Пример #1
function PKI_Decrypt($c, $d, $n)
    $decryptarray = split(" ", $c);
    for ($u = 0; $u < count($decryptarray); $u++) {
        if ($decryptarray[$u] == "") {
            array_splice($decryptarray, $u, 1);
    for ($u = 0; $u < count($decryptarray); $u++) {
        $resultmod = powmod($decryptarray[$u], $d, $n);
        $deencrypt .= substr($resultmod, 1, strlen($resultmod) - 2);
    for ($u = 0; $u < strlen($deencrypt); $u += 2) {
        $resultd .= chr(substr($deencrypt, $u, 2) + 30);
    return $resultd;
Пример #2
 * getSignature
 * Get the base64 signature of a dictionary
 * @param array Associative array (i.e. dictionary) of key-value pairs
 * @param string Hexadecimal string of public key
 * @param string Hexadecimal string the private key
 * @return string Base64 encoded signature
function getSignature($dict, $key, $privKey)
    // Sort keys alphabetically
    uksort($dict, "strcasecmp");
    // Concatenate all values
    $total = '';
    foreach ($dict as $value) {
        $total .= $value;
    // Escape apostrophes by un-quoting, adding apos, then re-quoting
    // so this turns ' into '\'' ... we have to double-slash for this php.
    // Switch to UTF8 before otherwise escapeshellarg will strip out non-ASCII characters
    $oldlocale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0);
    setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.UTF-8");
    $fixedApostrophes = escapeshellarg($total);
    // restore localte
    setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $oldlocale);
    // This part is the most expensive below
    // We try to do it with native code first
    $aquatic_root = preg_replace('!((/[A-Za-z._-]+)+)/AquaticPrime\\.php!', '$1', __FILE__);
    $passthruString = $aquatic_root . "/aquaticprime {$key} {$privKey} {$fixedApostrophes}";
    passthru($passthruString, $err);
    $sig = ob_get_contents();
    if ($err) {
        error_log("passthrough yielded {$err}: {$passthruString}");
    // If that fails, do it in php
    if ($sig != "") {
        $sig = base64_encode($sig);
    } else {
        // Get the hash
        $hash = sha1(utf8_encode($total));
        // OpenSSL-compatible PKCS1 Padding
        // 128 bytes - 20 bytes hash - 3 bytes extra padding = 105 bytes '0xff'
        $paddedHash = '0001';
        for ($i = 0; $i < 105; $i++) {
            $paddedHash .= 'ff';
        $paddedHash .= '00' . $hash;
        $decryptedSig = hex2dec($paddedHash);
        // Encrypt into a signature
        $sig = powmod($decryptedSig, hex2dec($privKey), hex2dec($key));
        $sig = base64_encode(ap_hex2bin(dec2hex($sig)));
    return $sig;
Пример #3
 function verifySigature($message, $sign, $exponent, $modulus)
     $intSign = bin2int(hex2bin($sign));
     $intExponent = bin2int(hex2bin($exponent));
     $intModulus = bin2int(hex2bin($modulus));
     $intResult = powmod($intSign, $intExponent, $intModulus);
     $hexResult = bin2hex(int2bin($intResult));
     $md5Message = md5($message);
     if ($md5Message == substr($hexResult, -32)) {
         return "1";
     } else {
         return "0";
Пример #4
 * getSignature
 * Get the base64 signature of a dictionary
 * @param array Associative array (i.e. dictionary) of key-value pairs
 * @param string Hexadecimal string of public key
 * @param string Hexadecimal string the private key
 * @return string Base64 encoded signature
function getSignature($dict, $key, $privKey)
    // Sort keys alphabetically
    uksort($dict, "strcasecmp");
    // Concatenate all values
    $total = '';
    foreach ($dict as $value) {
        $total .= $value;
    // Get the hash
    $hash = sha1(utf8_encode($total));
    // OpenSSL-compatible PKCS1 Padding
    // 128 bytes - 20 bytes hash - 3 bytes extra padding = 105 bytes '0xff'
    $paddedHash = '0001';
    for ($i = 0; $i < 105; $i++) {
        $paddedHash .= 'ff';
    $paddedHash .= '00' . $hash;
    $decryptedSig = hex2dec($paddedHash);
    // Encrypt into a signature
    $sig = powmod($decryptedSig, hex2dec($privKey), hex2dec($key));
    $sig = base64_encode(hex2bin(dec2hex($sig)));
    return $sig;
Пример #5
 * getSignature
 * Get the base64 signature of a dictionary
 * @param array Associative array (i.e. dictionary) of key-value pairs
 * @param string Hexadecimal string of public key
 * @param string Hexadecimal string the private key
 * @return string Base64 encoded signature
function getSignature($dict, $key, $privKey)
    // Sort keys alphabetically
    uksort($dict, "strcasecmp");
    // Concatenate all values
    $total = '';
    foreach ($dict as $value) {
        $total .= $value;
    // Escape apostrophes by un-quoting, adding apos, then re-quoting
    // so this turns ' into '\'' ... we have to double-slash for this php.
    $fixedApostrophes = str_replace("'", "'\\''", $total);
    // This part is the most expensive below
    // We try to do it with native code first
    $passthruString = DOC_ROOT . "/includes/aquaticprime {$key} {$privKey} '{$fixedApostrophes}'";
    //passthru($passthruString, $err);
    $sig = ob_get_contents();
    if (true) {
        // Get the hash
        $hash = sha1(utf8_encode($total));
        // OpenSSL-compatible PKCS1 Padding
        // 128 bytes - 20 bytes hash - 3 bytes extra padding = 105 bytes '0xff'
        $paddedHash = '0001';
        for ($i = 0; $i < 105; $i++) {
            $paddedHash .= 'ff';
        $paddedHash .= '00' . $hash;
        $decryptedSig = hex2dec($paddedHash);
        // Encrypt into a signature
        $sig = powmod($decryptedSig, hex2dec($privKey), hex2dec($key));
        $sig = base64_encode(hex2bin(dec2hex($sig)));
    return $sig;
Пример #6
$padding_front = array(0, 2);
$size = rand(8, 16);
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
    $padding_front[] = rand(1, 255);
$padding_front[] = 0;
$content_size = strlen($serial_bin) + count($padding_front);
$rest = $exported_bits / 8 - $content_size;
if ($rest < 0) {
    my_die("content is too big to fit in key: " . $content_size . ", maximal allowed is: " . $exported_bits / 8);
$padding_back = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $rest; $i++) {
    $padding_back[] = rand(0, 255);
$padding_front_bin = "";
foreach ($padding_front as $b) {
    $padding_front_bin = $padding_front_bin . pack("C", $b);
$padding_back_bin = "";
foreach ($padding_back as $b) {
    $padding_back_bin = $padding_back_bin . pack("C", $b);
$serial_final = $padding_front_bin . $serial_bin . $padding_back_bin;
// RSA
$n = base10_encode(base64_decode($exported_modulus));
$d = base10_encode(base64_decode($exported_private));
$serial_final = base10_encode($serial_final);
$res = powmod($serial_final, $d, $n);
$res = base64_encode(base10_decode($res));