function list_folder($folder_owner) { global $active_folder, $exp_folders, $group_query, $level, $separator_counter, $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser; $bg_color = ""; $bg_image = "images/line.png"; $user_id = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'); // Set up display offsets $index = 0; while ($index < $level) { $level_offset .= " "; $index++; } // If the user is an administrator, ignore the permissions entirely. if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin()) { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_objects") . " "; $query .= "WHERE (obj_owner='" . $folder_owner . "') "; $query .= "ORDER BY obj_type DESC, obj_name"; } else { $query = "SELECT obj_id, " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_objects") . ".ptr_obj_id, obj_type, obj_name, "; $query .= "obj_status, obj_owner, obj_checked_out_user_id, lifecycle_id, "; $query .= "user_id, group_id, user_perms, group_perms, everyone_perms "; $query .= "FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_object_perms") . " "; $query .= "INNER JOIN " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_objects") . " ON "; $query .= $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_object_perms") . ".ptr_obj_id = obj_id "; $query .= "WHERE (obj_owner='" . $folder_owner . "') "; $query .= " AND ("; $query .= " everyone_perms !='0'"; $query .= $group_query; $query .= " OR user_id='" . $user_id . "'"; $query .= ")"; $query .= " AND (obj_status !='2') "; $query .= "GROUP BY obj_id "; $query .= "ORDER BY obj_type DESC, obj_name"; //print $query; //exit(0); } // $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $result = $xoopsDB->query($query); $num_rows = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result); if ($num_rows > 0) { while ($result_data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $separator_counter++; if ($separator_counter > SEPARATOR_LIMIT) { print " <tr>\r"; print " <td height='1' background='" . $bg_image . "' nowrap></td>\r"; print " <td background='" . $bg_image . "' nowrap></td>\r"; print " <td background='" . $bg_image . "' nowrap></td>\r"; print " <td background='" . $bg_image . "' nowrap></td>\r"; print " <td background='" . $bg_image . "' nowrap></td>\r"; print " <td background='" . $bg_image . "' nowrap></td>\r"; print " </tr>\r"; $separator_counter = 1; } if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin()) { $perm = OWNER; } else { $perm = perms_level($result_data['obj_id']); } // If folder is active, then set it to the active background color if ($active_folder != 0 && ($result_data['obj_id'] == $active_folder || $folder_owner == $active_folder) && $perm > BROWSE) { $class = "class='cSubHeader'"; } else { $class = ""; } printf(" <tr>\r"); // If this object is a folder, examine it....otherwise, display the file and move on. if ($result_data['obj_type'] == FOLDER || $result_data['obj_type'] == INBOXEMPTY || $result_data['obj_type'] == INBOXFULL) { $index = 0; $exp_flag = 0; // Is folder expanded? while ($exp_folders[$index] != -1) { if ($exp_folders[$index] == $result_data['obj_id']) { $exp_flag = 1; } $index++; } // Display standard folders if ($result_data['obj_type'] == FOLDER) { if ($exp_flag == 1 && $perm > BROWSE) { if ($result_data['obj_status'] == DELETED) { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<a href='folder_contract.php?folder_id=%s'><img src='images/folder_del_open.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset, $result_data['obj_id']); } else { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<a href='folder_contract.php?folder_id=%s'><img src='images/folder_open.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset, $result_data['obj_id']); } } else { if ($perm > BROWSE) { if ($result_data['obj_status'] == DELETED) { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<a href='folder_expand.php?folder_id=%s'><img src='images/folder_del_closed.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset, $result_data['obj_id']); } else { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<a href='folder_expand.php?folder_id=%s'><img src='images/folder_closed.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset, $result_data['obj_id']); } } else { if ($result_data['obj_status'] == DELETED) { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<img src='images/folder_del_closed.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset); } else { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<img src='images/folder_closed.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset); } } } } // Display empty inbox folders if ($result_data['obj_type'] == INBOXEMPTY) { if ($exp_flag == 1 && $perm > BROWSE) { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<a href='folder_contract.php?folder_id=%s'><img src='images/inbox_empty.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset, $result_data['obj_id']); } else { if ($perm > BROWSE) { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<a href='folder_expand.php?folder_id=%s'><img src='images/inbox_empty.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset, $result_data['obj_id']); } else { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<img src='images/inbox_empty.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset); } } } // Display full inbox folders if ($result_data['obj_type'] == INBOXFULL) { if ($exp_flag == 1 && $perm > BROWSE) { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<a href='folder_contract.php?folder_id=%s'><img src='images/inbox_full.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset, $result_data['obj_id']); } else { if ($perm > BROWSE) { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<a href='folder_expand.php?folder_id=%s'><img src='images/inbox_full.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset, $result_data['obj_id']); } else { printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<img src='images/inbox_full.png'></a> \r", $class, $level_offset); } } } // If folder is not active, display the name and link to make it active, otherwise just display the name. if ($result_data['obj_id'] == $active_folder || $perm == BROWSE) { printf(" %s</td>\r", $result_data['obj_name']); } else { printf(" <a href='folder_expand.php?folder_id=%d'>%s</a></td>\r", $result_data['obj_id'], $result_data['obj_name']); } printf(" <td></td>\r"); printf(" <td></td>\r"); // Checkin/Checkout (not used for a folder) if ($result_data['obj_status'] == DELETED) { printf(" <td align=center><a href='folder_restore.php?folder_id=%s'>Restore</a></td>\r", $result_data['obj_id']); // Restore } else { printf(" <td></td>\r"); } if ($perm >= EDIT && ($xoopsUser->isAdmin() || $result_data['obj_owner'] != 0)) { printf(" <td align='center'><a href='folder_options.php?obj_id=%s'>Options</a></td>\r", $result_data['obj_id']); } else { print " <td></td>\r"; } printf(" <td></td>\r"); // Status printf(" <td></td>\r </tr>\r"); if ($exp_flag == 1 && $perm > BROWSE) { $level++; list_folder($result_data['obj_id']); $level--; } } else { // Object is a file or link // Check if the object is a file or link if ($result_data['obj_type'] != DOCLINK) { // Object is a file printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<img src='images/file_text.png'> \r", $class, $level_offset); if ($perm > BROWSE) { printf("<a href='#' onclick='javascript:void(\"file_view.php?file_id=%s\"))'>%s</a></td>\r", $result_data['obj_id'], $result_data['obj_name']); } else { print $result_data['obj_name']; } printf(" <td></td>\r"); // Checkin/Checkout switch ($result_data['obj_status']) { case NORMAL: if ($perm >= EDIT) { printf(" <td align=center><a href='file_checkout.php?file_id=%s'>Edit</a></td>\r", $result_data['obj_id']); } else { print " <td></td>\r"; } break; case CHECKEDOUT: if ($user_id == $result_data['obj_checked_out_user_id'] && $perm >= EDIT) { printf(" <td align=center><a href='file_checkin.php?file_id=%s'>Check-in</a></td>\r", $result_data['obj_id']); } else { printf(" <td></td>\r"); } break; default: printf(" <td></td>\r"); } switch ($result_data['obj_status']) { case NORMAL: if ($perm >= READONLY && $result_data['lifecycle_id'] == 0) { printf(" <td align=center><a href='file_route.php?file_id=%s'>Route</a></td>\r", $result_data['obj_id']); } else { if ($result_data['lifecycle_id'] != 0) { print " <td align=center><a href='lifecycle_promote.php?file_id=" . $result_data['obj_id'] . "'>Promote</a></td>\r"; } else { print " <td></td>\r"; } } break; case DELETED: printf(" <td align=center><a href='file_restore.php?file_id=%s'>Restore</a></td>\r", $result_data['obj_id']); // Restore break; default: printf(" <td></td>\r"); } if ($perm >= EDIT) { printf(" <td align=center><a href='file_options.php?obj_id=%s'>Options</a></td>\r", $result_data['obj_id']); } else { printf(" <td></td>\r"); } switch ($result_data['obj_status']) { case NORMAL: printf(" <td align=center><img src='images/file_unlocked.png'></td>\r"); break; case CHECKEDOUT: printf(" <td align=center><img src='images/file_locked.png'></td>\r"); break; default: printf(" <td></td>\r"); } } else { // Object is a link $link_query = "SELECT obj_id,obj_name,obj_status,current_version_row_id,obj_checked_out_user_id "; $link_query .= "from " . $xoopsDB->prefix('dms_objects') . " "; $link_query .= "WHERE obj_id='" . $result_data['ptr_obj_id'] . "'"; $link_result = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query($link_query)); if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin()) { $perm = OWNER; } else { $perm = perms_level($result_data['ptr_obj_id']); } printf(" <td %s align='left'>%s<img src='images/file_link.png'> \r", $class, $level_offset); if ($perm > BROWSE) { printf("<a href='#' onclick='javascript:void(\"file_view.php?file_id=%s\"))'>%s</a></td>\r", $link_result->obj_id, $link_result->obj_name); } else { print $link_result->obj_name . "</td>\r"; } printf(" <td></td>\r"); // Checkin/Checkout switch ($link_result->obj_status) { case NORMAL: if ($perm >= EDIT) { printf(" <td align=center><a href='file_checkout.php?file_id=%s'>Edit</a></td>\r", $link_result->obj_id); } else { print " <td></td>\r"; } break; case CHECKEDOUT: if ($user_id == $link_result->obj_checked_out_user_id && $perm >= EDIT) { printf(" <td align=center><a href='file_checkin.php?file_id=%s'>Check-in</a></td>\r", $link_result->obj_id); } else { printf(" <td></td>\r"); } break; default: printf(" <td></td>\r"); } printf(" <td></td>\r"); printf(" <td align=center><a href='link_options.php?obj_id=%s'>Options</a></td>\r", $result_data['obj_id']); // Properties switch ($link_result->obj_status) { case NORMAL: printf(" <td align=center><img src='images/file_unlocked.png'></td>\r"); break; case CHECKEDOUT: printf(" <td align=center><img src='images/file_locked.png'></td>\r"); break; default: printf(" <td></td>\r"); } } printf(" <td></td>\r </tr>\r"); } } } else { // If folder is active, then set it to the active background color if ($active_folder != 0 && $folder_owner == $active_folder) { $class = "class='cSubHeader'"; } else { $class = ""; } printf(" <tr><td %s><center>Empty</center></td><td colspan='5'></td></tr>\r", $class); } }
function list_folder($folder_owner) { global $active_folder, $exp_folders, $file_id, $group_query, $level, $lifecycle_stage, $lifecycle_stage_result, $location, $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser; $bg_color = ""; $user_id = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'); // Set up display offsets $index = 0; while ($index < $level) { $level_offset .= " "; $index++; } // If the user is an administrator, ignore the permissions entirely. if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin()) { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_objects") . " "; $query .= "WHERE (obj_owner='" . $folder_owner . "') "; $query .= "ORDER BY obj_type DESC, obj_name"; } else { $query = "SELECT obj_id, " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_objects") . ".ptr_obj_id, obj_type, obj_name, obj_status, obj_owner, obj_checked_out_user_id, "; $query .= "user_id, group_id, user_perms, group_perms, everyone_perms "; $query .= "FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_object_perms") . " "; $query .= "INNER JOIN " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_objects") . " ON "; $query .= $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_object_perms") . ".ptr_obj_id = obj_id "; $query .= "WHERE (obj_owner='" . $folder_owner . "') "; $query .= " AND ("; $query .= " everyone_perms !='0'"; $query .= $group_query; $query .= " OR user_id='" . $user_id . "'"; $query .= ")"; $query .= " AND (obj_status !='2') "; $query .= "GROUP BY obj_id "; $query .= "ORDER BY obj_type DESC, obj_name"; } //print $query; //exit(0); // $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $result = $xoopsDB->query($query); $num_rows = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result); if ($num_rows > 0) { while ($result_data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin()) { $perm = OWNER; } else { $perm = perms_level($result_data['obj_id']); } // Set class to the active background color $class = ""; // If this object is a folder, display it. if ($result_data['obj_type'] == FOLDER) { if ($result_data['obj_id'] == $lifecycle_stage_result['new_obj_location']) { $radio_btn_string = " checked"; } else { $radio_btn_string = ""; } print " <tr>\r"; $index = 0; $exp_flag = 0; // Is folder expanded? while ($exp_folders[$index] != -1) { if ($exp_folders[$index] == $result_data['obj_id']) { $exp_flag = 1; } $index++; } // Display standard folders if ($result_data['obj_type'] == FOLDER) { if ($exp_flag == 1 && $perm > BROWSE) { print " <td align='left' nowrap " . $class . ">"; print "<input type='radio' name='rad_folder_id' value='" . $result_data['obj_id'] . "'" . $radio_btn_string . ">"; print $level_offset; print "<a href='javascript:contract_folder(" . $result_data['obj_id'] . ");'>"; // contract folder print "<img src='images/folder_open.png'></a> \r"; } else { if ($perm > BROWSE) { print " <td align='left' nowrap " . $class . ">"; print "<input type='radio' name='rad_folder_id' value='" . $result_data['obj_id'] . "'" . $radio_btn_string . ">"; print $level_offset; print "<a href='javascript:expand_folder(" . $result_data['obj_id'] . ");'>"; // expand folder print "<img src='images/folder_closed.png'></a> \r"; } else { print " <td align='left' nowrap " . $class . ">"; print "<input type='radio' name='rad_folder_id' value='" . $result_data['obj_id'] . "'" . $radio_btn_string . ">"; print $level_offset; print "<img src='images/folder_closed.png'></a> \r"; } } } // If folder is not active, display the name and link to make it active, otherwise just display the name. if ($result_data['obj_id'] == $active_folder || $perm == BROWSE) { print " " . $result_data['obj_name'] . "</td>\r"; } else { print " <a href='javascript:expand_folder(" . $result_data['obj_id'] . ");'>"; // expand folder print $result_data['obj_name'] . "</a></td>\r"; } print " </td>\r"; if ($exp_flag == 1 && $perm > BROWSE) { $level++; list_folder($result_data['obj_id']); $level--; } } } } }
function list_folder($folder_owner) { global $active_folder, $exp_folders, $group_query, $level, $location, $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser; $bg_color = ""; $user_id = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'); // Set up display offsets $index = 0; while ($index < $level) { $level_offset .= " "; $index++; } // If the user is an administrator, ignore the permissions entirely. if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin()) { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_objects") . " "; $query .= "WHERE (obj_owner='" . $folder_owner . "') "; $query .= "ORDER BY obj_type DESC, obj_name"; } else { $query = "SELECT obj_id, " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_objects") . ".ptr_obj_id, obj_type, obj_name, "; $query .= "obj_status, obj_owner, obj_checked_out_user_id, lifecycle_id, "; $query .= "user_id, group_id, user_perms, group_perms, everyone_perms "; $query .= "FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_object_perms") . " "; $query .= "INNER JOIN " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_objects") . " ON "; $query .= $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_object_perms") . ".ptr_obj_id = obj_id "; $query .= "WHERE (obj_owner='" . $folder_owner . "') "; $query .= " AND ("; $query .= " everyone_perms !='0'"; $query .= $group_query; $query .= " OR user_id='" . $user_id . "'"; $query .= ")"; $query .= " AND (obj_status !='2') "; $query .= "GROUP BY obj_id "; $query .= "ORDER BY obj_type DESC, obj_name"; //print $query; //exit(0); } // $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $result = $xoopsDB->query($query); $num_rows = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result); if ($num_rows > 0) { while ($result_data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin()) { $perm = OWNER; } else { $perm = perms_level($result_data['obj_id']); } // Set class to nothing. $class = ""; print " <tr>\r"; // If this object is a folder, examine it....otherwise, display the file and move on. if ($result_data['obj_type'] == FOLDER) { $index = 0; $exp_flag = 0; // Is folder expanded? while ($exp_folders[$index] != -1) { if ($exp_folders[$index] == $result_data['obj_id']) { $exp_flag = 1; } $index++; } if ($exp_flag == 1 && $perm > BROWSE) { if ($result_data['obj_status'] == DELETED) { print " <td align='left'>" . $level_offset . "<a href='folder_contract.php?ret_location=" . $location . "&folder_id=" . $result_data['obj_id'] . "&file_id=-1&active=FALSE'><img src='images/folder_del_open.png'></a> \r"; } else { print " <td align='left'>" . $level_offset . "<a href='folder_contract.php?ret_location=" . $location . "&folder_id=" . $result_data['obj_id'] . "&file_id=-1&active=FALSE'><img src='images/folder_open.png'></a> \r"; } } else { if ($perm > BROWSE) { if ($result_data['obj_status'] == DELETED) { print " <td align='left'>" . $level_offset . "<a href='folder_expand.php?ret_location=" . $location . "&folder_id=" . $result_data['obj_id'] . "&file_id=-1&active=FALSE'><img src='images/folder_del_closed.png'></a> \r"; } else { print " <td align='left'>" . $level_offset . "<a href='folder_expand.php?ret_location=" . $location . "&folder_id=" . $result_data['obj_id'] . "&file_id=-1&active=FALSE'><img src='images/folder_closed.png'></a> \r"; } } else { if ($result_data['obj_status'] == DELETED) { print " <td align='left'>" . $level_offset . "<img src='images/folder_del_closed.png'></a> \r"; } else { print " <td align='left'>" . $level_offset . "<img src='images/folder_closed.png'></a> \r"; } } } // If folder is not active, display the name and link to make it active, otherwise just display the name. if ($result_data['obj_id'] == $active_folder || $perm == BROWSE) { printf(" %s</td>\r", $result_data['obj_name']); } else { print " <a href='folder_expand.php?ret_location=" . $location . "&folder_id=" . $result_data['obj_id'] . "&file_id=-1&active=FALSE'>" . $result_data['obj_name'] . "</a></td>\r"; } printf(" <td></td>\r </tr>\r"); if ($exp_flag == 1 && $perm > BROWSE) { $level++; list_folder($result_data['obj_id']); $level--; } } else { // Object is a file or link // Check if the object is a file or link if ($result_data['obj_type'] == FILE) { // Object is a file print " <td align='left'><input type='radio' name='rad_file_id' value='" . $result_data['obj_id'] . "'>"; print $level_offset . "<img src='images/file_text.png'> \r"; if ($perm > BROWSE) { print $result_data['obj_name'] . "</td>\r"; } } printf(" <td></td>\r </tr>\r"); } } } else { print " <tr><td>" . $level_offset . "Empty</td><td colspan='5'></td></tr>\r"; } }
print " }\r"; print "</SCRIPT>\r"; // Get actual object ID $query = "SELECT ptr_obj_id from " . $xoopsDB->prefix('dms_objects') . " "; $query .= "WHERE obj_id='" . $HTTP_GET_VARS["obj_id"] . "'"; $result = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query($query)); $obj_id = $result->ptr_obj_id; // Get object information $query = "SELECT obj_name, obj_status, obj_checked_out_user_id from " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_objects") . " "; $query .= "WHERE obj_id='" . $obj_id . "'"; $first_result = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query($query)); $query = "SELECT obj_descript,obj_keywords,obj_authors,obj_mms_nums from " . $xoopsDB->prefix("dms_object_properties") . " "; $query .= "WHERE obj_id='" . $obj_id . "'"; $second_result = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query($query)); // Get permissions $perm = perms_level($obj_id); print "<form method='post' name='frm_options' action='file_options.php'>\r"; print "<table width='100%'>\r"; //print " <tr><td colspan='2' class='cHeader'><center><b><font size='2'>Title Goes Here</font></b></center></td></tr>\r"; display_dms_header(); print " <tr><td colspan='2'><BR></td></tr>\r"; print " <table border='0'>\r"; print " <tr>\r"; print " <td>\r"; print " <table border='0'>\r"; if ($perm >= BROWSE) { // Display the properties print " <tr><td colspan='2' align='left'><u>Properties:</u></td></tr>\r"; print " <tr><td colspan='2'><BR></td></tr>\r"; print " <tr>\r"; print " <td width='20%' align='left'> Name:</td>";