function Plugin_GlobalhistoryExecute($delimiter = ",") { global $phpAds_config, $date_format; global $strGlobalHistory, $strTotal, $strDay, $strViews, $strClicks, $strCTRShort; header("Content-type: application/csv\nContent-Disposition: \"inline; filename=globalhistory.csv\""); if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { $res_query = "\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\tDATE_FORMAT(day, '" . $date_format . "') as day,\n\t\t\tSUM(views) AS adviews,\n\t\t\tSUM(clicks) AS adclicks\n\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_adstats'] . "\n\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\t\tday\n\t"; } else { $res_query = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tDATE_FORMAT(, '" . $date_format . "') as day,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSUM(s.views) AS adviews,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSUM(s.clicks) AS adclicks\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_adstats'] . " \tas s,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_banners'] . " \tas b,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_campaigns'] . " as m,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_clients'] . " \tas c\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\ts.bannerid \t\t= b.bannerid AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\tb.campaignid \t= m.campaignid AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\tm.clientid \t\t= c.clientid AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\tc.agencyid \t\t= " . phpAds_getUserID() . "\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\t\t\t\t\tday"; } $res_banners = phpAds_dbQuery($res_query) or phpAds_sqlDie(); while ($row_banners = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res_banners)) { $stats[$row_banners['day']]['views'] = $row_banners['adviews']; $stats[$row_banners['day']]['clicks'] = $row_banners['adclicks']; } echo $strGlobalHistory . "\n\n"; echo $strDay . $delimiter . $strViews . $delimiter . $strClicks . $delimiter . $strCTRShort . "\n"; $totalclicks = 0; $totalviews = 0; if (isset($stats) && is_array($stats)) { for (reset($stats); $key = key($stats); next($stats)) { $row = array(); //$key = implode('/',array_reverse(split('[-]',$key))); $row[] = $key; $row[] = $stats[$key]['views']; $row[] = $stats[$key]['clicks']; $row[] = phpAds_buildCTR($stats[$key]['views'], $stats[$key]['clicks']); echo implode($delimiter, $row) . "\n"; $totalclicks += $stats[$key]['clicks']; $totalviews += $stats[$key]['views']; } } echo "\n"; echo $strTotal . $delimiter . $totalviews . $delimiter . $totalclicks . $delimiter . phpAds_buildCTR($totalviews, $totalclicks) . "\n"; }
function phpAds_getZoneArray() { global $phpAds_config; if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Affiliate)) { $res = phpAds_dbQuery("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_zones'] . "\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\taffiliateid = " . phpAds_getUserID() . "\n\t\t"); } else { $res = phpAds_dbQuery("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_zones'] . "\n\t\t"); } while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { $zoneArray[$row['zoneid']] = phpAds_buildClientName($row['zoneid'], $row['zonename']); } return $zoneArray; }
function phpAds_SettingsWriteFlush() { global $phpAds_config; global $phpAds_settings_information, $phpAds_settings_write_cache; $sql = array(); $config_inc = array(); while (list($k, $v) = each($phpAds_settings_write_cache)) { $k_sql = $phpAds_settings_information[$k]['sql']; $k_type = $phpAds_settings_information[$k]['type']; if ($k_sql) { if ($k_type == 'boolean') { $v = $v ? 't' : 'f'; } $sql[] = $k . " = '" . $v . "'"; } else { if ($k_type == 'boolean') { $v = $v ? true : false; } elseif ($k_type != 'array') { $v = stripslashes($v); } $config_inc[] = array($k, $v, $k_type); } } if (count($sql)) { if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency)) { $agencyid = phpAds_getUserID(); } else { $agencyid = 0; } $query = "UPDATE " . $phpAds_config['tbl_config'] . " SET " . join(", ", $sql) . " WHERE agencyid=" . $agencyid; $res = @phpAds_dbQuery($query); if (@phpAds_dbAffectedRows() < 1) { $query = "INSERT INTO " . $phpAds_config['tbl_config'] . " SET " . join(", ", $sql) . ",agencyid=" . $agencyid; @phpAds_dbQuery($query); } } if (count($config_inc)) { if (!phpAds_ConfigFilePrepare()) { return false; } while (list(, $v) = each($config_inc)) { phpAds_ConfigFileSet($v[0], $v[1], $v[2]); } return phpAds_ConfigFileFlush(); } return true; }
function phpAds_SettingsSelection($section) { global $phpAds_TextDirection, $strHelp; global $tabindex; if (!isset($tabindex)) { $tabindex = 1; } ?> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function settings_goto_section() { s = document.settings_selection.section.selectedIndex; s = document.settings_selection.section.options[s].value; document.location = 'settings-' + s + '.php'; } // --> </script> <?php echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>"; echo "<tr><form name='settings_selection'><td height='35'><b>"; echo $GLOBALS['strChooseSection'] . ": </b>"; echo "<select name='section' onChange='settings_goto_section();' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { echo "<option value='db'" . ($section == 'db' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strDatabaseSettings'] . "</option>"; } echo "<option value='invocation'" . ($section == 'invocation' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationAndDelivery'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='host'" . ($section == 'host' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strHostAndGeo'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='stats'" . ($section == 'stats' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strStatisticsSettings'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='banner'" . ($section == 'banner' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strBannerSettings'] . "</option>"; if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { echo "<option value='admin'" . ($section == 'admin' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strAdministratorSettings'] . "</option>"; } echo "<option value='interface'" . ($section == 'interface' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strGuiSettings'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='defaults'" . ($section == 'defaults' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strInterfaceDefaults'] . "</option>"; echo "</select> <a href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='settings_goto_section();'>"; echo "<img src='images/" . $phpAds_TextDirection . "/go_blue.gif' border='0'></a>"; echo "</td></form>"; echo "<td height='35' align='right'><b><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"javascript:toggleHelp(); return false;\">"; echo "<img src='images/help-book.gif' width='15' height='15' border='0' align='absmiddle'>"; echo " " . $strHelp . "</a></b></td></tr></table>"; phpAds_ShowBreak(); }
header("Location: upgrade.php"); exit; } // Check for SLL requirements if ($phpAds_config['ui_forcessl'] && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) { header('Location: https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); exit; } // Adjust url_prefix if SLL is used if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) { $phpAds_config['url_prefix'] = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $phpAds_config['url_prefix']); } // First thing to do is clear the $Session variable to // prevent users from pretending to be logged in. unset($Session); // Authorize the user phpAds_Start(); // Load language strings @(include phpAds_path . '/language/english/default.lang.php'); if ($phpAds_config['language'] != 'english' && file_exists(phpAds_path . '/language/' . $phpAds_config['language'] . '/default.lang.php')) { @(include phpAds_path . '/language/' . $phpAds_config['language'] . '/default.lang.php'); } // Register variables phpAds_registerGlobal('bannerid', 'campaignid', 'clientid', 'zoneid', 'affiliateid', 'userlogid', 'day'); // Check for missing required parameters phpAds_checkIds(); // Setup navigation $phpAds_nav = array("admin" => array("2" => array("stats-global-client.php" => $strStats), "2.1" => array("stats-global-client.php" => $strClientsAndCampaigns), "2.1.1" => array("stats-client-history.php?clientid={$clientid}" => $strClientHistory), "" => array("stats-client-daily.php?clientid={$clientid}&day={$day}" => $strDailyStats), "" => array("stats-client-daily-hosts.php?clientid={$clientid}&day={$day}" => $strHosts), "2.1.2" => array("stats-client-campaigns.php?clientid={$clientid}" => $strCampaignOverview), "" => array("stats-campaign-history.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}" => $strCampaignHistory), "" => array("stats-campaign-daily.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&day={$day}" => $strDailyStats), "" => array("stats-campaign-daily-hosts.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&day={$day}" => $strHosts), "" => array("stats-campaign-banners.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}" => $strBannerOverview), "" => array("stats-banner-history.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strBannerHistory), "" => array("stats-banner-daily.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}&day={$day}" => $strDailyStats), "" => array("stats-banner-daily-hosts.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}&day={$day}" => $strHosts), "" => array("stats-banner-affiliates.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strDistribution), "" => array("stats-campaign-target.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}" => $strTargetStats), "2.2" => array("stats-global-history.php" => $strGlobalHistory), "2.2.1" => array("stats-global-daily.php?day={$day}" => $strDailyStats), "2.2.2" => array("stats-global-daily-hosts.php?day={$day}" => $strHosts), "2.4" => array("stats-global-affiliates.php" => $strAffiliatesAndZones), "2.4.1" => array("stats-affiliate-history.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}" => $strAffiliateHistory), "" => array("stats-affiliate-daily.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&day={$day}" => $strDailyStats), "" => array("stats-affiliate-daily-hosts.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&day={$day}" => $strHosts), "2.4.2" => array("stats-affiliate-zones.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}" => $strZoneOverview), "" => array("stats-zone-history.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strZoneHistory), "" => array("stats-zone-daily.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}&day={$day}" => $strDailyStats), "" => array("stats-zone-daily-hosts.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}&day={$day}" => $strHosts), "" => array("stats-zone-linkedbanners.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strLinkedBannersOverview), "" => array("stats-linkedbanner-history.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strLinkedBannerHistory), "2.5" => array("stats-global-misc.php" => $strMiscellaneous), "3" => array("report-index.php" => $strReports), "4" => array("client-index.php" => $strAdminstration), "4.1" => array("client-index.php" => $strClientsAndCampaigns), "4.1.1" => array("client-edit.php" => $strAddClient), "4.1.2" => array("client-edit.php?clientid={$clientid}" => $strClientProperties), "4.1.3" => array("client-campaigns.php?clientid={$clientid}" => $strCampaignOverview), "" => array("campaign-edit.php?clientid={$clientid}" => $strAddCampaign), "" => array("campaign-edit.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}" => $strCampaignProperties), "" => array("campaign-zone.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}" => $strLinkedZones), "" => array("campaign-banners.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}" => $strBannerOverview), "" => array("banner-edit.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}" => $strAddBanner), "" => array("banner-edit.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strBannerProperties), "" => array("banner-acl.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strModifyBannerAcl), "" => array("banner-zone.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strLinkedZones), "" => array("banner-swf.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strConvertSWFLinks), "" => array("banner-append.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strAppendOthers), "4.2" => array("affiliate-index.php" => $strAffiliatesAndZones), "4.2.1" => array("affiliate-edit.php" => $strAddNewAffiliate), "4.2.2" => array("affiliate-edit.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}" => $strAffiliateProperties), "4.2.3" => array("affiliate-zones.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}" => $strZoneOverview), "" => array("zone-edit.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}" => $strAddNewZone), "" => array("zone-edit.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strZoneProperties), "" => array("zone-include.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strIncludedBanners), "" => array("zone-probability.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strProbability), "" => array("zone-invocation.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strInvocationcode), "" => array("zone-advanced.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strAdvanced), "4.3" => array("admin-generate.php" => $strGenerateBannercode), "5" => array("settings-index.php" => $strSettings), "5.1" => array("settings-db.php" => $strMainSettings), "5.3" => array("maintenance-index.php" => $strMaintenance), "5.2" => array("userlog-index.php" => $strUserLog), "5.2.1" => array("userlog-details.php?userlogid={$userlogid}" => $strUserLogDetails), "5.4" => array("maintenance-updates.php" => $strProductUpdates)), "client" => array("1" => array("stats-client-history.php?clientid={$clientid}" => $strHome), "1.1" => array("stats-client-history.php?clientid={$clientid}" => $strClientHistory), "1.1.1" => array("stats-client-daily.php?clientid={$clientid}&day={$day}" => $strDailyStats), "1.1.2" => array("stats-client-daily-hosts.php?clientid={$clientid}&day={$day}" => $strHosts), "1.2" => array("stats-client-campaigns.php?clientid={$clientid}" => $strCampaignOverview), "1.2.1" => array("stats-campaign-history.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}" => $strCampaignHistory), "" => array("stats-campaign-daily.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&day={$day}" => $strDailyStats), "" => array("stats-campaign-daily-hosts.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&day={$day}" => $strHosts), "1.2.2" => array("stats-campaign-banners.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}" => $strBannerOverview), "" => array("stats-banner-history.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strBannerHistory), "" => array("stats-banner-daily.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}&day={$day}" => $strDailyStats), "" => array("stats-banner-daily-hosts.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}&day={$day}" => $strHosts), "" => array("banner-edit.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strBannerProperties), "" => array("banner-swf.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strConvertSWFLinks), "1.2.3" => array("stats-campaign-target.php?clientid={$clientid}&campaignid={$campaignid}" => $strTargetStats), "3" => array("report-index.php" => $strReports)), "affiliate" => array("1" => array("stats-affiliate-zones.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}" => $strHome), "1.1" => array("stats-affiliate-zones.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}" => $strZones), "1.1.1" => array("stats-zone-history.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strZoneHistory), "" => array("stats-zone-daily.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}&day={$day}" => $strDailyStats), "" => array("stats-zone-daily-hosts.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}&day={$day}" => $strHosts), "1.1.2" => array("stats-zone-linkedbanners.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strLinkedBannersOverview), "" => array("stats-linkedbanner-history.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}&bannerid={$bannerid}" => $strLinkedBannerHistory), "1.2" => array("stats-affiliate-history.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}" => $strAffiliateHistory), "1.2.1" => array("stats-affiliate-daily.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&day={$day}" => $strDailyStats), "1.2.2" => array("stats-affiliate-daily-hosts.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&day={$day}" => $strHosts), "3" => array("report-index.php" => $strReports), "2" => array("affiliate-zones.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}" => $strAdminstration), "2.1" => array("affiliate-zones.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}" => $strZones), "2.1.1" => array("zone-edit.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid=0" => $strAddZone), "2.1.2" => array("zone-edit.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strModifyZone), "2.1.3" => array("zone-include.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strIncludedBanners), "2.1.4" => array("zone-probability.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strProbability), "2.1.5" => array("zone-invocation.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strInvocationcode), "2.1.6" => array("zone-advanced.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}&zoneid={$zoneid}" => $strChains), "2.2" => array("affiliate-edit.php?affiliateid={$affiliateid}" => $strPreferences))); if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Client) && phpAds_isAllowed(phpAds_ModifyInfo)) { $phpAds_nav["client"]["2"] = array("client-edit.php" => $strPreferences); }
echo $row_trackers['trackername']; } // echo " "; echo "</td>\n"; // ID echo "\t\t\t\t\t<td height='25'>" . $row_trackers['trackerid'] . "</td>\n"; // Button 1, 2 & 3 echo "\t\t\t\t\t<td height='25'>"; if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin) || phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency) || phpAds_isAllowed(phpAds_LinkCampaigns)) { echo "<a href='tracker-campaigns.php?clientid=" . $clientid . "&trackerid=" . $row_trackers['trackerid'] . "'><img src='images/icon-zone-linked.gif' border='0' align='absmiddle'> {$strLinkedCampaigns}</a>"; } else { echo " "; } echo "</td>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t<td height='25'>"; if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin) || phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency) || phpAds_isAllowed(phpAds_DeleteTracker)) { echo "<a href='tracker-delete.php?clientid=" . $clientid . "&trackerid=" . $row_trackers['trackerid'] . "&returnurl=advertiser-trackers.php'" . phpAds_DelConfirm($strConfirmDeleteTracker) . "><img src='images/icon-recycle.gif' border='0' align='absmiddle' alt='{$strDelete}'> {$strDelete}</a>"; } else { echo " "; } echo "</td>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t</tr>\n"; $i++; } if (phpAds_dbNumRows($res_trackers) > 0) { // echo "\t\t\t\t<tr height='1'>\n"; // echo "\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan='4' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>\n"; // echo "\t\t\t\t</tr>\n"; //} //if (isset($campaigns) && count($campaigns)) //{
function phpAds_checkIds() { global $clientid, $campaignid, $bannerid, $affiliateid, $zoneid, $userlogid, $day; // I also put it there to avoid problems during the check on client/affiliate interface if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Client)) { $clientid = phpAds_getUserID(); } elseif (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Affiliate)) { $affiliateid = phpAds_getUserID(); } // Reset missing variables if (!isset($clientid)) { $clientid = ''; } if (!isset($campaignid)) { $campaignid = ''; } if (!isset($bannerid)) { $bannerid = ''; } if (!isset($affiliateid)) { $affiliateid = ''; } if (!isset($zoneid)) { $zoneid = ''; } if (!isset($userlogid)) { $userlogid = ''; } if (!isset($day)) { $day = ''; } $part = explode('-', str_replace('.php', '-', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))); if ($stats = $part[0] == 'stats' ? 1 : 0) { array_shift($part); $redirects = array('client' => 'stats-global-client.php', 'campaign' => 'stats-client-campaigns.php', 'banner' => 'stats-campaign-banners.php', 'affiliate' => 'stats-global-affiliates.php', 'zone' => 'stats-affiliate-zones.php'); } else { $redirects = array('client' => 'client-index.php', 'campaign' => 'client-campaigns.php', 'banner' => 'campaign-banners.php', 'affiliate' => 'affiliate-index.php', 'zone' => 'affiliate-zones.php'); } // *-edit and *-index pages doesn't need ids when adding new item, lowering requirements if (isset($part[1]) && ($part[1] == 'edit' || $part[1] == 'index')) { if ($part[0] == 'client') { $part[0] = ''; } elseif ($part[0] == 'campaign') { $part[0] = 'client'; } elseif ($part[0] == 'banner') { $part[0] = 'campaign'; } elseif ($part[0] == 'affiliate') { $part[0] = ''; } elseif ($part[0] == 'zone') { $part[0] = 'affiliate'; } } switch ($part[0]) { case 'banner': if (!is_numeric($bannerid)) { if (is_numeric($clientid) && is_numeric($campaignid)) { // Banner-activate and banner-delete are also allowed to use only the campaign id if ($part[1] == 'activate' || $part[1] == 'delete') { break; } header('Location: ' . $redirects['banner'] . '?clientid=' . $clientid . '&campaignid=' . $campaignid); exit; } } elseif (isset($part[1]) && $part[1] == 'htmlpreview') { break; } case 'campaign': if (!is_numeric($campaignid)) { if (is_numeric($clientid)) { header('Location: ' . $redirects['campaign'] . '?clientid=' . $clientid); exit; } } case 'client': if (!is_numeric($clientid)) { header('Location: ' . $redirects['client']); exit; } break; case 'zone': case 'linkedbanners': if (!is_numeric($zoneid)) { if (is_numeric($affiliateid)) { header('Location: ' . $redirects['zone'] . '?affiliateid=' . $affiliateid); exit; } } case 'affiliate': if (!is_numeric($affiliateid)) { header('Location: ' . $redirects['affiliate']); exit; } break; } }
} /* Deactivated for now because of security reasons -- Niels if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin) || (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Client) && phpAds_isAllowed(phpAds_ModifyBanner))) // only for the admin */ if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { echo "<a href='banner-edit.php?clientid=" . $clientid . "&campaignid=" . $campaignid . "&bannerid=" . $row_banners['bannerid'] . "'>"; echo "<img src='images/icon-edit.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'> " . $strBannerProperties . "</a>"; echo " "; } if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Client) && phpAds_isAllowed(phpAds_DisableBanner) && $row_banners['active'] == 't') { echo "<a href='banner-activate.php?clientid=" . $clientid . "&campaignid=" . $campaignid . "&bannerid=" . $row_banners['bannerid'] . "&value=t'>"; echo "<img src='images/icon-deactivate.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'> " . $strDeActivate . "</a>"; echo " "; } if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Client) && phpAds_isAllowed(phpAds_ActivateBanner) && $row_banners['active'] != 't') { echo "<a href='banner-activate.php?clientid=" . $clientid . "&campaignid=" . $campaignid . "&bannerid=" . $row_banners['bannerid'] . "&value=f'>"; echo "<img src='images/icon-activate.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'> " . $strActivate . "</a>"; echo " "; } echo "</tr><td>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</div>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; } } echo "<tr><td height='1' colspan='6' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<form action='stats-campaign-banners.php'>"; echo "<td colspan='6' height='35' align='right'>";
/* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by the phpAdsNew developers */ /* For more information visit: */ /* */ /* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */ /************************************************************************/ // Include required files require "config.php"; require ""; require "../libraries/"; // Register input variables phpAds_registerGlobal('startday', 'startmonth', 'startyear', 'endday', 'endmonth', 'endyear'); // Security check phpAds_checkAccess(phpAds_Admin + phpAds_Agency); if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency)) { $query = "SELECT clientid FROM " . $phpAds_config['tbl_clients'] . " WHERE clientid=" . $clientid . " AND agencyid=" . phpAds_getUserID(); $res = phpAds_dbQuery($query) or phpAds_sqlDie(); if (phpAds_dbNumRows($res) == 0) { phpAds_PageHeader("2"); phpAds_Die($strAccessDenied, $strNotAdmin); } } /*********************************************************/ /* Main code */ /*********************************************************/ if (isset($clientid) && $clientid != '') { if (isset($startyear) && isset($startmonth) && isset($startday) && $startyear != '' && $startmonth != '' && $startday != '') { $first_unixtimestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $startmonth, $startday, $startyear); } else { $first_unixtimestamp = 0;
$row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($result); if ($row["affiliateid"] == '' || phpAds_getUserID() != $row["affiliateid"]) { phpAds_PageHeader("1"); phpAds_Die($strAccessDenied, $strNotAdmin); } else { $affiliateid = phpAds_getUserID(); } } else { phpAds_PageHeader("1"); phpAds_Die($strAccessDenied, $strNotAdmin); } } /*********************************************************/ /* HTML framework */ /*********************************************************/ if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { if ($phpAds_config['compact_stats']) { $res = phpAds_dbQuery("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tDISTINCT bannerid\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_adstats'] . "\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tzoneid = '" . $zoneid . "'\n\t\t") or phpAds_sqlDie(); } else { $res = phpAds_dbQuery("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tDISTINCT bannerid\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_adviews'] . "\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tzoneid = '" . $zoneid . "'\n\t\t") or phpAds_sqlDie(); } while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { phpAds_PageContext(phpAds_getBannerName($row['bannerid']), "stats-linkedbanner-history.php?affiliateid=" . $affiliateid . "&zoneid=" . $zoneid . "&bannerid=" . $row['bannerid'], $bannerid == $row['bannerid']); } phpAds_PageShortcut($strAffiliateProperties, 'affiliate-edit.php?affiliateid=' . $affiliateid, 'images/icon-affiliate.gif'); phpAds_PageShortcut($strZoneProperties, 'zone-edit.php?affiliateid=' . $affiliateid . '&zoneid=' . $zoneid, 'images/icon-zone.gif'); phpAds_PageShortcut($strIncludedBanners, 'zone-include.php?affiliateid=' . $affiliateid . '&zoneid=' . $zoneid, 'images/icon-zone-linked.gif'); phpAds_PageHeader(""); echo "<img src='images/icon-affiliate.gif' align='absmiddle'> " . phpAds_getAffiliateName($affiliateid); echo " <img src='images/" . $phpAds_TextDirection . "/caret-rs.gif'> "; echo "<img src='images/icon-zone.gif' align='absmiddle'> " . phpAds_getZoneName($zoneid);
echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr height='1'>"; echo "<td " . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#F6F6F6'" : "") . "><img src='images/spacer.gif' width='1' height='1'></td>"; echo "<td colspan='3' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr height='25' " . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#F6F6F6'" : "") . ">"; // Empty echo "<td> </td>"; // Button 1, 2 & 3 echo "<td height='25' colspan='3'>"; if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin) || phpAds_isAllowed(phpAds_LinkBanners)) { echo "<a href='zone-include.php?affiliateid=" . $affiliateid . "&zoneid=" . $row_zones['zoneid'] . "'><img src='images/icon-zone-linked.gif' border='0' align='absmiddle' alt='{$strIncludedBanners}'> {$strIncludedBanners}</a> "; } echo "<a href='zone-probability.php?affiliateid=" . $affiliateid . "&zoneid=" . $row_zones['zoneid'] . "'><img src='images/icon-zone-probability.gif' border='0' align='absmiddle' alt='{$strProbability}'> {$strProbability}</a> "; echo "<a href='zone-invocation.php?affiliateid=" . $affiliateid . "&zoneid=" . $row_zones['zoneid'] . "'><img src='images/icon-generatecode.gif' border='0' align='absmiddle' alt='{$strInvocationcode}'> {$strInvocationcode}</a> "; if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin) || phpAds_isAllowed(phpAds_DeleteZone)) { echo "<a href='zone-delete.php?affiliateid=" . $affiliateid . "&zoneid=" . $row_zones['zoneid'] . "&returnurl=affiliate-zones.php'" . phpAds_DelConfirm($strConfirmDeleteZone) . "><img src='images/icon-recycle.gif' border='0' align='absmiddle' alt='{$strDelete}'> {$strDelete}</a> "; } echo "</td></tr>"; $i++; } if (phpAds_dbNumRows($res_zones) > 0) { echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='4' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; echo "<br><br>"; /*********************************************************/ /* Store preferences */ /*********************************************************/ $Session['prefs']['affiliate-zones.php']['listorder'] = $listorder; $Session['prefs']['affiliate-zones.php']['orderdirection'] = $orderdirection;
function rowPresenter($array, $i = 0, $level = 0, $parent = '', $isClient = false, $id = 0) { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $phpAds_TextAlignRight, $phpAds_TextDirection, $hideinactive, $i; if (is_array($array)) { foreach ($array as $array) { if ($array['kind'] == 'campaign' && $array['active'] == 'f' && $hideinactive == '1') { continue; } // Define kind of row and id $kind = $array['kind']; $thisID = $array['id']; // Inserts divider if NOT top level (level > 0) if ($level > 0) { echo "<tr " . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#F6F6F6'" : "") . "height='1'><td><img src='images/spacer.gif' width='1' height='1'></td><td colspan='6' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; } // Sets background color of the row echo "<tr height='25' " . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#F6F6F6'" : "") . ">"; // Indents as necesseary echo "<td height='25'>"; echo "<img src='images/spacer.gif' height='16' width='" . 4 . "'>"; echo "<img src='images/spacer.gif' height='16' width='" . $level * 20 . "'>"; // expanding arrows if (isset($array['children']) && ($array['anonymous'] == 'f' || !phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Affiliate) && !phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Client))) { if (isset($array['expand']) && $array['expand'] == '1') { echo "<a href='" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] . "?_id_=" . ($parent != '' ? $parent . "-" : '') . $thisID . "&collapse=1&" . ($isClient ? 'clientid=' . $id : 'affiliateid=' . $id) . "'><img src='images/triangle-d.gif' align='absmiddle' align='absmiddle' border='0'></a>"; } else { echo "<a href='" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] . "?_id_=" . ($parent != '' ? $parent . "-" : '') . $thisID . "&expand=1&" . ($isClient ? 'clientid=' . $id : 'affiliateid=' . $id) . "'><img src='images/" . $phpAds_TextDirection . "/triangle-l.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'></a>"; } } else { echo "<img src='images/spacer.gif' height='16' width='" . 16 . "' align='absmiddle'>"; } echo "<img src='images/spacer.gif' height='16' width='" . 4 . "'>"; // specific zone stuff if ($kind == 'zone') { // icon if ($array['delivery'] == phpAds_ZoneBanner) { echo "<img src='images/icon-zone.gif' align='absmiddle'>"; } elseif ($array['delivery'] == phpAds_ZoneInterstitial) { echo "<img src='images/icon-interstitial.gif' align='absmiddle'>"; } elseif ($array['delivery'] == phpAds_ZonePopup) { echo "<img src='images/icon-popup.gif' align='absmiddle'>"; } elseif ($array['delivery'] == phpAds_ZoneText) { echo "<img src='images/icon-textzone.gif' align='absmiddle'>"; } // spacer between icon and name echo "<img src='images/spacer.gif' height='16' width='" . 4 . "' align='absmiddle'>"; // name and info echo "<a href='stats-zone-history.php?affiliateid=" . $array['affiliateid'] . "&zoneid=" . $array['id'] . "'>" . $array['name'] . "</a>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td height='25'>" . $array['id'] . "</td>"; } else { if ($kind == 'campaign') { // check whether the campaign is active if ($array['active'] == 't') { echo "<img src='images/icon-campaign.gif' align='absmiddle'>"; } else { echo "<img src='images/icon-campaign-d.gif' align='absmiddle'>"; } // spacer between icon and name echo "<img src='images/spacer.gif' height='16' width='" . 4 . "' align='absmiddle'>"; // get campaign name $name = ''; if (isset($array['alt']) && $array['alt'] != '') { $name = $array['alt']; } if (isset($array['name']) && $array['name'] != '') { $name = $array['name']; } // check whether we should show the name and id of this banner if ($array['anonymous'] == 't' && (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Affiliate) || phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Client))) { echo "<a href='#'>" . $GLOBALS['strHiddenCampaign'] . "</a></td>"; echo "<td height='25'></td>"; } else { echo $isClient ? "<a href='stats-campaign-history.php?clientid=" . $id . "&campaignid=" . $array['id'] . "'>" . $name . "</a>" : "<a href='stats-campaign-affiliates.php?clientid=" . $id . "&campaignid=" . $array['id'] . "'>" . $name . "</a>"; echo "</td><td height='25'>" . $array['id'] . "</td>"; } } else { if ($kind == 'banner') { if (ereg('bannerid:' . $array['id'], $array['what'])) { echo "<img src='images/icon-zone-linked.gif' align='absmiddle'>"; } else { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-stored.gif' align='absmiddle'>"; } // spacer between icon and name echo "<img src='images/spacer.gif' height='16' width='" . 4 . "' align='absmiddle'>"; if ($isClient) { echo "<a href='stats-banner-history.php?clientid=" . $id . "&bannerid=" . $array['id'] . "&campaignid=" . phpAds_getBannerParentClientID($array['id']) . "'>" . ($array['anonymous'] == 't' ? "(Hidden Banner)" : phpAds_getBannerName($array['id'], 30, false)) . "</td>"; } else { $thiszone = explode('-', $parent); echo "<a href='stats-linkedbanner-history.php?affiliateid=" . $id . "&zoneid=" . $thiszone[0] . "&bannerid=" . $array['id'] . "'>" . ($array['anonymous'] == 't' ? "(Hidden Banner)" : phpAds_getBannerName($array['id'], 30, false)) . "</td>"; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td height='25'>" . $array['id'] . "</td>"; } } } echo "<td height='25' align='" . $phpAds_TextAlignRight . "'>" . phpAds_formatNumber($array['views']) . "</td>"; echo "<td height='25' align='" . $phpAds_TextAlignRight . "'>" . phpAds_formatNumber($array['clicks']) . "</td>"; echo "<td height='25' align='" . $phpAds_TextAlignRight . "'>" . phpAds_buildCTR($array['views'], $array['clicks']) . "</td>"; echo "<td height='25' align='" . $phpAds_TextAlignRight . "'>" . phpAds_formatNumber($array['conversions']) . "</td>"; echo "<td height='25' align='" . $phpAds_TextAlignRight . "'>" . phpAds_buildCTR($array['clicks'], $array['conversions']) . " </td>"; echo "</tr>"; if ($array['expand'] == TRUE && ($array['anonymous'] != 't' || !phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Affiliate) && !phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Client)) && is_array($array['children'])) { rowPresenter($array['children'], $i, $level + 1, ($parent != '' ? $parent . "-" : '') . $thisID, $isClient, $id); } if ($level == 0) { echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='7' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; } if ($level == 0) { $i++; } } } }
function phpAds_placeInvocationForm($extra = '', $zone_invocation = false) { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $block, $blockcampaign, $campaignid, $clientid, $codetype, $delay, $delay_type, $generate, $height, $hostlanguage, $ilayer, $layerstyle, $left, $location, $menubar, $phpAds_config, $phpAds_TextDirection, $popunder, $raw, $refresh, $resizable, $resize, $scrollbars, $source, $status, $submitbutton, $tabindex, $target, $template, $timeout, $toolbars, $top, $transparent, $uniqueid, $what, $width, $withtext, $bannerid; // Check if affiliate is on the same server if ($extra != '' && isset($extra['website']) && $extra['website']) { $server_phpads = parse_url($phpAds_config['url_prefix']); $server_affilate = parse_url($extra['website']); $server_same = @gethostbyname($server_phpads['host']) == @gethostbyname($server_affilate['host']); } else { $server_same = true; } // Hide when integrated in zone-advanced.php if (!is_array($extra) || !isset($extra['zoneadvanced']) || !$extra['zoneadvanced']) { echo "<form name='generate' action='" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] . "' method='POST'>\n"; } // Invocation type selection if (!is_array($extra) || isset($extra['delivery']) && $extra['delivery'] != phpAds_ZoneInterstitial && $extra['delivery'] != phpAds_ZonePopup) { $allowed['adlayer'] = $phpAds_config['allow_invocation_interstitial']; $allowed['popup'] = $phpAds_config['allow_invocation_popup']; $allowed['xmlrpc'] = $phpAds_config['allow_invocation_xmlrpc']; $allowed['adframe'] = $phpAds_config['allow_invocation_frame']; $allowed['adjs'] = $phpAds_config['allow_invocation_js']; $allowed['adview'] = $phpAds_config['allow_invocation_plain']; $allowed['adviewnocookies'] = $phpAds_config['allow_invocation_plain_nocookies']; $allowed['local'] = $phpAds_config['allow_invocation_local']; if (is_array($extra)) { $allowed['popup'] = false; } if (is_array($extra)) { $allowed['adlayer'] = false; } if (is_array($extra) && $server_same == false) { $allowed['local'] = false; } if (is_array($extra) && $server_same == false && ($extra['width'] == '-1' || $extra['height'] == '-1')) { $allowed['adframe'] = false; } if (is_array($extra) && $extra['delivery'] == phpAds_ZoneText) { // Only allow Javascript and Localmode // when using text ads $allowed['adlayer'] = $allowed['popup'] = $allowed['adframe'] = $allowed['adview'] = false; $allowed['adviewnocookies'] = false; } if (!isset($codetype) || $allowed[$codetype] == false) { while (list($k, $v) = each($allowed)) { if ($v) { $codetype = $k; } } } if (!isset($codetype)) { $codetype = ''; } echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>"; echo "<tr><td height='25' colspan='3'><b>" . $GLOBALS['strChooseInvocationType'] . "</b></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td height='35'>"; echo "<select name='codetype' onChange=\"this.form.submit()\" accesskey=" . $GLOBALS['keyList'] . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; if ($allowed['adview']) { echo "<option value='adview'" . ($codetype == 'adview' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationRemote'] . "</option>"; } if ($allowed['adviewnocookies']) { echo "<option value='adviewnocookies'" . ($codetype == 'adviewnocookies' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationRemoteNoCookies'] . "</option>"; } if ($allowed['adjs']) { echo "<option value='adjs'" . ($codetype == 'adjs' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationJS'] . "</option>"; } if ($allowed['adframe']) { echo "<option value='adframe'" . ($codetype == 'adframe' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationIframes'] . "</option>"; } if ($allowed['xmlrpc']) { echo "<option value='xmlrpc'" . ($codetype == 'xmlrpc' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationXmlRpc'] . "</option>"; } if ($allowed['popup']) { echo "<option value='popup'" . ($codetype == 'popup' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationPopUp'] . "</option>"; } if ($allowed['adlayer']) { echo "<option value='adlayer'" . ($codetype == 'adlayer' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationAdLayer'] . "</option>"; } if ($allowed['local']) { echo "<option value='local'" . ($codetype == 'local' ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationLocal'] . "</option>"; } echo "</select>"; echo " <input type='image' src='images/" . $phpAds_TextDirection . "/go_blue.gif' border='0'>"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; phpAds_ShowBreak(); echo "<br>"; } else { if ($extra['delivery'] == phpAds_ZoneInterstitial) { $codetype = 'adlayer'; } if ($extra['delivery'] == phpAds_ZonePopup) { $codetype = 'popup'; } if (!isset($codetype)) { $codetype = ''; } } if ($codetype == 'adlayer') { if (!isset($layerstyle)) { $layerstyle = 'geocities'; } include '../libraries/layerstyles/' . $layerstyle . '/'; } // if ($codetype != '') { // Code if (isset($submitbutton) || isset($generate) && $generate) { echo "<table border='0' width='550' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>"; echo "<tr><td height='25'><img src='images/icon-generatecode.gif' align='absmiddle'> <b>" . $GLOBALS['strBannercode'] . "</b></td>"; // Show clipboard button only on IE if (strpos($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') > 0 && strpos($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera') < 1) { echo "<td height='25' align='right'><img src='images/icon-clipboard.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; echo "<a href='javascript:phpAds_CopyClipboard(\"bannercode\");'>" . $GLOBALS['strCopyToClipboard'] . "</a></td></tr>"; } else { echo "<td> </td>"; } echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='2' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td colspan='2'><textarea name='bannercode' class='code-gray' rows='6' cols='55' style='width:550;' readonly>" . htmlspecialchars(phpAds_GenerateInvocationCode()) . "</textarea></td></tr>"; echo "</table><br>"; phpAds_ShowBreak(); echo "<br>"; $generated = true; } else { $generated = false; } // Hide when integrated in zone-advanced.php if (!(is_array($extra) && isset($extra['zoneadvanced']) && $extra['zoneadvanced'])) { // Header //Parameters Section echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>"; echo "<tr><td height='25' colspan='3'><img src='images/icon-overview.gif' align='absmiddle'> <b>" . $GLOBALS['strParameters'] . "</b></td></tr>"; echo "<tr height='1'><td width='30'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='30'></td>"; echo "<td width='200'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='200'></td>"; echo "<td width='100%'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr" . ($zone_invocation || $codetype == 'adviewnocookies' ? '' : " bgcolor='#F6F6F6'") . "><td height='10' colspan='3'> </td></tr>"; //echo "<tr><td height='10' colspan='3'> </td></tr>"; } if ($codetype == 'adview') { $show = array('what' => true, 'clientid' => true, 'campaignid' => true, 'target' => true, 'source' => true); } if ($codetype == 'adviewnocookies') { $show = array('what' => true, 'clientid' => true, 'campaignid' => true, 'target' => true, 'source' => true, 'bannerid' => true); } if ($codetype == 'adjs') { $show = array('what' => true, 'clientid' => true, 'campaignid' => true, 'block' => true, 'target' => true, 'source' => true, 'withtext' => true, 'blockcampaign' => true); } if ($codetype == 'adframe') { $show = array('what' => true, 'clientid' => true, 'campaignid' => true, 'target' => true, 'source' => true, 'refresh' => true, 'size' => true, 'resize' => true, 'transparent' => true, 'ilayer' => true); } if ($codetype == 'ad') { $show = array('what' => true, 'clientid' => true, 'campaignid' => true, 'target' => true, 'source' => true, 'withtext' => true, 'size' => true, 'resize' => true, 'transparent' => true); } if ($codetype == 'popup') { $show = array('what' => true, 'clientid' => true, 'campaignid' => true, 'target' => true, 'source' => true, 'absolute' => true, 'popunder' => true, 'timeout' => true, 'delay' => true, 'windowoptions' => true); } if ($codetype == 'adlayer') { $show = phpAds_getLayerShowVar(); } if ($codetype == 'xmlrpc') { $show = array('what' => true, 'clientid' => true, 'campaignid' => true, 'target' => true, 'source' => true, 'withtext' => true, 'template' => true, 'hostlanguage' => true); } if ($codetype == 'local') { $show = array('what' => true, 'clientid' => true, 'campaignid' => true, 'target' => true, 'source' => true, 'withtext' => true, 'block' => true, 'blockcampaign' => true, 'raw' => true); } // What if (!$zone_invocation && isset($show['what']) && $show['what'] == true && $codetype != 'adviewnocookies') { echo "<tr bgcolor='#F6F6F6'><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200' valign='top'>" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationWhat'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo "<textarea class='flat' name='what' rows='3' cols='50' style='width:350px;' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>" . (isset($what) ? stripslashes($what) : '') . "</textarea></td></tr>"; echo "<tr bgcolor='#F6F6F6'><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor='#F6F6F6' colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; } /* Remove advetiser from direct invocation - not needed // ClientID if (!$zone_invocation && isset($show['clientid']) && $show['clientid'] == true) { // Display available advertisers... echo "<tr bgcolor='#F6F6F6'><td width='30'> </td>\n"; echo "<td width='200'>".$GLOBALS['strInvocationClientID']."</td><td width='370'>\n"; echo "<select name='clientid' style='width:350px;' tabindex='".($tabindex++)."'>\n"; echo "<option value='0'>-</option>\n"; $res = phpAds_dbQuery( "SELECT clientid, clientname". " FROM ".$phpAds_config['tbl_clients'] ) or phpAds_sqlDie(); while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { echo "<option value='".$row['clientid']."'".($clientid == $row['clientid'] ? ' selected' : '').">"; echo phpAds_buildName ($row['clientid'], $row['clientname']); echo "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo "</td></tr>"; // echo "<tr bgcolor='#F6F6F6'><td height='10' colspan='3'> </td></tr>"; // echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; // echo "<tr><td height='10' colspan='3'> </td></tr>"; echo "<tr bgcolor='#F6F6F6'><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor='#F6F6F6' colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; } */ // CampaignID if (!$zone_invocation && isset($show['campaignid']) && $show['campaignid'] == true && $codetype != 'adviewnocookies') { // Display available campaigns... echo "<tr bgcolor='#F6F6F6'><td width='30'> </td>\n"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationCampaignID'] . "</td><td width='370'>\n"; echo "<select name='campaignid' style='width:350px;' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>\n"; echo "<option value='0'>-</option>\n"; if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { $query = "SELECT campaignid,campaignname" . " FROM " . $phpAds_config['tbl_campaigns']; } elseif (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency)) { $query = "SELECT m.campaignid AS campaignid" . ",m.campaignname AS campaignname" . " FROM " . $phpAds_config['tbl_campaigns'] . " AS m" . "," . $phpAds_config['tbl_clients'] . " AS c" . " WHERE m.clientid=c.clientid" . " AND c.agencyid=" . phpAds_getAgencyID(); } $res = phpAds_dbQuery($query) or phpAds_sqlDie(); while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { echo "<option value='" . $row['campaignid'] . "'" . ($campaignid == $row['campaignid'] ? ' selected' : '') . ">"; echo phpAds_buildName($row['campaignid'], $row['campaignname']); echo "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr bgcolor='#F6F6F6'><td height='10' colspan='3'> </td></tr>"; echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td height='10' colspan='3'> </td></tr>"; } // BannerID if (isset($show['bannerid']) && $show['bannerid'] == true) { echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationBannerID'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo "<input class='flat' type='text' name='bannerid' size='' value='" . (isset($bannerid) ? $bannerid : '') . "' style='width:175px;' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; } // Target if (isset($show['target']) && $show['target'] == true) { echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationTarget'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo "<input class='flat' type='text' name='target' size='' value='" . (isset($target) ? $target : '') . "' style='width:175px;' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // Source if (isset($show['source']) && $show['source'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationSource'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo "<input class='flat' type='text' name='source' size='' value='" . (isset($source) ? $source : '') . "' style='width:175px;' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // WithText if (isset($show['withtext']) && $show['withtext'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationWithText'] . "</td>"; echo "<td width='370'><input type='radio' name='withtext' value='1'" . (isset($withtext) && $withtext != 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='withtext' value='0'" . (!isset($withtext) || $withtext == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // refresh if (isset($show['refresh']) && $show['refresh'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strIFrameRefreshAfter'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo "<input class='flat' type='text' name='refresh' size='' value='" . (isset($refresh) ? $refresh : '') . "' style='width:175px;' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strAbbrSeconds'] . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // size if (!$zone_invocation && isset($show['size']) && $show['size'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strFrameSize'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo $GLOBALS['strWidth'] . ": <input class='flat' type='text' name='width' size='3' value='" . (isset($width) ? $width : '') . "' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> "; echo $GLOBALS['strHeight'] . ": <input class='flat' type='text' name='height' size='3' value='" . (isset($height) ? $height : '') . "' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // Resize if (isset($show['resize']) && $show['resize'] == true) { // Only show this if affiliate is on the same server if ($server_same) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strIframeResizeToBanner'] . "</td>"; echo "<td width='370'><input type='radio' name='resize' value='1'" . (isset($resize) && $resize == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='resize' value='0'" . (!isset($resize) || $resize == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } else { echo "<input type='hidden' name='resize' value='0'>"; } } // Transparent if (isset($show['transparent']) && $show['transparent'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strIframeMakeTransparent'] . "</td>"; echo "<td width='370'><input type='radio' name='transparent' value='1'" . (isset($transparent) && $transparent == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='transparent' value='0'" . (!isset($transparent) || $transparent == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // Netscape 4 ilayer if (isset($show['ilayer']) && $show['ilayer'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strIframeIncludeNetscape4'] . "</td>"; echo "<td width='370'><input type='radio' name='ilayer' value='1'" . (isset($ilayer) && $ilayer == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='ilayer' value='0'" . (!isset($ilayer) || $ilayer == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // Block if (isset($show['block']) && $show['block'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationDontShowAgain'] . "</td>"; echo "<td width='370'><input type='radio' name='block' value='1'" . (isset($block) && $block != 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='block' value='0'" . (!isset($block) || $block == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // Blockcampaign if (isset($show['blockcampaign']) && $show['blockcampaign'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationDontShowAgainCampaign'] . "</td>"; echo "<td width='370'><input type='radio' name='blockcampaign' value='1'" . (isset($blockcampaign) && $blockcampaign != 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='blockcampaign' value='0'" . (!isset($blockcampaign) || $blockcampaign == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // Raw if (isset($show['raw']) && $show['raw'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strInvocationTemplate'] . "</td>"; echo "<td width='370'><input type='radio' name='raw' value='1'" . (isset($raw) && $raw != 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='raw' value='0'" . (!isset($raw) || $raw == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // AdLayer style if (isset($show['layerstyle']) && $show['layerstyle'] == true) { $layerstyles = array(); $stylesdir = opendir('../libraries/layerstyles'); while ($stylefile = readdir($stylesdir)) { if (is_dir('../libraries/layerstyles/' . $stylefile) && file_exists('../libraries/layerstyles/' . $stylefile . '/')) { if (ereg('^[^.]', $stylefile)) { $layerstyles[$stylefile] = isset($GLOBALS['strAdLayerStyleName'][$stylefile]) ? $GLOBALS['strAdLayerStyleName'][$stylefile] : str_replace("- ", "-", ucwords(str_replace("-", "- ", $stylefile))); } } } closedir($stylesdir); asort($layerstyles, SORT_STRING); echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strAdLayerStyle'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo "<select name='layerstyle' onChange='this.form.submit()' style='width:175px;' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; while (list($k, $v) = each($layerstyles)) { echo "<option value='{$k}'" . ($layerstyle == $k ? ' selected' : '') . ">{$v}</option>"; } echo "</select>"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // popunder if (isset($show['popunder']) && $show['popunder'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strPopUpStyle'] . "</td>"; echo "<td width='370'><input type='radio' name='popunder' value='0'" . (!isset($popunder) || $popunder != '1' ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . "<img src='images/icon-popup-over.gif' align='absmiddle'> " . $GLOBALS['strPopUpStylePopUp'] . "<br>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='popunder' value='1'" . (isset($popunder) && $popunder == '1' ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . "<img src='images/icon-popup-under.gif' align='absmiddle'> " . $GLOBALS['strPopUpStylePopUnder'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // delay if (isset($show['delay']) && $show['delay'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strPopUpCreateInstance'] . "</td>"; echo "<td width='370'><input type='radio' name='delay_type' value='none'" . (!isset($delay_type) || $delay_type != 'exit' && $delay_type != 'seconds' ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strPopUpImmediately'] . "<br>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='delay_type' value='exit'" . (isset($delay_type) && $delay_type == 'exit' ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strPopUpOnClose'] . "<br>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='delay_type' value='seconds'" . (isset($delay_type) && $delay_type == 'seconds' ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strPopUpAfterSec'] . " " . "<input class='flat' type='text' name='delay' size='' value='" . (isset($delay) ? $delay : '-') . "' style='width:50px;' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strAbbrSeconds'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // absolute if (isset($show['absolute']) && $show['absolute'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strPopUpTop'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo "<input class='flat' type='text' name='top' size='' value='" . (isset($top) ? $top : '-') . "' style='width:50px;' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strAbbrPixels'] . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strPopUpLeft'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo "<input class='flat' type='text' name='left' size='' value='" . (isset($left) ? $left : '-') . "' style='width:50px;' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strAbbrPixels'] . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // timeout if (isset($show['timeout']) && $show['timeout'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strAutoCloseAfter'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo "<input class='flat' type='text' name='timeout' size='' value='" . (isset($timeout) ? $timeout : '-') . "' style='width:50px;' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strAbbrSeconds'] . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // Window options if (isset($show['windowoptions']) && $show['windowoptions'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td><td width='200' valign='top'>" . $GLOBALS['strWindowOptions'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>"; echo "<tr><td>" . $GLOBALS['strShowToolbars'] . "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='toolbars' value='1'" . (isset($toolbars) && $toolbars != 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='toolbars' value='0'" . (!isset($toolbars) || $toolbars == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . ""; echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='5'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='2'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>" . $GLOBALS['strShowLocation'] . "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='location' value='1'" . (isset($location) && $location != 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='location' value='0'" . (!isset($location) || $location == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . ""; echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='5'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='2'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>" . $GLOBALS['strShowMenubar'] . "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='menubar' value='1'" . (isset($menubar) && $menubar != 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='menubar' value='0'" . (!isset($menubar) || $menubar == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . ""; echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='5'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='2'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>" . $GLOBALS['strShowStatus'] . "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='status' value='1'" . (isset($status) && $status != 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='status' value='0'" . (!isset($status) || $status == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . ""; echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='5'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='2'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>" . $GLOBALS['strWindowResizable'] . "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='resizable' value='1'" . (isset($resizable) && $resizable != 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='resizable' value='0'" . (!isset($resizable) || $resizable == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . ""; echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='5'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='2'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>" . $GLOBALS['strShowScrollbars'] . "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='scrollbars' value='1'" . (isset($scrollbars) && $scrollbars != 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strYes'] . "<br>"; echo "</td><td> </td><td>"; echo "<input type='radio' name='scrollbars' value='0'" . (!isset($scrollbars) || $scrollbars == 0 ? ' checked' : '') . " tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'> " . $GLOBALS['strNo'] . ""; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</td></tr><tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // AdLayer custom code if (isset($show['layercustom']) && $show['layercustom'] == true) { phpAds_placeLayerSettings(); } // Host Language if (isset($show['hostlanguage']) && $show['hostlanguage'] == true) { echo "<td colspan='2'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='200' vspace='6'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'> </td>"; echo "<td width='200'>" . $GLOBALS['strXmlRpcLanguage'] . "</td><td width='370'>"; echo "<select name='hostlanguage' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; echo "<option value='php'" . ($hostlanguage == 'php' ? ' selected' : '') . ">PHP</option>"; // echo "<option value='php-xmlrpc'".($hostlanguage == 'php-xmlrpc' ? ' selected' : '').">PHP with built in XML-RPC extension</option>"; // echo "<option value='asp'".($hostlanguage == 'asp' ? ' selected' : '').">ASP</option>"; // echo "<option value='jsp'".($hostlanguage == 'jsp' ? ' selected' : '').">JSP</option>"; echo "</select>"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td width='30'><img src='images/spacer.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; } // Hide when integrated in zone-advanced.php if (!(is_array($extra) && isset($extra['zoneadvanced']) && $extra['zoneadvanced'])) { // Footer echo "<tr><td height='10' colspan='3'> </td></tr>"; echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "<br><br>"; echo "<input type='hidden' value='" . ($generated ? 1 : 0) . "' name='generate'>"; if ($generated) { echo "<input type='submit' value='" . $GLOBALS['strRefresh'] . "' name='submitbutton' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; } else { echo "<input type='submit' value='" . $GLOBALS['strGenerate'] . "' name='submitbutton' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; } } } // Put extra hidden fields if (is_array($extra)) { while (list($k, $v) = each($extra)) { echo "<input type='hidden' value='{$v}' name='{$k}'>"; } } // Hide when integrated in zone-advanced.php if (!is_array($extra) || !isset($extra['zoneadvanced']) || !$extra['zoneadvanced']) { echo "</form><br><br>"; } }
phpAds_PrepareHelp(); phpAds_PageHeader("5.1"); if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { phpAds_ShowSections(array("5.1", "5.3", "5.4", "5.2", "5.5")); } elseif (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency)) { phpAds_ShowSections(array("5.1")); } phpAds_SettingsSelection("banner"); /*********************************************************/ /* Cache settings fields and get help HTML Code */ /*********************************************************/ // Split FTP settings if (!empty($phpAds_config['type_web_ftp'])) { if ($ftpserver = @parse_url($phpAds_config['type_web_ftp'])) { $ftpserver['path'] = ereg_replace('^/', '', $ftpserver['path']); $ftpserver['path'] = ereg_replace('/$', '', $ftpserver['path']); $phpAds_config['type_web_ftp_host'] = $ftpserver['host'] . (isset($ftpserver['port']) && $ftpserver['port'] != '' ? ':' . $ftpserver['port'] : ''); $phpAds_config['type_web_ftp_user'] = $ftpserver['user']; $phpAds_config['type_web_ftp_password'] = $ftpserver['pass']; $phpAds_config['type_web_ftp_path'] = $ftpserver['path']; } } $settings = array(array('text' => $strDefaultBanners, 'items' => array(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'default_banner_url', 'text' => $strDefaultBannerUrl, 'size' => 35, 'check' => 'url'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'default_banner_target', 'text' => $strDefaultBannerTarget, 'size' => 35, 'check' => 'url'))), array('text' => $strAllowedBannerTypes, 'items' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'type_sql_allow', 'text' => $strTypeSqlAllow), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'type_web_allow', 'text' => $strTypeWebAllow), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'type_url_allow', 'text' => $strTypeUrlAllow), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'type_html_allow', 'text' => $strTypeHtmlAllow), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'type_txt_allow', 'text' => $strTypeTxtAllow))), array('text' => $strTypeWebSettings, 'visible' => phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin), 'items' => array(array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'type_web_mode', 'text' => $strTypeWebMode, 'items' => array($strTypeWebModeLocal, $strTypeWebModeFtp), 'depends' => 'type_web_allow==true'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'type_web_url', 'text' => $strTypeWebUrl, 'size' => 35, 'check' => 'url', 'depends' => 'type_web_allow==true'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'type_web_ssl_url', 'text' => $strTypeWebSslUrl, 'size' => 35, 'check' => 'url', 'depends' => 'type_web_allow==true'), array('type' => 'break', 'size' => 'full'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'type_web_dir', 'text' => $strTypeWebDir, 'size' => 35, 'depends' => 'type_web_allow==true && type_web_mode==0'), array('type' => 'break', 'size' => 'full'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'type_web_ftp_host', 'text' => $strTypeFTPHost, 'size' => 35, 'depends' => 'type_web_allow==true && type_web_mode==1'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'type_web_ftp_path', 'text' => $strTypeFTPDirectory, 'size' => 35, 'depends' => 'type_web_allow==true && type_web_mode==1'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'type_web_ftp_user', 'text' => $strTypeFTPUsername, 'size' => 35, 'depends' => 'type_web_allow==true && type_web_mode==1'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'password', 'name' => 'type_web_ftp_password', 'text' => $strTypeFTPPassword, 'size' => 35, 'depends' => 'type_web_allow==true && type_web_mode==1'))), array('text' => $strTypeHtmlSettings, 'items' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'type_html_auto', 'text' => $strTypeHtmlAuto, 'depends' => 'type_html_allow==true'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'type_html_php', 'text' => $strTypeHtmlPhp, 'depends' => 'type_html_allow==true')))); /*********************************************************/ /* Main code */ /*********************************************************/ phpAds_ShowSettings($settings, $errormessage); /*********************************************************/ /* HTML framework */ /*********************************************************/ phpAds_PageFooter();
phpAds_SettingsWriteAdd('insert_delayed', isset($insert_delayed)); phpAds_SettingsWriteAdd('compatibility_mode', isset($compatibility_mode)); if (!count($errormessage)) { phpAds_SettingsWriteFlush(); header("Location: settings-invocation.php"); exit; } } /*********************************************************/ /* HTML framework */ /*********************************************************/ phpAds_PrepareHelp(); phpAds_PageHeader("5.1"); if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { phpAds_ShowSections(array("5.1", "5.3", "5.4", "5.2", "5.5")); } elseif (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency)) { phpAds_ShowSections(array("5.1")); } phpAds_SettingsSelection("db"); /*********************************************************/ /* Cache settings fields and get help HTML Code */ /*********************************************************/ $settings = array(array('text' => $strDatabaseServer, 'visible' => phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin), 'items' => array(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dbhost', 'text' => $strDbHost, 'req' => true), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dbport', 'text' => $strDbPort, 'req' => true), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dbuser', 'text' => $strDbUser, 'req' => true), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'password', 'name' => 'dbpassword', 'text' => $strDbPassword, 'req' => true), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'dbname', 'text' => $strDbName, 'req' => true))), array('text' => $strDatabaseOptimalisations, 'visible' => phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin), 'items' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'persistent_connections', 'text' => $strPersistentConnections), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'insert_delayed', 'text' => $strInsertDelayed, 'visible' => $phpAds_productname == 'phpAdsNew' && $phpAds_config['table_type'] == 'MYISAM'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'compatibility_mode', 'text' => $strCompatibilityMode, 'visible' => $phpAds_productname == 'phpAdsNew'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'auto_clean_tables_vacuum', 'text' => $strAutoCleanVacuum, 'visible' => $phpAds_productname == 'phpPgAds')))); /*********************************************************/ /* Main code */ /*********************************************************/ phpAds_ShowSettings($settings, $errormessage); /*********************************************************/ /* HTML framework */ /*********************************************************/ phpAds_PageFooter();
$zoneids = array(); $idresult = phpAds_dbQuery("\n\tSELECT\n\t\tzoneid\n\tFROM\n\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_zones'] . "\n\tWHERE\n\t\taffiliateid = '{$affiliateid}'\n"); while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($idresult)) { $zoneids[] = "zoneid = " . $row['zoneid']; } $res = phpAds_dbQuery("\n\tSELECT\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(day, '%Y%m%d') as date,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(day, '{$date_format}') as date_formatted\n\tFROM\n\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_adstats'] . "\n\tWHERE\n\t\t(" . implode(' OR ', $zoneids) . ")\n\tGROUP BY\n\t\tday\n\tORDER BY\n\t\tday DESC\n\tLIMIT 7\n") or phpAds_sqlDie(); while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { phpAds_PageContext($row['date_formatted'], "stats-affiliate-daily-hosts.php?day=" . $row['date'] . "&affiliateid=" . $affiliateid, $day == $row['date']); } if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { phpAds_PageShortcut($strAffiliateProperties, 'affiliate-edit.php?affiliateid=' . $affiliateid, 'images/icon-affiliate.gif'); phpAds_PageHeader(""); echo "<img src='images/icon-affiliate.gif' align='absmiddle'> " . phpAds_getAffiliateName($affiliateid); echo " <img src='images/" . $phpAds_TextDirection . "/caret-rs.gif'> "; echo "<img src='images/icon-date.gif' align='absmiddle'> <b>" . date(str_replace('%', '', $date_format), mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($day, 4, 2), substr($day, 6, 2), substr($day, 0, 4))) . "</b><br><br><br>"; phpAds_ShowSections(array("", "")); } if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Affiliate)) { phpAds_PageHeader("1.2.2"); echo "<img src='images/icon-date.gif' align='absmiddle'> <b>" . date(str_replace('%', '', $date_format), mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($day, 4, 2), substr($day, 6, 2), substr($day, 0, 4))) . "</b><br><br>"; phpAds_ShowSections(array("1.2.1", "1.2.2")); } /*********************************************************/ /* Main code */ /*********************************************************/ $lib_hourly_where = "(" . implode(' OR ', $zoneids) . ")"; include ""; /*********************************************************/ /* HTML framework */ /*********************************************************/ phpAds_PageFooter();
function phpAds_showZoneBanners($width, $height, $what, $zonetype, $delivery) { global $phpAds_config, $showcampaigns, $hideinactive, $affiliateid, $zoneid; global $strName, $strID, $strUntitled, $strDescription, $phpAds_TextAlignRight, $phpAds_TextAlignLeft; global $strEdit, $strCheckAllNone, $strShowBanner; global $strNoBannersToLink, $strSaveChanges, $strSelectBannerToLink, $strInactiveBannersHidden; global $strShowParentCampaigns, $strHideParentCampaigns, $strHideInactiveBanners, $strShowAll; global $tabindex; if ($zonetype == phpAds_ZoneBanners) { // Determine selected banners $what_array = explode(",", $what); for ($k = 0; $k < count($what_array); $k++) { if (substr($what_array[$k], 0, 9) == "bannerid:") { $bannerid = substr($what_array[$k], 9); $bannerids[$bannerid] = true; } } } elseif ($zonetype == phpAds_ZoneCampaign) { // Determine selected campaigns $clientids = array(); $what_array = explode(",", $what); for ($k = 0; $k < count($what_array); $k++) { if (substr($what_array[$k], 0, 9) == "clientid:") { $clientid = substr($what_array[$k], 9); $clientids[] = 'clientid = ' . $clientid; } } // Determine banners owned by selected campaigns if (count($clientids)) { $res = phpAds_dbQuery("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\tbannerid\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_banners'] . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t" . implode(' OR ', $clientids) . "\n\t\t\t"); while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { $bannerids[$row['bannerid']] = true; } } else { $bannerids = array(); } } else { $bannerids = array(); } // Fetch all campaigns $res = phpAds_dbQuery("\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t*\n\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_clients'] . "\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\tparent > 0\n\t") or phpAds_sqlDie(); while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { $campaigns[$row['clientid']] = $row; } // Fetch all banners which can be linked $query = "\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t*\n\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_banners'] . "\n\t\t"; if ($delivery != phpAds_ZoneText) { if ($width != -1 && $height != -1) { $query .= "WHERE width = {$width} AND height = {$height} AND contenttype != 'txt'"; } elseif ($width != -1) { $query .= "WHERE width = {$width} AND contenttype != 'txt'"; } elseif ($height != -1) { $query .= "WHERE height = {$height} AND contenttype != 'txt'"; } else { $query .= "WHERE contenttype != 'txt'"; } } else { $query .= "WHERE contenttype = 'txt'"; } $query .= "\n\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\tbannerid"; $res = phpAds_dbQuery($query); $compact = phpAds_dbNumRows($res) > $phpAds_config['gui_link_compact_limit']; while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { $campaigns[$row['clientid']]['banners'][$row['bannerid']] = $row; } $inactivehidden = 0; if (!$compact) { echo "<form name='zonetypeselection' method='post' action='zone-include.php'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='zoneid' value='" . $GLOBALS['zoneid'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='affiliateid' value='" . $GLOBALS['affiliateid'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='zonetype' value='" . phpAds_ZoneBanners . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='set'>"; } else { echo "<br>" . $strSelectBannerToLink . "<br><br>"; echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'><tr>"; echo "<form name='zonetypeselection' method='get' action='zone-include.php'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='zoneid' value='" . $GLOBALS['zoneid'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='affiliateid' value='" . $GLOBALS['affiliateid'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='zonetype' value='" . phpAds_ZoneBanners . "'>"; echo "<td><img src='images/icon-client.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; echo "<select name='clientid' onChange='this.form.submit();' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; if (!isset($GLOBALS['clientid']) || $GLOBALS['clientid'] == '') { echo "<option value='' selected></option>"; } // Fetch all campaigns $res = phpAds_dbQuery("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_clients'] . "\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tparent = 0\n\t\t") or phpAds_sqlDie(); while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['clientid']) && $GLOBALS['clientid'] == $row['clientid']) { echo "<option value='" . $row['clientid'] . "' selected>[id" . $row['clientid'] . "] " . $row['clientname'] . "</option>"; } else { echo "<option value='" . $row['clientid'] . "'>[id" . $row['clientid'] . "] " . $row['clientname'] . "</option>"; } } echo "</select>"; echo "</td></form>"; if (isset($GLOBALS['clientid']) && $GLOBALS['clientid'] != '') { echo "<form name='zonetypeselection' method='get' action='zone-include.php'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='zoneid' value='" . $GLOBALS['zoneid'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='affiliateid' value='" . $GLOBALS['affiliateid'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='clientid' value='" . $GLOBALS['clientid'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='zonetype' value='" . phpAds_ZoneBanners . "'>"; echo "<td> <img src='images/caret-r.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; echo "<img src='images/icon-campaign.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; echo "<select name='campaignid' onChange='this.form.submit();' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; if (!isset($GLOBALS['campaignid']) || $GLOBALS['campaignid'] == '') { echo "<option value='' selected></option>"; } // Fetch all campaigns $res = phpAds_dbQuery("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_clients'] . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tparent = " . $GLOBALS['clientid'] . "\n\t\t\t") or phpAds_sqlDie(); while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['campaignid']) && $GLOBALS['campaignid'] == $row['clientid']) { echo "<option value='" . $row['clientid'] . "' selected>[id" . $row['clientid'] . "] " . $row['clientname'] . "</option>"; } else { echo "<option value='" . $row['clientid'] . "'>[id" . $row['clientid'] . "] " . $row['clientname'] . "</option>"; } } echo "</select>"; echo "</td></form>"; if (isset($GLOBALS['campaignid']) && $GLOBALS['campaignid'] != '') { echo "<form name='zonetypeselection' method='get' action='zone-include.php'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='zoneid' value='" . $GLOBALS['zoneid'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='affiliateid' value='" . $GLOBALS['affiliateid'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='clientid' value='" . $GLOBALS['clientid'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='campaignid' value='" . $GLOBALS['campaignid'] . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='zonetype' value='" . phpAds_ZoneBanners . "'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='toggle'>"; echo "<td> <img src='images/caret-r.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-stored.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; echo "<select name='bannerid' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; // Fetch all banners which can be linked $query = "\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbannerid,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tclientid,\n\t\t\t\t\t\talt,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdescription,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tactive,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstoragetype\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_banners'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\tclientid = " . $GLOBALS['campaignid'] . "\n\t\t\t\t"; if ($delivery != phpAds_ZoneText) { if ($width != -1 && $height != -1) { $query .= "AND width = {$width} AND height = {$height}"; } elseif ($width != -1) { $query .= "AND width = {$width}"; } elseif ($height != -1) { $query .= "AND height = {$height}"; } } else { $query .= "AND contenttype = 'txt'"; } $query .= "\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbannerid"; $res = phpAds_dbQuery($query); while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { if (!isset($bannerids[$row['bannerid']]) || $bannerids[$row['bannerid']] != true) { $name = $strUntitled; if (isset($row['alt']) && $row['alt'] != '') { $name = $row['alt']; } if (isset($row['description']) && $row['description'] != '') { $name = $row['description']; } echo "<option value='" . $row['bannerid'] . "'>[id" . $row['bannerid'] . "] " . $name . "</option>"; } } echo "</select>"; echo " <input type='image' src='images/" . $GLOBALS['phpAds_TextDirection'] . "/go_blue.gif' border='0' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; echo "</td></form>"; } } echo "</tr></table>"; echo "<br><br>"; } // Header echo "<table width='100%' border='0' align='center' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"; echo "<tr height='25'>"; echo "<td height='25' width='40%'><b> {$strName}</b></td>"; echo "<td height='25'><b>{$strID} </b></td>"; echo "<td height='25'> </td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; $i = 0; $checkedall = true; if (!$compact && phpAds_dbNumRows($res) == 0) { echo "<tr bgcolor='#F6F6F6'><td colspan='3' height='25'> " . $strNoBannersToLink . "</td></tr>"; } else { foreach (array_keys($campaigns) as $ckey) { $campaign = $campaigns[$ckey]; if (isset($campaign['banners']) && is_array($campaign['banners']) && count($campaign['banners'])) { $banners = $campaign['banners']; $activebanners = 0; foreach (array_keys($banners) as $bkey) { $banner = $banners[$bkey]; $linkedrow = isset($bannerids[$banner['bannerid']]) && $bannerids[$banner['bannerid']] == true; if ($compact) { $showrow = $linkedrow; } else { $showrow = $hideinactive == false || $hideinactive == true && ($banner['active'] == 't' && $campaign['active'] == 't' || $linkedrow); } if ($showrow) { $activebanners++; } } if ($showcampaigns && $activebanners) { if ($i > 0) { echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; } echo "<tr height='25' " . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#F6F6F6'" : "") . ">"; // Begin row echo "<td height='25'>"; echo " "; if (!$compact) { echo " "; } // Banner icon if ($campaign['active'] == 't') { echo "<img src='images/icon-campaign.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } else { echo "<img src='images/icon-campaign-d.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } // Name if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { echo "<a href='campaign-edit.php?clientid=" . $campaign['parent'] . "&campaignid=" . $campaign['clientid'] . "'>"; echo phpAds_breakString($campaign['clientname'], '60') . "</a>"; } else { echo phpAds_breakString($campaign['clientname'], '60'); } echo "</td>"; // ID echo "<td height='25'>" . $campaign['clientid'] . "</td>"; echo "<td> </td></tr>"; } foreach (array_keys($banners) as $bkey) { $banner = $banners[$bkey]; $linkedrow = isset($bannerids[$banner['bannerid']]) && $bannerids[$banner['bannerid']] == true; if ($compact) { $showrow = $linkedrow; } else { $showrow = $hideinactive == false || $hideinactive == true && ($banner['active'] == 't' && $campaign['active'] == 't' || $linkedrow); } if (!$compact && !$showrow) { $inactivehidden++; } if ($showrow) { $name = $strUntitled; if (isset($banner['alt']) && $banner['alt'] != '') { $name = $banner['alt']; } if (isset($banner['description']) && $banner['description'] != '') { $name = $banner['description']; } $name = phpAds_breakString($name, '60'); if (!$showcampaigns) { if ($i > 0) { echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; } } else { echo "<tr height='1'>"; echo "<td " . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#F6F6F6'" : "") . "><img src='images/spacer.gif' width='1' height='1'></td>"; echo "<td colspan='3' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break-el.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "<tr height='25' " . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#F6F6F6'" : "") . ">"; // Begin row echo "<td height='25'>"; echo " "; // Show checkbox if (!$compact) { if (isset($bannerids[$banner['bannerid']]) && $bannerids[$banner['bannerid']] == true) { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='bannerid[]' value='" . $banner['bannerid'] . "' checked onclick='reviewall();' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; } else { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='bannerid[]' value='" . $banner['bannerid'] . "' onclick='reviewall();' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; $checkedall = false; } } else { echo "<a href='zone-include.php?affiliateid=" . $GLOBALS['affiliateid'] . "&zoneid=" . $GLOBALS['zoneid'] . "&bannerid=" . $banner['bannerid'] . "&zonetype=" . phpAds_ZoneBanners . "&action=toggle'>"; echo "<img src='images/caret-l.gif' border='0' align='absmiddle'></a>"; } // Space echo " "; if ($showcampaigns) { echo " "; } // Banner icon if ($campaign['active'] == 't' && $banner['active'] == 't') { if ($banner['storagetype'] == 'html') { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-html.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } elseif ($banner['storagetype'] == 'url') { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-url.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } elseif ($banner['storagetype'] == 'txt') { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-text.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } else { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-stored.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } } else { if ($banner['storagetype'] == 'html') { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-html-d.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } elseif ($banner['storagetype'] == 'url') { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-url-d.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } elseif ($banner['storagetype'] == 'txt') { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-text-d.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } else { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-stored-d.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } } // Name if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { echo "<a href='banner-edit.php?clientid=" . $campaign['parent'] . "&campaignid=" . $campaign['clientid'] . "&bannerid=" . $banner['bannerid'] . "'>"; echo $name . "</a></td>"; } else { echo $name; } // ID echo "<td height='25'>" . $banner['bannerid'] . "</td>"; // Show banner if ($banner['contenttype'] == 'txt') { $width = 300; $height = 200; } else { $width = $banner['width'] + 64; $height = $banner['bannertext'] ? $banner['height'] + 90 : $banner['height'] + 64; } echo "<td height='25' align='" . $phpAds_TextAlignRight . "'>"; echo "<a href='banner-htmlpreview.php?bannerid=" . $banner['bannerid'] . "' target='_new' "; echo "onClick=\"return openWindow('banner-htmlpreview.php?bannerid=" . $banner['bannerid'] . "', '', 'status=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=" . $width . ",height=" . $height . "');\">"; echo "<img src='images/icon-zoom.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'> " . $strShowBanner . "</a> "; echo "</td>"; // End row echo "</tr>"; if (!$showcampaigns) { $i++; } } } if ($showcampaigns && $activebanners) { $i++; } } } } if (!$compact) { echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr " . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#F6F6F6'" : "") . "><td height='25'>"; echo " <input type='checkbox' name='checkall' value=''" . ($checkedall == true ? ' checked' : '') . " onclick='toggleall();' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; echo " <b>" . $strCheckAllNone . "</b>"; echo "</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>"; } echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td height='25' align='" . $phpAds_TextAlignLeft . "' nowrap>"; if (!$compact) { if ($hideinactive == true) { echo " <img src='images/icon-activate.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; echo " <a href='zone-include.php?affiliateid=" . $affiliateid . "&zoneid=" . $zoneid . "&zonetype=" . phpAds_ZoneBanners . "&hideinactive=0'>" . $strShowAll . "</a>"; echo " | " . $inactivehidden . " " . $strInactiveBannersHidden; } else { echo " <img src='images/icon-hideinactivate.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; echo " <a href='zone-include.php?affiliateid=" . $affiliateid . "&zoneid=" . $zoneid . "&zonetype=" . phpAds_ZoneBanners . "&hideinactive=1'>" . $strHideInactiveBanners . "</a>"; } } echo "</td><td colspan='2' align='" . $phpAds_TextAlignRight . "' nowrap>"; if ($showcampaigns == true) { echo " <img src='images/icon-campaign-d.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; echo " <a href='zone-include.php?affiliateid=" . $affiliateid . "&zoneid=" . $zoneid . "&zonetype=" . phpAds_ZoneBanners . "&showcampaigns=0'>" . $strHideParentCampaigns . "</a>"; } else { echo " <img src='images/icon-campaign.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'>"; echo " <a href='zone-include.php?affiliateid=" . $affiliateid . "&zoneid=" . $zoneid . "&zonetype=" . phpAds_ZoneBanners . "&showcampaigns=1'>" . $strShowParentCampaigns . "</a>"; } echo " </td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "<br><br>"; echo "<br><br>"; if (!$compact) { echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='{$strSaveChanges}' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; echo "</form>"; } }
phpAds_ShowSections(array("5.1", "5.3", "5.4", "5.2", "5.5")); } elseif (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency)) { phpAds_ShowSections(array("5.1")); } phpAds_SettingsSelection("invocation"); /*********************************************************/ /* Cache settings fields and get help HTML Code */ /*********************************************************/ // Determine delivery cache methods $delivery_cache_methods['none'] = $strNone; $delivery_cache_methods['db'] = $strCacheDatabase; if ($fp = @fopen(phpAds_path . '/cache/available', 'wb')) { @fclose($fp); @unlink(phpAds_path . '/cache/available'); $delivery_cache_methods['file'] = $strCacheFiles; } if (function_exists('shmop_open')) { $delivery_cache_methods['shm'] = $strCacheShmop . " (" . $strExperimental . ")"; } if (function_exists('shm_attach')) { $delivery_cache_methods['sysvshm'] = $strCacheSysvshm . " (" . $strExperimental . ")"; } $settings = array(array('text' => $strDeliverySettings, 'visible' => phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin), 'items' => array(array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'delivery_caching', 'text' => $strCacheType, 'items' => $delivery_cache_methods), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'acl', 'text' => $strUseAcl), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'use_keywords', 'text' => $strUseKeywords), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'con_key', 'text' => $strUseConditionalKeys, 'depends' => 'use_keywords==true'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'mult_key', 'text' => $strUseMultipleKeys, 'depends' => 'use_keywords==true'))), array('text' => $strAllowedInvocationTypes, 'items' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'allow_invocation_plain', 'text' => $strAllowRemoteInvocation), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'allow_invocation_plain_nocookies', 'text' => $strAllowRemoteInvocationNoCookies), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'allow_invocation_js', 'text' => $strAllowRemoteJavascript), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'allow_invocation_frame', 'text' => $strAllowRemoteFrames), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'allow_invocation_xmlrpc', 'text' => $strAllowRemoteXMLRPC), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'allow_invocation_local', 'text' => $strAllowLocalmode), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'allow_invocation_interstitial', 'text' => $strAllowInterstitial), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'allow_invocation_popup', 'text' => $strAllowPopups))), array('text' => $strP3PSettings, 'visible' => phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin), 'items' => array(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'p3p_policies', 'text' => $strUseP3P), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'p3p_compact_policy', 'text' => $strP3PCompactPolicy, 'size' => 35, 'depends' => 'p3p_policies==true'), array('type' => 'break'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'p3p_policy_location', 'text' => $strP3PPolicyLocation, 'size' => 35, 'depends' => 'p3p_policies==true', 'check' => 'url')))); /*********************************************************/ /* Main code */ /*********************************************************/ phpAds_ShowSettings($settings, $errormessage); /*********************************************************/ /* HTML framework */ /*********************************************************/ phpAds_PageFooter();
function phpAds_showZoneBanners($zoneid) { global $phpAds_config, $phpAds_TextDirection; global $strUntitled, $strName, $strID, $strWeight, $strShowBanner; global $strCampaignWeight, $strBannerWeight, $strProbability, $phpAds_TextAlignRight; global $strRawQueryString, $strZoneProbListChain, $strZoneProbNullPri, $strZoneProbListChainLoop; $zonechain = array(); $what = ''; $infinite_loop = false; while ($zoneid || $what) { if ($zoneid) { // Get zone $zoneres = phpAds_dbQuery("SELECT what,width,height,delivery FROM " . $phpAds_config['tbl_zones'] . " WHERE zoneid='{$zoneid}' "); if (phpAds_dbNumRows($zoneres) > 0) { $zone = phpAds_dbFetchArray($zoneres); // Set what parameter to zone settings if (isset($zone['what']) && $zone['what'] != '') { $what = $zone['what']; } else { $what = 'default'; } } else { $what = ''; } $precondition = ''; // Size preconditions if ($zone['width'] > -1) { $precondition .= " AND " . $phpAds_config['tbl_banners'] . ".width = " . $zone['width'] . " "; } if ($zone['height'] > -1) { $precondition .= " AND " . $phpAds_config['tbl_banners'] . ".height = " . $zone['height'] . " "; } // Text Ads preconditions if ($zone['delivery'] == phpAds_ZoneText) { $precondition .= " AND " . $phpAds_config['tbl_banners'] . ".storagetype = 'txt' "; } else { $precondition .= " AND " . $phpAds_config['tbl_banners'] . ".storagetype <> 'txt' "; } if (!defined('LIBVIEWQUERY_INCLUDED')) { include phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } $select = phpAds_buildQuery($what, false, $precondition); } else { // Direct selection if (!defined('LIBVIEWQUERY_INCLUDED')) { include phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } $select = phpAds_buildQuery($what, false, ''); $zone = array('what' => $what); } $res = phpAds_dbQuery($select); $rows = array(); $prioritysum = 0; while ($tmprow = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { // weight of 0 disables the banner if ($tmprow['priority']) { $prioritysum += $tmprow['priority']; $rows[$tmprow['bannerid']] = $tmprow; } } if (!count($rows) && isset($zone['chain']) && strlen($zone['chain'])) { // Follow the chain if no banner was found if (ereg('^zone:([0-9]+)$', $zone['chain'], $match)) { // Zone chain $zoneid = $match[1]; $what = ''; } else { // Raw querystring chain $zoneid = 0; $what = $zone['chain']; } if (in_array($zone, $zonechain)) { // Chain already evaluated, exit $zoneid = 0; $what = ''; $infinite_loop = true; } else { $zonechain[] = $zone; } } else { // No chain settings, exit loop $zoneid = 0; $what = ''; } } if (isset($rows) && is_array($rows)) { $i = 0; if (count($zonechain)) { // Zone Chain echo "<br><br><div class='errormessage'><img class='errormessage' src='images/info.gif' width='16' height='16' border='0' align='absmiddle'>"; echo $infinite_loop ? $strZoneProbListChainLoop : $strZoneProbListChain; echo "<br><img src='images/break-el.gif' height='1' width='100%' vspace='6'><br>"; // echo "</div>"; /* echo "<br><br><table width='100% border='0' align='center' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"; echo "<tr><td valign='top'><img src='images/info.gif' align='absmiddle'> </td>"; echo "<td width='100%'><b>".($infinite_loop ? $strZoneProbListChainLoop : $strZoneProbListChain)."</b></td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; phpAds_ShowBreak(); */ while (list(, $z) = each($zonechain)) { echo "<nobr><img src='images/icon-zone-d.gif' align='absmiddle'> " . phpAds_buildZoneName($z['zoneid'], $z['zonename']); echo " <img src='images/" . $phpAds_TextDirection . "/caret-rs.gif'></nobr> "; } if (isset($zone['zoneid'])) { echo "<nobr><img src='images/" . ($infinite_loop ? 'errormessage.gif' : 'icon-zone.gif') . "' align='absmiddle'> <b>" . phpAds_buildZoneName($zone['zoneid'], $zone['zonename']) . "</b></nobr><br>"; } else { echo "<nobr><img src='images/icon-generatecode.gif' align='absmiddle'> <b>" . $GLOBALS['strRawQueryString'] . ":</b> " . htmlentities($zone['what']) . "</nobr><br>"; } echo "</div>"; } // Header echo "<br><br>"; echo "<table width='100%' border='0' align='center' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>"; echo "<tr height='25'>"; echo "<td height='25' width='40%'><b> " . $strName . "</b></td>"; echo "<td height='25'><b>" . $strID . " </b></td>"; echo "<td height='25'><b>" . $strProbability . "</b></td>"; echo "<td height='25' align='" . $phpAds_TextAlignRight . "'> </td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='4' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; // Banners for (reset($rows); $key = key($rows); next($rows)) { $name = phpAds_getBannerName($rows[$key]['bannerid'], 60, false); if ($i > 0) { echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='4' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break-l.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; } echo "<tr height='25' " . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#F6F6F6'" : "") . ">"; echo "<td height='25'>"; echo " "; // Banner icon if ($rows[$key]['storagetype'] == 'html') { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-html.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } elseif ($rows[$key]['storagetype'] == 'txt') { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-text.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } elseif ($rows[$key]['storagetype'] == 'url') { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-url.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } else { echo "<img src='images/icon-banner-stored.gif' align='absmiddle'> "; } // Name if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin) || phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency)) { echo "<a href='banner-edit.php?clientid=" . phpAds_getCampaignParentClientID($rows[$key]['campaignid']) . "&campaignid=" . $rows[$key]['campaignid'] . "&bannerid=" . $rows[$key]['bannerid'] . "'>" . $name . "</a>"; } else { echo $name; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td height='25'>" . $rows[$key]['bannerid'] . "</td>"; echo "<td height='25'>" . number_format($rows[$key]['priority'] / $prioritysum * 100, $phpAds_config['percentage_decimals']) . "%</td>"; // Show banner if ($rows[$key]['contenttype'] == 'txt') { $width = 300; $height = 200; } else { $width = $rows[$key]['width'] + 64; $height = $rows[$key]['bannertext'] ? $rows[$key]['height'] + 90 : $rows[$key]['height'] + 64; } echo "<td height='25' align='" . $phpAds_TextAlignRight . "'>"; echo "<a href='banner-htmlpreview.php?bannerid=" . $rows[$key]['bannerid'] . "' target='_new' "; echo "onClick=\"return openWindow('banner-htmlpreview.php?bannerid=" . $rows[$key]['bannerid'] . "', '', 'status=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=" . $width . ",height=" . $height . "');\">"; echo "<img src='images/icon-zoom.gif' align='absmiddle' border='0'> " . $strShowBanner . "</a> "; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $i++; } if (!$i) { echo "<tr height='25' bgcolor='#F6F6F6'>"; echo "<td colspan='4'> " . $strZoneProbNullPri . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } // Footer echo "<tr height='1'><td colspan='4' bgcolor='#888888'><img src='images/break.gif' height='1' width='100%'></td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; } }
$res = phpAds_dbQuery("\n\tSELECT\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(day, '%Y%m%d') as date,\n\t\tDATE_FORMAT(day, '{$date_format}') as date_formatted\n\tFROM\n\t\t" . $phpAds_config['tbl_adstats'] . "\n\tWHERE\n\t\t(" . implode(' OR ', $bannerids) . ")\n\tGROUP BY\n\t\tday\n\tORDER BY\n\t\tday DESC\n\tLIMIT 7\n") or phpAds_sqlDie(); while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { phpAds_PageContext($row['date_formatted'], "stats-campaign-daily-hosts.php?day=" . $row['date'] . "&clientid=" . $clientid . "&campaignid=" . $campaignid, $day == $row['date']); } if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin) || phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency)) { phpAds_PageShortcut($strClientProperties, 'advertiser-edit.php?clientid=' . $clientid, 'images/icon-advertiser.gif'); phpAds_PageShortcut($strCampaignProperties, 'campaign-edit.php?clientid=' . $clientid . '&campaignid=' . $campaignid, 'images/icon-campaign.gif'); phpAds_PageHeader(""); echo "<img src='images/icon-advertiser.gif' align='absmiddle'> " . phpAds_getClientName($clientid); echo " <img src='images/" . $phpAds_TextDirection . "/caret-rs.gif'> "; echo "<img src='images/icon-campaign.gif' align='absmiddle'> " . phpAds_getCampaignName($campaignid); echo " <img src='images/" . $phpAds_TextDirection . "/caret-rs.gif'> "; echo "<img src='images/icon-date.gif' align='absmiddle'> <b>" . date(str_replace('%', '', $date_format), mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($day, 4, 2), substr($day, 6, 2), substr($day, 0, 4))) . "</b><br><br><br>"; phpAds_ShowSections(array("", "")); } if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Client)) { phpAds_PageHeader("1.1.2"); echo "<img src='images/icon-campaign.gif' align='absmiddle'> " . phpAds_getCampaignName($campaignid); echo " <img src='images/" . $phpAds_TextDirection . "/caret-rs.gif'> "; echo "<img src='images/icon-date.gif' align='absmiddle'> <b>" . date(str_replace('%', '', $date_format), mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($day, 4, 2), substr($day, 6, 2), substr($day, 0, 4))) . "</b><br><br>"; phpAds_ShowSections(array("", "")); } /*********************************************************/ /* Main code */ /*********************************************************/ $lib_hourly_where = "(" . implode(' OR ', $bannerids) . ")"; include ""; /*********************************************************/ /* HTML framework */ /*********************************************************/ phpAds_PageFooter();
function phpAds_DelConfirm($msg) { global $phpAds_config; if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { if ($phpAds_config['admin_novice']) { $str = " onClick=\"return confirm('" . $msg . "')\""; } else { $str = ""; } } else { $str = " onClick=\"return confirm('" . $msg . "')\""; } return $str; }
echo "\t\t\t\t</tr>\n"; } echo "\t\t\t\t<tr height='25' " . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "bgcolor='#F6F6F6'" : "") . ">\n"; // Begin row echo "\t\t\t\t\t<td height='25'>"; // Show checkbox if (isset($campaign_tracker_row[$tracker['trackerid']])) { echo "<input id='trk" . $tracker['trackerid'] . "' type='checkbox' name='trackerids[]' value='" . $tracker['trackerid'] . "' checked onclick='phpAds_reviewAll();' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; } else { echo "<input id='trk" . $tracker['trackerid'] . "' type='checkbox' name='trackerids[]' value='" . $tracker['trackerid'] . "' onclick='phpAds_reviewAll();' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'>"; $checkedall = false; } // Campaign icon echo "<img src='images/icon-tracker.gif' align='absmiddle'>"; // Name if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin) || phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency)) { echo "<a href='tracker-edit.php?clientid=" . $tracker['clientid'] . "&trackerid=" . $tracker['trackerid'] . "'>"; echo phpAds_breakString($tracker['trackername'], '60') . "</a>"; } else { echo phpAds_breakString($tracker['trackername'], '60'); } echo "</td>\n"; // ID echo "\t\t\t\t\t<td height='25'>" . $tracker['trackerid'] . "</td>\n"; // Log if (isset($campaign_tracker_row[$tracker['trackerid']]) && $campaign_tracker_row[$tracker['trackerid']]['logstats'] == 'y') { echo "\t\t\t\t\t<td height='25'><input id='logtrk" . $tracker['trackerid'] . "' type='checkbox' name='logids[]' value='" . $tracker['trackerid'] . "' checked onclick='phpAds_reviewAll();' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'></td>\n"; } else { echo "\t\t\t\t\t<td height='25'><input id='logtrk" . $tracker['trackerid'] . "' type='checkbox' name='logids[]' value='" . $tracker['trackerid'] . "' onclick='phpAds_reviewAll();' tabindex='" . $tabindex++ . "'></td>\n"; } $seconds_left = $tracker['clickwindow'];
function phpAds_getKeywordsArray() { global $phpAds_config; if (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Admin)) { $query = "SELECT affiliateid,name" . " FROM " . $phpAds_config['tbl_affiliates']; } elseif (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Agency)) { $query = "SELECT affiliateid,name" . " FROM " . $phpAds_config['tbl_affiliates'] . " WHERE agencyid=" . phpAds_getUserID(); } elseif (phpAds_isUser(phpAds_Client)) { $query = "SELECT affiliateid,name" . " FROM " . $phpAds_config['tbl_affiliates'] . " WHERE affiliateid=" . phpAds_getUserID(); } $res = phpAds_dbQuery($query); while ($row = phpAds_dbFetchArray($res)) { $affiliateArray[$row['affiliateid']] = phpAds_buildAffiliateName($row['affiliateid'], $row['name']); } return $affiliateArray; }