){\n                    //console.log('on cancel');\n\n                    ae.cmd({\n                        command: 'match_action',\n                        type: 'html',\n                        target: 'ae_updater',\n                        params: {\n                            event: 'cancel',\n                            fileName: '',\n                            matchType: '" . $this->params['matchType'] . "',\n                            matchId: " . $this->params['matchId'] . ",\n                            size: 0\n                        }\n                    });\n\n                    // svuoto la lista dei file in coda\n                    \$('#media_upload_filelist').html('');\n                    toggleToolbar();\n                    toggleToolbar();\n                    \$('#media_upload_resumebutton').hide();\n                });\n            ";
     // restituisce la stringa generata fra tag script
     return print_js($temp_script, false);
Пример #8
echo date('Y-m-d');
# 百度推荐 猜你喜欢 Start
if ($guessConfigArr['template'] == 'baidu') {
<script>document.write(unescape('%3Cdiv id="hm_t_23453"%3E%3C/div%3E%3Cscript charset="utf-8" src="http://crs.baidu.com/t.js?siteId=ae5edc2bc4fc71370807f6187f0a2dd0&planId=23453&async=0&referer=') + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(document.title) + '&rnd=' + (+new Date) + unescape('"%3E%3C/script%3E'));</script>
# 百度推荐 猜你喜欢 End
<script  type="text/javascript">var a =+ new Date;document.write('<img src="http://imp.zol.com.cn/imphit0001.gif?impid=smcmp1&barid=71037&type=1&tmp='+a+'" width=0 height=0 border=0 style="display:none">');</script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://icon.zol-img.com.cn/public/js/zol_quick_news.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://icon.zol-img.com.cn/cms/js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js?2015"></script>
print_js('index20150310_test.js?20140', 'OPTIMIZ', 'REMOTE');

// 20160107高通广告 Start
if (in_array(date('md'), array('0107', '0106'))) {
    echo '</div>';