function pieRequireSuperuser() { pieRequireUser(); if (!pieIsSuperuser($GLOBALS['pie']['user'])) { header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); pieHead("browse"); pieError("RequireSuperuser"); } }
<?php /* * Display information about a user. */ include_once "{$lib}/class/mapfile.php"; include_once "{$lib}/class/session.php"; include_once "{$lib}/class/user.php"; include_once "{$lib}/class/userpref.php"; include_once "{$lib}/share/auth.php"; include_once "{$lib}/share/string.php"; pieLoadLocale(); pieRequireUser(); pieHead("edit"); if (@$_REQUEST['user']) { // A user has been specified. $_REQUEST['user'] = pieGetOption($_REQUEST['user']); $user = new User(); if (!$user->isValidName($_REQUEST['user'])) { pieError("BadUser"); } if (!$user->exists($_REQUEST['user'])) { pieError("BadUser"); } } elseif ($_SESSION['user']) { // No user has been specified: // display information about myself. $_REQUEST['user'] = $_SESSION['user']; } if (!@$_REQUEST['user']) { pieError("NoUser");
<?php /* * Display a list dead links. */ include_once "{$lib}/class/page.php"; include_once "{$lib}/class/file.php"; include_once "{$lib}/share/link.php"; include_once "{$lib}/share/stdio.php"; include_once "{$lib}/share/string.php"; pieLoadLocale(); pieHead(); if ($GLOBALS['pie']['deny_listing']) { pieError("ActionNotPermitted"); } if (@$_REQUEST['mode'] == "pages") { // Walk all pages and examine their links. // Collect a list of _pages_, i. e. sources of broken links. $page = new Page(); $file = new File(); $referers = array(); for ($name = $page->first(); $name; $name = $page->next()) { if (!$page->read($name, 0)) { pieError("SourceReadError"); } if ($page->meta['pages']) { // There are page links that are to be checked. $list = explode(" ", $page->meta['pages']); foreach ($list as $i) { if (!$page->exists($i)) { $referers[$name]++;
// No action but file specified: download this file. $_REQUEST['action'] = 'download'; } elseif (!@$_REQUEST['action'] && !@$_REQUEST['page']) { // No input at all: redirect to the default page. include_once "{$lib}/share/string.php"; if ($GLOBALS['pie']['auto_redirect']) { header('Location: ' . pieMakeString($GLOBALS['pie']['redirect_page_url'], array('page' => rawurlencode($GLOBALS['pie']['default_page'])))); exit; } else { pieHead('browse'); pieError('AliasRedirect', array('page' => htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['pie']['default_page']))); } } elseif (!preg_match('/^\\w{2,30}$/', @$_REQUEST['action'])) { // Names of actions must consist of word characters only. pieHead('browse'); pieError('ActionInvalid'); } // Update user session. include_once "{$lib}/class/session.php"; $GLOBALS['pie']['session'] = new Session(); $GLOBALS['pie']['session']->start(); //basic security enhancement, do not allow arbitrary script locations if (!preg_match('/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/', @$_REQUEST['action'])) { die('Unsecure action requested'); } // Find and run the corresponding script. if (!file_exists("{$lib}/action/" . @$_REQUEST['action'] . '.php')) { pieHead('browse'); pieError('ActionNotImplemented'); } include "{$lib}/action/" . @$_REQUEST['action'] . '.php';
if ($pw != crypt($_REQUEST['password'], $salt)) { // The entered password is just wrong. pieLog("error"); pieHead("browse"); pieError("FailureForm"); } // Update user record with new style password. $user->write($_REQUEST['username'], $user->encrypt($_REQUEST['password'])); } // The login succeeded. $session = new Session(); if (!$session->start()) { pieHead("browse"); pieError("SessionError"); } $_SESSION['user'] = $_REQUEST['username']; $map = new MapFile(); $lastlogin = $map->read($GLOBALS['pie']['run_path'] . '/user/', $_REQUEST['username']); $map->write($GLOBALS['pie']['run_path'] . '/user/', $_REQUEST['username'], time()); pieLog("user"); pieHead("browse"); if (!$_REQUEST['todo']) { $_REQUEST['todo'] = 'page'; $_REQUEST['page'] = $GLOBALS['pie']['default_page']; } pieError("SuccessForm", array('lastlogin' => date($GLOBALS['pie']['time_format'], $lastlogin))); } else { // Print the login form. pieHead("browse"); pieError("LoginForm"); }