function __construct($pagepath = null) { $this->P = person_if_signed_on(); // "pwb_" prefix means passwordbox $this->action = get_http_var('pwb_action'); $this->pw1 = get_http_var('pw1', null); $this->pw2 = get_http_var('pw2', null); $this->err = null; $this->info = null; if (is_null($pagepath)) { // no specific page - use the _current_ one. $foo = crack_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $this->pagepath = $foo['path']; } else { // use the one supplied. $this->pagepath = $pagepath; } if (is_null($this->P)) { return; } if ($this->action == 'set_password') { if (is_null($this->pw1) || is_null($this->pw2)) { $this->err = "Please type your new password twice"; } elseif (strlen($this->pw1) < 5 || strlen($this->pw2) < 5) { $this->err = "Your password must be at least 5 characters long"; } elseif ($this->pw1 != $this->pw2) { $this->err = "Please type the same password twice"; } else { // all looks good. do it. $this->P->password($this->pw1); db_commit(); $this->info = 'Password changed'; } } }
function page_header($title, $params = array()) { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if (arr_get('pingbacks', $params, FALSE)) { $pingback_url = OPTION_BASE_URL . "/pingback"; header("X-Pingback: {$pingback_url}"); } if ($title) { $title .= ' - ' . OPTION_WEB_DOMAIN; } else { $title = OPTION_WEB_DOMAIN; } $P = person_if_signed_on(true); /* Don't renew any login cookie. */ $datestring = date('l d.m.Y'); $mnpage = array_key_exists('menupage', $params) ? $params['menupage'] : ''; $rss_feeds = array(); if (array_key_exists('rss', $params)) { $rss_feeds = $params['rss']; } $canonical_url = null; if (array_key_exists('canonical_url', $params)) { $canonical_url = $params['canonical_url']; } $js_files = array("/jl.js"); if (array_key_exists('js_extra', $params)) { $js_files = array_merge($js_files, $params['js_extra']); } $head_extra = ''; if (array_key_exists('head_extra', $params)) { $head_extra .= $params['head_extra']; } if (array_key_exists('head_extra_fn', $params)) { ob_start(); call_user_func($params['head_extra_fn']); $head_extra .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } $logged_in_user = null; $can_edit_profile = FALSE; if ($P) { if ($P->name_or_blank()) { $logged_in_user = $P->name; } else { $logged_in_user = $P->email; } if (db_getOne("SELECT * FROM person_permission WHERE person_id=? AND permission='edit'", $P->id())) { $can_edit_profile = TRUE; } } $search = array('q' => '', 'type' => 'journo'); if (array_key_exists('search_params', $params)) { $search = $params['search_params']; } include "../templates/header.tpl.php"; }
function admCheckAccess() { $P = person_if_signed_on(); if (!is_null($P)) { // check for admin permission $perm = db_getOne("SELECT id FROM person_permission WHERE permission='admin' AND person_id=?", $P->id()); if (!is_null($perm)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
function __construct() { $ref = get_http_var('ref'); $this->journo = db_getRow("SELECT * FROM journo WHERE ref=?", $ref); $r = array('reason_web' => "Edit Journalisted profile for {$this->journo['prettyname']}", 'reason_email' => "Edit Journalisted profile for {$this->journo['prettyname']}", 'reason_email_subject' => "Edit {$this->journo['prettyname']} on Journalisted"); if (get_http_var('ajax')) { $this->P = person_if_signed_on(); } else { // if not ajax, it's ok to redirect to login screen $this->P = person_signon($r); } }
function view() { $P = person_if_signed_on(); if (is_null($P)) { // only for logged-in users header("Location: /"); return; } /* they might have multiple profiles, thus option to specify one here */ $ref = strtolower(get_http_var('ref')); $journo = NULL; if ($ref) { $journo = db_getRow("SELECT * FROM journo WHERE ref=?", $ref); if (!$journo) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); return; } } if (is_null($journo)) { // no journo given - if person is logged on, see if they are associated with a journo (or journos) $editables = db_getAll("SELECT j.* FROM ( journo j INNER JOIN person_permission p ON WHERE p.person_id=? AND p.permission='edit'", $P->id()); if (sizeof($editables) == 0) { header("Location: /"); return; } elseif (sizeof($editables) > 1) { /* let user pick which one... */ tmpl_pickjourno($editables); return; } else { // sizeof($editables) == 1 $journo = $editables[0]; // just one journo. } } // is this person allowed to edit this journo? if (!db_getOne("SELECT id FROM person_permission WHERE person_id=? AND journo_id=? AND permission='edit'", $P->id(), $journo['id'])) { // nope $journo = null; } if (!is_null($journo)) { header("Location: /{$journo['ref']}"); } else { header("Location: /f**k"); } }
function EmitChangePasswordBox() { global $q_UpdateDetails, $q_pw1, $q_pw2; $P = person_if_signed_on(); if (!$P) { return; } importparams(array('pw1', '/[^\\s]+/', '', null), array('pw2', '/[^\\s]+/', '', null), array('UpdateDetails', '/^.+$/', '', false)); $has_password = $P->has_password(); ?> <div class="box"> <div class="head"> <h3><?php echo $has_password ? _('Change your password') : _('Set a password'); ?> </h3> </div> <div class="body"> <?php if (!$q_UpdateDetails && !$has_password) { ?> <p>Setting up a password means you won't have to confirm your email address every time you want to manage your journalist list.</p> <?php } ?> <form name="setpassword" action="/alert" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="UpdateDetails" value="1"> <?php $error = null; if ($q_UpdateDetails) { if (is_null($q_pw1) || is_null($q_pw2)) { $error = _("Please type your new password twice"); } elseif (strlen($q_pw1) < 5 || strlen($q_pw2) < 5) { $error = _('Your password must be at least 5 characters long'); } elseif ($q_pw1 != $q_pw2) { $error = _("Please type the same password twice"); } else { $P->password($q_pw1); db_commit(); print '<p class="infomessage">' . ($has_password ? _('Password successfully updated') : _('Password successfully set')) . '</p>'; $has_password = true; } } if (!is_null($error)) { print "<p class=\"errhint\">{$error}</p>"; } ?> <div class="field"> <label for="pw1">New password</label> <input type="password" name="pw1" id="pw1" size="15" /> </div> <div class="field"> <label for="pw2">and again...</label> <input type="password" name="pw2" id="pw2" size="15" /> </div> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="<?php echo _('Submit'); ?> "> </form> </div> <div class="foot"></div> </div> <?php }
function RedirectToOriginalDest($stash) { if (!is_null($stash)) { /* just pass them through to the page they actually wanted. */ stash_redirect($stash); /* NOTREACHED */ } else { $P = person_if_signed_on(); if ($P) { $editables = db_getAll("SELECT j.* FROM ( journo j INNER JOIN person_permission p ON WHERE p.person_id=? AND p.permission='edit'", $P->id()); if (sizeof($editables) >= 1) { header("Location: /" . $editables[0]['ref']); exit; } } header("Location: /account"); exit; } }
function person_already_signed_on($email, $name, $person_if_signed_on_function = null) { if (!is_null($email) && !validate_email($email)) { err("'{$email}' is not a valid email address"); } if ($person_if_signed_on_function) { $P = $person_if_signed_on_function(); } else { $P = person_if_signed_on(); } if (!is_null($P) && (is_null($email) || strtolower($P->email()) == strtolower($email))) { if (!is_null($name) && !$P->matches_name($name)) { $P->name($name); } return $P; } return null; }
<?php /* * logout.php: * Log user out. * * Copyright (c) 2005 UK Citizens Online Democracy. All rights reserved. * Email:; WWW: * * $Id: logout.php,v 1.1 2005/07/15 23:20:52 matthew Exp $ * */ require_once '../phplib/page.php'; require_once '../../phplib/person.php'; if (person_if_signed_on(true)) { person_signoff(); header("Location: /logout"); exit; } page_header(_('Logged out')); ?> <div class="main"> <div class="head"></div> <div class="body"> <p>You are now logged out.</p> <p>Thanks for using the site!</p> <a href="/">Home page</a> </div> <div class="foot"></div> </div> <!-- end main -->
//phpinfo(); require_once '../conf/general'; require_once '../phplib/page.php'; require_once '../phplib/xap.php'; //require_once '../phplib/misc.php'; //require_once '../phplib/gatso.php'; //require_once '../phplib/cache.php'; require_once '../../phplib/db.php'; require_once '../../phplib/utility.php'; require_once '../../phplib/person.php'; /* get journo identifier (eg 'fred-bloggs') */ $paper_id = get_http_var('id', null); #page_header( $title, $pageparams ); page_header("Custom Papers"); $P = person_if_signed_on(true); /* Don't renew any login cookie. */ $paper = null; if ($paper_id) { $paper = db_getRow("SELECT * FROM custompaper WHERE id=?", $paper_id); } if ($paper) { emit_paper(&$paper); ?> <br /> <br /> <a href="/custompaper">back to custom newspaper index</a> <?php } else { emit_public_paper_list(); ?>
$journo = db_getRow("SELECT * FROM journo WHERE ref=?", $ref); if (!$journo) { spew_404($ref); exit(1); } // is logged in, and with edit rights to this journo? $can_edit_page = FALSE; $P = null; if (get_http_var('login')) { /* force a login (so we can send edit links out to journos without explaining that they have to log in before the 'edit' buttons appear) */ $r = array('reason_web' => "Edit your journalisted profile", 'reason_email' => "Edit your journalisted profile", 'reason_email_subject' => "Edit your journalisted profile"); $P = person_signon($r); } else { $P = person_if_signed_on(); } if (!is_null($P)) { if (db_getOne("SELECT id FROM person_permission WHERE person_id=? AND ((journo_id=? AND permission='edit') OR permission='admin')", $P->id(), $journo['id'])) { $can_edit_page = TRUE; } } // if journo is not active, only allow viewing if logged-in user can edit page if ($journo['status'] == 'i') { // activate journo if they've met the requirements if (journo_checkActivation($journo['id'])) { $journo['status'] = 'a'; } } if ($journo['status'] != 'a' && !$can_edit_page) { spew_404($ref);
function _register_error() { $reason = $this->state; assert($reason == 'scrape_failed' || $reason == 'journo_mismatch'); $extra = ''; // could be extra context, in json fmt $art_id = is_null($this->article) ? null : $this->article['id']; $journo_id = is_null($this->journo) ? null : $this->journo['id']; $person = person_if_signed_on(); $person_id = is_null($person) ? null : $person->id(); // uh-oh. queue it up for admin attention db_do("DELETE FROM article_error WHERE url=?", $this->url); db_do("INSERT INTO article_error (url,reason_code,submitted_by,article_id,expected_journo) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", $this->url, $reason, $person_id, $art_id, $journo_id); db_commit(); }