public function go() { try { $this->checker = \Ns\Bitrix\Helper::Create('iblock')->useVariant('checker'); } catch (\Exception $e) { prentExpection($e->getMessage()); } foreach ($this->dom->find("table.fileinfo") as $table) { $this->arFields = array(); $this->arFields["IBLOCK_ID"] = self::ALFADOCUMENTS_IBLOCK_ID; $table = \phpQuery::pq($table); $this->arFields["NAME"] = $table->find('a:eq(1)')->text(); $this->arFields["PROPERTY_VALUES"]["LINK"] = $table->find('a:eq(1)')->attr("href"); prent($this->arFields); $this->Add(); } /** * Check and add element to infoblock Terminals */ return true; }
public function Add() { global $USER; if ($USER->isAuthorized()) { return \CUser::GetID(); } $this->arFields = array_merge($this->getFields(), $this->defaultFields); if (!$this->arFields["EMAIL"]) { throw new CRUDException("Please, set email for new user"); } $u = \CUser::GetList($by = "ID", $order = "DESC", array("EMAIL" => $this->arFields["EMAIL"]))->Fetch(); if ($u) { return $u["ID"]; } try { $this->generate('LOGIN')->generate('PASSWORD')->generate('GROUP_ID'); } catch (CRUDGenerateException $e) { prentExpection($e->getMessage()); } $objUser = new \CUser(); $newUserID = $objUser->Add($this->arFields); if (!intval($newUserID)) { throw new CRUDException("An error was occured while adding new User in CRUD: " . $objUser->LAST_ERROR . ". Line: " . __LINE__); } else { return $newUserID; } }
public function go() { require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/classes/XML.php"; $xml = file_get_contents(""); $rss = new \XML($xml); foreach ($rss->rss->channel->item as $it) { $dom = \phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($it->childByName("content:encoded")); $date = date_create($it->pubDate->getData()); $arResult = array( "IBLOCK_ID" => self::ABLOG_IBLOCK_ID, "NAME" => $it->title->getData(), "DATE_ACTIVE_FROM" => date_format($date, 'd.m.Y'), "PREVIEW_TEXT" => $it->description->getData(), "PREVIEW_PICTURE" => \CFile::MakeFileArray($dom->find('img')->attr('src')), "DETAIL_TEXT" => $it->childByName("content:encoded"), "CODE" => \Ns\Bitrix\Helper::Create('iblock')->useVariant('text')->translite($it->title->getData()), "PROPERTY_VALUES" => array("ORIGINAL_LINK" => $it->link->getData()) ); $this->objElement->Add($arResult); if ($this->objElement->LAST_ERROR) { prentExpection($this->objElement->LAST_ERROR); } } return true; }
public function Add($email = '', $name = '') { global $USER; if ($USER->isAuthorized()) { return $USER->getID(); } else { try { $validator = \Ns\Bitrix\Helper::Create('iblock')->useVariant('validator'); } catch (\Exception $e) { prentExpection($e->getMessage()); } $this->user["email"] = $validator->email($email); $this->user["name"] = $validator->xss($name); if (!$this->user["email"]) { $e["ERROR"]["EMAIL"] = "Y"; } if (!$this->user["name"]) { $e["ERROR"]["NAME"] = "Y"; } if (is_array($e)) { return $e; } else { $user = \CUser::GetList($by = "ID", $order = "desc", array("EMAIL" => $this->user["email"])); if ($user->SelectedRowsCount() > 0) { $this->user = $user->Fetch(); \ChromePhp::log($this->user); try { global $APPLICATION; $this->sendEmailToLogin(); } catch (\Exception $e) { prentExpection($e->getMessage()); } return True; } else { $arFields = array("EMAIL" => $this->user["email"], "NAME" => $this->user["name"]); try { return \Ns\Bitrix\Helper::Create('user')->useVariant('crud')->withFields($arFields)->withGroupId(self::NEW_USER_SUBSCRIBE_GROUP)->Add(); } catch (CRUDException $e) { prentExpection($e->getMessage()); } catch (\Exception $e1) { prentExpection($e1->getMessage()); } } } } }
public function Add() { \ChromePhp::log("Subscr CRUD Add"); if ($subscriber = $this->getSubscriber()) { $this->user = \CUser::GetByID($subscriber)->Fetch(); \CUser::Authorize($this->user["ID"]); if ($subscribe = \CSubscription::GetList(False, array("ACTIVE" => "Y", "USER_ID" => $this->user["ID"]))->Fetch()) { return $subscribe["ID"]; } else { try { return $this->addSubscribe(); } catch (SubscribeException $e) { prentExpection($e->getMessage()); } } } else { throw new SubscribeUserException("No user for add to subscribers" . ". Line: " . __LINE__); } }
public function go() { try { $this->checker = \Ns\Bitrix\Helper::Create('iblock')->useVariant('checker'); } catch (\Exception $e) { prentExpection($e->getMessage()); } foreach ($this->dom->find("span.cat_block") as $span) { $this->arFields = array(); $this->arFields["IBLOCK_ID"] = self::ALFATAXES_IBLOCK_ID; /** * Получение Даты создания и Имени новости */ $span = \phpQuery::pq($span); if ($span->find("strong")) { $mainSection = $this->findOrCreateSection($span->find("strong")->text()); } $this->arFields["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] = $this->findOrCreateSection($span->find("a:eq(0)")->text(), $mainSection); foreach ($span->find('table.fileinfo') as $table) { $table = \phpQuery::pq($table); $this->arFields["NAME"] = $table->find("a:eq(1)")->text(); $this->arFields["PROPERTY_VALUES"]["LINK"] = $table->find("a:eq(1)")->attr("href"); prent($this->arFields); // $this->Add(); } /** * Compose name for element of infoblock */ } /** * Check and add element to infoblock Terminals */ return true; }
public function go() { try { $this->checker = \Ns\Bitrix\Helper::Create('iblock')->useVariant('checker'); } catch (\Exception $e) { prentExpection($e->getMessage()); } $table = \phpQuery::pq($this->dom->find("table.mainfnt")); foreach ($table->find("tr") as $tr) { /** * Получение Даты создания и Имени новости */ $tr = \phpQuery::pq($tr); $this->arFields["PROPERTY_VALUES"]["CITY"] = $tr->find('td:eq(0)')->text(); $this->arFields["PROPERTY_VALUES"]["ADDRESS"] = $tr->find('td:eq(1)')->text(); $this->arFields["PROPERTY_VALUES"]["LOCATION"] = $tr->find('td:eq(2)')->text(); $this->arFields["PROPERTY_VALUES"]["CURRENCY"] = $tr->find('td:eq(3)')->text(); $this->arFields["PROPERTY_VALUES"]["OPERATION_TIME"] = $tr->find('td:eq(4)')->text(); $this->arFields["PROPERTY_VALUES"]["STATUS"] = $tr->find('td:eq(5)')->text(); if ($this->arFields["PROPERTY_VALUES"]["LOCATION"] == "РАСПОЛОЖЕНИЕ") { continue; } /** * Compose name for element of infoblock */ $this->arFields["NAME"] = $this->composeName(); $this->Add(); } /** * Check and add element to infoblock Terminals */ return true; }
private function Add() { if ($this->checker->withParams(array("NAME" => $this->arFields["NAME"], "IBLOCK_ID" => $this->arFields["IBLOCK_ID"]))->isUnique()) { $this->objElement->Add($this->arFields); if ($this->objElement->LAST_ERROR) { prentExpection($this->objElement->LAST_ERROR); } } }