<br /><a href="statistics.php?sid=<?php echo $sid; ?> &type=lastclicks"><?php phpdigPrnMsg('lastclicks'); ?> </a> </p> <a href="index.php?sid=<?php echo $sid; ?> " >[<?php phpdigPrnMsg('back'); ?> ]</a> <?php phpdigPrnMsg('to_admin'); ?> . </td><td valign="top"> <?php if ($type) { $query = "SET OPTION SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1"; mysql_query($query, $id_connect); $start_table_template = "<table class=\"borderCollapse\">\n"; $end_table_template = "</table>\n"; $line_template = "<tr>%s</tr>\n"; $title_cell_template = "\t<td class=\"blueForm\">%s</td>\n"; $cell_template[0] = "\t<td class=\"greyFormDark\">%s</td>\n"; $cell_template[1] = "\t<td class=\"greyForm\">%s</td>\n"; $cell_template[2] = "\t<td class=\"greyFormLight\">%s</td>\n"; $cell_template[3] = "\t<td class=\"greyForm\">%s</td>\n";
phpdigPrnMsg('pages'); ?> </h3> <?php if (!$locked) { ?> <p class="blue"> <?php phpdigPrnMsg('branch_help2'); ?> <br/> <b><?php phpdigPrnMsg('warning'); ?> </b><?php phpdigPrnMsg('branch_warn'); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <p class="grey"> <?php $aname = "AAA"; for ($n = 0; $n < $num; $n++) { $aname2 = $spider_id; if ($n == 0) { $aname2 = "AAA"; } list($file_name, $spider_id) = mysql_fetch_row($result_id); print "<a name='{$aname}' />\n";
<br/> <?php phpdigPrnMsg('admin_msg_2'); ?> <br/> <?php phpdigPrnMsg('admin_msg_3'); ?> <br/> <?php phpdigPrnMsg('admin_msg_4'); ?> <br/> <?php phpdigPrnMsg('admin_msg_5'); ?> <br/> </p> <p class="blue"> <?php if ($message) { phpdigPrnMsg($message); } ?> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html>
function form_cron_limits($id_connect, $upd=0){ global $sid; if ((isset($_GET['dir'])) && ($_GET['dir'] == 'DESC')) $dir='ASC'; else $dir='DESC'; if($upd == 1) { ?><p class='grey'><?=phpdigPrnMsg('upd2')?></p><br><? } ?> <table class="borderCollapse" border="0"> <tr> <td class="blueForm"><a href="limit_update.php?sid=<?php echo $sid;?>&OB=site_id&dir=<?=$dir?>"><?=phpdigPrnMsg('id')?></a></td> <td class="blueForm"><a href="limit_update.php?sid=<?php echo $sid;?>&OB=site_url&dir=<?=$dir?>"><?=phpdigPrnMsg('url')?></a></td> <?php if(CRON_ENABLE){ ?><td class="blueForm"><a href="limit_update.php?sid=<?php echo $sid;?>&OB=days&dir=<?=$dir?>"><?=phpdigPrnMsg('days')?></a></td><?php }?> <td class="blueForm"><a href="limit_update.php?sid=<?php echo $sid;?>&OB=links&dir=<?=$dir?>"><?=phpdigPrnMsg('links')?></a></td> <td class="blueForm"><a href="limit_update.php?sid=<?php echo $sid;?>&OB=depth&dir=<?=$dir?>"><?=phpdigPrnMsg('depth')?></a></td> </tr> <form class="grey" action="limit_update.php" method="post"> <?php retain("sid", $sid); //list of sites in the database $query = "SELECT S.site_id,S.site_url,P.days,P.links,P.depth FROM ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."sites AS S LEFT JOIN ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."site_page AS P ON S.site_id=P.site_id "; /* stabiliamo il campo su cui ordinare i dati */ if (isset($_GET['OB'])) { switch($_GET['OB']) { case("site_id"): $query .= ' ORDER BY S.site_id'; break; case('site_url'): $query .= ' ORDER BY S.site_url'; break; case('days'): $query .= ' ORDER BY P.days'; break; case('links'): $query .= ' ORDER BY P.links'; break; case('depth'): $query .= ' ORDER BY P.depth'; break; default: $query .= ' ORDER BY S.site_url'; break; } } else { $query .= ' ORDER BY S.site_url'; } //echo $query; // ordinamento discendente if ((isset($_GET['dir'])) && ($_GET['dir'] == 'DESC')) $query .= ' DESC'; else $query .= ' ASC'; /* * Build the query */ $col = 1; $result_id = mysql_query($query,$id_connect); while (list($id,$url,$days_db,$links,$depth) = mysql_fetch_row($result_id)) { switch($col) { case 1: $class = 'greyFormDark'; $col++; break; case 2: $class = 'greyForm'; $col++; break; case 3: $class = 'greyFormLight'; $col++; break; case 4: $class = 'greyForm'; $col++; break; } if($col == 5) $col = 1;?> <tr class="<?=$class?>"> <td class="<?=$class?>"><?=$id?></td> <td class="<?=$class?>"><?=$url?></td> <?php if(CRON_ENABLE){ ?><td class="<?=$class?>"> <input class="phpdigSelect" type="text" name="days[<?=$id?>]" value="<?=$days_db?>" size="10"/> </td><?php } ?> <td class="<?=$class?>"> <input class="phpdigSelect" type="text" name="links[<?=$id?>]" value="<?=$links?>" size="10"/> </td> <td class="<?=$class?>"> <input class="phpdigSelect" type="text" name="depth[<?=$id?>]" value="<?=$depth?>" size="10"/> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr><td><input type="submit" name="sent" value="<?php echo phpdigPrnMsg('go'); ?>"></td></tr> </form> </table><? }