/** * Checks if the Phraseanet session is still valid. Creates a new one if required. * * @return PhraseaEngine * @throws \RuntimeException * @throws \Exception_InternalServerError */ private function checkSession() { if (!$this->app['authentication']->getUser()) { throw new \RuntimeException('Phrasea currently support only authenticated queries'); } if (!phrasea_open_session($this->app['session']->get('phrasea_session_id'), $this->app['authentication']->getUser()->getId())) { if (!($ses_id = phrasea_create_session((string) $this->app['authentication']->getUser()->getId()))) { throw new \Exception_InternalServerError('Unable to create phrasea session'); } $this->app['session']->set('phrasea_session_id', $ses_id); } return $this; }
protected function doExecute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { if (!extension_loaded('phrasea2')) { $output->writeln("<error>Missing Extension php-phrasea.</error>"); return 1; } $usrId = $input->getArgument('usr_id'); if (null === ($TestUser = $this->container['repo.users']->find($usrId))) { $output->writeln("<error>Wrong user !</error>"); return 1; } $output->writeln(sprintf("\nWill do the check with user <info>%s</info> (%s)\n", $TestUser->getDisplayName(), $TestUser->getEmail())); $output->writeln("PHRASEA FUNCTIONS"); foreach (get_extension_funcs("phrasea2") as $function) { $output->writeln("<info>{$function}</info>"); } $configuration = $this->getService('configuration'); $connexion = $configuration['main']['database']; $hostname = $connexion['host']; $port = $connexion['port']; $user = $connexion['user']; $password = $connexion['password']; $dbname = $connexion['dbname']; $output->writeln("\n-- phrasea_conn --"); if (phrasea_conn($hostname, $port, $user, $password, $dbname) !== true) { $output->writeln("<error>Failed ! </error> got no connection"); return 1; } else { $output->writeln("<info>Succes ! </info> got connection"); } $output->writeln(""); $output->writeln("\n-- phrasea_info --"); foreach (phrasea_info() as $key => $value) { $output->writeln("\t{$key} => {$value}"); } $output->writeln(""); $output->writeln("\n-- phrasea_create_session --"); $sessid = phrasea_create_session((string) $TestUser->getId()); if (ctype_digit((string) $sessid)) { $output->writeln("<info>Succes ! </info> got session id {$sessid}"); } else { $output->writeln("<error>Failed ! </error> got no session id"); return 1; } $output->writeln("\n-- phrasea_open_session --"); $phSession = phrasea_open_session($sessid, $usrId); if ($phSession) { $output->writeln("<info>Succes ! </info> got session "); } else { $output->writeln("<error>Failed ! </error> got no session "); return 1; } $output->writeln("\n-- phrasea_clear_cache --"); $ret = phrasea_clear_cache($sessid); if ($sessid) { $output->writeln("<info>Succes ! </info> got session "); } else { $output->writeln("<error>Failed ! </error> got no session "); return 1; } $tbases = []; foreach ($phSession["bases"] as $phbase) { $tcoll = []; foreach ($phbase["collections"] as $coll) { $tcoll[] = 0 + $coll["base_id"]; } if (sizeof($tcoll) > 0) { $kbase = "S" . $phbase["sbas_id"]; $tbases[$kbase] = []; $tbases[$kbase]["sbas_id"] = $phbase["sbas_id"]; $tbases[$kbase]["searchcoll"] = $tcoll; $tbases[$kbase]["mask_xor"] = $tbases[$kbase]["mask_and"] = 0; $qp = new PhraseaEngineQueryParser($this->container); $treeq = $qp->parsequery($input->getOption('query')); $arrayq = $qp->makequery($treeq); $tbases[$kbase]["arrayq"] = $arrayq; } } $output->writeln("\n-- phrasea_query --"); $nbanswers = 0; foreach ($tbases as $kb => $base) { $tbases[$kb]["results"] = NULL; $ret = phrasea_query2($phSession["session_id"], $base["sbas_id"], $base["searchcoll"], $base["arrayq"], $this->container['conf']->get(['main', 'key']), $usrId, false, PHRASEA_MULTIDOC_DOCONLY, '', []); if ($ret) { $output->writeln("<info>Succes ! </info> got result on sbas_id " . $base["sbas_id"]); } else { $output->writeln("<error>Failed ! </error> No results on sbas_id " . $base["sbas_id"]); return 1; } $tbases[$kb]["results"] = $ret; $nbanswers += $tbases[$kb]["results"]["nbanswers"]; } $output->writeln("Got a total of <info>{$nbanswers}</info> answers"); $output->writeln("\n-- phrasea_fetch_results --"); $rs = phrasea_fetch_results($sessid, $usrId, 1, true, '[[em]]', '[[/em]]'); if ($rs) { $output->writeln("<info>Succes ! </info> got result "); } else { $output->writeln("<error>Failed ! </error> got no result "); return 1; } // test disconnected mode if available // prepare the test before closing session if (function_exists("phrasea_public_query")) { // fill an array for each sbas to query $tbases = []; foreach ($phSession["bases"] as $phbase) { // fill an array of collections to query for this sbas $tcoll = []; foreach ($phbase["collections"] as $coll) { $tcoll[] = 0 + $coll["base_id"]; } if (sizeof($tcoll) > 0) { // parse the query for this sbas $qp = new PhraseaEngineQueryParser($this->container); $treeq = $qp->parsequery($input->getOption('query')); $arrayq = $qp->makequery($treeq); $tbases["S" . $phbase["sbas_id"]] = ["sbas_id" => $phbase["sbas_id"], "searchcoll" => $tcoll, "arrayq" => $arrayq]; } } } $output->writeln("\n-- phrasea_close_session --"); $rs = phrasea_close_session($sessid); if ($rs) { $output->writeln("<info>Succes ! </info> closed ! "); } else { $output->writeln("<error>Failed ! </error> not closed "); return 1; } // session is closed, test disconnected mode if available if (function_exists("phrasea_public_query")) { $output->writeln("\n-- phrasea_public_query(...0, 5,...) --"); $ret = phrasea_public_query($tbases, PHRASEA_MULTIDOC_DOCONLY, '', [], '', 0, 5, true); if (is_array($ret) && array_key_exists("results", $ret) && is_array($ret["results"])) { $output->writeln(sprintf("<info>Succes ! </info> returned %d answers", count($ret["results"]))); } else { $output->writeln("<error>Failed ! </error>"); return 1; } foreach ($ret['results'] as $result) { $sbid = $result["sbid"]; $rid = $result["rid"]; $q = $tbases["S" . $sbid]["arrayq"]; // query tree $h = phrasea_highlight($sbid, $rid, $q, "", false); $output->writeln(sprintf("\n-- phrasea_highlight(%d, %d,...) --", $sbid, $rid)); if (is_array($h) && array_key_exists("results", $h) && is_array($h["results"]) && count($h["results"]) == 1 && array_key_exists("sbid", $h["results"][0]) && $h["results"][0]["sbid"] == $sbid && array_key_exists("rid", $h["results"][0]) && $h["results"][0]["rid"] == $rid && array_key_exists("spots", $h["results"][0]) && is_array($h["results"][0]["spots"])) { $output->writeln(sprintf("<info>Succes ! </info> sbid=%d, rid=%d (%d spots)", $sbid, $h["results"][0]["rid"], count($h["results"][0]["spots"]))); } else { $output->writeln("<error>Failed ! </error>"); return 1; } } } // disconnected mode return 0; }