Пример #1
	} } }
	<title>WSBF Fishbowl Review</title>
//David Cohen
//July-August 2010
require_once '../conn.php';
require_once '../header.php';
require_once '../position_check.php';
require_once 'fishbowl_config.php';
if (empty($_SESSION['username'])) {
    die("Not authorized: please <a href='/login'>Log in</a>");
} else {
    if (positionCheck("seniorstaff")) {
        if (empty($_POST['submit'])) {
            $query = "SELECT id FROM fishbowl ORDER BY id ASC";
            $sql = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
            while ($q = mysql_fetch_array($sql, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
                $ids[] = $q['id'];
                //all primary keys go into array
            if (empty($ids)) {
                die("No entries yet.");
            //Randomize array ids, serialize and use $_SESSION to handle refresh
            // shuffle($ids);
            $_SESSION['keys'] = serialize($ids);
<h2>This is the fishbowl review page. Click "Start" to begin reviewing applications.</h2><br /><br />
Пример #2
//	echo "<li><a href='https://docs.google.com/a/g.clemson.edu/forms/d/1UPddJuQAMkxxLYmg1Y89hLI5a_ooLv3ifjhrv3zDGTo/viewform' target=\"_blank\">SUBMIT FISHBOWL POINTS</a></li>"; //Spring 2013
if (reviewCheck()) {
    echo "<li><a href=\"library.php\">Go review a CD!</a></li>";
    echo "<li>Or <a href='fishbowl/fishbowl_app.php'>Fill out some fishbowl points!</a></li>";
    echo "<li><a href=\"show_sub/show_sub.php\">Go request/fill a show sub!</a></li>";
    echo "<li><a href='archives/index.php'>Archives</a></li>";
if (MD_check()) {
    echo "<li>Or you can <a href=\"rotation_control.php\">Print Labels or Move Rotation</a></li>";
    echo "<li>Or you can <a href=\"import/import_main.php\">Import Music</a></li>";
if (positionCheck("seniorstaff")) {
    echo '<li>Or you can <a href="schedule_addshow.php">Add shows to the schedule</a></li>';
if (positionCheck(array("Computer Engineer", "Chief Engineer", "Equipment Engineer", "Promotions Director"))) {
    echo "<li>Write new Engineering Blog entry</li>";
echo "<li><a href=\"weekly_top_20_tracks.php\">See the weekly top 20!</a></li>";
$statusID = $_SESSION['statusID'];
if ($statusID == 0 or $statusID == 1 or $statusID == 2 or $statusID == 4) {
    echo "<li><a href=\"profiles/form_edit_profile.php\">Edit your contact info and radio show info!</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href=\"profiles/view_show_profiles.php\">See radio show profiles!</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href=\"schedule/schedule.php\">See show schedule!</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href=\"reviewsByActiveDJs.php\">Who's done their CD reviews?</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href=\"logout.php\">Log out!</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</body>";
echo "</html>";
Пример #3
         $air = $_POST["track" . $max_track . "disc" . $max_disc . "air"];
         if ($air == 2) {
         if ($air == 1) {
     $max_track = 1;
 if ($ctr_recc == 0 && !positionCheck("seniorstaff")) {
     $error .= "<br>You haven't selected any recommended tracks. Please select the most outstanding tracks.";
 if ($ctr_dirty == $track_total && !positionCheck("seniorstaff")) {
     $error .= "<br>If the album only has dirty tracks, you shouldn't review it,\n\t\t\t\t<br>either that or you forgot to change them from No Air";
 if (strlen($_POST['review']) < 1) {
     $error .= "<br>Enter a review. Asshat.";
 if ($error != "") {
     $msg = "Error(s):" . $error . "<br><a href=\"review.php?albumID={$albumID}\">Go try again!</a>";
     if (isset($_POST['review'])) {
         $review = $_POST['review'];
         $msg .= "<br>Oh and I know you'd be pissed when you hit back and your review wasn't there,\n\t\t\t\t\t<br>so if you typed one here's your review if you want to copy it before you go back:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<br>{$review}";
 $artist_name = $_POST['artist'];
 $album_name = $_POST['album'];
Пример #4

if (!session_id()) {
require_once '../header.php';
require_once '../conn.php';
include '../position_check.php';
if (empty($_SESSION['username'])) {
    //gotta be logged in
    die('You need to login first!<br><a href="/login">Click here to login!</a>');
//$position_list = array("Chief Announcer", "Chief Engineer", "Computer Engineer", "General Manager");
$edit = positionCheck("seniorstaff");
$username = $_SESSION['username'];
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>WSBF: Show Sub Form</title>

<script type="text/javascript">
function confirmation(type, id, date) {
	if (type){
		var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to sub this show on "+date+"?  You will be held responsible if the show is missed.")
		var link = "\show_sub_fill.php?sub_requestID="+id
		var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to remove your show sub request?  If you realize you still need a sub and request one less than 24 hours before your show, you will be held responsible for missing your show.")