Пример #1
function photoshop_email_the_user($message, $subject, $admin = '')
    global $CONFIG, $SHOP_CONFIG, $lang_photoshop, $cd_price, $order_id, $discount, $shipping_price;
    $user_info = photoshop_user_details(USER_ID);
    $email = $user_info['user_email'];
    if ($admin) {
        $user_info['user_email'] = 'admin';
    $template_vars = array('{ORDER_ID}' => $order_id, '{SITE_NAME}' => $CONFIG['gallery_name'], '{PRICE}' => number_format($cd_price[0] + $cd_price[1] + $shipping_price - $discount, 2), '{USER_NAME}' => USER_NAME, '{USER_EMAIL}' => $email, '{ADMIN}' => $CONFIG['gallery_name'], '{LINK}' => $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'], '{USER_PROFILE1}' => $user_info['user_profile1'], '{USER_PROFILE2}' => $user_info['user_profile2'], '{USER_PROFILE3}' => $user_info['user_profile3'], '{USER_PROFILE4}' => $user_info['user_profile4'], '{USER_PROFILE5}' => $user_info['user_profile5'], '{USER_PROFILE6}' => $user_info['user_profile6']);
    $mail_body = nl2br(strtr($message, $template_vars));
    if (cpg_mail($user_info['user_email'], $subject, $mail_body, 'text/plain', $CONFIG['gallery_name'], $CONFIG['gallery_admin_email'])) {
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #2
function photo_shop_ipn_download($uid, $oid, $mail_admin = false, $overwrite_dir = false)
    global $CONFIG, $ERROR, $lang_photoshop_htaccess, $lang_photoshop_ipn_email_user, $lang_photoshop_index, $lang_photoshop_ipn, $template_index_html;
    //now create a download directory
    //first test if dir 'albums/downloads exists'
    if (!is_dir($CONFIG['fullpath'] . 'downloads')) {
        $cpg_umask = umask(0);
        @mkdir($CONFIG['fullpath'] . 'downloads', octdec($CONFIG['default_dir_mode']));
    //then create the dir for the user user-id_order-id
    //but first do some checks - safe mode enabled? downloads dir exists - if not create
    if (!defined('SILLY_SAFE_MODE')) {
        $filepath = 'downloads/' . $uid . '_' . $oid;
        $dest_dir = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $filepath;
        if (!is_dir($dest_dir)) {
            mkdir($dest_dir, octdec($CONFIG['default_dir_mode']));
            if (!is_dir($dest_dir)) {
                //couldn't create dir
                $ERROR = $lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_download_err_mkdir'];
                return false;
            //redundant but... hmmm
            @chmod($dest_dir, octdec($CONFIG['default_dir_mode']));
            //silence the output in case chmod is disabled
        } elseif (!$overwrite_dir) {
            //directory exists
            return false;
        $dest_dir .= '/';
        $filepath .= '/';
        //create random password... we use the users username for the htpasswd
        $clear_txt_password = photo_shop_gen_passwd(8);
        //$CTP = &$clear_txt_password;
        //if server os is windows, then we have to use plain passwords, *nix we need to crypt
        //so do the OS check now and then use wither crypted or plain pwd
        $htpasswd_path = getcwd() . '/' . $dest_dir;
        if (eregi("win", $_ENV['OS'])) {
            $password = $clear_txt_password;
        } else {
            $password = crypt($clear_txt_password, base64_encode($clear_txt_password));
        $user_info = photoshop_user_details($uid);
        // grab user_info, now we have username and his email addy (for now we use the name for the htpasswd)
        $order_hash = md5($uid . $oid . $password . $user_info['user_email']);
        //update shop table with hash
        $results = cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_SHOP']} SET order_md5_id='{$order_hash}' WHERE oid='{$oid}' AND cd='1'");
        //placeholder <-> path
        $template_vars = array('{HTPASSWD_PATH}' => $htpasswd_path . '.htpasswd');
        $htaccess = strtr($lang_photoshop_htaccess, $template_vars);
        //get the filenames
        //query the path.filename of the order -> used to create the index.php in the downloads folder. When called that file will copy (resize) the images into the download dir
        //that way we reduce heat (timeouts) on the IPN script
        $sql = 'SELECT s.size2, p.filepath, p.filename, p.filesize, p.pwidth, p.pheight, p.title FROM ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES'] . ' as p LEFT JOIN ' . $CONFIG['TABLE_SHOP'] . ' as s ON p.pid=s.pid WHERE oid=' . $oid . ' AND cd<>1';
        $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
        $row = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($result);
        //write htpasswd
        $fp = fopen($dest_dir . '.htpasswd', 'w');
        fwrite($fp, $user_info['user_name'] . ':' . $password);
        //write htaccess
        $fp = fopen($dest_dir . '.htaccess', 'w');
        fwrite($fp, $htaccess);
        //write an index.html
        $fp = fopen($dest_dir . 'index.html', 'w');
        fwrite($fp, " ");
        //check if all worked
        if (is_file($dest_dir . 'index.html') && is_file($dest_dir . '.htpasswd') && is_file($dest_dir . '.htaccess')) {
            //when the files have been created and verified it's a good time to add the timestamp for automatic deletion of the folder after its lifespan
            $time = localised_timestamp();
            $results = cpg_db_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_SHOP']} SET dtime='{$time}' WHERE oid='{$oid}' AND cd='1'");
            //send user the password
            photo_shop_send_password($lang_photoshop_ipn_email_user, $lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_email_user_subject'], $clear_txt_password, $user_info['user_name'], $user_info['user_email'], $order_hash);
            if ($mail_admin) {
                photo_shop_send_password($lang_photoshop_ipn_email_user, "{$lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_email_admin_subject']} {$oid}", $clear_txt_password, $user_info['user_name'], 'admin', $order_hash);
            $ERROR = $lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_download_ok'];
            return true;
        } else {
            $ERROR = $lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_download_err_noindex'];
            return false;
    } else {
        //email admin safe mode restrictions and die
        $ERROR = $lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_download_err_safemode'];
        return false;