<?php plugin_listener('plugin_settings', 'pushover_plugin_settings'); plugin_listener('plugin_user_settings', 'pushover_plugin_user_settings'); plugin_listener('send_methods', 'pushover_plugin_send_methods'); function pushover_plugin_settings() { return array('pushover_plugin_application_token' => array('friendly_name' => 'Pushover application token', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'string')); } function pushover_plugin_user_settings() { return array('pushover_plugin_user_key' => array('friendly_name' => 'Pushover user key', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'string')); } function pushover_plugin_send_methods() { return array('pushover_plugin_notify' => 'Pushover'); } function pushover_plugin_notify($check, $check_result, $subscription) { $user = new User($subscription->getUserId()); global $status_array; $check_status = $status_array[$check_result->getStatus()]; $check_name = $check->prepareName(); $check_value = $check_result->prepareValue(); $check_warning_level = $check->getWarn(); $check_error_level = $check->getError(); $check_type = $check->getType(); $title = "{$check_status} for {$check_name}"; $message = "Check returned: {$check_value}\n" . "Warning {$check_type} is: {$check_warning_level}\n" . "Error {$check_type} is: {$check_error_level}"; $data = array('token' => sys_var('pushover_plugin_application_token'), 'user' => usr_var('pushover_plugin_user_key', $user->getUserId()), 'message' => $message, 'title' => $title, 'url' => $GLOBALS['TATTLE_DOMAIN'] . '/' . CheckResult::makeURL('list', $check_result)); $options = array('http' => array('header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => http_build_query($data)));
<? plugin_listener('plugin_settings','email_plugin_settings'); plugin_listener('send_methods','email_plugin_send_methods'); plugin_listener('plugin_user_settings','email_plugin_user_settings'); // Poor Mans Module Settings function email_plugin_settings(){ return array( 'smtp_server' => array('friendly_name' => 'SMTP Server', 'default' => 'smtp.gmail.com', 'type' => 'string'), 'smtp_port' => array('friendly_name' => 'SMTP Port', 'default' => 465, 'type' => 'integer'), 'smtp_user' => array('friendly_name' => 'SMTP Username', 'default' => '*****@*****.**', 'type' => 'email'), 'smtp_pass' => array('friendly_name' => 'SMTP Password', 'default' => 'example', 'type' => 'password'), 'email_from' => array('friendly_name' => 'Alert Email From Address', 'default' => '*****@*****.**', 'type' => 'email'), 'email_from_display' => array('friendly_name' => 'Alert Email Display Name', 'default' => 'Tattle Processor', 'type' => 'string'), 'email_subject' => array('friendly_name' => 'Alert Email Subject', 'default' => 'Tattle : Alert from {check_name}', 'type' => 'string') );
<?php plugin_listener('plugin_settings', 'irccat_settings'); plugin_listener('plugin_user_settings', 'irccat_user_settings'); plugin_listener('send_methods', 'irccat_send_methods'); function irccat_settings() { return array('irccat_hostname' => array('friendly_name' => 'IRCcat hostname', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'string'), 'irccat_subject' => array('friendly_name' => 'IRCcat Subject', 'default' => 'Tattle {check_state} Alert for "{check_name}"', 'type' => 'string'), 'irccat_port' => array('friendly_name' => 'IRCcat Port', 'default' => '12345', 'type' => 'int')); } function irccat_user_settings() { return array('irccat_ircnick' => array('friendly_name' => 'IRCcat Nickname', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'string'), 'irccat_channel' => array('friendly_name' => 'IRCcat Channel', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'string')); } function irccat_send_methods() { return array('irccat_notify' => 'IRCcat'); } function irccat_notify($check, $check_result, $subscription) { global $status_array; $state = $status_array[$check_result->getStatus()]; if ($state == 'OK') { $event_type = 'resolve'; } else { $event_type = 'trigger'; } $user = new User($subscription->getUserId()); $irccat_channel = usr_var('irccat_channel', $user->getUserId()); $irccat_ircnick = usr_var('irccat_ircnick', $user->getUserId()); if (!empty($irccat_channel)) { $irc_target = $irccat_channel;
<?php plugin_listener('plugin_settings', 'hipchat_settings'); plugin_listener('send_methods', 'hipchat_send_methods'); plugin_listener('plugin_user_settings', 'hipchat_user_settings'); function hipchat_settings() { return array('hipchat_apikey' => array('friendly_name' => 'HipChat v2 API Key', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'string'), 'hipchat_room' => array('friendly_name' => 'HipChat Room to Notify', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'integer'), 'hipchat_warning_color' => array('friendly_name' => 'Hipchat Color for Warnings', 'default' => 'yellow', 'type' => 'string'), 'hipchat_error_color' => array('friendly_name' => 'Hipchat Color for Errors', 'default' => 'red', 'type' => 'string'), 'hipchat_ok_color' => array('friendly_name' => 'Hipchat Color for OK', 'default' => 'green', 'type' => 'string'), 'hipchat_notify' => array('friendly_name' => 'Hipchat Plugin Enabled', 'default' => true, 'type' => 'bool')); } function hipchat_user_settings() { return array('hipchat_user' => array('friendly_name' => 'HipChat @ mention name', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'string')); } function hipchat_send_methods() { return array('hipchat_notify' => 'HipChat Group', 'hipchat_user_notify' => 'HipChat User'); } // Message is being sent to the global HipChat Group function hipchat_notify($check, $check_result, $subscription) { return hipchat_master_notify($check, $check_result, $subscription, false); } // Message is being sent to the user via @Mention function hipchat_user_notify($check, $check_result, $subscription) { return hipchat_master_notify($check, $check_result, $subscription, true); } // Actuall send the message function hipchat_master_notify($check, $check_result, $subscription, $toUser = true) { global $status_array;
<?php plugin_listener('plugin_settings', 'pagerduty_settings'); plugin_listener('send_methods', 'pagerduty_send_methods'); function pagerduty_settings() { return array('pagerduty_servicekey' => array('friendly_name' => 'PagerDuty Service Key', 'default' => '', 'type' => 'string'), 'pagerduty_subject' => array('friendly_name' => 'Pager Duty Alert Subject', 'default' => 'Tattle : {check_name} is {check_state}', 'type' => 'string')); } function pagerduty_send_methods() { return array('pagerduty_notify' => 'PagerDuty'); } function pagerduty_notify($check, $check_result) { global $status_array; $state = $status_array[$check_result->getStatus()]; if ($state == 'OK') { $event_type = 'resolve'; } else { $event_type = 'trigger'; } $data = array('service_key' => sys_var('pagerduty_servicekey'), 'incident_key' => 'tattle_' . $check->getCheckId(), 'event_type' => $event_type, 'description' => str_replace(array('{check_name}', '{check_state}'), array($check->prepareName(), $state), sys_var('pagerduty_subject')), 'details' => array('state' => $state, 'current_value' => $check_result->prepareValue(), 'error_level' => $check->getError(), 'warning_level' => $check->getWarn())); $ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencodedi\\r\\n', 'content' => json_encode($data)))); file_get_contents('https://events.pagerduty.com/generic/2010-04-15/create_event.json', null, $ctx); }