function loadextcfg($item) { if (file_exists($item)) { $arr = parse_css(file_get_contents($item), true); if (isset($arr) && is_array($arr)) { foreach ($arr['1'] as $a => $b) { $_cfg[$a] = piecele($arr['1'], $a); } } else { die("config (" . $item . ") invalid."); } } # end config load if (isset($_cfg) && is_array($_cfg)) { return $_cfg; } else { die("error loading " . $item); } }
$_SESSION['rdmstring'] = 'ulvl'; $_SESSION[$_SESSION['rdmstring']] = 0; if (is_dir($__the_cwd . "/core_clients/" . $_cfg['global']['current_client'] . "/cfgs/gui/" . $_cfg['global']['default_gui']) && file_exists($__the_cwd . "/core_clients/" . $_cfg['global']['current_client'] . "/cfgs/gui/" . $_cfg['global']['default_gui'] . "/gui.css")) { $getguicss = $__the_cwd . "/core_clients/" . $_cfg['global']['current_client'] . "cfgs/gui/" . $_cfg['global']['default_gui'] . "/gui.css"; } else { $getguicss = $__the_cwd . "/core_clients/" . $_cfg['global']['current_client'] . "/cfgs/gui/default/gui.css"; } if ($_cfg['global']['var_dump'] == "on") { echo "{<br />get gui configuration in \$getguicss for make_object function from " . $getguicss . " and using the parser/css on file contents string<br /><span style=\"color:navy\">"; } #vardump if (file_exists($getguicss)) { $arr = parse_css(file_get_contents($getguicss), true); if (is_array($arr)) { foreach ($arr['1'] as $a => $b) { $_cfg[$a] = piecele($arr['1'], $a); } } else { die("config invalid."); } } # end config load #select corresponding make object vars $aa = initcfg($_cfg); if (isset($_cfg[$aa]['exact_userlevels'])) { $exacts = explode("-", $_cfg[$aa]['exact_userlevels']); } else { $exacts = false; } $__the_cwd2 = getcwd(); if ($_cfg['global']['var_dump'] == "on") {
function edit_content($content) { @($doc = DOMDocument::loadHTML($content)); @($se = simplexml_import_dom($doc)); ob_start(); echo "<br />" . getcwd() . "<br />"; #fetch style tags from $se ((x?)html string) # output: # $searchos & $replaceos $dullcounter = 0; $ret = loophtmlobj($se, "style", "id", "class"); #echo "<pre>";print($ret[$dullcounter]["style"][0]);die(); if (is_object($ret[$dullcounter]["style"])) { echo "Style attributes located, generating css stylesheet..<br />"; # LOOP TROUGH NEW STYLE TAG(S) foreach ($ret as $bla => $blaa) { foreach ($blaa as $rd) { # <tag id=""> ALREADY EXISTS FOR TAG WITH NEW STYLE ATTRIBUTE if (isset($ret[$dullcounter]["style"]["id"])) { $klikit["automoved"]["#" . $ret[$dullcounter]["style"]["id"]] = $rd[0]; $csclass = ""; $searchos[] = "style=\"" . $rd[0] . "\""; } elseif (isset($ret[$dullcounter]["style"]["class"])) { if ($GLOBALS['_cfg']['global']['increment_new_css_class_tags'] == "off") { #any new found style tag will be written back to the relevant class in the css file $klikit["automoved"]["." . $ret[$dullcounter]["style"]["class"]] = $rd[0]; $csclass = ""; $searchos[] = "style=\"" . $rd[0] . "\""; } else { #any new found style tag will be written back to incremented class name and added to the main edited html file class="mult iple" tag } } else { # NO ID OR CLASS ATTRIBUTE FOUND, CREATE NEW $csclass = "class=\"cl" . $dullcounter . "\""; $klikit["automoved"][".cl" . $dullcounter] = $rd[0]; $searchos[] = "style=\"" . $rd[0] . "\""; } $replaceos[] = $csclass; $dullcounter++; } } #END FRUITY LOOPCSS # END FILLING SEARCH & REPLACE ARRAY echo "Replacing html style attributes with id attributes...<br />"; $content = str_replace($searchos, $replaceos, $content); $dullcounter = 0; if ($GLOBALS['_cfg']['global']['readonly'] == "off") { echo "readonly disabled, prearing to write files...<br />"; #write fetched inline style tags to extern css file global $current_ext, $langcss, $_cfg, $__the_cwd, $_l_cssfilter; $extracurry = $current_ext; $current_ext = "css"; #echo "<pre>";print_r($GLOBALS);die(); #echo $GLOBALS['__the_cwd']."/".$GLOBALS['_cfg']['global']['default_request_folder'];die(); #chdir ($GLOBALS['__the_cwd']."/".$GLOBALS['_cfg']['global']['default_request_folder']."/"); chdir($_GET['fd']); $getname = createsuffix(filesystemcode($_GET['fn'], "b", "c"), $current_ext); if (!isset($_l_cssfilter)) { $_l_cssfilter = ''; } $klikit = prepare_write($klikit, $_l_cssfilter); echo "Writing " . $getname . "...<br />"; writefile($klikit, $getname, piecele($langcss["1"], $current_ext), $_cfg['global']); $current_ext = $extracurry; $getname = createsuffix(filesystemcode(str_replace("." . $current_ext, "", $_GET['fn']), "b", "c"), $current_ext); if (!isset($_l_cssfilter)) { $_l_cssfilter = ''; } echo "Writing " . $getname . "...<br />"; writefile($content, $getname, piecele($langcss["1"], $current_ext), $_cfg['global']); chdir($__the_cwd); echo "Modifying tinymce CSS stylesheet cookie...<br />"; if (!isset($_COOKIE['tinymcecooker'])) { $_COOKIE['tinymcecooker'] = ''; } setcookie($_COOKIE["tinymcecooker"], $_COOKIE[$_COOKIE['tinymcecooker']] . ", " . rawurldecode($_GET['fd'] . "/" . $getname), $_cfg['global']['ckitime']); } } else { echo $GLOBALS['__lang']['no style attributes found'] . "</br >"; } //return $content; if ($GLOBALS['prematurend'] == 1) { die; } }
} $____urlx .= $____urlxs . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ""; if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) { $____urlx .= dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); } $WIMPY_BASE['path']['www'] = $____urlx; $_urli_ = htmlentities($____urlx); # default {www}_ if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $____urlx .= "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } ##################### # load LANGUAGE VARS $langcss = parse_css(file_get_contents($__the_cwd . "/" . $_cfg['folders']['language'] . "/" . $__tssf . "/" . $__tssf . ".css"), true); #echo "<pre>";print_r($langcss);die(); $__lang = piecele($langcss["1"], $_cfg['global']['default_gui_lang']); $__lang["current_template"] = $_cfg["global"]["default_template"]; $__lang["ele"] = "&ele="; $__lang["tmpl_folder"] = $_cfg["folders"]["templates"]; # added for backwards compatibility with older freedomeditor (<0.2.5) html code, mayb be changed into a extension or something in the future $langcss["1"][$_cfg['global']['default_gui_lang']] .= "current_template:" . $_cfg["global"]["default_template"] . ";\nele:&ele=;\ntmpl_folder:" . $_cfg["folders"]["templates"] . ";"; #LOAD CORE CLIENT VARS $oldir = getcwd(); if (is_dir($__the_cwd . "/core_clients/" . $_cfg['global']['current_client'] . "/")) { chdir($__the_cwd . "/core_clients/" . $_cfg['global']['current_client'] . "/"); if (file_exists("vars" . $scrext)) { include "vars" . $scrext; } chdir($___workpath . "/"); } #$path['inputhandler']=getcwd()."/fc/inputhandler/";
if ($filename != ".." && $filename != "." && is_file($filename) && $filename != "" && stristr($filename, filesystemcode($_GET['filename'], "b", "c")) !== FALSE) { $arr[] = $filename; } } closedir($dh); if (is_array($arr) && count($arr) > 0) { if (count($arr) > 1) { $arr = natsort($arr); } foreach ($arr as $lal) { $arrx[] = parse_css(file_get_contents($lal), true); } $dullcounter = 0; if (is_array($arrx) && count($arrx) > 0) { foreach ($arrx as $lal) { if ($dullcounter == 0) { $array1 = $lal; } else { $array2 = $lal; $array1 = mergecss($array1, $array2); } $dullcounter++; } } $current_ext = "css"; $getname = createsuffix("merged_", $current_ext); writefile($array1, $getname, piecele($langcss["1"], $current_ext), $_cfg['global'], $__the_cwd . "/fc/parser/css/write/css.php"); echo "wrote " . getcwd() . "/" . $getname; } else { echo "no input (looking in " . getcwd() . ")"; }
function extension($source, $scrext, $_cfg, $langcss, $js = false, $donethatoncearray = array()) { $returnjs = ''; $cfg_gl = $_cfg; $resultingarray345 = repl_between($source, "", $_cfg['extension']['string_open'], $_cfg['extension']['string_close'], false, "sm", true); $amnt = count($resultingarray345[2]); $noloop = false; if (is_array($resultingarray345) && is_array($resultingarray345[2])) { foreach ($resultingarray345[2] as $boelieboelie) { if (strlen($boelieboelie) > 0) { if (file_exists("cfg/custom/" . $boelieboelie . ".css")) { $_cfgt = loadextcfg("cfg/custom/" . $boelieboelie . ".css"); if (isset($_cfgt)) { $_cfg = mergecss($_cfg, $_cfgt); } } $tmpl = ""; $emptytmpl = true; $next = false; if (isset($_cfg['extension_req_val']) && is_array($_cfg['extension_req_val']) && count($_cfg['extension_req_val']) > 0) { foreach ($_cfg['extension_req_val'] as $var => $val) { if (strlen($var) > 0) { if (!isset($_REQUEST[$var])) { $next = true; } else { if ($_cfg['extension']['ext_req_val'] == "matchvar") { if ($_cfg['extension']['ext_req_val_Casesens'] != "on") { if ($_REQUEST[strtolower($var)] != strtolower($val)) { $next = true; } } elseif ($_REQUEST[$var] != $val) { $next = true; } } } } } } if ($js != false) { $next = false; } if ($next == false && $_cfg['extension']['launch'] == "enabled") { if (strtolower($_cfg["extension"]["core_client"]) != "any") { $coreclients = explode(",", $_cfg["extension"]["core_client"]); if (isset($_cfg['global']['select_client_by_urlvar']) && isset($_GET[$_cfg['global']['select_client_by_urlvar']]) && isset($coreclients[$_GET[$_cfg['global']['select_client_by_urlvar']]]) || !isset($_cfg['global']['select_client_by_urlvar']) && !isset($_GET[$_cfg['global']['select_client_by_urlvar']]) && !isset($coreclients[$_GET[$_cfg['global']['select_client_by_urlvar']]]) && isset($_cfg['global']['current_client']) && isset($coreclients[$_cfg['global']['current_client']])) { $emptytmpl = false; } } elseif (strtolower($_cfg["extension"]["core_client"]) == "any") { $emptytmpl = false; } if ($_cfg['extension']['languageload'] == "enabled") { $__tssf = $GLOBALS['__tssf']; if (file_exists($_cfg['folders']['language'] . "/" . $__tssf . "/custom/" . $boelieboelie . "/" . $__tssf . ".css")) { $lang_t = loadextcfg($_cfg['folders']['language'] . "/" . $__tssf . "/custom/" . $boelieboelie . "/" . $__tssf . ".css"); } } if (isset($lang_t) && is_array($lang_t) && $_cfg['extension']['globallanguageload'] == "enabled") { if (is_array($langcss)) { $langcss = mergecss($langcss, $lang_t); } } else { if ($_cfg['extension']['globallanguageload'] == "enabled") { } else { $langcss = parse_css($lang_t); } } if (is_array($langcss["1"])) { $__lang = piecele($langcss["1"], $_cfg['global']['default_gui_lang']); } #print_r($__lang); if ($emptytmpl == false && $_cfg['extension']['tmplload'] == "enabled") { $tmpl = gethatmpl(0, $boelieboelie); } if ($_cfg['extension']['phplaunch'] == "enabled" && file_exists("fc/customcallback/" . $boelieboelie . $scrext)) { ob_start(); $tmpl = (include "fc/customcallback/" . $boelieboelie . $scrext); if (strlen($tmpl) == 0 || $emptytmpl == false) { if ($_cfg['extension']['phplaunch_output'] == "enabled") { if (strlen($tmpl) < 1) { $tmpl = ob_get_contents(); } } else { ob_clean(); } } } if ($_cfg['extension']['srch_ext'] != "disabled" && strlen($tmpl) > 0 && isset($srch_ext) && is_array($srch_ext) && count($srch_ext) > 0) { $tmpl = str_replace(array_keys(${$_cfg['extension']['srch_ext']}), array_values(${$_cfg['extension']['srch_ext']}), $tmpl); } #if (strlen($tmpl)>0){ if ($_cfg['extension']['languagereplace'] == "enabled") { if (!in_array($boelieboelie, $donethatoncearray)) { $return[$_cfg['extension']['level']][$_cfg['extension']['string_open'] . $boelieboelie . $_cfg['extension']['string_close']] = guilang($tmpl, $__lang); #$source=str_replace("{ext:".$boelieboelie.":ension}", guilang($tmpl, $__lang), $source); } } else { if (!in_array($boelieboelie, $donethatoncearray)) { $return[$_cfg['extension']['level']][$_cfg['extension']['string_open'] . $boelieboelie . $_cfg['extension']['string_close']] = $tmpl; #$source=str_replace("{ext:".$boelieboelie.":ension}", $tmpl, $source); } } # } # echo "<pre>"; # print_r($source); if (isset($_cfg['always_block_ext_scan_inside'][$boelieboelie])) { $donethatoncearray[] = $boelieboelie; } /* loop result for generating output cmd { load "cfg/custom/named*.css"; if found load "lang/custom/named*.css"; if found load tmpl/named*.html if found; load tmpl/js/named*.js if found; ob_start(); load "fc/customcallback/named*.php"; < repl {DEFAULTTAG} in html result if any, with ob_end_Clean() or what comes from return function; result result repl guilang $rep[$cfgdepth]["named*"]=result } #gen output cmd exe */ $_cfg = $cfg_gl; } } } } else { $noloop = true; } # end prepare loop #start output gen loop if (isset($return) && is_array($return) && count($return) > 0) { if ($js != false) { $extensionjs = ""; } //$source2=$source; foreach ($return as $ret) { $source = str_replace(array_keys($ret), array_values($ret), $source); foreach ($ret as $re => $turn) { if ($js == 'print') { if (file_exists($GLOBALS['__the_cwd'] . "/" . $_cfg['folders']['templates'] . "js/" . str_replace(array($_cfg['extension']['string_open'], $_cfg['extension']['string_close']), "", $re) . ".js")) { $extensionjs .= "//" . $_cfg['folders']['templates'] . "js/" . str_replace(array($_cfg['extension']['string_open'], $_cfg['extension']['string_close']), "", $re) . ".js\n"; $extensionjs .= file_get_contents($GLOBALS['__the_cwd'] . "/" . $_cfg['folders']['templates'] . "js/" . str_replace(array($_cfg['extension']['string_open'], $_cfg['extension']['string_close']), "", $re) . ".js"); $extensionjs .= "\n\n//------------------------------//\n\n\n\n"; } } } } ############## moved to this place @ 0.2.6 if ($_cfg['extension']['loop_srch_ext'] != "disabled" && $js == false) { $source = extension($source, $scrext, $_cfg, $langcss, $js, $donethatoncearray); } ############## if ($js == "print") { @ob_end_clean(); @ob_end_clean(); @ob_end_clean(); @ob_end_clean(); if (strlen($extensionjs) == 0) { die("Unable to determine javascript source files, no " . $_cfg['extension']['string_open'] . "*" . $_cfg['extension']['string_close'] . " tags found for the current coreclient or no corresponding js files."); } $returnjs .= $extensionjs; } } elseif ($js != false) { die("Unable to determine javascript source files, no " . $_cfg['extension']['string_open'] . "*" . $_cfg['extension']['string_close'] . " tags found for the current coreclient or no corresponding js files."); } if ($js != false) { return $returnjs; } else { return $source; } }
$_cfg['global']['default_' . substr($a, 8)] = $_cfg[$a][$current_extlink]; } } } ################ # END EXTLINK (final vars creation in a uninteresting chaotic way) ##################### # MEMORIZE COLOR COLLECTION COOKIE NAME /* if (isset($_POST['ckinm'])){ $ckinm=$_POST['ckinm'];}else{ if (isset($_COOKIE['ckinm'])){ $ckinm=$_COOKIE['ckinm'];}if (!isset($ckinm)){if ($_cfg['global']['clrck_def']!==false || !isset($_GET) || isset($_GET['fn']) && strlen($_GET['fn'])< 1){$ckinm=$_cfg['global']['clrck_def'];}else{$ckinm=$_GET['fn']; }}} setcookie("ckinm", $ckinm, $_cfg['global']['ckitime']); if (!isset($_COOKIE[$ckinm])){$_COOKIE[$ckinm]='';}else{$_COOKIE[$ckinm].=",";$_COOKIE[$ckinm]=str_replace(',,', ',', $_COOKIE[$ckinm]);} */ # default {urlstr} if (!isset($_GET['fd'])) { $_GET['fd'] = ''; } if (!isset($_GET['fn'])) { $_GET['fn'] = ''; } $urlt = "&fd=" . urlencode(htmlentities(str_replace(array("%2F/", "\\"), array('%2F', "/"), html_entity_decode($_GET['fd'])))) . "&fn=" . urlencode(htmlentities($_GET['fn'])); # default {urlstr} #echo html_entity_decode($_GET['fd']); #load machinelanguage translation set from quirks css file if (isset($_POST['trlback']) && $_POST['trlback'] == "on" || isset($_COOKIE['translate_editfield']) && $_COOKIE['translate_editfield'] == "on") { $_l_cssfilter = piecele($langcss["1"], $_cfg['global']['default_lang']); } if (!isset($_l_cssfilter)) { $_l_cssfilter = array(); }