<body> <div class= "background"> <img src="background.jpg" id="bck1" > </div> <div class="header"> <p><b> Fitness Tracking Database </b></p> </div> <div class=container1> <?php printUser(); ?> <?php loginButton(); ?> <form action="createlogin.php"> <button id="creatAccountButton", type="submit"> Create Account </button> </form> <form method='post' > <button id="logout" , name = "logout", type="submit"> Log out </button> </form> <p>
$servername = "localhost"; $username = "******"; $password = ""; $dbname = "cookbooknetwork"; $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM account WHERE email = '{$e}' or username ='******'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { echo '<h1>' . $result->num_rows . ' results: <h1>'; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { echo '<br><h3><a href="view-account-info.php?user_id=' . $row["user_id"] . '">email: ' . $row["email"] . '<br> username: '******'</a></h3> '; } } else { echo '0 results'; } $conn->close(); } $input = ""; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $input = $_POST["email"]; printUser($input); } ?> </div> <div class="footer"><p>© Cookbook Network, 2015. All Rights Reserved.</p></div> </body> </html>
} $print_next = 0; $nMax2 = sizeof($arrCPResult); for ($nIndex2 = 0; $nIndex2 < $nMax2; $nIndex2++) { $arrCurCP = $arrCPResult[$nIndex2]; if ($print_next && $arrCurCP['nIsSubstitiuteOf'] != 0) { ?> </tr> <tr style="<?php if ($bLastUser && $arrSubstitute && $arrCurCP['nDecissionState'] == 0) { echo 'background-color: #FFE88E;'; } ?> height:22px;"> <?php printUser($arrCurCP, true, $nSubstituteId, $bLastUser); } else { $print_next = 0; } if ($arrCurCP['nID'] == $nCurPiId) { $print_next = 1; } } } ?> </tr> <?php $nPosInSlot++; } } }
if ($pos > -1) { $user->setAccessLevel(3); } // Determine if they have ban manager powers $findme = 'b'; $pos = strpos($flags, $findme); if ($pos > -1) { $user->setAccessLevel(2); } printUser($user); } } } else { // Only add them if they are active and have powers // It will also go to here if the "gban plugin" is not added on the admin group page to the group printUser($user); } } function printUser($user) { if ($user->getActive() == 1 && $user->getAccessLevel() != 5) { $admin = 0; echo "\n \"" . $user->getSteamId() . "\"\n"; echo " {\n"; // Determine if the user has "admin" privileges // 4 is member only if ($user->getAccessLevel() == 4) { $admin = 0; } else { $admin = 1; }