Пример #1
    if ($device['os_group'] && is_file($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/polling/os/" . $device['os_group'] . ".inc.php")) {
        // OS Group Specific
        print_cli_data("OS Poller", 'Group', 2);
        include $config['install_dir'] . "/includes/polling/os/" . $device['os_group'] . ".inc.php";
    } else {
        print_cli_data("OS Poller", '%rGeneric%w', 2);
print_cli_data("Hardware", $hardware ?: "%b<empty>%n");
print_cli_data("Version", $version ?: "%b<empty>%n");
print_cli_data("Features", $features ?: "%b<empty>%n");
print_cli_data("Serial", $serial ?: "%b<empty>%n");
print_cli_data("Asset", $asset_tag ?: "%b<empty>%n");
echo PHP_EOL;
foreach ($os_additional_info as $header => $entries) {
    print_cli_heading($header, 3);
    foreach ($entries as $field => $entry) {
        print_cli_data($field, $entry, 3);
    echo PHP_EOL;
// Fields notified in event log
$update_fields = array('version', 'features', 'hardware', 'serial', 'kernel', 'distro', 'distro_ver', 'arch', 'asset_tag');
// Log changed variables
foreach ($update_fields as $field) {
    if (isset(${$field})) {
        ${$field} = snmp_fix_string(${$field});
    // Fix unprintable chars
    if ((isset(${$field}) || strlen($device[$field])) && ${$field} != $device[$field]) {
        $update_array[$field] = ${$field};
Пример #2
function discover_device($device, $options = NULL)
    global $config, $valid, $exec_status, $discovered_devices;
    // Initialise variables
    $valid = array();
    // Reset $valid array
    $modules = array();
    $cache_discovery = array();
    // Specific discovery cache for exchange snmpwalk data between modules (memory/storage/sensors/etc)
    $attribs = get_entity_attribs('device', $device['device_id']);
    $device_start = utime();
    // Start counting device poll time
    // Check if device discovery already running
    $pid_info = check_process_run($device);
    if ($pid_info) {
        // Process ID exist in DB
        print_message("%rAnother " . $pid_info['process_name'] . " process (PID: " . $pid_info['PID'] . ", UID: " . $pid_info['UID'] . ", STARTED: " . $pid_info['STARTED'] . ") already running for device " . $device['hostname'] . " (" . $device['device_id'] . ").%n", 'color');
        return FALSE;
    // Store process info
    print_cli_heading($device['hostname'] . " [" . $device['device_id'] . "]", 1);
    $detect_os = TRUE;
    // Set TRUE or FALSE for module 'os' (exclude double os detection)
    if ($device['os'] == 'generic' || isset($options['h']) && $options['h'] == 'new') {
        $detect_os = FALSE;
        $old_os = $device['os'];
        $device['os'] = get_device_os($device);
        if ($device['os'] != $old_os) {
            print_cli_data("Device OS changed", $old_os . " -> " . $device['os'], 1);
            log_event('OS changed: ' . $old_os . ' -> ' . $device['os'], $device, 'device', $device['device_id'], 'warning');
            dbUpdate(array('os' => $device['os']), 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
    print_cli_data("OS Type", $device['os'], 1);
    if ($config['os'][$device['os']]['group']) {
        $device['os_group'] = $config['os'][$device['os']]['group'];
        print_cli_data("OS Group", $device['os_group'], 1);
    print_cli_data("SNMP Version", $device['snmp_version'], 1);
    print_cli_data("Last discovery", $device['last_discovered'], 1);
    print_cli_data("Last duration", $device['last_discovered_timetaken'] . " seconds", 1);
    echo PHP_EOL;
    // Either only run the modules specified on the commandline, or run all modules in config.
    if ($options['m']) {
        foreach (explode(",", $options['m']) as $module) {
            $modules[$module] = TRUE;
    } else {
        if ($device['force_discovery'] && $options['h'] == 'new' && isset($attribs['force_discovery_modules'])) {
            // Forced discovery specific modules
            foreach (json_decode($attribs['force_discovery_modules'], TRUE) as $module) {
                $modules[$module] = TRUE;
            log_event('Forced discovery module(s): ' . implode(', ', array_keys($modules)), $device, 'device', $device['device_id'], 'debug');
        } else {
            $modules = $config['discovery_modules'];
    // Use os specific modules order
    if (isset($config['os'][$device['os']]['discovery_order'])) {
        foreach ($config['os'][$device['os']]['discovery_order'] as $module => $module_order) {
            if (array_key_exists($module, $modules)) {
                $module_status = $modules[$module];
                switch ($module_order) {
                    case 'last':
                        // add to end of modules list
                        $modules[$module] = $module_status;
                    case 'first':
                        // add to begin of modules list, but not before os/system
                        $new_modules = array();
                        if ($modules['os']) {
                            $new_modules['os'] = $modules['os'];
                        if ($modules['system']) {
                            $new_modules['system'] = $modules['system'];
                        $new_modules[$module] = $module_status;
                        $modules = $new_modules + $modules;
                        // add into specific place (after module name in $module_order)
                        // yes, this is hard and magically
                        if (array_key_exists($module_order, $modules)) {
                            $new_modules = array();
                            foreach ($modules as $new_module => $new_status) {
                                $new_modules[$new_module] = $new_status;
                                if ($new_module == $module_order) {
                                    $new_modules[$module] = $module_status;
                            $modules = array_merge($new_modules, (array) $modules);
    foreach ($modules as $module => $module_status) {
        if (discovery_module_excluded($device, $module) === FALSE) {
            if ($attribs['discover_' . $module] || $module_status && !isset($attribs['discover_' . $module])) {
                $m_start = utime();
                $GLOBALS['module_stats'][$module] = array();
                print_cli_heading("Module Start: %R" . $module . "");
                include "includes/discovery/{$module}.inc.php";
                $m_end = utime();
                $GLOBALS['module_stats'][$module]['time'] = round($m_end - $m_start, 4);
                print_module_stats($device, $module);
                echo PHP_EOL;
                //print_cli_heading("Module End: %R".$module."");
            } elseif (isset($attribs['discover_' . $module]) && $attribs['discover_' . $module] == "0") {
                print_debug("Module [ {$module} ] disabled on host.");
            } else {
                print_debug("Module [ {$module} ] disabled globally.");
    // Set type to a predefined type for the OS if it's not already set
    if ($device['type'] == "unknown" || $device['type'] == "") {
        if ($config['os'][$device['os']]['type']) {
            $device['type'] = $config['os'][$device['os']]['type'];
    $device_end = utime();
    $device_run = $device_end - $device_start;
    $device_time = substr($device_run, 0, 5);
    dbUpdate(array('last_discovered' => array('NOW()'), 'type' => $device['type'], 'last_discovered_timetaken' => $device_time, 'force_discovery' => 0), 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
    if (isset($attribs['force_discovery_modules'])) {
        del_entity_attrib('device', $device['device_id'], 'force_discovery_modules');
    // Put performance into devices_perftimes table
    // Not worth putting discovery data into rrd. it's not done every 5 mins :)
    dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'operation' => 'discover', 'start' => $device_start, 'duration' => $device_run), 'devices_perftimes');
    print_cli_heading($device['hostname'] . " [" . $device['device_id'] . "] completed discovery modules at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 1);
    print_cli_data("Discovery time", $device_time . " seconds", 1);
    echo PHP_EOL;
    // Clean
    // Remove process info
Пример #3
$poller_end = utime();
$poller_run = $poller_end - $poller_start;
$poller_time = substr($poller_run, 0, 5);
if ($polled_devices) {
    dbInsert(array('type' => 'poll', 'doing' => $doing, 'start' => $poller_start, 'duration' => $poller_time, 'devices' => $polled_devices), 'perf_times');
    if (is_numeric($doing)) {
        $doing = $device['hostname'];
    // Single device ID convert to hostname for log
} else {
    print_warning("WARNING: 0 devices polled. Did you specify a device that does not exist?");
$string = $argv[0] . ": {$doing} - {$polled_devices} devices polled in {$poller_time} secs";
print_cli_heading("%WCompleted polling run at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 0);
if (!isset($options['q'])) {
    if ($config['snmp']['hide_auth']) {
        print_debug("NOTE, \$config['snmp']['hide_auth'] is set to TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output.");
    print_cli_data('Devices Polled', $polled_devices, 0);
    print_cli_data('Poller Time', $poller_time . " secs", 0);
    print_cli_data('Memory usage', formatStorage(memory_get_usage(TRUE), 2, 4) . ' (peak: ' . formatStorage(memory_get_peak_usage(TRUE), 2, 4) . ')', 0);
    $mysql_time = 0;
    foreach ($db_stats as $cmd => $count) {
        if (isset($db_stats[$cmd . '_sec'])) {
            $mysql_times[] = ucfirst(str_replace("fetch", "", $cmd)) . "[" . $count . "/" . round($db_stats[$cmd . '_sec'], 3) . "s]";
            $mysql_time += $db_stats[$cmd . '_sec'];
    print_cli_data('MySQL Usage', implode(" ", $mysql_times) . ' (' . round($mysql_time, 3) . 's ' . round($mysql_time / $poller_time * 100, 3) . '%)', 0);
Пример #4
function poll_device($device, $options)
    global $config, $device, $polled_devices, $db_stats, $exec_status, $alert_rules, $alert_table, $graphs, $attribs;
    $alert_metrics = array();
    $oid_cache = array();
    $old_device_state = unserialize($device['device_state']);
    $attribs = get_entity_attribs('device', $device['device_id']);
    $pid_info = check_process_run($device);
    // This just clear stalled DB entries
    // Store process info
    $alert_rules = cache_alert_rules();
    $alert_table = cache_device_alert_table($device['device_id']);
    if (OBS_DEBUG > 1 && (count($alert_rules) || count($alert_table))) {
    $status = 0;
    $device_start = utime();
    // Start counting device poll time
    print_cli_heading($device['hostname'] . " [" . $device['device_id'] . "]", 1);
    print_cli_data("OS", $device['os'], 1);
    if ($config['os'][$device['os']]['group']) {
        $device['os_group'] = $config['os'][$device['os']]['group'];
        print_cli_data("OS Group", $device['os_group'], 1);
    if (is_numeric($device['last_polled_timetaken'])) {
        print_cli_data("Last poll duration", $device['last_polled_timetaken'] . " seconds", 1);
    print_cli_data("Last Polled", $device['last_polled'], 1);
    print_cli_data("SNMP Version", $device['snmp_version'], 1);
    //unset($poll_update); unset($poll_update_query); unset($poll_separator);
    $update_array = array();
    $host_rrd_dir = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $device['hostname'];
    if (!is_dir($host_rrd_dir)) {
        echo "Created directory : {$host_rrd_dir}\n";
    $flags = OBS_DNS_ALL;
    if ($device['snmp_transport'] == 'udp6' || $device['snmp_transport'] == 'tcp6') {
        $flags = $flags ^ OBS_DNS_A;
    $attribs['ping_skip'] = isset($attribs['ping_skip']) && $attribs['ping_skip'];
    if ($attribs['ping_skip']) {
        $flags = $flags | OBS_PING_SKIP;
        // Add skip ping flag
    $device['pingable'] = isPingable($device['hostname'], $flags);
    if ($device['pingable']) {
        $device['snmpable'] = isSNMPable($device);
        if ($device['snmpable']) {
            $ping_msg = $attribs['ping_skip'] ? '' : 'PING (' . $device['pingable'] . 'ms) and ';
            print_cli_data("Device status", "Device is reachable by " . $ping_msg . "SNMP (" . $device['snmpable'] . "ms)", 1);
            $status = "1";
            $status_type = '';
        } else {
            print_cli_data("Device status", "Device is not responding to SNMP requests", 1);
            $status = "0";
            $status_type = 'snmp';
    } else {
        print_cli_data("Device status", "Device is not responding to PINGs", 1);
        $status = "0";
        $status_type = 'ping';
    if ($device['status'] != $status) {
        dbUpdate(array('status' => $status), 'devices', 'device_id = ?', array($device['device_id']));
        // dbInsert(array('importance' => '0', 'device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'message' => "Device is " .($status == '1' ? 'up' : 'down')), 'alerts');
        $event_msg = 'Device status changed to ';
        if ($status == '1') {
            // Device Up, Severity Warning (4)
            $event_msg .= 'Up';
            $event_severity = 4;
        } else {
            // Device Down, Severity Error (3)!
            $event_msg .= 'Down';
            $event_severity = 3;
        if ($status_type != '') {
            $event_msg .= ' (' . $status_type . ')';
        log_event($event_msg, $device, 'device', $device['device_id'], $event_severity);
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'status', array('status' => $status));
    if (!$attribs['ping_skip']) {
        // Ping response RRD database.
        rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'ping', array('ping' => $device['pingable'] ? $device['pingable'] : 'U'));
    // SNMP response RRD database.
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'ping_snmp', array('ping_snmp' => $device['snmpable'] ? $device['snmpable'] : 'U'));
    $alert_metrics['device_status'] = $status;
    $alert_metrics['device_status_type'] = $status_type;
    $alert_metrics['device_ping'] = $device['pingable'];
    // FIXME, when ping skipped, here always 0.001
    $alert_metrics['device_snmp'] = $device['snmpable'];
    if ($status == "1") {
        // Arrays for store and check enabled/disabled graphs
        $graphs = array();
        $graphs_db = array();
        foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id'])) as $entry) {
            $graphs_db[$entry['graph']] = isset($entry['enabled']) ? (bool) $entry['enabled'] : TRUE;
        if (!$attribs['ping_skip']) {
            // Enable Ping graphs
            $graphs['ping'] = TRUE;
        // Enable SNMP graphs
        $graphs['ping_snmp'] = TRUE;
        // Run these base modules always and before all other modules!
        $poll_modules = array('system', 'os');
        $mods_disabled_global = array();
        $mods_disabled_device = array();
        $mods_excluded = array();
        if ($options['m']) {
            foreach (explode(',', $options['m']) as $module) {
                $module = trim($module);
                if (in_array($module, $poll_modules)) {
                // Skip already added modules
                if ($module == 'unix-agent') {
                    array_unshift($poll_modules, $module);
                    // Add 'unix-agent' before all
                if (is_file($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/polling/{$module}.inc.php")) {
                    $poll_modules[] = $module;
        } else {
            foreach ($config['poller_modules'] as $module => $module_status) {
                if (in_array($module, $poll_modules)) {
                // Skip already added modules
                if ($attribs['poll_' . $module] || $module_status && !isset($attribs['poll_' . $module])) {
                    if (poller_module_excluded($device, $module)) {
                        $mods_excluded[] = $module;
                        //print_warning("Module [ $module ] excluded for device.");
                    if ($module == 'unix-agent') {
                        array_unshift($poll_modules, $module);
                        // Add 'unix-agent' before all
                    if (is_file($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/polling/{$module}.inc.php")) {
                        $poll_modules[] = $module;
                } elseif (isset($attribs['poll_' . $module]) && !$attribs['poll_' . $module]) {
                    $mods_disabled_device[] = $module;
                    //print_warning("Module [ $module ] disabled on device.");
                } else {
                    $mods_disabled_global[] = $module;
                    //print_warning("Module [ $module ] disabled globally.");
        if (count($mods_excluded)) {
            print_cli_data("Modules Excluded", implode(", ", $mods_excluded), 1);
        if (count($mods_disabled_global)) {
            print_cli_data("Disabled Globally", implode(", ", $mods_disabled_global), 1);
        if (count($mods_disabled_device)) {
            print_cli_data("Disabled Device", implode(", ", $mods_disabled_global), 1);
        if (count($poll_modules)) {
            print_cli_data("Modules Enabled", implode(", ", $poll_modules), 1);
        echo PHP_EOL;
        foreach ($poll_modules as $module) {
            print_debug(PHP_EOL . "including: includes/polling/{$module}.inc.php");
            print_cli_heading("Module Start: %R" . $module . "");
            $m_start = utime();
            include $config['install_dir'] . "/includes/polling/{$module}.inc.php";
            $m_end = utime();
            $m_run = round($m_end - $m_start, 4);
            $device_state['poller_mod_perf'][$module] = $m_run;
            print_cli_data("Module time", number_format($m_run, 4) . "s");
            echo PHP_EOL;
        print_cli_heading($device['hostname'] . " [" . $device['device_id'] . "] completed poller modules at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 1);
        // Check and update graphs DB
        $graphs_stat = array();
        if (!isset($options['m'])) {
            // Hardcoded poller performance
            $graphs['poller_perf'] = TRUE;
            // Delete not exists graphs from DB (only if poller run without modules option)
            foreach ($graphs_db as $graph => $value) {
                if (!isset($graphs[$graph])) {
                    dbDelete('device_graphs', "`device_id` = ? AND `graph` = ?", array($device['device_id'], $graph));
                    $graphs_stat['deleted'][] = $graph;
        // Add or update graphs in DB
        foreach ($graphs as $graph => $value) {
            if (!isset($graphs_db[$graph])) {
                dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'graph' => $graph, 'enabled' => $value), 'device_graphs');
                $graphs_stat['added'][] = $graph;
            } else {
                if ($value != $graphs_db[$graph]) {
                    dbUpdate(array('enabled' => $value), 'device_graphs', '`device_id` = ? AND `graph` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $graph));
                    $graphs_stat['updated'][] = $graph;
                } else {
                    $graphs_stat['checked'][] = $graph;
        // Print graphs stats
        foreach ($graphs_stat as $key => $stat) {
            if (count($stat)) {
                print_cli_data('Graphs [' . $key . ']', implode(', ', $stat), 1);
        $device_end = utime();
        $device_run = $device_end - $device_start;
        $device_time = round($device_run, 4);
        $update_array['last_polled'] = array('NOW()');
        $update_array['last_polled_timetaken'] = $device_time;
        $update_array['device_state'] = serialize($device_state);
        #echo("$device_end - $device_start; $device_time $device_run");
        print_cli_data("Poller time", $device_time . " seconds", 1);
        //print_message(PHP_EOL."Polled in $device_time seconds");
        // Only store performance data if we're not doing a single-module poll
        if (!$options['m']) {
            dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'operation' => 'poll', 'start' => $device_start, 'duration' => $device_run), 'devices_perftimes');
            rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'perf-poller', array('val' => $device_time));
        if (OBS_DEBUG) {
            echo "Updating " . $device['hostname'] . " - ";
            echo " \n";
        $updated = dbUpdate($update_array, 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
        if ($updated) {
            print_cli_data("Updated Data", implode(", ", array_keys($update_array)), 1);
        $alert_metrics['device_uptime'] = $device['uptime'];
        $alert_metrics['device_rebooted'] = $rebooted;
        // 0 - not rebooted, 1 - rebooted
        $alert_metrics['device_duration_poll'] = $device['last_polled_timetaken'];
        // Clear cache of hrStorage ** MAYBE FIXME? ** (ok, later)
        // Clear cache (unify all things here?)
    check_entity('device', $device, $alert_metrics);
    echo PHP_EOL;
    // Clean
    // Remove process info
Пример #5
        $where = "AND `hostname` LIKE ?";
        $doing = $options['h'];
        $params[] = str_replace('*', '%', $options['h']);
if (!$where) {
    print_message("%n\nUSAGE:\n{$scriptname} [-drqV] [-i instances] [-n number] [-m module] [-h device]\n\nEXAMPLE:\n-h <device id> | <device hostname wildcard>  Poll single device\n-h odd                                       Poll odd numbered devices  (same as -i 2 -n 0)\n-h even                                      Poll even numbered devices (same as -i 2 -n 1)\n-h all                                       Poll all devices\n-h new                                       Poll all devices that have not had a discovery run before\n\n-i <instances> -n <number>                   Poll as instance <number> of <instances>\n                                             Instances start at 0. 0-3 for -n 4\n\nOPTIONS:\n -h                                          Device hostname, id or key odd/even/all/new.\n -i                                          Poll instance.\n -n                                          Poll number.\n -s                                          Sends alerts even if they have already been sent.\n -q                                          Quiet output.\n -V                                          Show version and exit.\n\nDEBUGGING OPTIONS:\n -r                                          Do not create or update RRDs\n -d                                          Enable debugging output.\n -dd                                         More verbose debugging output.\n -m                                          Specify module(s) (separated by commas) to be run.\n\n%rInvalid arguments!%n", 'color');
print_cli_heading("%WStarting alerter run at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 0);
$polled_devices = 0;
if (!isset($query)) {
    $query = "SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 {$where} ORDER BY `device_id` ASC";
$alert_rules = cache_alert_rules();
$alert_assoc = cache_alert_assoc();
// Allow the URL building code to build URLs with proper links.
$_SESSION['userlevel'] = 10;
foreach (dbFetch($query, $params) as $device) {
    $device = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id']));
    // Overwrite the autogenerated base_url with external_url when we can't guess.
    ## FIXME -- Do this automatically when we know we're not running in a webserver.
    $config['base_url'] = $config['external_url'];
    // Send all notifications (also for syslog from queue)
    dbUpdate(array('last_alerter' => array('NOW()')), 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
print_cli_heading("%WFinished alerter run at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 0);
// EOF
Пример #6
 * Print version information about used Observium and additional softwares.
 * @return NULL
function print_versions()
    $os_version = $GLOBALS['cache']['versions']['os_text'];
    $php_version = $GLOBALS['cache']['versions']['php_text'];
    $python_version = $GLOBALS['cache']['versions']['python_text'];
    $mysql_version = $GLOBALS['cache']['versions']['mysql_text'];
    $snmp_version = $GLOBALS['cache']['versions']['snmp_text'];
    $rrdtool_version = $GLOBALS['cache']['versions']['rrdtool_text'];
    $http_version = $GLOBALS['cache']['versions']['http_text'];
    if (is_cli()) {
        $timezone = get_timezone();
        $mysql_mode = dbFetchCell("SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;");
        $mysql_charset = dbShowVariables('SESSION', "LIKE 'character_set_connection'");
        echo PHP_EOL;
        print_cli_heading("Software versions");
        print_cli_data("OS", $os_version);
        print_cli_data("Apache", $http_version);
        print_cli_data("PHP", $php_version);
        print_cli_data("Python", $python_version);
        print_cli_data("MySQL", $mysql_version);
        print_cli_data("SNMP", $snmp_version);
        print_cli_data("RRDtool", $rrdtool_version);
        // In CLI always display mode and charset info
        echo PHP_EOL;
        print_cli_heading("MySQL mode", 3);
        print_cli_data("MySQL", $mysql_mode, 3);
        echo PHP_EOL;
        print_cli_heading("Charset info", 3);
        print_cli_data("PHP", ini_get("default_charset"), 3);
        print_cli_data("MySQL", $mysql_charset['character_set_connection'], 3);
        echo PHP_EOL;
        print_cli_heading("Timezones info", 3);
        print_cli_data("Date", date("l, d-M-y H:i:s T"), 3);
        print_cli_data("PHP", $timezone['php'], 3);
        print_cli_data("MySQL", ($timezone['diff'] !== 0 ? '%r' : '') . $timezone['mysql'], 3);
        echo PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        $observium_date = format_unixtime(strtotime(OBSERVIUM_DATE), 'jS F Y');
        echo generate_box_open(array('title' => 'Version Information'));
        echo '
        <table class="table table-striped table-condensed-more">
            <tr><td><b>' . escape_html(OBSERVIUM_PRODUCT) . '</b></td><td>' . escape_html(OBSERVIUM_VERSION) . ' (' . escape_html($observium_date) . ')</td></tr>
            <tr><td><b>OS</b></td><td>' . escape_html($os_version) . '</td></tr>
            <tr><td><b>Apache</b></td><td>' . escape_html($http_version) . '</td></tr>
            <tr><td><b>PHP</b></td><td>' . escape_html($php_version) . '</td></tr>
            <tr><td><b>Python</b></td><td>' . escape_html($python_version) . '</td></tr>
            <tr><td><b>MySQL</b></td><td>' . escape_html($mysql_version) . '</td></tr>
            <tr><td><b>SNMP</b></td><td>' . escape_html($snmp_version) . '</td></tr>
            <tr><td><b>RRDtool</b></td><td>' . escape_html($rrdtool_version) . '</td></tr>
        </table>' . PHP_EOL;
        echo generate_box_close();
Пример #7
    if ($options['h'] == 'new' || isSNMPable($device)) {
        discover_device($device, $options);
        if (!isset($options['m']) && function_exists('update_device_group_table')) {
        // Not exist in CE
        if (!isset($options['m']) && function_exists('update_device_alert_table')) {
    } else {
        $string = "Device '" . $device['hostname'] . "' skipped, because switched off during runtime discovery process.";
        logfile($argv[0] . ": {$string}");
print_cli_heading("%WFinished discovery run at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 0);
$end = utime();
$run = $end - $start;
$discovery_time = substr($run, 0, 5);
if ($discovered_devices) {
    dbInsert(array('type' => 'discover', 'doing' => $doing, 'start' => $start, 'duration' => $discovery_time, 'devices' => $discovered_devices), 'perf_times');
    if (is_numeric($doing)) {
        $doing = $device['hostname'];
    // Single device ID convert to hostname for log
} else {
    if (!isset($options['q']) && !$options['u']) {
        print_warning("WARNING: 0 devices discovered." . ($options['h'] != 'new' ? " Did you specify a device that does not exist?" : ''));
$string = $argv[0] . ": {$doing} - {$discovered_devices} devices discovered in {$discovery_time} secs";
Пример #8
function process_alerts($device)
    global $config, $alert_rules, $alert_assoc;
    $pid_info = check_process_run($device);
    // This just clear stalled DB entries
    // Store process info
    print_cli_heading($device['hostname'] . " [" . $device['device_id'] . "]", 1);
    $alert_table = cache_device_alert_table($device['device_id']);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `alert_table`";
    //$sql .= " LEFT JOIN `alert_table-state` ON `alert_table`.`alert_table_id` = `alert_table-state`.`alert_table_id`";
    $sql .= " WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `alert_status` IS NOT NULL;";
    foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, array($device['device_id'])) as $entry) {
        print_cli_data_field('Alert: ' . $entry['alert_table_id']);
        print_cli('Status: [' . $entry['alert_status'] . '] ', 'color');
        // If the alerter is now OK and has previously alerted, send an recovery notice.
        if ($entry['alert_status'] == '1' && $entry['has_alerted'] == '1') {
            $alert = $alert_rules[$entry['alert_test_id']];
            if (!$alert['suppress_recovery']) {
                alert_notifier($entry, "recovery");
                $log_id = log_alert('Recovery notification sent', $device, $entry, 'RECOVER_NOTIFY');
            } else {
                echo 'Recovery suppressed.';
                $log_id = log_alert('Recovery notification suppressed', $device, $entry, 'RECOVER_SUPPRESSED');
            $update_array['last_recovered'] = time();
            $update_array['has_alerted'] = 0;
            dbUpdate($update_array, 'alert_table', '`alert_table_id` = ?', array($entry['alert_table_id']));
        if ($entry['alert_status'] == '0') {
            echo 'Alert tripped. ';
            // Has this been alerted more frequently than the alert interval in the config?
            /// FIXME -- this should be configurable per-entity or per-checker
            if (time() - $entry['last_alerted'] < $config['alerts']['interval'] && !isset($GLOBALS['spam'])) {
                $entry['suppress_alert'] = TRUE;
            // Don't re-alert if interval set to 0
            if ($config['alerts']['interval'] == 0 && $entry['last_alerted'] != 0) {
                $entry['suppress_alert'] = TRUE;
            // Check if alert has ignore_until set.
            if (is_numeric($entry['ignore_until']) && $entry['ignore_until'] > time()) {
                $entry['suppress_alert'] = TRUE;
            // Check if alert has ignore_until_ok set.
            if (is_numeric($entry['ignore_until_ok']) && $entry['ignore_until_ok'] == '1') {
                $entry['suppress_alert'] = TRUE;
            if ($entry['suppress_alert'] != TRUE) {
                echo 'Requires notification. ';
                alert_notifier($entry, "alert");
                $log_id = log_alert('Alert notification sent', $device, $entry, 'ALERT_NOTIFY');
                $update_array['last_alerted'] = time();
                $update_array['has_alerted'] = 1;
                dbUpdate($update_array, 'alert_table', '`alert_table_id` = ?', array($entry['alert_table_id']));
            } else {
                echo "No notification required. " . (time() - $entry['last_alerted']);
        } else {
            if ($entry['alert_status'] == '1') {
                echo "Status: OK. ";
            } else {
                if ($entry['alert_status'] == '2') {
                    echo "Status: Notification Delayed. ";
                } else {
                    if ($entry['alert_status'] == '3') {
                        echo "Status: Notification Suppressed. ";
                    } else {
                        echo "Unknown status.";
        echo PHP_EOL;
    echo PHP_EOL;
    print_cli_heading($device['hostname'] . " [" . $device['device_id'] . "] completed notifications at " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 1);
    // Clean
    // Remove process info