function Add($title) { global $current_adminer_id, $G; $title = pb_strip_spaces(strip_tags($title)); $exists = $this->checkTagExists($title); $closed = 1; //invisible if (isset($G['setting']['tag_check']) && $G['setting']['tag_check'] == 0) { $closed = 0; } if ($exists) { $this->dbstuff->Execute("UPDATE " . $this->table_prefix . "tags SET numbers=numbers+1 WHERE id=" . $this->id); return false; } else { if (!empty($current_adminer_id)) { $member_id = $current_adminer_id; } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['MemberID'])) { $member_id = $_SESSION['MemberID']; } else { $member_id = 0; } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->table_prefix . "tags (member_id,name,numbers,closed,created,modified) VALUE ('" . $member_id . "','" . $title . "',1,'" . $closed . "'," . $this->timestamp . "," . $this->timestamp . ")"; return $this->dbstuff->Execute($sql); } }
function Add($title, $closed = 0) { $title = pb_strip_spaces(strip_tags($title)); $exists = $this->checkTagExists($title); if ($exists) { $this->dbstuff->Execute("UPDATE " . $this->table_prefix . "tags SET numbers=numbers+1 WHERE id=" . $this->id); return false; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->table_prefix . "tags (name,closed,created) VALUE ('" . $title . "','" . $closed . "'," . $this->timestamp . ")"; return $this->dbstuff->Execute($sql); } }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_brand($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { $conditions = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "brand"; } if (class_exists("Brands")) { $brand = new Brands(); $brand_controller = new Brand(); } else { uses("brand"); $brand = new Brands(); $brand_controller = new Brand(); } if (isset($params['type'])) { $type = explode(",", $params['type']); $type = array_unique($type); foreach ($type as $val) { switch ($val) { case 'image': $conditions[] = "picture!=''"; break; case 'hot': $orderbys[] = "hits DESC"; break; case 'commend': $conditions[] = "if_commend='1'"; break; default: break; } } } if (isset($params['companyid'])) { $conditions[] = "b.company_id=" . $params['companyid']; } if (isset($params['memberid'])) { $conditions[] = "b.member_id=" . $params['memberid']; } if (isset($params['typeid'])) { $conditions[] = "b.type_id=" . $params['typeid']; } if (isset($params['removal'])) { $conditions[] = "!=" . $params['removal']; } $orderby = null; if (!empty($orderbys)) { $orderby .= " ORDER BY " . implode(",", $orderbys); } if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby = " ORDER BY " . implode(",", array(trim($params['orderby']), $orderby)) . " "; } if (empty($orderby)) { $orderby = " ORDER BY id DESC "; } $brand->setCondition($conditions); $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $brand->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $sql = "SELECT id,name,name as title,picture,alias_name,description,description as content FROM {$brand->table_prefix}brands b " . $brand->getCondition() . "{$orderby}" . $brand->getLimitOffset(); if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $brand->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $url = $brand->getPermaLink($item['id']); $item['url'] = $url; $item['content'] = strip_tags($item['content']); if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($item['name']), 0, $params['titlelen']); } $item['link'] = '<a title="' . $item['name'] . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; if (isset($params['infolen'])) { if (isset($item['content'])) { $item['content'] = mb_substr(pb_strip_spaces($item['description']), 0, $params['infolen']); } } $item['src'] = $item['thumb'] = "attachment/" . $item['picture'] . ".small.jpg"; $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
function setMetaDescription($meta_description) { $this->metaDescription = mb_substr(pb_strip_spaces(strip_tags(pb_lang_split($meta_description))), 0, 100); }
function setMetaDescription($meta_description) { $this->metaDescription = pb_strip_spaces(strip_tags($meta_description)); }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_fair($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { global $rewrite_able; $conditions = $orderby = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "fair"; } require CACHE_PATH . "cache_type.php"; require CACHE_PATH . "cache_area.php"; if (class_exists("Expos")) { $fair = new Expos(); $fair_controller = new Expo(); } else { uses("expo"); $fair_controller = new Expo(); $fair = new Expos(); } $conditions[] = "status=1"; if (isset($params['id'])) { $conditions[] = "id=" . $params['id']; } if (isset($params['type'])) { $type = explode(",", $params['type']); $type = array_unique($type); foreach ($type as $val) { switch ($val) { case 'image': $conditions[] = "picture!=''"; break; case 'commend': $conditions[] = "if_commend>0"; break; case 'hot': $orderby[] = "hits DESC"; default: break; } } } if (!empty($_GET['industryid'])) { $conditions['industry'] = "industry_id=" . intval($_GET['industryid']); } if (!empty($_GET['areaid'])) { $conditions['area'] = "area_id=" . intval($_GET['areaid']); } if (isset($params['typeid'])) { $conditions[] = "expotype_id=" . $params['typeid']; } if (isset($params['expday'])) { $conditions[] = "end_time<'" . ($params['expday'] * 86400 + $fair->time_stamp) . "'"; } if (isset($params['subday'])) { $conditions[] = "begin_time>'" . ($fair->time_stamp - $params['subday'] * 86400) . "'"; } if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby[] = trim($params['orderby']); } else { $orderby[] = "id DESC"; } $fair->setOrderby($orderby); $fair->setCondition($conditions); $orderby = null; $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $fair->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $mysql_limit = $fair->getLimitOffset(); if (isset($params['limit'])) { $mysql_limit = " " . trim($params['limit']); } $sql = "SELECT *,name AS title,description as content FROM {$fair->table_prefix}expos " . $fair->getCondition() . $fair->getOrderby() . $mysql_limit; if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $fair->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $url = $fair->getPermaLink($item['id'], null, 'fair'); $item['url'] = $url; $item['rownum'] = $key; $item['content'] = strip_tags($item['content']); if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($item['name']), 0, $params['titlelen']); } if (!$item['begin_time']) { $item['pubdate'] = L("invalid_datetime"); } else { $item['pubdate'] = df($item['begin_time']); } $image_type = isset($params['imagetype']) ? trim($params['imagetype']) : "small"; $item['thumb'] = $item['src'] = empty($item['picture']) ? pb_get_attachmenturl('', '', $image_type) : pb_get_attachmenturl($item['picture'], '', $image_type); $item['link'] = '<a title="' . strip_tags($item['name']) . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; if (isset($params['infolen'])) { if (isset($item['content'])) { $item['content'] = mb_substr(pb_strip_spaces($item['content']), 0, $params['infolen']) . "..."; } } $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_companynews($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "companynews"; } if (class_exists("Companynews")) { $companynews = new Companynewses(); $companynews_controller = new Companynews(); } else { uses("companynews"); $companynews = new Companynewses(); $companynews_controller = new Companynews(); } if (class_exists("Space")) { $space_controller = new Space(); } else { uses("space"); $space_controller = new Space(); } $conditions = array(); $orderby = array(); $conditions[] = "cn.status=1"; if (isset($params['type'])) { $type = explode(",", $params['type']); $type = array_unique($type); foreach ($type as $val) { switch ($val) { case 'image': $conditions[] = "cn.picture!=''"; break; case 'hot': $orderby[] = 'clicked DESC'; default: break; } } } if (isset($params['tag'])) { $conditions[] = "cn.title like '%" . $params['tag'] . "%'"; } if (!empty($params['companyid'])) { $conditions[] = "cn.company_id='" . $params['companyid'] . "'"; } if (!empty($params['memberid'])) { $conditions[] = "cn.member_id='" . $params['memberid'] . "'"; } if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby[] = trim($params['orderby']); } else { $orderby[] = " DESC "; } $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } if (isset($_GET['pos'])) { $offset = intval($_GET['pos']); } $companynews->setOrderby($orderby); $companynews->setCondition($conditions); $companynews->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $sql = "SELECT,cn.company_id,cn.title as fulltitle,cn.title,cn.picture,cn.created,cn.content as fullcontent,cn.content,m.username AS userid FROM {$companynews->table_prefix}companynewses cn LEFT JOIN {$companynews->table_prefix}members m ON " . $companynews->getCondition() . $companynews->getOrderby() . $companynews->getLimitOffset(); if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $companynews->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $space_controller->setBaseUrlByUserId($item['userid'], "news"); $url = $space_controller->rewriteDetail("news", $item['id']); $item['url'] = $url; $item['content'] = strip_tags($item['content']); if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($item['title']), 0, $params['titlelen']); } $item['link'] = '<a title="' . strip_tags($item['subject']) . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; if (isset($params['infolen'])) { if (isset($item['content'])) { $item['content'] = mb_substr(pb_strip_spaces($item['content']), 0, $params['infolen']); } } $item['thumb'] = $item['src'] = "attachment/" . $item['picture'] . ".small.jpg"; $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_news($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { $conditions = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "news"; } if (class_exists("News")) { $news = new Newses(); $news_controller = new News(); } else { uses("news"); $news = new Newses(); $news_controller = new News(); } $orderby = array(); require CACHE_PATH . "cache_type.php"; $conditions[] = "n.status=1"; if (isset($params['type'])) { $type = explode(",", $params['type']); $type = array_unique($type); foreach ($type as $val) { switch ($val) { case 'image': $conditions[] = "n.picture!=''"; break; case 'commend': $conditions[] = "if_commend>0"; break; case 'hot': $orderby[] = 'clicked DESC'; break; case 'focus': $conditions[] = "n.if_focus='1'"; break; default: break; } } } if (isset($params['flag'])) { $conditions[] = "n.flag='" . $params['flag'] . "'"; } if (isset($params['tag'])) { $conditions[] = "n.title like '%" . $params['tag'] . "%'"; } if (!empty($params['typeid'])) { $conditions[] = "n.type_id=" . $params['typeid']; } if (!empty($params['id'])) { $conditions[] = "'" . $params['id'] . "'"; } if (!empty($params['dateline'])) { $dates = explode("-", $params['dateline']); $time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates[1], $dates[2], $dates[0]); $conditions[] = "n.created>'" . $time_from . "'"; } if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby[] = trim($params['orderby']); } else { $orderby[] = "id DESC "; } if (!empty($params['industryid'])) { $conditions['industry'] = "n.industry_id='" . $params['industryid'] . "'"; } if (!empty($params['areaid'])) { $conditions['area'] = "n.area_id='" . $params['areaid'] . "'"; } if (!empty($_GET['industryid'])) { $conditions['industry'] = "n.industry_id=" . intval($_GET['industryid']); } if (!empty($_GET['areaid'])) { $conditions['area'] = "n.area_id=" . intval($_GET['areaid']); } $news->setOrderby($orderby); $news->setCondition($conditions); $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $news->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $mysql_limit = $news->getLimitOffset(); if (isset($params['limit'])) { $mysql_limit = " " . trim($params['limit']); } $sql = "SELECT *,title as fulltitle,content as fullcontent FROM {$news->table_prefix}newses n " . $news->getCondition() . $news->getOrderby() . $mysql_limit; if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $news->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $item['rownum'] = $key; $url = $news->getPermaLink($item['id']); $item['url'] = $url; $item['content'] = strip_tags($item['content']); if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($item['title']), 0, $params['titlelen']); } $image_type = isset($params['imagetype']) ? trim($params['imagetype']) : "small"; $item['thumb'] = empty($item['picture']) ? pb_get_attachmenturl('', '', $image_type) : pb_get_attachmenturl($item['picture'], '', $image_type); $item['src'] = $item['thumb']; $item['link'] = '<a title="' . strip_tags($item['fulltitle']) . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; if (isset($params['infolen'])) { if (isset($item['content'])) { $item['content'] = mb_substr(pb_strip_spaces($item['content']), 0, $params['infolen']); } } $item['typename'] = $item['type_id'] ? $_PB_CACHE['newstype'][$item['type_id']] : L("undefined_sort", "tpl"); $item['pubdate'] = df($item['created']); $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_job($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { $conditions = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "job"; } if (class_exists("Jobs")) { $job = new Jobs(); } else { uses("job"); $job = new Jobs(); } if (!class_exists('Space')) { uses("space"); } $space_controller = new Space(); if (isset($params['companyid'])) { $conditions[] = "company_id=" . $params['companyid']; } if (isset($params['status'])) { $conditions[] = "j.status='" . $params['status'] . "'"; } if (isset($params['memberid'])) { $conditions[] = "member_id=" . $params['memberid']; } if (isset($params['id'])) { $conditions[] = "" . $params['id']; } $orderby = null; if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby = " ORDER BY " . trim($params['orderby']) . " "; } else { $orderby = " ORDER BY id DESC"; } $job->setCondition($conditions); $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $job->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $sql = "SELECT,j.content,, as title, AS companyname,c.cache_spacename AS userid FROM {$job->table_prefix}jobs j LEFT JOIN {$job->table_prefix}companies c ON " . $job->getCondition() . "{$orderby}" . $job->getLimitOffset(); if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $job->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $space_controller->setBaseUrlByUserId($item['userid'], "job"); $url = $space_controller->rewriteDetail("job", $item['id']); $item['url'] = $url; $item['space_url'] = $space_controller->rewrite($item['userid'], $item['company_id']); $item['content'] = strip_tags($item['content']); if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($item['title']), 0, $params['titlelen']); } $item['link'] = '<a title="' . strip_tags($item['name']) . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; if (isset($params['infolen'])) { if (isset($item['content'])) { $item['content'] = mb_substr(pb_strip_spaces($item['content']), 0, $params['infolen']); } } $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_market($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { $conditions = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "market"; } if (class_exists("Markets")) { $market = new Markets(); $market_controller = new Market(); } else { uses("market"); $market = new Markets(); $market_controller = new Market(); } if (isset($params['type'])) { $type = explode(",", $params['type']); $type = array_unique($type); foreach ($type as $val) { switch ($val) { case 'image': $conditions[] = "picture!=''"; break; case 'commend': $conditions[] = "if_commend>0"; break; default: break; } } } if (isset($params['areaid'])) { $conditions[] = "area_id=" . $params['areaid']; } if (isset($params['industryid'])) { $conditions[] = "industry_id=" . $params['industryid']; } if (isset($params['id'])) { $conditions[] = "id=" . $params['id']; } $orderby = null; if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby = " ORDER BY " . trim($params['orderby']) . " "; } else { $orderby = " ORDER BY id DESC"; } $market->setCondition($conditions); $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $market->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $mysql_limit = $market->getLimitOffset(); if (isset($params['limit'])) { $mysql_limit = " " . trim($params['limit']); } $sql = "SELECT *,name as title FROM {$market->table_prefix}markets " . $market->getCondition() . "{$orderby}" . $mysql_limit; if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $market->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $url = $market->getPermaLink($item['id']); $item['url'] = $url; $item['content'] = strip_tags($item['content']); if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($item['subject']), 0, $params['titlelen']); } $image_type = isset($params['imagetype']) ? trim($params['imagetype']) : ""; $item['src'] = $item['thumb'] = empty($item['picture']) ? pb_get_attachmenturl('', '', $image_type) : pb_get_attachmenturl($item['picture'], '', $image_type); $item['link'] = '<a title="' . strip_tags($item['name']) . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; if (isset($params['infolen'])) { if (isset($item['content'])) { $item['content'] = mb_substr(pb_strip_spaces($item['content']), 0, $params['infolen']); } } $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_help($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { $conditions = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "help"; } if (class_exists("Helps")) { $help = new Helps(); $help_controller = new Help(); } else { uses("help"); $help_controller = new Help(); $help = new Helps(); } if (!empty($params['typeid'])) { $conditions[] = "helptype_id=" . $params['typeid']; } if (!empty($params['id'])) { $conditions[] = "id=" . $params['id']; } if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby = " ORDER BY " . trim($params['orderby']) . " "; } else { $orderby = " ORDER BY id DESC"; } $help->setCondition($conditions); $orderby = null; $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $help->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $sql = "SELECT id,title,title as fulltitle,highlight FROM {$help->table_prefix}helps " . $help->getCondition() . "{$orderby}" . $help->getLimitOffset() . ""; if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $help->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $item['iteration'] = ++$key; $url = $help->getPermaLink($item['id']); $item['url'] = $url; if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($item['title']), 0, $params['titlelen']); } $item['style'] = parse_highlight($item['highlight']); $item['link'] = '<a title="' . strip_tags($item['name']) . '" href="' . $url . '" target="_blank">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; if (isset($params['infolen'])) { $item['content'] = strip_tags($item['content']); if (isset($item['content'])) { $item['content'] = mb_substr(pb_strip_spaces($item['content']), 0, $params['infolen']); } } $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_good($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { $conditions = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "good"; } if (class_exists("Goods")) { $good = new Goods(); $good_controller = new Good(); } else { uses("good"); $good_controller = new Good(); $good = new Goods(); } if (!empty($params['typeid'])) { $conditions[] = "type_id=" . $params['typeid']; } if (!empty($params['id'])) { $conditions[] = "id=" . $params['id']; } if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby = " ORDER BY " . trim($params['orderby']) . " "; } else { $orderby = " ORDER BY id DESC"; } $good->setCondition($conditions); $orderby = null; $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $good->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); if ($limit == "-1") { $good->limit_offset = 0; } $mysql_limit = $good->getLimitOffset(); if (isset($params['limit'])) { $mysql_limit = " " . trim($params['limit']); } $sql = "SELECT *,name AS title,description AS content FROM {$good->table_prefix}goods " . $good->getCondition() . "{$orderby}" . $mysql_limit . ""; if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $good->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($item['title']), 0, $params['titlelen']); } if (isset($params['infolen'])) { $item['content'] = strip_tags($item['content']); if (isset($item['content'])) { $item['content'] = mb_substr(pb_strip_spaces($item['content']), 0, $params['infolen']); } } $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }