Пример #1
stdOut("Building list of hidden files " . count($g_HiddenFiles));
if (count($g_HiddenFiles) > 0) {
    $l_Result .= '<div class="note_warn">' . AI_STR_023 . ' (' . count($g_HiddenFiles) . ')</div><div class="warn">';
    $l_Result .= nl2br(makeSafeFn(implode("\n", $g_HiddenFiles), true));
    $l_Result .= "</div><div class=\"spacer\"></div>" . PHP_EOL;
    $l_PlainResult .= '[HIDDEN]' . "\n" . implode("\n", replacePathArray($g_HiddenFiles)) . "\n\n";
stdOut("Building list of bigfiles " . count($g_BigFiles));
$max_size_to_scan = getBytes(MAX_SIZE_TO_SCAN);
$max_size_to_scan = $max_size_to_scan > 0 ? $max_size_to_scan : getBytes('1m');
if (count($g_BigFiles) > 0) {
    $l_Result .= "<div class=\"note_warn\">" . sprintf(AI_STR_038, bytes2Human($max_size_to_scan)) . '</div><div class="warn">';
    $l_Result .= printList($g_BigFiles);
    $l_Result .= "</div>";
    $l_PlainResult .= '[BIG FILES / SKIPPED]' . "\n" . printPlainList($g_BigFiles) . "\n\n";
stdOut("Building list of php inj " . count($g_PHPCodeInside));
if (count($g_PHPCodeInside) > 0 && ($defaults['report_mask'] & REPORT_MASK_PHPSIGN) == REPORT_MASK_PHPSIGN) {
    $l_Result .= '<div class="note_warn">' . AI_STR_028 . '</div><div class="warn">';
    $l_Result .= printList($g_PHPCodeInside, $g_PHPCodeInsideFragment, true);
    $l_Result .= "</div>" . PHP_EOL;
stdOut("Building list of empty links " . count($g_EmptyLink));
if (count($g_EmptyLink) > 0) {
    $l_Result .= '<div class="note_warn">' . AI_STR_031 . '</div><div class="warn">';
    $l_Result .= printList($g_EmptyLink, '', true);
    $l_Result .= AI_STR_032 . '<br/>';
    if (count($g_EmptyLink) == MAX_EXT_LINKS) {
        $l_Result .= '(' . AI_STR_033 . MAX_EXT_LINKS . ')<br/>';
Пример #2
    $l_Result .= "</div>" . PHP_EOL;
    $l_ShowOffer = true;
stdOut("Building list of iframes " . count($g_Iframer));
if (count($g_Iframer) > 0) {
    $l_ShowOffer = true;
    $l_Result .= '<div class="note_vir">' . AI_STR_021 . ' (' . count($g_Iframer) . ')</div><div class="crit">';
    $l_Result .= printList($g_Iframer, $g_IframerFragment, true);
    $l_Result .= "</div>" . PHP_EOL;
stdOut("Building list of base64s " . count($g_Base64));
if (count($g_Base64) > 0) {
    $l_ShowOffer = true;
    $l_Result .= '<div class="note_vir">' . AI_STR_020 . ' (' . count($g_Base64) . ')</div><div class="crit">';
    $l_Result .= printList($g_Base64, $g_Base64Fragment, true);
    $l_PlainResult .= printPlainList($g_Base64, $g_Base64Fragment, true);
    $l_Result .= "</div>" . PHP_EOL;
stdOut("Building list of redirects " . count($g_Redirect));
if (count($g_Redirect) > 0) {
    $l_ShowOffer = true;
    $l_Result .= '<div class="note_vir">' . AI_STR_027 . ' (' . count($g_Redirect) . ')</div><div class="crit">';
    $l_Result .= printList($g_Redirect, $g_RedirectPHPFragment, true);
    $l_Result .= "</div>" . PHP_EOL;
stdOut("Building list of unread files " . count($g_NotRead));
if (count($g_NotRead) > 0) {
    $l_ShowOffer = true;
    $l_Result .= '<div class="note_vir">' . AI_STR_030 . ' (' . count($g_NotRead) . ')</div><div class="crit">';
    $l_Result .= printList($g_NotRead);
    $l_Result .= "</div><div class=\"spacer\"></div>" . PHP_EOL;