public function doMobileranking() { global $_W, $_GPC; $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; $userinfo = $this->userinfo; $openid = $userinfo['mk_openid']; $score = $_GPC['score']; $id = $_GPC['id']; $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_reply) . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id)); $user = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_user) . " where uniacid={$uniacid} and openid='{$openid}' and rid ={$reply['rid']}"); $userall = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_user) . " where uniacid={$uniacid} and rid ={$reply['rid']} ORDER BY asnum desc LIMIT 0,10"); $usernum = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . tablename($this->table_user) . " where uniacid={$uniacid} and rid ={$reply['rid']}"); $maxpage = intval($usernum / 10 + 1); $usernuma = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_user) . " where uniacid={$uniacid} and rid ={$reply['rid']} ORDER BY asnum desc "); $i = 0; $mingci = 0; foreach ($usernuma as $key => $value) { $i++; if ($openid == $value['openid']) { $mingci = $i; break; } } include $this->template('ranking'); }
public function respond() { global $_W; $rid = $this->rule; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('sns') . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1"; $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':rid' => $rid)); if (empty($row['id'])) { return array(); } $lastvisit = TIMESTAMP; $user = pdo_fetch("SELECT id,nickname FROM " . tablename('fans') . " WHERE from_user ='******'from']}' LIMIT 1"); $data = array('uid' => $user['id'], 'lastvisit' => $lastvisit, 'type' => 'sns', 'weid' => $_W['weid']); /* $zt = pdo_fetch("SELECT lastvisit FROM ".tablename('fans_status')." WHERE uid ={$user['id']} LIMIT 1"); if(!$zt){ pdo_insert('fans_status', $data); } else { unset($data['uid']); pdo_update('fans_status', $data,array('uid'=>$user['id'])); } */ $title = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT name FROM " . tablename('rule') . " WHERE id = :rid LIMIT 1", array(':rid' => $rid)); $url = create_url('mobile/module/list', array('name' => 'sns', 'type' => $row['type'], 'id' => $rid, 'weid' => $_W['weid'])); $news = array(); $news[] = array('title' => $title, 'description' => $row['description'], 'picurl' => $_W['attachurl'] . $row['picture'], 'url' => $url); return $this->respNews($news); //print_r($user['nickname']);exit; //return $this->respText($user['nickname'].'<a href="'.$url.'">点此进入微吧,进行互动交流吧</a>'); }
public function doMobileMy() { global $_W, $_GPC; checkauth(); $rid = $_GPC['rid']; $from_user = $_W['fans']['from_user']; $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('weizp_album') . " WHERE rid=:rid AND from_user=:from_user", array('rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => $from_user)); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { foreach ($v as $sk => $sv) { if ($sk == 'images') { $tmp = unserialize($sv); $images = array(); foreach ($tmp as $ssv) { $images[]['id'] = $ssv; $images[]['file'] = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT file FROM " . tablename('weizp_images') . "WHERE id='{$ssv}'"); } $sv = $images; } $v[$sk] = $sv; } $list[$k] = $v; } //var_dump($list); include $this->template('my'); }
public function payResult($params) { load()->model('mc'); $status = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT status FROM " . tablename('mc_credits_recharge') . " WHERE tid = :tid", array(':tid' => $params['tid'])); if (empty($status)) { $fee = $params['fee']; $data = array('status' => $params['result'] == 'success' ? 1 : -1); if ($params['type'] == 'wechat') { $data['transid'] = $params['tag']['transaction_id']; $params['user'] = mc_openid2uid($params['user']); } pdo_update('mc_credits_recharge', $data, array('tid' => $params['tid'])); if ($params['result'] == 'success' && $params['from'] == 'notify') { $setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditbehaviors')); $credit = $setting['creditbehaviors']['currency']; if (empty($credit)) { message('站点积分行为参数配置错误,请联系服务商', '', 'error'); } else { $paydata = array('wechat' => '微信', 'alipay' => '支付宝'); $record[] = $params['user']; $record[] = '用户通过' . $paydata[$params['type']] . '充值' . $fee; mc_credit_update($params['user'], $credit, $fee, $record); } } } if ($params['from'] == 'return') { if ($params['result'] == 'success') { message('支付成功!', '../../app/' . url('mc/home'), 'success'); } else { message('支付失败!', '../../app/' . url('mc/home'), 'error'); } } }
public function receive() { global $_W, $_GPC; load()->model('mc'); load()->func('communication'); $event = $this->message['event']; $openid = $this->message['from']; $f_log = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE `uniacid` = '{$_W['uniacid']}' AND `openid` = '{$openid}'"); if ($f_log['uid'] != 0) { pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data', array('uid' => $f_log['uid']), array('openid' => $openid)); $uid = $f_log['uid']; } else { $default_groupid = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT groupid FROM ' . tablename('mc_groups') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND isdefault = 1', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $data = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'email' => md5($openid) . '', 'salt' => random(8), 'groupid' => $default_groupid, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); $data['password'] = md5($message['from'] . $data['salt'] . $_W['config']['setting']['authkey']); pdo_insert('mc_members', $data); $uid = pdo_insertid(); pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('uid' => $uid), array('openid' => $openid)); pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data', array('uid' => $uid), array('openid' => $openid)); } $credit_type = isset($this->module['config']['credit_type']) ? $this->module['config']['credit_type'] : 'credit1'; $credit_subscribe = isset($this->module['config']['credit_subscribe']) ? $this->module['config']['credit_subscribe'] : 5; $credit_lever_1 = isset($this->module['config']['credit_lever_1']) ? $this->module['config']['credit_lever_1'] : 2; $credit_lever_2 = isset($this->module['config']['credit_lever_2']) ? $this->module['config']['credit_lever_2'] : 1; if ($event == 'subscribe') { $s_log = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('hx_subscribe_data') . " WHERE `uniacid`='{$_W['uniacid']}' AND `openid`='{$openid}'"); if (empty($s_log)) { //如果没记录 $insert = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'openid' => $openid, 'uid' => $uid, 'from_uid' => '0', 'sn' => time(), 'follow' => '1', 'article_id' => '0', 'shouyi' => $credit_subscribe, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_insert('hx_subscribe_data', $insert); mc_credit_update($uid, $credit_type, $credit_subscribe, array('1', '关注增加积分')); } else { //如果有记录 if ($s_log['follow'] != 1) { //如果记录未关注 $insert = array('follow' => '1'); pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data', $insert, array('id' => $s_log['id'])); mc_credit_update($uid, $credit_type, $credit_subscribe, array('1', '关注增加积分')); } if (!empty($s_log['from_uid'])) { //如果来源ID不为空 $from_user = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('hx_subscribe_data') . " WHERE `uniacid`='{$_W['uniacid']}' AND `uid`='{$s_log['from_uid']}'"); if (!empty($from_user)) { $data = array('shouyi' => $from_user['shouyi'] + $credit_lever_1, 'zjrs' => $from_user['zjrs'] + 1); pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data', $data, array('id' => $from_user['id'])); mc_credit_update($s_log['from_uid'], $credit_type, $credit_lever_1, array('1', '推荐一级关注增加积分')); if (!empty($from_user['from_uid'])) { $from_user_2 = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('hx_subscribe_data') . " WHERE `uniacid`='{$_W['uniacid']}' AND `uid`='{$from_user['from_uid']}'"); if (!empty($from_user_2)) { $data2 = array('shouyi' => $from_user_2['shouyi'] + $credit_lever_2, 'jjrs' => $from_user_2['jjrs'] + 1); pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data', $data2, array('id' => $from_user_2['id'])); mc_credit_update($from_user['from_uid'], $credit_type, $credit_lever_2, array('1', '推荐二级关注增加积分')); } } } } } //pdo_update('hx_subscribe_data',array('follow'=>1),array('openid'=>$openid)); } }
public function fieldsFormSubmit($rid) { //规则验证无误保存入库时执行,这里应该进行自定义字段的保存。这里 $rid 为对应的规则编号 global $_GPC, $_W; $currentprompt = trim($_GPC['currentprompt']) ? trim($_GPC['currentprompt']) : '当前数字是 {LUCKYNUM}!'; $awardprompt = trim($_GPC['awardprompt']) ? trim($_GPC['awardprompt']) : '恭喜您,当前数字是 {LUCKYNUM},获得 {AWARD} 奖品!'; $data = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'luckynumstart' => $_GPC['luckynumstart'], 'luckynumfilter' => $_GPC['luckynumfilter'], 'show_instruction' => $_GPC['show_instruction'], 'time_instruction' => $_GPC['time_instruction'], 'limit_instruction' => $_GPC['limit_instruction'], 'end_instruction' => $_GPC['end_instruction'], 'awardnum_instruction' => $_GPC['awardnum_instruction'], 'award_instruction' => $_GPC['award_instruction'], 'starttime' => strtotime($_GPC['datelimit']['start']), 'endtime' => strtotime($_GPC['datelimit']['end']), 'limittype' => $_GPC['limittype'], 'awardnum' => $_GPC['awardnum'], 'ticketinfo' => $_GPC['ticketinfo'], 'isrealname' => $_GPC['isrealname'], 'ismobile' => $_GPC['ismobile'], 'isqq' => $_GPC['isqq'], 'isemail' => $_GPC['isemail'], 'isaddress' => $_GPC['isaddress'], 'isgender' => $_GPC['isgender'], 'istelephone' => $_GPC['istelephone'], 'isidcard' => $_GPC['isidcard'], 'iscompany' => $_GPC['iscompany'], 'isoccupation' => $_GPC['isoccupation'], 'isposition' => $_GPC['isposition'], 'isfans' => $_GPC['isfans'], 'isfansname' => $_GPC['isfansname'], 'currentprompt' => $currentprompt, 'awardprompt' => $awardprompt, 'sponsors1' => $_GPC['sponsors1'], 'sponsors1link' => $_GPC['sponsors1link'], 'sponsors2' => $_GPC['sponsors2'], 'sponsors2link' => $_GPC['sponsors2link'], 'sponsors3' => $_GPC['sponsors3'], 'sponsors3link' => $_GPC['sponsors3link'], 'sponsors4' => $_GPC['sponsors4'], 'sponsors4link' => $_GPC['sponsors4link'], 'sponsors5' => $_GPC['sponsors5'], 'sponsors5link' => $_GPC['sponsors5link'], 'ruletext' => $_GPC['ruletext'], 'title' => $_GPC['title'], 'shareimg' => $_GPC['shareimg'], 'sharetitle' => $_GPC['sharetitle'], 'sharedesc' => $_GPC['sharedesc']); $id = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('stonefish_luckynum') . " WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid)); //if ($_GPC['shouquan']==$_GPC['we7_ValidCode_server']){ if (empty($id)) { $data['isshow'] = 1; pdo_insert('stonefish_luckynum', $data); } else { pdo_update('stonefish_luckynum', $data, array('id' => $id)); } //} //update if (!empty($_GPC['award_number'])) { foreach ($_GPC['award_number'] as $key => $val) { $update_data = array('numbers' => $_GPC['award_number'][$key], 'title' => $_GPC['award_title'][$key], 'description' => $_GPC['award_desc'][$key]); //if ($_GPC['shouquan']==$_GPC['we7_ValidCode_server']){ pdo_update($this->tablename, $update_data, array('id' => $key)); //} } } //insert if (!empty($_GPC['newaward_number'])) { foreach ($_GPC['newaward_number'] as $key => $val) { $new_data = array('rid' => $rid, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'numbers' => $_GPC['newaward_number'][$key], 'title' => $_GPC['newaward_title'][$key], 'description' => $_GPC['newaward_desc'][$key], 'dateline' => $_W['timestamp']); //if ($_GPC['shouquan']==$_GPC['we7_ValidCode_server']){ pdo_insert($this->tablename, $new_data); //} } } }
public function doWebWishlist() { global $_GPC, $_W; $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']); if (empty($rid)) { message('抱歉,传递的参数错误!', '', 'error'); } $where = ''; $params = array(':rid' => $rid, ':weid' => $_W['uniacid']); if (isset($_GPC['status'])) { $where .= ' and status=:status'; $params[':status'] = $_GPC['status']; } if (!empty($_GPC['keywords'])) { $where .= 'AND `dream` LIKE :keywords'; $params[':keywords'] = "%{$_GPC['keywords']}%"; } $total = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . tablename('dream_wish') . " WHERE rid = :rid and weid=:weid " . $where . "", $params); $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 5; $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); $start = ($pindex - 1) * $psize; $limit .= " LIMIT {$start},{$psize}"; $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT a.* FROM " . tablename('dream_wish') . " a WHERE a.rid = :rid and a.weid=:weid " . $where . " ORDER BY DESC " . $limit, $params); //一些参数的显示 $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->tablename) . " WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid)); $viewnum = $reply['viewnum']; $dreamnum = $reply['dreamnum']; include $this->template('wishlist'); }
public function doMobiledelcomment() { global $_W, $_GPC; $cid = $_GPC['cid']; //$comment=$_GPC['cont']; //将ajax写入comment $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; // $openid=$_W['openid']; // $ulist=$this->auth($uniacid,$openid); //var_dump($ulist); // $data=array( // 'uniacid'=>$uniacid, // 'tid'=>$tid, // 'comment'=>$comment, // 'nickname'=>$ulist['nickname'], // 'cuid'=>$ulist['uid'], // 'createtime'=>TIMESTAMP // ); // pdo_insert('enjoy_circle_comment',$data); $data['tid'] = pdo_fetchcolumn("select tid from " . tablename('enjoy_circle_comment') . " where cid=" . $cid . ""); //删除评论 $res = pdo_delete('enjoy_circle_comment', array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'cid' => $cid)); if ($res > 0) { echo json_encode($data); } }
function travel_article_search($cid, $type = '', $psize = 20, $orderby = 'id DESC') { global $_GPC, $_W; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $result = array(); $condition = " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND "; if (!empty($cid)) { $category = pdo_fetch("SELECT parentid FROM " . tablename('article_category') . " WHERE id = '{$cid}'"); if (!empty($category['parentid'])) { $condition .= "ccate = '{$cid}'"; } else { $condition .= "pcate = '{$cid}'"; } } if (!empty($cid) && !empty($type)) { $condition .= " OR "; } if (!empty($type)) { $type = explode(',', $type); foreach ($type as $item) { $condition .= "type LIKE '%{$item},%'"; } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('travel') . $condition . ' ORDER BY ' . $orderby; $result['list'] = pdo_fetchall($sql . " LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('travel') . $condition); $result['pager'] = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); return $result; }
public function doWebList() { //这个操作被定义用来呈现 管理中心导航菜单 global $_W, $_GPC; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $condition = ''; if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) { $condition .= " AND title LIKE '%{$_GPC['keyword']}%'"; } if (!empty($_GPC['createtime'])) { $c_s = strtotime($_GPC['createtime']['start']); $c_e = strtotime($_GPC['createtime']['end']); $condition .= " AND createtime >= '{$c_s}' AND createtime <= '{$c_e}'"; } if (empty($_GPC['createtime'])) { $c_s = time() - 86400 * 30; $c_e = time() + 84400; } $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('hx_pictorial') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['uniacid']}' {$condition} ORDER BY displayorder DESC, id DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('hx_pictorial') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['uniacid']}' {$condition}"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); if (!empty($list)) { foreach ($list as &$row) { $row['total'] = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('hx_pictorial_photo') . " WHERE pictorialid = :pictorialid", array(':pictorialid' => $row['id'])); } } load()->func('tpl'); include $this->template('list'); }
public function dolist() { global $_GPC, $_W; checklogin(); $weid = intval($_W['weid']); if (checksubmit('verify') && !empty($_GPC['select'])) { pdo_update('message_list', array('isshow' => 1, 'create_time' => TIMESTAMP), " id IN ('" . implode("','", $_GPC['select']) . "')"); message('审核成功!', create_url('site/module', array('do' => 'list', 'name' => 'message', 'weid' => $weid, 'page' => $_GPC['page']))); } if (checksubmit('delete') && !empty($_GPC['select'])) { pdo_delete('message_list', " id IN ('" . implode("','", $_GPC['select']) . "')"); message('删除成功!', create_url('site/module', array('do' => 'list', 'name' => 'message', 'weid' => $weid, 'page' => $_GPC['page']))); } $isshow = isset($_GPC['isshow']) ? intval($_GPC['isshow']) : 0; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $message = pdo_fetch("SELECT id, isshow, weid FROM " . tablename('message_reply') . " WHERE weid = '{$weid}' LIMIT 1"); $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('message_list') . " WHERE weid = '{$message['weid']}' AND isshow = '{$isshow}' ORDER BY create_time DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ",{$psize}"); if (!empty($list)) { $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('message_list') . " WHERE weid = '{$message['weid']}' AND isshow = '{$isshow}'"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); foreach ($list as &$row) { $row['content'] = emotion($row['content']); $userids[] = $row['from_user']; } unset($row); } include $this->template('list'); }
public function respond() { global $_W; $content = $this->message['content']; $from_user = $this->message['from']; $isfill = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT isfill FROM " . tablename('xc_article_article_reply') . " WHERE rid =:rid AND articleid = '0'", array(':rid' => $this->rule)); $reply = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('xc_article_article_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $this->rule)); if (!empty($reply)) { foreach ($reply as $row) { $ids[$row['articleid']] = $row['articleid']; } $article = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id, title, thumb, content, description, linkurl FROM " . tablename('xc_article_article') . " WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")", array(), 'id'); } if ($isfill && ($count = 8 - count($reply)) > 0) { $articlefill = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id, title, thumb, content, description, linkurl FROM " . tablename('xc_article_article') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ") ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$count}", array(), 'id'); if (!empty($articlefill)) { foreach ($articlefill as $row) { $article[$row['id']] = $row; $reply[]['articleid'] = $row['id']; } unset($articlefill); } } if (!empty($reply)) { $response = array(); foreach ($reply as $row) { $row = $article[$row['articleid']]; if (!empty($row)) { $response[] = array('title' => htmlspecialchars_decode($row['title']), 'description' => htmlspecialchars_decode($row['description']), 'picurl' => $row['thumb'], 'url' => $this->buildSiteUrl($this->createMobileUrl('detail', array('id' => $row['id'], 'shareby' => $from_user, 'track_type' => 'click', 'linkurl' => $row['linkurl'])))); } } } return $this->respNews($response); }
function site_article($params = array()) { global $_GPC, $_W; extract($params); $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $result = array(); $condition = " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}'"; if (!empty($cid)) { $category = pdo_fetch("SELECT parentid FROM " . tablename('article_category') . " WHERE id = '{$cid}'"); if (!empty($category['parentid'])) { $condition .= " AND ccate = '{$cid}'"; } else { $condition .= " AND pcate = '{$cid}'"; } } if ($iscommend == 'true') { $condition .= " AND iscommend = '1'"; } if ($ishot == 'true') { $condition .= " AND ishot = '1'"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('article') . $condition . ' ORDER BY id DESC'; $result['list'] = pdo_fetchall($sql . " LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('article') . $condition); $result['pager'] = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); if (!empty($result['list'])) { foreach ($result['list'] as &$row) { $row['url'] = create_url('mobile/module/detail', array('name' => 'site', 'id' => $row['id'], 'weid' => $_W['weid'])); } } return $result; }
/** * 取出缓存的单条数据 * @param 缓存键名,多个层级或分组请使用:隔开 * @return mixed */ function cache_read($key) { $sql = 'SELECT `value` FROM ' . tablename('cache') . ' WHERE `key`=:key'; $params = array(); $params[':key'] = $key; $val = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, $params); return iunserializer($val); }
public function doWebList() { global $_GPC, $_W; $uniacid = $_W["uniacid"]; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $where = ""; $mark = $_GPC['mark']; $keyword = $_GPC['keyword']; if (!empty($mark)) { $where .= " AND mark = '{$mark}'"; } if (!empty($keyword)) { $where .= " AND title like '%{$keyword}%'"; } if (!empty($_GPC['Deleteall']) && !empty($_GPC['select'])) { foreach ($_GPC['select'] as $k => $v) { pdo_delete('hx_dialect_questions', array('id' => $v, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); } message('成功删除选中的防伪码!', referer(), 'success'); } if (!empty($_GPC['Frozenall']) && !empty($_GPC['select'])) { foreach ($_GPC['select'] as $k => $v) { pdo_update('securitys_data', array('status' => 0), array('id' => $v, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); } message('成功冻结选中的防伪码!', referer(), 'success'); } $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * from " . tablename('hx_dialect_questions') . " where uniacid='{$uniacid}' {$where} order by id asc LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) from " . tablename('hx_dialect_questions') . " where uniacid='{$uniacid}' {$where} order by id asc"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); load()->func('tpl'); include $this->template('list'); }
private function getShowID() { global $_W; $sql = 'select showID from ' . tablename('ice_picWallMain') . ' where uniacid = :uniacid order by showID DESC'; $result = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']), 0) + 1; return $result; }
public function doMobileIndex() { global $_W, $_GPC; checkauth(); $fromuser = fans_require($_W['fans']['from_user'], array('nickname', 'mobile'), '需要完善资料后才能玩.'); $rid = $_GPC['rid']; $follow = fans_search($_W['fans']['from_user'], array('follow')); if ($follow['follow'] == 1) { if (intval($_GPC['id'])) { $score = pdo_fetchcolumn("select score from" . tablename('bj_tgame_user') . "where rid =" . $rid . ".and from_user ='******'from_user'] . "'"); if ($score < $_GPC['score']) { $update = array('score' => $_GPC['score'], 'realname' => $fromuser['nickname']); $score = $_GPC['score']; pdo_update('bj_tgame_user', $update, array('id' => $_GPC['id'], 'weid' => $_W['weid'])); } message($score, '', 'ajax'); } $from_user = pdo_fetch("select id from_user, rid from" . tablename('bj_tgame_user') . "where from_user ='******'from_user'] . "'"); if (empty($from_user['from_user'])) { $insert = array('id' => $_GPC['id'], 'weid' => $_W['weid'], 'rid' => $rid, 'from_user' => $fromuser['from_user'], 'realname' => $fromuser['nickname'], 'score' => 0); pdo_insert('bj_tgame_user', $insert); } //$from_user = pdo_fetch("select id, rid from".tablename('bj_tgame_user')."where from_user ='******'from_user']. "'"); if ($from_user['rid'] != $rid) { $update = array('rid' => $rid); pdo_update('bj_tgame_user', $update, array('id' => $from_user['id'])); } $realname = $fromuser['nickname']; $user = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('bj_tgame_user') . "where rid =" . $rid . ".and from_user ='******'from_user'] . "'"); } $set = pdo_fetch("select * from" . tablename('bj_tgame_reply') . "where rid =" . $rid); include $this->template('index'); }
public function doWebDisplay() { global $_W, $_GPC; if (empty($_GPC['do'])) { $_GPC['do'] = 'display'; } $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $condition = ''; if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) { $condition .= " AND title LIKE '%{$_GPC['keyword']}%'"; } if (is_array($_GPC['industry'])) { if (!empty($_GPC['industry']['parent'])) { $condition .= " AND industry1 = '{$_GPC['industry']['parent']}'"; } if (!empty($_GPC['industry']['child'])) { $condition .= " AND industry2 = '{$_GPC['industry']['child']}'"; } } $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('business') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' {$condition} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('business') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' {$condition}"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); include $this->template('display'); }
public function all_list($params = array()) { global $_GPC, $_W; extract($params); $result = array(); $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = $psize ? $psize : '20'; $where = "WHERE `uniacid` = :uniacid AND ischeck=:ischeck"; $paras = array(); $paras[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $paras[':ischeck'] = intval($ischeck); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('qiyue_canvas') . $where . ' ORDER BY createtime DESC, id DESC'; $result['list'] = pdo_fetchall($sql . " LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize, $paras); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('qiyue_canvas') . $where, $paras); if ($_W['isajax']) { $context['ajaxcallback'] = 1; $result['pager'] = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize, '', $context); } else { $result['pager'] = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); } if (!empty($result['list'])) { foreach ($result['list'] as &$row) { $row['url'] = url('mobile/module/index', array('name' => 'site', 'id' => $row['id'], 'weid' => $_W['weid'])); } } return $result; }
public function respond() { global $_W; $content = $this->message['content']; //这里定义此模块进行消息处理时的具体过程, 请查看WORMWOOD文档来编写你的代码 $isfill = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT isfill FROM " . tablename('feng_testingreply') . " WHERE rid =:rid AND testingid = '0'", array(':rid' => $this->rule)); $reply = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('feng_testingreply') . " WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $this->rule)); if (!empty($reply)) { foreach ($reply as $row) { $ids[$row['testingid']] = $row['testingid']; } $article = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id,title,photo,smalltext FROM " . tablename('feng_testing') . " WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")", array(), 'id'); } if ($isfill && ($count = 8 - count($reply)) > 0) { $articlefill = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id,title,photo,smalltext FROM " . tablename('feng_testing') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' AND id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ") ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$count}", array(), 'id'); if (!empty($articlefill)) { foreach ($articlefill as $row) { $article[$row['id']] = $row; $reply[]['testingid'] = $row['id']; } unset($articlefill); } } if (!empty($reply)) { $response = array(); foreach ($reply as $row) { $row = $article[$row['testingid']]; if (!empty($row)) { $response[] = array('title' => $row['title'], 'description' => $row['description'], 'picurl' => $row['thumb'], 'url' => $this->buildSiteUrl($this->createMobileUrl('detail', array('id' => $row['id'])))); } } } return $this->respNews($response); }
public function receive() { global $_W, $_GPC; $type = $this->message['type']; $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; $acid = $_W['acid']; $openid = $this->message['from']; $event = $this->message['event']; $cfg = $this->module['config']; file_put_contents(IA_ROOT . '/addons/fm_photosvote/test/fm_test.txt', iserializer($event)); if ($event == 'unsubscribe') { $record = array('updatetime' => TIMESTAMP, 'follow' => '0', 'unfollowtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', $record, array('openid' => $openid, 'acid' => $acid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); if ($cfg['isopenjsps']) { $fmvotelog = pdo_fetchall("SELECT tfrom_user FROM " . tablename('fm_photosvote_votelog') . " WHERE from_user = :from_user and uniacid = :uniacid LIMIT 1", array(':from_user' => $openid, ':uniacid' => $uniacid)); foreach ($fmvotelog as $log) { $fmprovevote = pdo_fetch("SELECT photosnum,hits FROM " . tablename('fm_photosvote_provevote') . " WHERE from_user = :from_user and uniacid = :uniacid LIMIT 1", array(':from_user' => $log['tfrom_user'], ':uniacid' => $uniacid)); pdo_update('fm_photosvote_provevote', array('lasttime' => TIMESTAMP, 'photosnum' => $fmprovevote['photosnum'] - 1, 'hits' => $fmprovevote['hits'] - 1), array('from_user' => $log['tfrom_user'], 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); } pdo_delete('fm_photosvote_votelog', array('from_user' => $openid)); pdo_delete('fm_photosvote_bbsreply', array('from_user' => $openid)); } } elseif ($event == 'subscribe') { if ($cfg['oauthtype'] == 2) { $wechats = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('account_wechats') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid ", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $token = iunserializer($wechats['access_token']); $arrlog = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND openid = :openid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':openid' => $openid)); $access_token = $token['token']; $expire = $token['expire']; if (time() >= $expire || empty($access_token)) { $url = "" . $wechats['key'] . "&secret=" . $wechats['secret']; $html = file_get_contents($url); $arr = json_decode($html, true); $access_token = $arr['access_token']; $record = array(); $record['token'] = $access_token; $record['expire'] = time() + 3600; $row = array(); $row['access_token'] = iserializer($record); pdo_update('account_wechats', $row, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); } $url = "" . $access_token . "&openid=" . $openid . "&lang=zh_CN"; $html = file_get_contents($url); $re = @json_decode($html, true); if (!empty($arrlog)) { $data = array('nickname' => $re['nickname'], 'unionid' => $re['unionid']); pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', $data, array('openid' => $openid)); } else { $default_groupid = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT groupid FROM ' . tablename('mc_groups') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND isdefault = 1', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $nickname = $re['nickname']; $data = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'nickname' => $re['nickname'], 'avatar' => $re['headimgurl'], 'groupid' => $default_groupid, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); pdo_insert('mc_members', $data); $id = pdo_insertid(); $data = array('nickname' => $re['nickname'], 'unionid' => $re['unionid'], 'uid' => $id); pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', $data, array('openid' => $openid)); } } } }
/** * 品牌管理 */ public function doWebBrand() { global $_W, $_GPC; $operation = !empty($_GPC['op']) ? $_GPC['op'] : 'display'; if ($operation == 'edit') { // 添加或编辑 $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (!empty($id)) { $item = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_brand) . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id)); if (empty($item)) { message('抱歉,品牌删除或不存在!', '', 'error'); } } if (checksubmit('bname')) { if (empty($_GPC['bname'])) { message('请输入品牌名称!'); } if (empty($_GPC['btnName'])) { message('请输入自定义按钮名称!'); } if (empty($_GPC['btnUrl'])) { message('请输入自定义 链接地址!'); } if (empty($_GPC['pic'])) { message('请输入品牌背景!'); } if (empty($_GPC['intro'])) { message('请输入品牌介绍'); } if (empty($_GPC['tel'])) { message('请输入联系电话'); } $data = array('weid' => $_W['weid'], 'bname' => $_GPC['bname'], 'intro' => htmlspecialchars_decode($_GPC['intro']), 'video_name' => $_GPC['video_name'], 'video_url' => $_GPC['video_url'], 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP, 'pptname' => $_GPC['pptname'], 'ppt1' => $_GPC['ppt1'], 'ppt2' => $_GPC['ppt2'], 'ppt3' => $_GPC['ppt3'], 'pic' => $_GPC['pic'], 'tel' => $_GPC['tel'], 'btnName' => $_GPC['btnName'], 'btnUrl' => $_GPC['btnUrl'], 'showMsg' => $_GPC['showMsg']); if (!empty($id)) { pdo_update($this->table_brand, $data, array('id' => $id)); } else { pdo_insert($this->table_brand, $data); } message('更新微品牌成功!', create_url('site/module/brand', array('name' => 'brand', 'op' => 'display')), 'success'); } } elseif ($operation == 'display') { $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_brand) . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' ORDER BY createtime DESC, id DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename($this->table_brand) . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}'"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); } elseif ($operation == 'delete') { $id = intval($_GPC['id']); pdo_delete($this->table_brand_image, array('bid' => $id)); // 删除说明项 pdo_delete($this->table_brand_note, array('bid' => $id)); // 删除产品 pdo_delete($this->table_brand_product, array('bid' => $id)); // 删除活动 pdo_delete($this->table_brand, array('id' => $id)); message('删除成功!', referer(), 'success'); } include $this->template('brand'); }
public function settingsDisplay($settings) { global $_W, $_GPC; load()->func('file'); $_W['page']['title'] = '签文参数设置'; if ($_W['isajax'] && $_GPC['op'] == 'delete' && $_GPC['filename']) { file_delete($_GPC['filename']); exit('ok'); } if (checksubmit()) { // 配置 $dat = $_GPC['add']; $dat['imgUrl'] = $_GPC['imgUrl']; $this->saveSettings($dat); // 签文 $qian = $_GPC['qian']; $f_exp = "::::::"; $r_exp = PHP_EOL; $morepic = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($qian['filename']); $i++) { //替换非法字符 $name = str_replace($f_exp, "", $qian['title'][$i]); $name = str_replace($r_exp, "", $name); $pic = str_replace($f_exp, "", $qian['filename'][$i]); $pic = str_replace($r_exp, "", $pic); if ($pic) { $morepic .= $pic . $f_exp . $name . $r_exp; } } // 去掉最后的字符 // $morepic = substr($morepic,0,strlen($morepic)-2); $morepic = trim($morepic); $check = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('qiyue_qiuqian') . " WHERE uniacid=:uniacid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); if ($check) { pdo_update('qiyue_qiuqian', array('morepic' => $morepic), array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); } else { $add['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $add['morepic'] = $morepic; pdo_insert('qiyue_qiuqian', $add); } message('设置成功', 'referer', 'success'); } if (empty($settings)) { $settings = array('title' => '新年祈福签', 'desc' => '我在' . $_W['account']['name'] . '求了一支新年签,你也来吧!', 'imgUrl' => tomedia('./addons/qiuqian/icon.jpg')); } $qian_r = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('qiyue_qiuqian') . " WHERE uniacid=:uniacid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'])); $morepic = array(); if ($qian_r['morepic']) { $f_exp = "::::::"; $r_exp = PHP_EOL; $rr = explode($r_exp, $qian_r['morepic']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($rr); $i++) { $fr = explode($f_exp, $rr[$i]); $morepic[] = array('title' => $fr['1'], 'filename' => $fr['0']); } unset($qian_r['morepic']); } include $this->template('setting'); }
public function respond() { global $_W; $rid = $this->rule; $sql = "SELECT `mediaid` FROM " . tablename('images_reply') . " WHERE `rid`=:rid"; $mediaid = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, array(':rid' => $rid)); return $this->respImage($mediaid); }
public function get($weid, $modulename) { $settings = null; $result = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT settings FROM " . tablename(self::$t_module) . " WHERE uniacid= :weid AND module= :name LIMIT 1", array(':name' => $modulename, ':weid' => $weid)); if (!empty($result)) { $settings = iunserializer($result); } return $settings; }
public function fieldsFormDisplay($rid = 0) { global $_W, $_GPC; if (!empty($rid)) { $reid = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT reid FROM " . tablename('multisearch_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid)); $item = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('multisearch') . " WHERE id = '{$reid}'"); } include $this->template('rule'); }
public function fieldsFormDisplay($rid = 0) { global $_W; $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; load()->func('tpl'); $creditnames = array(); $unisettings = uni_setting($uniacid, array('creditnames')); foreach ($unisettings['creditnames'] as $key => $credit) { if (!empty($credit['enabled'])) { $creditnames[$key] = $credit['title']; } } if (!empty($rid)) { $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_planting_reply') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); $share = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_planting_share') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); $prize = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_planting_prize') . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` asc", array(':rid' => $rid)); //查询奖品是否可以删除 foreach ($prize as $mid => $prizes) { $prize[$mid]['fans'] = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('stonefish_planting_award') . " WHERE prizetype = :prizeid", array(':prizeid' => $prizes['id'])); $prize[$mid]['delete_url'] = $this->createWebUrl('deleteprize', array('rid' => $rid, 'id' => $prizes['id'])); } //查询奖品是否可以删除 } $seed = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('stonefish_planting_seed') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid Or uniacid = 0 ORDER BY `id` asc", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid)); if (!$reply) { $now = time(); $reply = array("title" => "种值活动开始了!", "start_picurl" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/start.jpg", "description" => "欢迎参加种值活动", "repeat_lottery_reply" => "亲,继续努力哦~~", "ticket_information" => "请用力摇晃你的手机抽奖", "starttime" => $now, "endtime" => strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i", $now + 7 * 24 * 3600)), "end_theme" => "种值活动已经结束了", "end_instruction" => "亲,活动已经结束,请继续关注我们的后续活动哦~", "end_picurl" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/end.jpg", "homepic" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/home.jpg", "adpic" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/banner.png", "award_times" => 1, "credit_times" => 5, "show_num" => 2, "awardnum" => 50, "xuninum" => 500, "xuninumtime" => 86400, "xuninuminitial" => 10, "xuninumending" => 100, "ticketinfo" => "请输入详细资料,兑换奖品", "isrealname" => 1, "ismobile" => 1, "isfans" => 1, "isfansname" => "真实姓名,手机号码,QQ号,邮箱,地址,性别,固定电话,证件号码,公司名称,职业,职位", "homepictime" => 0); } else { $reply['notawardtext'] = implode("\n", (array) iunserializer($reply['notawardtext'])); } //print_r(uni_modules($enabledOnly = true)); //exit; //查询是否有商户网点权限 $modules = uni_modules($enabledOnly = true); $modules_arr = array(); $modules_arr = array_reduce($modules, create_function('$v,$w', '$v[$w["mid"]]=$w["name"];return $v;')); if (in_array('stonefish_branch', $modules_arr)) { $stonefish_branch = true; } //查询是否有商户网点权限 //查询子公众号信息 $acid_arr = uni_accounts(); $ids = array(); $ids = array_map('array_shift', $acid_arr); //子公众账号Arr数组 $ids_num = count($ids); //多少个子公众账号 $one = current($ids); //查询子公众号信息 if (!$share) { $share = array(); foreach ($ids as $acid => $idlists) { $share[$acid] = array("acid" => $acid, "share_url" => $acid_arr[$acid]['subscribeurl'], "share_title" => "已有#参与人数#人参与本活动了,你的朋友#参与人# 还中了大奖:#奖品#,请您也来试试吧!", "share_desc" => "亲,欢迎参加种值活动,祝您好运哦!! 亲,需要绑定账号才可以参加哦", "share_picurl" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/share.png", "share_pic" => "../addons/stonefish_planting/template/images/img_share.png", "sharenumtype" => 0, "sharenum" => 0, "sharetype" => 1); } } include $this->template('form'); }
public function doWebDisplay() { global $_W, $_GPC; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 10; $condition = ''; if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) { $condition .= " AND title LIKE '%{$_GPC['keyword']}%'"; } if (is_array($_GPC['industry'])) { if (!empty($_GPC['industry']['parent'])) { $condition .= " AND industry1 = '{$_GPC['industry']['parent']}'"; } if (!empty($_GPC['industry']['child'])) { $condition .= " AND industry2 = '{$_GPC['industry']['child']}'"; } } $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('business') . ' WHERE `weid` = :weid ' . $condition; $params = array(':weid' => $_W['uniacid']); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, $params); if ($total > 0) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('business') . ' WHERE `weid` = :weid ' . $condition . ' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT ' . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize; $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); } if (!empty($_GPC['export'])) { /* 输入到CSV文件 */ $html = ""; /* 输出表头 */ $filter = array('title' => '名称', 'phone' => '电话', 'address' => '地址', 'industry1' => '行业'); foreach ($filter as $key => $value) { $html .= $value . "\t,"; } $html .= "\n"; $key_array = array_keys($filter); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { foreach ($v as $k1 => $v1) { if (in_array($k1, $key_array)) { if ($k1 == 'createtime' || $k1 == 'dateline') { $html .= date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v1) . "\t ,"; } else { $html .= $v1 . "\t,"; } } } $html .= "\n"; } /* 输出CSV文件 */ header("Content-type:text/csv"); header("Content-Disposition:attachment; filename=全部数据.csv"); echo $html; exit; } load()->func('tpl'); include $this->template('display'); }
public function respond() { global $_W; $rid = $this->rule; //$content = $this->message['content']; $openid = $this->message['from']; load()->model('mc'); $uid = mc_openid2uid($openid); $row = pdo_fetch("SELECT awardprompt,currentprompt,floorprompt,setting FROM " . tablename('superman_floor') . " WHERE rid={$rid}"); $rule_name = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT name FROM " . tablename('rule') . " WHERE id={$rid}"); if ($row) { $setting = unserialize($row['setting']); if (!$setting['repeat_floor']) { $floor = $this->get_floor(); if ($floor) { $result = str_replace('{RULENAME}', $rule_name, $row['floorprompt']); $result = str_replace('{FLOOR}', $floor['id'], $result); $result = str_replace('{TIME}', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $floor['dateline']), $result); $winninginfo = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('winninginfo', array('rid' => $rid)); //return $this->respText($result); $news = array(array('title' => '您已参与过本活动!', 'description' => $result, 'picurl' => '', 'url' => $winninginfo)); return $this->respNews($news); } } } $new_data = array('dateline' => $_W['timestamp'], 'openid' => $openid); pdo_insert("superman_floor_{$rid}", $new_data, false); $new_id = pdo_insertid(); if ($new_id <= 0) { return $this->respText('系统异常,请稍后重试!'); } $awards = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('superman_floor_award') . " WHERE rid={$rid}"); $prompt = pdo_fetch("SELECT awardprompt,currentprompt,floorprompt,setting FROM " . tablename('superman_floor') . " WHERE rid={$rid}"); if ($awards) { foreach ($awards as $item) { $floors = explode(',', $item['floors']); if (in_array($new_id, $floors)) { $new_data = array('rid' => $rid, 'floor' => $new_id, 'uid' => $uid, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'openid' => $openid, 'award_id' => $item['id'], 'ip' => $_W['clientip'], 'dateline' => $_W['timestamp']); pdo_insert('superman_floor_winner', $new_data); $winner_id = pdo_insertid(); $result = str_replace('{RULENAME}', $rule_name, $row['awardprompt']); $result = str_replace('{FLOOR}', $new_id, $result); $result = str_replace('{AWARD}', $item['title'], $result); $result = str_replace('{DESCRIPTION}', $item['description'], $result); $url = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('infosubmit', array('_x' => superman_authcode("{$rid}|{$winner_id}|{$openid}", 'ENCODE'), 'rid' => $rid)); $winninginfo = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('winninginfo', array('rid' => $rid)); $news = array(array('title' => '恭喜您,获得' . $item['title'] . '!', 'description' => $result, 'picurl' => '', 'url' => $url)); return $this->respNews($news); } } } $result = str_replace('{RULENAME}', $rule_name, $row['currentprompt']); $result = str_replace('{FLOOR}', $new_id, $result); $winninginfo = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . $this->createMobileUrl('winninginfo', array('rid' => $rid)); $news = array(array('title' => '未中奖,再接再厉!', 'description' => $result, 'picurl' => '', 'url' => $winninginfo)); return $this->respNews($news); }
public function doMobileWish() { global $_GPC, $_W; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 8; $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('wish') . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ' . tablename('wish')); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); include $this->template('wish'); }