function evt_calendar($atts)
    global $Plugin_Prefix;
    global $EVT_DefLabels, $EVT_CalenderSettingNames, $EVT_ServerSettingNames, $EVT_QuerySettingNames, $EVT_DefValues;
    if (is_singular()) {
        // Set the default values to settungs from settings page or to internal default
        $def_atts = $EVT_DefValues;
        foreach ($EVT_DefValues as $key => $value) {
            $def_atts[$key] = get_option('evt_' . $key);
            if ($def_atts[$key] == '') {
                // Set to internal default
                $def_atts[$key] = $value;
            // if
        // foreach
        // Get the attributs form shortcode
        $sc_atts = shortcode_atts($def_atts, $atts, 'evtcalendar');
        if ($sc_atts['title'] == '') {
            $eventheading = "<!-- No heading -->";
        } else {
            $eventheading = "<h3>" . $sc_atts['title'] . "</h3>";
        $termine = postprocess_xml(evt_getevents($sc_atts, $EVT_QuerySettingNames));
        /* Debugging 
          foreach ($sc_atts as $key => $value) {
            $termine .= "<p>$key = $value</p>\n"; 
          } // foreach
        return "\r\n\t<!-- Begin shortcode Ev. Termine -->\r\n\t<div class=\"evt-eventtab\">\r\n\t{$eventheading}\r\n\t{$termine}\r\n\t</div>\r\n\t<p style=\"font-size: x-small;\">Powered by Evangelische Termine Plugin - &copy Thomas Arend, Rheinbach</p>\r\n\t<!-- End shortcode Ev. Termine -->\r\n\t";
    } else {
        // if is_sigular
        return "";
Пример #2
 /** @see WP_Widget::widget */
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $EVT_DefLabels, $EVT_CalenderSettingNames, $EVT_ServerSettingNames, $EVT_QuerySettingNames, $EVT_DefValues;
     $wg_atts = $args;
     foreach ($instance as $key => $value) {
         $wg_atts[$key] = Trim(empty($instance[$key]) ? $EVT_DefValues[$key] : $instance[$key]);
     $wg_atts['title'] = apply_filters('widget_title', $wg_atts['title']);
     if ($wg_atts['script'] == '') {
         $wg_atts['script'] = 'xml.php';
     $termine = postprocess_xml(evt_getevents($wg_atts, $EVT_QuerySettingNames), 'widget');
     echo $before_widget;
     if ($wg_atts['title']) {
         echo $before_title . $wg_atts['title'] . $after_title;
     echo $termine;
     // Hier ist der richtige Patz um den erzeugten HTML Code auszugeben.
     echo "<p style=\"font-size: x-small;\">Powered by Evangelische Termine Plugin - &copy Thomas Arend, Rheinbach</p>";
     echo $after_widget;