Пример #1
 /** Save */
 public function Save()
     $version = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Version);
     $path = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Path);
     // Check if the version already exists
     $query = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM client_cmake WHERE version='" . $version . "'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 0) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO client_cmake (version)\n              VALUES ('" . $version . "')";
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('client_cmake');
     } else {
         // update
         $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
         $this->Id = $query_array['id'];
         $sql = "UPDATE client_cmake SET version='" . $version . "' WHERE id=" . qnum($this->Id);
     // Insert into the siteid
     $query = pdo_query('SELECT cmakeid FROM client_site2cmake WHERE cmakeid=' . qnum($this->Id) . ' AND siteid=' . qnum($this->SiteId));
     if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 0) {
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO client_site2cmake (siteid,cmakeid,path)
           VALUES (' . qnum($this->SiteId) . ',' . qnum($this->Id) . ",'" . $path . "')";
     } else {
         // update
         $sql = "UPDATE client_site2cmake SET path='" . $path . "' WHERE cmakeid=" . qnum($this->Id) . ' AND siteid=' . qnum($this->SiteId);
Пример #2
 /** Insert the new user */
 function Insert()
     if (!isset($this->UserId) || $this->UserId < 1) {
         echo "CoverageFile2User:Insert: UserId not set";
         return false;
     if ($this->FullPath == '' || $this->ProjectId < 1) {
         echo "CoverageFile2User:Insert: FullPath or ProjectId not set";
         return false;
     // Check if is already in the database
     if (!$this->Exists()) {
         $this->FileId = $this->GetId();
         if ($this->FileId == 0) {
             $query = "INSERT INTO coveragefilepriority (projectid,fullpath,priority)\n                  VALUES (" . qnum($this->ProjectId) . ",'" . $this->FullPath . "',0)";
             if (!pdo_query($query)) {
                 return false;
             $this->FileId = pdo_insert_id("coveragefilepriority");
         // Find the new position
         $query = pdo_query("SELECT count(*) AS c FROM coveragefile2user WHERE fileid=" . qnum($this->FileId));
         $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
         $position = $query_array['c'] + 1;
         $query = "INSERT INTO coveragefile2user (userid,fileid,position)\n                VALUES (" . qnum($this->UserId) . "," . qnum($this->FileId) . "," . qnum($position) . ")";
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             return false;
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #3
 function Insert()
     $text = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Text);
     // Get this->Id from the database if text is already in the label table:
     $this->Id = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT id FROM label WHERE text='{$text}'", 'id', 0);
     // Or, if necessary, insert a new row, then get the id of the inserted row:
     if (0 == $this->Id) {
         $query = "INSERT INTO label (text) VALUES ('{$text}')";
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             return false;
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('label');
     // Insert relationship records, too, but only for those relationships
     // established by callers. (If coming from test.php, for example, TestId
     // will be set, but none of the others will. Similarly for other callers.)
     $this->InsertAssociation('label2build', 'buildid', $this->BuildId);
     $this->InsertAssociation('label2buildfailure', 'buildfailureid', $this->BuildFailureId);
     $this->InsertAssociation('label2coveragefile', 'buildid', $this->CoverageFileBuildId, 'coveragefileid', $this->CoverageFileId);
     $this->InsertAssociation('label2dynamicanalysis', 'dynamicanalysisid', $this->DynamicAnalysisId);
     $this->InsertAssociation('label2test', 'buildid', $this->TestBuildId, 'testid', $this->TestId);
     // TODO: Implement this:
     //  'label2updatefile', 'updatefilekey');
     return true;
Пример #4
 public function Insert()
     if (!$this->BuildId) {
         add_log('BuildId not set', 'BuildNote::Insert()', LOG_ERR, 0, $this->Id);
         return false;
     if (!$this->Time) {
         add_log('Time not set', 'BuildNote::Insert()', LOG_ERR, 0, $this->Id);
         return false;
     if (!$this->Name) {
         add_log('Name not set', 'BuildNote::Insert()', LOG_ERR, 0, $this->Id);
         return false;
     if (!$this->Text) {
         add_log('Text not set', 'BuildNote::Insert()', LOG_ERR, 0, $this->Id);
         return false;
     // Check if the note already exists
     $crc32 = $this->GetCrc32();
     $text = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Text);
     $timestamp = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Time);
     $name = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Name);
     $notecrc32 = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM note WHERE crc32='{$crc32}'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($notecrc32) == 0) {
         if ($this->Id) {
             $query = "INSERT INTO note (id,text,name,crc32) VALUES ('{$this->Id}','{$text}','{$name}','{$crc32}')";
         } else {
             $query = "INSERT INTO note (text,name,crc32) VALUES ('{$text}','{$name}','{$crc32}')";
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             add_last_sql_error('BuildNote:Insert', 0, $this->BuildId);
             return false;
         if (!$this->Id) {
             $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('note');
     } else {
         // already there
         $notecrc32_array = pdo_fetch_array($notecrc32);
         $this->Id = $notecrc32_array['id'];
     if (!$this->Id) {
         echo 'BuildNote::Insert(): No NoteId';
         return false;
     $query = "INSERT INTO build2note (buildid,noteid,time)\n            VALUES ('{$this->BuildId}','{$this->Id}','{$this->Time}')";
     if (!pdo_query($query)) {
         add_last_sql_error('BuildNote:Insert', 0, $this->BuildId);
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #5
 function Insert()
     if (!$this->BuildId) {
         echo "BuildNote::Insert(): BuildId is not set<br>";
         return false;
     if (!$this->Time) {
         echo "BuildNote::Insert(): Time is not set<br>";
         return false;
     if (!$this->Name) {
         echo "BuildNote::Insert(): Name is not set<br>";
         return false;
     if (!$this->Text) {
         echo "BuildNote::Insert(): Text is not set<br>";
         return false;
     // Check if the note already exists
     $crc32 = $this->GetCrc32();
     $text = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Text);
     $timestamp = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Time);
     $name = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Name);
     $notecrc32 = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM note WHERE crc32='{$crc32}'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($notecrc32) == 0) {
         if ($this->Id) {
             $query = "INSERT INTO note (id,text,name,crc32) VALUES ('{$this->Id}','{$text}','{$name}','{$crc32}')";
         } else {
             $query = "INSERT INTO note (text,name,crc32) VALUES ('{$text}','{$name}','{$crc32}')";
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             add_last_sql_error("BuildNote:Insert", 0, $this->BuildId);
             return false;
         if (!$this->Id) {
             $this->Id = pdo_insert_id("note");
     } else {
         $notecrc32_array = pdo_fetch_array($notecrc32);
         $this->Id = $notecrc32_array["id"];
     if (!$this->Id) {
         echo "BuildNote::Insert(): No NoteId";
         return false;
     $query = "INSERT INTO build2note (buildid,noteid,time)\n              VALUES ('{$this->BuildId}','{$this->Id}','{$this->Time}')";
     if (!pdo_query($query)) {
         add_last_sql_error("BuildNote:Insert", 0, $this->BuildId);
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #6
 public function Insert()
     if (!$this->BuildId) {
         add_log('BuildId is not set', __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_ERR);
         return false;
     if (!$this->Filename) {
         add_log('Filename is not set', __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_ERR);
         return false;
     if (!$this->Sha1Sum) {
         add_log('Sha1Sum is not set', __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_ERR);
         return false;
     if (!$this->Filesize) {
         add_log('Filesize is not set', __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_ERR);
         return false;
     if (empty($this->IsUrl)) {
         $this->IsUrl = 0;
     if (!$this->IsUrl) {
         $filename = pdo_real_escape_string(basename($this->Filename));
     } else {
         $filename = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Filename);
     // Check if the file already exists
     $filequery = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM uploadfile WHERE sha1sum = '" . $this->Sha1Sum . "' AND filename ='{$filename}'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($filequery) == 0) {
         // Insert the file into the database
         $query = "INSERT INTO uploadfile (filename, filesize, sha1sum, isurl) VALUES ('{$filename}','{$this->Filesize}','{$this->Sha1Sum}', '{$this->IsUrl}')";
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             add_last_sql_error('Uploadfile::Insert', 0, $this->BuildId);
             return false;
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('uploadfile');
     } else {
         $filequery_array = pdo_fetch_array($filequery);
         $this->Id = $filequery_array['id'];
     if (!$this->Id) {
         add_log('No Id', __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ' - ' . __FUNCTION__, LOG_ERR);
         return false;
     if (!pdo_query("INSERT INTO build2uploadfile (fileid, buildid)\n                   VALUES ('{$this->Id}','{$this->BuildId}')")) {
         add_last_sql_error('UploadFile::Insert', 0, $this->BuildId);
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #7
 /** Save a site */
 function Save()
     $name = $this->GetNameFromPlatform($this->Name);
     $version = $this->GetNameFromVersion($this->Version);
     if (strlen($name) == 0) {
         return false;
     // Check if the name and bits system already exists
     $query = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM client_os WHERE name='" . $name . "' AND version='" . $version . "' AND bits='" . $this->Bits . "'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 0) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO client_os (name,version,bits) \n              VALUES ('" . $name . "','" . $version . "','" . $this->Bits . "')";
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('client_os');
     } else {
         $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
         $this->Id = $query_array['id'];
Пример #8
 /** Create a new build as a parent of $this.
  * Assumes many fields have been set prior to calling this function.
 function CreateParentBuild($numErrors, $numWarnings)
     if ($numErrors < 0) {
         $numErrors = 0;
     if ($numWarnings < 0) {
         $numWarnings = 0;
     // Check if there's an existing build that should be the parent.
     // This would be a standalone build (parent=0) with no subproject
     // that matches our name, site, and stamp.
     $query = "SELECT id FROM build\n              WHERE parentid = 0 AND name = '{$this->Name}' AND\n                    siteid = '{$this->SiteId}' AND stamp = '{$this->Stamp}'";
     $result = pdo_query($query);
     if (pdo_num_rows($result) > 0) {
         $result_array = pdo_fetch_array($result);
         $parentId = $result_array['id'];
         $this->ParentId = $parentId;
         // Mark it as a parent (parentid of -1) and update its tally of
         // build errors & warnings.
         pdo_query("UPDATE build SET parentid = -1 WHERE id = {$parentId}");
         $this->UpdateParentBuild($numErrors, $numWarnings);
     } else {
         // Create the parent build here.  Note how parent builds
         // are indicated by parentid == -1.
         $query = "INSERT INTO build\n        (parentid, siteid, projectid, stamp, name, type, generator,\n         starttime, endtime, submittime, builderrors, buildwarnings)\n        VALUES\n        ('-1','{$this->SiteId}','{$this->ProjectId}','{$this->Stamp}',\n          '{$this->Name}','{$this->Type}','{$this->Generator}',\n          '{$this->StartTime}','{$this->EndTime}','{$this->SubmitTime}',\n          {$numErrors},{$numWarnings})";
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             add_last_sql_error("Build Insert Parent", $this->ProjectId, $this->Id);
             return false;
         $parentId = pdo_insert_id("build");
     // Since we just created a parent we should also update any existing
     // builds that should be a child of this parent but aren't yet.
     // This happens when Update.xml is parsed first, because it doesn't
     // contain info about what subproject it came from.
     // TODO: maybe we don't need this any more?
     $query = "UPDATE build SET parentid={$parentId}\n       WHERE parentid=0 AND siteid='{$this->SiteId}' AND\n             name='{$this->Name}' AND stamp='{$this->Stamp}'";
     if (!pdo_query($query)) {
         add_last_sql_error("Build Insert Update Parent", $this->ProjectId, $parentId);
     return $parentId;
Пример #9
 /** Save a job */
 public function Save()
     $sql = "INSERT INTO client_job (scheduleid,osid,siteid,startdate,enddate,status,output,cmakeid,compilerid)\n            VALUES ('" . $this->ScheduleId . "','" . $this->OsId . "','" . $this->SiteId . "','" . $this->StartDate . "','" . $this->EndDate . "','" . $this->Status . "','" . $this->Output . "','" . $this->CMakeId . "','" . $this->CompilerId . "')";
     $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('client_job');
Пример #10
 function mysql_insert_id($link_identifier = NULL)
     return pdo_insert_id(func_get_args());
Пример #11
/** Add daily changes if necessary */
function addDailyChanges($projectid)
    include "cdash/config.php";
    include_once "cdash/common.php";
    include_once "cdash/sendemail.php";
    $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
    pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
    $project_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query("SELECT nightlytime,name,autoremovetimeframe,autoremovemaxbuilds,emailadministrator\n                                              FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'"));
    $date = "";
    // now
    list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $project_array["nightlytime"]);
    $date = gmdate(FMT_DATE, $currentstarttime);
    // Check if we already have it somwhere
    $query = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM dailyupdate WHERE projectid='{$projectid}' AND date='{$date}'");
    if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 0) {
        $cvsauthors = array();
        pdo_query("INSERT INTO dailyupdate (projectid,date,command,type,status)\n               VALUES ({$projectid},'{$date}','NA','NA','0')");
        $updateid = pdo_insert_id("dailyupdate");
        $dates = get_related_dates($project_array["nightlytime"], $date);
        $commits = get_repository_commits($projectid, $dates);
        // Insert the commits
        foreach ($commits as $commit) {
            $filename = $commit['directory'] . "/" . $commit['filename'];
            $checkindate = $commit['time'];
            $author = addslashes($commit['author']);
            $email = '';
            if (isset($commit['email'])) {
                $email = addslashes($commit['email']);
            $log = addslashes($commit['comment']);
            $revision = $commit['revision'];
            $priorrevision = $commit['priorrevision'];
            // Check if we have a robot file for this build
            $robot = pdo_query("SELECT authorregex FROM projectrobot\n                  WHERE projectid=" . qnum($projectid) . " AND robotname='" . $author . "'");
            if (pdo_num_rows($robot) > 0) {
                $robot_array = pdo_fetch_array($robot);
                $regex = $robot_array['authorregex'];
                preg_match($regex, $commit['comment'], $matches);
                if (isset($matches[1])) {
                    $author = addslashes($matches[1]);
            if (!in_array(stripslashes($author), $cvsauthors)) {
                $cvsauthors[] = stripslashes($author);
            pdo_query("INSERT INTO dailyupdatefile (dailyupdateid,filename,checkindate,author,email,log,revision,priorrevision)\n                   VALUES ({$updateid},'{$filename}','{$checkindate}','{$author}','{$email}','{$log}','{$revision}','{$priorrevision}')");
            add_last_sql_error("addDailyChanges", $projectid);
        // end foreach commit
        // If the project has the option to send an email to the author
        if ($project_array['emailadministrator']) {
            sendEmailUnregisteredUsers($projectid, $cvsauthors);
        // Send an email if some expected builds have not been submitting
        sendEmailExpectedBuilds($projectid, $currentstarttime);
        // cleanBuildEmail
        // If the status of daily update is set to 2 that means we should send an email
        $query = pdo_query("SELECT status FROM dailyupdate WHERE projectid='{$projectid}' AND date='{$date}'");
        $dailyupdate_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
        $dailyupdate_status = $dailyupdate_array["status"];
        if ($dailyupdate_status == 2) {
            // Find the groupid
            $group_query = pdo_query("SELECT buildid,groupid FROM summaryemail WHERE date='{$date}'");
            while ($group_array = pdo_fetch_array($group_query)) {
                $groupid = $group_array["groupid"];
                $buildid = $group_array["buildid"];
                // Find if the build has any errors
                $builderror = pdo_query("SELECT count(buildid) FROM builderror WHERE buildid='{$buildid}' AND type='0'");
                $builderror_array = pdo_fetch_array($builderror);
                $nbuilderrors = $builderror_array[0];
                // Find if the build has any warnings
                $buildwarning = pdo_query("SELECT count(buildid) FROM builderror WHERE buildid='{$buildid}' AND type='1'");
                $buildwarning_array = pdo_fetch_array($buildwarning);
                $nbuildwarnings = $buildwarning_array[0];
                // Find if the build has any test failings
                if ($project_emailtesttimingchanged) {
                    $sql = "SELECT count(testid) FROM build2test WHERE buildid='{$buildid}' AND (status='failed' OR timestatus>" . qnum($project_testtimemaxstatus) . ")";
                } else {
                    $sql = "SELECT count(testid) FROM build2test WHERE buildid='{$buildid}' AND status='failed'";
                $nfail_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query($sql));
                $nfailingtests = $nfail_array[0];
                sendsummaryemail($projectid, $groupid, $nbuildwarnings, $nbuilderrors, $nfailingtests);
        pdo_query("UPDATE dailyupdate SET status='1' WHERE projectid='{$projectid}' AND date='{$date}'");
        // Remove the old logs
        include_once "models/errorlog.php";
        $ErrorLog = new ErrorLog();
        // 10 days
        // Clean the backup directory
        // Remove the first builds of the project
        include_once "cdash/autoremove.php";
        removeFirstBuilds($projectid, $project_array["autoremovetimeframe"], $project_array["autoremovemaxbuilds"]);
        removeBuildsGroupwise($projectid, $project_array["autoremovemaxbuilds"]);
Пример #12
/** Asynchronous submission */
function do_submit_asynchronous($filehandle, $projectid, $expected_md5 = '')
    include 'cdash/config.php';
    include 'cdash/version.php';
    do {
        $filename = $CDASH_BACKUP_DIRECTORY . "/" . mt_rand() . ".xml";
        $fp = @fopen($filename, 'x');
    } while (!$fp);
    $outfile = fopen($filename, 'w');
    // Save the file in the backup directory
    while (!feof($filehandle)) {
        $content = fread($filehandle, 8192);
        if (fwrite($outfile, $content) === FALSE) {
            echo "ERROR: Cannot write to file ({$filename})";
            add_log("Cannot write to file ({$filename})", "do_submit_asynchronous", LOG_ERR, $projectid);
    // Sends the file size to the local parser
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists("local/ctestparser.php")) {
        require_once "local/ctestparser.php";
        $localParser = new LocalParser();
        $filesize = filesize($filename);
        $localParser->SetFileSize($projectid, $filesize);
    $md5sum = md5_file($filename);
    $md5error = false;
    echo "<cdash version=\"" . $CDASH_VERSION . "\">\n";
    if ($expected_md5 == '' || $expected_md5 == $md5sum) {
        echo "  <status>OK</status>\n";
        echo "  <message></message>\n";
    } else {
        echo "  <status>ERROR</status>\n";
        echo "  <message>Checksum failed for file.  Expected {$expected_md5} but got {$md5sum}.</message>\n";
        $md5error = true;
    echo "  <md5>{$md5sum}</md5>\n";
    echo "</cdash>\n";
    if ($md5error) {
        add_log("Checksum failure on file: {$filename}", "do_submit_asynchronous", LOG_ERR, $projectid);
    $bytes = filesize($filename);
    // Insert the filename in the database
    $now_utc = gmdate(FMT_DATETIMESTD);
    pdo_query("INSERT INTO submission (filename,projectid,status,attempts,filesize,filemd5sum,created) " . "VALUES ('" . $filename . "','" . $projectid . "','0','0','{$bytes}','{$md5sum}','{$now_utc}')");
    // Get the ID associated with this submission.  We may need to reference it
    // later if this is a CDash@home (client) submission.
    $submissionid = pdo_insert_id('submission');
    // We find the daily updates
    // If we have php curl we do it asynchronously
    if (function_exists("curl_init") == TRUE) {
        $currentURI = get_server_URI(true);
        $request = $currentURI . "/cdash/dailyupdatescurl.php?projectid=" . $projectid;
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1);
        if ($CDASH_USE_HTTPS) {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
        $clientscheduleid = isset($_GET["clientscheduleid"]) ? pdo_real_escape_numeric($_GET["clientscheduleid"]) : 0;
        if ($clientscheduleid !== 0) {
            pdo_query("INSERT INTO client_jobschedule2submission (scheduleid,submissionid) " . "VALUES ('{$clientscheduleid}','{$submissionid}')");
        // Save submitter IP in the database in the async case, so we have a valid
        // IP at Site::Insert time when processing rather than 'localhost's IP:
        pdo_insert_query("INSERT INTO submission2ip (submissionid, ip) " . "VALUES ('{$submissionid}', '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "')");
        // Call process submissions via cURL.
    } else {
        add_log("Cannot submit asynchronously: php curl_init function does not exist", "do_submit_asynchronous", LOG_ERR, $projectid);
Пример #13
 function Insert()
     if (strlen($this->BuildId) == 0 || !is_numeric($this->BuildId)) {
         echo "BuildUpdate:Insert BuildId not set";
         return false;
     // Remove previous updates
     $query = pdo_query("SELECT updateid FROM build2update WHERE buildid=" . qnum($this->BuildId));
     if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 1) {
         $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
         $updateid = $query_array['updateid'];
         // If the buildupdate and updatefile are not shared we delete them as well
         $query = pdo_query("SELECT buildid FROM build2update WHERE updateid=" . qnum($updateid));
         if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 1) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM buildupdate WHERE id=" . qnum($updateid);
             if (!pdo_query($query)) {
                 add_last_sql_error("BuildUpdate Insert", 0, $this->BuildId);
                 return false;
             $query = "DELETE FROM updatefile WHERE updateid=" . qnum($updateid);
             if (!pdo_query($query)) {
                 add_last_sql_error("BuildUpdate Insert", 0, $this->BuildId);
                 return false;
         $query = "DELETE FROM build2update WHERE buildid=" . qnum($this->BuildId);
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             add_last_sql_error("BuildUpdate Insert", 0, $this->BuildId);
             return false;
     $this->StartTime = pdo_real_escape_string($this->StartTime);
     $this->EndTime = pdo_real_escape_string($this->EndTime);
     $this->Command = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Command);
     $this->Type = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Type);
     if (strlen($this->Type) > 4) {
         $this->Type = 'NA';
     $this->Status = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Status);
     $this->Revision = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Revision);
     $this->PriorRevision = pdo_real_escape_string($this->PriorRevision);
     $this->Path = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Path);
     $nfiles = count($this->Files);
     $nwarnings = 0;
     foreach ($this->Files as $file) {
         if ($file->Author == 'Local User' && $file->Revision == -1) {
     $query = "INSERT INTO buildupdate (starttime,endtime,command,type,status,nfiles,warnings,\n                                       revision,priorrevision,path)\n              VALUES ('{$this->StartTime}','{$this->EndTime}','{$this->Command}',\n                      '{$this->Type}','{$this->Status}',{$nfiles},{$nwarnings},\n                      '{$this->Revision}','{$this->PriorRevision}','{$this->Path}')";
     if (!pdo_query($query)) {
         add_last_sql_error("BuildUpdate Insert", 0, $this->BuildId);
         return false;
     $updateid = pdo_insert_id("buildupdate");
     $query = "INSERT INTO build2update (buildid,updateid)\n              VALUES (" . qnum($this->BuildId) . "," . qnum($updateid) . ")";
     if (!pdo_query($query)) {
         add_last_sql_error("BuildUpdate Insert", 0, $this->BuildId);
         return false;
     // If this is a parent build, make sure that all of its children
     // are also associated with a buildupdate.
     $query = "\n      INSERT INTO build2update (buildid,updateid)\n      SELECT id, '{$updateid}' FROM build\n      LEFT JOIN build2update ON build.id = build2update.buildid\n      WHERE build2update.buildid IS NULL\n      and build.parentid=" . qnum($this->BuildId);
     if (!pdo_query($query)) {
         add_last_sql_error("BuildUpdate Child Insert", 0, $this->BuildId);
         return false;
     foreach ($this->Files as $file) {
         $file->UpdateId = $updateid;
     return true;
Пример #14
 public function Insert()
     if (strlen($this->BuildId) == 0) {
         echo 'DynamicAnalysis::Insert BuildId not set';
         return false;
     $id = '';
     $idvalue = '';
     if ($this->Id) {
         $id = 'id,';
         $idvalue = qnum($this->Id) . ',';
     // Handle log decoding/decompression
     if (strtolower($this->LogEncoding) == 'base64') {
         $this->Log = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), '', $this->Log);
         $this->Log = base64_decode($this->Log);
     if (strtolower($this->LogCompression) == 'gzip') {
         $this->Log = gzuncompress($this->Log);
     if ($this->Log === false) {
         add_log('Unable to decompress dynamic analysis log', 'DynamicAnalysis::Insert', LOG_ERR, 0, $this->BuildId, CDASH_OBJECT_DYNAMICANALYSIS, $this->Id);
         $this->Log = '';
     $this->Status = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Status);
     $this->Checker = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Checker);
     $this->Name = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Name);
     $path = pdo_real_escape_string(substr($this->Path, 0, 255));
     $fullCommandLine = pdo_real_escape_string(substr($this->FullCommandLine, 0, 255));
     $this->Log = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Log);
     $this->BuildId = pdo_real_escape_string($this->BuildId);
     $query = 'INSERT INTO dynamicanalysis (' . $id . 'buildid,status,checker,name,path,fullcommandline,log)
           VALUES (' . $idvalue . qnum($this->BuildId) . ",'{$this->Status}','{$this->Checker}','{$this->Name}','" . $path . "',\n                      '" . $fullCommandLine . "','{$this->Log}')";
     if (!pdo_query($query)) {
         add_last_sql_error('DynamicAnalysis Insert', 0, $this->BuildId);
         return false;
     if (!$this->Id) {
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('dynamicanalysis');
     // Add the defects
     if (!empty($this->Defects)) {
         foreach ($this->Defects as $defect) {
             $defect->DynamicAnalysisId = $this->Id;
     // Add the labels
     return true;
Пример #15
 function register_user($projectid, $email, $firstName, $lastName, $repositoryCredential)
     include dirname(__DIR__) . '/config/config.php';
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
     // Check if the user is already registered
     $user = pdo_query('SELECT id FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE email='{$email}'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($user) > 0) {
         // Check if the user has been registered to the project
         $user_array2 = pdo_fetch_array($user);
         $userid = $user_array2['id'];
         $user = pdo_query("SELECT userid FROM user2project WHERE userid='{$userid}' AND projectid='{$projectid}'");
         if (pdo_num_rows($user) == 0) {
             // not registered
             // We register the user to the project
             pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                  VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
             // We add the credentials if not already added
             $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
             $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
             // Add the email by default
             echo pdo_error();
             return false;
         return '<error>User ' . $email . ' already registered.</error>';
     // already registered
     // Check if the repositoryCredential exists for this project
     $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $repositoryCredential;
     if ($UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential() === true) {
         return '<error>' . $repositoryCredential . ' was already registered for this project under a different email address</error>';
     // Register the user
     // Create a new password
     $keychars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
     $length = 10;
     $pass = '';
     $max = strlen($keychars) - 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
         // random_int is available in PHP 7 and the random_compat PHP 5.x
         // polyfill included in the Composer package.json dependencies.
         $pass .= substr($keychars, random_int(0, $max), 1);
     $encrypted = md5($pass);
     pdo_query('INSERT INTO ' . qid('user') . " (email,password,firstname,lastname,institution,admin)\n                 VALUES ('{$email}','{$encrypted}','{$firstName}','{$lastName}','','0')");
     $userid = pdo_insert_id('user');
     // Insert the user into the project
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
     // We add the credentials if not already added
     $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
     $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
     // Add the email by default
     $currentURI = get_server_URI();
     $prefix = '';
     if (strlen($firstName) > 0) {
         $prefix = ' ';
     $project = pdo_query("SELECT name FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'");
     $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
     $projectname = $project_array['name'];
     // Send the email
     $text = 'Hello' . $prefix . $firstName . ",\n\n";
     $text .= 'You have been registered to CDash because you have CVS/SVN access to the repository for ' . $projectname . "\n";
     $text .= 'To access your CDash account: ' . $currentURI . "/user.php\n";
     $text .= 'Your login is: ' . $email . "\n";
     $text .= 'Your password is: ' . $pass . "\n\n";
     $text .= 'Generated by CDash.';
     if (cdashmail("{$email}", 'CDash - ' . $projectname . ' : Subscription', "{$text}")) {
         echo 'Email sent to: ' . $email . '<br>';
     } else {
         add_log("cannot send email to: {$email}", 'register_user', LOG_ERR);
     return true;
Пример #16
 /** Insert a new feed */
 public function Insert($projectid, $buildid, $type, $description = '')
     $this->ProjectId = $projectid;
     $this->BuildId = $buildid;
     $this->Type = $type;
     $this->Description = $description;
     $this->Date = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME);
     if (pdo_query("INSERT INTO feed (projectid,buildid,type,date,description)\n                  VALUES ('{$this->ProjectId}','{$this->BuildId}','{$this->Type}','{$this->Date}','{$this->Description}')")) {
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('feed');
     } else {
         add_last_sql_error('Feed Insert');
         return false;
     // Delete the old feed (30 days)
     $this->DeleteOld($projectid, 30);
Пример #17
            $trights = array();
            foreach ($type['right_list'] as $key => $value) {
                if ($value) {
                    $trights[] = $key;
            $type['rights'] = implode(",", $trights);
        } else {
            $type['rights'] = "";
        if ($continue) {
            if (!$type_id) {
                $pars = array(':type_name' => $type['type_name'], ':rights' => $type['rights']);
                $query = "INSERT INTO " . table('admin_types') . " \n\t\t\t\t\tSET type_name= :type_name,\n\t\t\t\t\trights= :rights";
                $done = or_query($query, $pars);
                $type_id = pdo_insert_id();
            } else {
                $done = orsee_db_save_array($type, "admin_types", $type_id, "type_id");
            if ($done) {
                redirect("admin/admin_type_edit.php?type_id=" . $type_id);
                $proceed = false;
            } else {
if ($proceed) {
    $rights = array();
Пример #18
 public function AddBlockedBuild($buildname, $sitename, $ip)
     $pdo = get_link_identifier()->getPdo();
     $stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO blockbuild (projectid,buildname,sitename,ipaddress)
             VALUES (:projectid, :buildname, :sitename, :ip)');
     $stmt->bindParam(':projectid', $this->Id);
     $stmt->bindParam(':buildname', $buildname);
     $stmt->bindParam(':sitename', $sitename);
     $stmt->bindParam(':ip', $ip);
     $blocked_id = pdo_insert_id('blockbuild');
     return $blocked_id;
Пример #19
 /** Add CVS/SVN repositories */
 function AddRepositories($repositories, $usernames, $passwords, $branches)
     // First we update/delete any registered repositories
     $currentRepository = 0;
     $repositories_query = pdo_query("SELECT repositoryid FROM project2repositories WHERE projectid=" . qnum($this->Id) . " ORDER BY repositoryid");
     add_last_sql_error("Project AddRepositories", $this->Id);
     while ($repository_array = pdo_fetch_array($repositories_query)) {
         $repositoryid = $repository_array["repositoryid"];
         if (!isset($repositories[$currentRepository]) || strlen($repositories[$currentRepository]) == 0) {
             $query = pdo_query("SELECT * FROM project2repositories WHERE repositoryid=" . qnum($repositoryid));
             add_last_sql_error("Project AddRepositories", $this->Id);
             if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 1) {
                 pdo_query("DELETE FROM repositories WHERE id='{$repositoryid}'");
                 add_last_sql_error("Project AddRepositories", $this->Id);
             pdo_query("DELETE FROM project2repositories WHERE projectid=" . qnum($this->Id) . " AND repositoryid=" . qnum($repositoryid));
             add_last_sql_error("Project AddRepositories", $this->Id);
         } else {
             // If the repository is not shared by any other project we update
             $count_query = pdo_query("SELECT count(*) as c FROM project2repositories WHERE repositoryid=" . qnum($repositoryid));
             $count_array = pdo_fetch_array($count_query);
             if ($count_array['c'] == 1) {
                 pdo_query("UPDATE repositories SET url='{$repositories[$currentRepository]}',\n                          username='******',\n                          password='******',\n                          branch='{$branches[$currentRepository]}'\n                          WHERE id=" . qnum($repositoryid));
                 add_last_sql_error("Project AddRepositories", $this->Id);
             } else {
                 pdo_query("DELETE FROM project2repositories WHERE projectid=" . qnum($this->Id) . " AND repositoryid=" . qnum($repositoryid));
                 add_last_sql_error("Project AddRepositories", $this->Id);
                 $repositories[] = $repositories[$currentRepository];
                 $usernames[] = $usernames[$currentRepository];
                 $passwords[] = $passwords[$currentRepository];
                 $branches[] = $branches[$currentRepository];
     //  Then we add new repositories
     for ($i = $currentRepository; $i < count($repositories); $i++) {
         $url = $repositories[$i];
         $username = $usernames[$i];
         $password = $passwords[$i];
         $branch = $branches[$i];
         if (strlen($url) == 0) {
         // Insert into repositories if not any
         $repositories_query = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM repositories WHERE url='{$url}'");
         if (pdo_num_rows($repositories_query) == 0) {
             pdo_query("INSERT INTO repositories (url, username, password, branch) VALUES ('{$url}', '{$username}', '{$password}','{$branch}')");
             add_last_sql_error("Project AddRepositories", $this->Id);
             $repositoryid = pdo_insert_id("repositories");
         } else {
             $repositories_array = pdo_fetch_array($repositories_query);
             $repositoryid = $repositories_array["id"];
         pdo_query("INSERT INTO project2repositories (projectid,repositoryid) VALUES (" . qnum($this->Id) . ",'{$repositoryid}')");
         add_last_sql_error("Project AddRepositories", $this->Id);
     // end add repository
Пример #20
 function register_user($projectid, $email, $firstName, $lastName, $repositoryCredential)
     include "cdash/config.php";
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
     // Check if the user is already registered
     $user = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE email='{$email}'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($user) > 0) {
         // Check if the user has been registered to the project
         $user_array2 = pdo_fetch_array($user);
         $userid = $user_array2["id"];
         $user = pdo_query("SELECT userid FROM user2project WHERE userid='{$userid}' AND projectid='{$projectid}'");
         if (pdo_num_rows($user) == 0) {
             // We register the user to the project
             pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                  VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
             // We add the credentials if not already added
             $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
             $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
             // Add the email by default
             echo pdo_error();
             return false;
         return "<error>User " . $email . " already registered.</error>";
     // already registered
     // Check if the repositoryCredential exists for this project
     $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $repositoryCredential;
     if ($UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential() === true) {
         return "<error>" . $repositoryCredential . " was already registered for this project under a different email address</error>";
     // Register the user
     // Create a new password
     $keychars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
     $length = 10;
     $pass = "";
     $max = strlen($keychars) - 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
         $pass .= substr($keychars, rand(0, $max), 1);
     $encrypted = md5($pass);
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO " . qid("user") . " (email,password,firstname,lastname,institution,admin)\n                 VALUES ('{$email}','{$encrypted}','{$firstName}','{$lastName}','','0')");
     $userid = pdo_insert_id("user");
     // Insert the user into the project
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
     // We add the credentials if not already added
     $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
     $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
     // Add the email by default
     $currentURI = get_server_URI();
     $prefix = "";
     if (strlen($firstName) > 0) {
         $prefix = " ";
     $project = pdo_query("SELECT name FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'");
     $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
     $projectname = $project_array['name'];
     // Send the email
     $text = "Hello" . $prefix . $firstName . ",<br><br>";
     $text .= "You have been registered to CDash because you have CVS/SVN access to the repository for " . $projectname . " <br>";
     $text .= "To access your CDash account: " . $currentURI . "/user.php<br>";
     $text .= "Your login is: " . $email . "<br>";
     $text .= "Your password is: " . $pass . "<br>";
     $text .= "<br>Generated by CDash.";
     if (@cdashmail("{$email}", "CDash - " . $projectname . " : Subscription", "{$text}", "From: {$CDASH_EMAILADMIN}\nReply-To: no-reply\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8")) {
         echo "Email sent to: " . $email . "<br>";
     return true;
Пример #21
 public function Save()
     // Assign it to the default group if necessary.
     if ($this->GroupId < 1) {
         $row = pdo_single_row_query('SELECT id from subprojectgroup
      WHERE projectid=' . qnum($this->ProjectId) . ' AND is_default=1');
         if (!empty($row)) {
             $this->GroupId = $row['id'];
     // Check if the subproject already exists.
     if ($this->Exists()) {
         // Trim the name
         $this->Name = trim($this->Name);
         // Update the subproject
         $query = 'UPDATE subproject SET ';
         $query .= "name='" . $this->Name . "'";
         $query .= ',projectid=' . qnum($this->ProjectId);
         $query .= ',groupid=' . qnum($this->GroupId);
         $query .= ",path='" . $this->Path . "'";
         $query .= ' WHERE id=' . qnum($this->Id) . '';
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             add_last_sql_error('SubProject Update');
             return false;
     } else {
         // insert the subproject
         $id = '';
         $idvalue = '';
         if ($this->Id) {
             $id = 'id,';
             $idvalue = "'" . $this->Id . "',";
         // Trim the name
         $this->Name = trim($this->Name);
         // Double check that it's not already in the database.
         $select_query = "SELECT id FROM subproject WHERE name='{$this->Name}' AND\n            projectid=" . qnum($this->ProjectId) . " AND\n            endtime='1980-01-01 00:00:00'";
         $result = pdo_query($select_query);
         if (!$result) {
             add_last_sql_error('SubProject Update');
             return false;
         if (pdo_num_rows($result) > 0) {
             $row = pdo_fetch_array($result);
             $this->Id = $row['id'];
             return true;
         $starttime = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME);
         $endtime = '1980-01-01 00:00:00';
         $insert_query = 'INSERT INTO subproject(' . $id . 'name,projectid,groupid,path,starttime,endtime)
             VALUES (' . $idvalue . "'{$this->Name}'," . qnum($this->ProjectId) . ',' . qnum($this->GroupId) . ",'{$this->Path}','{$starttime}','{$endtime}')";
         if (!pdo_query($insert_query)) {
             $error = pdo_error();
             // Check if the query failed due to a race condition during
             // parallel submission processing.
             $result = pdo_query($select_query);
             if (!$result || pdo_num_rows($result) == 0) {
                 add_log("SQL error: {$error}", 'SubProject Create', LOG_ERR, $this->ProjectId);
                 return false;
             $row = pdo_fetch_array($result);
             $this->Id = $row['id'];
         if ($this->Id < 1) {
             $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('subproject');
     return true;
Пример #22
 /** Save the image */
 public function Save($update = false)
     // Get the data from the file if necessary
     $pdo = get_link_identifier()->getPdo();
     if (!$this->Exists()) {
         $success = true;
         if ($this->Id) {
             $stmt = $pdo->prepare('
                     INSERT INTO image (id, img, extension, checksum)
                     VALUES (:id, :img, :extension, :checksum)');
             $stmt->bindParam(':id', $this->Id);
             $stmt->bindParam(':img', $this->Data, PDO::PARAM_LOB);
             $stmt->bindParam(':extension', $this->Extension);
             $stmt->bindParam(':checksum', $this->Checksum);
             $success = $stmt->execute();
         } else {
             $stmt = $pdo->prepare('
                     INSERT INTO image (img, extension, checksum)
                     VALUES (:img, :extension, :checksum)');
             $stmt->bindParam(':img', $this->Data, PDO::PARAM_LOB);
             $stmt->bindParam(':extension', $this->Extension);
             $stmt->bindParam(':checksum', $this->Checksum);
             $success = $stmt->execute();
             $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('image');
         if (!$success) {
             return false;
     } elseif ($update) {
         // Update the current image.
         $stmt = $pdo->prepare('UPDATE image SET img=:img, extension=:extension, checksum=:checksum WHERE id=:id');
         $stmt->bindParam(':img', $this->Data, PDO::PARAM_LOB);
         $stmt->bindParam(':extension', $this->Extension);
         $stmt->bindParam(':checksum', $this->Checksum);
         $stmt->bindParam(':id', $this->Id);
         if (!$stmt->execute()) {
             return false;
     return true;
Пример #23
    // Loop throught the projects
    $n = 0;
    $projects = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM project");
    while ($project_array = pdo_fetch_array($projects)) {
        $projectid = $project_array["id"];
        if (pdo_num_rows(pdo_query("SELECT projectid FROM buildgroup WHERE projectid='{$projectid}'")) == 0) {
            // Add the default groups
            pdo_query("INSERT INTO buildgroup(name,projectid,starttime,endtime,description)\n                  VALUES ('Nightly','{$projectid}','1980-01-01 00:00:00','1980-01-01 00:00:00','Nightly Builds')");
            $id = pdo_insert_id("buildgroup");
            pdo_query("INSERT INTO buildgroupposition(buildgroupid,position,starttime,endtime)\n                  VALUES ('{$id}','1','1980-01-01 00:00:00','1980-01-01 00:00:00')");
            echo pdo_error();
            pdo_query("INSERT INTO buildgroup(name,projectid,starttime,endtime,description)\n                  VALUES ('Continuous','{$projectid}','1980-01-01 00:00:00','1980-01-01 00:00:00','Continuous Builds')");
            $id = pdo_insert_id("buildgroup");
            pdo_query("INSERT INTO buildgroupposition(buildgroupid,position,starttime,endtime)\n                  VALUES ('{$id}','2','1980-01-01 00:00:00','1980-01-01 00:00:00')");
            pdo_query("INSERT INTO buildgroup(name,projectid,starttime,endtime,description)\n                  VALUES ('Experimental','{$projectid}','1980-01-01 00:00:00','1980-01-01 00:00:00','Experimental Builds')");
            $id = pdo_insert_id("buildgroup");
            pdo_query("INSERT INTO buildgroupposition(buildgroupid,position,starttime,endtime)\n                  VALUES ('{$id}','3','1980-01-01 00:00:00','1980-01-01 00:00:00')");
    $xml .= add_XML_value("alert", $n . " projects have now default groups.");
} else {
    if ($AssignBuildToDefaultGroups) {
        // Loop throught the builds
        $builds = pdo_query("SELECT id,type,projectid FROM build WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT buildid as id FROM build2group)");
        while ($build_array = pdo_fetch_array($builds)) {
            $buildid = $build_array["id"];
            $buildtype = $build_array["type"];
            $projectid = $build_array["projectid"];
            $buildgroup_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query("SELECT id FROM buildgroup WHERE name='{$buildtype}' AND projectid='{$projectid}'"));
            $groupid = $buildgroup_array["id"];
Пример #24
 /** Insert a new site */
 function Insert()
     $justSetIP = false;
     if (strlen($this->Ip) == 0) {
         $justSetIP = true;
     if ($this->Exists()) {
         if ($justSetIP) {
         return $this->Id;
     // Get the geolocation
     if (strlen($this->Latitude) == 0) {
         $location = get_geolocation($this->Ip);
         $this->Latitude = $location['latitude'];
         $this->Longitude = $location['longitude'];
     if (pdo_query("INSERT INTO site (name,ip,latitude,longitude)\n                  VALUES ('{$this->Name}','{$this->Ip}','{$this->Latitude}','{$this->Longitude}')")) {
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id("site");
     } else {
         add_last_sql_error("Site Insert");
         return false;
Пример #25
 public function Insert()
     if ($this->Exists()) {
         return true;
     include 'config/config.php';
     $command = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Command);
     $name = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Name);
     $path = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Path);
     $details = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Details);
     $id = '';
     $idvalue = '';
     if ($this->Id) {
         $id = 'id,';
         $idvalue = "'" . $this->Id . "',";
     if ($this->CompressedOutput) {
         if ($CDASH_DB_TYPE == 'pgsql') {
             $output = $this->Output;
         } else {
             $output = base64_decode($this->Output);
     } elseif ($CDASH_USE_COMPRESSION) {
         $output = gzcompress($this->Output);
         if ($output === false) {
             $output = $this->Output;
         } else {
             if ($CDASH_DB_TYPE == 'pgsql') {
                 if (strlen($this->Output) < 2000) {
                     // compression doesn't help for small chunk
                     $output = $this->Output;
                 $output = base64_encode($output);
     } else {
         $output = $this->Output;
     // We check for mysql that the
     if ($CDASH_DB_TYPE == '' || $CDASH_DB_TYPE == 'mysql') {
         $query = pdo_query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_allowed_packet'");
         $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
         $max = $query_array[1];
         if (strlen($this->Output) > $max) {
             add_log('Output is bigger than max_allowed_packet', 'Test::Insert', LOG_ERR, $this->ProjectId);
             // We cannot truncate the output because it is compressed (too complicated)
     $pdo = get_link_identifier()->getPdo();
     if ($this->Id) {
         $stmt = $pdo->prepare('
             INSERT INTO test (id, projectid, crc32, name, path, command, details, output)
             VALUES (:id, :projectid, :crc32, :name, :path, :command, :details, :output)');
         $stmt->bindParam(':id', $this->Id);
         $stmt->bindParam(':projectid', $this->ProjectId);
         $stmt->bindParam(':crc32', $this->Crc32);
         $stmt->bindParam(':name', $name);
         $stmt->bindParam(':path', $path);
         $stmt->bindParam(':command', $command);
         $stmt->bindParam(':details', $details);
         $stmt->bindParam(':output', $output, PDO::PARAM_LOB);
         $success = $stmt->execute();
     } else {
         $stmt = $pdo->prepare('
             INSERT INTO test (projectid, crc32, name, path, command, details, output)
             VALUES (:projectid, :crc32, :name, :path, :command, :details, :output)');
         $stmt->bindParam(':projectid', $this->ProjectId);
         $stmt->bindParam(':crc32', $this->Crc32);
         $stmt->bindParam(':name', $name);
         $stmt->bindParam(':path', $path);
         $stmt->bindParam(':command', $command);
         $stmt->bindParam(':details', $details);
         $stmt->bindParam(':output', $output, PDO::PARAM_LOB);
         $success = $stmt->execute();
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('test');
     if (!$success) {
         add_last_sql_error("Cannot insert test: {$name} into the database", $this->ProjectId);
         return false;
     // Add the measurements
     foreach ($this->Measurements as $measurement) {
         $measurement->TestId = $this->Id;
     // Add the images
     foreach ($this->Images as $image) {
         // Decode the data
         $imgStr = base64_decode($image->Data);
         $img = imagecreatefromstring($imgStr);
         switch ($image->Extension) {
             case 'image/jpg':
             case 'image/jpeg':
             case 'image/gif':
             case 'image/png':
                 echo "Unknown image type: {$type}";
         $imageVariable = ob_get_contents();
         $image->Data = $imageVariable;
         $image->Checksum = crc32($imageVariable);
         $testImage = new TestImage();
         $testImage->Id = $image->Id;
         $testImage->TestId = $this->Id;
         $testImage->Role = $image->Name;
     return true;
Пример #26
 function Save()
     if (empty($this->Admin)) {
         $this->Admin = 0;
     // Check if the user exists already
     if ($this->Exists()) {
         // Update the project
         $query = "UPDATE " . qid("user") . " SET";
         $query .= " email='" . $this->Email . "'";
         $query .= ",password='******'";
         $query .= ",firstname='" . $this->FirstName . "'";
         $query .= ",lastname='" . $this->LastName . "'";
         $query .= ",institution='" . $this->Institution . "'";
         $query .= ",admin='" . $this->Admin . "'";
         $query .= " WHERE id='" . $this->Id . "'";
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             add_last_sql_error("User Update");
             return false;
     } else {
         $id = "";
         $idvalue = "";
         if ($this->Id) {
             $id = "id,";
             $idvalue = "'" . $this->Id . "',";
         $email = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Email);
         $passwd = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Password);
         $fname = pdo_real_escape_string($this->FirstName);
         $lname = pdo_real_escape_string($this->LastName);
         $institution = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Institution);
         $query = "INSERT INTO " . qid("user") . " (" . $id . "email,password,firstname,lastname,institution,admin)\n                 VALUES (" . $idvalue . "'" . $email . "','" . $passwd . "','" . $fname . "','" . $lname . "','" . $institution . "','{$this->Admin}')";
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             add_last_sql_error("User Create");
             return false;
         if (!$this->Id) {
             $this->Id = pdo_insert_id("user");
     return true;
Пример #27
 /** Save a site */
 function Save()
     // Check if the name or system already exists
     $query = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM client_site WHERE name='" . $this->Name . "' AND systemname='" . $this->SystemName . "'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 0) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO client_site (name,osid,systemname,host,basedirectory)\n              VALUES ('" . $this->Name . "','" . $this->OsId . "','" . $this->SystemName . "','" . $this->Host . "','" . $this->BaseDirectory . "')";
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('client_site');
     } else {
         $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
         $this->Id = $query_array['id'];
         $sql = "UPDATE client_site SET osid='" . $this->OsId . "',host='" . $this->Host . "',basedirectory='" . $this->BaseDirectory . "' WHERE id=" . qnum($this->Id);
Пример #28
 function Save()
     if ($this->Name == "" || $this->ProjectId == 0) {
         add_log("Name='" . $this->Name . "' or ProjectId='" . $this->ProjectId . "' not set", "SubProjectGroup::Save", LOG_WARNING);
         return false;
     // Load the default coverage threshold for this project if one
     // hasn't been set for this group.
     if (!isset($this->CoverageThreshold)) {
         $row = pdo_single_row_query("SELECT coveragethreshold FROM project\n         WHERE id=" . qnum($this->ProjectId));
         if (empty($row)) {
             return false;
         $this->CoverageThreshold = $row['coveragethreshold'];
     // Force is_default=1 if this will be the first subproject group
     // for this project.
     $query = pdo_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subprojectgroup\n       WHERE projectid=" . qnum($this->ProjectId));
     if (!$query) {
         add_last_sql_error("SubProjectGroup::Save Count");
         return false;
     $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
     if ($query_array[0] == 0) {
         $this->IsDefault = 1;
     // Check if the group already exists.
     if ($this->Exists()) {
         // Trim the name
         $this->Name = trim($this->Name);
         // Update the group
         $query = "UPDATE subprojectgroup SET\n        name='{$this->Name}',\n        projectid=" . qnum($this->ProjectId) . ",\n        is_default=" . qnum($this->IsDefault) . ",\n        coveragethreshold=" . qnum($this->CoverageThreshold) . "\n        WHERE id=" . qnum($this->Id);
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             add_last_sql_error("SubProjectGroup::Save Update");
             return false;
     } else {
         $id = "";
         $idvalue = "";
         if ($this->Id) {
             $id = "id,";
             $idvalue = "'" . $this->Id . "',";
         // Trim the name
         $this->Name = trim($this->Name);
         // Double check that it's not already in the database.
         $query = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM subprojectgroup WHERE name='{$this->Name}'\n         AND projectid=" . qnum($this->ProjectId) . "\n         AND endtime='1980-01-01 00:00:00'");
         if (!$query) {
             add_last_sql_error("SubProjectGroup::Save Select");
             return false;
         if (pdo_num_rows($query) > 0) {
             $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
             $this->Id = $query_array['id'];
             return true;
         $starttime = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME);
         $endtime = "1980-01-01 00:00:00";
         $query = "INSERT INTO subprojectgroup(" . $id . "name,projectid,is_default,\n                                     coveragethreshold,starttime,endtime)\n         VALUES (" . $idvalue . "'{$this->Name}'," . qnum($this->ProjectId) . "," . qnum($this->IsDefault) . "," . qnum($this->CoverageThreshold) . ",\n                 '{$starttime}','{$endtime}')";
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             add_last_sql_error("SubProjectGroup::Save Insert");
             return false;
         if ($this->Id < 1) {
             $this->Id = pdo_insert_id("subprojectgroup");
     // Make sure there's only one default group per project.
     if ($this->IsDefault) {
         $query = "UPDATE subprojectgroup SET is_default=0\n         WHERE projectid=" . qnum($this->ProjectId) . " AND id!=" . qnum($this->Id);
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             add_last_sql_error("SubProjectGroup Update Default");
             return false;
     return true;
Пример #29
 /** Save */
 function Save()
     // Check if the name/version already exists
     $query = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM client_library WHERE name='" . $this->Name . "' AND version='" . $this->Version . "'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 0) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO client_library (name,version)\n              VALUES ('" . $this->Name . "','" . $this->Version . "')";
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('client_library');
     } else {
         $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
         $this->Id = $query_array['id'];
         $sql = "UPDATE client_library SET version='" . $this->Version . "' WHERE id=" . qnum($this->Id);
     // Insert into the siteid
     $query = pdo_query("SELECT libraryid FROM client_site2library WHERE libraryid=" . qnum($this->Id) . " AND siteid=" . qnum($this->SiteId));
     if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 0) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO client_site2library (siteid,libraryid,path,include)\n              VALUES (" . qnum($this->SiteId) . "," . qnum($this->Id) . ",'" . $this->Path . "','" . $this->Include . "')";
     } else {
         $sql = "UPDATE client_site2library SET path='" . $this->Path . "',include='" . $this->Include . "' WHERE libraryid=" . qnum($this->Id) . " AND siteid=" . qnum($this->SiteId);
Пример #30
 /** Save a job schedule */
 public function Save()
     $cmakecache = pdo_real_escape_string($this->CMakeCache);
     $clientscript = pdo_real_escape_string($this->ClientScript);
     $description = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Description);
     if (!$this->Id) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO client_jobschedule (userid,projectid,startdate,enddate,starttime,enable,type,\n                                              repeattime,cmakecache,clientscript,repository,module,buildnamesuffix,\n                                              tag,buildconfiguration,description)\n              VALUES ('" . $this->UserId . "','" . $this->ProjectId . "','" . $this->StartDate . "','" . $this->EndDate . "','" . $this->StartTime . "','" . $this->Enable . "','" . $this->Type . "','" . $this->RepeatTime . "','" . $cmakecache . "','" . $clientscript . "','" . $this->Repository . "','" . $this->Module . "','" . $this->BuildNameSuffix . "','" . $this->Tag . "','" . $this->BuildConfiguration . "','" . $description . "')";
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('client_jobschedule');
     } else {
         // update
         $sql = "UPDATE client_jobschedule SET\n             startdate='" . $this->StartDate . "',\n             enddate='" . $this->EndDate . "',\n             starttime='" . $this->StartTime . "',\n             repeattime='" . $this->RepeatTime . "',\n             cmakecache='" . $cmakecache . "',\n             clientscript='" . $clientscript . "',\n             repository='" . $this->Repository . "',\n             module='" . $this->Module . "',\n             buildnamesuffix='" . $this->BuildNameSuffix . "',\n             buildconfiguration='" . $this->BuildConfiguration . "',\n             tag='" . $this->Tag . "',\n             description='" . $description . "',\n             enable='" . $this->Enable . "',\n             type='" . $this->Type . "' WHERE id=" . qnum($this->Id);