public static function SyncZavodiWhereKategorijaActive() { $schoolCategories = SchoolCategory::model()->findAll('active=:active', array(':active' => 1)); $kategorije = array(); $kategorija_map = array(); foreach ($schoolCategories as $schoolCategory) { $kategorije[] = $schoolCategory->name; $kategorija_map[$schoolCategory->name] = $schoolCategory->id; } echo "Current categories for sync:<br />"; pre_print($kategorije); $list = self::GetRegZavod(); if (!isset($list['return'])) { return array(); } $list = $list['return']; echo "Current schools to sync:<br />"; $country = Country::model()->find('country=:country', array(':country' => 'Slovenija')); if ($country == null) { echo "Add country Slovenija!<br />\n"; die; } $country_id = $country->id; // cache all občine $municipalities = Municipality::model()->findAll('country_id=:country_id', array(':country_id' => $country_id)); $municipality_map = array(); foreach ($municipalities as $municipality) { $municipality_map[$municipality->name] = $municipality->id; } // cache all regije $regions = Region::model()->findAll('country_id=:country_id', array(':country_id' => $country_id)); $region_map = array(); foreach ($regions as $region) { $region_map[$region->name] = $region->id; } $counter = 0; $updated = 0; $inserted = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); ++$i) { if (in_array($list[$i]['KATEGORIJA'], $kategorije)) { $counter++; $el = $list[$i]; $school = School::model()->find('name=:name and country_id=:country_id', array(':name' => trim($el['ZAVOD_NAZIV']), ':country_id' => $country_id)); if ($school == null) { $school = new School(); $school->name = trim($el['ZAVOD_NAZIV']); $school->country_id = $country_id; $inserted++; } $school->school_category_id = $kategorija_map[trim($el['KATEGORIJA'])]; // občina if (!isset($municipality_map[trim($el['OBCINANAZIV'])])) { $municipality = new Municipality(); $municipality->name = trim($el['OBCINANAZIV']); $municipality->country_id = $country_id; $municipality->save(); $municipality_map[trim($el['OBCINANAZIV'])] = $municipality->id; } $school->municipality_id = $municipality_map[trim($el['OBCINANAZIV'])]; // regija if (!isset($region_map[trim($el['REGIJANAZIV'])])) { $region = new Region(); $region->name = trim($el['REGIJANAZIV']); $region->country_id = $country_id; $region->save(); $region_map[trim($el['REGIJANAZIV'])] = $region->id; } $school->region_id = $region_map[trim($el['REGIJANAZIV'])]; $school->post = trim($el['POSTANAZIV']); $school->postal_code = trim($el['POSTASIFRA']); $school->identifier = trim($el['ZAVPRS']); $school->headmaster = trim($el['ZAVRAVN']); if (isset($el['ZAVDAVST'])) { $school->tax_number = trim($el['ZAVDAVST']); } if ($school->save()) { $updated++; } } } echo 'Found schools to sync: ', $counter, "<br />\n"; echo 'New schools imported: ', $inserted, "<br />\n"; echo 'Updated schools: ', $updated - $inserted, "<br />\n"; }
public function calculateCompetitionAwards($competition_id, $competition_category_id) { // reset awards to null to all competitiors CompetitionUser::model()->updateAll(array('award' => NULL), 'competition_id=:competition_id and competition_category_id=:competition_category_id', array(':competition_id' => $competition_id, ':competition_category_id' => $competition_category_id)); $cus = CompetitionUser::model()->findAll('competition_id=:competition_id and competition_category_id=:competition_category_id and disqualified=:disqualified', array(':competition_id' => $competition_id, ':competition_category_id' => $competition_category_id, ':disqualified' => 0)); $whole_competition = array(); $competition_per_school = array(); $totalpoints = 0; foreach ($cus as $cu) { if ($cu == null) { $cu = new CompetitionUser(); } $result = $cu->getCompetitionNumericResult(true); if ($totalpoints == 0) { $totalpoints = (int) $result['totalpoints']; } $whole_competition[] = array('id' => $cu->id, 'result' => (int) $result['result']); if (!isset($competition_per_school[$cu->school_id])) { $competition_per_school[$cu->school_id] = array(); } $competition_per_school[$cu->school_id][] = array('id' => $cu->id, 'result' => (int) $result['result']); } Generic::orderBy($whole_competition, 'order by result desc', false, true); // 1/5 najboljših na tekmovanju prejme bronasto priznanje $awarded_users = array(); $petina = ceil(count($whole_competition) / 5); $last_result = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $petina; ++$i) { $awarded_users[] = $whole_competition[$i]['id']; $last_result = $whole_competition[$i]['result']; } // add users with same result as the last one in petina for ($i = $petina; $i < count($whole_competition); ++$i) { if ($last_result == $whole_competition[$i]['result']) { $awarded_users[] = $whole_competition[$i]['id']; } else { break; } } // max 1/3 na šoli, če le dosežejo tekmovalci vsaj polovico vseh točk $totalpointshalf = round($totalpoints / 2); $awards_per_school = array(); foreach ($competition_per_school as $school_id => $competitors) { $awards_per_school[$school_id] = 0; Generic::orderBy($competitors, 'order by result desc', false, true); echo "Competitors on school with ID: ", $school_id, "<br />"; pre_print($competitors); $tretjina = ceil(count($competitors) / 3); $process_edge = true; // če je pred tretjino tekmovalec z manj kot polovico točk, ne gledamo več tekmovalcev ob robu tretjine $last_result = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $tretjina; ++$i) { if ($competitors[$i]['result'] >= $totalpointshalf) { if (!in_array($competitors[$i]['id'], $awarded_users)) { $awarded_users[] = $competitors[$i]['id']; } $awards_per_school[$school_id]++; $last_result = $competitors[$i]['result']; } else { $process_edge = false; } } if ($process_edge) { for ($i = $tretjina; $i < count($competitors); ++$i) { if ($last_result == $competitors[$i]['result']) { if (!in_array($competitors[$i]['id'], $awarded_users)) { $awarded_users[] = $competitors[$i]['id']; } $awards_per_school[$school_id]++; } else { break; } } } } echo "Awards per school: <br />"; pre_print($awards_per_school); // save awards to database for ($i = 0; $i < count($awarded_users); ++$i) { CompetitionUser::model()->updateAll(array('award' => 5), 'id=:id', array(':id' => $awarded_users[$i])); } return true; }
/** * @author Gaurav Dhiman. * @method forget_password */ public function forget_password() { pre_print($_POST); $this->load->view('admin/others/login'); }
/** * @author Ankush. * @method student by Birthday listing */ public function generateGRnum($standard = '', $pref = 'std') { $grNum = $this->model_student->grNum($standard); $new_gr = ''; if (is_numeric($grNum['gr_num'])) { $new_gr = $grNum['gr_num'] + 1; echo $new_gr; exit; } else { if ($pref != '') { list($alpha, $numeric) = sscanf($grNum['gr_num'], "%[A-Z]%[0-9]"); pre_print($numeric); } exit; } }
* * */ require 'bitcoinCharts.php'; $bitcoinCharts = new BitcoinCharts(); /* * Weighted Prices */ $weightedPrices = $bitcoinCharts->weighted_prices(); pre_print($weightedPrices, 'Weighted Prices'); /* * Markets Data */ $marketsData = $bitcoinCharts->markets(); pre_print($marketsData, 'Markets Data'); /* * Historic Trade Data */ $tradeData = $bitcoinCharts->trades(array('symbol' => 'mtgoxUSD')); pre_print($tradeData, 'Historical Trade Data'); /* * This function is used to test output */ function pre_print($var, $head = NULL) { echo '<pre>'; echo '<h2>' . $head . '</h2>'; print_r($var); echo '</pre>'; echo '<hr>'; }
/** * @author Gaurav Dhiman. * @method edit student */ public function edit($stud_id) { if (isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_POST)) { // $arrData = array(); $arrData = copy_posted($arrData, array('std', 'stream', 'division', 'semester', 'admit_to', 'medium', 'fname', 'mname', 'lname', 'father_mname', 'father_qualification', 'father_occupation', 'father_pq', 'father_mobile', 'father_ofc_num', 'father_ofc_name', 'adrs_father_ofc', 'father_email', 'father_aadhar', 'father_ai', 'father_pan', 'mother_fname', 'mother_qualification', 'mother_occupation', 'mother_pq', 'mother_mobile', 'mother_ofc_num', 'mother_ofc_name', 'adrs_mother_ofc', 'mother_email', 'mother_aadhar', 'mother_ai', 'mother_pan', 'is_divorced', 'is_adopted', 'sibbling1', 'sibbling2', 'sibbling3', 'adrs_residence', 'adrs_native', 'city', 'pincode', 'district', 'birth_place', 'alt_phone', 'gender', 'religion', 'caste', 's_caste', 'weight', 'height', 'birth_date', 'admission_date', 'fee_scheme', 'start_std', 'blood_grp', 'status', 'mother_tongue', 'nationality', 'near_rly_stn', 'seat_num', 'child_num', 'passed_out', 'last_percentage', 'handicap', 'nss', 'leaving_date')); $arrData['modified'] = date('y-m-d H:i:s'); $arrData['updated_by'] = "Gaurav Dhiman"; $arrData['admit_to'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($arrData['admit_to'])); $arrData['birth_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($arrData['birth_date'])); $arrData['admission_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($arrData['admission_date'])); //pre_print($arrData); $response = $this->model_student->update_student($stud_id, $arrData); pre_print($response); if ($response > 0) { redirect('student/listing'); } else { $arrData['student_details'] = $this->model_student->get_student($stud_id); //pre_print($arrData); superadmin_view('student/edit_student', $arrData); } } else { $arrData['student_details'] = $this->model_student->get_student($stud_id); //pre_print($arrData); superadmin_view('student/edit_student', $arrData); } }
<?php pre_print('herahfjahsdfkljhaskldfhlkasjdfhkajsdfhk');
public function importMentorsWithIdsAndCodes($competition_id, $country_id, $csv) { $country = Country::model()->findByPk($country_id); if ($country == null) { echo 'Country does not exist!'; die; } $competition = Competition::model()->findByPk($competition_id); if ($competition == null) { echo 'Competition does not exist!'; die; } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if ($country->country == 'Srbija') { // popravek imen kategorij, ki se parsajo $cols = array('Mentor ID' => 'mentor_id', 'kategorija' => 'category_name', 'koda' => 'access_code'); } else { $cols = array('Mentor ID' => 'mentor_id', 'kategorija' => 'category_name', 'koda' => 'access_code'); } $lines = explode("\n", trim($csv)); $header_line = $lines[0]; $header_cols = explode(';', trim($header_line)); $keys = array_keys($cols); $cols_matrix = array(); $index = 0; foreach ($header_cols as $h_cols) { $h_cols = trim($h_cols); if (in_array($h_cols, $keys)) { $cols_matrix[$index] = $cols[$h_cols]; } $index++; } if (count($cols_matrix) != count($cols)) { echo 'One of required header columns is missing. Required columns: ', implode(', ', $keys), "<br />"; die; } // pre_print($cols_matrix); $datas = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($lines); ++$i) { $col = explode(';', trim($lines[$i])); $data = array(); $index = 0; foreach ($col as $c) { $data[$cols_matrix[$index]] = trim($c); $index++; } $datas[] = $data; } // pre_print($datas); $categoryCache = array(); $imported = 0; foreach ($datas as $data) { if (isset($data['mentor_id']) && $data['mentor_id'] != '' && mb_substr($data['mentor_id'], 0, 1, 'UTF-8') == 'M') { $mentor_id = trim(ltrim($data['mentor_id'], "M")); $category_name = $data['category_name']; if (isset($categoryCache[$category_name])) { $competition_category_id = $categoryCache[$category_name]; } else { $competitionCategory = CompetitionCategory::model()->find('country_id=:country_id and name=:name', array(':country_id' => $country_id, ':name' => $category_name)); if ($competitionCategory == null) { echo 'Competition Category ', $category_name, ' cannot be found in database.'; die; } else { $categoryCache[$category_name] = $competitionCategory->id; $competition_category_id = $categoryCache[$category_name]; } } $access_code = $data['access_code']; $schoolMentor = SchoolMentor::model()->findByPk($mentor_id); if ($schoolMentor == null) { echo 'School mentor with ID: ', $mentor_id, ' could not be found!'; die; } // check if school already on competition in this category $competitionCategorySchool = CompetitionCategorySchool::model()->find('competition_id=:cid and competition_category_id=:ccid and school_id=:sid', array(':cid' => $competition_id, ':ccid' => $competition_category_id, ':sid' => $schoolMentor->school_id)); if ($competitionCategorySchool == null) { $competitionCategorySchool = new CompetitionCategorySchool(); $competitionCategorySchool->competition_id = $competition_id; $competitionCategorySchool->competition_category_id = $competition_category_id; $competitionCategorySchool->school_id = $schoolMentor->school_id; if (!$competitionCategorySchool->save()) { echo 'Error saving competition category school!'; die; } } // check if access code already in use $competitionCategorySchoolMentor = CompetitionCategorySchoolMentor::model()->find('access_code=:access_code', array(':access_code' => $access_code)); if ($competitionCategorySchoolMentor != null) { if ($competitionCategorySchoolMentor->user_id != $schoolMentor->user_id || $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->competition_category_school_id != $competitionCategorySchool->id) { echo 'Cannot import access code: ', $access_code, ', because is already used by id: ', $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->id; die; } } else { $competitionCategorySchoolMentor = new CompetitionCategorySchoolMentor(); $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->access_code = $access_code; $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->competition_category_school_id = $competitionCategorySchool->id; $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->user_id = $schoolMentor->user_id; if (!$competitionCategorySchoolMentor->save()) { echo 'Error saving CompetitionCategorySchoolMentor for access code: ', $access_code; die; } else { $imported++; } } } else { echo 'Error importing data: <br />'; pre_print($data); die; } } echo '<br />Number of imported access codes: ', $imported; }
/** Функция выполняет вывод значения переменной и выполняет остановку выполнения скрипта */ function debugStop($var) { pre_print($var); die; }